Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, September 29, 1898, Image 4

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rB Wells
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Ailamson Jrfeiulcnt
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Lmilrcd ift answer said petition on or
Mil ilav Of October IBD6
r VlItCINIA O TllACIiKK et ill
kbk rminuus
ROSEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
j riTicIul 3aper ofCisewy j
ty Kebrsska j
100 Per Year in AtlvtintM s
Entered at t b c Post ofllce at Valentine Cherry
county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
CovAina Events
Allen Club Oet t
Teachers Association Oct S
Senator Allen Oct 10
Senator Mutz Oct 10
Cranberries at T C Hornbys
T C Hornby keeps the finest cannd
Full line s hoi tubals at Petty
crews 34
Tents and wagon covers at T C
P Currie of Whitm was in iown
T G Stettcr returned to Cody Tues
day afternoon
Full supply or bay grain and feed
at Petty crews 34
Land taxes become delinquent at
6 oclock tonight
Ladies and genls summer shoes at
cost at Peilycrcws 34
W S Garcelon was in town from
Longpine yesterday
B F Barnes of Cody registered at
The Donoher Monday
J W Stetter had six cars of cattle
on the market Monday
30 Acres of Corn for gale in the
field Enquire at this effico
J H Qnigley went up to his Boiling
Springs ranch Tuesday afternoon
The Neavs Democrat will appear
as a much larger paper next week
J M Slavin of Irwin bought two
cars of cattle at Omaha the first of the
For Sale A first class 6 coluran
fclio Adams hand cylinder newspa
per press
Sewing machines at T C Hornbys
Fifteen cars of cattle were shipped
from Merriroan last week by Bicbards
oine young Indians were in town
Tuesday on their way to school at
San tee agency -
Ye editors father Good is
at Cfrdy this vijsck working in the in
terest oTrepaper
A II Ferguson has built a neat
new fence on the west side of his
Catharine street property
Treasurer Thackreys new house is
in the liancU of the plasterers Steele
Gibson are doing the work
Charley Bullis and father have put
up a building and are starting a store
near the state line north of town
2 democrat wagons and 1 spring
wagon good as new for sale cheap
34 E Breuk lander
Ptte Vlondray of Rosebud was in
town this week with his wife who was
taking treatment at Dr Dwyera sani
Notice the change in Jackson
Braytons ad this week They carry
a splendid line of cloak capes and
J A Simpson state examiner of
county treasurers who with his wife
is hunting on the lakes near Simeon
visited Valentine yesterday
John H Shore and wife returned
Mnndiy nmhf from tueir trip to
Omaha Tiicy visited relatives in
iihi 01 their way home
The Insl campaign canard was
sprung by a n publican Sunday on Ah
M fzgfcr and was nailed Tuesday
morning by some of Als friends
Jim and Bob Gillaspie and Ira
Richardson delivered four Gars of cat
tie at Cody the first of the week and
paid the county seat a visit Tuesday
G troop of the 8th cavalry now at
Ft Xiohrar i has been ordered to
Iluntsuille Ala preparatory to going
to Cuba K troop of the Jst cavalry
will take their place here
W E JlaJpy has moved his abstract
office from tin T Cwnfr
building to the front rooms 1
Red Front This gives him two rooms
for bib buehiees instead of one j
11 bars O G soap for 23 cents un
til Oct 5 at T C Hornbys
For Salts 150 head of cattle cnvs
yearlings and calves J W PusUjTAGU
SiineonNt br 38
J A Yaryan hart two cars of cattle
at Omaha Tuesday and rc alized 410
for 38 and 350 for 3 head of feeders-
A T White came in from Alliance
yesterday raornin o look after the
Kennedy mail route for which he has
the contract
F G Russell who was found short
2300 in his accounts while treasurer
of Boyd county settled the matter
last week by paying the county 1200
About 50 of the Twelfth Infantry
are expected here in a day or two
They iire on sick leave and are com
ing to Uodo country to regain their
Irvin Gi imor tlj young man who
shoe and Killed one ot i cnanvan par
ty near Harrison some time since was
acquitted of the charge of murder at
the term of court held in Sioux coun
ty last week
Profs AU x Bur auJ Wm Pull
man of Pullman were in town yes
terday looking after buuzes3 matters
They drove in Tuesday during the hot
wind and were a sorry sight when
they reached town
A railroad is about to be built from
the Niobrara river to Atkinson The
road will then be extended north into
