The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 30, 1898, Image 7

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Tor Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
-Bears the
Signature of
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination butalo
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Svrcjp
Co only and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Svnrjp Co
only a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co with the medi
cal profession and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of tiie excellence of its remedy It is
far in advance of all other laxatives
as it acts on the kidneys liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them and it does cot gripe nor
nauseato In order to get its beneficial
effects please remember the name of
the Company
The Kcautiful Women of Toledo
As we clattered along the roughly
cobbled streets which ied to the Kcco
dovcr or market place women came to
the windows to have a peep at tha
strangers who arrived with such ud
seemly haste They are very beaut
ful the women of Toledo tall aud wil
lowy and as dark as night and as
mysterious Too late we saw that ev
ery iron reja through which the dark
eye of Ihe Semitic maidens flashed
down upon us was surmounted by the
sacred symbol and thut all are ortho
dox Christians in Toledo to day While
the creeds have vanished the physical
characteristics have not and we met
on every side faces which tell the story
of the vanished races more interesting
ly than even the deserted synagogues
and the silent mosques Century
jr or VasJiijw0r
The Northwestern excursion to Wash
ington offers a choice of many routes
JJefore completing your arrangements call
at the Northwestern city office Security
B ink building Sioux City Iowa
All in Good Time
The Mother Did Mr Eluggins press
you to go driving with him
vThe Girl No but he promised to
press me if I went Youkers States
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75 cents
If you would not have affliction visit
you twice listen at once to what it
teaches Burgh
Tisos Cure for Consumption has savec
nie larjje doctor bills C L Baker 422
Itcsent Sq Philadelphia Pa Dec S 05
Not to enjoy life but to employ life
ought to be our aim and inspiration
TITrs Wiiislows Soothing hTiicr lnr Children
tcetbiUK 6oltens the turns reaucoR inflammation
allays run cures Hind colic 25 cent- a boltta
We can do more good by being good
than in any other way Hill
Suffered four years with femaie trou
bles She now writes to Mrs Pinkham
of her complete recovery Read her
Drar Mrs Pinkuam I wish you to
publish what Lydia E Pinkhamr
Vegetable Compound Sanative Wash
and Liver Pills
m vMziw Via
- M
have done for
I suffered
for four years
with womb
trouble My
doctor said I
had falling of
the womb I
also suffered
witn nervous
prostration faint
i nll rrnnn fnnlinorc Tr1rif
- 0w
of the heart bearing down sensa
tion and painful menstruation I could
not stand but a few minutes at a time
When I commenced taking your med
icine 1 could not sit up half a day but
before I had used half a bottle I was
r up and helped about my work
1 I have taken three bottles of Lydia
- E Piukhams Vegetable Compound and
used one package of Sanative Wash
antl am cured of all my troubles I feel
like a new woman I can do all kinds
of housework and feel stronger than I
ever did in my life I now weigh 131
pounds Before using your medicine I
weighed only 103 pounds
Surely it is the grandest medicine for
weak woman that ever was and my
advice to all who are suffering from
any female trouble is to try it at cacc
-and be well Your medicine has
proven a blessing to me and I cannot
praise it enough Mrs Lucr Gooeyte
Holir W Va
ilA If
Wb JC -
v in m m -- - rt
The SlMlinjr Pi-
Partial paralysis is the true name of
the trouble in hogs known as the slid-
the muscles will waste and bcome in
active In the rapid form it usually
kills the animal in a week or two In
the early stages of the disease give
two ounces sweet oil with two drops of
Croton oil in it After this operates
give ten drops of tincture of mix vom
ica in a tablespoonful of cod liver oii
twice a day aud continue it for a week J
or ten days This is for a full- grown
hog Use one half for a pig three to
tT v r i j m r
i i t a
four months old If the muscles have
become wasted it will be best to do
stroy the animal Fig 1 shows the
stiffness and shrunken muscles of the
hind quarters caused by the disease
Fig 2 shows a sliding pig as it ap
pears when dragging its limbs or lying
down American Agriculturist
Groomins Joracs in Hot Weather
Horses hard at work in hot weather
should be groomed fully as carefully as
they are in winter It is not quite so
