The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 25, 1898, Image 4

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    mTt Vi
Chief of the Operating Staff of the
Army Says Sioknens Threatens to
Cause Grcnt Loss of Life Among
the Soldiers in Porto Rico
To Abandon Chickamauga
Judging from present indications Camp
Thomas at Chickamauga Park the largest
of the war will soon be a thing of the past
A number of regiments have already been
ordered home A number of others have
been ordered to Kuoxville Tcnn and
Lexington Ky Now comes an order to
Col Wheeler chief quartermaster to se
cure bids from tho railroads to convey all
regiments remaining at camp to their re
spective state capitals Tho idea seems to
be general that the regiments should be
sent to places where they can be mustered
ont close to home By the end of the week
the camp Is expected to bo reduced one
The war department has not yet made
out tho list of regiments to be mustered
out but has been corresponding with vari
ous sections of the country on the subject
At first it was thought the demand -to re
main in service would prove embarrassing
to the department but it is now believed a
change in sentiment has occurred as the
men seeno chance for any service except
that of policing new possessions which
does not appear to them as fighting men
Sickness Threatens to Cause Great
lioss of Life In Porto Rico
Lieut Col Nicholas Senn who went to
Cuba as chief of the operating staff of the
army has returned from Porto Rico and
in speaking of his experience says
In Cuba our army met as its most form
idable enemy aud one of the most dreaded
of all acute infectious diseases yellow
fever Tho Cuban invasion was charac
terized by hasty action lack of organiza
tion and inadequate preparation on the
part of the quartermasters department
for which the medical branch of the army
is in no way responsible
In planning the Porto Rico invasion
Gen Miles made the proper arrangement1
for preventing a repetition of the terrible
suffering and sickness at Santiago Thus
far our troops in Porto Rico have escaped
yellow fever but soon after landing fever
cases came into the different hospitals at
an alarming rate After landing at Ponce
August 8 1 found at least 553 cases of ty
phoid fever In some cases it was diffi
cult and in others impossible to make a
differential diagnosis between malarial and
typhoid fever without the aid of a micro
scope a resource which unfortunately
was not at hand Following an order of
Jol Greenleaf chief surgeon of the army
I investigated for two days all fever cases
in the hospital for the purpose of locating
the origin of the typhoid fever A careful
study of all cases showed without doubt
that 90 per cent were genuine typhoid
fever cases and that the infection in the
army was brought directly from camps
occupied in the United States I am firmly
of the opinion that if the American army
now in Porto Rico remains there much
longer the loss of life due to sickness will
be as great as at Santiago
and Stripes Hoisted Over
Hawaii Once More
Precisely at eight minutes to 12 oclock
on August 12 the Hawaiin flag descended
fromthe flagstaffs on all the government
buildings and exactly at five minutes to
the same hour the stars and stripes floated
on the tropical breeze from every official
A Missouri Feud
John Underwood aged 60 years was
shot and killed near his home seven miles
southeast of Carrolton Mo byEugem
Paddy aged 20 and Dave Underwood a
son of the victim was badly shot and may
die Paddy was somewhat slashed with a
knife by one of the Underwoods Paddy
surrendered The quarrel was the result
of an old feud
Cruelty to Siberian Exiles
The Berliner Post of Berlin Germany
says that during a recent voyage of the
Siberian convict ship Angara from Tieum
Siberia to Tomsk capital of the govern
ment of thesame name on the Tom western-Siberia
hirty one outrof 500 prisoners
died from suffocation and overcrowding
Eighty Reported Drowned
A dispatch from Budapest to a London
news agency says Monday while a
regiment was crossing a pontoon bridge
over the River Maros near Hoad the
bridge collapsed Three hundred men
were immersed and eighty drowned
Bark Nimbus Sinks
The Norwegian lark Nimbus Captain
Nickelson for Sunsfel Sweden was sunk
off Aldenburg Eng in a collision with an
unknown steamer No lives were lost
The Nimbus arrived at London on July
25 from Tadousac Quebec
Can Now Enter Our Ports
The secretary of the treasury has de
cided that Spanish vessels may enter load
and clear at United States ports
Sargent Will Retire
Frank P Sargent grand master of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen has
officially notified the order that he will re
