Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1898)
i T Postofll WILLIAM A ALLMAN BEBB in w - FRANK SALWAY Postofflce address Allen S D As on cnt also SS left hip half top circle FS on left side also on left side lorses lefthln Range Corn Creek Snd both hips breeching iiorses as cut thichcounter Jranri jk richt over Lthe T Postcfflcc address Tine Ridge S On side and Hip Horses on right shoulder Range Wolf ALBERT LAMB rostoffice address Allen SD Cattle same as on cut horses on left hip same as cattle on left thoulder Range Bear Creek PBBjJJ MMRHhftrJBCiMi3 WILLIAM PROVOST JR CHARLES RICIIARD SR rostoffice address Porcupine S D Onleftsidohorecs sanio without bar on left shoulder Range Porcupine District CHARLES CUNY fee address landerson S D lef t side C nloow nENRY JONES Postoillce address Mundcfeou S D On left side Horses same on left shoulder Rongo Wounded Knee Creek CnAS TWISS Larfress fson Sj Fde Fses ulder I BESB Wge White River 1 JOHN GRAHAM rar sss jifivess 1VSD BVorRes PopmiraJ Left sic r thouldQ ilUU a Creek j roier Lver Postoffice address Pine Ridge On left side Horses sanu Range Pali on hip ELNCRE LITTLE CHIEF ss Creek IS ON THE GROUND Postofflce address Porcupine S D Left shoulder or side Horses same on shoulder Range Wounded Knee Jjty nip JR WHITE FACE Postoffice address Allen S D On left side also B AV on left side Horses same on left hip Range Corn Creek SEDRT HORN Postofflce addres Pme Ridge S D On leit side holses same on shouiden lrmngc WounAed Knee JUDGE THUNDER BEAR Postofflce address Manderson S D On Left side horses same on left hip Range Wounded Knee I iGEORGE FIRETHUNDE3 Fi Bk if m i Cjtfjk Postoffice address Albany Neb On right side hors es left shoulder Range Head ol Stinking Watbr Post fflce address I orcupine S D Onl ft shoulder and hip horses same on htj fcange Porjcupine W5 Iff da is IVs office address Ljmj flHwv If 9 m mtiFmiSumWiMmwt Posloflice address Pine Ridge S D On leftside horses same lelt shoulder Range Near Pine Ridge Agency JAMES GRASS IS JOSEPH FAST nORSE Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D Cattle same as cut horses same on left hip Range Spring Creek JOHN LEE rtne Ridge SD Oi eft side lorses left thigh lunge Wolf Creek TMj PETE RICHARD B Ji1TLi aim m Postofflce address Porcupine S D On left side horses same on left hip Range Porcupino Creek Postofflce addres3 Merriman Neb On left side horses P R on left thigh Range Lake Creek South Dakota JOHN FARNHAM Postoffice address Interior S D Left side or hip or ootli Horses same on left tligh nigc Jackson Co T WHIMMmi CHARLES H GIROUX Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D On left side Horses same on left shoulder Ranee Wolf Creek JOnN POURIER Postofflce addrN t Manderscn S D fin loft 125 also on jaw Horses on left shouder Range Mouth Wounded Knee and White river JAMES TWISS m Range Spring Creek and Wounded Knee SAMUEL SMITH Postoffice address Allen S D On left side Horses same on left hip Range Corn Creek JOSEPH BROWN JR Postofflce address Manderson S D Leftside or hip Horses o ou left shoulder Range White river nart Mouth ed Knee JOHN MESTETH Postoffice address Porcupine S D On leftside on left side Range Porcupine Creek GEORGE HARVeY Postofflce address Porcupine S D On left side Horses same on lef1 shoulder Eange White river and Mouth of Spring Creek ANTOINE HERMAN R C 4 Pcstofflce address Pine Ridge SD 115 and 55 on left side Horses 115 on left flhnuldo also 5 en left thigh Range White Rive Postofflce address Merriman Neo Stock branded as on cutalso A left shoul der B leftside C left hip Rnnge Little White river S D I will pay S100 for sufficient evidence to convict anyone of stealing catde bear ing these brands dr r W 50 I cg WOU Postoffico address Kyle 8 D On left shoulder On Ipffc drift Also horses Mk on lelt tnign STIRK BENJAMIN ROWLAND Range Poatoe Creek nor - v WILLIAM VLANDRY t5B I t EvId 1 K KA3 I It iiv M Postoffice address Allen S D On both sides NICHOLAS JANIS Postofflce address