The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 28, 1898, Image 1

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business We understand that Mr
King is trying to convince the Sioux
that he is the prober man to ernploy
for the purpose of looking after their
interests with the government The
position of counsel for the Indians is
what is generally called a soft snap
Pete Deedty was over from the res
ervation te first of the week and era-
ployed James TSalloway to plaster his
new house for him Enoch Flowers
came over with him and visited with
his wife and family a day or so Pete
sas Enoch is a dandy carpenter and
that he will pound the side of the
house sooner than do nothing while
Enoch declares that Pete dont care
whether work is being doue or not
so long as lie keeps making the
Coming Events
Teachers Institute August 15
County Commissioners August 15
ltepublican County Convention August G
Democratic Senatorial Convention Aug 20
Topullst Senatorial Convention August 20
Labor Day September 5
Cobs for sale at the mill
The Democrat 1 per year
Born to W A Taylor and wife
-last night a boy
The ioo win fce placed ot the Bar
ker building this week
Dr Hardin came over from Rose
bud Tuesday on business
W M Anderson one of the Cody
cattlemen was in town Tuesday
Several of Sam Hudsons friends
-want him to run for representative
Bepresentative conventions will
probabablybe held at Norden this
Arthur Gore returned from his vis
it to the eastern part of the state
3T MSageser returned last night
and the Exposition
from his visit to Omaha
W D llorgareidge and
S L Ellis were in town x Monday
from Simeon
If you want to rent a good house at
a reasonable price call on the editor
of this paper
Indians have been in town in force
Ahis week for the purpose of hauling
corn to the Agency
C E White came up from Norfolk
Sunday night to Iook after some prop
erty he owns here
Mrs Good received a telegram Mon
day night announcing the death ot an
aunt in Wintersst Iowa
Miss Kibbey who has been visiting
at Donoheis went to Gordon on a
visit Tuesday afternoon
Ered Gordon is the latest aspirant
for the place which will be lefG vacant
by the resignation of Miss Stoner
Chas Linebrink of Chesterfield was
in town Tuesday See his advertise
ment of money lost in another columa
Prof J C McXare of Arabia was
a caller on this great moral and re
ligious dispenserof knowledge Mon
H W Dunbar formerly of this
place but now of Crow Creek S D
has been in totfn this week looking
after business interests
RKara of Norfolk was in town
during the last week with John Stidn
brecher who had unloaded a couple of
cars of cattle at Georgia
Mart Welch and Charley Tate
broke a window light in Stetters
saloon Monday afternoon while scuffl
ing on the sidewalk in front
Lost Between Simeon and Valen
tine book containing 2 cheeks and 5
currency Emder please notify W E
W Aite Chesterfield Neb
attorney Morrissey is putting in the
week -at Omaha seeing the Exposition
imdwill return after the state conven
tion at Lincoln next Tuesday
The Palace Saloon will in future be
prun by Henry Stetter alone the firm of
Stetter Bros having dissolved partner
ship this week J G Stetter retiring
Operator Ness returned home to
Hot Springs S D Saturday and Mor
gan recently of Osceola Ibwa is now
working the night trick at the depot
Walter Morris of Omaha and bro
ther A E Morris of Woofflafce were
m town Monday The former made
final proof on a timber claim while
W H Cox the new Superintendent
of thejndustrial sdhool at llosebud
was in town last night with his wife
They weut out tb heir new location
E Sparks has moved into the
Strickland property after thoroughly
repairing the same Elden says he is
not going to move again for two or
three months at least
at lleichard will be in Valentine
at the Valentine House August 5 6
and prepared to do all kind of den
tal work at lowest pricesi All work
warranted i 27
Reports received here from Chaut
auqua indicate that the present ses
sion is the best held for a number of
Two carloads of stoneware were re
ceived by five of our merchants this
week We noticed that there were
more jugs in the lot than anything
Rev J M Bates will hold regular
seryices at the Episcopal church Sun
day July 31 instead of the first Sun
day in August Mr Bates will go to
Omaha from here to attend the 2jJx
Dr Evans and wife of Valentine
are in the city Bumor says that Mr
Evans will buy the Jones drug store
and locate here The interested par
ties will neither deny or confirm the
rumor Keya Paha Call
R M Walcott wife and son and
Katie Noble went to Longpine Sua
day morning to attend the Chautau
qua The Judge returned the same
night but the others are spending the
week on the gjounds
Edna Fischer and Minnie Dewoody
went to Ainsworth to visit friends
Saturday Minnie returned but Miss
Edna remained during the week visit
ing with Fannie Clarke and attending
the Longpine Chautauqua
Lost A fine black and white set
ter dog Answers to the name of
Paul Was first missed about July
23 Liberal reward will be paid for
his return to Lt C H Earth
Ft Niobrara Nebr
J G Stetter was down from Cody
-and spent a few days the first of the
week with his wife He says that
The White Elephant is doing a fair
ly good business and Cody is one of
the best trading points in the North
Sheriff Strong will sell -under execu
tion Thursday August 4 at John
Larsons place in Irwin precinot 125
head of horses The sale will take
