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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1898)
art i T A IKz u -WT - V -- - f WJr y rt i t Iw -d ac f A jrt 5H a - V -- lllJCi VOL XIIL THiS AND THAT Coming Events Democratic Senatorial Convention Aug 20 Fpullst Senatorial Convention August 20 Teachers Reception Aug 20 WatsonS Lecture Aug 24 Edilh Turner ElocutionistAugust 2G O E S Entertainment August 31 Old Settlers Reunion Sarks Sept 2 and 2 Labor Day September 5 School begins Sept 5 P opuhst commissioner Convention Sept 9 democratic Commissioner Coneiition fcept 9 W L Gieene Sept 10 Populist Countv Com ention Sept to Democratic County Convention -Sept 10 Republican Comr Contention Sept 17 A Newberry of Cody was a county seat visitor last Friday Geo Rienert made a flying trip down the road Saturday Bruce Moore of Merriman register ed at The Donoher Sunday Mrs T 0 Hornby returned home from Chadronunday morning C II Bullis has sold the Ft Nio brara mail route to John Dillon A sister of J E Thackrey is work ing in the county treasurers office T Fowler and wife of Sparks regis tered at the Valentine House Sunday 2 E Gardner or Norden was in town yesterday on his way home from Omaha S F Gilman of Davenport Iowa is looking after his business interests here this week Geo ITiggins and Miss Shannon of Brownlee were visitors in town the latter part of last week Mrs Sam Oliver and daughter of Longpine are visiting the family of John Simpson this week The local chapter 0 E S will give a social August 31 Wednesday in honor of the birth of their order John Maher is home at Chadron on furlough from Chickamauga He says that the boys are anxious to get home Charles Carver of Alliance F M Moffitt of Hyamirs and Philip Pull inan were in town from the southwest F riday STH Steele of David City one of Butler countys legal lights was in town Saturday evidently on political business Dr J C Dwyer and wife who have been visiting Hot Springs S D re turned home yesterday morning much pleased with their trip Elmer Dillon a member of the 12lh Infantry who was in the battles around Santiago is home on furlough airdis visiting with his parents We understand that several young girls in this town are doing considera ble wading these dusky evenings Hope they will not get beyond their depth Amos Strong visited Georgia yester day and attached a bunch of stock belonging to Henry Auguslin to secure payment of a debt due Frank jtfiss Edittf Stark has arrived home from the Lincoln Normal and is at tending the county institute prepara tory to entering upon her duties as teacher in the public schools Ah his hearing Monday Chas lmg waived examination and was put under 500 bonds for his appearance at district court to answer the charge ofcboiYalingrpreferred against him in a neigffiioring town stole - s pillow from a hotel and left for parts unknown Thejwilage marshal gave chase to iSethTef but did not recover LUUUjju iuc iuici 6r Jim fl 1 plllOW Xow that the war is over the Pon caJournal has revived the name of Donald McLean and his railroad pro iect The scheme has been dead so long that it- is liable to be decayed K WeiW Frontier Dr I i leys horse- Kad a touch of crtjc after conaing from the post Sat- 1Vay and laid down in the street Itiwas quite freely remarked that the horse was not a democrat orit would neveriiave laid down August 31 is the birthday of Eobeit Morris founder of the Order of the Eastern Star and the local chapter will celebrate the event this year by givinga literary program in Cornell Hall commencing promptly at 730 4clock followed by a supper All Masons with their wives and families L sjnyited 7 St v i1q p a VFj s I If ana as rattlesnakes are so numerous this summer he herewith gives a cure for thi3 poisonous bite which has never failed to cure Take a yolk of an egg one tablespoonf ul of gun powder one tablespoonful of salt mix well together and apply to the wound It will soon fill with poison and should be removed Repeat same until poison is drawn out Norden Boredlis nold your yall er Iegged chickens until September The M E confer ence convenes in Gordon on Sept 8 and there will be about fifty preachers to feed Chickens will be in demand then E E Crane a young ranchman from southeast of Merriman was in Gordon last Tuesday and made this office a pleasant call He came up to get Mrs Crane who has been taking treatment at the Gordon hospital Gordon Journal A J Plumer shipped two cars of cattle from this point Wednesday