itt f i h t V I is I i y ft VOL XIII THIS AND THAT VominQ EvoutH Democratic Convention July 23 Teachers Institute August 15 County Commissioners August 15 Itepublicun County Convention August Gj Democratic Senatorial Convention Aug 20 Populist Senatorial Convention August 20 luibor Day September 5 Colts for sale at the mill Remember the democratic conven tion Saturday t 3Trank Hook is down from Cody this morning S Kewman of Cody was in town Saturday C A Johnson was up from Wood lake yesterday G W Iterge of Pass was in town the last of the week Everybody and his best girl was out buggy riding Sunday J R Wallingfcrd of Kennedy spent Sunday in town Treasurer Thackreya new house is being pushed to completion Lord Bennett have been ip town from the ranch most all week L X Layporte went to Brownlee on business yesterday morning F K Bivens was over from Rose bud Sunday to visit his family Y G- Stevenson and E H Lambie of Woodlake are in town today F J Murphy of near Brownlee was in town on business Monday P W Pruden of Merrimau regis tered at the Valentine House Tuesday Wm Hower took out the south mail this morning in place of A T White Arthur Gore is visiting with friends in the eastern part of fhe state this week 0 J B Sweeney of Pullman was in Donoher Ira T Richardson was iu town this week looking for men to work in the hay field J G Gibson is moving into the Vhite property ou Cherry street and will rent rooms Grand Secretary Gail of Fremont is in town today and will attend the Odd Fellows lodge tonight John Hofman gave a blowout to hjLs friends Saturday night in honor of his marriage a few weeks ago A M Morrissey returned Monday morning from Chadron where he had been attending district court A Oakley of Ainsworth was in town yesterday making final proof on a timber claim near Brownlee A T White and family will move to Alliance this week and will take charge of a hotel at that place Ed Clarke went to Ainsworth yes terday afternoon to meet an old friend who was in that city on business A traveling soap game done up the town to the tune of about 35 or 40 this afternoon Stuart Ledger C J Anderson wife and child of jSTeligh were in town Sunday while on the way to visit their ranch near Cody Mr and Mrs L F Corbitt and daughter Bessie were up from Ains worth on some land business Tues day Mose Howard was in town this week in the interest of Perrine Cook Co the South Qmaha commission firm Miss Etta Myers returned to her home in Seneca Mo- after a pleasant visit with her brother John Brown at Rosebud Dr Will Donoher of St Louis is visiting his mother and sisters in town this week having arrived here Mon day night Arkansaw Bob was in from the ranch the first of the week alter re pairs for machinery and supplies for his hay hands Mr G G Davis one of the day school teachers on the reservation lo cated at Little Crows camp was in town Tuesday Sparks and the Sth cavalry will play ball at Ft Xiobrara Sunday afternoon A hot game is promised INbrden lays the soldiers July 3L A - THE VALENTINE D C where she had been attending the meeting of the National Teachers Association Miss Stoner says that Washington 3s her ideal city A dancing party was given at The Donoher Tuesday evening iu honor of Dr Donoher and it has frequently been referred to since as the neatest and most pleasant affair that has taken place here for a long time Married at Hyannis Nebraska Monday July 11 Mrs Specklemire to Mr J T Ilawley The bride is the daughter of J H Yaryan Sr of Pull man Nebr and the groom is a ranch man living near Pullman Whitman Sun A W Miller the telegraph opera tor who relieved Arthur Gore last week became a little too gay to suit the railroad officials and he was re moved last Thursday morning and W J Ness of Hot Springs sent to take his place J C Welles and wife left Wednes day for the Armstrong ranch in Turtle creek precinct with a bunch of cattle Merle Rowland went along as head cow puncher and Bert Pinker ton as chief of the wagon train Butte Gazette The shipment of wool from this place has already amounted to about 100000 pounds this season and fully half as much more is yet to be mark eted The revenue from this source will be no small thing this year Kim lull Observer P S Roueche of Brownlee was in town yesterday as a witness in the Oakley final proof case Pete