1- Cougfng We knew o nothing better to tear the lining of your throat and lungs It 19 better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia Only keep it up long enough and you will succeed in reducing your weight losing your appetite bringing on a slow fever and making everything exactly right for the germs of con sumption Stop coughing and you will get well agers cures couehs of every kind Jn ordinary cough t rv Th are terei along sumptio cured The Best SaMteCoaL lBHBHaa2 4J1U1II Ull Ask your druggi of Dr Ayers Cherry Pectoral Plaster It will aid the action of the Cherry Pectoral If yon ba ro any complaint what ever and deilra the beit medical advice you ran poiilbly obtain write us freely Tou will receive a prompt reply that may be of great valiio to Ton Address w - uxl j v jlxhal lxiweu joasa Keeps both rider and saddle per fectly dry in the hardest atoms SuEstltuiMMflRWifcTWinlrrf 4fc 1 nr tf7 Bsh Braafl Poaunel Sftcker KtoeattrelyAew Uaotfor aaleln yoartowBwrHSrbrcatalofaeto A J TOWEBortaTMai J i Maaakv r otOWfer b W con- jmpletely tf Dandelions Induce Sleep Some one who has tried it says that If two or three dandelion leaves he chewed before going to bed they will induce sleep no matter how nervoua or worried one may be Shake Into Your Shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for tie feet It cures painful swollen smart ing feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions Its the great est comfort discovery of the age Al lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It is a certain cure for sweating callous and hot tired nervous aching feet Try It to day Sold by all druggists and shoe -stores By mail for 25c in stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olm ted Le Roy N Y The wisest man is generally he who thinks himself the least so Boileau f ife 48MHr Vw 2b THE EXCEUME OF SYBUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svrup Co only and we wish to impress upon all the importance of- purchasing the true and original remedy As the -genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured iy the California Fig Syrup Co only a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co with the medi cal profession and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy It is far in advance of all other laxatives as it acts on the kidneys liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them and it does not gripe nor nauseate In order to get its beneficial effects please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO BAN FRANCISCO Cat WTJ1SVTLLK Ky NEW TARE W Y p2Bs eiaBaBM Kb mt m POMMEL PmsIbh PENSIONS WBW I i QUICK VimbiimmuTimtoiitvuiisttiA ANNIE OF THE VALE The young stars are glowing Their clear light bestowing Their radiance fills the calm clear sum mer night Come forth like a fairy So blithesome and airy And ramble in their soft and mystic light Come come come love come Come ere the night torches pale Oh come in thy beauty Thou marvel of duty Dear Annie dear Annie of the Tale The world we inherit Is charmed by that spirit As radiant as the mild warm summer ray The watchdog is snarling For fear Annie darling His beautiful young friend Id ateal away A C Dawes THE LETTjffi TROM CAMP who has spread her SAlSBetty and voluminous nidny rufaed skirts as much as possible over the whole window seat Lo dear such a nice letter from po old Freddy He says listen to ibis The weather is industriously pil laged in raining rapid blows upon our defenseless camp and the wind is en deavoring to fold my tent about me and bear me up to my rightful place in the world Everything in sight blankets and bed included is soaked and I feel as if I were running a pawnshop as I gaze around on the cheerful prospect Scudday just slopped In as wet as a sponge but as chipper as a sparrow He says If youre writing to Betty tell her that she could wipe up the floor with me now as she always used to with some real advantage to the floor I am writing this my er er Esteemed friend suggests the little girl whom every one has come to call vey Dear an endearing title be- stoltfved by the irresponsible Bobby Smvnibe who chased her all around the garden afternoorik in endeavoringspks gjja to perform tiie ceremflof baptism in a perfectlyr3gaTway That the name fits her goes without saying for however droll he may be Bobby is incapable of that would be funny sarcasm which makes unkind cuts of ones small eccentricities of ap pearance or personality and if she were not just the sweetest gentlest and al together most lovable of young crea tures Mr Smythe would have dubbed her otherwise or not at all At any rate he never would leave a loophole through which a less chivalric nature might poke ridicule Betty laughs and blushes charming ly Yes thanks says she thats It er Where was I O yes I am writing this my esteemed friend on the back of my mess plate which is the only writing desk the quarters af ford and my impressive style makes It go ker plunk ker plunk at every word I have placed a few