The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 16, 1898, Image 7

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Can Our Coast Be Blockaded
If confidence can be felt in the opinion
of military and naval officers at the seat
of Government such is the extent of our
sea coast that to blockade it effectually
Beems impossible When a blockade of the
bowels exists relieve it with Hostetters
Stomach Bitters which also cures indiges
tion malaria rheumatism and kidney
Trees and Tides
A very curious theory lately revived
Is that the sap of a living tree ebbs and
flows in some -way in sympathy with
the titles of the ocean The idea comes
from Italy -where a grower of vines
and other fruit trees whris also a
chemist hat been experimenting in this
direction He says that no tree should
be lopped or pruned except during the
hours of ebb tide He has taken four
teen years to come to this conclusion
and bow always acts upon it The re
sult is his trees and vines have devel
oped beautiful foliage bear splendid
crops and are quite free from the at
tacks of the insects which devastate
surrounding properties
Mrs Rosa Gaum Writes to Mrs
Pirtkham About it She Says
Dear Mrs Pinkiiam I take pleas
Tire in writing you a few lines to in
form you of the good your Vegetable
Compound has done me I cannot
thank you enough for what your medi
cine has done for me it has indeed
Helped me wonderfully
For years I was trou
bled with an
ovarian tumor
each 3ear grow
ing worse un
til at last I
was compelled
to consult with
a physician
He -said
nothing could
be done for
r nr Mffi
me but to go under an operation
In speaking with a friend of mine
about it she recommended Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound say
ing she knew it would cure me I then
sent for your medicine and after tak
ing three bottles of it the tumor dis
appeared Ohi youdo not know how
much good your medicine has done
me I shall recommend it to all suffer
ing women Mrs Rosa Gaum 720
Wall St Los Angeles Cal
The great and unvarying success of
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound in relieving every derangement
of the female organs demonstrates
it to be the modern safeguard of wo
mans happiness and bodily strength
More than a million women have been
benefited by it
Every woman who needs advice
about her health is invited to write to
Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass
Get Tour Pension
Vrito Cast 0PA22SLL Penrcn AgsEtWMii2gica DC
jSNgefablePreparationfor As
similating tteToodandReguta
Ung ihaStaaachs andBoweis of
ness andRestGontains neither
OpmmTSiorprune nor Mineral
Not Nahcotic
ftppensat -
CLrificd Soger
AnerfectBemedv for Constipa
tion Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms Lonvuisionsrevensn
acss and Loss OF SLEEB
Yfic Simile Signature of
IUte v irVii
v 3 B
uo -If
Built an Eccentric House
An eccentric carpenter In Alexan
dria some years ago says an old
timer erected a three story dwelling
by constructing the roof first and set
high up on the corner posts He did
this to have protection from the weath
er as he worked downward This was
looked on as a novel way to workv but
in ante bellum days the third story of a
budiiig in the northern part of Wash
ington which had served as parlor dining-room
and kitchen became the
upper chambers of a comfortable dwell
ing The owner had built on a hill of
red gravel and after he had lived in bis
little house a few months there came a
demand for gravel by the street con
tractors lie therefore disposed of the
earth beneath his house and by careful
ly shoriug up kept his little home intact
and built up to it the proceeds from his
bank of gravel being sufficient to pay
for quite a handsome improvement
It TYould Be War Here
The vendetta is a terrible institu
tion remarked the man who had been
reading a novel I am very glad thai
it could not possibly gain a foothold in
this country
Of course the American tempera
ment could not tolerate such thing
And moreover supposing a man
named Smith were to have a difficulty
with a man named Brown or Robinson
just look in the city directory and see
how many families would be involved
It wouldnt be any vendetta It would
be a war
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allens Foot Ease a powder for the
feet It cures painful swollen smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions Its the great
est comfort discovery of the age Al
lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or
new shoes feel easy It is a certain
cure for sweating callous and hot