says everything around Brownlee is in a flourishing condition and thinks that Cherry county is one of the best in the whole country W E Haley is making prepara tions to place a stone foundation un der his residence and raise the front part of same another story These contemplated improvements will give him three new rooms a bath room and a furnace room Not since white man set foot in the Black Hills has the water supply been as low as it is now Creeks that have for years been raging streams have either withered to a miserable rivulets or have gone outof business entirely and stocK is showing the effect of the J dryness Stu rgis Advertiser so that it draws 7 per cent interest hence it is deemed good business pol icy to npt pay off the bonds at this time as tlje county is making from one to two per cent on the money it has borrowed The county now has on hand about 000 in cash the small est amount for some time since the sinking fund is being invested in war rants and the various obligations of the county are being paid The road fund and the bridge fund of the coun ty are cash funds and have several thousand dollars to their credit Anv warrants drawn on these funds will be paid upon presentation to the treasur er All general fund warrants will be paid about a year from now In some of our sister counties claims remain on ile from two to three years before they are even acted upon Then the warrant remains unpaid for a year or two Under these conditions bills are generally made from 10 to 50 per cent higher than they would be if the claim ant did not have to wait so long for money Cherry county is not bother ed that way Ferstls Fruit Farm Ye editor and family and G II Rienert and family ban the pleasure Sunday of visiting John Ferstls place about 6 miles south of town and although the thermometer tried to burst the glass on that day we felt amply paid for the trouble Mr Ferstl is located on the Niobrara and does a general market gardening business It is Ferstl that always has the ear liest and freshest vegetables and fruits and the biggest strawberries He has in his orchard about IoOO fruit trees 1000 of them being apple trees and the rest cherries plums pears prunes etc Most of the trees are beginiug to bear his cherry trees being especially forward in this re spect In addition to these trees he has hundreds of raspberry gooseberry blackberry and currant bushes all yield ing handsomely We gave ourselves cholera morbus eating fruit but we didnt mind it siuce it was of home manufacture John is an old bache lor and he keeps three men busy car iug for his place besides a number of boys during the fruit season Not only has he ten acres of tame fruit trees but the woods near him are fill ed witli wild plums and grapes A visit to Ferstls is good for the soul -of a Nebraskan and speedily con vinces the stranger that with only or dinary care fruit trees and bushes can not alone be raised in this drouth stricken west but that they can be made to yield handsomely One queer thing learned by the visit is the fact that the sandy soil raises the best fruit A Pleasant Event Mrs E J Davenport entertained a number of her lady friends last Thurs day afternoon from half past three un til seven Those present were Mes dames A T White May White C S Gould A Lewis J W Yeast J G Stetter Geo Scbwalm L C Sparks H Hoenig and Robert Good Misses Gertrude White and E Mae Davisson and each of the ladies are loud in their praises of Mrs Davenports tact and ability as a hostess The afternoon was devoted to conversation and music and was followed by a very dainty luncheon One on Sageser Sageser the barber is kept so busy trimming hair and shaving whiskers tnat neis unable to hud time fori punching tickets during the week so he has hit upon a novel scheme or at least Webb Hilsinger says he has It seems that Clarence has a habit of vis iting the creek every Sunday and Webb vows and declares that on these visits he takes along all bis barber tickets and a shot gun The tickets are laid on the side of a hill and then Clarence shoots them full of holes and comes home reagy for another weeks I work Buffalo Lake 3 Cleveland 2 Dewey Lake 3 Eii 4 Enlow 4 Georgia 2 German 2 Giilaspie 2 Irwin 4 Kennedy 2 Kewanee 1 I Lavaca 4 - t Published for 3Four -Shears