Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, September 29, 1898, Image 2
rflffll Ml OT5MijM bLv any part of animal part of animal the following left Also some cattle bearing the follow inc brands Alclt m fEUa left thigh some on ienmpiior Bessame left thiorh nange East and Southeast rJerriman j A- reston 8 D Left or either side of cattle also V left siqc Hi necK swal low fork right ear underbit left right ear miDoea oil un derblt Ief car Rome on left law and some waitle icit jaw Other brands left Bide or left side or any iPFl branded IJW Mrte Horse brands at l0V3 S Some BPH IBflM HV MbBbB bBbbbbbI mwmEM neck X left side or shoulder W leit hip or thich On left side left slioul der Icil nit icicluitmi or thigh thigh thigh or thigh hip Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the above brands will be prosecuted Information regarding theft liberally rewarded Range at narney springs und Cottonwood HERBERT O BISONETTE MANAGER rostoffice address Pine Bidce S D Some Range Seven miles north eaBtof Pine Kldge in Cattle branded as on cut HOB on left side someBLEon eitherside Some on left side some older stock anywhere on animal Horses E R g on leu nip m anywuere on riuht side Shannon Co JOI7N GnOST BEAR MANAGER Postoffice address Pine Ridge S D Cattle branded B C on left hip of cattle as on cut some branded on leftside also a l on left side horses sameonleft shoulder Eange Wounded Knee and Wakpam inl LakeShannon Co bbbsbsbHi73 -- - L C Peyton BBBBmSRi Gallop Nebraska On leftside uacge 10 miles south of Merriman Lavaca Nebraska On left side Range Pole Creek SHOUT HORX BULLS for sale Geo H Hill --Mr- 9 1 P W Pruden Merriman Neb Some branded same as cut on both nips Ringe Northcibt of Merriman Geo L Coleman Cody Nebraska On lertsideTlrorstS O eft shoulder Range Ten miles Tvestof Snake River Falls Sill Alex Burr Pullman Nebr On right side horses same left shoulder Herd mark Dew lap Range Brush Lake and South GeoijW Monnier Merriman Neb Left shoulder and JJ Grant Bixler K -- - Merriman Neb ouiiie uu ieib siue some on left hip horses same lef thigh Range Six miles Northeast of Merrl man H R Sears Cody Nebraska Mostly on righthip some on both hips Range Medicine Lake fSrfT Mi n I 3 Jv UKrOSBSBlfiBfMiBMiBnBtt S J Goodin Cody Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut horses same Range North of the Snake G Even son Cody Nebraska On left side and thigh horses same on left side Range Between Snake and Niobrara JSJlJwj Ztir TgoianrTii Posiofflce address Tine Ridge SD On left sids horses same left thigh Range Wolf Creek A THOMPSON r pr Bar aft Postofflco Addrcsr Simoon Neb Stock branded an left hip same as cut Range head warters of the Schlagle w a cArsow PostofflcoAddresi Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut be hind leftshoulder Range on the Bchlagle M 8EAR6 Postoffioe address tr bsttv Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as oncutleftsldejsome on left hip Horses same on left shoul der Range Square Lake mgrgareidge and son Posiofflce address Simeon Neb uatiie uranoea as on cut or I J or V D on letc nip with hole inrghtearwhen der2 yrs old horses same as cut and IJ Hance Gordon Creek and TSiobrani Hlver flgggMlgSjigaftnwtlflM ALBERT WHIPPLE iSBSlSii Postoffice address Rosebud S D Branded on left side some SOS Horses on Jerthus LAUU vtLiAVx OUUUi IJiBiiTTI r der BEESM Some an branded on either shoul FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflco address Kilgore Neb Cattle branded on eitherside as on cut same on hip borne on AJ left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND fflH nBB L Postoffice address Merriman Neb Onleftsideear mark under slope Horses J S on left shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Merri man on left side ISm verted oalelt tblgh Horses shoulder BB left nance Between Fair head Lake and Snake river Postoffice address Allen S D Left side alsol on left side norse 10 on Shadbolt and Fleishman Cody Nebraska Leftside S F left shoulder herdmark dew lap nange Ranges 36 and 37 between Nio brara and the Snake m left hip T F FRANKS Range Corn Creek SfifiEpBBCHjEEKj S H KIMMEL Roseiud S D Lavaca Neb left i side Alt Also B U rn left side Ca tie un krcitt on both ears horses branded 4 en left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Sprini Creeks Joseph Fail head TffiM ut 111 Clarence Cutcomb Cody Nebraska Left side on large cattle On small slock left side horses At left shoulder BWl Range Southeast o Cutcomb Lake James GoodfelloiV and