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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1898)
vn Upto JjIfeiCXJfltetasi m morbissey ATT0ENET5F AT AW -If VALENTIME NEB C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Jierry County Bank C M SAGESER TONSORIAL NOT ARI Hair ft and shaving in the W H Moses building AND GOLD BATHS QW MOEEY WATOffiAEEffif - AND - JETOBLEE Iftne line of plain -and fancy jew elry constantly on hand -Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner J Full line of sporting goods S ESTABR0OK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at residence church VALENTINE NEB THE ELKHORN RAILROAD orth Western Line- is to be tfr atfoffrom the SUGAR BEET FIELD OF- NORTH NEBRASKA The OWE saloon Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek Louisville Kentucky Bourbon Whisky Pure Grape Cognac Brandys fi7ies TofcajAngellicaorSherry andElack benyin wood claret Riesling Sauternes Imperial Gasti and Clicquot in bot tles Damiana and oth er Cordials JIso igent for M Kings CelebratedJiXr n Pale Boer for family use- antEatsts Export Beer CHTHOMPSON A G SHAW PHOTOGRAPHER If -e Yfttofrtm Nftbrdffct - nit Imyons1nla we mm mm pictures 1 tm ni 5teuDWSBE5 sieia Surgeon jJNX 3 Superintendent of Private Pospife4 r tjbe Treatment of Diseases- - 4jl Kindt of Surgical ationt Successfully Performed n8BK iVi - jSraEKSSSdaKnilMnifBHflHBGiatiiBvs - WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT ROBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher Official Paper of Clierry Coun ty Nebraska 100 Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at fne Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full THIS AND THAT Coming Event Old Settlers Reunion Sparks Sept 2ind 2 Labor Day September 5 School begins Sept 5 Populist CommisslonerConvention Sept 9 - ri 1 1 m W L Greene Sept 10 Populist County Convention Sept to Democratic County Convention Sept 10 Republican Comr Convention Sept 17 Glass fruit jarecheapat TJG Horn bys Salt in one hundred pound sacks Bis shipment of new style ints firTrtaitk jcwwkTG awa at at T C Hornbys Best line of clothing in Cherry coun ty at T C Hornbys Frank Thorn has the refusal 1 or the i Korth Star school- Carey Thorn niade a trip to Crooks ton Tuesday on business If you are going for a trip tjhis fall get a trunk at T C Hornbys Messrs Lord i Bennett of near Simeon were in town Tuesday For all kinds of feed delivered to any part of town call on Miss Mattie- Carlisle field matron at Rosebud went to Omaha Sunday 1 Mrs Beck and daughter o Rose bud were in town Saturday and went east Sunday Miss Ollie Beweyis in the city from Woodlake this week takings treatment of Dr Lewis Mrs Goldie Beed has been visiting with her parents J C Pettijohn and wife this week C A Eovejoy was in town Tuesday f rortf the nay flats the first time for about six weeks Pete DeCory has finished his new houser on the reservation and is about half doue haying The family of G H Rienert have moved into the Fischer property on south Cherry street J G Stetter returned to his business at Cody Monday morning after sever al days visit with family A traveling representative of5 AY Hospe the Omaha piano jobber is in town with a carload of pianos Sadie Dewey was in town a- few days this week on her way home from Lusk Wyoming to Dr J B Wells and family returned from Boyd county Saturday morning after an extended business trip J H Quigley and family have re turned from their ranch at Boiling Sonnes and are once more of Valentine Use the nest egg vermin extermina tor to free your poultry from lice and vermin kills bed bugs also For sale by A G Shaw P Mullen wife and three children came over from Rosebud Saturday and Sunday morning went to Omaha to see the Exposition There was a dancef at Crookston last Saturday night Several of the young folks from here attended and reported a general good time G H Rienert left Sunday morning for Osceola to look after business in terests George says he intends loca ting on a farm in the near future Ja8 Irwin and Joen Steddiford re turned from Cuba Monday much broken in health The boys had been with Uncle Sams paek trains at Santi ago Egbert Bonnen was down from Gordon Saturday Since selling Kisl ranch near Gregory Egbert has been running a livery stable in Gordon and has put in his spare time buying and selling horses Amos Strong will ship a carload of tiorsea to Wortjiington Minn the last of the week Amos has as fine a lot of horsefts can bo found in this sec tion of the country and should realize a handsome profit from his venture Harry Tucker of Co H 2d CTeb Vols returned home from Chieku mauga this morning Miss Stoner left this morning for Peru to take up her duties as precep tress of the normal school The general impression now is the that Twelfth Infantry will be sent to Cuba on garrison duty instead of be ing returned to Pt Niobrara Geo Tracewells house having been vacated by Mr Rienert he and his family are moving to town again to take advantage of our school- priv ileges a A T White of Alliance was in town yesterday having come over land from Tliedfbrd -Abe likes his new location very much and returned home yesterday 1 That Calumet Baking Powder Co had a representative at Davenport Thachers store this week giving pure food demonstrations in the fc i dJt interesroTRTsnrm The Ladies aid socity will give a lown sosial Friday evening begitiing at 7 p m at Mr Hornby and Ander sons lawn Ice Cream1 and cake loc MRS J M CaLliEST The 11 yearold daughter of How ard Jaycox of the Table- was thiown fronra ftorse and fractured an arm Monday morning Brs Compton and Lewis were called to attend the injured girl IT G Stevensen informed the editor Saturday night that he was not in the race for superintendent Ulysses is a good friend of the editor but as this is not a republican year we are glad to note that he has no ambition political ly Mr Easley authorizes- us -to-say-that he is not in any sense ti candidate for the republican endorsement for county superintendent This simplifies mat ters to acpnsiderable extent and it is probable that the candidate will- be a woman Miss Maggie Herring went up to Valentine Saturday evening to file on a claim Miss Fannie Clark was up there Monday for the same purpose Ainsworth girls are a busy fraternity as sure as you Jive Ainsworth Star- Journal Miss Etta Brown returnediastrweek from Iowa and the- southeastern part of the state where sire had been spend ing her vacation Miss Brown is prominently mentioned as the possible candidate for the superinledency of Cherry county schools on the republi can ticket Through a misunderstanding John Ferstls Notice to Hunters made it appear that he absolutely forbid hunt in on his place Mr Ferstls only ob ject was to protect the quail at his farm Quail are very beneficial to his gardens and orchards and he does not wish them exterminated i At a special meeting last Friday evening the school board accepted Miss Bfuners resignation as- teacher in the intermediate department ofthe public schools- and elected Lottie Hhbbard to fill the vacancy Miss Hubbard is a Cherry county lady and has a first class reputation- as a teach er The Eastern Star celebrated the an niversary of the birth of Robert Morris the founder of the order in a neat and appropriate manner last evening at Cornell Hall The exercises were pre sided over by Worthy Patron Thomp son and1 addresses were made by the Worthy Matron Mrs Munshower Mr Towle and Judge Walcott songs and recitations occurring in the intervals The ladies furnished an excellent sup per after the exercises were completed Strictly Business Dont judge the News Demociiat by this issue nor by the next The paper will be enlarged and improved in other ways as soon as we can com plete a dal for a new power press As an advertising medium- this pa per stands second to none in north west Nebraska It has a larger circu lation than any other paper along this line of road If deemed necessary the books will be thrown open for inspec tion in support of this claim More real news of interest to the people of this locality will be found in this paper than in any other This office is thoroughly equipped andsll kinds of job work plain or fabcyVcan be turned out in short or- fder Just when he should have been do ing two mens work the editor caught a bad cold and has worked but two days this week hence the delay and general lack of enterprise in this weeks paper If our foreman hadnt been a cracker jack the paper would fstill be uBprintgd - fTA j7 - - jfe -THE EDITORS REMARKS TO THE NEWSrDEMOaRAT EBAJERSi It is with pleasure that we this week address the readers of the Western News Democrat Tbe readers of the Valentine Democrat know us- but our purchase of the plant good will and subscription list of the Western News we have several hundred new readers and it is to them we wish to speak principally First we wish to assure these new readers that we are not nearly so bad a man as we have been painted Secondly we wish them to withold judgment on us for a few weeks un til they become acquainted Thirdly we wish them to call at our office and meet us personally at their earliest opportunity These preliminaries over we can proeeed to in a measure advise our readers of the policy the paper will- pursue Realizing the importance of the stockraisinff industry- in Northwest N JT - r 1 j DrasKa tne paper win aevoce cuu siderable space to the interests of the cattlemen j and we wish that all who are interested or have anything to offer that will benefit this class of read ers to communicate with the editor Nothing of interest or value will be overlooked and we iuteud making this department of the paper superior to that of any other in the northwest As a newspaper we will try to not only live up to the reputation gained by The Democrat but make the repu tation still better It will be our en deavor to get not only as much news as possible but to present in a clear readable and unobjectionable manner Politically the paper will be run in the interests of the fusion forces of the nation -state and county Silver and Reform might expiess the policy in a nutshell People may call us demo pop but if they do will glory in the title Originated