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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1898)
A T i J mam jv i i waaiLJ1 vrvrgrrrr r Tei4i S B Hj T tft ff fi Pl f P 8 PR IBIf A AIJMim a V S3 fas3 UMsmM fciyw 3 J Sis y 33 4rXsrsKsK WZssZrf YssssfssrJrsfjJi srss r s C i r l r V UtixSL - lSgaS8277 wm ininrn7ini itvuiirti tininiinr i AVERAGE DAILY RECEIPTS 5300 HOG S -2750 CATTLE 200OSH6EF CARACITY 1750O J00OO SOOO - - DAILY CAPACITY U SVARDS 2SOOO - 15000 -20000 3 WOOD BSOTHEES LIVE STOCK AND COMMISSION - MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA AND GHiOAGD Walter R Wood Cadle Salesman Henry 0 Lefleti Hog Salesman WE FURNISH MARKET REPORTS FREE OF EXPENSE Write to lis r Write to us Ill po CHICAGO ILL ss w n 3 t I e si INCORPORATED SiGUCiTYJA ESTABLISHED 1862 ST JOSEPH WO wOi SOST PAUL MINN LFVE STOCK OOiVl MISSION MERCHANTS nxns mm mm mm mUj mmU JOHN L GAItSON Financial -Manager D B OUNEY Cattle Salesman J M GOOIC Ho- Salesman J A McINTYRK Hog Salesman C A CALDWELL Cashier f f v i v s LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA 7 jtoni IGS Sxckanso Bids lefererc8B TJKIOIi STOCK YAED8 s PACKEESITATIOHJIL l TATIOSTAIi BANK EAHTK TelpliOG6 141 AVc have a large clientage among Nebraska Fecdcs and can always beat Omaha prices to Haneh customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT Flato Commission Company LIE STCK SALESMEN AND BROKERS Crpltal 310000000 IJlrcctors Salesmen1 P V Flato Jii President Ed H Reid Paul Flato Vice President Jm S Horn Catte Salesmen J C Daiilman Sfesretsiry E W Cahow Hog Salesman John D Seitz Hugh Hitchcock Sheet Ed H 1Uei John P Clary Cashier SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA Correspondents DBTJM FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital 50000000 CHICAGO KANSAS CiTY ST LOUIS A Few Eats For Cattle Dealers It lias lieenrepeatedly demons traietl in the psi tltat w 4 fn Stands at top as ajfiarket for Range Feeders Toi cin satisfy yourself i3 to the truth of that starement by comparing the sines at Sioux City last year with those at any other competitive market You can also ask your neighbors who have sold caitle at Sioux City This City is in the field for fat cat tle as well as feeders Tha great beef slaughtering plant of the Cudahy Packing Co is ready for business- V Tiie capacity of the Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling yonr Business Ino charges except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market The gfoox City Stock-Yards-Co JOELS H KEEN E General Manager SV Receipts at South Omaha for year 1898 to August 27 inclusive sheep an increase as compared with same period 1897 6f 9480 cattle 206 114 hogs and 02048 sheep The stockmen who had a meeting in Whitman on the 13th inst for the purpose of organizing for mutual pro tection against fire rustlers etc will meet again at Whitman on September 3 at which time a committee will sub mit a plan of organisation Grant county was represented by Sid Man ning Bert Proctor James White James Maninch and P Moran Mr Proctor is a member ot the organiza tion committee yannis Tribune From the National Stockman Last weeks output was the largest of the Of August 25 we learn that The past month has developed quite a shortage in the supply of choice fat cattle and with a good home and foreign demand prices have advanced to the highest point of ths xear The market on beef steers was just about steady on all kinds and fairly active so that the offerings for the most part changed hands early in the morning The offerings were small as compared with yesterday and the kind of cattle was different the most of themtoday being corn feds instead of western grassers All told their were a few over twenty loads of corn fed steers none of them choice buc with quite a sprinkling of fairish stuff such as 13 selling at about 5 There were only eight or ten loads of western goods enough for the killers Something like twenty to twenty five loads constituted the days supply of cows and heifers and the market on that kind of cattle Tas certainly no more than steady and in many cases weak to a little lower The demand appeared to be quite good on the part of local packers and the most of the stuff on sale was weighed up in good season A string of western cows sold at 290 and there were others good enough to bring considerably more than 3 but there were no bunches to compare with the western heifers which sold at 4 yesterday World Herald Aug 30 Strayed Two- 2 yr old steers brand ed H on left side and tiiigli and on left thigh Geo Higgins Brown 1 lee Nebraska Strayed Abajhorse 7 yrs old a white spot iu forehead some white feet weight about 1000 pounds branded AS on shoulder liberal reward offered Addres this office ThT tip be fioprospectel liberal recolptsot these cattle for the next two months at lenst and any thing good enough to avoid the com petition of rangers is expected to find a favorable market General condi tions favor a large consumption of beef Pork and mutton are not so at tractive