tire at the end of his term having been
appointedajnember of the industrial com
mission by President McKinley
Will Have Enough Troops
Gen Shatter telegraphed Saturday that
with the arrival of the Fifth regulars and
the Twenty thir d Kansas at Santiago It
will not be necessary to send any more
troops to preserve order Jhere
Tr jpithxr
t s
Spanish Cabinet Council Announces
Her Representatives
The cabinet council of Spain on Satur
day decided to appoint Gen Gonzales
Parrdo second in command in Cuba
Rear Admiral Luis Pastor Landero who
succeeded Admiral Navarro the Spanish
commander in Cuban waters and Mar
quis de Montoro minister of finance in the
insular cabinet as the commission of evac
uation of Cuba
The peace commissioners have not been
nominated but it is believed the composi
tion of the commission has been decided
upon although tin names of its members
will not be published yet as the govern
ment is resolved to tako advantage of the
delay granted by the protocol in order to
avoid a cabinet crisis Ail the indications
are that peace negotiations will be pro
longed It is rumored that the govern
ment will instruct the Cuban commis
sioners to present a strong case for the
recognition of Spanish claims for com
pensation for the cession of public works
in Cuba the compensation to take the
form of saddling upon Cuba the bulk of
tho Cuban debt existing in 1895 The
papers advocate the strengthening of
Ceuta aud Audalusian ports on the antici
pation of Anglo Uussian eventualities
Quarrels with Playmate Over Mar
bles and Kills Him with a Stone
The most sensational killing that has
taken place in Piincetoiv Ky for years
occurred Saturday afternoon The prin
cipals in the affair wero Jimmy Johnson
white 12 years and Charles Wood a ne
gro aged 11 The two boys wero engaged
in a game of marbles and began disputing
ever tho matter when tho negro picked
up a rock and advanced toward Johnson
striking him in the back of the head
Johnson fell dead in a second There is
great excitement over tho matter owing lo
the prominence of the Johnson family It
is thought by many that a mob will hang
tho negro
Two Killed and Others Injured by
Collapse of a Building
Two men were instantly killed four
probably fatally injured and two others
seriously hurt in Philadelphia by the col
lapse of tho cornice on a new building
Albert Green and Thomas Lyon tho two
men who were killed were atf work on the
scaffold when the crash came The heavy
cornice carried them down and the entire
weight fell on the bricklayers who were
at work on the pavement The two men
were buried in the debris and it was some
time before they were gotten out
To Insist that Manilas Capture
Shall Not Affect Negotiations
The Spanish government has resolved
to insist that the capitulation of Manila
after the signing of the protocol shall have
no affect on the peace negotiations un
favorable lo Spain In any event the
government holds tliat the capitulation
laving been signed by the commander of
fce town docs not entail the surrender of
ho whole of the Philippines
Positive Statement Is Made to Sen
ator Gannon of Utah
Senator Cannon of Utah who has been
it Washington since congress adjourned
will leave for homo soon having received
positive assurance that there will be no
cxtia session of congress this fall
A Negro Private Killed
Jim Neeley a negro private in the
Twenty fifth infantty was shot and killed
at Hampton Ga Monday night He was
refused permission to drink at asoda foun
tain and became abusive When remon
strated with for swearing in the presence
of ladies ho assaulted Will Henderson
with his dagger bayonet Henderson drew
a pistol but it was knocked from his hand
and secured by the negro who began
shooting A number of citizens joined ia
the fusilade and Neeley received wounds
from which he died
Volunteers Not Anxious to Disband
The war department has been trying to
ascertain the wishes of the troops as to
being mustered out it being the object to
accommodate the troops as far as possible
Up to tho present time it looks as if all
the volunteers wanted to reman and that
mustering out will have to be by arbitrary
orders Information received at the de
partment indicates that the desire to remain-in
the service is not confined to the
officers but that the rank and file wish to
continuo in the government service
tiee to Start in Five Weeks
General Fitzhugh Lee will take the
Seventh Army Corps now at Jackson
ville and some additional troops to Cuba
not later than tho 1st of October The
exact lime of leaving will depend upon
climate conditions Should riot aud dis
order occur the soldiers will have to be
rushed forwartl without fortho fall to ar
rive Lee will have an army of 59003
