I si I ij i Kill I l lUWHJfUW quel C J J1 THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher - Official Paper of Cherry Coun ty 3flebraka 100 Fer Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Posfc oCce at Valentine Cherry ounty Nebraik as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid In full On page 4 of this paper will be found complete account of the defeat of Cerveraa squadron by the American flleet Schley should be credited with the victory Shatter has surrounded Santiago de Cuba and only aweits the which are on the way to take the city The Third Nebraska is being rapid ly mustered in at Ft Omaha The American losses at Santiago number about 1800 killed and wound ed Among the killed is John TJhlricb a former Cherry county boy but for several years a soldier in the Sixth Cavalry According to the best ot our knowl edge and belief county warrants are not subject to a stamp tax and neither are ordinary receipts for money Much misunderstanding has arisen over this law but we will soon get on to its crooks and turns When you go to a hotel you select what you want to eat and dont kick because a man who eats everything on the bill of fare pays the same as you do Still you raise the devil if some thing in a newspaper doesnt suit you It always pleases somebody Dont be a philosopher about your stomach and a fool about your head Delphos 0 Herald Since 1866 we have paid pensions aggregating 1949562071 and a whole lot of people charge the hard times and all our woes to that pay ment But during the same time the general government alone paid interest aggregating 2791576712 and the same people say that is all right nec essary an evidence of our thrift pros perity etc Aint it queer The Populists of Nebraska have the opportunity this fall to demonstrate to the country at large their earnest ness in the fight against the gold bug party They should know by tnis time that such men as Yandervoort and his ilk are owned body and soul by the Bosewater clique and were put into the Populist ranks to try and create discord in the party The fact that Bosewater devotes so much of the pace in his paper to the middle-of-the loaders ought to be sufficient proof to even a wooden headed man Ella Stillwell left Monday Bight for a trip west in the interest of a Chicago book concern Wanted To trade for bicycle Either ladies or gents frame Enquire at wig omce The democratic county convention to elect delegates to the state conven tion will be called nest week to meet either July 23 or 30 Anna Lane returned to her home at Lincoln yesterday morning having re signed her position as stenographer for W E Haley Miss McNamee takes her place In the office Tickets to Hot Springs S D good returning within 30 days will1 be sold by the F E M V at one fare for the round trip on June 30 July 5 and 19 August 9 and 26 September 10 and 20 A new sidewalk has been ordered on the east side of Cherry street from1 Bormans corner to the corner op posite Smysers barn New walks are badly needec on north Cherry street also Dr A M Compton arrived in town Friday from Honey Grove Texas and will practice with Dr Dwyer Dr Compton is a bright and eapable young manand we predict for him abundant success in business here Attorney A M Morrissey caie up JromYalentine the first of the week tod spent several days here looking after personal and legal matters Mr Morrissey retorts everything booming la Valentine and bii own practice is incrtftsing at a rapid rate which will be good news to his many friends here Journal - IrrQhadron - ii - t I - ii i i - it Tr i ii i ii ill fcin w M tmmmam I i e - wlif lMUW WW SI V - t 1 I Fourth of July Owing to the large amount of coun ty work thi3 week we are unable to give the celebration a good write up but suffice it to say that everything came off as advertised The parade in the morning was equal to anything ever seen in the northwest the battle ships with their ever recurring broad sides at the crowd being especially ap propriate this year The display of floats by business houses was good those of Hornby Moiey Minnechadu zaMill Tva Efner The Bepublican and E Breuklander being worthy of particular mention Th turnout of decorated bicycles was good and the allegorical floats Columbia saving Cuba The Downfall of Spain and I The U S and the Phillipinea were J as fine as the finest Bobert Martin of Ainswortb G W Miller Harry Harper and F M Sageser made up a drum corps that discoursed martial music all day The program at the bowery was complete in every detail the orator of the day J S Davisson delivering an eloquent address replete with polished phrases and brimming over with wisdom and patriotism which won for him many words of praise The