as substitutes because they are notso cheap as they were from Omaha year in cars shipped but owing to the fact that heavier cattle are being taken was second in number of head The change in the demand from light to heavy cattle broke prices on stackers and yearlings badly such showing a 85 50c drop from high point of the week before but it it was also a sus taining influence on medium to heavy weights and right good 900 to 11001b I feeders are littleif any lower in the same time For the week best cows and hesfers both fed and grass were nor more than strong and common canrierssold in the same old rut but medium grades the 300350 kinds were 1015c higher at least bulls and stags sold freely right along with no material change in values while good veal calves were very strong and the best weae 2550e high er RAMS FOR SALE I have about 30 head of Lincoln graded ram lambs sired by registered Lincoln rams for sale at reasonable prices For particu lars write to G Holt Kennedy Neb Strayed One good sized bay colt 2 yrs old branded V V on left shoul der Also two 3 yr old cows branded REE or EER or ERE and one 2 yr old heifer branded EE on left side and ER on right side C E Roberts- Cody Nebraska JZstray Notic4 Taken up at niy residence In Sec 15Tp 34 H 32 one Day horse hall face about five vears old branded J AL on right shoulder and hip One bay horse about six years old branded J2 left shoulder 0 on left hip One iron gray horse about ive years old branded on right hip AXDKEW Kakkxaski Nunzel Nebraska Taken up an estray by -the under igned on the 19th day of July 189S on his premises iii- Lavaca precinct Cherry county Nebraska one horse color muddy gray about 4 yrs old branded onnose weight about 900 lbs One rhare colt about Gmonths old a light sorrel and no brand The above property can be found at my placer four miles south of Lavaca Jacob Bylstra Nebraska tbe j Commissioners Convention are The electors of the third commissioner trtnt flf tlli nonnlnc InHnnmiflanf imrfv will 456017 cattle 1277179 hogs 713270 meet in convention at Merriman Nebraska aiiuiyjGiHtiiiiti y iBira illiu puice ur ikjuiiiiu t ion a candidate for countv commissioner of said district G P CitAiu Coinmitteemanv POPULIST COUNTY CONVENTION The Peopless Independent party county con vention is hereby called to convene in the Cornell Hall Valentine Nebraska Saturday September 10 189 at 11 a in for the purpose of placlngm nomination the following candi dates County Attorney Supt of Schools to fill vacancy County Coroner to fill vacancy and to elect eight delegates to the representa tive convention and for the transaction of such other business as may come before tho conven tion Precincts are entitled to representation as follows being based on the vote ca3t for J W Burleigh for county clerk liuflnlo Luko Boiling Springs Clfvelaim Dewey Lake Enlow Eli Georgia Sparks iJijiaspio Irwin Kennedy- Kewauec Loup l Lavaca 4 1 Merriman 2 3 Minneeliaduza 3 Mother Lake 1 2 enzel 1 1 Pleasant Hill 2 1 Slpcn 1 5 German 2 1 Schlarle 4 2 Sharps Itanch 2 3 Table 3 3 Valentine 10 SWood Lake c It is recommended that primaries be held at tfcc respective polling places on Saturday Sept 3 1503 at 2 oclock p in when nlso precinct tickets should be placed in nominationcerlified 1 o and forwarded to t he countv cleric soih names will appsofiTeTjarrat ris also iiarytnKt Uirec judges and two clerks ot election be nominated from each precinct and certified to rhe county judge so he may appoint therefrom the number our party is entitled to It is also recommended that precinct commit teemen be elected at tbe caucus and the names reported to the convention No proxies will be admitted but the delegates present cast tha fnll vote of the precinct G P CHADB Chairman T 1 P Co Cen Com JTmnes Atlamsoji Defendant Will take notice that on the 30ch day of August 1813 VlRGlKIA C TffACITJER Vikgixia n niACHRR J For themselves CATUAitlNB V TlIACIIHR and ltALrn Thacaer 1 By A E Thacher theie and Vlegally appointed guardian MirFs hacaer flalutiffs herein filed their petition in the District Court of Cherry county Nebraska against said deiendent James Adamson the object and prayer of which was to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendent to J M Thacher now deceased Said plaintiffs are the legal heirs of the said J M Thacher deceased upon n of the nwii and theswJiof UiemvJi aim the mvM of tho hcK to secure the puyinent of a certain promissory note dated April 25 1892 for the sum of S200 due and payable April 2r 1803 That there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of S2C0 and interest at 10 per cent irom April 25 ls04 Plaintiffs pray for a decree that the defend ent be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required toanswer said petition on or belore the 10th day of October 1898 Virginia CJ Thachkk ei el By J W TucKEii Plaintiffs Attorney Notiee to Creditors In the County Court of Cherry Cosnty In the matter of the estate of Edward Dahlgrin deceased To the creditors of said estate You are