IT- x - V fr J AU tt tp VOL XIII S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at residence east of M E church VALENTINE NEB jt mm THIS AND THAT CominQ Event independence Day Juiy 4 Pppullst Convention July 9 Teachers Institute August 15 Cobs for sale at the mill Woodruff Ball was a Cody visitor in ftown thls week New potatoes are being sold by local market gardeners Farmers are marketing considerable new hay these days 820 feetOf new crossings have been laid in town this year Ja8 Hull expects to move into his new house next week The republican state convention will he held in Iineoln August 10 Mae Davenport is keeping books for Davenport Thacher this wees Ira Bovee of Thedford registered at the Valentin House Monday Wanted A girl to begin work on July 5 Enquire at The Donoher The county commissioners are al lowing bills at a great rate this week L W Handy and R Hansen traded farms Monday and each got a bargain Bob McQuade made final proof on bis homestead south of town Tuesday Master Lavergne Sparks went to Ghadron thiB week to visit his grand mother Projf Watson assisted at the Box HButte county institute in Alliance last week Mrs A B Watson returned Suuday night from her visit with relatives in Creighton A E Thacher is in Omaha visiting friends and seeing the sights at the Exposition Wanted To trade for bicycle Either ladies or gents frame- Enquire at this office E Newman of Texas beef con tractor for the reservation was in the city Monday W M Anderson and F Bobinson of Cody were in town the first of the week on business Anderson Bros of Cody shipped in Ave cars of tock for their rauch the first of the week Prof sG A Lovejoy was in town Tuesday -ad made the heart of the ed itor dance with joy J E Thackrey commenced building a new house east ot Wes Holsclaws the firs ot the week Miss Anna Sageser completed her term of school near Simeon last week nd is now in town with her father and brother The Epworth League gave a picnic at Lake Minnechaduza Monday even ing took their bathing suits along and enjoyed a swim John A Smith of Wahoo Peter Piper Papillion and Willie Wales of Wakefield registered at The Donoher tor breakfast yesterday F M Sageser went to Longpine Saturday afternoon and remained un til Sunday night Queer how bright eyes will attract a man The Donoher has built a neat new awning in front of its north sample room adding much to the convenience of its commercial patrons Mrs J S Davisson and daughters Mae and Mrs Ilobert Good visited with Mrs Ilobert Martin Thursday last Ainsworth Home Rule Rev and Mrs Bassett went to Val entine yesterday Mrs Bassett will remain some time for treatment with Dr Evans Norden Borealis The F E M V will sell tickets - War ta78jgo into effect ton or row Stamps must be placed on il checks drafts notes deede mort gages receipts ec ranginp In val ue from one rent up No dodument win be legal without t ese stamps Be careful in your business transac tions therefore and lick your own stamps The Longpine Chautauqua will bej ISffSo 2SS neia irom juiy zz to August z Cleveland Ive F M Sisson ot Omaha is pres ident H W Learn Longpine secre tary New sidewalk hsa been laid in front of the Sparks property on Macomb street Sidewalk has also -been built by H Stetter John Simpson and J M Bates A card from George Fitzgerald of Arabia says he is now braking on the Santa Fe load with headquarters at Newton Kans Everything is pros perous in Kansas Dr H P Belt arriyed this morning from Milton J T and immediately left for Rosebud where he will take the position left vacant by the resig nation of Dr McConville Tickets to Hot Springs S D good returning within 30 days will be gold by the F E M V at one fare for the round trip on June 30 July 5 nd 19 August 9 and 26 September 10 and 20 Six fine mules arrived from the east Tuesday for the use of 6 troop 8th cavalry Capt Ellis says he expects about fifty head of horses soon to fill the troop A dozen recruits are want ed at once A H Ferguson returned Saturday night from Elkhart Indiana where he had been visiting a sister and daugh ter whom he had not seen for about I 23 years He also visited the exposi tion at Omaha while gone At the annual school meeting Mon day evening O W Morey and Gy H Hornby were elected members oftbe school doard to succeed F M Walcott and G P Crabb The meeting voted a 22 mill tax for the ensuing year B F Carter was in Brown county last week looking after stock business for the F E Mr Carter reports everything flourishing in our sistsr county and says that both the stock and farming Industries