The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 25, 1898, Image 2

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ROBERT GOOD Editor And Prop
In building another navy Spain will
be in a position to begin at the bottom
and work up
But what could Spain hope for from
gunners who go about their work In
such on aimless way
Politicsmakes queer bedfellows often
er than the voters use their opportuni
ties to throw a wet blanket on them
The constant target practice of our
battle ships in recent years of peace
has cost Spain a great deal of money
It is said there are no swear words in
the Japanese language The Japs have
probably sworn many a time over this
very thing
That joke about licking the revenue
Blamp seems to be a great favorite with
the paragraphers Theyre evidently
stuck on it
In its warm treatment of Cervera the
national eagle somewhat recalled the
well known festive relations of the bot
tle and the bird
The yacht on which De Maupassant
wrote a number of his stories has been
sold for 240 The stories usually sold
for a good deal more than that
The Spanish Minister of Marine a
few weeks ago mysteriously an
nounced that Cerveras fleet is just
where it ought to be Well its there
Should a business man go to lunch
Svith his typewriter is one of the
questions now agitating New York If
the typewriter can afford the expense
Hvhy not
It was said the atmosphere at San-
tiago was fearful before the surrender1
but just so soon as the national air was
given at the flag raising people
breathed freer
Heres a conundrum for you re
marked Shafter pleasantly With my
troops surrounding yours how can you
hold Santiago And Toral after a
moments reflection gave it up
That gypsy woman who asks for a
divorce because her husband chains
her to a bear should seek a more valid
cause of action The bear undoubtedly
is a great improvement upon her
Three young women In a Long Island
village all declare that they have re
cently seen the devil prowling about
late at night Despite the fact that
their descriptions tally some people
will persist in maintaining that one
must needs go to the devil in order tc
see him
An Eastern paper prints an advertise
ment that is different It says Thte
is to give notice that my wife who left
Tny house without sufficient cause has
returned and is glad to be- back again
and will not leave again in a hurry
Jerry Amero Jerry evidently is in
clined to make the most of his good
It is safe to say that if the tragedj
of the Maine had never been enacted
this country would not have gone tc
war with Spain That horrible event
that alone roused the nation to th
sticking point For years the story ol
Cuban suffering and Cuban struggle
for liberty had been iterated and reit
erated in America calling out nothing
but perfunctory expressions such as
politicians in the 0s made concerning
home rule in Ireland
From the day the Spaniards tried tq
shirk the responsibility for the blow
ing up of the Maine until now there has
been no sillier roorback -than that tc
the effect that Englishmen manned
Deweys guns on that ever memorabl
May day The Navy Department at
Washington has so far noticed this bole
and impudent whole cloth lie as to ex
amine the muster rolls of Deweyi
squadron and make public the exac
facts It appears that there were 1445
men on board those ships only eiglr
of whom were Britons and none o
Uie eight was a gunner
The proposition that has been made
that the German starling should be im
ported to drive out the English spar
row may well be regarded with suspi
cion Such a move would be out of the
frying pan into the fire according tc
people who enjoy the acquaintance oi
the starling They admit that he is a
fighter and would drive the sparrow
Into retirement but he would not stop
with the sparrows He would kill or
drive away the few native birds that
are left We may as well put up with
the sparrow We at least know the
worst about him while the starling
might and probably would develop into
a pest that would render the English
importation amiable by comparison
Some London papers are talking pen-
f i iiypostage between this country and
England As the cost of carriage is said
to betess than between New York and
almost any point west of the Missouri
there oughtbenoeatobstacle to
such aiJjarrangement -Penny postage
betweenEngland Canada and some
other British colonies has already been
determined upon When it gets into
operation It will be possible to evade
the 5 centpostage by mailing to Cana
da and having the letter forwarded
thus making the postage 4 cents- Two
sent postage to England may not come
tor a few years but it will be along in
the course of the decade And the fact
that Canadian merchants enjoy a 2 cent
