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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1898)
rr Kfl V A T -4 T i C 1 1 J r - t THE vol xnx S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at residence east of M E chorch VALENTINE NEB- THIS AND THAT Vmiiio Events Topulist Convention July 9 Teachers Institute AuRust 15 Cobs for sale at the mill I C Stotts was in town from Cody Sunday Harry Polks is clerking for W A Pettycrew C A Wells returned from Pine Eidge Saturday Samuel Ditto of Gillette Wyo was in town Sunday W S Gillaspie took in the celebra tion here Monday Mary Hurley spent the Fourth with her parents in ONeill Norval Pfunder is working for Jackson Braytonthis week The banks here are anxiously await ing a new supply of revenue- stamps Joseph Stolzie came over from Rose bud to spend the Fourth and Tisit his wife J E Burns of Rosebud was in town last week shaking hands with old friends Ettie R Huffman and H G Wall ingford were in town from Kennedy to spend the Fourth J TV Stetter is building a new barn to take the place of the one destroyed by fire some time ago Miss Anna I Miller of Ainsworth visited with ye editorVfamily and cel ebrated here the Fourth Rev J M Bates coducted pal services here Sunday and Qd the celebration Monday Married at The Donoher Sunday eveniag July 3 D Ml Sfeara and Ed- na Wallingford of Kennedy One of Ft Niobraras ball teams went to Norden and played on the Fourth They lost the game same as the team did here An error occurred in the commis sioners proceedings last week which made a claim of Robert Goods read 15500 instead of 1550 Robt G Easley delivered the ad dress of the day at Ainsworth on the Fourth He reports a splendid crowd and says everybody had a good time The county commissioners have al lowed all claims up to date and have several thousand dollars left to draw upon 50000 were appropriated for wolf scalps E Mae Bavisson came up from Longpine Saturday and is visiting with her sister and little niece the editors wife and little daughter We dont count on this occasion Mrs Marie Dowdelf Mrs Annette Senson Misses Williams Rice Bassett Little and Van Horn Walter Battice and Samuel Bixby teachers on the reservationwere in town Friday on their way east The village marshal asks us to in form the public that on and after July 10 all stock found running at large will be impounded and the owner assessed not less thaa 1 per head for recovery of same C R Watson left for the east Fri day morning in- seatfefe of a new lo cation With Cfearlies knowledge of the drug business- his efficiency as a telegrapher and weather bureau clerk he will certainly be able to find a good location and we expect to hear this news from him soon J G Stetter went up to Cody yes terday where he will with the assist ance of I G Stotts run a saloon Johnnys jolly laugh and good natured talk will be missed on our streets this summer but we wish him success ii his new location Henry Stette n Geo Hershey will take care of thf saloon here state vs Harry Stallermaa 145 70 Amos Strong sheriff fees state vs erow 42 15 J Wesley Tucker prosecuting Morgan 50 00 George A Berky witness fees state vs Morgan 37 80 Adaline Brown washing and ironing for Joe Brown in sickness 2000 Mar E Viertel com fees 1 20 F Hulllvan 17 80 Amos Strong boarding and guarding pris oners W P Slayton cor intuest D Steadman rt Josie Sedlaeok Lenara 1lercy Amos Strong sub witnesses state vs I Schwaberow Amos Strong sub witnesses state vs Mafc tendorf W A Pettycrew word for Jail Amos Strong su witnesses state vs Mor gan Amos Strong Ml- lendorf Amos Strong- Mor gan Amos Strong- Neeiey Amos Strong summoning Jury A Lewis coroners inquest Josie SedlacJc J Wesley Tucker defending Geo Snurr J Wesley Tucker