The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 07, 1898, Image 2
V r r a Mwtetves Sj P fflhkntine democrat ROBERT GOOD Editor and Prop VALENTINE NEBRASKA EIGHT AT SANTIAGO GEN SHAFTRS FORCES BEGIN THE ATTACK Spanish are Driven from their In trcnchments after a Bloody Bat tleRetreat Into the City Amer ican Loss 400 Mostly Wounded The Fight at Santiago Washington July 1 Late tonight the war department received the following from Gen Shatter dated at Sihoney Had a very hot engagement today which lasted from 8 oclock a m till sun down We have carried their outworks and are now in possession of them There is now about three quarters of a mile of open ground between my lines and the city A By morning troops will be intrenched and considerable augmentation of forces will be there Gen Lawtons division and Gen Bates brigade which have been en gaged all day in carrying El Caney which was accomplished at 4 p m will be in line and in front of Santiago during the night I regret to say that our casualties will be above 400 Of these not many were killed Shafter Siboney July 1 5S3 p m via Playa del Este Guantanamo Bay At I oclock this afternoon after five hours terrific fighting the Spanish began to leave their entrenchments and retreat into the city Americans are wounded and are being brought in One man had had both arms shot off and was wounded iu the hip but was laughing - Pfayo del Este Guantanamo Bay July 1 evening The fighting continued until dark Our forces carried the enemys outer works and have occupied them this evening The battle will probably be re sumed at daybreak The American loss is heavy Some estimates place it at 530 Killed and wounded BIG FOUR TO BUY THE MONON Announccmenc of the Deal Made -- by Interested Parties The statement was made in jw York Monday upon the authority of interest identified with the properties that the Big Four is to secure by purchase the Chicago Indianapolis and Louisville President Ingalls and President Brice and their as sociates in the management of the proper ties have come to a definite agreement The Big Four is to buy the smaller prop erty and is to pay for it outright This is the first step in the Big Fours plan Jooking to a consolidation of many prop Gerties in the central west especially those irientifietHvith tlielntuminous coal trade The acquisition of the Monon would give theBigFouran entrance into Chicago whereas heretofore it has used tho Illinois Central tracks and terminals Further more it gives the Big Four considerable Indianapolis and Louisville bushiss shutting off much competition frourthoso sections INDIAN CONGRESS ASSURED Congress Makes an Appropriation of 10000 Therefor A telegram was received in Omaha Fri day from the Nebraska delegation iu con gress announcing the final passage of tho Indian congress bill appropriating 000 to pay the cost of bringing the represent atives of all American tribes to Omaha Transportation will be arranged at once A large reservation has been made on the north tract of the Trans Mississippi Expo sition grounds where the tepees of the hut building Indians will be erected The exposition management will build a mam moth wigwam for the ceremonies per formed by the Indians such as the ghost dance snake dance sun dance etc EFFORT TO POISON CZARINA Arsenic Said to Have Been Given Her Daily in Her Coffee A special from Bucharest Roumauia referring to the report from Vienna that the Count and Countess of Zuanoff said to have been respectively chamberlain of the czar and lady in waiting to the czarina had been arrested on the charge of at tempting to poison their majesties says The czarina showed signs of slow poisoning from arsenic which had heen administered daily to her in cups of coffee by the lady in waiting The czaiina the dispatch adds is very unpopular and is fequeutly dubbed the German New ItitunI for Hibernians The Ancient Order of Hibernians in convention at Trenton N J adopted the new ritual provided and recommended by Bishop McFaul The convention defeat ed the proposition to adopt a national in suranc feature The convention als adopted a new constitution It is with minor changes the constitution adopted by the American body in 1S Superintendent Nichols Resigns Peter J Nichols general superintendent of the Union Pacific railroad has resigued His position as general superintendent will not be filled W R Baxtor now general agent of the freight and passenger departments of tlve Union Pacific at Port land Urc will go to Omaha superintendent of the Union Pacific Hanged by a Missouri Mob X 4Ns - as Three Years for Perjury Alderman Peter Nelson of Minneapolis has been sentenced to three years fh tho penitentiary for perjury To help out Alderman Durnall accused of boodling he swore to a stor3r on the stand that ws different