lumps of moist sod beneath my feet to keep them out Of tile pleassnt pool of water wlilcli has found a resting place in the tent and as I sit here more or less drenched I must confess my erer esteemed friend that the damper which has spread itself over my person threatens to even permeate my patriotism and I dont believe anything except a sunny letter from you will dry it off I cannot help under these circumstances turn ing a longing retrospective eye upon that dear old room where at about this time in the afternoon Lovey Dear in her gray gown was wont to pour tea for a thirsty mob while you and I turned up to treat them to perhaps I ought to say inflict them with what Bobby Smythe with a perverted and distressing sense of humor called a Deweyett lingering on the ett as he always lingers at any suggestions of eat JBetty pauses to laugh gayly That was good cries he Freddy is awfully funny dont you think Lovey Dear No I dont think answers Lovey Dear in a gently injured way To dis parage be it ever so lightly that home ly obstreperous young Bobby is always to step on the tail of her coat O well dear says Betty Bobbys appetite is ucb an acknowledged suc cess that I have eaten my way into even the most reserved larders of the social set finishes a cheerful voice from the door- way Howdy girls I knew youd be glad to see me Betty singing my praises as usual I declare the way that old lady does rave over me It is embarrassing really But I cannot con scientiously give her encouragement Lovey Dear there is such a difference in our ages and for me to wed Betty would be mating May to December would it not Pon my soul as I notice how aged and decrepit she is getting it reminds me of a story Help Help Help cries Betty faintly Of a story says Lovey Dear en couragingly though Bobby needs none An entire room full of people all pro testing violently against hearing one of his tales have nevertheless many a time been made to stand and hearken to the bitter end for no man has ever been known to prevent Bobby spinning a yarn which he thinks funny or appro priate Therefore it goes without say ing that Bettys appealing wall has no effect - - The girls laughed lightly possibly from tlie force of habitual politeness and Bobby as usual doubles up and howls at the wit of his own yarn unkijid critic8are wont to ascribe Bobbys persistence of anecdotes to this laugh of his They say he roars so him self and makes such a noise that he thinks every one else is enjoying It Bobby remarks Betty when at last Mr Smythes mirth has subsided it has just occurred to me that you are v a mf still In towatbjrt you aavent gone to war with the rest of the boys I declare Im ashamed jof you and Lovey uear must be tooI know for she said yes terday that it was better to die a hero than live a nothing didnt you Lovey Dear For a second a keen observer might notice how white Bobby gets what an anxious look flashes In his eyes what a firm set his mouth takes Then he an swers quietly I wanted to go awfully Betty and it gave me a pretty good wrench to see the other fellows shoulder their guns and go off to fight around the old flag but my mother you know well I sup port her first Uncle Sam next And there is a little ring in his voice as he says this that brings a light into Lovey Dears soft gray eyes a light that perhaps who knows may never fail You are a good boy Bobby re marks Betty and what will you do if I tell you there is a watermelon on ice in the refrigerator Have spasms in rapid succession un- til it is produced replies Mr Smythe promptly Whereupon rather than expose her self to the danger of hydrophobia so Betty says she leadi the way dining 1 roomwards where in the luscious juice of a round slice of really indecent size Bobby buries his homely visage and apparently the gravity that was his a moment ago Presently Betty being small and eas ily satisfied rises I leave you two budding boa con strictors to gorge yourselves out of pro portion while I go and write a line to Freddy and Bobby for mercys sakd wipe that melon off the end of your nose Why cant you eat respectably like other people Well answers Bobby grinning ovei a half moon of rind you know a quill driver must be so much around a pen that he loses style Good by dear If there were not another prospective slice of melon between us Betty I should be temDted to eat vou you look like a and white get up ith a siphon of soda water eeftlpliment says Betty and disappears to avoid reproaches For a moment there Is silence in the room then Bobby looks up with the same odd grave expression on his face that was there a while ago I know observes he speaking hur riedlythat you girls think banners and fireworks of the fellows who are goinj to fight for all that is best in Cuba II must seem tame to you for me not to go Did you jerkily now er do you ex like er me less think less er of me for it Lovey Dear And Lovey Dear how the name fits her answers gently O no not less of you Bobby There are even highei duties than those which