Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, September 29, 1898, Image 6
Z2 iL Ti L 1 COLE EsfiD KAGER fc SKSC cjt -- Low 8rz ZW J n J1Z I W5 IHN SHANGRAN rS r h ska tfSlS sea Iath t - l5lOUlco tiuurcjs Cody Nebraska On left side 28 t hoives f SS l3ft3liouIderJgjj tnge norm or vmccmbLriks 2fc3VV fir Sil Esssaeasaa CTkitqTfCk MANAGPi mmf y v -- -- kuiu Pt 3 SCHNEIDER Postofisee addrcs3 Cod Nebraska Or left side atro on riirht shouhW -nisi 2 n jav 3 3 on left kin alo 3 on jilW IH -Old POIT I UllllCl U XlOblMV IE ROBERTS Postofflce address Cofy Nebraska On either sulz some Ji K t hoh K i Una o nilhtveStci Codv kK L 70NK8 liLES GARTSIDE Postofflce address Cody Neb Cattle branded on left idp also i o lr Jiijii cattle liui left shRnldL r on lories ln uj Nhdjrani 10 luisesuhviCitCodv m 1 J P GARDINER h2 r t KslS ITg Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On eft side of cat tle horses O right arm Rane north and south of Niobrara Rivr12 miltS south west 01 toiiy AND WILLTA3I MAYBEE lldrees Jody xcbl liorses lioulder lotch on t right ear l east and Li 7 H STEELE lc J r Postofllce address Cody Nebraska nn Inffr clrln nlon TO Ci2p3l nr V lonlft sldrt lZSJSCiS ti nl qnTnoniltlpiiSKtBa ME5ti S Tlf HXlr2 AlhOBteSZ on loit niir5BV and horses ou XlOs lleltsiiouldcr Ranire jMouth of Bear Creek ccy mii ItT S Ttti Vift T1 - 1 TT 1 east 01 ItOIUoII CIIAS B NICHOLS Postofflce address Merriman Neb On hip of cattle horses mime left shoulder Rango between Bear Creek and Niobrara River 5 ml southeast of Morrlman E T IJb EletTCc1tfi - frilhJfr f ifC Vj Vifl iviv - t g 7- tisiaftir ierrrKM e On left Mi1 burs s nu ieit siriiitr WhWn TlivcrHouth Dakota XiiMs rti ri x4 i dr s i Nipze Nebsaslca Clioltltersid of eat- f ii20 nrieut f tK7Cl ffirfi2T 1 -- m - Afinforsnffirfent nartuwnw ot ivcu hereon o steiUife ealtle ot tieoy Mll1 iL - til 8ELDER BROTHERS rostoffico address Postofiice address i Mcrrirnnn Neb On iefr side of t tfMvalsoftSliorsrvT Jon left hyiholCTsn Rune north wl eoutli of Nldbran llinip oml ci till f fij 1 wzi ia j ----- tgg3g or Murrlnulu G H FOLSOM Merriman Neb branded on left do Range north of TsUvriman DEVINE Postofflce address RSK Bl I JBB Jlcrriman Neb Bracded on left side horses same oil left should Range between Bear CreeS and Ihe Niobrani riverfl mi SE of ilerrinian GEORGE STOVER JSrrrri zz i iyys jiir s Tab hi ryl i GEXTUY ABBOTT 3IONA1IA Potoffico address Hyannis Ne Both OH rfg ien siei a Minest fiiS lrsntiod h it shoal J tAW hi Alsn i 5 N ft C A left side Range head M iddlc Lonp a C 6 WILLIA3I5 Pcstofilce address jsstrrow sa Guilop Nebraska 1 On left side dso iCfrSTy g3 tr I lft 53Mi gSa J Jeft hialso i ViSSSrfy IV on shirt jvid 3 on JJfKrS5i i T o t tafr s tsra i i uiiKi 3 u - SfSl jaw Uangc Eiglit miles AVIUM Ul vimivjr ALBERT NENZEL DAN ADAVS0N Postofiice address ips Chesterfield Neb lfeS3fe - Br Jl as on cut vsr - - sniufl jou ieit nip a 2 JU3U tllC IXSUIM iKvSasftS thigh 1 - i Range Headwaters i - finrflnn Pi nctr - T 1 I - VlIV v Si A Ji X V 51 V CI i - Po deffloo Cody Nebraska i On cither side cat Jt J Slierdniarl Jeffc car clipped and riuhtrir