as an epithet the word demo pop has come to mean something good and pure and honest Both demo and pop mean the people and nothing could be higher nor better for a man or par ty than to be able to say I represent the people We realize that there are conflicting elements among the popu lists and democrats of this county and it will be our aim to harmonize them so far as we can War among our selves can only result in our defeat and victory for the enemy Democratic by education and inclination we be lieve in the rule of the majority and- when its action proceeds from con viction we believe the majority will be always right There is little difference in the fundamental princi ples of democracy and populism and it is our hope that at no distant1 day the parties will be one in name as well as principle Populists and democrats will both find a warm welcome at our office and we hope that all will make this their headquarters when in town Every word we have written has been writ ten in earnest Time will prove it Geo Miller who left here with the 12th Infantry in the capacity of team ster returned from the front Saturday morning much broken in health He was in the hospital immediately before his return and is now under the doc tors care at the home of his father northwest of town I- hereby calla meeting at the News office of the Peoples Independent Party voters of Valentine precinct for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to attend the county convention Said meeting will convene Saturdav Sept 3 at 8 oclock prompt A good attend ance is desired as a precinct ticket is to be placed in nomination Gus Carlson Com Notice to Aroiiliesident Henry Anguston will take notice that on the 15 day of August 1808 W R Tovne7cojinty judge within and for Cherry county Nebraska issued an order of attachment lor the sum of 1400 in an action pending before him wherein Frank Kothlentner is plaintiff and Henry Auguston is defendant that property of the defendant con sisting of three head of horses described as follows One grown gelding ten years old one gray maro about seven years old and one bay gelding ten years old has been attached under said order Said cause was continued to the iGth day of Sept 1898 atro oclock a m By-A- SI Morkissev Fkank IIothlbktxeu His Attpruev Plaintiff ValelitlnCrNeBrasta August 23 1833 32 34 Notice to Non Residents Henry Auguston non resident defendant will take notice that on the 18b day of iuusf 1898 W It Towne county judge of Cherry county Nebraska issued an order of attachment for the sum of S1200 wherein Amos Strong was plaintiff and Henry Auguston was defendant the property of the defendantconsisting of three head or horses described as follows One hrown gelding ten years old one gray mare about seyen years old and one bay gelding ten years old has been attached nnder said order Said caso was contined to the lGili day of Sept 1898 at 10 a nv Amos Strong By F M Walcott His Attorney Valentine Nebr Aug C9 1SS3 - 32 84 - SEiUrietSforXccd Bran bulk 50c pec cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton Cnraaninrre ACtf ft7 OO UWKUiUKO JVW Chop Peed 70c Corn 65c Oate - roo it 1300 c cjjttC4 yJf0rA CLOTHING SALE I a MMiii w y SfrUi swssn 7 Hi4 i i i mgzUM 7T pf z3U LAn ii ni r iis 1 9 s r fir Geo Elliott Large and select- line of Wall Paper Paints Oils Varnish etc Fine line of cigars 8a W H H W H S3 5as Th cr A O UL 1 V To make room for other goods we are going ta close out all Mens Youths and Boys Clothing 0 regardless of cost t Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS stock of the finest Stationery Perfumes Toilet Soaps etc Prescriptions Druggist COOL REFRESH INGSODAWATER D LIKE TO c Jt 5 m 99 Jail j ffA - a Jt m Wamir ma la Customer of ours and to accomplish thafr end we are making greatly reduced prices on all summer goods straw hats clothing lawns shirt waists ete This class of goods must ail go inside of the next thirty days- To housekeepers we would say we have just purchased half a car load of STONEWARE Crocks fngs jars churns etc all sizes Having purchased in large quantities we can sell at low prices this is- one of the- secret3 of onr low prices on all goodsi F VCTORY fc a RONT W e have won it by carrying the most complef e stock in ths of Hats Caps Boots Shoes Ciothiigr Mens Furnishings and Rubber Goods of all kinds and at living prices CALL ancf see- the latast in Ladies Mackintoshes fe Skirt Maokintosh D STINARD D S Ludwig DEALER IN lumber coal I also carry a complete stock of Buggies Harvesters Hay rakes Bieyclese tc In fact everything handled by first slass dealers WHEN IN NEED OP WHAT I CASEY CALL AND GET MI T1QXJEEB And they will be so reasonable that our friendship shall never cease I mosfc invariably hold such customers for my motto Is low prices and big sales VALENTINE - - - NEBRASKA Chartes Sherniarf Proprietor of the- City Livery Feed and Sale Bam FirstGlass Rigs and Prompt Service Rendered Call on Us Commercial Trade Solicited Located just Sorth of The Millinery and Ladies1 Purnisliing G oodev CALL AMD GET PBIOES West of Davenport Thaclxers - CORA GILLETTE -V X v- --