The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 11, 1898, Image 4

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Soains Rfiolv Delivered to
Was the Understanding that Ho
Should Resign at the Close of
Hostilities Will Probably Be One
of the Peace Commissioners
Back to Private Life
In connection with the probable selec
tion o Secretary of State Day as one of
the peace commissioners it is stated that
he will at an early date be released from
the office of secretary of state and after
concluding his labors as a member of the
commission will resume the practice oi
law in Canton Although this is the first
public announcement that Secretary Day
intends to retire from public life it has
long been known to his most intimate
friends that when he accepted the port
folio he did so with the understanding that
he would resign his office immediately
after peace had been restored between
Spain and the United States
French Ambassador
Washington Aug 8 The reply of the
Spanish government to the peace condi
tions laid down by the United States was
received by the French ambassador M
Cambon shortly before 4 oclock this
afternoon The reply came in sections
the dispatch first received giving only the
opening passages of the Spanish reply A
few minutes later another dispatch
brought a second section and these kept
coming uninterruptedly by a procession
of messages until seven sections of the
reply had been received at ten minutes tc
4 oclock when the last part was still tc
arrive In the meantime the cipher ex
perts were at work and by 430 oclock
they were abreast of all that portion of the
reply received up to that time and there
was a lull from that time pending the ar
rival of the concluding portions
Late in the afternoon the president re
ceived an indirect intimation that the
Spanish reply had come to the French em
bassy A cabinet officer who was with
him at this time said on leaving The
information that has come from Madrid
about the action of the Spanish cabinet
indicates that Spain has accepted our
terms in a general way but leaves several
questions open that we did not include in
the terms submitted The communication
offering these terms was explicit merely
stating such points as would be left open
to further negotiations We will stand on
these terms
The contents of the reply will not bo
given to the public for several days
North Dakotas Metropolis Almost
Wiped Off the Earth
Fire destroyed the best portion of the
city of Bismarck N D Monday evening
licking up hundreds of thousands perhaps
millions of dollars worth of property
The flames originated in the agents office
of the Northern Pacific depot Almost
before they were discovered the entire
building and the immense warehouse of the
Northern Pacific Company was in flames
Oil and powder cotributed fuel and before
the flames could be controlled they had
spread to the block across the alley
destroying the Tribune Harris hardware
store and the entire row of buildings
The flames then leaped the street to the
magnificent First National Bank Buiding
which melted away in a few minutes
The Central Block followed and the flames
Bpreaft to the postoffice sweeping over the
entire Mock and carrying down the post
office Merchants Bank Block Griffin
Block and all the intermediate frame and
brick structures The fire then spread
across and devoured Kupitzs store and the
greater part of the block The flames also
spread north into the residence block and
completely gutted it Firemen were
powerless to check the inroad of the fire
which spread to hundreds of buildings
Every drug store in the city burned and
all the groceries but two also the news
paper offices and the great bulk of the
business portion of the city with several
blocks of residences Many people are
Three Killed and a Number Hurt
Three men were killed and a number of
mail clerks severely injured at Canton
Mass Monday by the express mail from
New York to Boston jtynping the track
The dead are James Sheldon engineer
G F Knowlton fireman G S Therfelt
engineer who were riding in the cab
Plunge Into Erie Canal
Two cars on the Belt line trolley road
went through Bradleys bridge near
Whitesboro N Y ami seventeen pass
engers were precipitated into the Erie
Canal Miss Mary Brady of Utica was the
only i eraon killed Several were injured
Weekly Bank Statement
The New York weekly bank statement
shows the reserves decreased 2011000
loans increased 12700030 specie in
creased 2483000 legals decreased 500
003 deposits increased 15371000 circu
lation decreased 118000
Indinn Institute Closes
The Indian Teachers institute has closea