j 5g i Iraitdel saine on left slioulder JlJIt tli IUIilfll and jMedmme Canyon tr kS S Range bei ween jfr WT G SAWYER Postofiice address Oasis Nebraska1 Butler QcfIcnhery lavc charge of these atiie liorses Jjhoii loft hhoulder some stock branded X nn ywhere en miiroal Rango Snake river wa JSZ5zi t Sst nm RICHARDS CAIRNES CO 1 cattle branded on BarffihritSr also the following oranus Sriao iorse CTJ gfe5 KZ S braiiuetl inu Va same offfu ffvs Range oenveen SSgfiSi a Joraon 017 theFE M V 11 11 and Hyannis on B r M R R In Northwestern Nebraska Address Bautictt Richakus Chadron Nebraska PoiToflce addro3 J W OSTRANDKU Susbvillf N b K t 3 On iiifMhitrTi HfyczzsTii 1 stBAais 1 horses J left ihmi TiKWiSfl55iCl MOIUSY nEWETP DAWSON BALL i i Postofllce address - p ill ChestcrHed NebSK Cattle branded on left Hide as on cut also V leltneckandg left hip some V Md e k v left shoulder and Zlcfthinjbnrxca Vj kft bip Rango Huckc Rivur3I32K V M C EOROE G BOTnWELL SttVSPfas nSrftiE mm 2 ssassis iiv vaa ggjggSSsgsaBffM Pr stiiceairties K A BUCK Sp52 elijhteeu nile5 Ki55ga3 nerth of If vnnnis 5 C J - jriLzti H C MASON Postoffirc addrese -- 1 i 7 1 iii t -7 n Branded on leftside horses T T on rght shoulder a crop nnd slit in left ear o cattle Raiije Ioiks of Norlls Loup River Postotlce addrer L Gordon Neb sSH of cattle On leftside rSSsSS horses same teft shoulder aNofSa 240 anclgSgi SSTieiCsid saj t sESbldo of some Range south of Snake 33 mi south ER1CKS0N AUSTC Postofflce address Kennedy Neb1 On left side- and hip horses I or A on eitjaw Range two irilleg Si5 I N GObPLEY i MerrimanNb On Ieit side also ron right side oises o feftsliodlder Range no tli and south of Mtrrfnum j CHARLES LONE WOLF Tn aT Mft 1 Hi rn - MSfe should r horse fefNffel sifeti I Creek 722513 Iostofflcc addriE1 tulliiKin Neb T - SJ i iiieu a on cui SriK Si jtls no n leffchin 4p23 Kangtt soth and P PULL3IAN Postofflce adics3 rullinan Neb Brindot ti 01 Also P iu tsUr on side hi also I on T on side e ii hiji Rango north ronj of ftortii Loup bVJ 1 Wte ftv3 CHAS S HOYT PostoTico address ffifejwk Pullman Neb 7l1JO branded on I At side MfeyM aiso eyes 2i vbiS and n sc T r t5 ga yM RiiS lC uUics west iCtsSgjS of r allman J L ROSEBERRY - Jfsa fa i nsid u tt uuun rio fcfejieflLJLr rgicSvT horses samo o d- g JihsM i Mwii a- Wf lljnue south and rSi toiii11111 feai 1 GEORGE J ESSEN Postofllce address Jlerriman Xeb Or 1 titer lwli stdo c s n YE Postofflce address Pullman Neb Tjn TfMit ri Itr wwir Kr5liJ via IKtftl for in- iVrtU t r a i i i T nAi i SSeM i onrlcMoii of mv fiSj IHTSl for KbHll4 f a liriviimoff orcoufoa gjg ij i n vol my Utlc i fsr 3 iViic S- VsS 5 S S3 HbE BfrfiggssafogB L L MORRILL Postofflce address Hyannis Ivlj On left side also 4115 lufr liinr linrarQ vleft sboulder 0 rla Ranjje 4J5 iniles north of Ifyannis ry i -- lfeBES L Cn 1 H ido some jr mSMMm ofl i15 H 4 - - i ScKiliJiJtfKWtMsnTESliJS iJUiOVO iiiioidder YV iU i - r ir 1 j 4 act nsinf v 3v - i 15 jtiiiiinor mt5m I nam Mieritian lu J A SAULTS Postofflce address rTcsrjfi ffT1 - vrrsw iv 5 rC - Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansas sI Valley