i M m i i x MALLORY CHAG9 ILL TraflON STOCK TABDS NATIOIiAL BAKU SIOUX CITY IA J t X Mmmmxmmmk I 1897 1 I 1 J 1 AVERAGE DAILY RECEIPTS 55QO HOG-S-2750 CATTLE 2000SHSEP 1 I CAPAGTY 17500 10 OOP 500Q JX DAILY CAPACITY US YARDS SSOOO - I50OO 20QOO J 1 WOOD BKOTHEKS LIVE STOCK AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA AKD CHiCACO Walter E Wood Cattle Salesman Hbnky C Lefler Hog Salesman WE FURNISH MARKET Write to us REPORTS FREE OF EXPENSE Write to us INCORPORATED ESTABLISHED 1862 ST JOSEPH W NEBRASKA ICooki lOS Exchuiiac Heferonces Telphoae 141 A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers It has beenrepeatedly demonstrated in J the past that GO SO ST PAUL MINN LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS b law and is m mm sooth OMAHA NEBRASKA JOHN L CARSON Financial Manager DXB OLNEY Cattle Salesman 7 M COOK nog Salesman J A McINTYRE Hog Salesman C A CALDWELL Cashier oox JONES GOX LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS em itu nwiAUA CUUlll wmni in PACKEES NATIONAL BANK Wc hare a large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always beat Omaha prices to Ranch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT Flato Commission Company LIVE STOCK SALESMEN AND BROKERS Capital 1000000 Directors F W Flato Jr President Paul Flato Vice President J C Dahlman Secretary John D Seitz 32d H Hied Salesmen Ed II Reid Jim S Horn Cattle Salesmell E W CAnoAV Hog Salesmau IItjgh Hitchcock Sheep John P Clary Cashier SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA Correspondents DRUM FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital 50000000 CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS X x SIOUX CITY IA Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders -win nan satisfy yourself as to the truth of that starement by comparing the saies at Sioux City last year with those at any other competitive market You can also ask your neighbors who have sold cattle at Sioux City This year Sioux City is in the field for fat cat tle as well as feeders The great beef slaughtering plant of the Oudahy Packing Co is ready for business The capacity of the Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business No charges except for feed ordered if your cattle are not Bold on our market The Sioux City Stock Yards Co JOHN HKEENE Genekl Manager WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT BOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher Fusion Ticket For Governor W A Poynter For Lieutenant Governor A E Gilbert For Socretary of State AV F Porter For state Trpasurer J 13 Meserve For SUite Auditor J F Cornell For Attorney G neral 0 J Smyth For Com Public Lands and Buildings- J V Wolfe For Supt Public Instruction W R Jackson For Congress Sixth District W L Greene For State Senator 11th District Otto Mutz For County Attorney A M Morrisbey For Connty Superintendent W F Morgareidge For County Coroner Dr JC Dw7er Mk Editor I learn through your valuable paper that the reform forees have renominated Otto Mutz to represent the 14th senatorial dis trict I am pleased to learn this I am pleased to know that the fusion parties appreciate and approve of the work of true sound men I feel safe in saying t you that no man ever held a seat m the Nebraska legislaturne who labored mora understanding and honestly in the faith- tul renresentation of lnsconstitueticy than did Senator Mutz during the session of ISOfi I would like to especially call your attention to his work in behalf of the skippers of stock It ha been t notorious fact well known for years that the stock yard charges at Somh I Omaha are an outrageous inbberv Stock men have been robbed year after year by this dam nable gang and were absolutely withoutremtdy The agitation for a reduction in these terrible rates commenced about ten years ago Five sessions of the legislature passed without any thing being done for the relief of shippers Every bill that was introduced was crushed by these monopolists Notice some of the prices corn Si per bushel when it could be bought on the streets of I Omaha at 10c per bushel hay 1 per hundred pounds when the market price was S600 per ton Other charges such as yardage etc were in proportion This is a terrible condition or affairs aud yet by shrewd maneuvering the stock yard managers have succeeded in killing any bill Introduced for regulating these charges This is one of the conditions that confronted the members of the last legislature Early m the session Senotor Mutz at the head of a few determined members who were partic ularly interested in this legislation got togethr and drafted a bill known as senate lile No 33 to regulate these charges and afford a relief to one of the greatest industries of our great state This bill was introduced by Senator Grothan The fight commenced early in the senate The stock yards sent down a strong lobby to defeat the bill No stone was left unturned by these men Hacks cigars and champague were free to all members who were opposed to stock yards regulations for weeks before the vote came In the senate lor two days the fight was on in the jommittee of the whoie aud what memora ble days those were- Senator Mutz had been chosen by the reform forces to champion this bill and he was ablv assisted by other reform senators This was one of the hottest lights of that session To this brave and determined handrul of men who forced this bill through the stock industry owes a great deal This was the first step in a move that will eventually rectify