Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, September 29, 1898, Image 5
1 P t 9 M mi CL5 mm un ieit Blue or any part of animal Ear mark right car cut off hones branded same on left iilp Also has stock branded II on side or shoulder or JKorWorOVL orO or FZ Also ku ijm - - swvwr tSgSSfiJriSfi n ji Postofnce address e3 ra E CHAMBERLAIN CO IjSsSilBSilfpsi Iostofiice address S Brownlee N HKSaSf3 ft WSSSJ GEO HIGGIXS Brownlee Neb Branded on left side some H lMft side and thigh am on left thigh SI Range Duck Lake -1 r ft3 Yalloy CLARENCE K SMITH Postoffice address Whitman Nel On left side horses same on left shoulder CTfi on left side Uaginywhero on Kdm animal HpA flip or thigh Bl Range north prongeSS Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake Postofnce address Rvannis Neb On left hip anc left Bide Also on left hip and leftside horses same j SjCm GUST AVE fi ESDLEP 3 U Postoffice address Hyaimis Neb On right side bor es same on right shoulder Range six miles northwest of Moth er Lake precinct COOLEY SWEENEY BKOS rostoffioe address Pullman Xcb Guttle brandca as on cut horses branded same as oattle oypfnt reversed s See block Range Stcvei and Slewhensou Lakes and South jsas sra E5 jB srv EfrCIl 3Bl MP 4Pv PMS c5s3k fil c7aeS Neb Branded on either sidcsiimu as on cut also IjoUi Jaws P S 110USCHE Postoffice address r Hrownlcc KeteSss r3EBAiJBm yMSiff0 ISKVC lis T6SiS tno tniimvmi the first on lnm on side ana bin m iBJll LEI AUD SONS fGiwAr jM PostoSloe addre Brownlee Nub On rlirbt side oj L12 on same side also LEE on left side Range north o fesJXSi3 miles Jk JOHN J SfiiKN Hrwrlee Neb Horse ac3Er mmmmmm KKsffiBi1 SSyKs xa r2 r IostolTlce address Brownlee Neb Acorn Just back ol left shoulder blade Horses same on lelt ahouidtr Range eaot of Beaver Lake E9irai m3t2mm xi iiWMMa A J PLUMER Also have stock branded on right side and hip Horses on right hip Range Southwestern Cherry County brands on shoulders Range 23 miles north of Hyannis BHsHBStvSS rostofllce address Hyannis Neb Branded on right side and hip W E STAKSBIE AND D 0 BAUGH h MASN COMPANY Postoffice address Hyannis iseo On right hip I either side On right side left Sft hip tsM hor 5 shouluer Range seven miles north of Hyannis PSafcgi11 ic Ar HUMPHREY sss Postoffice address Hyannis Neb Branded anywhere on right side hor ses same on left shonldcr Range - - sixteen mlies northeast of THEDFORD HOSPITAL Modem equipment Up-to-date proced ures All the newer methods in - MEDICINE and SURGERY Specialties Hav fever Catarrh Cancer Rupture and Piles cured without the knife Disease of the eye ear stomach and of women and all chronic diseases Will answer calls by mail or wire within a distance of 100 miles Rigular days THURSDAY and FRIDAY at SENECA -and MULLEN- The balance of the week at THEDFORD Dr M V OLAEK Manager T 15 FRITZ Brownlee - WcTtwraslca work promptly attended to s MBKR GRANGE ZSTeiinetly Nebraska Carry a complete line of General Merchandise By doii a esn business we are enabled to give our cnsU the lowest and uniform prices Wo give ood square meals aud comfortable lodging at i souable rate9 b Xa B vy aauvi Wm M Walters Prop THEDFORD NEBRASKA This hotel has besL newly fitted and guarantee 1 o be a first class house in every respect Your pat ronage is solicited Consign Your Stock Shipments to Perrine Cook Co LIYE STOCK COMMISSION SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA jffiy yjffi fflGsS4 jb sMl Why pay 45 to 65 for a steel range when you can get one for 25 Drop a postal to I IT EMERy Valentine Neb FIRST CLASS MILL I have established a Feed and Saw Mill 0 miles south of Codv at the mouth of Medicine Canvon and am now prepared to grind Feed Corn Meal and Graham or turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension stuff and Native Shingles Give us a trial order J F HOOK riz immm8 ISsS fANCf WIRE FENCE OPEN ft- iXtfr uX t Aaf nit tio raarUel is perfectly safe and ail effectual barrier jut nil forms of toclt Riadc of rio H aaIvan2od 5 steci wire Cross secure clapped Jtiex pensive Write Cot Meut ii- iuper fil I MyW - - - I fc J i - zj w OLO STVL Utt STYLE RAMS FOR SALE I have about 30 head of Lincoln graded ram lambs sired bv registered Lincoln rams for sale at reasonable prices For j lars write to G Holt Kennedy Neb JBstrtij ATotice Taken up at my residence In Sec 15 Tp Si R 32 one bay horse ball face about five years old branded J AL on right shoulder and hip One bav horse about six years old branded SD left shoulder 0 on left hip One iron gray horse about tivo years old branded on right hip AXDKEW Kaurlaski 32 37 Nanzel Nebraska Something of a 3ensatiou was sud denly sprung upon the peaceful citi zens of Crawford that turned old dame gossip to the rear Tuesday evening It was an alleged horse stealing case of mammoth proportions and said to include some of the leading citizens qf Crawford as participants