Boyd county and south to meet the
B M The total length of the pro
posed road is about 90 miles
Ainwprtl and Atkinson are brag
ging about their prett girls Long
pine has the only pretty girl3 in Neb
raska The foot that a Valentine ed
itor came hero for a wo proveu our
statement Lonypine Journal
Miss Bertha Child es who has labor
ed so faithfully in bejialf of the Epis
copal church deliveied her farewell
address last Sunday night and - an
nounced that beggining with next
Sunday Rev Young yill have charge
of the parish Grip
Stanley T Ray trumpeter in Co II
2d Mebraska regiment immediately
upon his return home to enjoy his 30
days furlough resumed his position
111 the Journal office lie worked un
til Saturday night when he went home
sick and has since been confined to his
bed with a slight attack of fever lie
is improving now and expects soon to
be at work CJiadron Journal
Revs AL and F B Riggs of
San tee J S Burgess of Crow Agency
Mont F L Willis of Omaha aud
G S Baskeweil of Goodwill S -D
were in town Tuesday on their way
home from the -Presbyterian convoca
tisrf which was held on the reserva
tion last week Dora B Dodge and
Hattie N Cooper of Santee also at
tended the convocation and returned
home at the same time
Perry Lawson invited a number of
friends to partake of lunch at his
place last Thursday evening Sept 22
that date being the anniversary of
emancipation proclamation Speeches
were made by Judge Tucker and
otheis and the affair passed off very
pleasantly Perry is a splendid ex
ample of his once down trodden race
and we doubt if many Caucasians in
this town have as many friends as he
At meeting held at the court house
Monday evening a Wm V Allen club
was formed 127 voters enrolled
themselves as members of the club
and this number will be stilt farther
enlarged L C Sparks was made
temporary chairman and G H Rein
eil secretary of the club Committees
on constitution finance and hall or
ganization etc weie appointed and
the club adjourned to Tuesday night
Oct 4 at which time it is hoped some
good speaker Will be present to ad
dress the club
Sew Photographer
P O Parsons the Aiusworth pho
tographer has leased Shaws gallery for
one year and will make this his head
quarters about half she tim in tlK
future His first visit will begin Oct
1 and he wU re uwio until Oct 8
After that time he will annnnn0ci ihp
dates of his regular visits Valentine
people are fortunate in securing so
good a photograper as Mr Parsons is
and we predict that he will work up a
splendid busings here His work is
all done in the latest styles pf the pho
tographers art as may be sen by his
samples In the windows of the Red
Front and his prices are very reason
able In addition to being an arfist
in eyery sepse of thp terra Mr Par
sons is a very pleasant gentleman and
ail yvjio patronize him will receive not
jonhygpod work but gm courtesy
- hlifl Remember bjs gates pot
f frm - si r
John H Shore democratic and pop
ulist nominee for representative has
been si resident of Cherry county tor
the last 18 years and is one of our
most substantial and well known
stock men He settle first about 25
miles west of Valentino and six years
ago moved to the Bordman county j
about six miles west of Kennedy
where he 3till lives Before coming to
Ohprrv he lived in Custer
ing to that place in 1876 Mr Shores
long residence in this county makes
him qualified for the position to which
he aspires because of his familiarity
with the districts needs but it is not
upon this ground alne that we favor
his election He is a man of business
of worth and integrity Plain spoken
and open hearted he is a friend to all
who deserve friendship He mvkes a
splendid appearance and this coupled
with his good sense will retrieve the
reputation of the 51st district which
has at times been unfortunate in its
selection of representatives Our can
didate is a free silver man and a friend
of Senator Allen This is of course
of paramount concern in the legisla
tive campaign but we are glad we do
not have to stake our all upon it
Our people regardless of party can
support John Shore because he is a
man well qualified for the place
The fusion forces of Cherry county
are to be congratulated upon their
candidate for county attorney a bet
ter nomination could not have been
made if they had all of northwest
Nebraska from which to select a
standard bearer A M Morrissey is a
young man a good attorney and a