one owes to ones country and the best and the bravest and the grandest battles fought are the battles that no one sees and the greatest heroes are the silent ones who must stand fast to the plain things while others go marching on Lovey Dear and though Bobby is beaming like the midday sun and his pleasant homely face is wreathed in smiles his voice breaks in an odd little way and there is something besides light shining in his eyes Lovey Dear youre brick Have another slice of melon with me New Orleans Times Democrat STATISTICS AS TO DUELING Code Is Most Popular in Germany with France Next More duels are fought in Germany than in any other country Most of them are student duels which culmi nate In nothing more serious than slashed cheeks or torn scalps which look extremely ugly when healed and often cause much trouble to the suf ferer while healing Of all German university towns Jena and Gottingen are most devoted to the code In Got tingen the number of duels averages one a day year in and year out With in the space of fournand twenty consec utive hours several years ago twelve duels were fought in Gottingen In Jena the record for one day in recent times is twenty one Fully 4000 stu dent duels are fought every year in the German empire In addition to these there are the more serious duels be tween officers and civilians Among Germans of mature years the annual number of duels is about 100 Next to Germany France Is most given to the dueling habit She has every year hundreds of meetings to satisfy honor that is merely to give two men the opportunity to wipe out insults by crossing swords or firing pis tols in such a way as to preclude the slightest chance of injury In the duel statistics these meetings are not reck oned as they are far less perilous than even the German student duels Of the serious duels France can boast fully 1000 per annum The majority of these are among army officers More than half of them result in wounds and nearly 20 per cent in serious wounds Italy has had 2759 duels in the last ten years Some 2400 of these meet ings were fought with swords 179 with pistols ninety with rapiers and one with revolvers In 974 cases the insult originated in newspaper articles or In public letters and scores were purely literary quarrels More than 700pMn c clpals were insulted by word6f mouth Political discussions led to 559 and re- Jlgious discussions to twenty nine meetings Quarrels at the gaming table were -responsible for 189 n A summary shows that as retards numbersthe sequence of dueling- tries is uermany jjTance Italy London Mailt Mistook Hia Man Wallace And did you make him eat his words Horgreaves No He turned out to b one of those fellows who would rathei fight than eat Cincinnati Enquirer A CASTOR For -Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of zfflEy sunlight Destroys Bacteria In view of the destructive effect of sunlight especially of the blue to the ultra violet rays upon bacteria in wa ter Prof H Marshall Ward would explain the comparative freedom of river waters underthe blazing hot sum mer sun from bacteria as against the more abundant infection of the same waters in winter Pasteur and Miguel found that the germs floating In the air are for the most part dead killed the author holds by the sun Yeasts which normally vegetate on the exte rior of ripening grapes are destroyed according to Martinaud if the heat be very intense and Guintl has observed that the ingress of sunlight hinders acetic fermentation When the typhoid bacillus falls into turbid dirty water iD summer it finds a congenial propa gating place The dirt furnishes it food absorbs heat to increase the warmth and keeps off the hostile blue and violet rays Popular Science Monthly Plants Which Give Litfht There are a number of plants and flowers which give out a phosphores cent light in the dark Linnaeus first noticed this phenomenon In the com mon nasturtium whose flowers seemed to him to have a faint iridescence at night Later observations by others showed that the light was stronger af ter very sunny days Among other plants which possess this singular prop erty are the marsh lily and the fraxin ella The last named secretes a volatile oil which oozes out during hot weather spreads in a thin layer over the flowers and forms a vapor which becomes lu minous In the darkness In the coal mines near Dresden grows a species of fungus which exhibits the appearance stick of peppermint candy in IttSrSo offimlilolisS0113 oE shifting col ors La Nature MES PINKHAMS ADVlSSrn What Mrs Nell Hurst has to Say About It Dear Mrs Pinkham When I wrote to you 1 had not been well for five years had doctored all the time but got no better I had womb trouble very bad My womb pressed backward causing piles I was in such misery I could scarcely walk across the floor Men struation was irregular and too pro iw fuse was also troubled with leucorrhoea I had given up all hopes of getting well everybody thought I had consumption After taking five bottles of Lydia E Pink