Vesuvius Gurgles Again
A Naples dispatch says Vesuvius is
again in a stato of active eruption Four
Streams of lava aro flowing down the
mountain side The chestnut trees on
Mount Somma have been burned Con
stant explosions arc heard in the central
ciater which is emitting smoke and
Weokly Bank Statement
The New York weekly bank statement
mows the rcsorvc has decreased 1253000
loans increased 7J00000 specie decreased
5500000 legal tenders decreased 1500000
deposits increased 1250000 The banks
now hold 2880000 in excess of the legal
Pardon for Gorbetts Brother
Governor Budd of California has com
muted the sentence of John Corbett who
lias been serving a five years sentence at
Ban Quentin for burglary His term
would have expired next Thursday He
is a brother of the pagilist
The MnniiaGabIe
Mai Gen Merrltt has noKJled the war
lepartment thatlhe cable fromHong Kong
to Manila is again in operation
j v y w
parly was composed of members
McKinley May Attend
E Rosewater of Omaha Neb called on
the president the other day in behalf of
the Omaha exposition and formally ten
dered an invitation to attend the exposi
tion The president expressed a desire to
accopt and said if his duties permitted he
would attend late iu the autumn
Lord Mnyors Trip A bandoned
The contemplated visit to the United
States by the lord mayor of London has
been indofiintely abandoned owing lo the
continued illness of the mayoress
Run Down by a Steamer
A yawl containing five men was run
down by a Delaware River steamer at
Philadelphia Sunday evening and three
men were drowned
Wreck in Ohio
By a freight wreck at Hyde Station
Ohio Frank Waite car inspector was
killed and Conductor Harry Shaw ser
iously injured
Six Persons Killed and Twenty Six
Injured New Yorkers Welcome
Homecoming of American Fleet
from Cuban Waters
Rear End Collision
A frightful rear end collision occurred
in the Sharon Mass station of theNew
York New Haven and Hartford Railroad
Sunday night when an express train
which was running as the second section
of a long train crashed into the first sec
tion composed of local cars As a result
six persons were killed and twenty six
seriously injured The injured were
nearlyall removed to Boston on a special
train which was met by ambulances and
surgeons The rear car of the local train
was completely demolished and a portion
of the second car while the engine of
the express train was crippled
The two trains which were in the col
lision were usually combined intoonelong
train but as tho tratlic Sunday was so
heavy it was divided the first section run
ning as a local accommodation while the
second which started from Mansfield fif
teen minutes later than the first ran as an
express The local train due at Sharon
at 702 was thirteen minutes late Sharon
is situated on a curve and both inward
and outward trains arc protected by block
After the accident it was found the
block signal protecting the Inward track
was sot at danger showing as it was in
tended that there was a train m the sta
tion It was not until he was within 400
feet of the station that the engineer of the
express noticed anything wrong He im
mediately set all brakes and whistled the
warning but it was too late to stop the
express It crashed into the rear car
splitting it asunder and completely de
molishing it with the exception of the roof
Its speed was not slackened until the en
gine had penetrated fully five feet in the
rear of the second car
North Atlantic Squadrons Return
Celebrated by New Yorkers
New York Aug 20 Hundreds of thou
sands of people along the banks of the
Iludson and thousands of all styles of river
craft blended their shouts in a royal wel
come to the returned North Atlantic squad
ron under command of Rear Admiral
Sampson For almost throe solid hours
steam whistles of all sizes steam sirens
and small guns along the shores shrieked
ami boomed in the effort to display the
heartiest enthusiasm for the homecoming
of the naval heroes wish their battle
scarred ships Gen Grants tomb was to
mark the beginning of tho return of the
squadron where a national salute of
twenty one guns was fired
For the first time in the parade the bat
tleships drew together Suddenly from
the sides and turrets of tho battleships
there was a vivid flash following this
was a tremendous roar announcing the
first gun of the national salute It was an
imposing spectacle as the big battleships
boomed a salute to the nation and all the
warships saluted the final resting place of
Gen Grant and the guns which sounded
the knell of Admiral Cerveras ships at
Santiago boomed a reverential obeisance
to the dead hero
Tho salute ended the return of the
squadron along the line of the review was
