Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, October 06, 1898, Image 6
snsEir wwt 1 r I h Full line of sporting goods J S JSSTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at residence east of M E church VALENTINE NEB It Costs No More to become the possessor of a High grade reliable 0 Cloak than it does one of those ill fitting And cheaply made garments with which the country is flooded We Have Samples of More than 200 stylet for Ladies and Chil dren from yH 400 HH op to Hi 5floo MP Lbd indie the collar its a guar antee of correct ityle perfect t ana mpenornnun an assurance that youte buying the best that made a Cloak that grace and beautifies the figure as ao ether garment can Our reputation or fondling the bit of everything is emphatically txftmed in our Cloak Department Examine our Goods And you will become our customer QUALITY FIT and PRICE Are the features upon which we rely for business THE FED FRONT James Adamson Oefcitdcnt Will take notice that on the 30ih day of August 898 Virginia c Thacher Virginia H Thachrk or themselves CATHARINE W THACHKK Halph TkAcakr J By A E Thacher their and J legaily appointed guardian Milks Thacakr I Plaintiffs herein filed their petition in the District Court of Cherry county Nebraska aniuEt tsaid delendent James Adanison the object and prayer of which was to foreclose a certain raortjrKe executed by the defendeut te J M Thacher now deceased Said plaintiffs are the legal heirs of the said J M Thacher deceased upon ntf of the nwW MdtbeswJtof UienwU auii the mvj of the neU awv2G to secure the pvyinent of a certain promissory note dated AprI 25 1SW for the sum of 200 due and payable April 25 1833 That there is now due upon said note and mortgage the bUm of 200 and interest at 10 ier ountFrom AuriI25l8M Ilaintlffanrayforttdeeree that the defend ehlbe required 1o pay the same or that said pfvniiMS may be told to satisfy the amount itniud due ou are required to answer said peutiou On or betoK tho loth day of October 1808 VtunrvTAf TiiAfiiKiioi id rKr Hafottltf jfHrt Ofc A M MORRISSEY WESTERN NEWS DENIOCRAT ATTORNEY AT LAW O It O VALENTINE NEB C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County Banh 0 W MOREY ttATOHMAXEB - AND - JEWELEE Fine Hue of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the befit maimer J ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher j mcil Paper of Cherry Coun ty Neb rusk it HlOO Per Yeitr iHAt1vtie FUBLIB1IED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Post ofllce at Valentine Cherry eounty Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full THIS AND THAT Vomlnu Event h Allen Club Oft 4 Teachers Association Oct 8 Senator Allen Oct 10 Senator Mutz Oct 15 Fine line of hats at T G Hornbys Full line of school tablets at a 34 Fine IUh of iliicd ItkUs at T C Hornbys 37 Senator Mutz streaks at Crookston October 15 Full supply ot hay grain aud teed at Pettycrews 34 Buy Chase and Sanborns coffee and tea at T C Hornbys 37 30 Acres of Corn for sale in the field Enquire at this office G N Shepherd ihe State Journal traveling man was in town Monday Parsons the photographer is doing some good work in Shaws gallery this week For Sale A first class 0 columu folio Adams hand cylinder newspa per press A two room addition is being built on the west side of the Methodist par sonage For Sale 41 head of calves and 1U yearlings D Stinakd Valentine Nebraska 37 A M Morrissey weut to Woodlake this morning to attend the Mutz meet ing tonight For Sale -150 head of cattle cows yearlings and calves J W Burleigh Simeon Nebr 36 Perry Swearlngcn was in towu from Sparks the last of the week and want ed to know about his paper Wm Ferdon of the open box T ranch at Brownlee was in towu from Chadron during the past week Harry Folks is visiting the Exposi tion this week J M Carpenter is clerking for Pettycrew during his ab sence When Ed Clatke tells you that he wa9 offered the democratic nomination for county attorney tell hint you are from Missouri A E Thacher went to Omaha Sun day to take in the Exposition If you want to hear about tho Midway ask Al when he returns C M Sageser moved his barber ahop into the Cherry County Bank building this morning Clarence will have a very shop in his new location Born to Ed Spencer and wifp Sun day morning October 2 a boy babv i Cherry street is redeeming itself This make two boys in succession Xext Tom Yearashaw came up from his home at Clearwater last week for a few days hunting and fishing He was in town Monday and weut trout fishing on the Schlagel Cr IT P Belt and wife of Bosebud visited in town Saturday Since he came t Gods country the Doctor has wonderfully improved in looks and he will soon be a typical westerner W D Selder one of Sioux Citys most prominent bank ofiicials was in town the past week looking after his business interests Mr Selder is one of the Selder Bros who run a large cattle rauch near Merriman G troop of the 8lh cavalry Captain Ellis and Lieutenant Sweezey left for Huntsville Alabama Monday morn ing where their regiment is being mo bilize From Huntsville the regi ment goes to Cuba for garrison duty The 8th left their horses here and they will be used by K troop of the 1st cav alry Lieutenant Smithers which troop arrived here Sunday morniug from Motilauk