Son Cody Nebraska On left side hor ses JG right side and mostly on jaw Range Between the Niolrira and Medicine Lake W HCarter rostoffice adddrws Cody Nebraska On left side some X T left side horses T left shoulder short noRN stock Range Between Niobrara and the Snake Ace Postoffice tftddreis Chesterfield Keb Cdttle branded left side and nlnlef6 ear croypeu WaM square oriiAj m ien siae r on left shoulder Horses brand pd ccoga an T L T chor on left shoulder 4 lM Hl s a and a b mcalvey Q W Postoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on ctft or on hip horses same Some on leftside and bar on hip Ranp Lone Tree Valley Postoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut horses same on left shoulder RAPge on Square Lake K1MB n FLOYD n - K Bfsm KIME Postoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle brand h1 on left hip or aide oi both Horsegwun h on left shoulder Range Rush Lake Gordon and xorlh Loup N B R0T7LBY Postoffice addreai Kennedy Neb Cattle branded left side and hi os on left jhoulderalgo fiarlSiformfi ihoMnn mther TSl the lattr ignt side Also i on vMfelJMIHMifaK Kiiia 9 Mffiy oh jgpi on on either hlrt I TZATlffn Rnritmfln hotiissn i Big Bend and the Springs KTK BACHELOR mSk SII rostoffice address Valentine Neb CattlebrjindedsUme as on cut some on left side and hip horsen same on left shoulder Cattle range Gor don and Bordman Horse range Steer Creek between the Niobrara and Snake D L McLANE Postoffice Address Rosebud 8 D Catile branded as cut on either sidejalso F L R and F R Iforses branded regies on left tm siiuuiiier nun pnna tliroa llnVc Range mouth of Cottonwood RED SHIRT Postoffice Address Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses brand d on left shoulder with a K Ranch in Little White - irn nwn tj viver 1ibtrict PWfcyWPMB83P PERRY PARKER ostoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded ime as cut Horses P on left houlder RangeMouth of Eordman wgpsj CLEMENT WHIRLIND SOLDIES Plofnffla 1 r1soca Rosebud S D Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der Range on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE ostoffloa address Xonncdv Neb Cattle branded on ctt side and hip Horses same on left lhoulder Sdme JIRjft on left side HflBl Rangenush LakeAiordon i3 and North Loup ttPflv9k J X KI3IB Postoffice address G W LADRLY rostoffice addreas Newton Neb Cattle branded ame aB cut or on hip Horses L on left lank Range between lordon creek and -lie Loup sSIPgi Kennedy Neb CattlVbranded on left side with both ears oropped sqiire Horses same as cat tle but QnUft shoul der gks Weirs cat tle alBo U B I BangeGordofa Creeb B W RAYMOND Postoffice Address Rosebud 8 D Cattle branded left houlder and hip HorsoB branded v with only one 8 on bft hip - 7 Sf w H By D B STOKER PostpfOoe address Newton Neb Cattle branded a on cut Also U on shoulder on side I on hip left side AlfloC on left jaw In addition to U B 1 on side Range on Gordon creek and south - w SiifM GEOBQR PETE onesteel8D omoABKIeftslde and left hlD V7nAa TM v Yi t UU19U3 ii UU 1V1I Ill hip and some on left shbuldor v V No horses sold un less brand is invert ed making pj Range head oi Whet Stone -- y r - msH fjKJMB lm ill M L WALKER Postoffice Address Simeon Neb Cattle branded on right side horses same on left shoul der Range sum mer on Shako riy er 4 miles from mouth wlpter 4 miles feouth of Sim con C W BENNETT Postofflee Address BIraeon Neb Stock branded v ith 7 on left Hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creekBandontce Niobrara river jyraMfip J W BTJRLEIGH J03N B LORD Postoffice Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara PostQfflce Address Simeon Neb Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river tTTMBS REUBEN QUICK BEAR TODD SMITH Postoffice Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded same as out a Dia mond T Horses branded Ihe same Ranch m WTiitu Thunder Creek Postoffice Addross Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded same on left shoul der Postoffice Address Rosebud S I Cattle oranded saire as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Pipe Creek ROBERT FINLAYSOif Postoffice address Newton Neb Stock brands same as cut Range on Gordo Creak GEORGE DECORY Postoffice Address Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope oreek east of Rosebud - sssi r By s n BEN BEAUOVIS Postoffice Address Rosebud S D Stoek branded left shoulder three inches luugj mu iuut incnec lonsr Brand Fecord vl 22 yrs Ranch on tforse Creek D BRAY