night He shipped to South Omaha Miss Ella Still well of Valentine was in our town Monday She was selling books and registered at the Commer cial There is considerable talk of estab lishing a telephone line from this city to Pullman in fact a petition has been circulated and we are safe in predict ing that Whitman and Pullman will soon be connected This-is- an excel lent move and should receive the hearty co operation of the citizens oi both places WJritman Sun Done representatives or as many different bridge companies were in town Monday attending the meeting of the board of county commissioners These were they Geo F Ivony of Des Moines A M Blodgett of Kan sas City Al Bohr of Leavenworth P H Everhard of Kansas City J F Griffith of Des Moines M J Under wood of Kansas City M L Scott of Wahoo L E Boyle of Omaha and A McLouth Kansas The last named geatleman has been in thebridge busi ness for thirty years and has grown gray in the work while some of the representatives were mere striplings without even a suggestion of a beard Mr Underwood was the lucky bidder this time and the others made things lively good naturedly for him during jthe evening ic v A i TeachcrH Institute The teachers have taken the town and the hearts of half our young men are in a state of siege Thirty five pairs of eyes grown sharp with study nnd teaching greet ed Miss Stoners words which opened the sixth annual Cherry county teach ers institute Prof C M Pinkerton of Lead S D and Tt II Watson of Valentine are the instructors aud Miss Stoner conducts the institute in person Yesterday forty one namc3 appeared on the institute rolls as fol lows Ashburn Mabel Bennett Maude Carlson Alma Dunham Clara Doyle Inez Fowler- Mrs Folks Maude Gordon Mrs Hubbard Lottie Hayes Lizzie nahn Mabel Lincoln Isis Burley Amy Bowring Jessie Collett Tacy Doty C H Edwards- Jean Fairhead Laura Gordon F F Gee Mrs C A Hamar Floreuce Hornback Mrs B Harden Mrs M R Maxwell Martha Morgareidge Je Morgareidge Rosa McLaughlin Ke Peyton Eva L Petti John Myrtle Richardson L Stark Edith Stinard Ada Smith Inez Thorn Bert ha 130 215 215 24o 245 250 250 330 330 415 Eoberts Fanny Shaughnessy Mary Stinard Ida Shaughnessy Mgie Tillson Laura Towne Mabel Watson Mary C The work has proceeded smoothly and without interruption from the first morning according to the follow ing program 800 815 Opening Exercises 815 900 A Arithmetic B Grammar 900 945 B Arithmetic A Grammar 945 1030 U S- History 10 30 10 40 Intermission 1040 1125 Bookkeepingi 1125 1200 Physiology 12J0 115 Noon l15 l3u Oueninj Exercises English Literature Civil Government Intermission Orthography Didactics Prof Pinkerton teacher of arithme tic history physiology civil govern ment and didactics Prof Watson teaches grammar bookkeeping litera ture aud orthography Rev Moore conducts the music atJheopening ex ercises With -such a corps of in structors the teachers cannot fail to re ceive great and lasting benefit from their attendance at the institute Both Prof Watson and Pinkerton are witty as well as wise and they manage to keep their pupils interested while giving instruction illustrating many important points with apt anecdotes Ye editor dislikes to criticise anv thing pertaining to our schools but he feels that things are not as they should be in Cherry county Of the 41 teach ers who attended the institute yester day he knows 01 but two whom he would care to vouch for as gentlemen Tis sad but true Prof Pinkerton delivered a lecture to the teachers and their friends Tues day eyening on The Three Greatest Ideas of Life which is said to have been a splendid thing Our reporter failed to furnish us an abstract of the Professors talk much to our regret State Superintendent W R Jackson visited the Institute yesterday and gave the teachers a talk last evening CommiSHioncrs Proceedings Valentine NEjfipAiig iri9 Board of county commissioners met as per adjournment Members present P Sullivan chairman WA Parker and T P Spratt On motion Geo Elliott was granted duplicate of holdout for 322 to use as refunding order that amount hav ing been erroneously held out at June meeting On motion John F nook was ap pointed road overseer for road district 2To 17 On motion the petition of G H Fol som and others to vacate road run ning northwest from Merriman to South Dakota line was rejected On motion the affidavits otthe Han sen Cattle Co and the assessor of Loup precinct that 92 head of cattle of said company had been erroneously assessed in Loup precinct was