Point The 1st was through tho Santiago campaign Of the 65 ran who came here only 15 belonged to the troop when it left Fort Riley Kansas for Ihe war All the other old members are either dead wounded or OffofclfortrtvU - Kwrsrf Just about a year ago one Saturday in November a young man claiming to be a nrinter struck town He was broke ragged tiled sick and hungry In the goodness of our heart we took him up and gave him bed and board over Sunday in addition to some un derwear socks etc and asked htm to show up Monday He did so We made a contract with him for the winter and as he was a very proud young man we purchased for him the first week about 3000 worth of eloth ing People laughed at us aud said he would skinus out of this amount hut he didnt Flis name he gaveas DeWttt Clinton During the winter he joined the M E church on proba tion and was actiwly identified with church work In May he married Miss Ella Ilooten but we having dis covered some time before that his name was i ot tlinton objected to Jiis marriage ami w give his full name as DeWitt Clinton Huffman His reasons for giving an an assumed name were satisfactorily explained and it was learned that he was connected with one of the mo t prominent families in Texay Time M nt on From month to month we raised his saay as he increased in ability As a workman he was good as a man he was all i that could be asked Honest sober and industrious he won the confidence of all who kuew him Peculiar however in some things his nature repelled a few We would have done almost anything in the world for him Sunday morning he went to Long pine Unexpectedly his father-in-law accompanied him From Longpine they went to Stuart all on business From Stuart he returned to Longpine Mr Ilooten going to Butte There the record ends Monday atternoon we learned that Saturday he had cashed a 30 00 check which was worthless Monday night we discovered two other checks for 1000 each had been cashed Still we believed in him Although he had not told us he was going his trip to Longpine was no surprise Tuesday morning before breakfast we heard of another check this time tor 1500 Betore noon another i000 check turned up and in the afternoon still another for 1000 was heard from And so it went A telegram to Long pine received the reply that he had been there Sunday He had borrowed 10000 on Saturday the day all the checks were given From all we can learn he left town with about 24800 of which 7500 was obtained on checks the balance in other ways We are out and have also lost a punter The saddest feature of all though is the fact that he left his young wife in the condition he did If curses could kill he would be dead by this time Valentine Neb Oct 4 1898 Board of county commissioners met in regular session Present P Sul livan chairman W A Parker and T P Spratt On motion the board proceeded to draw a list of sixty names from which to draw a jury list for the October term of district court On motion W G Carson was ap pointed justice of the peace for Cleve land -precinct On motion the olheial bnd of W G Carson justice of the peace ws ap proved On motion he petition of Charles S Keece and others to have nev bridge built across Gordon creek at old ford instead of place now occupied by bridge was granted On motion the resignation of L U Stoner as county superintendent was accented and the office declared vacant On motion the official bond of John Grooms for road overseer was rejected for the reason that time has expired for appointing Commissioner Paiker moved to ap point W F Morgareidge county super intendent to fill vacancy Commis sioner Spratt moved to appoint ence E Austinfcounty superintendent to fill vacancy Commissioner Sulli van voting to appoint W F Morgar eidge lie was declared to be the appointee Whereupon the board adjourned to October 5 189S 2 democrat wagons and 1 spring wagon good as new for sale cheap 34 E Breuklander On account of our printer leaving us this week a column of politics is crowded out Watch fdr it T C Hornby is taking in the sights at Omaha this week Ladies and gents summer slices at cost at Pottrcrew 34 New line of cloaks and capes at T 0 Horubyr 3T US XAZWsJZWJXJXMxrxrttJXA Educational Notes v By Prot R H WATSON j Valentine is the onlv school in North west Nebraska whose work has credit at our state university The total enrollment of the school has now reached 246 making an aver age of just 41 pupils for each teacher Fifteen students from outside of Valentine are doing work in our eighth grade and high school All these except two or three are living in families and working for their board The report for the past mouth shows an unreasonably large number of tardy marks We refrain from publishing an itemized report of the tardies for the past month hoping that the pres ent month will be very much better in that respect From what different cattle men have said I am very sure that a solution of the following problem aud a rule for solving all similar problems will be of interest to a large number of people in Cherry county Find the cost of a stack of hay 32ft long 10ft wide and 8ft high 2 50 per ton Twenty four pupils of the high school were neither absent nor tardy during the past month aud most of the others could have done as well with the proper