are making good progress this year W P Hunt breeder of thoroughbred poultry Light gray Brahmas and Barred Plymouth Rocks Hawkins and Dustons strain Best on earth Eggs 13 for 1 Call and see my stock at Mrs H Razeys Valentine Neb west part of town Bennett Irwin and Fred Hoyt re turned from Nevada last Tuesday with 730 head of fine cattle which will be trausf erred to Mr Tinnins ranch With the 665 head which arrived Fri day this makes 1395 head consigned to Irwin Tinnin in 5 days Rush- Qilie Recorder The county commissioners granted Irwin C Stotts a license to run a sa loon at Cody Saturday Frank Mogle evidently changed his mind as he did not appear to ask for license We feel certain that Mr Stotts will give the residents of Cody a thoroughly respectable saloon John Ferstl is raising strawberries and selling them to our citizens That is not a very great surprise but when we consider the size and quality of these berries it is more than that We got a quart of them Saturday and there were just 26 berries in the quart How is that for Cherry county Newt Grooms Albert Haley Etna Brechbill Perry Swearingen Gene 1 Hutchinson Martin Becker and Dick Osborne brought hogs in from Sparks Tuesday morning and sold to Geo Schwalm at 3 The boys made the trip during the night but even with this precaution a large sow of Perrys died on the road Judge Morris of Johnstown was in town Saturday on legal business We went down the road on the same train the Judge patronized and all he did was to gaze contemplatively on the picture of a billy goat tacked up in the car and sigh for ONeill Of course we dont intend to let the Ains worth papers get hold of this The editor went down to Longpine Saturday and returned Sunday night with Mrs Good and the baby Once more he thinks life is worth living even if he does have to jiggle a huHv arriaoro on linnr nr fro nnh 2 3 and 4 July 5 good returning July dav aud ge out of bed at daylight for fare for the round to at one trip points within 200 miles of the selling station F L Brewster of the Norden Bore alis has been appointed postmaster of his town vice L E Stanley removed We congratulate this latest addition to the ranks of the printer Nasbys iu this state the accommodation of a little bunch of humanity which already likes to be tickled with a mustache J A Hooton proprietor of the Val entine House has established a free bus line from the depot to his hotel and requests us to announce that when citizens arrive home on trains he will carry them to their residences free of A G Shaw says he will give a free charge All that is necessary is for performance of his Wild West acta you to take a seat and tell the driver en the Fourth Mr Shaw is under where you want to go This is a good contract to visit Europe this summer business etroke by Landlord Hooton and may have to leave though oefore j and has already brought nim a nice that time lot of trade Use the buss its free T- r VALEJN sparks Steen Table Valentine Woodlake Valentine Village F K M V Jt it Western Union Tel Wagner Car Co total valuation of Av value of TINE it I Publlsked for Fonr Years as AS EQUALIZED Horses B 52 13 55 3 14 12 40 18 m 13 Vi 8 18 36 2 2 10 9 23 14 22 I -33 patfle It 38 7 CO Commissioners Proceedings Valentine Nebr June 14 1898 Board of county commissioners met in regular session as a board ot equal ization Present P Sullivan chairman W A Parker and T P Spratt Con tinued in the business of equalization until the evening of the 18th and ad journed to June 20 1898 the board having adopted the following schedule of percentaggs in order to adjust equal- Ration between precincts See table above June 20 Board met in reguTar session as county commissioners On motion petition of John E Nye to change road to section line between sections 28 29 30 and 31 was granted and the commissioners heard application of 1 C Stotts and Frank jogle of Cody Nebr for liquor license and ordered petitions publish ed and set Saturday June 25 at 10 oclock a m as the time of hearing application of I C Stotta and 2 oclock ot the same day for hearing applica tion of Frank Mogle Whereupon the board adjourned to Jun3 21 1898 and took up equalization June 21 Board met as per ad journment On motion Ira Johnson was apv pointed road overseer for road district No ijy On motion Arthur Heath was ap pointed road overseer for district No 17 Whereupon the board adjourned to June 22 1898 and took up equal ization June 22 Board met as per ab jnurnment Adjourned to June 23 1898 and continued in the business of equalization June 23 Board met as per