tired nervous aching feet Try it to
day Sold by all druggists and shoo
stores By mail for 25c in stamps Trial
package FREE Address Allen S Olm
stcd Le Roy N Y
Town Without Doctors
A place for physicians to emigrate to
is the city of Hainan south of Aleppo
Though it contains GO000 inhabitants
among whom diseasesof the eye In par
ticular are rampant there is not a sin
gle physician in the city
A R T Dent Co
The undersigned having altogether sev
ered his connection with the Dent Grain
Co of Sioux City Iowa of which com
pany he was the founder has opened
a grain commission oflice under the
title of A R T Dent Co on
the corner of Pierce and Fifth Streets
Sioux City where he hopes to have the
pleasure of seeing all his old friends His
Chicago correspondent will be F G
Logan a house which is not only one of
the strongest in Chicago but one of the
most popular in the west It will bo
strictly a commission business
A R T Dext
Liargest Grain Elevator
It is said that the grain elevator re
cently built in Buffalo is the largest in
the world
For Infants and Children
ou Haw
Bears the i
Signature A p
ft iff If
h Use
For Over
Thirty Years
Clothes pins
make some of the holes but
most of them come from rubbing
And no matter how careful you
are the constant wear of the wash
board weakens the fabric thins it
out makes it easy to tear and pull
to pieces You cant help having
this wearing process even with the
most conscientious washing
That is why clothes washed with Pearl
in e last loncrer Pearl in f envpe war
w U4
saves rubbing No washboard needed Nothing but soak
ing the clothes boiling rinsing 553
Wheres My Hat
I know a boy and know him well
Of whom this tale there is to tell
That always when hes going out
By day or night youll hear him shout
Oh wheres my hatV
There is a hat stand near the stair
Youd think hed hang his hat up there
Or on the rack behind the door
But no it seems hed rather roar
Where is my hat
Each morning when the school bell rings
Oh how he shakes up rugs and things
And rummages in drawers and shelves
And makes his sisters stir themselves
To find his hat
And when his comrades to the gate
Come whistling loud and games await
And sides are called and time is scant
Hed like to go but oh he cant
For wheres his hat
My boy who smile the while you read
Is this a lesson you should heed
Can it be you who skip and fly
And hunt and hustle as you cry
Whos got my hat
Madeline S Bridges
Bread Raiser
Get two boxes one big enough to
hold your bread pan and a milk pan
underneath it the other eight inches
larger every way Take off the coyers
and fasten the small box inside the
large one Stuff the space between with
sawdust and cover it Turn the boxes
so the door will be on one side Make
a door to fit tbe large box and pad it
heavily with sawdust and put it on
with hinges Put a shelf in to set the
bread pan on high enough to slip a
milk pan underneath On a cold night
set your bread sponge in slip a covered
pan of hot water underneath and your
bread will be light in the morning
When you knead your bread heat the
water again On a warm night use
warm water This does away with all
wrapping up of the bread Mabel
Care of the Kitchen
Some women can prepare a meal and
keep the kitchen in order all the time
The utensils may be dirty and need
washing but they will have an orderly
look about them and when the time
comes to wash the dishes there will be
no muss or confusion Other kitchens
are a total wreck after a meal has been
prepared Things are tumbled about
and appear to have been thrown to
gether by a young earthquake The
great secret of good housekeeping is
keeping things neat and in order Any
chit of a girl can put things in order
but it takes a grown woman with a
great and level head to keep things in
order and have work go on at the same
Swinjr for Children
In giving hints to farmers and house
wives we should not forget our little
ones The following is a description
of a very nice and safe swing for the
children one that will please and cost
but little Make two common rope
swings on posts five feet apart then
take a board 1 inch thick and 12 inch
es wide put ends of plank through the
rope swings and drive small staples
on each side of board underneath and
over the rope to fasten board in place
With this arrangement you have a
swing that can be enjoyed by six or
more little ones at once and is not dan
gerous like the single swing Mrs Ju
lia F Hardison in Practical Farmer
Strawberry Shortcake
Into one quart of sifted flour rub one
half of a cupful of butter add one half