after three weeks of successful meetings al
Colorado Springs Colo Colorado Spring
will probably be chosen ns Iho place ol
establishing a permanent Indfan institute
Suoooeda in Jbftpding Mori tuid Aim
on Cuban Soil
The steamship Wanderer returned to
Key West Saturday after effecting a suc
cessful landing of arms and ammunition
at three different poiuto on the Cuban
coast She left Key West early in July
with a force of Cubans anxious to join
their fighting compatriots and 118 mem
bers of the United Slates cavalry to pro
tect the landing of about 2000 rifles and
carbines with nearly a million cartridges
On July 23 she attempted to discharge
her cargo at Bahia Honda province of
Pinar del Rio but was fought oif by a
force of several hundred Spaniards The
steamer then went to a poiut about six
miles east of Bahia Ilonda where she met
a small party of insurgents from Col Car
illos force but no Spaniards About one
third of her cargo was discharged here
and twenty five Cubans were put ashore
The Wanderer then headed for the mouth
of the Manato River where on the night
of July 30 she landed without difficulty
about the same quantity of arms and am
munition and seven Cubans From there
she went to Puerto Padre where the re
mainder of her cargo and men wore dis
charged A11 three landings were made
without the necessity of firing a shot
Body of a Young Woman Found in
the JLake
Lashed about by a chain to which was
fastened a hitching weight the body of a
young woman clad only in underwear
was found on the government breakwater
at Milwaukee The body had been in the
water for some time and was so decom
posed that not a vestige of the features
remained The raiment on the body was
of the finest quality the white underskirt
being trimmed with hand made lace and
the undervest being of silk This latter
garment was stained with blood The chain
With which the body was bound was im
provised foe the occasion as the twenty
pound weight had been fastened to it not
by a snap such as is used on hitching
chains but by prying a link which had
not been closed again A post mortem
examination was held but the physicians
were unable to come to any conclusion
owing to the condition of the body The
police hope that someone will identify the
underclothing by reason of its being of
hand make so far as the lace trimming is
concerned The police admit that it can
not be a case of suicide
Wife Kills Her Husband and Then
Shoots Herself
A murder and suicide occurred at
South River a village six miles from New
Brunswick N J Sunday Charles Yo
hitnsen a blind man 48 years of age and
his wife Christia three years his junior
were both found dead It is the general
opinion that the woman killed her hus
band and then committed suicide The
Yohansens managed the Hoffman house
a little hotel on Main street The two did
not live happily together often quarreling
aboup money v j
Nansens Steamer Sighted
The Norwegian brigantino Tiber Cap
tain Flogstad twenty two days from Rey
kjavik reports passing Nansens Arctic
steamer Fram on July 14 in latitude 6216
north longitude 5026 west The Fram
was proceeding northward and a strong
westerly wind was blowipg It signaled
that all were well The Fram this season
is conveying a private scientific expedi
tion mainly English under Dr Nansens
old officer Lieutenant Johansen
Cervera Goes on a Visit
Admiral Cervera accompanied by his
son Lieut Cervera who have been
prisoners of war at the naval academy
Annapolis Md for several weeks has
gone to Fort Monroe Norfolk and New
port News The admiral received special
permission from the navy department to
go to Fort Monroe to visit the Spanish
officers who are under medical treatment
there He may extend his visit to New
Blaze in Michigan Town
Green Bramans sawmill at Bay City
Mich was totally destroyed by fire Sat
urday night The plant is on Stone Isl
and outside of the city so the fire had full
sway The loss is placed at 45000 in
surance 25000 The origin of the fire is
Woolen Mill Shut Down
The woolen mills owned by Samuel
Williams of Boston and Thomas Sampson
of Winslow at North -Vassal boro Maine
have shut down for an unknown period
owing to poor markets About 600 hands
are thrown out of employment
Chapel of Catholic University Burns
Fire broke out in the chapel of the
Niagara university a Catholic institution
near Niagara Falls N Y Sunday and
the chapel was almost completely de
stroyed The loss is estimated at 7000
The fire is attributed to an incendiary
Rear End Collision
A rear end collision accurred three
miles west of Forest Ohio Sunday between
two freight trains on the Pittsburg Fort
Wayne Chicago railway An engine and