hsird wurker Prior to taking up his
residence in Valentine he workedwith
Capt Allen G Fisher in Chadron
This alone is a guarantee of his ability-
A New Yorker by birth Morris
sey is a Nebraskan by adoption the
major portion of his life having been
spent in this state He has proven
his ability by working up a splendid
law business in Valentine His hon
esty has never been questioned and
his character is above suspicion
With no entanglements and no special
friends among the law disturbing el
ements of society trammeled with no
political schemes having no connec
tion with any criminal cases now in
court he will make an ideal prosecu
ting attorney Full of energy sober
and industrious the taxpayers will al
ways have the satisfaction of Knowing
their interests are being cared for if
Morrissey Is elected He is a consis
tent free silver mau and his election
will mean much to the fnend3 of re
When Lillian Stoner resigned her
office the county lost the best superin
tendent it ever had To fill her place
is a hard task and this the democrat
and populist convention realized when
they nomiuated W F Morgareidge
This young man has upon many oc
casions demonstrated his ability as an
educator ard it was merit alone that
won him the nomination Will is a
Cherry county boy and in addition to
possessing a good education has a lob
of hard common sense and in the
management of our schools this lat
ter quality is a prime necessity He
received the major portion of his ed
ucation in our county schoolsi secured
a certificate and taught and later fin
ished his education with a course at
the Nebraska Normal School from
which institution he graduated with
high honor His knowledge therefore
ot common school work is not merely
technical it is practical He has had
experience with not one grade alone
nor one kind of school but all This
is a necessity in a superintendent and
taken alone should insure his election
The democratic congressional con
vention meets in Broken Bow today
We understand that some of Greenes
personal enemies will make a fight
agaiust his endorsement but we be
lieve he will receive the nomination
just the same It would be folly for
democrats to play into the hands of
the republicans in this congressional
district this year We have been told
upon good authority that the republi
cans an theip phoney held up the
convention call for about 0 days
An exchange tells of a merchant in
a neighboring town who decided to
spend every cent he made for one year
in advertising Lxirjg before the end
of the year he found that this would
be impossible for the more he adver
tised the more he made It wouldnt
hurt some of our merchants to try the
scheme anyway
Dinner Sets given away at T Q
I r
te 1 1
HrVrrrrrr3 P
f 3-
f I I
To make room for
other goods we are
going to close out all
Mens Youths
and Boys
regardless of cost
Como and see us at E Eobinsons old stand It may be to
your interest to call Well show you our prices anyway
We havent got much but groceries now but will soon be
Call in and let us get acquainted Ranch orders a specially
Yours for business
Famham Dikeman
We have won it by carrying the most complete stock
in tne county of
Hats Caps Boots Shoes Clothing Mens
Furnishings and Rubber G oods
All Kinds All Prices
Call and see the latest in Ladies Mackintoshes
the Skirt Mackintosh
D Stinard
D S Ludwig
I also carry a complete sfcock of
Buggies Harvesters Hay rakes Bicyclese te
In fact everything handled by first slass dealers
And they will be so reasonable that our friendship shall never cease I most
invariably hold such customers for my motto is low prices and big sales
P O Parsons
Hair cutting apd shaving
Shop in the W IJ M 0Bes building
Has rented the A G Sliaw Art Gallery in this City for one year and will be here Irom
First class Work in every Tarlloular Guaranteed See Samples of Work at the Kcd Front
and Ladies Furnishing G oods
West of Davenport Thachers -
Geo Elliott
A stock Aof the finest
Perfumes Toilet Soap etc
Wall Paper
Paints Oils Varnish etc
Golden Sheaf Pure White live
Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek
Louisville Kentucky Bourbon Whisky
Pure Grape Cognac Brandys
Wines tx
Toka AngellicaPortSheiTy and Black
berry in wood claret Kiesling
Sauternes Cooks Imperial
Gasts and Clicquot in bot
tles Damiana and oth
er Cordials
Also Agent for f red Krngs Cejetoated for
r a Pale Besr for fimSy use and Pafasts
Export Beep