pleasant a task for the horseman as it
is when the warmth from the animal
and the labor in using the brush are
pleasurable But It is of even greater
advantage to the horse to be relieved
of the grime and dust which will ac
cumulate in his hair after a hard days
work Grooming is not only a relief by
the agreeable glow it gives to the skin
but it is also an aid to digestion mak
ing the groomed horse stronger and bet
ter fitted every way for hard work
American Cultivator
A Ventilated Cliiekcn Coop
Thousands of chickens are ruined
every summer by crowding them into
close coops at night without proper
ventilation When the chicks have be
come feathered they do not need very
warm quarters at night especially
where twenty or more are housed in
one coop A large dry goods box makes
a good coop Put a roof above it and
slats as shown in the cut The air
can enter but the projecting roof keeps
out all rain The large door in front
permits the coop to be cleaned out
readily Keep the floor covered with
dry loam Chicks will thrive in this
coop Orange Judd Farmer
Cow Peas
Cow peas may not be a profitable
crop for market but they will prove
valuable on the farm au a renovator
The cow pea like clover is a nitrogen
gatherer shades the soil in summer
thus promoting nitrification and hav
ing a large root development it pumps
water from below and with it the min
eral matter existing in the soil which
it gives up to the surface soil on its
decay It grows on both heavy and
light soils and seldom fails to thrive
Keeping Sheep in Orchards
The apple orchard after it gets old
enough to bear is the best sheep pas
ture One of the great advantages of
pasturing sheep in the orchard is to
destroy the fallen fruit This they will
do even better than hogs which are
usually recommended for this purpose
Tigs will only eat apples after they are
nearly or quite ripe unless they are
starved to it The small green apples
are sometimes almost bitter Sheep
like this bitter taste and will run to
rill J
dl eat the fallen apples most of
r fniffi in I1itiv nifitlip x tl wf
wiAi vvmiiut liivciio lliil
ipe into the ground if left
long after it falls
in the
How to Apply Fertilizers
Should fertilizer be applied in the
hills or broadcast It may not be a
mistake to apply very little over eacr
hill as a starter but it is better to
broadcast All fertilizer must be dis
solved before it can be utilized and the
greater the surface over which it is
spread the more water it will receive
The roots of nearly all plants spread
ing pig The nerves of the muscles j and grow near the surface and have as
of the back and hip are the parts af
fected It usually begins with a slight
stiffness and it varies very much in
its progress Sometimes it is very rapid
aud at others slow When it is slow
great feeding capacity off from the
plants as near them To apply fertilizer
in the hills is to concentrate it and
much of it will be unused or lost The
best results are obtained when it is dis
tributed over the surface and harrowed
in to be carried down by the rains
Experiments n Cultivation
Deep cultivation of some crops Is
equivalent to pruning the roots This
is especially the case with corn which
sends its roots in every direction close
to the surface of the soil Experiments
in cultivating show that when the roots
were cut two inches four inches and
six inches below the surface the in
crease of crops was greatest when the
cultivation was shallow the greatest
harm being done by deep cultivation at
the last stages of growth of the plants
The object should be to simply loosen
the top soil when cultivating corn and
to avoid cutting the roots as much as
When Land Pi jstcr Duch Harm
Land plaster attracts moisture ana
thus helps make the land colder than
it would otherwise be It is moisture
the grasses and clover wairt Corn
likes hot weather In a cold wet
spring it may do harm on corn Wood
ashes either old or new help to warm
the soil If they are caustic they set
vegetable matter to fermenting If
they have been kept until they have ab
sorbed carbonic acid gas and ammonia
from the air such ashes directly sup
ply nitrates to the plant roots and
stimulate them to aw more rapidly
Handy Cart
The illustration shows a very hand
device for hauling corn to the shredder
or just the thing to bring the corn from
the field to fill the silo The platform
is made of plank 2 inches thick with
pieces of 2 by scantling bolted on at
each end Two old mowing machine
wheels are to be used The axle should
be placed 1 foot 3 inches from the
ter The platform should be feet wide
by It feet long
Vate for Postured Plicep
The idea that sheep in pasture need
no water except what they get from
feeding on grass wet with dew is quite