five cars were demolished Three of the
crew were injured
Soldiers Sail for Honolulu
The transport steamers Lakeme and
Charles G Nelson bearing five companies
of the First New York volunteers and the
Second United States volunteer engineers
sailed from San Francisco for Honolulu
Found Thirty Bourgogne Victims
The steamer Hiawatha which went out
from Halifax in search of bodies from the
Bourgogne put into Canso Saturday hav
ing found thirty bodies and buried them
It has sailed again to continue the search
James O Broadhead Dead
Col James O Broadhead minister to
Swizterland under Cleveland is dead at
St Louis Mo
Thefts from Diamond Mines
Notwithstanding the closest espion
age the diamond mining companies of
South Africa lose it is said f200000 a
yikv bj theft --
- -
i i iji i ij
The Spanish Government Is Fully
Convinced that the Answer Will
Be Satisfactory in AH Its Various
Conclusions Other Items
Queen Approves Peace Terms
A Sunday dispatch from Madrid says
The queen regent has approved the gen
eral lines of the reply of Spain to Ameri
cas peace terms The government be
lieves that the United States will accept
Spains answer which will certainly reach
the White House by Tuesday As a con
sequence of the United States accepting
the reply hostilities will immediately af
terwards be suspended
From a well informed source it is learn
ed that while the answer does not discuss
the basis on which the United States
makes essential the preliminary to peace
and which Spain accepts without reserva
tion it points out that in order to avoid
the definitive negotiations being in any
way complicated by incidents of the war
it is expedient to agree before hand to a
suspension of hostilities
It is reported that Duke Almodovar de
Rio the minister of foreign affairs and
Mons Merry del ValSpanish ambassador
to the Vatican will be selected to represent
Spain in the negotiations
The cabinet council terminated after
having completely confirmed the reply to
the United States which it is said ac
cepts the American conditions
Harry Elkes and Tom Liinton Make
Phenomeual Time
Harry Elkes the middle distance bicycle
rider defeated Tom Linton the Welsh
man in a twenty five mile paced raced on
the Willow Grove track in New York
and all records from the ninth to the
twenty fifth mile were broken Linton
broke the worlds record from the ninth tc
the thirteenth mile and on the fourteenth
mile Elkes took the lead and broke all
records up to the twenty fifth mile Elkes
continued and broke the hour record The
new figures are 84 miles and 1223
yards The former record for the
hour was S3 miles 996 yards
held by Taylore Before Linton
and Elkes came on the track Edouard
Taylore the Frenchman broke the one
one mile paced record going the distance
in the remarkable time of 132 3 5 The
previous record was 135 held by McDuffie
Robber and Murderer Who Is
Wanted in Denver
A man giving his name as Jack Wilson
Mo for swindling
was arrested at St Louis
ling a woman out of 5 by the short
change method afterward jumping into
a nearby buggy holding a revolver to the
drivers ltta aml giving his pursuers a
furious chase The police are now con
vinced that- Wilson is Pat Crowe
wanted in Denver for murder and
also for burglarizing Chapins jewelry
store in that city of ti00 worth of dia
monds He was pursued by officers and
shot and killed Officer A J Moon Crowe
served three years for train robbery in
Missouri Chief Campbell received in
formation that he is wanted in Omaha for
burglary Crowe admitted his identity
but would not talk
Denies Responsibility for American
Losses During Massacres
The Turkish porte on Saturday replied
to the American demand for compensation
for losses sustained by American subjects
during the Armenian massacres The re
ply is the same as that given to other pow
ers repudiating all responsibility for the
losses In the course of the farewell audi
ence of Dr James B Angell the retiring
American minister to Turkey the sultan
referred to the war between the United
States and Spain He said he Wds much
impressed with the naval operations and
the terrible execution of the American
guns and ordered the purchase of similar
guns for Turkey
Gussies Wreck Sighted
The steamer Andes of the Atlas line
has arrived at New York and reports that
on August 3 the wreck of the steamer
Gussie was seeu on the Colorado banks
off the west coast of Cuba The Gussie is
a small sidewheeler steamer and has been
used for several expeditions to Cuba She
left Key West for Santiago on July 23 and
arrived on July 27 Quartermaster Hum
phries at Santiago was cabled several