from the one he told the gran I jury Macou Mo special says Henry Williams colored arrested here Thursday charged with outraging the Browitt girls wssrasaisraEsaKa2KJss f EUSTIS FOR GOVERNOR Nominated by Minnesota Republic ans at St Paul- The following ticket was named bv Minnesota Republicans at St Paul Thurs day Governor Wra Henry Eustis of Min neapolis Lieutenant Governor Lyndon A Smith of Chippewa County Secretary of Slate Albert Berg of Chi cago Count State Auditor Robert C Dunn of Mille Lacs County State Treasurer A T Koerner of Meeker County Attorney General W B Douglass of Clay Count j Clerk of Supreme Court D S Reese of Ramsey County Associate Justices of Supreme Court C I Lewis of Duluth C L Brown of Mor ris and John A Lovely of Albert Lea Three ballots were necessary for a choice of governor On the third ballot Eustis had 555 votes 591 being necesaary Changes before the announcement of tjie result brought enough to nominate and the choice was quickly declared unani mous Mr Eustis thanked the delegates for the honor and his opponents Capt Van Sant and Judge Collins pledged their support to the candidate The bal ance of the ticket was put through with out much opposition PLUCKY AMERICAN CAPTAIN Outwits an Attempt of the Kansas Bunk Closed Span- iards to Secure Coal The second case of an attempt to trans fer coal from an American to a Spanish merchantman in Mexico has hi ought out the old time pluck of an American sea captain The 600 ton American schooner Clara A Piiinney of New Bedford some days ago was author ized to clear with 503 tons of pnal from Mobile to Vera Cruz on affidavits of reliable citizens or Mobile that the coal was destined for railroad purposes On reaching Vera Cruz Capt Phinney was directed by L Joublanc his consignee to pJaoe his vessel alongside the Spanish steamer Maria IJerrara In the presence of a group of excited Spanish ers Capt Phinney refused declaring with emphasis that no vessel in his charge should ever lie alongside a Spanish ship much less supply her with coal Exports of coal to Mr Janblanc of Vera Cruz will cease and the department will undertake to fix the responsibility and punishment for the deed WINDSTORM IN MINNESOTA It Blows Down Iiuildings and Dam ages Crops A dispatch from southwestern Min nesota says that a heavy wind ami rain storm passed over that section Wednesday night blowing down buildings and dam aging cops Near Trosky two houses wereticmonsned bat the occiiuauts found safely in the cellar One -girl was badly hurt The depot was struck by lightning and the buildings at the fair grounds were lazed Near Madison -a bari a granery and a school house were demol ished Lightning struck a church Sour mill at Dawson MMILLAN FOR GOVERNOR nii and Democratic Convention in Session ht Chattanooga Tenn The Democratic state conventionin ses sion at Chattanooga Tenn Denton McMillan for governor by accla mation The platform indorses the Chi cago declaration and opposes bond issues for raising war funds declares that non interest bearing treasury warrants should furnish a circulating medium snfuVient to meet requirements The war plank urges the vigorous prosecution of hostilities and ravos the strict observance of lha Monroe doctrine More Men Join ine Suicpr A special from Sharon Pa says All tho coat miners working t Jackson Center Stoneboro and Study Lakes have een induced by the stiikets to quit work and join their iniiks The force of strikers is now about doubled George Barlnur one of the deputy shei iffs has been at - rested and bound over on the eh irge of assaulting one of the strikers Further trouble is imminent Several other depu ties have been sworn in Insane Man Kills His Mother Allien alsh murdered his mother by crushing her skull wirtl an ax He is alfout 22 years old and the crime was com mitted at their home about five miles from LakcTJity Minn The young man had been confined in the Rochester insane asylum but was released about four months ago as cured It is supposed a sudden return of his mania was responsi ble for the deed Thos J Kirbys bank of Abilene Kan I nas oeen taken in charge by the state bank commissioner It has deposits of 218003 cash S7JO00 It was closed for refusing to cut down loans It is thought deposit ors will be paid in full including the county winch has 7000 involved Spain Does Not Get the OVHiggins Flint Co of New York city have re ceived a dispatch from Baech Co their agents at Valparaiso Chili saying there is no truth in the report that the Chilian armored cruiser Almirante Olliggins has been sold to the government of Spain Thanks for Hobson and His Crew The senate passed a resolution extend ing the thanks of congress to Naval Con structor Hobson but with an amendment including his crew This is the first time congress has thus recognized men below the grade of commissioned officers Hits Hawaiian Banana Growers The interruption of recular steam com munication with Honolulu caused by the use of the regular ocean steamers as ports for tho army going to Manila it is said will entail great loss to the banana growers of the Hawaiian Islands Yellow Fever Among Spanish A dispatclfftom Montevideo Paraguay says the authorities there on the request of tlie Spanish government have sent tn was hanged by a mob He died protesting ulja a quanfry of Sanarelli serum to he liisinuqceacetfirf I 1 used in combating yellow fever -- t aiMaKS JSaaiKKjS iiSASiJJjg3fflfrJReSl rf KT BIG SWINDLE UNCOVERED Wholesale Dealers DcfVauded Out of 150000 to 200000 A widespread swindle will probably be exposed by the United States secret ser vice at Wilkesbarre Pa in a few days The swindlers are a gang of men who have been systematically defrauding wholesale dealers throughout the countiy and have made from 150000 to S200000 Last Friday the first move was made when Adolph Blau was arrested on the charge of using the United States mails for the purpose of perpetrating fraud On Satur day Louis Itifkin was also arrested and each gave bail before United States Com missioner Ilahn in 3500 For some jears a number of small merchants in tho vicin ity of Wilkesbarre have failed Some fifty two have already been counted who it is alleged wore backed by Blau and Rifkin The losses of several New York and Philadelphia house were so large that they sent representatives to Washington who asked the postotlice department to interest itself It was found that the mo dus operandi of the combination was to establish peddlers and small merchants in business in various parts of the country obtain by subterfuge a rating for them with Duns and Bradstreets mercantiio agencies and after thus establishing their credit to forward through the mails to manufacturers and jobbers of New York and Philadelphia and other places orders for merchandise After getting a large stock one of the co workers in the swind ling scheme would step in and sell them out on a judgment note thus depriving the real creditors in New York and Phila delphia and other places of their money WAR TAX ON MESSAGES One Cent on Every Message Sent Over the Wires On July 1 the new revenue law requires that a documentary 1 cent stamp shall be put upon every telegraph message trans mitted in tho United States It will there fore be necessary for the senders of mes sages to attach stamps to their messages and to cancel the stamps- in accordance with the law by writing their initials and date across them The Western Union and Postal Telegraph Companies and the caute companies operating have arranged for a supply of stamps at their officesfor sale to the senders of messages who may not be provided with them The officials of the com panics say however that Ihcv are not prepared to provide stamps in suf ficient quantities to cover all the messages sent from their efiics because heir whole uusiness wiUd require the outlay of a huge sum of money in fact possibly the largest outlay demnnded by law GCORGIA DEMOCRATS MEET The Ticket Chosen at rhr Rtnjr Primaries Is Nominated The Georgia state Democratic conven tion met at Atlanta Tuesday night Lit tle interest wa j manifested the work of the convention being merely to put in nomination a teket chossn at the state piimaiies Juno 5 The ticket is as follows Governor Allen D Chandler Secretary of Sate Philip Cook li W ill jam Speer Comptroller General XV A Wright Commissioner of Agriculture Stevens Pmvui Commissioner D G Glenn Attorney M T Terell Aid for Agrichltui al Co legos SeWtary of the Inferior Kites has ap proved a rcconimemlatlon of the of education that each stale and ten iiory be given 24030 for the support of agricultural and mechanical colleges during the fisaal year ending June 7J 1F09 This is done under authority of the act of 189 providing fund to be expended in the advancement of these roileges Newark and Dolnhin Colliilo Secretary Long has teceived wotd from Commodate Remey nt Key West that the liagship Newark with Commodore Wat son on board has been in a collision with the Dolphin Tho Newaik was unin jured Lut tho Dolphin sustained consider able damage It is now on its way north to a dry dock No details arj abtainable Carrnnzn Tioavos Montreal Lieut Carranza the chief of the SpaniMi bureau in Montreal has been missing for somf days and it is said that he has left the city but as far rs can be ascot taine I Ufe has not re u ned to Spain Chicago Cattle common to priu S300 to 550 hogs shipping grades 300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 25J to 325 wheat No 2 red 7Sc to SOc corn No 2 31c to 32c oats No 2 21c to 22c rye No 2 44c toAGc butter choice creamery 15c to 17c