prosecuting John Neeiey H Razev state vs Schwaberow Jas McCormick state vs Snurr John Murray Neeiey Thomas Laird Jurors October term 1P97 E G Bristol 12 00 E E Crancr OD Carey 12 40 DWCollett James Childers 9- 90 WLGohes 1350 JTA Hooton is 00 HiF Hime 16 CO L N Laport 12 00 Barney McNitt 18 60 Wm Pullman 20 00 A E Thacher 12 00 Wm Wagner 15 00 Samuel Chestnut talesman Oct term 97 Ernest Bowden Geo W Burge Chas Dewey WTBullis bailiff AG Shaw Ed Fitzgerald talesman Martin Dew John Williams William Story bailiff Geo Hammond witness state vs- Carter Wesley Massmgale James Galloway John Yeast John Hoffman Geo R Hornby - Jen AVHdlbert wit state vs Schlademan Win -Archer witnesB state vs Neeiey Ernest Bowden - n W W Parsons Lincoln Rickman Nathan Blue Lewis Archer J W Williams Amos Strong Henry Pretty Eagle Francis Little Stallion Pretty Eagle Sr Mrs Pretty Eagle A G Shaw inter L N Layporte GH Relnert Medor Deeville Ernest Erstling Mrs Meltendorf Witnpsses State vs Morgan C R Watson 2 00 M V Nicholson John Yeast 2 00 Amos Strong Robt Easley 2 00 Eldon Sparks W S Jackson 2 00 Geo H Hornby D S Ludwig 2 00 Geo ABcrkey R G Easley pros of John Neeiey R G Easley defending A L Morgan Ed Clarke afty fees state vs Carter Ed Clarke Morgan Ed Clarke Netlcy Davenport Thacher suppl les Witnesses Oct term 1897 State vs Tate James Harman 9 00 James Saults Samuel DeFrance 12 00 C K Smith f J A Saults 12 00 John W Fimnle Peter Peterson 11 50 Timothy Falby Van Pratt 11 00 Witnesses State vs Schwaberow Pruce N Hewitt 21 50 John Mozema Wm L Enlow 21 00 Charlie Carver John Carpenter 16 50 Wm E Jones Herman Bowers 21 50 Wm Dye 9 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 12 00 16 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 200 200 00 2- 00 1100 7 40 7 40 10 70 12 80 10 70 7 40 6 00 2 00 Melbendorf 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 200 200 200 200 2 45 200 2 00 2S0O 2 00 2 00 21 30 35 00 35 00 35 00 50 00 50 00 20 00 11 00 11 50 11 50 11 00 21 50 16 00 21 00 18 00 MO Schwaberow 2150 Mamie Schwabero 21 50 Chas Carpenter 18 o Joseph Fairhead 17 80 John Jones 14 20 Mary E Morgan J S Shaffer 2 00 Stephen Carver EStaufer 17 50 Witnesses State vs Snurr John Haber 8 00 Ed Foster G W Burge 7 50 A B McAlevy DM Sears 9 00 SG Sears John 8 50 Judges election Enlow pre and returns Wm Enlow 25 50 J A Saults Chas Carve 4 00 B H Hewitt elk Stephen Carver ck 4 00 W Enlow use house election Buffalo Lake Judgevand return election Buffalo Lake A C Burr 21 00 J C Bothwell Andrew Yaryan 4 00 Alex Burr elk 14 20 15 50 800 9 00 14 00 Wm Pullman elk 4 00 D Hilt use of house for election 2 00 John Maxwell 11 59 Claude Reece 4 00 ML Walker 4 00 Geo Schwann use of house for election Clerk and return election Kennedy S Q Spain 13 00 CF Cooper elk M Dunham judge 4 John Shores judge F Kime judge 4 Alonzo Ayers use of house Judge and return election Loop Precinct Robt 8 Lee 16 50 Thos McCIean Ira Spencer 4 FT Lee elk EBGrowden elk 4 J R Lee use of house for election Judge election Steen pre and return E Anders 17 Chas Kilgore CNLong 4 Hugh Boyer elfc Thomas Lomas -4 tE Anders use djkouie for election- 400 4 00 200 400 4 00 Judges of electien and return Dewey Lake W LCohee Chas Reece elk 400 4 CO ZOO 4 00 4 Clerk and return election Nenzel precinct Albert Nenzel elk i R Eainfordclk 4 Ed Satterle judge 4 GQuade judge P Hoffman judge 4 School dist 47 use ef house for election 62 Judge and returns Sharps ranch DP White 9 AT Bracket 4 H Lance 4 G Hendershot elk 4 JAW Johnson k 4 Clerk and returns German W A Wilson 8 GO Henry Porath HSchluter Judge 4 00 Peter Jteimers H Cornell rent for October 189Z J Mogle judge and D C Nelson judge returns 9 80 Hugh Mone elk 4 00 MWAHallfon election Thos Fowler clerk and returns 7 CO