days ago from Washington for news as to
her whereabouts He replied that she was
not at Santiago
Brooke Enters Guayamo
Gen Brookes advance guard entered
Guayamo Porto Rico August 6 after a
sharp skirmish in which several on both
sides were wounded The Spanish at
Guayamo numbering 500 were driven
back toward Caya with several killed and
two wounded Three Americans were
wounded none fatally A general ad
vance of the American forces began Sun
day morning from Ponce
Shot His Wifes Seducer
George W Savage of Red Lodge Mont
shot and killed D J Nelson a civil en
gineer the alleged seducer of his wife
Savage gave himself up to the sheriff and
and is in jail but expresses satisfaction
over the deed
Two Train Robbers Captured
Sam Smith and Tom Winn the two
men who robbed the Frisco train at An
dover near Wichita Kan have been cap
tured at Nowata I T
Sicily Shaken Up
There was a severe earthquake shock at
Messina Sicily Saturday The inhabit
ants were panic stricken but there was
no damage done
Drowning ac Quiucy
Edward Gallagher and Frank Frieberg
two prominent young men of Quincy 111
were drowned while fishing Their boat
- -iv T 1rj1 fg irn rniffnnxw I
irttsw 111
n rvnt mm
Conuul Wlldman Reoelvea a Mos
sage from the Insurgent
A Hong Kong dispatch purports to give
the text of a message sent by Aguinaldo
the Philippine insurgent leader to United
States Consul Wildman at Hong Kong
He says
I ask why should America expect me
to outline my pellcy present aud future
and fight blindly for her interests when
America will not be frank with mo Tell
me this Am I fighting for annexation
protection or independence It is for
America to say not for me
I can take Manila as I have defeated
the Spanish everywhere but what would
be the use If America takes Manila I
can save my men and arms for what the
future has in store for me Now good
friend believe me I am not both fool and
rogue The interests of my people are as
sacred to me as those of your people are
to you
Suggests Philippine Regiments with
American Officers
Aguinaldo commander of the Philip
pine insurgents has asked permission oi
Merritt to march his troops through Ma
nila streets when the city falls Merritt
may consent Aguinaldo is becoming
more friendly with the Americans and
suggests the formation of Philippine reg
iments with American officers This prop
osition is well received and offers a pos
sible solution of the present difficulties
American troops now occupy the trenches
in front of Malate the rebels having re
tired The Astor battery and a battalior
of the Third infantry is now at the tront
The guns are within 1000 yards of the
Spanish lines
Tale of Suffering
The schooner Cambridge which arrived
at Halifax brings a tale of terrible suffer
ing on the Newfoundland and Labradoi
coast The party was on a prospecting
expedition and included Dr Morris whose
services were required at Lewis Inlet night
and day to give relief to persons sick and
dying from starvation Large quantities
of provisions were distributed from the
vessel The same condition of affairs exj
ists all along the oast There are 10 JC
persons similarly situated and immediate
relief is necessary The failure of tin
fisheries will tend to further increase thu
Alaska Steamer Missing
Advices from St Michaels of July 25
state that the steamer Del Nirte with 35C
tons of government reindeer supplies and
a number of Laplanders is long overdue
at St Michaels She left San Franciscc
June 1 with four tows all flimsy river
vessels The Del Norte is under charter
to the United States to carry Sheldon
Jackson to Siberia on a reindeer purchas
ing expedition He is now in St Michaels
awaiting her
A Daring Bank Robbery
One of the most daring and successful
bank robberies ever perpetrated in Mich
igan was carried out by six robbers at
Richland Saturday night They secured
5000 in cash from the Union bank and
4000 in notes The safe was completely
wrecked The explosion aroused a num
ber of people who saw the robbers but
dared not interfere with them They es
caped with a horse and buggy
Double Killing at Little Rock
A double killing occurred at the convict
brickyard near Little Rock Ark Mon
days A convict named Bishop was ad
vancing with an axe on J H Fullingham
a guard when the guard shot and killed
him A dismite arose over the killini
tween Warden Giles Hudson and V A
Potts another guard The lie was passed
and Polts shot and killed Hudson
Son of the Singing Pilgrim Dend
Rev H Phillips jr son of the Singing
Pilgrim died at his home in Delaware
Ohio aged 80 Ho was assistant rector of
the Church of the Ascension in New York
city three years
Green McCurtain Re Elected Chief