acted upon and the clerk ordered to draw a refunding orderfor 1210 on the county treasurer On motion bids for four bridges ad vertised for in July were opened and found to be as follows Canton O Wrought Iron Co 1935 BelefpntainBridge andIronCq 2413 T VALENTINE Published for Four Years ftp CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY AUGUST 18 1898 Edith F Turners elocution enter tainment will be Qne Methodist church August 26 1898 W E Haley is having a furnace bath tub water closet and Are place built in his new house This will make one of the most complete resi dences in town when finished and will bo a credit to our city One of the mo3t severe electrical storms of recent years visited Valen tine Monday Kain fell to the extent of 87 of an inch aodforj an hour or two heavens artillery poured forth a terrific fire lightning and thunder be ing almost constant T P Spratt favored ye editor with a halt bushel of early Ohio potatoes Monday which were raised in a coun try where it never rains They were large firm and mealy in fact the best we have had this year Tom says he will have about 500 bushels just as nice as the sample Dr Wm Donoher left Tuesday morning for Omaha where he will vis it the Exposition for a short time be fore resuming his practice in St Louis The Doctor is one of the Valentine boys who are making namc3 f anthem selves in the world and everyone here is interested in his welfare Dr Dwyers barn was struck by lightning yesterday and considerably damaged A number of pigeons which had taken shelter in the barn were kill ed During the storm the first of the week live head of cattle and a horse belonging to Ghas Sears below Fort Niobrara were killed by lightning At their meeting Tuesday evening the school board re employed C W Maxwell as janitor for the school building for the ensuing year T C Hornby was awarded the contract for furnishing the school supplies It was reported that Miss Bruner had been elected to a position as teacher in Nor folk but we are informed on good authority that the report false School will begin Sept 5 One of J B Swims horses got bit by a rattle snake one day this week Kapsas City Bridge Co 2120 Mo Val Brge and Iron Works 2167 a McLouth 2130 free E King Bridge Co 2375 Farnsworth Blodgett 2347 Canton Bridge Co 2377 o R Sheeley 2250 The Canton Ohio Wrought Iron Company being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract for 1935 Whereupon the board adjourned to August 16 1898 August 16 Board met pursuant to adjournment members all present On motion the board proceeded to the treasurers office for the purpose of checking up his books and accounts to July 1 1898 Finished checking up tieasurers books and proceeded to other business On motion the report of fees receiv ed by Arnos Strong sheriff to July 1 1898 was accepted On motion the report of fees re ceived by W R Towne county judge to July 1 1898 was accepted On motion the report of fees received by J W Daniels county clerk to July 1 1898 was accepted Whereupon the board adjourned to August 17 1898 August 17 Board met pursuant to adjournment members all present On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn ou county bridge fund L B Belding lumber and bridge work claimed 23 10 allowed 21 60 On county general fund Hiram Cornell rent Aug 97 6 67 BSing balance due caused by error in filing claim for August 1897 On county bridge fund J W Yeast bridge material 1 00 1 S Ludwig 8 65 On county general fund State Journal co supplies 1 53 W R Towne State vs Geo Hisliop c K Davenport Thacher supplies poor 5 00 On county bridge fund T P Spratt iewing bi idye sites 12 00 F G lieese road woik 8 10 On county general fund J W Daniels recording ollicial bonds 5 5 25 John ScdLicuk State vs 5 50 J W Daniels erpenses 2d qr 1893 9 57 Amos Strong State vs Derling 48 8S On county bidgBturr It Kansenrepairiifg bridge 1 50 On county general fund niram Cornell rent July 1803 GG C7 Crabb Vincent comity supplies 1 50 Davenpoit Thachersppplies for poor 3 05 State Journal Co pub bridge notices 12 50 Amos oiroujj niaie vs ucrnug 0 to Davenport Tlucher supplies for poor 2 35 L D Barnes assessor 50 00 35wtml Perry clerk returns 8 00 a lhur Sawyer -100 James Hudson judge 4 00 Win Hnes 4 00 A 1 Kusicie 4 00 J W Daniels fees dist com t CO 00 J H Qtugley supplies for poor 4 00 On motion the following amounts were deducted from the above allowed claims and applied upon delinquent personal taxes J II Quigley 5 i 00 L D names 50 00 F G Iteese 