rate will not retard the change in this
Even more gratifying than the ac
counts we get of the skill and courage
of our naval officers are the evidences
that come out in various ways of their
great humanity of the personal devo
tion to them of all their subordinates
even down to the coal shovelers Capt
Clark of the Oregon for example ap
pears to have had a truly fatherly care
for all his crew and to be held by them
in the deepest affection All through
the fight off Santiago when his ship
was doing such notable service and
was so splendidly handled he fearless
ly exposed himself to the enemys fire
but was all the while begging or order
ing the others to keep under cover
None of his children as he called
them must get hurt No wonder that
even the stokers were willing to work
their hearts out for such a commander
And no wonder that Capt Clark con
scious of the entire devotion of his men
should have calmly expressed his will
ingness to meet all Cerveras fleet with
the Oregon alone Truly it 1s the men
behind the guns who decide battles
and personal affection for their captain
and pride in him powerfully re enforco
skill and determination
It is not nice to read on what appears
to be good authority that King Leopold
of Belgium will be introduced to Amer
ican society by the Drexels of Philadel
phia For the Drexels of Philadelphia
are very good plain decent people and
Leopold is neither good nor plain nor
sven decent In fact he is distinguish
ed among the not overscrupulous royal
personages of Europe by the depravity
of his moral character He is openly
nnd flagrantly vicious His closest
friends are men and women of the
half world The slums of Paris echo
With tales of his adventure His royal
relatives who are commonly indifferent
to domestic virtue despise him for the
cqualor of his intrigues Fifteen years
nfo he was one of the lightly veiled
characters discussed by Mr Stead in
those horrible disclosures of the Pall
Mall Gazette In short you might
search every corner of Europe and fail
to find a man who would equal S A It
Leopold of Belgium in the practice of
those vices that are supposed to be
most distasteful to American morality
And this is the creature who is to be
convoyed to America by a respectable
Philadelphia family and introduced to
the wives and daughters of our Ameri
can millionaires at Newport Perhaps
some philosopher can explain the effect
of money upon morals that makes an
American citizen who would turn
white at the thought of introducing his
family to a native born pander receive
with hospitable arms the most thor
oughly despised debauchee of continen
tal Europe
An Eastern paper in speaking of the
battle in which Cervera lost his ves
sels says that while the American flag
is one of the newest ensigns in the
great galaxy of flags there is not one
that is better known and more highly
respected by the nations of Europe
While it is true that the United States
Is oneOf the youngest of the great pow
ers of the world its flag is one of the
oldest that floats The flag of this
country was adopted by Congress on
the 14th day of June 1777 and it is
the same now as then except that a
new star has been aded to the number
of those on the blue field which was
originally thirteen with the admission
of each new State until now it carries
forty five instead of the original
number This is the only change
that has been made in the
flag since it was adopted The
union jack of Great Britain was adopt
ed in 1801 and the present flag of Spain
is eleven years younger than that of
this country The tri color of France
was adopted in 1794 the flag of Portu
gal in 1830 that of Italy in 1848 and
that of the German empire in 1871 The
symbol of Austria Hungary is not so
old as ours and there are few flags in
Europe that are not of a more recent
date than the stars and stripes There
is another claim that is made for out
flag that may possibly be true and thai
is that with the exception of the ban
ners of France and Great Britain H
has floated over more victories on land
and sea than any other flag in the
world and further that there is no
a European standard for which sg
many men have fought and died as
that of the United States It is esti
mated that 1000000 men have laid
down their lives under its folds in its
St Petersburgs Wonderful Clock
The most wonderful clock In the
world is exhibited In St Petersburg Its
magnificence may be imagined from the
fact of this colossal timepiece having
no fewer than ninety five faces It in
dicates simultaneously the time of daj
at thirty different spots on the earths
surface besides the movement of the
earth around the sun the phases of the
moon the signs of the zodiac the pass