Kyle S D On left side Horses same on left hojlder Range Big White River On side and hip Kange Little WMte River BS Jfrr ZbB Tsui Postoffice address Kyle S D On lett side and hip Horses NK left thigh Range Big White River CHARLES CLIFFORD Postofflce address Kyle S D Onleftsidsorhip HorEes same on left thigh also J CCg left side Ear mark tip and under bit Range While River wrr m PiSffH - yr CHARLES JONES yitgieiCTSSjfcM Postofflce address Porcupine S D On left hip and jaw Horses same or O on left shoulder Range White River JOHN P BISONETTE hip Range White River and Mouth of Medicine Root Creek ELICK SALWAY rostoffice address Allen S D On shoulder side and hip Horses 8 3 on left shoulder Range Corn Creek wgtm G BETTELYOUN 1 I iffij Postofflce address Pine Ridge 8 D Anywhere horses same Range Little White River C W ALLEN MANAGER LLr fc WILLIAM SHANGRAN Postofflce address Cody Neb On left side Horses same Range Lake Creec South Dakota ROBERT RANDALL Postofflce address Allen S D On left side Horses saitie on left shoulder Range Bear Creek iMi flTl ii I nil 1 1 tM tfJmWLZm BANDY WILLIAMS Postoffice address Merriman Neb Mostly on leftside some on right side Horses same left- Shoulder Range Lake Creole South Dakolft BENJAMIN JANI3 Po3toffice artdrees Kyle S D On left side horses K on hip Range Medicine Root Creeic r bTI Postofflce address Merriman Neb On both side anJ hip Herd mark dew lap Horses same on left shoulder Ranpe Lake Creek and Little White river KbT bbbI SvaSRcr M HL B EDGAR FIRE THUNDER KrSyrfMf iinci Postofflce address Allen S D On left side Also on left side Ear mark- PETER LADEAUX M JB Vwl MRMl 7 JSBHMt aj Postoffice addros3 s2 g9t9noM C1Jini Manderson b D l fWk f WfS C3siiS On right sido 1 l I mKfM ffea1 k Horses P R on left B WL t t3SffttmRa 1 K I rcftg1 BnftkSnHnirljvri T WSnr ij5sSaEsB V T ULlUt J V V JJJMMMMM e vpv i irrAiiina nnnrauu Kyies d jg ISO I derandhip tmmmtmmmT W n 1 r ji ii I nnoirA 77V X if r aGT LmJ I I OSIOUILU ilUUIUsb T4 3 I 4 B i Pine Ridge S D Iv 1 M 3 I J5L5I Anvwhere on left side Vwi Kr i VLSI ft llviovo ouiiiu ivxbuip 4TP9fiEdBnlfP3H3 uflKiPnnvanMMBMh MANUEL ROMERO Postofflce address Pine Ridge 3 D On left side Horses left shoulder JOSEPH KOCER vaBHa pJlfl93KMU9 Postofflce address Cody Neb On both Bides Horses C on left thigh Range HeadPass Creek South Dak JOHN GRESH Postoffice address Merriman Neh On both aides some on right side and hip Horses same with out bar left thigh Range Lake Creek Little White river fggjjj ear split and hang ing itange Bear CreeU ROBERT WHITE RABBIT Postofflce address Merriman Neb On lelt side and hip Horses same on left thigh Range Lake Creok South Dakota Postoflic address A W MEANS Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D On both sides Horses same minus half circle on topon left thigh Range Little Wnite river Allen S D Left side and hip both Horses same on left thigh Range Bear Creek WILLIAM TWISS Postofflce address Manderson S D Postofflce address Manderson S D Left side or hip on horses and cattle also 2 on shoulder on side and O on left side of cat tie Arrow reversed on all cattle sold Range Mouth Wounded Knee On left side Horses onleftthisrh ELEX ADAMS tauSMJft Kange Big White river ARTHUR ROFF Postofflce address Merriman Jseb On side also R on jaw Horses R O on thigh Range Lake Creek and Little White river ARY Postoffice address Gordon Neb Left side and hip Horses left shoul der Range Little White river South Dakota E COFFEY AND SONS Postofflce address Gordon Neb On left side and E on iaw some J COQ rignt hip and J on Horses PE and j c on shoulder Range Little White river South Dakota JOHN T GREEN Postofflce address V JLZM Merriman Neb On left Bide Horses same on left shoulder waddle un der neck of young stock Ranup Tnkp OppIt iand Little White river J PECK LITTLE V M 5 Pi7 a Postofflce address Merriman Neb On either side TTnrcPQ enmn on hip Also lS either side f Range Lake Creek South Dakota SttffrkflpB shoulder p GABNBR BTtOTHERSf Postofflce