a wrong which will forever be a blot on the history of fair Neb raska and it does me good to say to the people of my home county that your representative was in the front rank in this light and the acknowl edged leader of the forces that accomplished this great result Later after a hard fight this bill passed the house and became alaw The law went into effect but the republican government by in junction came to the aid of the stock yard boodlers anil a republican corporation court granted an injunction enjoining Attorney Gen era Smyth from enforcing the new law and as a reside the stock shippers are still being bled by this contemptible ring But it affords me great pleasure Mr Editor to know that that the reform forces by thetr reprtseutatives have kept their promises and thank God the day is not far distant when an intelligent independent populace educated in the true principles of political economy will in stall men by their votes inthe high tribunals who will deal out justice and equal rights to all Yours sincerely J It Farris We are informed that Hon W H Munger judge U S district court for district of Nebraska has appointed attorney A W Scattergood as referee in bankruptcy for the district compris ing Brown Rock Cherry and Iveya Paha counties and after the filing ot petitions and in some cases the ad judication thereon all steps in bank ruptcy in any case within the four counties named will be taken before referee Scattergood Ainsworth Home Rule Money on call at the New York stock exchange Sept 6 opened 2k per cent highest 3 lowest 2 closing 2 Time money does not open with much activity Supply is ample at current rates and demand for the moment light Rates 3 per cent for 60 days 3 for ninety days 34 for four months and 4 lor five to six months At Crawford last Saturday the pop ulists and democrats of Sheridan Dawes Box Bute and Sioux counties met and nominated Louis Gerlach of Sioux county for representative This insures the reform forces one more member e the ext legislature UggiajaillmMJfci iiiiiyw Last week The News made mention of 6000 cows with calves shipped into the western portion of Sheridan coun ty and sold in small bunches to farm ers This week we can state authori tively that nearly a thousand have come into the eastern part of Dawes county recently Chadron News Only once before for August did re ceipts of horses at the Chicago yards exceed last month Eeceipts were 7885 horses This exceeds the pre vious month July by 2600 and ran l100 ahead of August last yeor For the eight months to September 1 re ceipts for the Chicago market were 90019 This breaks the record for this period It exceeds the same eight months of 3S97 by 8000 The de maud for the month jjist closed was especially good for export Heavy drivers work horses were wanted mostly Owing to the fact that the ranch men are rushing haying and anxious to get through before the bad weather set in the attendance at the Stockmans convention was rather small and it was decided to postpone till later in the fall Bill Pullman received a dispatch Tuesday evening which contained the sad intelligence that his father was killed near Council Bluffs Iowa in a runaway Bill has the heartfelt sym pathy of all his many friends and the Sim in his late bereavement He started for that place by the first train Whitman San Advices from Texas indicate a new departure in the cattle trade with new conditions existing in Cuba Isaac T Prior after a trip- to Galveston said I just shipped a lot of cattle from Galveston to Santiago If the tariff is reduced on stock shipped to Cuba that market will prove a regular and remunerative one At present the tariff of 6 per head the same- as that on South American cattle is nearly prohibitive I know that cat tle dealers all over the west are await ing the results of my shipment before making plans to run cattle out by the way of Galveston Last Wednesday Sept 7 John Eck man a sheep herder was shot by one of a posse of cattlemen about 15 mile northwest of Chadron Eckman was in the employ of Br Romine Speak ing of the affair the Chadron News says The camp was about fitteen miles from Chad ron near Wayside Harrison who did the shooting formerly lived here and is a son-in-law of Duncan Mclntyre east of town There was no quai re ing and the shooting was by several riders Alter the shoot ing the cattlemen hauled Eckman to Faulsonr ranch and then moved the camp and sheep into Dawes county Those recognized as being in the party were John Underwood Ben Harrison Alva Slattery Dan Crimmons Geo Fisher Shorty West Mr Shirk and air McMillens While being brought to town the wounded nu n died A post mortem showed that the bul let struck the shoulder blade glanced and par tially severed the spinal column and again glanced and ranged upward Saturdays Drovers Journal says of the Omaha market on that day It looked this morning as if our market had lined up with others in the matter of Saturday receipts only four cars 136 head being reported in the lightest supply for any market day in the history of the yards except as a blockade or something of that nature shut off shipments There were not enough to make a market but those sold brought about yesterdays prices which means considerable lower than last week all along the line with a few unimportant exceptions The weeks supply 18344 was about 1800 short of last week and 8300 less cattle were on sale than corresponding week a year ago and the tour western markets combined show a 4400 decrease from last week and