esgs fresh 10c to 12c new potatoes choice 70c to SOc per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 tc HIAKKET QUOTATIONS r o c hogs choice liht S300 to S400 sheep common to choice 300 to 425 wheat No 2 74c to 70c corn No 2 whito 32c to 34c oats No 2 white 28c to 2fJc St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 375 to 500 what No 2 73c to 75o corn No 2 yellow 30c to 32c oats No 2 23c to 24c rye No 2 39c to 40e Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to S425 sheen 250 to S425 wheat No 2 red S2c to S4c corn No 2 mixed 33c to 34c oats No 2 mixed 2Gc to 27c rye No 2 39c to 41c Detroit Cattle 250 to 325 hos 325 to 400 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 S3c to 85c corn No 2 yellow 32c to 33c oats No 2 white 28c to 20c rye 42c to 44c Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed S4c to Stic corn No 2 mixed 31c to 33c oats No 2 white 23c to 25c rye No 2 43c to 45c clover seed 2S5 to 295 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring SSc to SOc corn No 3 31c to 33c on is vn 2 white 24c to 27c rye No 1 43c to 45c barley No 2 30c t2 34c pork mess 923 to 973 Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers 300 to 550 hogs common to choice 350 to450 sheep fair to choice weth ers 350 to 500 lambs common to extra 425 to 575 New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 red 85c to 87c corn No 2 SGc to 3Sc oats No 2 white 28c to 30c butter creamery 13c to 18c eggs Western 12c to 14c jimmi wwwnmmwnw i llMJir STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM McCook Man Pound in Freight Car at Omaha With His Throat Cut Asserts it was Done by a Negro Tramp who was Riding with Him Man Pound with Throat Cut As a Burlington freight train from the west pulled into the depot at Omaha the other day a man was found in one of the empty freight cars lying in a pool of blood with three gaping wounds iu his throat lie was unconscious and in his right hand was tightly gripped a bone handled razor Everything indicated that the man had attempted suicide Lut when revived at the hospital he told a story that showed he had been the victim of a murdeious as sault by colored man who had been his fellow traveler The colored mans name he said is Walker Walker jumped from the train after the assault The wounded man gives tho name of Thomas Johnson and ins home at McCook His injuries while serious are not thought to bo nec essarily fatal A terrible struggle took place in the car between McCook and Omaha but the ne gro with a razor was toomuch for Johnson lie says he wrested the weapon from the negio and inflicted a wound on his face It was at this point that Johnson fell un conscious from loss of blood Shnliert Wins a Victory At a meeting of the state board of trans portal i n in Lincoln the matter of the complaint of citizens of Shubert against the B M for unsatisfactory train ser vice was taken up The complaint was made in the name of E W Miushall and set forth that on that particular branch or the B M line tho trains were almost in variably late seldom made connections at other points and the depots being locked at night passengers were subjected to all varieties of weather while waiting for a freight train to arrive The complarnj was found to justify tho followinfftddr which was immediately issued Jt is hereby ordered consKlemKancl ad judged by the state board of transporta tion that the defendant the Burlington Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska put on and operate a passenger train daily each way between Nemaha and Falls City Jonx F ConxEsr President W F PoRTEit Sjcretary Fail to Finish the Contract Messrs Hester McCastin who were awarueu tlie contract for budding the new wing at the asylum for chronic insane at Hastings have thrown up their contract and left the United States Fidelity and Guarantee Company who bonded them to complete Ihecontract The building was Vo have been completed by the 15 h of January but on account of unfavorable u ather the time was extended repara tions are being made to have the contract carried out and complete the building as soon as possible The loss to the Fidelity and Guarantee Company will amount to several hundred dollars Armonr Getting Ready to Kill Workman are engaged in cleaning up the Armour plant at South Omaha prepar atory to the commencement of operations All of the machinery has been tested in order to have everything start off smoothly when the word is given Superintendent Howe said iu response to inquiry that he would bring the heads of some of the de partments from Chicago but the bulk of the 6ieu would be hired from South Omaha Quiuf a number of men have already heencngaged and applications aie being considered daily Wreck at Portal A bad wreck occurred on the Union Pacific at Portal