John Shelooucn j 4 00 Scboodist N0 4 N and returns 8 J B Lord elk 4 School dist No 20 P W Pruden judge and returus 14 30 GHFolsomclk 4 School dist No 70 M E Doty judge and 8- C HI Doty elk- 4 y l F Mogle elk T T Nelson E Bowden elk C Lower judge W J Allen judge J W Beed 3lerk and F F Gordon elk returns election 7 20 AX Folks judge Chas Burns j 4 oo Wm Cavanaugb T School dist NolG si Christ Hoist judge Chas Roberts aiidineturns 16 50 A Short elk School dist No 6 use of house Daniel Hubbard judge J J Stowers j and returns 7 J 3bbson judge M E Hall elk 4 John Granger elk Schoul dist No 12 use of house state vs George L R Carr witness state vs George Stanley Horton witness state vs George Amos Strong jailors fees boarding prisoners 11 fees state vs George fees state vs Lameraux Davenport Thacher goods jor pooc A Lewis physician insanity case Ed Clarke attorney Geo Elliott clerk and recordi Geo Hammond constable W A Parker witness 400 4 Herman IUege 4 Oft J Herman Kelge house for election 2 Judges and returns election It Hanchett 18 50 N W fleffley 4 Ed Valentine 4 00 A P Madsen elk 4 LRSpeerclk 4 00 T E Small use of house for election 2 Clerks and return of election J Sleinbrecher elk 10 20 WPDavisdk 4 S 3 Davis Judge 4 00 Alex Haffman 4 Geo Coleman 4 00 School district 82 use of house 2 Oscar Stair clerk WDKIcketsj 4 and returns 13 70 A 8teele judge 4 S A Winslow 4 00 Thos Nelson 4 School di strict 49 use of house 2 J W Groyesjudge David Leach J 4 and returns 8 60 GCBakewellj 4 Chas Barnes clit 400 Elmer Day clic 4 School dist N07 use of house 2 w E Cady clerk and T Deotler elk 4 returns 19 00 G W Kellar judge 4 Sam Lilly judge 4 00 R TMiller 4 Geo Sheik use of house 2 66 67 4 4 4 3 4 4 u 4 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 Andrew Nelsonj 4 3 MWooUwardclfc J E Thackrey house fbrelectioa JiAHooton boarding Juiws i Jaa Gillaspie judge 1 Russell judge and returns H 00 NStowe judge WmH Carter 4 00 CM Kime R F Gillaspie use of house for election W D Morgareidge judge G W Davis j adge G S Hobbs judge C F Carson elk A D Gallop BobtMcNamfej G H Pruden elk JoHn Ormestier j Frank- HigginJ J Thompsonclk cnas sedore 4 60 Sacob Sedore 4 60 Squire Kilgore 4 60 Hltam Cornell rent for Nov 37 66 G6 Amos Strong fees state vs Meyer 3 Davedport Thacher grods foe poor 3 65 W R Towne issuing certificates to judges and clerks W S Barker printing Oliver Lamereaux witness state vs George FredBowdish Amos Strong arresting Edmond George Amos Strong help arresting E George A Nelson justice fees S M Woodward constable 455 4 4 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 22 4 4 4 7 4 4- 4 2 680 ff 9 19 2 4 4 8I0 M 6 825 6 85 4M On motion the following amounts were deducted from the above claims and applied on delinquent personal taxes David Steadman A Lewis JW Currv D W Collett L L Morrill Ernest Bowden Wm Story JAW Johnson H F Kime E E Crane Ernest Bowden M V Nicholson S G Sears C K Smith Peter Petersen Samuel Chestnut Stephen Carver J S Shaffer Joseph Falrhead Stephen Carver A C Burr Claude Reece M L Walker S Q Spain Thomas McClain Robert S Lee OB Spencer Hugh Boyer Ed Satterlee H Lance Peter Reemers W L Wilson NWHeffly S G Davis Oscar Starr Geo C Bakeweli Thos Dentler J Mogle Ernrst Bowden A J Folks J W Beed Chas Roberts Andrew Short R F Gillaspie Jas Gillaspie Geo N DaviS GHHrudea M E Doty J J Stowers W A Parker s 44 28 50 650 650 6r50 8 25 625 300 9 50 46 W A Pettycrew 6 oa 60 90 W LCohee 13 50 10 90 OD Carey 85 6 84 Barney McNitt 107 24 Samuel Chestnut 2 2 A Steele 16 85 6 George Higgins 18 6 8 55 Geo W Burge 21 13 68 L N Layporte 68 1213 Ernest Erstling 36 7 40 William Archer 7 40 2 OR Watson 2 3 77 Danl Sears 9 11 50 G W Burge 7 50 60 Bruce Hewitt 21 21 60 Charles Carver 4 10 IB 60 John