hams Vegeta ble Compound I felt very much better and was able to do nearly all my own work I continued the use of your medi cine and feel that I owe my recovery to you I cannot thank you enough for your advice and your wonderful medicine Any one doubting my statement may write to me and I will gladly answer all inquiries Mrs Nell Hurst Deep water Mo Letters like the foregoing con stantly being received contribute not a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs Pinkham that her medicine and counsel are assisting women to bear their heavy burdens Mrs PinkhamsaddressisLynnMass All suffering women -are invited to write to her for advice which will be given without charge Itis an ex oerienced womans advice to women Beyond the Critical Stage Mrs Nearby I understand your hus band is ill Is his condition critical Mrs Growell Critical indeed Why he is positively abusive- Next Hot Springs Excursion NextiFIot Springs South Dakota excur sion August 26 Tickets at Northwestern office Security Bank building SiouxCity Iowa Round trip 1480 good thirty days Small Head Fred is very capable said aunt Nancy But I doubt if he has head enough to fill his fathers shoes Wheat 40 Cents a Bushel How to grow wheat with big profit at 40 cents and samples of Salzers lied Gross SO Bushels per acre Winter Wheat Rye Oats Clover etc with Farm Seed Cata logue for 4 cents postage JOHN A SAL ZER SEED CO La Crosse Wis CND President McKinleys mail averages from one thousand to thirteen thousand letters a day and several sacks of news papers Pisos Cure for Consumption Is the only cough medicine used in my house D C Albright Miffiinburg Pa Dec 11 95 If we cannot live so as to be happy let us at least live so as to deserve it Fitche Mrs Wlnslowg Boothiso 8teop for Chi Wren teething eoltena the iruxns reances inflammation allays pain cum wind colic B cents a bottle When the sparrowhawk is swooping down upon Its prey it cleaves space at the speed of 150 miles an hour WANTEO Case of bad health will pot bpneOt 8end 5 cento to Rlpana Chemical Co Kew York for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials - We are always on the forge or on the janvil by trials God Is chaping us for hlcher thlnjrs Beecher WAGON A better Scale for less money than has ever been offered Jonrs of Blnghamton DlUgUHffitOO a x Something entirely new FREIGHT PAID SCALES The Biggest Bicycle In the World A German has just completed a bicycle that has one wheel nine feet in diameter Two people ride it one on each side It runs easily because of its scientific con struction The scientific formula of Hos tetters Stomach Bitters is the reason of its great virtues in making the weak strong If your health is poor try a bottle The way of truth Is like a great road It Is not difficult to know it The evil Is only that men will not seek it Men eius HnII8 Catarrh Cure Is taken internally Price 75 cents No degree of temptation justifies any degree of sin N P Willis - liFwRumcoacmcr h mbM era rows or this staikh will go ffl33 A3 TAR AS A POUHD AMD A MALr WQl Of ANY 0TKER STACCU ffsM GAME has been the standard for 25 years TWENTY TWO MILLION packages of this brand were sold last year Thats how good it is ASK YOUR DEALER to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starch Accept no substitute B DHi ALL tut tU5t TMte BeetCtraahHTniD la time gold by dnfolaU Nervous People Are great sufferers and they deserve sym pathy rather than censure Their bjood is poor and thin and their nerves are con sequently weak Such people find relief and care in Hoods Sarsnparilla because it purifies and enriches the blood and gives it power to feed 3trengthen and sustain the nerves If you are nervous and can not sleep take Hoods Sursaparilla and realize its nerve strengthening power Hoods Sarsaparilla Is Americas Greatest Medicine CI six for 15 Hoods Pills cure alt Liver His 25 cents S C N V 35 98 A Beautiful Present FREE for a few months to all users cf the celebrated ELASTIC STARCH Flatlron Brand To induce you to try this brand of starchso that you may find out for yourself that all claims for its superiority and econ omy are true the makers have had prepared at great expense a series of four PLAQUES exact reproductions of the ioooo originals by Muville which will be gi trnn APCtnT TTTRTV PRPF hw vniir trrnrer nn conditions nameOi These Plaque9 are 40 inches in circumference are free of any suggt advertising whatever and will ornament the most elegant aparj manufacturing concern ever before gave away sucn vaiuaDie pi customers They are not for sale at any price and can be obts the manner specified The subjects are American Wild Ducks American 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Remember the name whpn vnn hn anam cureyoumuf TJm Bis CI for miitanl dkcharges taf amaaUoas irritations or ulctratioai tt nek I M M mAwlt jr i ii J uiwucit ITHttUJWiiMKmGs St or poitOBcas MBMCUMTt0r7 SeMfcyDnapKteta or teat la alala wrapper pre prepaid for SOT 08or3belflM279 roalar Mat ea mutt MI r wl 1 l c -