age over the meridian of more than
fifty stars of the northern hemisphere
and the date according to the Gregor
ian Greek Mussulman and Hebrew
calendars The works took two years
to put together after the clock had been
sent in detached pieces from Switzer
land to Russia
Honor to the Farm
The older Romans paid special hon
ors to agriculture Their coin was
stampediwfth symbols In cnsectiotf
therewith The Greeks refreshed the
mouths of UheJr ploughing oxen with
wine Charles I exempted from arrest
for debt all persons engaged In the cul
tivation of the staple articles of agri
Every man is so wealohimself that it
is a wonder that he is not more willing
to forgive faults due to weakness
i L i k
I cnKurNUUJUY Or int wak
January 25 O
C D Sigsbec
vana Cuba
S battleship MiJjne
U S N Is ordeAjj
rue publication ov
to Ha-
eoruary a letter
written by Senor Dupuy de Lomei Spanish
Minister to the United States sneaking
disparagingly of President McKinkf y leads
to the Ministers resignation of hjB post
and the appointment of Senor LniiAp0io y
February 15 The U S battleship Maine
lying in the harbor of HavanaA iB de
stroyed and sunk by an explosion Bfstween
y and 10 oclock p m
February 17 Rear Admiral Blear
manulng the North Atlantic sq
orders a court of Inquiry Into the
the Maine
oss of
February 19 The request of the fpanish
oluclals In Havana for a joint intvestlga
tlon into the loss or tue iiame lis de
February 21--The United States SSenate
orders an Investigation into the Malme dis
aster y
March 8 9 Congress votes to placer 50
000000 at the unqualified disposal of Pres
ident McKiuley as an emergency fifod
March 16 Spain remonstrates agalnist the
presence of the United States fleet fct Key
West and against other measures p de
fense by our Government t
March 17 Facts concerning Cuba stff In
the Senate by Senator Proctor of Ver
mont as the result of personal observfij
March 28 Court of Inquirys report on they
Maine sent to Congress
April 5 Consul General Lee recalled
April 10 Consul General Lee leaves Cuba
April 11 President McKInley sends a mes
sage tov Congress recommending armed in
tervention In Cuba
April 15 Army ordered to mobilize
April 1G Senate belligerency resolutions
April IS Congress votes against Cuban rec
April 19 Congress passes resolutions de
manding the withdrawal of Spain from
April 20 Queen opens Cortes with war
speech Government announces its oppo
sition to privateering President signs no
tification to the nations of intention to
April 21 Our Minister at Madrid Gen
Stewart L Woodford informed by the
Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs that
diplomatic relations between Spain and
the United States are terminated
April 21 President McKInley cables our
ultimatum to Spain demanding a reply by
April 23
April 21 Senor Polo y Bernabe Spanish
Minister receives his passport and leaves
April 22 Cruiser New York Sampsons
flagship captures Pedro 2000 tons fif
teen miles east of Havana
April 22 Cuban ports blockaded by the
American squadron
April 23 The President Issues his procla
mation calling for 125000 volunteers
April 24 Sunday A Spanish decree de
claring war against the United States was
gazetted at Madrid
April 25 Congress passes a resolution de
claring that the state of war existed from
April 21
April 26 Recruiting volunteers began In
New York City
April 27 United States vessels bombard
April 27 Seventh Regiment declines to en
April 2S Commodore Deweys fleet sails
from Hong Kong for Manila
April 29 Spanish squadron sails from Cape
Verde for the West Indies
April 20 New York shells Cabanas forts
April 29 U S cruiser Yale Paris arrives
in New York
April 30 Commodore Deweys squadron ar
rives off Manila
April 30 Flagship New York fires on Span
ish cavalry sharpshooters off Havana
May 1 U S cruiser Topeka arrives at New
York from Falmouth
May 1 Commodore Deweys squadron de
stroys the Spanish fleet nt Manila
May 2 Cable from Manila to Hong Kong
cut by Commodore Dewey
May 4 Battleship Oregon and gunboat
Marietta sail from Itio Janeiro
May 7 Commodore Dewey informs State
Department of the seizure of Cavite
May 9 Congress thanks Rear Admiral
May 10 The Gussie expedition sailed from
May 11 Ensign Worth Bagley and four of
the crew of the torpedo boat WInslow
killed by a shell from the Spanish forts at
Mav 12 Admiral Sampsons squadron
bombards the forts at San Juan Porto
May 12 The Spanish Cape Verde fleet ar
rives at Port de France Martinique
May 12 Gussie expedition repulsed
May 13 Commodore Schleys fleet sails
south to meet the Spanish squadron
May 14 Spanish Cape Verde fleet sighted
off Curacoa
May 15 Rear Admiral Dewey reports on fall
of Manila
May 15 Sagastas Cabinet resigns
Mav 15 Spanish torpedo boat destroyer