place to satisfy a judgment held by
John Bachelor against Geo E Bart
Mr and Mrs A T White for sever
al years past residents of Valentine
passed through Chadron this morning
for Alliance where they go to make
their home For several years Mr
White has been county treasurer and
clerk of Cherry and is one of the pion
eers of that big county Chadron
Chas Derling who is accused of
stealing a team of horses from H S
Claybaugh of Crookston last spring
has been located at Worthington
Minn and Sheriff Strong has gone
after him This is the only criminal
case that we know of which will have
to be tried at the coming term of dis
trict court
J C Dahlman of Lincoln and P
G Cooper of Crawford were in town
Sunday evening on their way ri6rne
from Rosebud where they had just fin
ished delivering 800 head of horses to
Uncle Sam for the use of the Indians
Jim went to Linc61n Monday
morning and Pete left for Craw
ford Sunday night
The Rev J C Sloan ot Alliance
was to have held services at the Pres
byterian church Sunday morning and
evening but was unfortunately taken
ill and forced to cancel his engage
ment although in town at the time
He has been taken care of at The
Donoher and we understand is im
proving at this writing
JohnH King an attorney from
Chamberlain S D was in town and
at Rusebud several dys this week on
Published for Four Years as
Still More Facts and FigareH
Cherry county has 5000 worth of
bonds coming due on Nov 20 1905
and 14000 on Jan 1 1909 As we
have ehown in previous articles the
county will be able to pay tbese bonds
when due or if present conditions oon
tinue several years before
The assessors1 returns show that on
April 1 there were m this county 11
610 head of horses At 18 a head
they are worth 209980 There were
at the same time 77292 head of cattle
not counting young calves which at
21 were worth 1623132 There
were 17316 -sheep which it 246
would have brought 43041 The 1926
hogs at 375 would have netted their
owners 7341
While we are talking about assess
ors returns it may be interesting to
our readers to lqarn that there were
only three steajn engines in the coun
ty according to the assessors and they
were worth 3166 each 16 fire and
burglar proof safes worth 1081 only
three billiard and pool taes worth
2100 each 1159 carriages and wag
ons worth 573 55 pianos and piano
fortes worth 1497 104 organs and
melodeons at 748 and three bots
worth 133 each Our people evi
dently prefer tin and China dishes to
gold and silver plate because only 97
worth of the latter was turned in
Diamonds and jewelry is becoming a
fad because there is 2502 worth in
the county The railroad property of
the county was valued at 405756 and
the Western Union Telegraph at 7889
Marrow Escape
When within a few miles of the
Agency with the Rosebud mail last
Saturday Ab Clarkson had a very ex
citing experience with a runaway team
The weather was rainy and hail was
falliDg and Ab handed the lines to
his only passenger Johnny Anderson
and left the stage for the purpose of
putting up the side curtains The
horses became frightened the passen
ger jumped from the stage Ab grab
bed one horse by the bit and down in
to a canyon they went Ab held on
until about half way to the bottom
but couldnt keep his grip any longer
so let go The stage turned over two
or three times trie mail and express
was scattered all over the hill but no
body was hurt One wheel the ton
gue and the top of the stage were
smashed to splinters and the horses
ran about four miles but never got a
scratch With the aid of a chance
team the mail was taken into Rose
bud that night and the rig repaired
liiliesrttr Town
Cavl Seeley editor of the Madison
Chronicle who was recently appointed
deputy infernal revenue collector
for this district was in town
dsy afternoon looking after the sa
loons drug stores and cigar manufac
turers and giving information about
the war taxes We persuaded Carl to
stay over Sunday with us and visited
tne post Fredericks Peak Lake Miff
nechaduza and other points Carl
was very much surprised to see so
tnriving a little city located way up
here among the sand hills and thinks
we have a great future Mr Seely is
one of the oldtime newspaper men of
the state having located in Madison
in 1881 and is a very pleasant gentle
man in addition He will visit Val
entine every 60 days hereatter and
make a turn around here his dis
trict extending only to the west line
of Cherry county
Something Must Be Done
tt is time that our citizens ttere
studying the question of providing an
increased water supply for the town
The present supply is sufficient for
present needs and would be more than
sufficient if people did not steal from
the town but it will be inadequate for
next year if all the new taps wish wa
ter for lawn purposes and they prob
ably will iriis is a matter that should
not be overlooked Eveii as it is there
is frequently not over two feet of
water in the tank in the morning
This is offered in a spirit of criti
cism af because no one is to blame
for preseat conditions except those
who have so far forgotten the rules of
honesty that they wantonly disregard
the provisions of the water ordinance
Our present system can with compar
atiYJ small expense be so enlarged
that it will meet all demands
Tens Harrington Dead
Miss Tess Harrington died Friday
evening at the home of her mother
and was buried Sunday atternoon from
the Catholic church in this city after a