Haber 8 2 Mary E Morgan 1 82 4 37 BHHewilO 4 4 J J Bothwell 352 2100 W 4 4 Chas Reece 4 95 John Shews 400 IS OF Cooper 4 296 JRLee 200 1650 FT Lee 4 4 Thomas- Lomas 28 4 Chas Kilgore 15 4 R Rainsford 3 3 39 AT Bracket 4 4 Henry Porath 4 4 LRSpeer 4 4 K Hanchett 43 195 A Steele 4 713- Elmer Day 185 4- J W Groves 844 136- DC Nelson 4 7 68 W J Allen 4 J 50 Thos Fowler 316 S10 Wm Cavanaugh 4 720 Christ Hoist 8 60 4 Andrew Nelson 4 4 S M Woodward 4 2 Norman Stoner 4 13 37 Wm H Carter 4 4 WD Morgareidge 9 4 AD Gallop 4 6 ME Hall 60 John Granger 4 337 J aco sedore iigi T Squire Kilgore 25 A Lewis 11 SM Woodward 3 A Nelson 14s Whereupon the board adjourned to June 30 1898 June 30 1898 Board met suant to adjournment Geo H Rienert pub notice of bond elect John W Yeast table Amos Strong boarding prisoner jailor guard and court attnd Robert Good pub tax list Job work pub legal notices Ed Clarke judge elect Valentin Wm Steele M Christensen A T White clerk elect CFCaUen Geo Elliott canvassing beard Robt Good P J Donoher L L Morrill delivering ballots Geo Higgins I J A Yaryan Barney McNitt Jw Dye w R Towne fees State vs Tate Thomas Laird Collins C Thomas George Thos Stausbie judge and returns Thos Dore Judge AT Davis JiAStanbie clerk LL Morrill Thos Stanbie house for election- Ed Clarke taking insane to aslum Geo Elliott election certificates w R Towne State vs SiudBrniaa Hiram Cornell rent for Dec F R Yanish making polling booths Irwin H Emery base burner w R Towne State vs Sedlacek amount claimed 8525 allowed- w R Towne State vs Carter Schwaberow claim- V R Towne cleaning office State vs Meyer claimed 7 95 allowed w Riowne State vs George claimed 89 45 allowed w R Towne State vs Lameraux A Lewis 00 phys six months coroners inquest Amos Strong jailors fees and guard duty dray court house an jail Geo EHiottsalacy 4th qj 1897 expenses clafmedi 524 65 cancelledrin settlement Jan 5 98 amount allowed Max E Yiertelcom fees ZV Vachon repairing chair for court P Sullivan com fees T P Spratt F M Walcott salary 4tlrqr 1897 W A Parker com fees Amos Strong fees Bteite vs Lane Evans r criminal cases A Bailey care for poor clrimed31 50 amount allowed Lillian U Stonerpostage 4th qr 97 salary 4th qr 97 J A Hitt wit State vs Tate M JPeterson Joe Peterson V J Cook 6eo Francis Oliver Lamoreaex wit State vs Meyer Joseph Yeast J r Kief JCMcNare GH Hornby Carter C V Massingale Geo Hammond Amos Strong boarding prisoners jailors fees and guard duty Alfred Lewis wit State vs Sedlacek W P Slayton C A Gee Mrs John Grange w M Kime Frank Kime T C Hornby flour for poor J W Daniels recording official bonds Amos H Cornell rent Jan 1898 State Journal Co supplies G w Johnson wood for county T C Horntty supplies for poor GeoKemert pub treas statement Hi Razey keeping Insane person claimed S6 75 allowed Roy Kendal wit State vs Burnett Jarvls Richards iL MsEldery Case H Cornell rent Feb 1893 Davenport Thacher goods for poor Amos Strong fees State vs Burnett w R Towne George P Sullivan com fees T P Spratt w A Parker State Journal Co supplies J w Daniels making assessors books Amos Strong fees State vs Daris boarding prisoners jailors fees and guard duty feesv State vs Legett drayage fees State vs Geerge boarding prisoners summoning witnesses subpoenaing FMwaleottlstqr98 H Cornell rent March 98 w R Towne express charges fees State vs Burnett Legett and Frail J Burnett Davis claimed 17 40 amount allowed JAHooton boarding jurors Amos Strong sub witnesses t jurors W K Towne State vs Claffln Amos Strong sub witnesses Davenport Thacher goods for poor J w Daniels exp 1st qr 1898 salary Amos Strong jailors fees and guard duty w R Towne cleaning office AG Shaw bailiff w S Barker printing bar dockets witnesses State vs George LB Carr 16 Stanley