Terror disabled at Port de France Mar
May 15 Spanish fleet leaves Curacoa
Mav 15 Gen Merrltt ordered to the Phil
ippines as Militnry Governor
Mav 10 Gov Black authorizes reorganiza
tion of disbanded Thirteenth Regiment
May 17 Sagastas new Cabinet announced
at Madrid
May 18 Ninety thousand troops ordered
to mobilize in Chickamauga
May 20 Spanish fleet arrives at Santiago
de Cuba
May 22 Cruiser Charleston sails for Ma
May 23 Troops A and C arrive at Camp
Alger Falls Church Va
May 24 The Spanish fleet Is bottled up at
May 25 Three transports with 258S men
start for Manila
May 25 President Issues a call for ioOOO
more volunteers
Mav 26 Oregon arrives in Key West
May 26 One of Spains cabinet ministers
said the country was willing to accept an
honorable peace
May 26 Commodore Schley Is In touch with
the Insurgent leaders
May 26 Florida expedition landed without
opposition near Guantanamo Cuba
May 27 Spanish scout ships chased by
American warships near Key West
May 29 Commodore Schley reports the
trapping of Cervera in the harbor of San
tiago de Cuba
May 29 Cruiser Columbia arrives at New
York having been in collision with the
British steamship Foscolla which sank
May 30 Troops embark at Tampa for Ha
May 31 itear Aumlral Sampsons fleet
bombards forts of Santiago de Cuba
June 1 Transports for Manila arrive at
Honolulu Hawaii and the Boys In Blue
become the guests of the city
June 1 Monitor Monadnock ordered to Ma
nila from San Francisco
June 2 Spain again appeals to the Powers
to Intervene
June 3 American squadron bombards
Santiago de Cuba
June 4 Lieut Hobson sinks cruiser Merrl
mac In the mouth of the harbor of San
tiago de Cuba
June 6 Fortifications of Santiago de Cuba
June 7 American squadron bombards and
silences batteries at Santiago
June 7 Monitor Monterey and collier Bru
tus sail for Manila
Jane 8 Assault on fortifications of Guan
tanamo Bay
June 9 House agrees on war revenue con
ference report
June 10 Admiral Sampson reports he haa
held Guantanamo harbor since the 7th
June 10 Senate agrees on conference re
port on war revenue bill
June 1L Four Americans at Caimanera are
killed in a fight with the Spaniards
June 13 Thirty two transports with Shat
ters troops sail for Santiago
June 13 President McKInley signs the wai
tax bill
June 14 Two Americans and several hun
dred Spaniards killed in a battle at Cai
June 15 Second expedition sailed from San
Francisco for Manila
June 15 Great destruction results to San
tiago forts through the use of the dyna
mite guns on the Vesuvius
June 17 Spanish squadron sailed from Ca
diz and passed Gibraltar
June 20 Transports with Gen Shafters
troops arrive off Santiago
une 22 Part of Shafters troops landed
jne ualance of troops landed without
Admiral Camaras Cadiz fleet
rivesVat Island of Pantellarla
June Sixteen American soldiers killed
and fdrt wounded In driving back Span
ish soIdleVli nr1
June 27 Commodore NVTOteja to command
fleet to attack Spanish homeVterritory
June 27 President McKInley Kecommends
thanks of Congress for Lieut Hebson and
that he be transferred to the line
June 28 President proclaims blockade of
Southern Cuba from Cape Frances to Cape
June 29 Gen Shafter reports he can take
Santiago In forty eight hours
June 29 The Senate thanks Lieut Hobson
and his men naming each one personally
June 30 Egyptian Government refused to
let Camara coal his fleet at Port Said
July 1 Shafters army began the assault
upon Santiago de Cuba capturing the ene
mys outer works
July 2 Shafter renewed the attack upon
Santiago losing about 1000 In klled and
wounded and making 2000 Spanish pris
oners The Spanish casualties probably
exceeded those of the Americans
July 3 Cerveras fleet destroyed at San
tiago with great loss of life
July 6 Spanish transport Alfonso XII
blown up off Mariel by American gun
July 6 Hobson the hero of the Merrimac
and his comrades exchanged for Spanish
prisoners outside Santiago
July 7 President signs Hawaiian annexa
tian resolution
July 7 Admiral Dewey took Subig and
1300 prisoners
July 11 Cruiser St Louis brings Admiral
Cervera and 746 prisoners to Portsmouth
New Hampshire
July 11 Admiral Sampsons fleet bombard
ed Santiago
July 13 Announced that yellow fever has
broken out in Gen Shafters army
July 14 Gen Toral and the Spanish army
surrendered Santiago at 3 p m
3uly 17 Old Glory raised over Santiago
at noon
July 18 President issues a proclamation
providing for the government of Santiago
July 18 Seven American vessels bombard
Manzanillo and destroy seven Spanish
July 21 Gen Miles with 3415 men on
transports conveyed by warships starts
to take Porto Rico
July 21 American gunboats captured Nipe
and sank the Spanish cruiser Jorge Juan