begun It was a repetition of the enthusi
astic scenes on the way up the river
The parade of the ships from the time it
passed the battery on its way up the river
to the time ft repassed on its way to an
chorage off Tompskinville S I occupied
just two hours and thirty five minutes
Outline of Bismarcks Will
A Berlin newspaper has published an
outline of Prince Bismarcks will The
paper asserts that the estate amounts to
20000000 marks although it was sworn to
at 8000000 marks Count William Bis
marck inherits the Pomeranian estate with
the exception of Rheinfelk which Prince
Herbert Birmarck gets Prince Herbert
also receives the valuables deposited in the
Bleichroders bank estimated at 1000000
marks Countess von Ratzau receives
900000 marks and each of Count Williams
three daughters get 100000 marks
Pope Iico Better
Although the pope has rallied some
what tho improvement is but temporary
and the distinguished patient himself is
not deceived The following expression
of tho sovereign pontiff was made last
Sunday in the Vatican gardens I cer
tainly feel better but the end is not far off
Then there will bo another pope who will
try to do many great things In the mean
lime I also hope to do a few things more
Sailboat Capsizes
Saturday afternoon a sailboat containing
three men and five women was caught in a
squall and capsized at GaylordMich and
Teeter Creska aged 18 aud Allio Stott
aged 15 were drowned Tho Baptist
Sunday school of Gaylord was holding a
picnic at Otsego lake and the sailboat
W XTWTr CftVi iA
At Least Three Lives Lost Two
Hotels Burned
A fire which resulted in the loss of tw
hotels a livery stable and several private
residences and cost at least three human
lives started in the National Hotel at Hot
Springs Ark early Saturday morning
The identified dead are Abe Matthews
Greenville Miss W H Wills Randolph
County Arkansas Mr Hughes Tula I
T seriously burned Mrs Eula Jeffreys
Indian Territory Patrolman Wiley
A dozen or more were more or less in
jured and it is believed more lives were
lost and when search is made in the ruins
several bodies will bo found The
guests were aroused by the intense
heat to find the building falling in upon
them and the stairway leading to the first
floor which was their only means of
escape from the second and third stories
burning fiercely The sleeping apart
ments were confined exclusively to the
upper floor and the guests found them
selves hemmed in the veritable death trap
with no hope of escape except by jump
ing from tho windows It was impossible
to rescue any of the imprisoned persons so
rapid was the progress of the fire Those
who escaped jumped from the windows in
their night clothes barely getting out with
their lives The Windsor hotel was also
A Cloudburst Causes a Creek Near
Pittsburg to Overflow
A cloudburst at Biidgeville five miles
south of Pittsburg Pa Friday morning
on Sawmill Run caused a tidal wave in
that stream which ended the lives of five
persons Five children are missing and
are supposed to have been drowned They
are Irene Loftus Regis Loftus Gen
ieve Shaughnessy Margaret Shaughnessy
Nellie Sauls The water in the run began
to rise early and at 9 oclock a great vol
ume came down The children werestand
iug on the porch of a tenement in the
rear of Main Street near West Carson
Tho porch overhung tho stream When
the great wave twenty feet high came
down the porch was carried away with
people on it Mrs John Loftus mother
of the children first named and two men
were the adults iu danger Tho woman
made a heroic effort to save her children
but to no purpose Sand diggers at the
mouth of the run saved the men aud
woman after they had been carried into
the Ohio River Tho great body of water
did much damage
Stops Elopement with a Gun
J R Benton a horse dealer from Gales
burg III shot J II Summers a young
cattle bujer of Augusta Oklahoma at
Wichita Kas while Summers was run
ning away with Bentons daughter Miss
Benton is probably 19 years old and had
formed the acquaintance of Summers at
Wichita She grew fond of tiie young
mans company and when her father ob
jected to the match she eloped with him
Benton followed the couple on horseback
and shot Summers at sight
Offers 1000 for a Pardon
Joseph Cannon son of a wealthy Nor
folk Va man and afugitive from justice
offers to pay the fine of 1000 imposed
upon him and to stay out of Virginia if
Governor Tyler will pardon him He is
now in Canada Cannons father is will
ing to pay the 1000 fiue and Governor
Tyler has the matter under consideration
It is not considered likuly he will grant a
500 Reward for Murderer
Governor Tunnell of Delaware has of
fered a reward of 500 for the apprehen
sion of the party or parties who sent the