The first section of No IS Conductor Sleeper and Engineer Sad owski m h twenty six cars met with a bad accident resulting in a complete wreck of engine No 732 and five freight cars two loaded with pig lead one with empty beer kegs and two with merchandise- It wits reported that two tramps were but i d beneath the wreck but the ieport is not continued In Ihe Manila Bnttlo Mr and Mrs John Kavanah of Tocum seh have received a brief letter ftom their son Ensign At thur Kavanah of Admiral Deweys fleet The letter was of a per gonal character and contained but few remarks in regard to the battle at Manila Mr Kav nah says it was a terrific encoun ter and that he stood on the bri Ige of the Olympia with tho commanding officer during the tight Family Just Hud Time to Get Out A lire broke out in the residence of Michael Glenuon at Blair 230 in the morning On account of the hose burst ing all the household goods were de stroyed and nothing left of the building but the frame Mr and Mrs Ulennnn liil just time to get up and get two trunks and one bed out Palls Forty Feet E C Laman a uunui retinirnmn ing for the B M mil road at Maisland fell a distance of forty five feet from the top of a windmill tower A bme in his leg was fractured and he is badly bruised Large Crop of Small Grain Franklin County will have the h rgest yield of fcmall grain it has had for yeats Great preparation is being muite to handle it and fainrhauds areheing rapidly taken at double the usual price paid Fatal Fall While John Tinima farmer living eleven miles from Ainsworih was repairing his windmill he f jll fifteen feet striking a pump i od which entered his abdomen He will die Ex Senator Burns Gets a Place Ex Senator Martin Burns of iork Ins received the appointment of deputy re venue collector Postofflee Discontinued The postoffice at Ilawley County ha been discon inued Mail will goto Brewster Investing- Lodge Money in Bonds The board of directors of Thusnelda lodge No 12 Sons of Herman a German fraternal order at Columbus were instructed at the last United States war money in the treasury Arrested for Criminal Assault John Kinkead a man about 45 yearsold who has been stopping at the homeof C T Fenlon six mil js northeast oFOsmondv has been placed under arrest for erirainajly assultiug the 15-year-old daughter of Mr Feuton - - 3 ki J m Srfj Boy Jjost Pierre the 10-year-old son of Q C Alexander who resides seven miles north east of Hemingford left- home last week and no trace of tiim can Be found The boy was herding cattlewhen last seen The countEyfsbeirig searched thoroughly but it is feared that the boy will not bd found alive Any information will be gratefully received by his father Later The boy was found by his father a few rods from the house in a coyote hole into which he had crawled and died It is probable that the boy crawled in the hole after a youngrcoyote and became fastened as it was nefessary to dig him out Shot in the Leg Chris Yocura night watchman at tho Nye Schneider east elevator at Fremont was shot in the left leg one night recently by some unknown parlies who succeeded in making their escape At about 11 oclock Yocum saw six man near the elevator lie ordered them away They walked between the railroad tracks a short distance whenone of them turned suddenly and tired fjhe bullet struck Yocum in the jeft left leg just below the knee He turned and fired several shott at the gang who lan under the freight cars on the switch track r wYMempt Jail Brealr Georcre Kauffman an old fnrmor frnm I near Crawford who 1ms been an inmate of thecoiinty jail at Chadron forsome months on the charge of forgery made a bold break for liberty one night recently lie had succeeded in digging a hole leading from his cell to an open corridor large enough to permit him to crawl through when a youngjnan who happened to be in the jail corridor notilied Deputy Sheriff Ebener The officer reached the jail be fore Kauffman escaped and the latter wr s placed secuiely in irons Attorney Assaulted L M Pemberton a leading Beatrice attorney was assaulted and beaten over the head by the town marshal at Liberty some days ago lie was present to repre sent the Remonstrants in a saloon license the hearing having been begun before the towiijCouneil when the trouble occurred Considerable bad blood haU already been engendered the town boaYd having ic fused toiiear the nse until mniwlfiirmarwi byThe court Mr Pemberton says he was OTgmugajlaw point when the asaultvwas madSsw hlch he declares was entiiely un provoked Details of Lodgepole Shooting Following are the particulars of the shooting of Mrs Frank Winkler near juiwwfciuit xu iiiMers nau a tot oi geese and one old goose hatt been such an annoyance to them that Winkler deter mined to kill it He told his little girl to go