ad journment On motion petition to grant roads on all section lines in township 35n range 28 and have the same surveyed and opened up except those already surveyed was rejected Whereupon the board adjourned to June 24 1898 and continued in the business of equal ization June 24 Board met in regular session Adjourned to June 25 1898 and continued in the business of equal ization June 25 Board met in regular session as a board of commissioners On motion the petition of I C Stotts of Cody was taken up There being no remonstrance or complaint license was granted upon pymeut of 50000 Whereupon the board ad journed to June 27 1898 and con tinued in the business of equalization June 27 Board met in regular session as a board of commissioners On motion the clerk was ordered to instruct the county treasurer to trans fer 2000 from the bridge fund to the tjounty general fund 1000 from the road fund to the county general fund 19600 from the advertising fund to the county general fund 32000 from the interest fund to the county general fund Warrants turned back to general fund 81 On complaint of F M Walcott that the assessment of George H Hornby was too low notice was served upon the said George H Hoinby to appear and show cause why his assessment should not be raised George H Hornby appeared in person and with counsel The county attorney called upon George H Hornby to testify be fore the commissioners in behalf of the county The said George H Hornby was instructed by his attorney to re fuse to testify or be sworn in behalf of the county C R Watson was then called and sworn and gave testimony Plaintiff rests Defendant rpsts After hearing the evidence the board finds that the stock of merchandise f George II Hornby should be assessed nL A 1111 TL 11 1 1 The Valuation of the various Pcecincts of Cherry County CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT demoOrat VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY J JNE 30 1898 is as Given Below Some Valuation are Baisetl and pme are Lowered NOTE R raised L lowered Figuresrare the per cent of increase or decrense PRECINCT Dewey Lake Eli Enlow Georgia German Gillaspio Irwin Kennedy Keyane Lavaca Loup Minnechaduza Merriman Mother Lake Nenzel Pleasant Hill Schlaele Sharps Ranch 20 45 22 12 3 24 i 10 5 2 22 i 14 3 4 6 39 Jl 10 Mules It 75 6 bi 10 13 35 CO I3 44 56 8 16 21 iJheep L i K L i IS 16 19 03 19 5 57 30 9 64 10 h 64 54 148 64 38 36 84 18 18 IS 18 18 IS Land R I 9 10 115 11 58 126 179 10 6 23 28 9 30 2 33 29 ii 22 h 12 40 2 Lots 1tnls VultmVatn 802 862 78 137 141 3336 61950 Per Valtn 17989 45003 1B752 399 1205 13744 104u9 11677 4624 9091 10J44 14942 9 77 29194 3771 87 7092 23579 16487 43519 16723 40875 21471 59595 3485 6139 CVM 40201 49688 4 5756 7889 1709 the coupty 6730C 410030 1137083 l juuu xu ib mererore considered Amos Strong messages Morgan cas and adjudged that the stock of mer 1 Amos strong fees state vs Morgak chandise of Georee H Hornbv be as- Robert Good puu election proclamation sessed at 5UUU Whereupon the board adjourned to June 28 1898r and tcok up the business of equalization Robert Good count job printing Amos Strong boarding prisoners Continued on last page Total Valnt 62992 58649 28P0K 51619 31880 71272 891 1 15230 72188 2C93S 41SS 4- 1 1 8032O 21361 18438 19312 10174 4716 19287 13878 14361 22469 7812 23003 11273 5Q289 30965 7309 16688 10274 10699 6692 21663 12236 9004 40561 7560 1 41139 12103 35975 24152 95050 29298 29475 35239 20418 37056 111638 405756 7889 1709 Grand totaj of valuation Si 614419 horses 537 mules 758 cattle 6 91 sheep 82c land 95c Whereupon the following levies were made Mills County Ueneral FuDd 9 County Bridge Fund t 3 County Judgment Fund u county Road Fund VA County Sinking Fund 2 Vflcntliie Precinct Bond Fund iys The school district bond levies were made as follows No i 20 23 47 49 70 Mills C 4 1 7 2 No 7 26 33 48 65 71 Whereupon the board of tion adjourned sine dine Mills o 12 15 16 3 10 t June 28 Board met pursuant to adjournment members all present Ou motion the Clerk was ordered to draw warrants on the Judgment Fund for the following amounts Geo H Hornby 55 55 Jacob Stetter 855 55 TC Hornby 9 25 CCParker S5 55 On motion the judgment in favor i pf Alfred Lewis for the amount of 12018 was applied on delinquent personal taxes On motion the following delinquent personal taxes were deducted from the jndgment of 7092 favor of E Ol mesher For 1806 S20S2 for 1897 2055 Total S4137 Amount of 29 55 On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the county general fund C O Davis election