as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHEERY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY J ULY 21 189 J L Roseberry Henry Sherman and Andy yaryan of Pullmau were m tovu on laud oflice business Satur day J H Salzman of Brownlee was in town yesterday and returned hoaie on the afternoon freight by way of Wood lake Miss Herrick raised about 225 here for the -Omaha hospital Prom here she visited Woodlake and then went west to Gordon T C Hornby improved the appear anqe of the awning in front of his store this week by the addition to it of a Greek-Ionic-Corinthian frieze Miss Lida M Herrick delivered a lecture at the M E church Tuesday evening on hospital work and solicited subscriptions for the hospital at Omaha Xe editor is a widower again Mrs Good and haby iu company with her sister Miss Davisson went to LoDg pine this morning to attend the Chaut auqua assembly Mrs Squire Jones and children re- turned from their Valentine visit Sat urday and per consequence Squire has quit cooking his own meals A ins worth Star Jonmal Butch Benard one of the old timers of this country and by reason of the treaty of 68 a member of the Sioux Indian nation died at Rosebud last Friday morning W D Morgareidge is in from Sim eon to meet his daughter Mrs S E Eliis of Harrison and family Mr Ellis is on his way to Simeon overland and will locate in Cherry county People can talk all they please about real estate being valueless but when relinquishments of homestead entries will bring 1000 each as two did here this week we are forced to believe that it is good property town yesterday and registered at The f J - - Superintendent Stoner returned ATnmlnv rrtininr Vf ieiiiY rrfrt I ousliuy ujoiiitut iiuui it noiiiuc wii More Facts and Fsg9JH As stated last week the total bond ed indetedness of Cherry county 19000 The total lastyar was 22 000 but the balance has been paid Of this amount pl4000 is heid by- the state and draws 5 per ceut interest 5000 is held by various individuals and draws6 per -cent interest There is now in the sinking fund of the county about 400 hence the bond ed indebtedness could be reduced to 15000 it the treasurer should so elect However this sinkingiund is invested Wanted Another Convention Now if the republicans will call their senatorial convention for Valen tine we will be strictly in it as a con vention city And why shouldnt we be IvQthing is too good for Valen tine and we have yet to talk with a roan who would rather visit some other piace than Valentino ai rains a Kesitlnce J O Pevtijohn has commenced work on his new residence It will be a two story structure the main part of the building being 30x30 in size and when completed it yill be an orna ment to our town Jims old dwell ing has been moved to the rear of his lots and will be moved away as soon as the new house is completed S W Holsclaw did the moving and he and Gus Carlson will do the work on he new house Acres ot Grain According to the assessors reports there is now under cultivation in Cher ry county 7726 acres of wheat 7644 acres ot corn 1432 acres of oats 26 acres of barley 9G acres of millet and 13S acres of rye These figures are not accurate by any means sev eral assessors failing to make returns They are given for what they are worth The total number of acres of improved lands was returned as 7S 126 of unimproved 352140 Chautauqua Excursions On July 21 23 29 and 30 the F E will sell round trip tickets to Long pine account of the Chautauqua for 185 from Valentine good returning until August 5 On all other days of the Chautauqua July 22 to August 2 round trip tickets good until Aug ust 5 will be sold for one and one third fare The Chautauqua promises to be better this year tnan it has been since its Inception Rev Houser the noted evangelist will be present with Miss Runk the Philadelphia soloist Likes the Exposition E J Davenport returned yesterday morning for Omaha where he had been attending the national conven tion of republican clubs and incident ally seeing the Exposition Of the latter Dave cannot speak too highly The electrical illumination at night he ays is especially fine in fact it is the fiuest thing he ever saw The vari ous exhibits are superb and the grounds and accommodations are all that can be desired We hope that every citizen of Cherry county will at tend the Exposition this