ard Snakr JOE CULBERTSON Postofflce atlaress S3SistJS C JENSEN Postofllce afdross Gallop Nebraska Swjsft ieit sine on private Sr Wiwij gsS J iocK and ngiif side on left sllu 0l tatk t a r Rb 3 IClb IIEH orses C J on left shoulder Eange Eiaht miles south of Gallop JULIUS PET13PS0N C J8 33 Postofiice atl Ires f 1 iwnrr flii Branded a- on ut Range two mile north of tfivory Postofflce address Tiuliv11n Voll m4MMM On left hip also mmmi sooomofts IXVinSSjlEeSia oll linropu Bse Br eg a ieit Piiouider Ilaiige Cplarlike OBE CnURCIT Postofflce address 23Cl tJfc Js iTA 1 liVf js ma Sffig2BaSSi S v Postofiice address Allen S D On left side and high noises on thigh Rango Bear Creek -S n ii 5fh5 uiiu Viii UiBW1fi on right sidey horses same ssskSu on left shoulder Range south west k rs 5YKTteeci feS 2ft gttsaaigfi i j MORRIS JANIES address i8 s5fe as on CIIt -- g33 JJoclr Creek 3 JOnN A LOGAN Poeioffice address On left shoulder and hip some 1 on E left shouklrnnd gJ on left side Earmark-left ear cropd Range Bear Creek i r 5S WC SSSffL fJU TCTaj Wj3 FRAK A GALLIC O Postofiice address PostoHlce address Pol office address Allen S On left side o cattle Range Rear reek M Jianderson S D Left side and on young stock Old stock branded 2 leftside gffl WTWXm 3wJ Jlorses tlngh ieit Rnnge Rock Springs Basin JA3IES BUSn Allen S D On left side rZ3 A so figie i T c Ull 1 1m 3I1U KU3 Horses on kft hip Bango - Bear Creek fl y sr TESSsE iSJSHF3a 5 ia ta R M F ADDIS SXCSiPSS Postofflce address i iss isen SSsSSSSftaSM v jJki ltiyur teggSfewJSg CHARLES LONG M N oup V- GEORGE N DAYIS YStn msSxnuajaM vj yrfjT T b2HKunt JS Post office address Simeon Neb Branded on right i aaiS53f oizln ny Tmrx llf vl mw isj on left Inn v ITXk J forces on right fhoiiider as on cut Ranjre Goidun and feSnako CHARGING BEAR Ellin ltf 111 1 rxTrytffrYJ STJ3AD3IAN BROS Postoir e uddress r 1 r rr x jf v -- a Pcvfl eb tlmm Kones raid Rpy I t IIHH 4TllfH - i1 btvaciert onc vJ hft aide aad SSEi V4 t Vt3 ii1 Tznat euI - 5U Lho niiil 2J5lwikJ 5ueo Cietk C F COOPER Postofflce address 3 Kennedy Neli233 Cattle branded on ilStaS left side same as cut tj ZTB it r s j - I I I LCJ 1 M I i ri r S- rm f ot Hnckbem Lake and Cttrlew Valley fCfvOiVr iisp JACOBSON BROTHERS JSarRMt W Trl JV l wisijic Harlan Nebraskagjp On ieit side or nip bra tided same left houMcr Range between Nso biaraftud Siialo riv erd onth of Jlerrl man Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I on left shoulder horses left shoulden Rango Gor don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER Postofllce address tsf 0 J KELLAR civ Aut p mmm rotoTii e addresi Brown v ebr On efl side Range betwoer Goose Creek and Loup A T BRACKETT Postofflce address Riege Neb Branded oy left sde Raiige llirec miles SontlioaBt of Georgia Ht v C e sSL 5- J6 WILLIAM WILSON Postofflce address Kiloro Nebi Branded on Ift side Rme doutlieast of Georgia Postofflce address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on left bip Range between the Niobrara and Snake - UJ On left hip and left side Also stock branded SJ on Iclt side Mk and reversed 2 S en right saaES shoulder