A dispatch says that the Choctaw elec
tion returns indicate that Green McCur
tain has been re elected cheif of the Choc
tow nation
A Disastrous Fire
A fire in Hamburg originating in spon
taneous combustion amid cotton destroyed
over 1000000 marks value of merchandise
Chicago Cattle common to prime
9300 to 5 75 hogs shipping grades
300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 2uC
to 475 wheat No 2 red 57c to GSc
corn No 2 32c to 33c oats No 2 20
lo 22c rye No 2 43c to 45c butter
choice creamery ISc to 19c eggs fresh
lie to 12c potatoes choice 45c to 00
per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 t
550 hogs choice light 300 to 425
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 red 64c to 60c corn No
2 white 33c to 35c oats No 2 white 27c
to 29c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 375 to 475
wheat No 2 71c to 72c corn No 1
yellow 31c to 32c oats No 2 22c to 24c
rye No 2 44c to 40c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 67c to 69c corn No U
mixed 34c to 36c oats No 2 mixed
23c to 24c rye No 2 41c to 43c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
325 to 425 sheep 250 to 475
wheat No 2 67c to 69c corn No i
yellow 35c to 36c oats No 2 white 26c
to 27c rye 43c to 45c
Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 69c tc
71c corn No 2 mixed 33c to 34c oats
No 2 white 21c to 23c rye No 2 42c
to 44c clover seed 315 to 325
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 77
to 79c corn No 3 32c to 34c oats No
2 white 27c to 29c rye No 2 43c to 45c
barley No 2 45c to 46c pork mess
975 to 1000
Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers
300 to 550 hogs common to choice
350 to 450 sheep fair to choice weth
ers 350 to 500 lambs common tc
extra 500 to 625
New York Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
300 to 475 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 74c to 75c corn No
2 37c to 39c oats No 2 white 31c ti
32c butter creamery 16c to 20c egg
Western 14c to 15c
iKZx if 1
taegmBiimi n iiiiiiuiij jumttuuxa JJBJSW
--T- - - - - -
I m fa nl
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats
Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables
AtStetterB Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA
f AAA Skf5
Of the Choicest Brands
cfcrcrct oweyo0aci crCfCfCroCrof voc00Cocio r
C H COKXELIj President 31 V NIBUOLSON Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Transacted
Buys aad Sells Domestic anil Foreign Exchange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha
JS Hot and Cold Water
v V
Is continually adding improvements and it iB now the
best equipped and most comfortable
Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms
5 or or or or or or cr or or crorcrorororor crororororcrcr cro orororcroror
rww w wnp tt w w wv w w ww
Qherry Qounty Iank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonabU
rates County depository
Notary Public
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Filed
fjri JmU
f s I ml TW
VM IW7 Jae 1
South of Court House
To keep our crreat factory
busy and introduce early our splen
did 98 models we have concluded to
make a marvelous offer direct to the rider
For 3o days we will sell samples of our
swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac
ture and will ship C O D on approval
to any address on receipt of the nominal
sum of 100 if west of Denver S5 This
deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers
part lr you dont want to send money in advance send
your express agents guaranty for charges one way and
we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheel
nT S RTfl N Eeheatrgrade embodying every late improve
USmJLb ment of value lii inch imported tubing flush
joints improved two piece cranks arch crown large detachable
sprockets handsomest finish and decorations Morgan Wright
ment Special price on sample V7rZ
CSS A CK A Hplendid mck eqnal to any for service and easy running Beat IK inch
J seamless tubing two piece crankB arch crown detachable sprockets finely
finished and decorated Morgan Wright quick repair tires single or double tube
high grade equipment Our special sample price 24 00
K WNQT rE Beet mediom grado for 1898 1 inch tubing striped and decorated arch
crown dust proof bearings ball retainers best Indiana or New
Brunswick tires standard equipment 8pecial price on sample 1900
NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed
Do You Want Cheap Wheels
TtrSlMlltZ 1200 to 1600
Wheels Slightly Used Modern Types 800 to 1200
The J L Mead Cycle Co - Chicago
7 kH
S 1
k 3 J
- L 5
s I
1 1
1 I
1 il
v it
1 U