in the crime The three cars of horsei recently ship ped by Peter Cooper it is said were literally stolen from the range and as they passed through several hands the guilty party or parties have not been detected Ghadron News Capt Woods of the Twelfth re turned from the front Sunday night to pack up the belongings of lus regi ment which wero left at the post and take away the detachment of soldiers Heft bHfr Thomas County News I Entered in the jiost ofllce at Thedfortl braska as second class matter Phil Kirnmick was here on Monday Doc Allen of Seneca was bere on Sunday Mr McMillan shipped 2 cars of cat tle on Monday morning Clias Finley was in purchasing supplies on Monday evening Thirteen Woodmen took the train at Thedford for Omaha on Wood mens day Mr Shandy and son of Brownlee were in town on Saturday to get a load of lumber Mr J M Hanna stopped off here on his way bucK from Omaha whither he had been with seven cars of cattle Kev Hurlbut arid Sheriff Messner of Mullen each have daughters down sick with typhoid fever under care of Dr Clark Air Ira Spencer waB here and got the services of the doctor to extract some teeth for a little daughter on Sunday morning 115 Precinct Bert Goodrich was on the river gathering cat tle Bert says he is living in Valentine now Hugh Bovil bought a bunch of cattle last week We understand lie got them of Sioux City par ties John Selder was up the river last week after horses A poor excuse is worse than none at all A young lady from Valentine is teaching school in dist 81 We understand that Angie Ford will teach the school in district 49 Clint Jones and wife are home on the river after a six weeks sojourn in the hay flats Gerry Fairhead aud wife of Mernman were on the river after grapes one day last week John Bishop was gathering cattle in the north part of the precinct last week Bennett Irwin and brother Slncy were buy ing cattle on the river the latter part of the week We are glad to see Kelly has taken his pen once more Now if his pa and aunt will send in their items the old democrat scribes will be pret ty well represented WiU be sent until JANUARY 1 1900 for DOLLAR provided all arrearages are pai and the dollar in advance This wont lasts In order to get our items to the office in time we have to write them up the week before as it is seldom we get a chance to mail letters the first of the week so hereafter we will write them up to and including Saturday before they are printed But we expect the wond would wag just the same if you didnt hear from Saioy Schlagel By error in time fourteen peoDle at schlagle yesterday to hear ace- assembled ilolsclaw preach It P Chcnowoth9 child that was dangerous ly sick is some better M E Doty has sold hit wheat and now for a wind pump Did you know that those legislators who make favorite laws for the rich are not states men Statesmen bring prosperity to a whole people France paid a war debt of 2000000000 in two years and all of it except SKjO 000000 was paid in goods That means statesmanship our legisla tors do not want our debt paid they would col lect interest thesame as Engbsh lords Bru2e Chenowoth from Southnass on his wheel struck the Schlagle and the Flats Mon day He reports too much sand to try that ex periment over again Dave Hanna and wife of Woodlakd were visiting Mell Hannas Wednes day Mell Hanna is buying up and ship ping all the surplus cattle he can find down in Ed Enders and Will Ken nedys neighborhood He boosted several carloads into Omaha this week Mrs S G Barnes is visiting at Dave Hannas near Woodlake and leaves Mrs Mell Hanna to keep house for her here while waiting for the new house to be finished which will be a week yet Bert Martin took rather a lively ride over the hay field Wednesday evening He did not enjoy it how ever since his horses became unman ageable and he was thrown from the rake receiving some painful bruises Ainsworth Star Journal t A letter from the state central com mittee was received by the editor this morning containing the pleasing in formation that senator Wm V Allen and some other state speakers will be in Valentine on Monday Oct 10 to address the people on the issues of the day Watch for further announce ments Kev O T Moore has been assigned to the church at Wilber a Bohemian town south of Lincoln about 25 miles Jack Strong has taken the contract to drive the south mail route for Abe White Card of Than Us To the citizens of Valentino who so kindly sympathised with and assisted us the ill ness of our darling baby we express our heart felt thanks Especially do we feel grateful to Mr and Mrs PettycreW and family who so kindly threw open their doors for our acconuno dation May He who doetli all thiiga well re ward thorn in Heaven Educational Notes t Jyjy i ZiYrJZArJJrxrxrxr By Prof K H WATSON ZSrJS7P71J r ssza Program of teachers meeting to be held in Valentine Saturday Oct 8 beginning at 