poisoned candy to Mrs Dunning of Dover
as a result of which Mrs Dunning and
her sister Mrs Deane lost Iheir lives
Russia Wants a Coaling Station
The London Daily Mails Odessa cor
respondent says he hears on incontestable
authority that Russia has opened a pour
parlor with Spam for the cession of a
coaling station in the Philippines
Pickpockets Secure 7000
At the grangors picnic at Lake Carrion
near Tunkhannock Paex SherifiCearIes
Knapp had his pocketbook containing
7000 in cash and securities stolen by
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 575 bogs shipping grades
300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 250
to 500 wheat No 2 red G9c to 70c
corn No 2 31c to 32c oats No 2 20c
to 21c rye No 2 43c to 45c butter
choice creamery 17e to 10c eggs fresh
12c to 13c potatoes choice 35c to 45c
per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
550 hogs choice light 300 to 425
sheep common to choice 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red G8c to 70c corn No
2 white 32c to 33c oats No 2 white 24c
to 25c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
350 to 425 sheep 350 to 475
wheat No 2 72c to 73c corn No 2
yellow 81c to 33c oats No 2 21c to 23c
rye No 2 44c to 45c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to 450
wheat No 2 71c to 73c corn No 2
mixed 33c to 34c oats No 2 mixed
22c to 24c rye No 2 49c to 51c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
325 to 400 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 72c to 73c corn No 2
yellow 33c to 35c oats No 2 white 25c
to 20c rye 45c to 47c
Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 71c to
73c corn No 2 mixed 32e to 34c oats
No 2 white 21c to 23c rye No 2 44c
to 45c clover seed 325 to 335
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 70c
to 72c corn No 3 32c to 34c oats No
2 white 25c to 27c rye No 2 43c to 45c
barley No 2 45c to 46c pork mess
S75 to 925
Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers
300 to 575 hogs common to choice
350 to 450 sheep fair to choice weth
ers 350 to 500 lambs common to
extra 500 to 700
New York Cattle 300 to 600 hogs
300 to 475 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 77c to 79c corn No
2 37c to 38c oats No 2 white 32c to
34c butter creamery 15c to 20c eggs
Western 14c to 15c
WhileMaking an Arrest Near Clif
ton Kan a Nebraska Sheriff Is
Greeted with Two Shots One of
Which Took Effect-
Sheriff Shot
Sheriff W F Bonawitz of Fairbnry was
Ihot by Frank Ward near Clifton Kan
August 10 Ward left Fairbury Sunday
with some mortgaged property and the
sheriff went in pursuit Monday He over
took Ward at Clifton and on promise of a
settlement and return of the property gave
him a little time to fix the matter but
Ward again took the trail for Oklahoma
Bonawitz followed and when he overtook
Ward again was greeted with two shols
from a cornfield where Ward had hidden
The second shot took effect iu the right
side of his face but as the shot were of
small caliber it is thought the result will
not be fatal 13onawiz came back to the
city on the night train and a deputy sher
iff from Kansas brought Ward back an
turned him over lo the officers at Fairbury
Adjutant General Barry Reports on
the Condition of Soldiers
Having recently returned from a trip to
Chickamauga and Jacksonville Adjutant
General Barry is able to tell the exact con
dition of lhw boys in the Second and Third
regiments He says that at Chickamauga
the camp is a beautiful place the sanitary
conditions are good aiul the camp is fitted
up iu splendid shape so that there are
stone and gravel walks and an entire ab
sence of mud after a rain And yet for
some unexplained reason there is a large
number of sick in camp The authorities
have not agreed upon the cause of this
sickness but General Barry is of the
opinion that it is the fact that the camp
is located iu the timber where the suns
rays reach the ground so rarely that the
dampness is never driven away He says
the nights are so damp that the clothing
of the soldiers is almost wet iu the morn
ing It is his opinion that the regiment
ought to be sent home as soon as possible
now there being no good reason for them
to remain in camp much longer The last
report from the Second regiment just re
ceived shows that there are thirty two
sick men in the hospital and 102 iu the
quarter Up to the present time the hos
pital facilities have been entirely inade
quate but under the direction of Surgeon
General Giffen the hospital quarters of the
whole camp have been enlarged so that
the sick men can be easily handled A
number of the sick have been furnished
transportation and will be home in a few
New State Chairman