commonly prevalent among farmers
In June when the grass is itself suc
culent sheep at pasture may need
nothing But during the midsummer
heats there are many nights when no
dew falls and when the grass is itself
parched so that there is little succu
lence in it At such times the excre
ment of sheep will be in round hard
lumps just as it is in winter When
this condition shows itself it meani
that the sheep need more water
Rise Eirly
Do wori is giltin better en do worl is
lin wuss
Dats de way de people talk it while dey
frolic en dey fuss
But I tell you my bruiler dat its good
enough fer us
So rise up early in de mawnin
In do spring we jdts do roses on de seed is
oliinbin high
En hintin bout do harvest dats a comin
by and by
En do rainbow like a ribbon is a rumrio
round do sky
So rise up early in do mawnin
Denver Field and Farm
Onions by the Acre
Wherever one farmer takes to grow
ing onions and makes it successful his
neighbors are pretty sure to imitate his
example Oscar Belclen of North Hat
field in this State has for years grown
onions- and this year he has sixteen
acres -Many ot ins neighbors are
planting onions and there will this
year be acres of this vegetable in the
town Xo doubt the experiences which
each grower will gain will en a Wo him
to make a greater success of the onion
crop than would be possible when he
first began its cultivation Exchange
Whitewash Spraying
Results from spraying trees in win
ter with whitewash to save the buds
as was advised by vthe director of the
Missouri station show marked benefit
Where trees were sprayed four times
they were full of blossoms while those
not sprayed at all have but few or
Pea and Radishc3
Peas and radishes for successive
crops should not be overlooked Do
not be content with only one crop in a
garden As soon as any crop is fully
harvested prepare the ground and plaur
something else A garden can be kept
in fill service until frost appears
From the Times Herald Chicago 111
Late in 1SG1 when President Lincoln
issued a call for volunteers L J Clark
of Warren TrumbnJl Co Ohio was
among the first to respond It was at the
terrific bwnbardment of the Vicksburg
forts that the hero of this story fell with
a shattered arm from a charge of shrap
After painful months in the hospital he
recovered sufficiently to be sent to his
home at Warren Ohio Another call for
troops fired his patriotic zeal and Clark
pooh enlisted in Company II of the 7th
Ohio Volunteers lie vis in many en
gagements Being wounded in a skirmish
near Bichraond he was sent to the hospi
tal and thence home
pvfjfriVj j e
Soon af
terward he
began the
study and
then the
practice of
v cterinarj
s ii r g ery
Stuki n g a
wider field
than the
Ohio vil
la go a f -forded
went to
A Wounded Hero C h i cago
where he now has a wide practice is a
member of Hatch Post G A It and lives
at 4035 Ashland avenue Several years
ago Dr Clarks old wounds began to trouble-
him He grew weak and emaciated
and his friends despaired of his life He
finally recovered sufficiently to be out but
was a mere shadow weighing only 90
iwuiuls The best medical attendance
failed to restore his lost strength and vig
or A friend gave me a box of Dr Will
iams Pink Pills for Tale People said
Dr Clark and they helped me so much
that I bought n half dozen boxes and took
them I jhjou regained my strength now
weigh 110 pounds and except for injuries
that can never be remedied am as wed as
ever I consider Dr Williams Pink Pills
for Pale People the best remedy to build
up a run down system and heartily rec
ommend them to everyone in need of such
Ilia CuiIe
Teacher Give an example of going
from the sublime to the ridiculous
Little Edgar The human mind what
made up the multiplication tablfj must
have been sublime wasnt it
Teacher Yes we may call it so
Little Edgar Well for me to try
to repeat the table would be ridiculous
Try Allens Foot Ease
A powder to be shaken into the shoes
At this season your feet fee swollen ner
vous and hot and get tired easily If you
have smarting fet or tight shoes try
Allens Foot Ease It cools the feet and
makes walking easy Cures swollen and
sweating feet blisters and callous spots
Relievos corns and bunions of all pain and
ives rest and comfort Over ten thousand
testimonials Try it to day Sold by ail
iruggists and shoo stores for 3c Trial
nekago FBEE Address Allen S Olm
Ted Le Boy X Y
Mistress severely If such a thing
occurs again Norah I shall have to get
not her servant
Norah I wish yoz wrd theres eas
ly enough worruk for two av us Bos
on Traveler
Tor Buffalo
The Northwestern excursion to PititTalo
Tors a choice of niny routes Before
oiupletini your airuJigiiueiits call at the
Sorthwcfttein city office Sdcunty Bank
tnlding Sioux City Iowa