July 21 Gen CalixtoVjarcia commander of
the Cuban army of Eastern Cuba owing
to discontent because the American Gov
ernment had ignored him and his troops
in the surrender of Santiago withdrew
July 21 News reached this country that
the second expedition to re enforce Ad
miral Dewey had arrived at Cavite
July 22 Aguinaldo declared himself dicta
tor of the Philippines
July 23 Another expedition for the Philip
pine Islands sailed from San Francisco
July 25 Gen Miles and 3500 men reach
Guanico Porto Rico and effect a landing
July 26 Secretary Day M Cambon
French ambassador nnd his first secre
tary M Thiebaut confer with President
McKInley In regard to terms of peace
July 27 The port of Ponce Porto Rico sur
renders to Capt Davis of gunboat Dixie
July 30 News of Gen Merrltts arrival at
Cavite received at Washington
July 30 Dewey Informs the President that
Aguinaldo the Philippine Insurgent chief
assumed a defiant attitude
July 31 The Spanish forces at Cavite made
a sortie during a fierce storm on the
American troops In the Malate trenches
They were repulsed with heavy loss Ten
of Gen Merritt men were killed and
forty eight wounded
August 2 President McKInley makes pub
lic the terms of peace offered to Spain by
the United States
August 4 The monitor Monterey and its
consort Brutus arrive nt Manila
August 4 Gen Shafter and his subordi
nates ask that the fever stricken army at
Santiago de Cuba be removed north
August 5 Formal orders issued for the re
moval of Gen Shafters army to this
country -
August 6 Spain accepts the terms of peace
offered by the United States x
August 6 Guayamo Porto Rico captured
by Gen Haines forces Three Americans
August 8 Spain accepts President McKin
leys peace terms Certain representa
tions were made regarding Cuba which
were not accepted however
August 8 Spaniards nt Guantanamo lay
down their arms and surrender to Brig
Gen Ewers
August 9 Gen Ernsts brigade captured
Coamo Porto Rico after a lively light In
which seven Pennsylvania volunters were
wounded Two hundred Spaniards were
taken prisoners
August 9 Spaniards attempt to retake the
lighthouse at Cape San Juan but are re
pulsed with heavy loss
August 10 A protocol covering the peace
terms of the United States has been
agreed upon by M Cambon representing
Spain and President McKInley
August 10 Gen Schwans forces defeat
Spanish troops at Mayaguez Porto Rico
Loss on our side two killed K and one
August 11 Spains cabinet formally ap
proved President McKinleys peace proto
col and a cablegram was sent to M Cam
bon authorizing him to sign In behalf of
August 12 M Cambon French ambassa
dor to the United States signs the proto
col and a cessation of hostilities is or
Feb 15 BattIe ship Maine 4689000
A -
a s f s
Total 14689000
May 1 Relnn Crlstina
May 1 CastUla
May 1 Velasco
May 1 Don Juan de Ulloa
May 1 Don Juan de Austria
May 1 Isla de Cuba
May 1 Isla de Luzon
May 1 Qulros
May 1 Villalobos c
May 1 Ten- gunbbats first
May 1 Ten gunboats second
Prizes taken near Cuba
July 5 Infanta Maria Teresa
3iriy 3 Vlzcaya
July J Almlrante Oquendo
July 3 Cristobal Colon
July 8 Relna Cristlua
July 3 Torpedo boat Furor
July 3 Torpedo boat Pluton
July 3 Gunboat Jorge Juan
500000 4
800000 2
3500000 J
Total I 27200000 -
Illinois Steel and Minnesota Iron
Companies Consolidate
As the result of meetings that have been
fn progress in New York City for several
days the consolidation of the Minnesota
Iron Company and the Illinois Steel Com
pany was definitely agreed upon Con
ference committees of five directors from
each company were appointed Wednes
day and following the meeting in joint
session at which they failed to reach a
final unde -standing as to the basis for
consolidation the matter was referred to
a smaller committed This committee was
made up of President D H Bacon of the
Minnesota Iron Company W L Brown
of the Illinois Steel Company and H H
Rogers who is largely interested in both
companies He was on the smaller com
mittee in the character of arbiter
As a result it was decided that the new
corporation shall be organized and that
45 per cent of the capital stock of this
new company shall go to the stockholders
of the Illinois Steel Company and 55 per
cent to the stockholders of the Minnesota
company The stock of the old companies
will be surrendered This basis of con
solidation was formally agreed to by the
representatives of both companies The
Jetails of the incorporation have not yet
been decided on and may not be for sev
eral days The capital stock of the new
concern is 29500000 -Roswell P Flow
er H P Rogers P M Flagler H P
Porter and Marshall Field of Chicago are
among those interested in the consolidated
Transport Mobile Reaches Montauk
Point in an Appalling Condition