sliHil9iHkvjf EBBBS SjS j9 BEN TURGEON Postoffice Address Bonesjeel S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut and right ear crop bea Horses branded T oni left shoulder Also with clr cloA WM F SCHMIDT Postoffice Address Rosebud S D Branded lame aTSn sut or with unair the S rigut ear slip and dulaped Horses branded ime on left hip WUTvS BT msVi ALEX BORDEAUX w - Sl3 c vtSsBtiSSBmSKSKmm Postoffice Address Rosebud S 1 Horses are branded on left thigh cattli on left side with hel croD on left ar aiso cav eMBwlthnc rop on ear Gustave Gunderson Cody Nebraska On left side horses I on left shoulder Range Between Snak and the Niobrara iTJM JOHN H HARNA2T f ostotilce addrMs Brownlee Keb Same as on cut Also - and AS be Horses on left shoulder Range Gooe Creek and North Loup on cut some C T n wlrrlif mmm rui v iilU and some uu iiyuL uiw LWJia i Range CalfMBflg Creek Valley InOher county Postoffice address Jgv 1 HkSskxb L K BELDINQ t TntTyTYiTiTr m ilitia Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side also hor ses on right side RanjreGoose Creek Postoffioe address D Brownlee Neb On right side or Onleftsfde W or hip or WJStm left hip Range Calf Creek J B and E T 8MTTH E R VANDEGRIFT jT fw J M HANNA Postoffice address Seneca Neb Branded as Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Same as on cu Rangobetweon Goose Creek and North Loup Jrmrr - - k iBBBJMiffiif fayX5pLylgSfjQp E E ORR Postoffice address Newton Neb Cattle branded any where on left stde horses on left shoul der Range between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY Postoffice addreas Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range North Loup Er M FADDI3 fEsSF Postoffice address Seneca Neb Range Southwest of Seneca P Postoffice address Pass Neb Range North Loup River I L MERCURE On right side or J on either hip SBS JOHN GRIER Postoffice address H Seneca Neb On left hip ffKl On right or HBgrs left hip Bass Ranee be- Ua3 tween Seneca and Norway on Middle Loup B W PEAR30N Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range Goose Creek i IVh SALZSfANN FRANK Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Cattle on left side horses same on left shoulder Range 4 miles northeast of Brownlee Postoffice addres Brownlee Neb On left hip The herd mark is a dew lap Range on Goose Creek TLEE SSSMBW BSHBShBSBSwSBSCi L A GERMAN WD ff3 fTAofc 1- -Wm Vt Pcstfflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded eith erstdehorses same onleftshoulderaso have care ot stoui branded SP under lined Bange Nortn Loup DICK MCNALL Brownlee Neb On left sidcand hip also 8 on left hip t Range North Loup wPfeBSuIej f5Sf CHARLES Tostofflce address Brownlee Nebr Either right or left side on cattle Horses same on left shoulder Left ear cut off ol cattle Range Loup rlv r LbbbW bbWbVS on right hip nancesoucn Middle Loup H FAX7L2LtfB yBiiiK HENRY FAULHABER jHSuaHf Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Cattle on left elds Horses same on left shoulder Raugo Louprivei DAVID STEADMAN Postoffice address Pass Neb Cattle on leftside Has charge of oattle branuea on j rightsideand Horses ngnt nip Some horses onleftshohl der BBBBTBBBgj JOHN CHALOUD t bbEbs9 M V SB SB9 iQB9BJaSaBwHs Pqstoffioe address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on right side Range Big Creels D E PERKINS f Postoffice address Halsey Neb On left hip 1 ange Loup River TALBOT fc GALLOP Postoffice address GEORGE GRAY Postoffice address TheIfoid Nebr On left hip ti Dr A6 on right hip or side Range- Loup and Dismal I Seneca Neb Cattle branded on leftside Horses- branded on leftshoulder Ranee be tween Middle and Dismal BR03 tSSSmm WALT HARDY Postoffice address Seneca Neb Left side on cattle horses left shoulderaleo on left side some Loup Postoffice address Thedford Nebr On right side Range between Loup and Disma JULIUS HECKMAN Postoffice aadress M DUNHAM Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut Range Gordon Creek IRA SPENCER Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Branded on leftside Range Calf Creek and Swan Lake Val ley - Postoffice address Brownlee Nell 8me as on cat Range south ol Brownlee 1 JWBBBBBBWff - mm W K GRANT BbSbbbbMbIbSC b SM - 1M Postoffice address Brownlee Neb On left side Range Loup Rlv Si aU S B ORB BSBSBBSBSBSBSBfcSsy Postoffice adrtrcst Brownlee Neb On left side Range Swan I nka J R WALLINGFORD Postoffice address Kennedy Neb Stock branded same as cut on left side Rome branded with bar underneath W anyivfegre on left v rt 1 s V