aiso right hip and leftside Range Mother Lake via gmts fcjgagSlgj j II SCnULTZ V v uiwu McCann Neb j otock branded as on cut ltiiiige North and south of Georgia WfLHELM ANDERSON JOHN DTJBRAY fi Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side jaw or hip Range Lako Creek South Dakota A B CAPWELL Poslofilee address Pulmn Neb On left cideof cattic Rango xorth Loup elrPfldis St jJiry v3 J MWM HARNAN BR03 vr 5wrrr Totoce address fr iV i55Sl Ne vton Neb Poscofjlce address JOE ROOKS JR Alien S On Ieit side hordes srme on teigli Range Bear Creek j rVt branded sam fSyr s oa left sUo A T DAVfS Postofflce address Hyannis Neb On right side hore jyistti on left fe gg mmm also cat tlo o o on rittht si I Range 10 mile norm of lijanui Tostonice address S S 3EEKLEY Branded on eithc ri r Muuumpiniaij on right hit Postofiice Rddrew Kennedy Neb Cacilebrcnded 7 Range on Sn k 5 u l lonsuun ir 3 H Y DOWNING Postofiice addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on Hide Range Stevenson Lnke J W PIIvE SONS Ice addi Neb Range Between iSfeSiJSnear Chesterfield E E AND II E WOODRUFF Postofflce address Hvannls Nebl M RICHARDSON 2JkCtfjM JhT Va V J tjiigS Sg gg3ijlJUi i iilt ir r i lii rtiHMl Postofflce address t a JlcCann Neb 5fig Branded on leftside j jange Jirjann mBJK 2L3KHaff3FVA9E737 r rnii i irf a i li iJW R A WESTOVFR Postofiice addresi Likeland Yh Valentine Neb Cattle branded oil left hip horses the same Range cu Drv Val ley Branded on left hip and shoulder5 S- TffziJZ s soiiio k53 on right side r Range in Brou n and Cherry at headwaters of the Caamus river 11 HANSON Uov9 ISEiS EDWARD BAD HAIR Postofflce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron bide horses same on thigh Range Beac Creek gSggl pTJ T J ASHBURN y5p f m Rosebud S D RangeBig White and Bad Rivers Paul Didier Roseoud S D Horses P Cattie hole in each ear Range Riir and Little Vy bite Rivers UJ vn e Auri SejwsSi 11 1 fminirt ii fiwfiiiJ S8iSSsragss SkII addres Yaleutine Neb Branded on right side horses same Range iomiles east of valentine on the Niobrara Joseph W Bownet P 0 address Mcrnniau Nehr Right car cropped Hole in center 01 lef t ear Range Lake creek S D Yloiidray 7 El J ggglrsfej Cody Nebrnska Leftside Left ear cropped V on left shoulder of horses Charles Eenard TtgTilwiiifliaiSiMaaaJMMB Charles C Tackett Rosebud 3 D Range head of An telope near itMarys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Vlondray Rosebud S D Left side Left car crooped Hores hnjied VB Range Little Ulme River at mouth of Cedar Creek Hemy Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhoru clip on some cattle y LfLrK I dJ35ylS iSsiM3rJfcfc Wh 1 II i r Wig Louis J Kichards Merriman Neb f tT DU W VI m uml iry J23 DG I nifcii i X Louis F Eichards Meiriman Neb John DeCory T JXD I Rosebud S D Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD oa left hip Kange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Pan en Rosebud S D ID 11P3 either left 5ide or hip shoulder Range head of Antelope Charles Richards Merrhnaii Nel W Pt Kissel Brownlee Neb Aiso some below lolt bin rlgitt hip Rane Kissels Ifaucii t