Another horror ship came to Montauk
Point Friday Loaded to her decks with
sick and well soldiers the big transport
Mobile steamed into Fort Pond bay at
sunrise and when Dr Magruder the
health officer boarded her he found there
an appalling condition of affairs
As transports go nowadays the Mobile
was in good condition She had plenty of
army rations aboard and enough in the
way of physicians and medicines to care
for all that needed attention The ship
itself was in fair sanitary condition but
she was so overcrowded that the sick had
scarcely breathing room Ten men died
during the voyage and the sick grew
worse instead of better as the ship ap
proached home The men well and sick
were literally starving They had not
been able to retain on their stomachs the
tainted meat beans and hard tack which
compose what are known as army rations
and there was absolutely nothing in the
way of delicacies on the transport for
them Of the 1G00 men who were cram
mod into the Mobile and sent on the jour
ney home 300 are seriously ill
Jaudenes to Be Court Martialed for
Surrendering Manila
A dispatch from Madrid says Govern
ment officials are very angry over the sur
render of Manila Urgent instructions
were sent through Hong Kong some days
ago not to surrender It was insisted that
Gen Augusti and Gen Jaudenes should
have held out in order to give time for
the signing of the protocol The Govern
ment attaches the highest importance to
averting the fall of the city before the sus
pension of hostilities and so strengthening
the position of Spain in negotiating the
yeace treaty
5pain Holds that Surrender Docs Not
itui Ihilippinea
The Madrid Government has resolved
to insist that the cavitulation of Manila
after the signing of the protocol shall have
no effect in the peace negotiations unfav
orable to Spain In any event the Gov
ernment holds that the capitulation hav
ing been signed by the commander of the
town does not entail the surrender of the
whole of the Philippines All the indica
tions are that the peace negotiations
be prolonged
Shot Seventeen Time3
At El Caney battle one man with sev
enteen bullet holes in him was buried by
his comrades who placed a box board at
his head with this inscription Corp Mc
Carthy shot through the body seventeen
times leading a charge at the battle of
Santiago July 1 1S98 May his soul rest
in peace
Cortes Meets in September
A dispatch from Madrid says it is offi
cially announced that the Cortes will as
semble in September for the purpose of
providing the necessary authorization of
the Chambers to the signing of articles of
peace on the part of Spain
They Fell Over a Precipice
McCombs battery returned to Ponce
Porto Rico from Gen Henrys command
Heavy rains had fallen rendering the
mountain trail impassable One gun aid
six horses of the battery fell over a preci
pice and the horses were killed
Telegraphic Brevities
Mrs Ballington Booth of the American
Salvation army has sailed for England
England is getting ready to mobilize her
fleet and be prepared to fight Russia and
perhaps France
Scores of hogs are dying near Belle
fontaine Ohio from a disease which
farmers say is typhoid fever
A swindler with bogus checks is buy
ing horses of farmers in Cumberland
3ounty Pa for the Government
The citizens of Irene Tex and resi
dents of that vicinity have organized a
borse thief protective association
The Texas State Horticultural Society
enumerates and names 119 varieties of
plums raised in the Lone Star Stpte
California is preparing to establish an
experiment station and school of instruc
tion in the grafting and planting of vines
Gov Barnes of Oklahoma spent a short
time in the guard house at Fort Reno the
other dnyTor failing to give the counter
Gold has been found between London
andLauterC6untiesKy vA samplehaa
been forwarded to New York for analy
Lateadvices from Sitka Alaska state
that large and extensivecoaf deposits
have been discovered at liale Bay on
Buranoff Islands about forty miles from
On the body of Candido D Perez one
of the victims of the Bourgogne disaster
picked up off Sable Island recently wap
found a draft for 215000 francs about
We must extend Anglo Saxon civiliza
tion in the fnr East Evening Wisconsin
Hooley now says he has not named all
the people that bled him Hool he accuse
next Boston Herald
Admiral Sampsons report has at least
recalled the importance of the little wordt
if Washington Post
Judging by the prices Hooley paid Eng
land may be right in holding its House
of Lords dear Philadelphia Times
By pulling off a quintuple lynching Ar
kansas has made the Porto Rico cam
paign a very tame affair Washington
We wouldnt advise Gen Weyler to
come over here on the strength of the re