The Republican state committee met at
Lincoln and organized by selecting R B
Schneider of Fremont chairman P O
Hedlund of Lincoln secretary and Luther
Drake of Omaha treasurer The state
headquarters were located at Lincoln
after a vigorous contest between Omaha
and Lincoln by a vote of 17 to 11 The
selection of Mr Schneider as chairman
was made on recommendation of the can
didates on the state ticket acting under a
resolution adopted by the state convention
Jail Delivery at Papillion
George Russell who has been confined
iu the county jail at Papillion upon a
charge of assault upon Susie Key escaped
from custody a few nights since Jailer
Galewood and a prisoner took a drive out
in the country aud while gone Russell
took advantage of the opportunity and
escaped Efforts are being made to find
him At his preliminary trial he was
placed under 2000 bonds which ho failed
to furnish
Chnpek Hangs Himself
Joseph Chapek a Bohemian inmate of
the county poor farm committed suicide
by hanging himself at the farm near
Plattsmouth Chapek formerly residedin
Loup County and was found on a sand
bar near Oreapolis a month ago uncon
scious from the effect of heat He had
been at the poor farm three weeks It is
said his wife drove him from his home iu
Loup County
Fires a Harmless Shot
While James Neary and wife were re
tiring one night recently at their home
west of Lyons some one fired a revolver
through their bed room window they be
lieve with intent to kill Fortunately the
aim of the marksman was poor the bullet
burying itself in the side of the room
Burglars at Mead
Eilgar Fladmans general merchan
dise store at Mead was entered by thieve
one night last week and over 50 worth of
dry goods and shoes taken The firm said
nothing about the loss for some time in
hopes of tracing the robbers but have
been unsuccessful
Police Officer Suspended
The investigation into the charges
against Police Officer Gorman at Grand
Island for sleeping while on duty were
completed by the city council the council
finding the officer guilty of neglect of duty
and suspending him for thirty days
Killed at Manila
William Lewis of the First Nebraska
mentioned among the killed at Manila is
doubtless of the David City company but
his home is in Osceola as he is the only
one of that name iu the regiment There
Is a P Lewis in the Thurston Rifles
Plan to Break Jail FailsESJ
The little plan of escape of Geo Bailey
a prisoner in the county jail at Omaha
was spoiled nicely by Jailer George Shaud
and the friend who managed to convey
the means of escape to Biiley now lan
guishes in the bastile himself
Hawkins Is Accused of Murder
The coroners jury in the Jensen case at
Curtis returned a verdict that Jensen came
to his heath at the hands of Andy Haw
kins Hawkins has been placed under
arrest Public opinion is strongly against
the accused
McAllister for District Judge
The Republican judicial convention for
the Sixth judicial district met in Colum
bus Hon W A McAllister of Columbus
was the unanimous choice of the conven
tion and was nominated by acclamation
us candidate for district judge
Named for Congress
John S Robinson Senator Allens
foimer law partner was nominated for
congress at Norfolk on the fusion ticket to
represent the Third district The free
silver Republicans refused to endorse
- -
Lincolns New Depot
The new union depot recently completed
by the Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Val
ley and Missouri Pacific railroads at Lin
colu has been thrown open to the public
The building is a substantial structure
made of Omaha hydraulic pressed brick
with Wisconsin sandstone trimmings In
the center is a tower 100 feet high and oa
either side a large and commodious two
story wing Tho interior finish of tho
building is in highly polished curly birch
and frescoes of blue and gold The com
panies have spared no pains to supply up-to-date
conveniences even to the luxury
of rockers in tho ladies writing room
The cost of the building is in excess of
Crusade for Good Roads
The roads in Johuson County are going
to receive more attention in the future
than in the past so says the board of
couuty commissioners Three new graders
have been bought and a systematic method
of grading and general improvement
adopted The old plan of plow a little
here and scrape some thero will no longer
be tolerated The new machines will bo
taken from one road district to another till
the lounds of the couuty are made In
each district tho road supervisor will bo
asked to assist the grading outfit furnished
v the countv in additional men and teams
i It is believed the plan is a good one
Absconding Sheriff
Frank L Dor wart sheriff of Wilbu
has been absent for several days and it