address Cody Nb Anywherr on cattle horses on shod- der Range north of Ell ifiLLLLLkFt wl Ira n G O FA1RHEAD Postofflce address Merriman Neb Postoffice aldress Merriman Neb a On either side some N S U E on left sido t Range Southeast of Merriman t HHFTVH JtmmmmmW H H Postofflce addreso Range Little White River and Mouth of Cedar Creek SD in ie tiiigh Horses on left Hank side and Range Head of Pass Creek BAPTISTE Postofflce address Mandersor S D On left side Horses same on left shoulder counter brand horse head on richt shoulder Range Whne river and Wounded Knee ftk 7 Cattle on left side and bin some left side only Hojses c on left shoulder Range between Cottonwood Lake Leander and Bear Creek WHITE JgrnW FRANK LIVERMORE Postoffice address Codv Neb kOnbothsidei or anvwhere on Louhiporsnuuiuer Range Little White River and Moutli of Cedar Creek S D J OROURKE Kyle S D On left side and hip Horss J on left shoulder Range Big White River VETAL Postoffice address Cody Neb Cattle branded anv where some with underneath Liie uraiiu Horses on left i B F BOYLES ffirnwfriiiffiJraiil Postoffice address Merriman Neb As on cut left side Range between NioliiMrt River and Reservation VLANDRY GEORGE COLnOFF Postoffice address Pine Ridge SD Left side of cattle left shoulder of hor ses Range White Clay Creek GEORGE GIROUX Postoffice address lien S DJ fi GUS CRAVEN Postoffice address Manderson S P On left sidd Hop es on leit hip witi oitb 1UULU Ringe Bg Wl 1 e river FOURIER il aiV I CHARLES C MARRIVALL Postoffice address Albany Neb On right side Horses same left liip Range Lime Kiln WILLIAM L PATTON Postofflce address Manderson S D On either side Horses same left shoulderlow Range Wounded Knee and White river Warn GEO R BROWN Postoffice addt ess Manderson S D On left side also around hip bon lett side Horses same on left shoulder Range Little White river and Brown Lake LEWIS SHANGRAN Postoffice address Kyle SD On left shoulder and side Also on left side luS Horses ZS on telt thigh Range Big White river A - ZmlSm JOHNPX PoJrofflcoaddress Kyle 8 D On left side of cattle left shoulder on hore is also 121 or 112 on leftside of cattle Range on Big White River Allen S EL On right side- Horsesf left j on hip Range Eagle Nest Creek HLL Jill ANTOLNE JaNIS 1bbbmSMI Mill JOS RICHARD Postoffice adtltess Pcstofflce address Pine RidsceSDi Left side on cattle i lelt thigh onhorseffi Hinge Wounded ivuco rucK ELICK RICHARD Postofflce zA Iress BENJA3IIN Postofflee address Allen 8 D On left side also 0 on shoulder B side S on hip Horses C on der and underlined BL on hip Rano litlla White River Postofflce address Interior S D Stock branded as on cut left side and jaw Range Potatoa Creek JV Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D On left hip wattle on neck Horses same on left shoulder Range Wounded Knee Creak - AHen a Dt On2eftsideotcattIf norroj iJIgh Range Esgla Ne i Crock JOHN SWALLOW Postoffice address Alien Js u jj Left side on cattlo Horses underlined Hon left shoulder Range Little Whlto RlYer r - -- fek J3MbmLIJI hbbbbbbbbbbI LEWIS VEON iSS2SS3 postofTico address PincRldgsSDI As on cut 1 Rane on Laid ureci j JENNIE SEARS Pogtofnco address Manderson S D On left aide and jaw Range oij White niver JBF vj iI1 pa Hlg JTi J 0 ROOK j Postofflce address Allen 3 D On left side Horses O on tiz thigh - - 4 Rttnge LUjj Whit River aojj Pas3 Crock j it APUan AND SONS rostoffice ads d uxe7 Cattle branded as on out Horses on left houlder Range Flint Bujte Little Whito RiVer DAVID COTTIER MBIIgg Postoffice address 4 Alien On left side ear split Range LUtlo Bivar CLAYMORE TOHj HI wMSirriWmM LEWIS COTTIER Postoffico address Allen S S On left side also as underlined DH ca left side of soma right ear split Horses 4 on rlghi hip -1 Range Little WhiM River FISHER bbhBCbP IBt rlimmmlm L B LESSERT Postofflce address Merriman Ne On left aide also oq same side SM un derlined HorBes underlined M on left thf gh 4 RAnge LlttleWhltf River JOSEPH KNIGHT iSJaSf gi SjHT bK