address by Ben Brave the full blooded Sioux was a pleasant surprise and elicited many rounds of applause The free dance in the bow ery during the afternoon and evening received a large patronage and the day and night fireworks were excellent Every prize was paid in cash and every promise made was kept as near ly as circumstances would allow Some events did not fill and the In dian ball team for some unknown reason failed to keep their promise to the base ball committee No disturb ances occurred and but few drunks were seen The winners of the various prizes were as follows Bicycle race free for all Harper 1st Bivens 2d Jolly 3d Slow bicycle race Fischer Pony race Bandail Cogswell Mun houer Horse race free for all Calixt Tate Jones Boys 12 or under foot race White Vachon Breuklander Boys 8 or under Haley Francke Holsclaw Hop-step-and-jump Tate Elliott Potato race Hunter Guth Breuk lander Foot race free for all Tate Thorn McCoy Broad jump Elliott Tate Three legged race Tate Thorn Ogle Myers Sack race White Fischer Novelty race harness hitch and drive 200 yards Grooms Ward Bacing backward Tate Thorn The scrub nine beat the 8th Cav alry boys in the ball game and won the Durse of 25 00 The losers cot 10 00 Best decorated wheels and riders Cora Sparks Ed Morey and Frank Fischer Most ludicrous V Northrop Best float divided between the Mill and Geo Hornby Crow Keservation Mont June 23 1898 In camp today I am about 25 miles from the Crow reservation expect to reach the mission tomorrow Have had lots of rain and mud and high water Crossed the Big Powder river on the railroad bridge at Arvada Wyo Clear creek was more than bank full ferried my dry goods across on a flat boat and forded my wagons and horses I have had some antelope on the trip also some mountain trout the streams are too high to catch many I have had a good time and lots of sport so far on my journey There is lots of emigration west 18 wagons in eamp here very few going east The irrigated crops look fine also the range which never could be beat The Crow reservation is a land of paradise I met with Mr Will Fauver at Sheridan Wyo also Chas Day at Tongue river I have struck some awful bad water on the trip but have had good water since we struck the mountain streams I am in eamp on the Lodge Grass creeK the grass is waist high a good soil and a health ful stream and full of mountain trout We reached the mission June 29 all safe also crossed the Big Horn river all right One emigrant fam ily capsized and drowned one child and one horse the rest being saved by a Crow Indian chief Another fam ily had a narrow escape from getting drowned C C Thompson Billings Mont Be sure tQ read the claims allowed by the county commissioners You may make money by doing it There are now In the clerks office several hundred warrants from one to five years old which remain unclaimed simply because their owners do not read the papers Several school dis tricts have money tied up this way and the district officials should call and tee about the matter Jam es McEldery 8 CO J Miller 8 A Charbonneaui 7 John Newland 8 50 James i udson 8 Albert McNare 8 John Carpenter 6 David Stinard 6 AT white 6 James George 7 CO Dora Break 7 60 jiiiiiihi Oliver Lamoreaux 9 Oliver Lamoreaux State vs Meyer JCMcNare Fred Brodist John Neiss J T Kief Joseph ieasfc Egbert Bonnen Edward Lomas wm Carver John M Coble serving sub On motion the following claims were rejected witnesses State vs Leggett and Frail J A Homback SG L N Lpyporte 6 MaryEads 6 wRTowne 6 Francis Higgins 710 Alice Higgins 710 Andrew Benson 7 50 On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn Jurors April term 1898 J Galloway 15 30 M G House 6 00 VV Gillaspie 18 00 John Haber 6 00 F Baumgtel 2 60 W Body 19 50 M Dunham 16 50 N Ballard 15 00 Frk Fischer 6 00 DaniKrouse 18 80 J H Lyon 20 50 J Martin 620 J Gillaspie 4 00 W Ward Jr 12 00 WKincaid 2 00 Fd Brayton 2 00 D Stinard 2 00 Fred Brayton Eugene Meyer Fred Boctish Earl McNare Ed Colombee Oscar Matthews C B Reyman Alfred welch w V Johnson wm Brealc Clafflin 8 10 6 9 8 10 6 7 70 760 8 80 7C0 5 2 3 2 n 2 12 18 13 2 J W Garner 11 00 F Hoffman 14 50 C H Bullis 6 00 M Welch 6 00 C Beckman 20 20 W Dahlgren 20 00 J Jackson 12 80 H Jaycox 13 10 C A Lovejoy 7 50 J H Quigley 6 00 Wm Taylor 12 00 E Bonnen 4 00 F Brayton 2 00 HJIngersol 2 00 JENve 2 00 Clarence Sageser 2 00 Amos Strong arrest of Clafflin 17 75 State vs Burnett J W Daniels dist court fees Amos Strong State vs George John Carpenter bailiff Amos Strong boarding prisonrs attending court Robt Easley defending Meyer Lillian Stoner exp 1st qr 1898 sal J W Daniels clerk hire dist ct State Journal Co supplies Amos Strong cap Clafflin claim ed 35 allowed J W