into the house and get his pistol She brought it to him andasrhe fired his wife came out of the barn The bullet recoiled and killed her instantly Winkler bears an excellent reputation and is in good ci She leaves live small chil dren Farmer Hangs Himself S E Johuson an old resident of New ark committed suicide by hanging himself to his bed He was one of Hir farmers in that neighborhood but for some time nast has been quite despondont owing to a stroke of paralysis affecting the spine lie slept in a loom by himself and was found dead having tied one end of a rope to the bedpost and the other around his neck and then rolfcig off the bed He w a Norwegian 5f years old and leaves a widow and twouiarried daughters Academy Debt Lifted The f fiends ofWeeping Water academy are feeling jubilant over the lifting of a heavy debt from the institution Having imi uennmiur seyera years and finding the mortgage on tlte building coming due July ttieattentiou m numerous patrons were interested in kfecpftgalivc this emy of learning amPlast Friday the entire debt of Jt32t42 was wiped out The mortgage is pai 1 as vell as instructors and the institution is in better shape than at any time during i s existance Swindled by Conlidence Men Edward D Larson of Hubbard lost ins savings amounting to 105 at the hands of to confidence men iu Muith Omaha They first met him in Omaha and under the guise of an old friend whom Larson had forgotten accompanied him to South Omahi to see the packing houses At a saloon in that city Larson was involved in a game of dice and through the medium of a second shark his monev dkmmejirp t Extends Free ltuntl Delivery The postoffice authorities at Washington have sent information to the Tecueh ollice that the free experimental rural de livery which is operated in a number of office- over the country including the ou mentioned will be ccjuifuueu ui ear The t me previously provided for expired June after being in operation a vcar and-one-half- This gives employment to four mail carrier W a nt s New Engine House Col tint buYis adv6rtising for bids to tear down theoldfengine house that has stood in Frankfort Park the last twenty years and to build I wo fire houses with the old mateiial on the south side of the tfacV to hold the hose carts It is not known just iaL uiociiy win uurio on the site of the old house but it is probable that next year a good city hall will bejjuHt there Kicked by aliorso Dr John B McConnell of Fah City was found in a barn in tliatuiry the olher day iu an unconscious condition Upon exmi nation iiys foii iff thi two of his rios had betit lrokcti He entered tie barn some time during thj night bfjro and was kicked by a horse 4 Harvest in Progress Fall wheat harvest has begun in tlo vicinity of Juniata The acreace is iln laigest hi the history of the county and the yield will be heavj fJThere is the heaviest ci op of clover and timothy lmy known there some pieces making four tons per ace Held for Trial The bootlegging case of II W Monroe and Charles Ellis which occupied the at tention of thecoimty icourt acTekamah for two days terminated in the binding over of both of the defendants to the dis trict court under bonds ofi3 0 each - Premature Celebration A piece of glsVpsofnepowIer and a match comprised fliel materials which oft ia meeting to purchase Z AU3U st weeic ms- bonds with the surplus eured t1ie ce f sonM R s 1 kmson at eajJiHg Water The cheek bone was exposed and the cut extended down through the upper lip - Accidental Shooting route clerk in tlm hpostofficejtasibadlyr injured at Beatrice tyaSiiowrom a revolver The gun was ccidenraIlysbAkei off a shelf and fired mtyty hgpr 5KS2Si3i3SS2aSiS Filibustering tactics were begun in the Senate Saturday afternoon on the Ha waiian resolution Senator Morgan took to task the men who were defying public sentiment and as he said misrepresent ing their constituents and embarrassing the President As a result Senator White made an insinuation that may result in a settlement outside of the Senate cham ber Mr White said that Morgans state ments proceeded from corruption or im becility and the latter intimated that he would require a personal explanation The conference report on the sundry civil bill was presented A long discussion fol lowed on the proposition of the confer ence committee that the Senate recede from its amendment suspending Presi dent Clevelands forest reservation order and restoring to the nublic domain for homestead entry the lands embraced therein Finally the conference report partial was agreed to and a further con ference ordered The House was not in session Consideration of the Hawaiian annexa tion resolutions was resumed on Monday and during the session Mr Clay Deinj of Georgia Mr Roach Dem of North Dakota and Mr Caffery Dem of