hreby notified that twill sit at the county court room in Valentine in said county on the 2lth day of September 1S9S to receive and examine ail claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment ana allowance The tune limit for the presentation of claims against said estate is eight months from the 1st day of February A- i 189S and the time limit for pavment of debls is one year front said 1st day of February 1398 Given under my hand and the seal of said court tui3 27 day of Auqust 1S9S WllTOWNE SEAL County Judge ITotice to lTqn Sesident Defendant In the District Court of Cherry County Ne braska Lynn W Parkerr Plaintiff vs Pauline E Parker Defendant To Pauline E Parker Non resident defendant You are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of August lS Lynn W Parker filed a petition agauist von in the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska the object and prayer oE which are to obtain a divorce from ynu on the ground that you have willfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for the term of two years last past You are required to answer said petition on os before Monday October 3 1898 Lyxn W Parker Plaintifi By A M Morrissev his Attorney S 2G Earl Comstock3 Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded onggtSSSJIgiE leit sine or nip uso ft969 TG Horses same as on steer left hip Also C on left shoulder I E I 15 i i taw CSSSglgggBaBS332 rjTWMMWi W 1 miTl i W Ml S23000 Itewnrd for sufficient evidence to convict any person of stealing cattle of the above brands Metzger Bros Pullman Neb Cherry Co Brand on left Cliarles Eenard Rosebud S D RangeslRig rwhite and BadiRivers i side and thigh Earmark square crop right ear soutnern Dranoea cattle have but one brand on leftside Native cattle have throat wattle Rauire on Gordon and bnake Creeks- v Horses have same brand on left thigh A lleicard of 100 will be paid to any for information leading to the arrest and Serson of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand 3B3SWr - Charles C Tackett JT Rosebud S D On left side Horses branded same on left hip or shauldcr Raugo on Horse Creek Rosebud 3 D Range head of An telope near St Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh William JF Schmidt St vVi jt Q mat HffSS I IB I jCjib sv Left hip on cattle Left sboulder on horses Some horses Lazy j on leftsnouider 4 itnnge netween a Gordon and Snake lEiver and Niobrara SfT Left ears taggeoAU catcle dehorned Joseph W Bownet F O address Mernman Nehr Right ear cropped Hole in center 01 left ear v Range Lake creek SD r jg j4l ltl Louis F Richards 3 2 5 Merriman Neb Marshall Kennedy Neb Some s on the left hip Horses H on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark Quarter clip behind half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake - rii Ti f furt 1 ihi ifiiarf iliT William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb DUfi Either side nsiow AlscEnMon CSa right Tft ear 01 cattle Split iiange nesa 01 nay Greek Henry Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on left- shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle W R Kissel - Brownlee Neb LN w Ltlk i Also some below left hip -Also 3 hip Range Kissels Ranch NEBRASKA m HHR j Horses Cattle hole In each ear Little Range Big and White Rivei ers I dd ft i TIZEN8 - MEAT - MARKET GEO G SOHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply oi j RUIT - AND - GAM E In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt ITeats Sraokedllams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Stewart Old Stand oa Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA AiV inftAia AAAAAA AAAASAAAAf 1 k THE PALACE SiLOON HEADOUARTBRS wiS WINES LIQU0ESL4MXCI Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE 1 I OMtS Vl V 5 2 MRS HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY Fruits f and Confectionery Meals at all hours Price 25 cents First door South of Valentine Bank i 1 ra - - -- -- - 85 S9 si S S9 The DONOHER V r If s continually adding improvements and it ia now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Ssmple Room o 5 to to 5 AV HERRY siHnBcs O ounty Rank Yaleritine Nebraska John DeCory Rosebud S D fdXDJ f Merriman Neb S H Kimmel R03ebud S D Also B4TJ on left side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Range on Antelope and Spring Creeks 1 Every facility extonded custonifirs consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonably rates County depository E SPARKS President c5am Hudson Simeon Neb K33rcaV lkVPrfti 532SKrK J CHARLES SPAEKS Cashier Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Range In Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud S D LD 1183 either left 3ldeorhip R F on left uorses sli0uler Range head of Antelope jMKM 1 Charles Richards HmSLmmwKk 3- f U4U I Louis J Richards Merriman Neb Paul Didier Roseud S D 1 DG JJ 1 nlnJtlfci Steadman Bros i x Pas3Neb RrTirtnn plthSTC rightor left side Hordes andsomo cattle brand on left side and hip El Range Bull Lake andwainaduce creek