130 p m Studies in English Literature II II Watson Class Drill in Orthography Etta Brown flow to Secure a Library for Country Schools Jennie Morgareidge What Shall be Done with Cuba Mary Watson The enrollment of the high school department 13 greater this year than it has ever been before We have an enrollment now of thirty four pupils besides four ii regular ones who are doibf part high school aud part 8lh grade work Unless some serious mis hap befalls our pupils the class that graduates one year from next May will be more than double the size of any previous class Some of the teachers in Valentine are very much annoyed with tardiness This ought not to be If there is any place in the world where there should be no tardiness surely Valentine is that place School has been in ses sion one hour every morning in the Norfolk and ONeill schools before we open and the difference in sun time is only 8 or 10 minutes Surely with such long mornings our pupils ought to be on time and they would if their parents would look at Via matter properly Every teacher in Nebraska who has paid any attention to the study of literature during the last few years will be pained to hear of the death of Prof Skinner of Nebraska City Prof Skinner is the author of the book used during our county institute He is also said to have had a very fine manual illustrating how to teach liter ature in the grades nearly ready for publication at the time of his death I do not believe Prof bkinners equal is left among the public school men of Nebraska e St- Four of the graduates of the Val entine High School are holding good positions in the country schools of Cherry county and two are engaged in the grades of the Valentine school Of those who are in the country Miss Mabel Towne alone has been in to re port She is very enthusiastic and is undoubtedly doing first class work as a teacher She is not only teaching but she is a student as well Mis Towne has taken up a different algebra from the one used in iier school course and j3 going carefully through it examin ing all the principles and solving all the problems Other things being equal the teacher who spends part of her evenings in advanced study is the better teacher We hope to hear sim ilar reports from our other graduates While politics must necessarily oc cupy most of the space of our county papers for a few weeks we trust that room will be found for Mr Dotys notes some of whieh are especially worthy of notice by our teachers They will appear next week Ed Born to Val Nicholson and wife Sunday Sept 25 a 12 pound boy ba by Baby and mother are both in fine health and Val walks like he had the stringhalt and holds his head like an oyerchecked driver However he is entitled to wear a superior air con sidering the scarcity of boy babies this year Kumor says the babys lungs are perfect so far as capacity is concerned Dn Dwyer ctnd Compton attended the case Dont forget Senator Mutz dates for speeches Woodlake Oct 6 Brownlee Oct 8 afternoon Kennedy Oct 8 night Cody Oct 11 Merriman Oct 12 Efforts should be made to greet the Senator With a large audience at each of these times and places Dan Fitzgerald who worked for Jim Wagner all summer jumped his job Monday night and took with him four horses two cobs a buggy har ness saddle and some bedding and about 60 in money When last seen he was east of Johnstown and the authorities ore hof op his t 41 THE PURCHASING- POWER 4 Is what crives it value VVj you spend thatdollar see that exchange it wnere it willbring best returns A heavypnrcbf figured this out and now buy Ix and Shoes Hals and CapsClotl and Provisions Fuel etc of FRITZ LEWIS BROWN mi I STREET Three Doors From Corner t f HeHoToml You look sick whats the trouble Yes lam side Sick of this suit I 9 Ji AGENTS WANTED THE U 5 AND bouhc agnst your bettef aOVlCC LiZTZr after my clothes like yoJ3y vtii be MADE TO ORDER SY EDWARD E Sf MUSS CO Americas Popular Tailors Chicago EVERYWHERE TERRITORIES ii RATES 100 to 150 Per Day 6500 to S700 Per We k flTOCKJ REST OPEN DAT E T MILL LODGING F 40 NEWLY JFffl s IT IS EASY toseethedirrerenel coats money If y TO BE HAPPY yon will profit by tl have found that Edward E Strauss Pamous Custom Taii Suits and Overcoats are the best to be hal PEI0E 1200 is the starting poll suits but no matter find the quality Is W0ETH DOUBLE 300 samples to select CALL ON THE RED JAOKSON 1 VALENTINE - Tel REED HOT MRS JOHN EEED Proprietress STOCKIEFS ESPECIAECY S0LIGI1 jjBth St Baton L and M Streets South Omal V TRAINS RUM to the GRO P E M V R R SAVE TIME You will know what a grand sug Trans Mississippi and Internationa sition is and it would be impossible one to tell you about it YOU MUST SEE IT F AYE tim ii V JLkj TRAINS BUN to the GHOU Agents have rates with long limits wibii snorter limits ana ireauent si rates for special occasions and F5 E M V RrRJ m Trains Bun To The Grot BAYS TIM E-