Louis iana addressed the Senate in opposition to them Mr Caffery had not concluded his speech when tho Senate adjourned The House devoted the days session to consid eration of legislation affecting the District of Columbia The messages of the Presi dent relative to Naval Constructor Hob son the Hudson olbcers and crew at Car denas and Capt Hodgson of the Hugh McCulIough at Manila were not read un til late Few members wore present and the reading was not marked by any dem onstration In the House on Tuesday the conference report upon the bankruptcy biil was adopted by a vote of 13 1 to 53 When the bankruptcy bill was disposed of Mr Ma hon Rep Pa asked unanimous consent for disagreement to the Senate amend ments to the war claims or -omnibus bill and for granting the request of the Senate for a conference Consent was given and the chair appointed as con ferees Messrs Mahon Otjen and Rich- aruson Several bills affecting the army were passed notably being those provid ing for the pay of volunteers from the date of enrollment for service and provid ing for increases in the ordnance engineer and quartermasters departments Al most the entire session of the Senate was occupied by Mr Caffery Dem La in a continuation of his speech against the an nexation of Hawaii At 4 oclock he had not concluded but yielded the floor in or der that the general deficiency bill might be considered The bill was read and the committee amendments- so far as they have been offered were agreed to A precedent that will be historic was es tablished by the Senate at its session on Wednesday For probably the first time in the history of the Senate a resolution was adopted tendering the thanks of Con- gross to common seamen specifically nam ing them in the resolution The resolu tions reeomrnnded by the President were adopted tendering the thanks of Con gress -to Naval Constructor Hobson and the other heroes of the Merrimac and to iiiouis irantv Jd Newcoinb commander of thd revenue cutter Hudson for his gal lant rescue of the Winslow and her crew off Cardenas and retiring on full pay Capt Hodgson of the McCuIIoch for dis tinguished services at Manila Consid eration of the general deficiency bill was concluded and the measure was passed An amendment of great importance was attached to the bill practically bv general consent It relates to the settlement of claims of the Government against th Pacific railroads The biil as passed car ries about 227000000 the largest sum earned by any appropriation measure since the civil war After the passage of the deficiency bill consideration of the Hawaiian annexation resolutions was re sumed The House nfrnr co wi i i dian and sundry civil bills back to confer ence consideration of bills from tho Mili tary Affairs Committee undv uie rule adopted on Tuesday proceeded Notable among the measures passed were those providing for the enlistment of cooks in the army providing for the appointment of military storekeepers for the armv pro viding for the protection of harbor de fenses and fortifications against wanton and malicious injury and giving the Sec retary of War discretion to permit any church or religious sect to erect its house of worship noon tho Wct T- i uuu luiiiiiiry servanon Late Thursday afternoon the Senate cleared the legislative decks for what may be the final action upon the Ha waiian annexation resolutions The last of the appropriation bills that have been pending in conference were disposed of and was a law before midnight After a debate lasting three hours the Senate finally receded from its amendment to the sundry civil bill and adopted the confer ence report on the Indian -appropriation uni jir jate Dem Tenn and Mr Tillman DemS C discussed at length the Hawaiian annexation resolutions The latter discussed the race problem from the standpoint of a Southern man anu was characteristically vigorous in his remarks An attempt to secure passage of the bill to incorporate the international American bank met with determined op position in the House Filibustering was indulged in but it was not effective in preventing the consideration of the biil Adjournment however was forced be fore a vote upon the measure couM he reached The House adopted the report upon the Indian appropriation bill insist ed unanimously upon its disagreements to the Senate amendments to the sundry civil bill end sent the general deficiency bU to conference Odds and Ends A gallon of water holds 231 inches solid A horses respirarion is performed en tirely through its nostrils Fifty pacers and nineteen trotters joined the 210 class in ISO Candles of an extra special make axe the favorite iJluininant of Queen Vic toria Emperor William of Germany has taken up lawn tennis for exercise and discarded mechanical rowing i 4 T 1 r i 1 i r if m n VI