of a teaspoonful of salt one table
spoonful of sugar and two teaspoon
fuls of baking powder and stir until
well mixed Add gradually sufficient
milk to mix to a soft dough divide into
three portions roll each out in a round
cake place on a greased jelly cake tin
and bake in a quick oven Split and
butter while hot spread over each half
a layer of crushed und sweetened ber
ries then a little whipped cream Put
together in two cakes of three Inyors
each covering the top with a thick lay
er of the cream and as many perfect j
berries as can be crowded on
Dressed Keef
Buy a rib steAv or any of the less ex
pensive cuts of beef Prepare for boil
ing and season with salt to taste three
whole cloves and large tablespoonful
of vinegar to each four pounds of meat
Boil until thoroughly done Remove
all bones and skin and chop fine add
ing pepper to taste Place in a stone
vessel and press with a heavy weight
When quite cold and firm the beef will
slice easily Serve cold or dip thin
slices in beaten egg and bread crumbs
and fry in hot lard
Tidbit Salad
Take a small quantity each of cold
potatoes carrots peas beans and leu
tils or whatever tid bits of vegetables
happen to be left over from the pre
vious dinner Chop all up together
adding a small onion chopped with
parsley a few tablespoons of any
ground nuts a little celery and mus
tard seed Season to taste and add
French dressing Garnish with hard
boiled eggs and dices of cold boiled
beets This salad can be simplified by
using but one or two vegetables
To Remove the Taste of Wood
Scald the vessel well with boiling
water letting it stand therein till cold
Now dissolve some pearlash or soda in
luke warm water adding a little lime
to it and wash the inside of the vessel
with the solution Scald again with
hot water and rinse with cold water
From the Free Press Letrrit JiLcJi
A prominent business man recently ex
pressed the opinion that thero is one thing
will prevent women from completely fill
ing mans place in the business world
they cant be depended upon because they
are sick too often This is refuted by
Mrs C W Mansfield a business woman
of 08 Farrar street Detroit Mich who
says A complication of female ailments
kept me awake nights and wore me out
I could get no relief from medicine and
hope was slipping away from me A young
lady in my employ gave me a box of Dr
Williams Pink Pills for Pale People I
took them and was able to rest at night
for the first time in months I bought
more and took them and they cured mc
as they also cured several other people to
my knowledge I think that if you should
ask any of the druggists of Detroit who
are the best buyers of Dr Williams Pink
Pills they would say the young women
These pills certainly build up the nervous
system and many a young woman owes
her life to them As a business woman I
am pleased
t o recom
mend them
as they did
more for
m e than
any physi
cian and
I can give
Dr Will
iams Pink
Pills for
P ale Peo
nlo ered i t
for my Sudlenly Pro Crated
general good health to day No discov
ery of modern times has done so much to
enable women to take their proper place
in life by safeguarding their health as Dr
Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Act
ing directly on the blood and nerves in
vigorating the body regulating the func
tions they restore the strength and health
to the exhausted woman when every ef
fort of the physician proves unavailing
For paralysis locomotor ataxia and
other diseases long supposed incurable
these pills have proved their efficacy in
dhousands of cases
Driven to It
Her husband had reproved her for her
great loquacity
It will never trouble you again in an
gry tones said she
So she solemnly sat down
On her face there was a frown
And she never spoke or stirred
For an hour then he heard
A report as from a bomb or a cannon
Drop the curtain drop it slowly shes
Cleveland Leader
Ijlfftiihouse in Iwa Ways
A lighthouse of bamboo has been
built n Japan It is said to have great
er power of resisting the waves than
any other kind of wood and does not
rot like ordinary wood
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75 cents
Indian wrestlers and athletes train
on a diet consisting chiefly of milk
with a little goats flesh and plenty of
farinaceous food
I believe Pisos Cure is the only medi
cine that will cure consumption Anna
M Ross Wiliinmsport Pa Nov 12 93
Joy The peculiar feeling experienced
by the man who counts his money and
tiuds more than he expects
FITS FermanenUy Cured No nts or nrrvonsnpft
after first 037 uio of Dr Jieat Nene lit