parental influence Parents do not neglect this matter any longer Nine out of every ten cases of tardi ness are entirely unnecessary Re member what I said last week In Norfolk and ONeill school opens one hour earlier than in Valentine yet I am told that there are no more tardies there than here - o Mr Botys TTotes Janitor I am any own janitor gratis It takes me 15 minutes in the morning aside from fires I do it well firstly from duty secondly for example WAter I bring water every day three fifths of a mile For this I re ceive 5 cents per day There is no one to do either except myself Program I had program prepared and entered upon the first day As there were but three pupils and they had not looked at their books for six months I spent most of the day helping prepare recitations for the second dav Order I keep my desk and books in order and require the pupils to do the same I enforce the lesson of neat ness and order at home Music We sing twice and some times four times a day The pupils enjoy it the best of any exercise except drawing as tin inspirer and moral trainer it is invaluable Cheer- I keep a spirit of cheerful- FULNES3 ness in all our work In my speech looks and actions I strive to be cheery I try to make all tasks ap pear like sport and find it helpful We can do a great deal of work if it is not irksome A negro once said I can hoe an acre of corn in a day easily if you will put it in short rows I have short lessons interspersed with many questions Writing I received most pleasure Duill because I saw most practL cal benefit frin my writ ng dii L I went to the board myself with as many as could find space and made a pattern of a principle letter or word While the class observed Then the class together imitated it Passing from orfe to an other I made commendations or correc tions as was proper both by word and re marking Then erase and repeat as many times as needful Draw horizontal lines and write between Then write without lines Vary and correct until confidence and accuracy are gained At another time repeat the same lesson with pencil and paper Lastly use pen ink and paper the great defier of childrens hopes Jr C B Jackson of Pecatonica 111 is visiting his brother W S Jack son this week It is currently repott ed that the Doctor found Walter on the Midway at Omaha and had to fetch him hdrae Three troops of the 1st cavalry pass ed through here Sunday morning on their way west One troop was bound for Fort Robinson and two for Fort Meade Notice to Creditors In the County Court of Cherry Coxnly f In the matter of the estate of Peter Chrlstensen deceased To the creditors of said estate Ysu are hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room In Valentine In said county ou the 22d day of October 1898 at 9 oclock a m to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment aud al lowance The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is seven months from the 30th day of March A D 1898 and the time limited for oavment of debts is ouo year from said 30th day of March 1898 Witness my hand and the seal of said county court this 5th lay of October 1898 - W R Townr SEAL County Judge K jwiijrwnif J ww J w w l1 Vj ao CLOTH j4 -0 i IV r f J m Hrh tflTt l r A1 1NG n LLni s 7 SvrfL -V - - - - z - SALE To make room for other goods we aref going to close out all Mens Youths i aDd Boys Clothing regardless of cost Davenport Thacher G ENERAL MERCHANTS FARNHAM DIKEMAN Come and see us at R Robinsons old stand It maybe to yonr interest to call Well show yon our prices anyway We havent got much but groceries now but will fioon be iy 4 3 STOCKED UP I Call in and let us get acquainted Ranch orders a specially j Yours for bnsiness Farnham Dikeman Victory We have won it by carrying the most complete stoek in tne county of Hats Caps Boots Shoes Clothing Mens Furnishings and Rubber Goods All Kinds All Prices Call and see the latest in Ladies Mackintoshes the Skirt Mackintosh D D S Ludwig DEALER IW LUMBERahd COAL I also carry a complete stock of Buggies Harvesters Hay rakes Bieyclese tc In fact everything handled by first 3lass dealers WHEN IN NEED OP WHAT I CARRY GALL AND GET MY PIGUREI And they will be so reasonable that our friendship shall never cease I most invariably hold such customers for my motto is low prices and big sales VALENTINE P O Parsons The AINS WORTH NEBRASKA - iT Photographer Has rented the 4 G Shaw Art Gallery in this City for one year and will be here from OCTOBER 1 ST TO 8TH First class Work ia every Particular Guaranteed Millinery C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W II Moses building HOT AND OLD BATHS See Samples of Work at the Ecd Front and Ladies Furnishing G oods CALL AND GET PRICES West of Davenport Thachers CORA GILLETT Geo Elliott A fltock of the finest Stationery Perfumes Toilet Soups etc Wall Paper Paints Oils Varnish etc Druggist The OWL SALOON r - 2 Golden Sheaf Pure White Rve Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek Louisville Kentucky Bourbon Whisky Pure Grape Cognac Brandys Wines Toka AngeIlicaPortSherry and Black berry in wood claret Riesling Sauternes Cooks Imperial Gasts and Clicquot in bot tles Damiana and T er Cordials Also Agent fir Mings Celebrated Ez ra Pale Beer for family use and Pabsts 13 iixport w it CHTHOMPSON y A