Daniels 3 brushes offices Amos Strong State vs Riggs Geo Elliott mdse for county Crabb Vincent oil for county State Journal Co supplies C Long assessg Steen prct 98 claimed 71 allowed Henry F Barker assessg Sparks 65 35 040 525 8 00 1300 4150 30 00 605 2S125 1500 14145 10 00 4 50 17 47 290 125 2100 61f0 43 50 Oa motion the following amounts were deducted from the above allowed J5NEJSSEssasTai WAR OR PEACE Clothingand Shoeing just as necessary as ever Ask to see our LADIES SKIRT MACKINTOSHES Our June Clothing Sale this month TAILOR MADE CLOTHING AT UNPRECEDENTED PRICES DSTINARD THECLOTHIER J E Marshal of Valentine arrived in the city Tuesday morning and en listed in Co M He served two years in troop G 8th U S cavalry and was discharged by a special order of the war department Sept 20 1897 While in the service he was stationel at Ft Meaae u ne is acnng as com pany clerk ONeill Frontier Ordinance No 79 An ordinance for the purpose of lay ing sidewalks on the west side of lots 17 18 19 20 21 and 27 in block 12 of the original town of Valen tine Nebr Be it ordained by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska Section 1 That the owners ot lots 17 18 19 20 21 and 27 in block 12 of the original town of Valentine Nebr are hereby ordered to construct sidewalks on the west side of said lots Section 2 That the paid side walks ordered in the foregoing section shall be of plank two inches thick and of any width above six inches to be laid crosswise on stringers 4 inches by 4 inches said stringers to be laid parallel with the front line of said lots and at such a distance apart that the ends of said crossplank will not pro ject to exceed two inches and the length of said crossplank to be four feet Walks to be built in a substan tial and workmanlike manner Section 3 Where the property owners shall fail to build the walks provided for in the foregoing sections within twenty days after the passage and publication of this ordinauce it is hereby made the duty of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Valen tine to construct said walks paying the cost of same out of the general fund of said Village said costs with all expenditures incurred to be assess ed against said lot or lots and collect ed as provided by law Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from arid after its publication P F Simons Attest Chairman A M Moreissey Clerk Commissioners Proceedings Continued- from first page claims and applied personal taxes J W Yeast 2 50 A T White Wm Steele Geo Higgins Thos Dye I H Emery A Lewis T P Spratt Jos Yeast W M Kime T C Hornby J Bichards W S Barker JCMcNare J Miller J Hudson A t White W Johnson J T Kief J C McNare C H Bullis C Sageser D Stinard W WardJr J H Lyon J 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 28 00 1310 9 58 100 5 09 135 14 75 9 40 2100 8 00 4 00 8 00 6 00 8 80 7 80 2 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 5 85 1617 upon delinquent C F CalleD 4 00 M Christsen 4 00 J W Dye L L Morrill A Lewis Z Vachon J C McNare A Lewis C A Gee G Johnson H Bazey J McEldery J Newland Jos Yeast Fd Brayton D Stinard J George J McEldery Jos Yeast J T Kief John Haber JENye Fd Brayton J H Quigley M Welch I 2 00 2 00 4 00 42 50 50 3 00 100 5 50 117 117 4 00 8 25 6 00 810 6 00 5 71 8 60 2 00 2 CO 6 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 6 00 W Garner 81100 Whereupon the board adjourned to July 1 1898 July 1 Board met pursuant to ad journment members all present On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the couuty general fund E E Crane assessg Eli pet 98 claimed 58 40 allowed Danl Sears asng Kennedy 98 claimed 39 00 allowed F E Witt assessg Loup claimed 64 allowed Geo H Reinert printing Danl O Baugh assessor Wm Heelan claimed 59 20 allowed IN Russell assessor Gillaspie u n uorneu rent for May April J B Stoll assessor Pleasanthill F M Seger Table Ed Satterlee Nenzel H Porath German A Hoffman Georgia JHSearby Minnechadza G H Folsom State vs Monnier C R Watson assessor Val L N Layporte Cherry Co vs Slavin claimed 70 40 alwed Amos Strong State vs Hower E D Valentine assessor Crabb Vincent mdse county Henry F Barker assessor Ira Johnson assessor Lavaca claimed 71 allowed Dayenport Thacher supplies L Lauffer assessor Irwin J A Saults VG Carson Cleveland Geo H Rienert job printing Alex Burr assessor Buffalolake Joe Bush finding dead body Thomas Fowler assessor Joseph Yeast State vs Mever J T Kief J C McNare JTKfif GeJge W R Towne State vs Hower Herman Schultz assessor claim ed 56 00 alioM ed P W Pruden assessor claimed 84 90 allowed H A Daniels assessor Amos Strong arrst Geo Bishop Lillian Stoner sal 2d qr 1898 exp Robt Good fob printing F M Waloott sal 2d qr 1898 J W Daniels