He is the best accountant who can
ast up correctly the sum of his own
rror Xevius
FITS rermanrnIy Cnrod No nts or tjprfnmnvt
titer first day uo of Dr Kllim Oreai Nrrw lie
i orcr b nd for FK KE J32to trial botti an treatise
1k It II Kmnr Ltil liu Arch 5L PlillaiirlDlila la
Mexico is the richest mineral country
u the world not excepting Peru
Do you get up with a
headache A
Is there a bad taste in w
your moujh
Then you have a poor
appetite and a weak diges
tion You arc frequently
dizzy always feel dull and
drowsv You have cold
hands and feet You get A
iiur ii 1 if- iiifii iii iiiii Ytiiti
ift rMvr w jt
rood iou nave noamDiuon
to woric and the sharp pains
of neuralgia cart tcr
your body A
What is the cause of all
mis trouDier
Constipated bowels
frfla BM Jzaasl MEsf xJ
jjj CitiK
will give you prompt relief
and certain cure
Kcsp Yo3P Blood Pzps
If you have negketed your
case a long time you had
better take
Ageys sarsspspilia
also It will remove all
impurities that have been
accumulating in your blood
and vill greatly strengthen
your nerves
VJpIta tfe Ocdcp
Thero miy be aOKifethin about
your cue von do not quits under
stiuJ Virltc tlio iloccor fjeely lull
liim how ou arc suffering You
will promptly rcrehe tlo test
medical advice Address
Dr J C Ayer Lowell JIass
Took Advantage of Him
Did the old man kick when you ask
ed him for his daughter
No I made it a point to ask him
when he was up on the step ladder
hanging pictures
Proposed Alliance with Knsland
If the United Slates and England should
form an alliance there would be little
chance for enemies to overcome us When
men and wonieu keep up their health with
Ilostofters Stomach Bitters there is little
chance of attacks from disease as it
steadies the nerves and increases the ap
petite Try it
Then Me Started
Ilarry May I kiss you when I gat
read j to go
Mabel Oh Im afraid I shall be so
old by that time you wont care to
Ki kTrr
USKTX s riiwxc
V S f t
ru yzju
am Khars akd a fs srf m ike
ilmwrrwiiiL A
1 r HMR1NGFB nnneo
1 tfnr
1 w
at in Hlasi
And suffer at leisure When your abused
stomach can no longer cheerfully r iid
properly perform its duties a few doses oC
Hoods Sarsnparilla are like fresh water
to a withered plant This medicine tones
the stomach restores digostiro strength
creates an appetite and with a little care
in diet the patient is soon again in per
fect health Try it and youll believe in it
Is Americas Greatest Medicine
Hoods Pills cure constipation 25 cents
Should Wiite ror car xxvm
samples The connilcuisi over
Sioux City Newspaper Union
Sioux Citr Iowx
t OCeitJiJaiUiJ
FREE for a few months to all usere of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH Flat Iron
Brand To induce you to try this brand of
starchso that you may find out for yourself
that all claims for its superiority and econ
omy are true the makers have had prepared
at great expense a series of three
enact reproductions of the ioooo originals by Muville which vriil be given
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below
These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference free of any suggestion of
advertising whatever and will ornament the most elegant apartment No
manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its
customers They arc not for sale at any price and can be obtained only in
the manner specified The subjects arc
American Wild Ducks American Pheasant
English Quail English Snipe
The birds are handsomely embossed and stazd out natural as life Each
Flaque is bordered with a band of geld
has been the standard for 25 years
packages of this brand were sold
last year Thats how good it is
to show ycu the plaques and tell
you about Elastic Starch Accept
no substitute
I BBew T
All purchasers of three 10 cent or
sis 5 cent pacfcnfrcs of Elastic Starch
Flat Iron Kranu aro entitled to re
ceive from their proccr ono of tho
bpnntifal Gzrae Ptaqircs free Tlio
nlnaucs wiil cot bo tnjnt by mail
They can bo obtained only from your
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starcli
Do not dolay This ofTcr
is for a short timo only
The Indiana U
Over 2co views of battleships gunboats monitors to- -boats
torpedo boat destroyers cruisers rams d
cruisers and other war craft besides portraits of
Army and Navy Officers including a complete -
of the construction speed and armament of each
with a large authentic colored map of the
Indies by the aid of which the reader car
accurate estimate of our naval strength
ments of the contending fleets The
views of the Maine taken before the d
showing portraits of the officers an
by photographs taken after the er
at their work and other incidr
and memorable event A so
over Remit in silver or b
Price 2
Address CHF
Write Cat 0i
J r