1 80 LK Belding 21 GO On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the county general fund Alfred Lewis salary as county yhys 12 50 Daenpoit Tliacheusupplies for poor- G 85 u G ID State Journal Co supplies 30 00 On motion the following claim was allowed on the county bridge fund and warrant ordered diSwn D 6 Ludwig bridge material 12 05 On motion the clerk was ordered to draw retunding order in favor of F E M V R 11 for 13677 same haviug been paid under pi otest Also refund ing order on county treasurer in favor of J Bates for 80 csnts same having beea paid under protest On motion the road petition of II D Webster and others was laid over to Jan 1898 On motion the clerk was ordered to draw a refunding order on county treasurer in favor of W R Towne for 6500 same haying been errone ously assessed in 1896 On motion the- petition for bridge across the Niobrara at Brewers ford of A J Brewer and others was taken up Commissioner Sullivan voting to reject Commissioner Parker voting to lay petition over to June 1899 and Commissioner spratt voting to allow said petition As a result petition was laid over to June 1899 On motion report of fees received by L U Stoner for 2nd quarter 1898 was accepted On motion the annual settlement of M L Richardson road supervisor road district No 28 was accepted and vvairant ordered drawn on road fund for 1800 On motion the bids for furnishing the county with hard coal for the year CLOTH N f Mm 3 f 5l i 1 I C A YTells J5VBLLS WELLS BROS O iM I u T Office over CJievry County JBanJz ending July SI 1599 were opened and bids found to be as follows Fischer Ludwig per ton 9 95 Geo Hornby 10 80 Fisher Ludwig being lowest bidder was awarded the contract at 995 per ton On motion the petition of A J Plumer and others to bond Cherry j county for the sum of 5000 to bu ild 1 a court house was taken up informally discussed an laid over to October meet ing On motion the petition of W A Shelbourn and others to have road laid out and bridge built across the Snake river near se corner of ne of section 11 tp 30 range 32 was grant ed On motion the board proceeded to the jail to inspect the same Return ed and ordered the sheriff to have the jail whitewashed On motion the following claim was allowed on the county general fund D btinurdr mdse for poor 3 GO On motion the following amount was deducted and applied on delin quent personal taxes D Stinard 3 00 On motion the holdout for 4 of Wm Cavanaugh erroneously heid out at June meeting was can celed and clerk ordered to draw war rant for 4 on county general fund On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund W A Parker com fees 11 60 TV S Barker pub treas state 27 00 On- motion clerk was ordered to cancel holdout for 180 erroneously- heldont on F G Eeese and draw a warrant in his favor for 180 on county road fund On motion all justices are strictly forbidden to give orders for supplies or medical attendance to poor unless absolutely known to be paupers Whereupon the board adjourned to August 18 1898 spi - Continued next week- - 0 NO 30 GSAL To make room for other goods we are going to close oiit all Mens Youths and Boys Clothing regardless of cost Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS YOU WILL ave Money T o o fT t By buying at our store A lfiue of Drugs Oils Paints Yarnism ete argest line of WALL PAPER in STortfmvest Nebr tionery A M MORRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB Elliotts Pmg Store 0 M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST 3 Hprr cutting and shaving yfcp in the W H Closes building liOT AND GOLD BATHS OWMORBY WATGHMAKEB - AND - JEWEEEE Fine line of plain and fancy jew eliy constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner J Full- line of sporting goods S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa invention improbably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential Handbookon Patents sent free Oldest acency for securingrpatenta Patents taken throujrh Munn Co receive special notice without charge in the Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest dr dilation of any scientific Journal Terms 3 s year four months L Sold by all newsdealers MM g Co36lBroad New York Branch Office C25 P St Washington DC THE ELKHQRN RAILROAD orth Western Irne is to be to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of NORTH NEBRASKA V f 1 Je s wuiuc ciis mmueuuc uaso ui 11 1 i m 1 VALENTESTE NEB 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijnrra v