The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 11, 1898, Image 1

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Comina Events
Teachers Institute August 15
County Commissioners August 15
Plnkertons Lecture Aug ic
Democratic Senatorial Conveution Aug 20
Topullst Senatorial Convention August 20
Teachers Reception Aug 20
WatsonS Lecture Aug 24
Labor Day September 5
Populist Commissioner Convention Sept 9
Democratic Commissioner Convention Sept 9
Populist County Convention Sept o
DemocrattcICounty Convention Sept 10
Republican Coinr Convention Sept 17
Judge Hayward was nomi
nated tor Governor hj the re
publican convention yester
day Baker leaving the race
Woodruff Ball of Cody is in town
Mrs Geo Hornby visited in Crooks
ton yesterday
Mrs T C Hornby is visiting rela
tives in Chadron
C S Gould and family have return
ed from their visit east
The town will be turned over to
the school maams next Monday
C R Van Leer of Brownlee reg
istered at the City Hotel Sunday
A new roof has been put on the
warehouse at Elliotts drug store
Geo Schwalm lost his fine white
riding horse by lightning Friday
H E Sears of Cody was in town
Tuesday looking after business mat
Wes Holsclaw went to Eosebud
yesterday to work on Courtis new
J J Guth and family visited with
Sam Hudson and family at the lattera
ranch Sunday
Miss Edna Fisher returned last Fri
day night from her visit to Ainsworth
and Longpine
jSeyen new subscribers in one week
without solicitation is not bad for a
democratic paper
Mrs J B Wells and son Star went
to Butte yesterday morning to join the
Doctor who telegraphed for them
Dr A Lewis has a hydraulic well
and steel wind mill now and can bid
defiance to village water ordinances
Davenport Thacher are making
cut prices on clothiog this week
They want to make room for other
W A Taylor is running the ice
wagon for James Eay in place of Cal
Francis who resigned his job to work
for John Shore
Dr Winder and Major Minor were
in town from Eosebud last evening on
their way to Chamberlain S D to at
tend US Court
Mrs Hollenbeck who has been
keeping house for her brother M
Christensen returned to her home at
Centerville S Tuesday morning
The preliminary hearing of the
case of State vs Derling horse steal
ing in which H S Claybaugh is com
plaining witness will be held Monday
W E Haleys new house is now one
of the most conspicuous laud marks
in the east part of town Half a dozen
men are busily engaged working there
Mrs S M McCune and daughter
Minnie of Stuart who had been vis
iting relatives near Sparks for several
weeks returned home Monday morn
The stock run on the F E has fair
ly begun Two or three special trains
go through here every morning head
ed for Omaha with cattle from the
Earl Comstock shipped twelve car
loads of open box T cattle to Omaha
Sunday A special train was sent up
from Longpine for the accommoda
tion of the shipper
A telegram was received by Anna
Connolly Saturday announcing the
death of her brother Tom who was
employed in one of the chlonnatiou
works at Deadwood
The district G A E encampment
will be held on the Chautauqua
grounds at Longpine August 27 28
and 29 Three sermons will be
preached Sunday Sunday school at
10 a m Everybody invited No
gate P H Eighmy is president and
J M Msadr secretary
The railroad company is building
a side track in town this time west of
the coal shed for the purpose of mak
ing a Y or turn around at the end
of the mill track
J C Pettijohn J A Hooton Max
Viertel and J E Thackrey members
of the republican delegation went to
Lincoln Tuesday morning to attend
the state convention yesterday
Geo Elliott and M Christensen
went oyer to Eosebud Saturday to bid
on a painting and parering job The
gentlemen concluded they didnt want
the job after the wholesalers figures
were read
J W Spirk of Pierce was in town
yesterday on his way to the Hills
Joe hardly knew our little city so
many changes have been made since
his last visit here He is still with
the Pierce Milling Co
Misses L S and A V Waite re
turned to theii homes at Farmington
and TVellesley Mass respectively last
Friday morning after a months visit
at the ranch of their brother W E
Waite of Chesterfield
C E Glover came up from Long
pine Friday afternoon and was looking
after business at the land office Satur
day He reports having worked up a
very good patronage in the land and
law business at Omaba
E Hansen wife and son visited the
Exposition last week returning home
Sunday Mr Hansen is filled to over
flowing with praise for the Exposition
and all connected therewith and con
templates paying it another visit this
Frank Eiggle who Is working on
Pettijohns house had the misfortune
while at St Marys Sunday to drive
a nail into his knee instead of a board
He and Capt Archer make a good
team now hobbling around on the
Ed Corr Elliotts genial pharma
cist wenc to Lincoln Tuesday to at
tend the meeting of the state board of
pharmacy and secure a certificate
Mr Corr is registered in Iowa and
Illinois but had never worked in Neb
raska before
The pump on the laundry engine
broke down last Thursday and in con
sequence many soiled collars and shirts
were worn Sunday Blacksmith
Breuklander repaired the break Satur
day and clean linen is being turned
out once more
The sight of a prominent business
man kicking an irate customer through
the door and onto Main street was one
of the laughable incidents of the week
No casualties but there is blood on
the moon and the storm may break
out at any time
J F House returned Tuesday night
from Omaha where he had been with
the delegation of Indians who repres
ent the Brule Sioux at the Indian con
gress He says Capt Mercer wishes
him to bring 75 or 100 more Indians
to Omaha this month
H O Mead of Council Bluffs was
in town the past week working up in
terest in acetylene gas He has a
number of busiuess tnen looking into
the scheme and a stock company may
be formed for the purpose of lighting
the west side of Main street
T G Garland who has taken the
greater part of the labor off from us
j the past month permitted his morbid
desire for liquor to overcome him and
has been on a protracted drunk hav
ing drawn his pay and left our employ
We regret very much his misfortune
Newport Republican
P J Welsh of Fremont wtio ran
one of the push engines here last
fall returned Sunday afternoon and
will remain here wilh his engine No
16 during stock season Guy Williams-of
Missouri Valley is fireman
on the engine and- Orie Merritt of
Longpine is wiper and night watch
Attorney J A Habegger has again
been honored by the appointment at
the hands ot Judge Munger United
States district judge as referee in all
bankruptcy cases arising under the
new bankruptcy law in the district
which will be presided over by Mr
Habegger consisting of Dawes Sioux
Box Butte and Sheridan counties
1 QMdfon Journal
Published for Four Years as
Nominate Ed Clarke for Conuty At
torney and Dr JLewis lor Coroner
The republican convention was call
ed to order in Cornell Hall Saturday
afternoon by Chairman Eeece who
started the ball rolling with an ex
cellent speech He said he was not
ashamed of the republican party and
since no one had ever accused him of
such a thing it rather indicated the
fact that there is something about the
party that is shameful Therein Mr
Eeece is right The convention was
organized by the election of J C Petti
john chairman and W S Barker sec
retary Judge Tucker moved to al
low all those present without creden
tials to vote but was ruled out of or
der by the chair T P Spratt J W
Tucker and Ely D Valentine were ap
pointed a committee ou credentials
C H Cornell W Honey M E
cei jtf noDson ana a winsiaw were
given the job of preparing resolutions
for the convention J W Tucker J
A Hooton and P W Pruden were in
structed to report a peimanent organ
ization and the convention adjourned
until 1 p m
Upon reassembling the temporary
organization was made permanent
the credentials committee reported
and the committee on resolutions read
the following
I The republican part- proud of its- thirty
seven years of humanity development and pro
gress at tins particular time is making history
vhi2h places our nation at the head of the en
lightened nations of the world the admiration
yet at the same time envy of the monarchies of
the old While that isso it is not too much
for us republicans to say that our grand achieve
ments of ths last year are due to the able un
partisan statesmanlike and noble work of our
President Wm McKinley and his able advisers
who averted a war as long as possible but when
war became tkfi only alternative prosecuted it
With a vigorous and determination that has
shown these Uaited States in an altogether new
light We therefore commend every act of our
national administration whether it be finance
commerce or war
II We endorse the republican protective
tariff commpidy known as the DingleyltJlllw
and through its merits watch daily the Increase
in the price of beef mutton wool cereals and
note the advance m wages of every character
even to that of the hay hands of the sand hills
are thankful that we are no longer aimlessly
miring in the slough of despondency but are
steadily marching up the hill of prosperity as
did lately our brave heroes up the hills of El
III We seud a greeting to our Cherry county
b oys who are off to war We are proud of them
as the best product of our grand republic No
words of praise are too strong for our country
men who are today at the front indicating that
we are a re united country Sank and John
ny fighting side by side all pvoml to be called
Yank Their acts of devotion and sacrifice
make us all proud to be called Yank For
those who fell we feel sure they have met a sol
diers reward and for those who remain we fer
vently hope Cuban tever will not disseminate
where Spanish bullets failed but that they may
very soon ali have landed on our Amercau
shores where our American skill will soon have
restored them to their former health and vigor
Whether we lose them however through bullet
or fevers the republican party stauds where it
alway stood for the liberal care of those who
are disabled1 or are dependent on those who
IV The republican party stands for prin2i
ple has no desire to fuse no combinations to
make to get oillce While many of us appreci
ate an office is a good thing we put party prin
ciples in the foreground and relegate trades
fusion etc to our demopop traders
V In county affairs we are not too narrow
to give credit for etliciency and devotion to the
whole countys interest We therefore com
mend the work of our county commissioners
without regard to party who for the past sever
al years and up to this date through the xer
cise of good businuss sense are bringing the
county so rapidly out of debt aud placing it
among the first of the state
But little enthusiasm was manifest
ed over these resolutions though they
were read very nicely apd with great
dramatic effect Judge Tucker pre
cipitated a great -whirlwind when he1
arose and objected to the use of the
word unpartisan in describing Mc
Kinley and the war The Judge evi
dently wanted it distinctly understood
that this was a republican war fought
by republicans and for republicans
but wiser counsel prevailed and the
resolutions were adopted as read It
will be noticed that while other officials
are endorsed and their acts commend
ed County Attorney Walcott who is
now voluntarily retiring from poli
tics to use his own words after a
service of seven consecutive years as a
republican official is entirely overlook
ed This is gratitude with a vengence
and Walcotts friends are apt to resent
the covert insinuation that he is not
worth endorsing
In a neat speech C H Cornell nom
inated Ed Clarke for county attorney
and the convention made the nomina
tion unanimous
Dr A Lewis nominated J A Hoot
on for coroner but ttatt gfcfttleraan de
clined saying Df is out of
7 iT Zxstt I
-- -
order and out of his head too so I
will nominate Dr Lewiy Despite
the Doctors protestations he was nom
The following delegates were elect
To state convention Viertel
Hooton Thackrey Clarke Pettijohn
and Tucker
To congressional Cornell Lewis
Walcott Vincent Eeece Wm Hook
To senatorial Winship Pruden
Peyton Ormesher Hanchett and Bar
To representative Tucker Spratt
Strong Brewer Clarkson and Kelley
Cornell Polen Honey Viertel and
Tucker were made a committee to fill
vacancies should any occur on ths
Then came another firey scrap in
which the convention generally took
part Tucker wanted the convention
to nominate a candidate for superin
tendent contingent upon the office be
coming vacant but the rest of the
delegates couldnfe see it that way and
sat down on the Judge The same
thing occurred when he wanted to in
struct delegates to the representative
Through a little manipulation here
in town the commissioner convention
was adjourned to meet in Merriman
on Sept 17 C S Eeece was re-elected
chairman of the county central com
mittee and the following precinct com
mitteemen named after which the
convention adjourned
Deweylake Hutchinson Eli Wins
low Irwin Winship Kewanee Boden
Lavaca Peyton Minneehadnza Vier
tel Merriman Folsom Schlegel Or
mesher Sparks Brewer Table
Spratt Valentine Walcott Woodlake
Buried in it Ufowont
One of the saddest accidents that
has ever occurred in Chewy county
ftook place in the sand hills southeast
of Valentine laft Sunday afternoon
about I oclock when Eoma and Ver
nia Davis aged 11 and 4 years respec
tively were buried alive by the caving
in of a blowout
In company with friends- tlie two
little fellows went out at 9 oclock to
pick sand cherries After filling their
pails with fruit they went into a blow
out one of those queer cavities form
ed in the sand hills by the action of the
elements- presumably to rest Shortly
after the sand bank fell in burying
the boys beneath it When discovered
by Paxton Horn back and Frankie
Davis Eoma was buried under two
feet of sand and Vernia was almost
covered one little foot alone marking
the resting place of the body The
parents Mr and Mrs E L Davis
were notified and removed the bodies
to their home about six miles west of
Woodlake Funeral services were
held at Woodlake Monday the Eev
Saml Holsclaw preaching the sermonr
which was listened to by a vast eon
conrse of sympathizing friends
The foregoing facts are furnisned
by a friend who trusts that the heart
broken parents will leave all to Him
who doeth all things well and truats
that God will give them grace to so
bear their trial that when the- sum
mons comes they will be prepared to
meet their loved ones in a better land
Institnte Announcement
The dates and places for holding the
lectures and entertainments during
the coming sessions of the Institute
are as follows
Tuesday evening Aug 16 Super- f
intendent C M Pinkerton of Lead
City S D will deliver hi3 lecture
The Three Greatest Ideas of Life
Saturday evening Aug 20 A re
ception will be held in the public
school building
Wednesday evening Aug 24 Prof
R H Watson will address the people
upon the subject Factors of Child
The lectures beginning promptly
at 8 oclock will be held in the M E
church No admission fee will be
charged and a cordial invitation is ex
tended to everybody to be present and
participate in the various meetings
held during the Institute session
We had the pleasure last evening of
viewing a night blooming cereus own
ed by Mrs Towne The blossom was
a very beautiful thing but it lasts only
lone mght
NO 29
All work executed1 with promptness
and accuracy
Office at residence east of- ML E church
500 Jleivaril
Lost A fine black and white set
ter dog Answers to the name of
Paul Was first missed about July
23 500 reward will be paid for
his return to Ir C 11 Bahtii
27 Ft Niobrara Nebr
H G Ingersoll of Chadron arrived
here from Valentine Wednesday
morning where he has been looking
for stray horses It seems he hired a
man in the vicinity of Valentine to
keep them tor him but the fellow
went away and left the horses to take
care of themselves Rushville Stand
Rev O T Moorer of Valentine de
livered a lecture in the M E church
last night on the subject of Xone
sense Mr Moore was a former pas
tor of the church and a bright man
His lecture was well received
Miss Mabel Marsden arrived in
Ainsworth last Fiiday from Valen
tine intending to visit at home a
couple of weeks but was called back
to Valentine Tuesday She is a very
pleasant young lady
The court house was struck by light
ning in three places last Thursday
night during the heavy storm No
damage done but it seems from the
number of times lightning has got
after the structure that it is a regular
Soodoo Airuworth Star Journal
To make room fo
other goods we are
going to close out all
Mens Youths
and Boys
regardless of cost
Davenport Thache
Save Money
By buying at our store A line of
Drugs Oils Paints Varnish etc
T argest line of WALL PAPER in Northwest Nebn
0 A complement of Toilet Articles Perfumes Sta
Elliotts Drug Store
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the JY H Moses building
O A Wells J B TVelt
Office over
Clierry County Bawl
The Itand McNally Official Guide am
Hand Book of tbe Railway and Steam Navl
gatlon Lines of the United States Dominion o -Canada
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Devoted especially to transportation lines lntti
terrltory of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys the laki
region Including all lines governed by the time c
theSOth meridian Central Standard time and wkt
thereof having also condensed and through tlm
tables to all other sections
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