now transpires that he is an absconder
as a letter received from him dated at
Denver slates that it is not his intention
to return His hired girl an attractive
looking young woman is also missing and
it is surmised that they aro together He
drew out a large sura of money recently
from a building aud loan association in
which ho was an investor It is believed
that the affairs of tho office are in good
shape He was serving his third term
aud leaves a wife and interesting family
Accidental Shooting
J H Jackman a Burlington express
messenger accideutly shot himself while
on his run He had just left In land a sta
tion twelve miles east of Hastings when
ho attempted to place his icvolver in an
iron chest In doing so the revolver fell
and was discharged The bullet struck
Mr Jackmans collar bone and continued
on a downwaid course When he arrived
iu Hastings he was placed under a physi
cians care and a search was mad j for tho
bullet but it could not be found It is
thought the accident will not result
Benefits of Irrigation
The lands under the Harris Cooper
irrigation ditch in Dawes County offer
some evidence of the benefits derived from
irrigation About 15JO acres under this
ditch will yield this year the largest
amount of crops ever raised in the state of
Nebraska from that amount of acreage
Three crops of hay will be cut from the
alfalfa fields yielding not less than eight
tons per acre and oats as high as 100 bush
els per acre The coming year about 2000
acres of land will be brought under irriga
tion from this ditch
Maher Arrives at Cliadron
John G Maher the private in Company
II Second Nebraska volunteers who is
known throughout the slate as colonel on
Governor Holcombs staff but is better
known throughout the country because of
his connection witli the famous Chicka
mauga court martial when he was court
martialed for refusing to use his type
writer and later discharged has arrived
at Chadron on a furlough and was wel
comed by his friends
Improvements at Columbus
Workmen are engaged in tearing down
the old engine house at Columbus which
for years has been an eyesore to the city
The city has contracted for the erection of
two fireproof houses for the fire depart
ment to store their carts and trucks and
will soon build two large steel towers on
which to place tho alarm bell and it is
possible that an electrical fire alarm sys
tem may be placed in operation when the
houses are completed
Injuries Prove Fatal
A couple of weeks ago the
son of William Carroll a farmer living
four or five miles southwest of Table Rock
was thrown from a calf he was attempting
to ride and injured about the hip It was
not supposed he was much hurt aud little
attention was paid to him until symptoms
of blood poisoning made their appearance
and he grew rapidly worse and died this
Disturbed u Religious Meeting
Some Portsmouth local blood interested
itself in a Salvation Army meeting in a
characteristic manner and the police were
called Officer Murray placed a printer
named Nick Ilames under arrest and
when taking nun into
attacked by Salvationist Drake Officer
Murray placed him under arrest also and
conducted both to jail
Attempt at Suicide
One of the prisoners confined in the
Geneva haslile who is in for housebreak
ing concluded that the confinement was
too much for him and took a dose of poison
which he had concealed in his clothes for
an emergency A physician was sum
moned and by dint of hard work savtd
To Reimburse the State Soon
A telegram has been received at the ad
jutant generals office from Congressman
Stark stating that the states account
against the general government would
soon be paid The claim referred to covera
the cost of mobilizing the state troop3
salaries and other attendant expenses
Boy Badly Scalded
Chester Ward 12-year-old son of Mr
and Mrs H T Ward of Tecumseh was
playing with a can of hot water and ac
cidentally spilled it over hirasejf His
chest and arms were severely scalded
Nebraska Short Notes
The old settlera of Platte County will
hold their annual meeting and picnic at
Columbus August 27
The work on the now wing of the asylum
at Hastings has once more been renewed
and is now being pushed with great
There is a rumor afloat in Hastings to
the effect that the B 31 Railroad con
templates erecting a large depot in that
city before long
One of the most successful teachers1
institutes ever held in Burt County closed
at Tekamah August 13 There were
ninety two teachers enrolled
3Irs Deliah Cromwell the oldest woman
in Nebraska is dead at her home neai
Table Rock She was a small girl when
Washington was president and insisted
some months ago that she was born in
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