of 22000 from a year ago There was just a single load of fair beef steers in t he pens this morn ing which sold at 480 considered a steady price i Notice to Xon Resiileht Henry Auguston will take notice hat on the 15 day of August 1898 W It Towne pounty judge within and for Cherrv county Nepraska issued an order ef attachment for the sum of SUOO in an action pending before him wherein Frank ltothlentner is plaintiff and Henry Auguston is defendant that property of itie defendant con sisting of three head of hoVses described as follows One grown geldingUen years old one gray mare about seven yearsold and one bay gelding ten years old has btjbn attached under said order Said cause wascontinued to the lGth day of Sept 1898 at n oclock a in By A M MOKRISSEY FUANK HOTHLKNTXER His Attoruey 5 Ilaintiff Valentine Nebraska August 29 1898 32 34 Xotice to X on Resident Henry Auguston non resident defendant will take notice that on the 15th day of August 1898 WR Towne county judge of Cherry county Nebraska issued an ordcr of attachment for the sum of S 1200 wtyerein Amos Strong was plaintiff and Henry Auguston was defendant the property of the defendant consisting of three head of horses described as follows One brown gelding ten year old one gray mare about seven years old and one bay gelding ten years old has been attached nnder said order sam case was contyned to the luin oay 01 beat 1898 at 10 oclock ah m By F M WalcotB His Attnrnpv Valentine NebrjAug 25 ress Ames Strong 2 34 CITIZENS MEAT - MARKET GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keepB a supply of FRESH RUiT k I 1 A 54 fa 8 In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetterB Old Stand on Main Streot VALENTINE NEBRASKA AAAAAAAA eft A t A A f T C ft T A 3i28 4Pt s THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA W5SW W5mW c4vW MRS HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY Fruits Price 25 cents eje AA5 5 ft and Confectionery Meals at all hours First door South of Valentine Bank- The DONOHER Chemical National Bank New York Highest market price paid Omaha National Bank q t Is continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room James AtUnnson Jtefemlent Wilt take notice that on the 30th day of August 1S93 Virginia C Thacher Virginia H riiAOHKR VFor themselves Catharine W Thacher y and Ralph Thacaer By A E Thacher their and Uegally appointed guarilan Miles Thacaer I Plaintiffs herein filed their petition in the District Court of Cherry county Nebraska asrainst said delendent James Adamson the object aud prayer of which was to foreclose a certaiB mortgage executed by the defendent to J M Thacher now deceased Said plaintiffs are the legal heirs of the said J MThachiT deceased upon nlA of the nw5 acdtheswof thenwj aim the nw4 of the ne to secure the psyment of a certain promissory note dated April 25 1892 for the sum of 200 due aud payable April 25 1893 That there is now due upon said uote and mortgage the sum of 200 and interest at 10 per cent irdm A aril 25 1894 Plaintiffs pray for a deeree that the defend ent be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required to answer said petition on or before the loth day of October 1898 Virginia C Thacher ei el By J W Tucker Plaintiffs Attorney 32 Xotice to Creditors In the County Court of I Cherry County f In the matter of the estate ef Elward Dahlgrin deceased To the creditors of said estate Vou are hereby notified that Twill sit at the county court room in Valentine in said county on the 24th day of September 1898 to receive and examine all ciaitus against said estate with a view to their adjustment aun allowance The time limit for the presentation of claims against said estate is eight mouths from the 1st day of February A 1898 and the time limit for payment of debts is one year from said 1st day of February 1898 Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 27 day of August 1898 -- W R Tow 5 SEAL Connty Judge -- B- fefssr 7 E I it skm HERRY QOUNTY ANK Valentine Nebraska Every factlity extended customers consistent with conservative banfcfng Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonably rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier C IB CQHXEIjIj President 31 V IWCHOIiSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Bnsiness Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents First National Bank Omaha Nebr and prompt returns Beferenoe F S BUSH COMPANY 513 South 13th St OMAHA NEB Wc charge no commission Strayed Two 2 yr old steers brand ed H on left side and thiglt and VI on left thigh Geo Higgins Brown lee Nebraska Metzger Bros Pullman Neb Cherry Co Brandon left side and thigh Earmark square crop right ear soutnern Dranaea cattle have but one rand on left side Native cattle have hroat wattle RatisR on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Reward of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest aniL final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand Marshall Wblfenden Kennedy Neb Some p on the left hio Horses Eouleft shoulder Brand is small Earmark Quarter clip behind half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake cam Hudson Simeon JSeto Th ill Nlll low on right Left car 01 cattle Split Range head of Hay Greek Tai Left hip on cattlo Left shoulder on horses Some horses Lazy on left shoulder Ranee betvreen Gordon and Snake River and Niobrara River Left ears tagged All cattle dehorned William M Dtrabar Lessee from Kroeger Cody Neb DUfl Either side Also Bia JM II it dig i -11 i iM A