summer Those who fail to see this great show will have missedone of the greatest opportunities of their lives to post up on modern improvements methods manufactures and inventions last of the Wounded A dispatch from Ft Monroe Va Saturday said the following members of the 12th Infantry were brought there wounded by the steamer City of Washington Lieut W E Dove Privates Barker Gate McGahan Pal mer Corporals Beals and Tiimmer The steamer Breakwater brought in the following privates on the same day Burnham King Bryant Franks Hunt Stevens Swan Wilmer and Wharton Privates Wm P Moore and John N Taylor both of Co E were brought to Old Point Comfort Saturday Privates Alexander James Jeffreys NcNally Naper Smith and Ward were brought to New York by the transport Olivette Saturday W A Allen was biought to Norfolk Va Tuesday Bepuhliean County Convention The republican county convention has been called to meet in Valentine on Saturday August 6 1898 for the purpose of electing delegates to the state congressional senatorial and representative conventions also to nominate candidates for county at torney and commissioner from the third district The representation from each precinct is as follows Boiling Springs 4 Loup 3 Minnechaduza 3 Merriman 7 Mother Lake 3 Nenzei l Pleasant Ilill 2 Schlagle 2 Sharps Branch 2 Sparks 4 Steen 2 Table 3 Valentine 12 Woodlalts 5 THE SPANISH This is about all that is left of it for the young King to take home as a souvenir since Sampson and Dewey are through with it but if the people o Cher ry county want J now something more Full line of sporting goods S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All wosfc executed with promptness and accuracy Office at residence east of M E church VALENTINE NEB r 25 i22o0 CQ If ISSUED MONTHLY CENTS Tlie RjiiuIOIcXally Official Guide and Hand Book of the Hallway and Steam Navi gation Lines of the United States Dominion of Canada and Mexico Devoted especially to transportation lines in the territory of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys the lake region including all lines governed by the time of the 90th meridian Central Standard time and west thereof having also condensed and through time tables to all other sections Subscription 3300 pen ycab 25 cts per copr THE A31EPICAN RAILWAY GUIDE CO Publishers nnd Proprietors 162 to 174 Adams Street Chlcagoi Dl NO 26 -4 X 33 Z3 NAVY J r ifc substantial to take home with them we would advise them to purchase their goods from us as by so doing they will make a saving of from 10 to 20 We ae headquarters for summer dress goods straw hate underwear boots and shoes See Grand Window Bisplay of Heroes m nflunLrt GENERAL MERCHANTS A AAAdbAd AA JJ J - 4 1 89 49 89 49 W 69 89 Intervention YO lTlflonr f n 1irT fc mTI - 4K j j uiuwu u uavx utiiiitju uii uie war ajjainsu King High Prices too long to think- of giving- nr week Great slaughter among summer goods tliis JPrices are way down E MCDONALD AoV WELLS BROS DEN THE 7T i lit - rrrwrununun nAUHUHunwunuuwiun r - mL yt i i w i s4 v- v - r v c j jr r f J kjt l V- r r r i x a riWw a jP nrm Bmsmm DRUGGlSl OTT T- Largest Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebr PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS GAREFULLY COMPOUNDED SODA AND MINERAL WATERS T A M MORRISSET O kr ATTORNEY AT LAW O O VALENTINE NEB OWMOREY WATCHMAKER - AND - JEWELER Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner O M SAGBSEB ARTIST Hair cutting and shaviag Shop in th W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS C A Wells J B WBLL3 TISTS Office over Vherry County JBanJc 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijTWmra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anrone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free wnetner an invention is probably patentable Commnnica tionsntrictlyconadential Handbook on Patents sent free Oldest airenc for secunngpatenta Patents taken throueh ilunn Co receive special notice without cbarce in the Scientific Judical A handsomely illustrated weekly Larcest cir culation of any scienti3c Journal Terms 53 a four months SL Sold brail newsdealers NG036BadNeWT0rK Branch Office 623 F St Washington D C ELKHOHM RAILROAD Korth Western Line is to b to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of NORTH NEBRASKA x - jk