lingering illness of a few months
Besides the aged parents who live
to mourn her loss there are three
brothers and two sisters John Har
rington of Grant City Mo Mrs Syl
vest Maggie Harrington J J Har
rington and M F Harrington who re
side in this city ONeill Frontier
Jlissjns Word Contest
Recently a paper in a neighboring
town published the doings which
were not very nice of an elder in one
of the churches The editor dropped
into the elders place just as the elder
finished reading the article The el
der looked up saw the editor and
said just three words The last word
was you Anyone corrctly sup
plying the two missing words will be
given a paid up subscription to this
paper for one year providing the
guess is accompaniad by one dollar
Delegates to State Convention
On account of the hard wind and
hot weather last Saturday the demo
pratc convention was not a large one
only jtwo outside precincts being rep
resented The task of appointing del
egates to the various conventions was
left Jto the ounfcy central committee
and the committee announces the fol
lowing delegates to the state conven
tion M Christensen M F Clynes
Jas Childers Wm Metzger and A
Nenzel Delegates to other conven
tions will be announced in due time
Wolves Numerous
Mrs S L Ellis and two little boys
started Wednesday evening for their
future home at Simeon Cherry coun
ty Mrs Es parents live not far
from Lens ranch
Gray wolves have again given evi
dence of their presence in the vicinity
of runningwater but this time a lit
tle further down the stream During
the past three weeks the Jordon herd
which has been ranging on the Adam
Morrow place had four calves killed
and two others bitten so that they
may die The herd has been taken
back to the valley Harrison Press
Returned From Cuba
Sergt Gerber of E company 2th
U 3 Infantry returned yesterday
from Cuba where he was wounded
during the desperate fighting at El
Caney Sergt Gerber was shot through
the hand by a Mauser bullet and was
24 hours without assistance Finally
he made his way to the hospital and
was sent to Fort McPherson Georgia
with the first lot of sick and wounded
At the latter place he received a two
hiontbs furlough and came home at
once to see his wife and children who
were left at Ft Niobrara He says
that Cuba is siuiply sheol and that the
Cubans are not worth much
Bought A Ranch
Wm Ferdon proprietor of what is
generally known as the Comstock outfit-
is in town this week from Powder
River Mont and will make this his
headquarters in the future While in
town this week Mr Ferdon closed a
deal with Geo niggins of Brown
lee for his ranch in the south part
of the county We understand that
Mr Higgins does not contemplate
leaving Cherry county or at least this
section of the state but will locate on
other property owned by him and
Continue to engage in the cattle and
horse business The consideration for
the deal was we Understand some
thing near 10000
iJtf JEvans Leaves XTs
Dr J J Evans has purchosed a
drug store at Springview and has given
tip his practice here The doctor is
not in very good health and the long
and late drives required to be made
i by physicians here were too great a
task upon his strength hence his
move At Springview Dr Evans will
give his attention almost exclusively
to the drug business and in this we
wish him the success he so richly de
serves Dr Evans is a thoroughly re
liable man and while sorry to lose
him as a citizen we congratulate his
new home upon its acquisition Dr
Compton late of Texas will occupy
the offices vacated by Dr Evans in
Quigleys djug store
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office at residence east of M E church
The ItaiidOIcNally Official Guide and
Hnuil Book of the llailwuy and Steam
Ration Lines of the United States Dominion of
Canada and Mexico
Devoted especially to transportation lines In the
territory of EkeOhlonnd Mississippi walleye the Iafco
reeion inclndinsr all lines covcrned by the time of
the 90th meridian Central Standard time and west
thereof navlnsr also conaenseu ana tnrougu
tables to all other sections
Subscription S3 00 pen year 25 cts per eopr
Pttblirhers ard Proprietors
1C2 to 174 Adams Strre t Chicago HI
NO 27
open their eyes too at the values are now offering
One of the most serious prob
lems that confronts all prospective
housekeepers is the great original
outlay necessary for setting up an
establishment If they would
only come to us we wonld show
them how easy it is to make a lit
tle money go a long way VTe
can make veteran housekeepers
JSTo indeed We have carried on the war against
King High Prices too long to think of giving up
now Great slaughter among summer goods this
week Prices are way down
c or
e Mcdonald
OoOQo0gcO cecrcrcrccxCCcfCfcrcxi
O Jirt
o o
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
C A Wells
J B Wells
Office over
Uherry County Sanlc
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
qnlclcly ascertain onr opinion free wnetner aa
invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential- Handbook on Patents
sent free Oldest aeency for seenrinffpatenta
Patents taken throngb Munn Co receive
ipeclal notice withont charge in the
Scientific American
A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest dr
cnlatlon of any scientific Journal Terms S3
vear four months tt Soldbyall newsdealers
MUNN Co361802 New York
Branch Office 25 P St Washington BC
orth Western Line is to bs
to and from the
Urn -