6 orer Send fur FItEE 5200 trial bottle an treat se
Vv K H Kline Ltd w Aicii M IliIauelpMa Pa
f i one Synonymous with the wag of
i dogs tail when hes waiting for a
irr Windows Soothing rnnp mr Children
ipetUiiic soiteiis tlie cmns ieaiices inflammation
allay iiuiu cures vviud colic cents a bottle
Dont forget to remember that there
are some things that should be forgot
Poor clothes cannot make
you look old Even pale
cheeks wont do it
Your household cares may
be heavy and disappoint
ments may be deep but
they cannot make you look
One thing docs it and
never fails
It is impossible to look
young with the color of
seventy years in your hair
permanently postpones the
tell tale signs of age Used
according to directions it
gradually brings back the
color of youth At fifty your
hair may look as it did at
fifteen It thickens the hair
also stops it from falling
out and cleanses the scalp
from dandruff Shall ve
send you our book on tbe
Hair and its Diseases
Tito Best Advlca Free
If von do not obtain all the bono
fits you expected from the use of
tho vigor irrite the doctor about it
Probably there is soma difficulty
with vour general S7stem wbica
may be aiUy removed Address fik j
ifz c lowou aiasi w j
A Beautiful
FREE fcr a few months to all users of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH Flat Iron
Brand To induce you to try this brand of
starchjSO that you may find out for yourself
that all claims for its superiority and econ
omy are true the makers have had prepared
at great expense a series of three
exact reproductions of the 10000 originals by Muville which will be given
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below
These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference c free of any suggestion of
advertising whatever and will ornament the most elegant apartment No
manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its
customers They are not for sale at any price and can be obtained only in
the manner specified The subjects are
American Wild Ducks American Pheasant
English Quail English Snipe
The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life Each
Plaque is bordered with a band of gold
has been the standard for 25 years
packages of this brand were sold
last year Thats how good it is
to show you the plaques and tell
you about Elastic Starch Accept
no substitute
How To Get Them
All purchasers of three 10 cent or
six 5 cent packages of Elastic Starch
Flat Iron Brand are entitled to re
ceive from their g rocor one of theso
beautiful Game Plaques freo Tbe
plaques will not be sent by mail
They can be obtained only from your
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch
Do not delay This offer
is for a short time only
L r n - Painless and not
iTHEtYANS ChEUICILCo gent or poisonous
The Best Is Aye the Cheapest
Avoid Imitations of and Sub
stitutes for
Over 200 views of battleships gunboats monitors torpedo
boats torpedo boat destroyers cruisers rams dynamite
cruisers and other war craft besides portraits of prominent
Army and Navy Officers including a complete description
of the construction speed and armament of each boat together
with a large authentic colored map of the East and West
Indies by the aid of which the reader can not only form an
accurate estimate of our naval strength but follow the move
ments of the contending fleets The work includes over 20
views of the Maine taken before the disaster in Havana harbor
showing portraits of the officers and crew and supplemented
by photographs taken after the explosion depicting the divers
at their work and other incidents in connection with this sad
and memorable event A souvenir to treasure after the war is
over Remit in silver or by money order
Price 25 Cents Postpaid
No 93 South Jefferson St Chicago HI
KUY and allow lberal prices for the ssiae in ex
change for netr Our stock of Cylinder Presses Job
Presses Paper Cutters aad Gas Engines Is complete
f you wish to trade or buy let us hear Ixom you Wa
have bargains to offer fclOUX CITY NEWS
TTnxji xmB to ADTunuiu
in I to5Sji I
l Ouniun
m - y
S Jl Lot t itrutare
trtllr reTenta raetann
y vunkiinAiiui i
V x 7a 1
Vbc Big O f0r unnatural
discharges Jnflamaiationf
Irritation or ulcerations
01 mUCOnn mpmlx on
sold by Drngrci
or sent in plain wrapper
tlCO or 3 bottles 275
Circular eent on requsit
Wanted in every town for the best sell
Jwj wjtr anl household specialties In
vesigie Qol Jea AH Co Cnicajo III
25 98
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
in time Sold by drnssista