ception that has been accorded Cervera
Boston Globe
As soon as the American ham sandwich
was mustard into the Santiago campaign
the Cubans were happy Johnson City
Tenn Comet
Destiny seems to be thrusting the Phil
ippines upon the United States as a fairly
earned trophy of the war St
It was expected Havana would not
tumble till the autumn but results show
even Spanish pride goes before a fall
Philadelphia Times
The capture of Manila before it was
possible to stay the hands of Dewey and
Merritt was a piece of unmixed good for
tune Philadelphia Record
The lion is doing some heavy growling
but the bear keeps ominously quiet He
may intend to rush the growler when
least expected Cleveland Plain Dealer-
It was a war without a single repulse to
our arms and the most serious conse
quences of which were the result of bad
management in our camps Boston Her
The fall of Manila by arms instead of
its surrender by cartel materially im
proves the position of the United States
in the negotiation at Paris Philadelphia
There is one way to divide up the San
tiago sea fight and that is to give Samp
son credit for the blockade and Schley
credit for the fight Memphis Commercial-Appeal
So far as the comments of the American
press on the subject during a period of
four weeks indicate anything the pur
chase of a patent incubator by the Hon
Grover Cleveland is without political sig
nificance Milwaukee Sentinel
Our Pacific Possessions
Possession is nine points of law Bos
ton Globe
It is definitely settled that they must
not be returned to Spain New York
There is every reason to demand that
the Philippines should not be given up
or divided Tacoma Ledger
There is a constantly increasing tcnti
ment throughout the country in favor of
the retention of the Philippine lsnnds
Nebraska State Journal
The spectacle of Dewey alone nt Manila
but in control in spite of everything is a
solemn protest against giving back the
Philippines Concord Evening Monitor
American blood has been spilled upon
the soil of the Philippines It is time to
stop the talk of the surrender of the isl
and to Spain St Louis Globe Democrat
There is no longer the slightest appar
ent objection among the European povers
to our assuming the full ownership and
responsibility for the Philippines
Give up the Philippines Oh no not
this year We want them for commerce -and
civilization and we also want them
for strategic reasons quite as much As--bury
Park Journal
There is no disguising the temper of the
American people The people of the Unit
ed States want the Government at Wash
ington to secure the full control if the
Philippine Islands Peoria JonuriiaL
What Give up Manila By no means
Let the agitators call it imperialism if
they will but the true American spirit
will demand that Ave shall not surrender
one inch of territory upon which we have
so gallantly fought Philadelphia In
There is no determination yet as to
what we shall do with those islands but
the people are just as firmly resolved that
Spain shall never have them again a-
they are that she shall relinquish all
to Cuba and Porto Rico Richmond Va
We presume there were people who talk
ed about imperialism when Thomas
Jefferson bought Louisiana and later on
when Secretary Seward purchased Alas
ka There is no imperialism in the pres
ent policy of the American Government
No reason obtains why a republic shouldL
not have colonies as well as an empire or
a monarchy Kingston Daily Freeman
Hobson and His Kiss
Now that the girls have begun kissingr
Hobson it is high time for him to hurry
to the front Boston Globe
Beware take care Hobson There is
more peril in promiscuous kissing thaa
there is in dynamite and its victims are
more numerous Boston Herald
Having shown an admiring world how
he could handle anything nautical from a
collier to a cruiser Hobson has now dem
onstrated how gallantly he can handle a
smack whether it be nautical or mere
ly naughty Philadelphia Record
As smart a man as Hobson and espe
cially a person -by that name is entitled
to hfs own choice in such a purely person
al matter The United States pays hint
for his services in the navy and gets its
moneys worth but being a kissing block
is not among the duties imposed by the
Government regulations Utica Press
BnfrTttTKXveiVfY riDewejitVnd Last
entrance of
tbeVar nndhc makes tis exit as well
From first to last he has held the center of
the stage Philadelphia Press
Admiral Dewey has won new laurels
His capture of Manila Js likely to maie
him commander-in-chief-of the
American fleet Boston Journal
Messrs Dewey and Merritt have issued
a protocol of their own whose terms will
not need construction with the aid of s
dictionary and --a- grammar Louisville
Courier Journal