Horton John Neiss t J C McNare Joseph Yeast 6 J T Kief Continued on last page On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the general fund A G Shaw repairing election booths State Journal Co supplies S 150 7175 50 30 60 12 50 250 50 10150 368 68 a CO 4 4 4 4 4 9 2 9 4 4 2 2 665 215 160 26 4 4 4 4 2 12 70 40 760 66 67 250 23 6 825 890 1- 770 920 460 42 50 1310 108 50 26 175 lflO - 455 10 20 720 CO 3S80 M20 KZ5 23 28 8 20 12 45 23 30 210 224 1 1 1 1 1 660 1 3 3 1 1 1 62 108 50 1 560 5 60 660 650 650 135 7275 8 66 67 68 3 14 75 27 9 25- 4o 4 66 67 415 2080 4 75 17 80 710 860 7691 90 4 75 57 50 98 4 70 6 2 69 50 2065 24 75 162 60 66 67 1 245 915 440 610 17 20 530 480 860 37 95 910 25 67 100 16160 160 2160 21 Tk - 7y5M iSfiwt5Eij5 VALENTINE DEMOCRAT Commissioners Proceedings Continued from last week June 29 1898 Board met pursu ant to adjournment Members all present On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the county general fund Geo Elliott fees criminal case 84 45 Amos Strong posting election notices fees JoUn W Curry George Higgin J AW Johnson JIT Kief S Lovelett L L Morrill A Steele Jesse West 108 50 2 00 ff 00 00 175 11 85 6 00 18 35 11 10 13 10 20 70 59 25 50 90 35 00 50 00 21 75 450 128 240 18 00 12 50 It 90 18 50- woo ls CO 14 20 24 00 16 85 14 70 Published for jftrar Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY J gLY 7 1898 NO 24 THE SPANISH NAVY This is about all that will be left of it for the young King to take home as a souvenir when j Sampson and Dewey get through with it but if the people of Cher ry county want something more substantial to take home with them we would advise them to purchase their eroods frnm k a oo tt j -- 0 MO UJ aKJ uvins tney WH1 make a Bavng of 10 to 20 We are headquarters for summer dress goods straw hats underwear boots and shoes Grand Window Display on July 4th Davenport Thacher CxiiJRAL MERCHANTS MftftAft 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 t Corn 50c 0ts 80c 41 ft ft tt 600 ft 1300 UA AAAAAAAAAAAAM oo3 2o35Z5ttZZ53a3oZ5K Intervention Koj indeed We have carried on the war against King High Prices too long to think of giving up now Great slaughter among summer goods this week Prices are way down e Mcdonald GEO ELLIO DRUGGIST T I Mo opojpojjopojjcopojjopo iRFIm PvnFRpVi DRUGS - AND - MEDICINE Largest Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebr PHYSffflANS PRESCRIPTfifflS CAREFULLY G01P0OHDED SODA AND MINERAL WATERS IT IS HARD TO TELL WHICH Attracted most attention on July 4th THE PARADE OR OUR MILLINERY You saw the parade come in and 3ee the millinery MIDSUMMER BARGAINS In hats ribbons and furnishings are now being offered See them I L EFNER O M SAGESER TONSQRIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS O W MOEET WATCHMAKER - AND - JEWELER Fine line of plain and fancy elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods A M MORRISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB Mill Prices for FeeL Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton is Screenings aba a Chop Feed 70c C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County Hanh 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE i7T7jrn Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa Invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patenta sent free Oldest agency for securinepatenta Patents taken through Munn Co receive tptcial notice without charge in tha Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest clr cnlation of any scientific lournaL Terms S3 a year four months L Sold by all newsdealers MUNN Co36BroadNew York Branch Office G2 F St Washington DC THE ELKHORN RAILROAD orth Western Line7 is to be to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD o NORTH NEBRASKA I