i exp Frank Fischer wood drayage H Cornell rent Jane 1898 W A Pettjcrew mdse for poor On motion the following were allowed and warrants 55 00 35 25 60 25 10 00 49 00 55 00 7100 66 67 66 67 62 60 44 00 3100 43 40 32 40 5440 1175 116 00 6950 2U70 65 60 125 48 50 68 00 4 60 On motion the claim of Geo H Rein ert for advertising road overseers notices to non resident land owners was rejected On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund in tt rr i uw a iuy gooos county 83 60 On motion the claim of H K Brown g d WeIIs was re jected On motion flio fOln v wiug ciaims were auowea 47 00 48 00 29 00 4 00 67 00 6 00 3100 1 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 53 00 77 00 43 00 2 60 245 00 8 40 6 75 162 50 100 00 7 50 5 50 66 67 128 claims ordered drown on the county bridge fund u b Ludwig bridge material 1 40 9 30 2 75 E F Sanbourn 30 qo John De Brown claim ed 13 94 allowed jj 20 Moran Manince bdge mtrl 53 40 W A Parker viewig bridge 10 00 S B Downing road work 2 00 On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawu on the road fund R F Pettycrew road overseer claimed 28 00 allowed 2 00 Onmc otio ttie claim of LK IV l J J 1 H H H WJP 35 r 1 - 1 1 000 VOLUNTEERS WANTED- TO ENLIST IN THE ARMY Of satisfied wearer3 of our cool cheap and comfortable shirts and shirt waists shoes and slippers socks and stockings straw hats and summer dress goods light suits and neckties This army is not mobilized at any particular point but is scattered over the whole of Cherry Connty and contiguous territory The beauty of enlisting in this army is the fact that you can get your discharge Whenever You want it But i you once enlist youll never want to get out because this army is well treated there are no officers every body is his own commissary sergeant and is furnished with the best tea coffee dried fruits canned goods and groceries in the market and at the very lowest market prices If you dont believe it call and see at the recruiting office m fc a fc M The Red Front Cbe Smith Premier typewriter Beat Value Writing MkUm First In Improvements Hnest Construction aid all Hfih iradc i Typewriter Essentials AKT BOOKLET fEE T T m r j m lwmmMVtt Qritr w pUteJIiu Cbe Smitft Premier typewriter Co Syracuse n u h WjL Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets ing for lumber and bridge Robert Good publishing job printing W A Parker com fees P Sullivan T P Spratt Left ears tagge 5f work was laid over to next meeting On motion the following amounts were deducted froai the above allowed claims and applied on delinquent per sonal taxes Danl Sears 17 30 E Satterlee 8 37 C R Watson 116 00 J C McNare 6 00 J T Kief On motion the bonds were approved F E Witt 14 20 H Porath 2 92 A Burr 12 18 R Petcrew 25 00 6 00 following official Charles S Reece dep county clerk Ed T Gentry constable Irwin precinct Frank G Reese road overseer dist 26 Arthur Heall 16 Ira Johnson 29 John Carpenter deputy sheriff On motion L H Layporte was pointed constable for Valentine pre cinct and bond was approved On motion the following claim were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the county general fund 10 00 7 50 47 50 59 80 49 20 On motion the board adjourned to August 15 1898 Attest J W Daniels Clerk Mfitf 6am Hudson Simeon Neb TJHl Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Lazy a on left shoulder Kange between Gordon and Snake River and Niobrara River All cattle dehorned F C CORSETS American Beauties MAKE SOB FC CORRECT SHAPES ARTISTIC EFFECTS All fJ Lengths EchB NEWEST MODELS FANCY m PLAIN Wc KALAMAZOO CORSET CO OLE MANUFACTURERS DATENPOltT THACHEP Ff--5 Earl Comstock Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left side or hip Also M 969 TG CO OO Horses same as on steer left hip Also C on left shoulder CJ Tjri Thomas Farren Rosebud S D ID 1183 either left aide or hip fTnrPjF on left Horses shoulder Range head of Antelope f JXD J side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Range on Antelope and Spring Creeks Now is the time to subscribe lQ John DeCory Rosebud 8 Some brooded ID 417 on left aides Horses JD oa left hip Range in Meyer Co on Antelope Gowk S H Kirarnel Rosebud S D Also B4U on left 7U4UJ Louis J Kichards JrRJrRRvHl r T I Merrlmao Ks McNitt Bros POBrownleeNeb Right or left side Horses same on left shoulder Earmark Swal low tail clip right or left ear Range Big Creek III jfSfl Charles Eichards CCRl ill uerrfmaa Xb Paul Didier Eoseoud 8 D Horses Cattle hole In each ear Range Bijj and Little White Rivers I DG Steadman Bro3 If 1 17 J Pass Neb Brand on mHn right or left aide nurses and cauieorand on leftside and hip a t A Eknga BoUUk and Wamadttf oreok r Ti 1 t X yr h N t I Y V jl Ui k 1 1 1 VjgSfrM