clerk W E Jones election clerk 8am Gregory election judge J A Saults election judge Wm Enlow election judge and returns Wm Enlow house for election S Q Spain clerk of election and returns J A Gee election cierk M Dunham election judge S E McAlevv election judge W H Wilkinson election judge School district No 31 use ot House Hiram Cornell rent court noose May ov Amos Strong searching for Al Morgan Thomas Fowler assessing- Kewanee J W Daniels assessing Dewey Lake 97 Amos Strong boarding persons Amos Strong jailors fees J H Searby assessing Minnechaduza 97 Frank Fischer wood for county State Journal Co snppfies 2r00 2 00 2 00 200 19-50- 208 200 200 2 00 2 00 200 66 67 25 00 24 40- 4160 18 00 46 50 60 20 2 75 1935 A C Riemenschneider assessg Boiling Spgs 53 60 G A Waggoner assessing Lavaca 97 am ount claimed 575 40 allowed 63 00 W A Parker com oners fees 5 60 rejected P w Pruden assessing Merriman r97 amount claimed S94 80 allowed 8500 S J Hutchinsford jge of electn and retrns 9 50 W L Cohee judge of election J6hn Maxwell HA Daniels clerk of election H S Lockwood clerk of election Geo Schwalm house for election W D Kicketts assessing Eli at amnt claim ed59 00 allowed David Hendershotjdge electn and retns Geo Hendershot Geo Schulz Wm Danofsky clerk James Galloway Schoordistrict No 43 use of house K K Kainford clerk of electn and returns Stanislaw Krajewski clerk of election Joseph Wisser judge of election Ed Satterlee Joseph Nolette Dist No 47 use of house for election Max E Viertel com fees 4 rejected EdOrmesher assessg Schlaale 97 claimed 6220 allowed H F Holliday coroner jury WAMetzgei LE Stuart Peter Vogt A C Riemenschneider coroner jury Clarence Cutcomb Alfred Lewis coroner inquest Honey Parker goods for poor C 11 Bailey P Sullivan commissioners fees Max E Viertel W A Parker Geo Elliott salary 21 quarter 1897 Geo Elliott expenses 2d qr 1897 Amos Strong returning Irwin assessment State Journal Co blanks Amos Strong jailors fees boardg prisrs F M Walcott salary 2d quarter 1897 I Hiram Cornell rent June 1897 200 200 200 200 200 55 00 730 200 200 200 290 200 700 200 200 200 200 200 55 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 14 38 1035 4 70 66 80 43 20 44 60 100 00 2115 9 75 225 105 00 162 50 66 67 616 21 SO 20 00 155 00 29 00 Sampson and Dewey get through with it but if the people of Cher ry county want something more NO 23 THE SPAN SH NAVY This is about all that will be loft of it for the vounjj King to take home as a souvenir when substantial to take nome with them we would advise them to prVchase their goods from us as by so doing they will make a saving of Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods A M MORRISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB Mill Prices for Peed Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 50c Oata 80c iYC 10 to 20 We are headquarters for summer dress goods straw hl underwear boots and shoes Grand Window Display on Jnly 4tli Davenport Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS A fa Vni 1 GOING TO DO ANYSPRING CLEANING The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLOKS and VAKNISII at - - - Elliotts Drug Store 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 S 4 49 49 49 wo W30 oowo o Intervention No indeed We have carried on the war against King High Prices too long- to think of giving np now Great slaughter among summer goods this week Prices are way down e Mcdonald V a a- cacce0or 2rs2c2c2rE2C2Tifi2c2cxr m POPl FIZZ BANG WSH go the firc eraekers on the FOURTH OF JULY I OUR MILLINERY Will go about as quick on that day It pleases the eye andsella on first sight BE SURE TO SEE OUR DIS PLAY ON THE FOURTH O M SAGESEH TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS O W MOREY WATOHMAKEE - AND - JEWELEE C A Wells I L EFNER J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Clierry County Sank 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description ejst quickly ascertain our opinion free whetaer or invention in probably patentable CoHjmnniai tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patent sent free Oldest afcencyforsecurinjrpaientg Patents taken through Munn Co rece7f tpteial notice without chars e In the J A TV - aT - - - - Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated -weekly Largest culatlon of any scientific Journal Terms 2 a year lonr montns i boia Dyaii newiaeaier MUNN Co3SBroad New York Branca Office cs V at waamngion u u THE ELKHOR RAILROAD Korth Western Lane is to be to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of NORTH NEBRASKA