I - x s iam 0JX t THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT 0BERT GOOD Editor and Publisher CMHcial Paper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska 100 JPer Year in Advance PUBLIHHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears ara paid in full The War With Spain Americans sank a hulk in the mouth of Santiago de Cuba harbor sealing Ceyeras fleet therein Official advices from Sampson say he has reduced all fortifications and nas not lost a man or vessel Insurgents in the Phillipines defeat ed Spanish in a big pitched battle Next to welcoming the birth of his first baby nothing is supposed to make a man so happy as- getting married and joining the church yet nine times out of ten it is harder to learn of a mans intention to do these two things than anything else on earth A lot of republican editors- who do not know shoulder arms from a gun carriage asserts that in their opinion Mr Bryan is not competent to com mand a regiment forgetful ot the fact that 6500000 loyal American citizens demonstrated by their ballots that they believed Mr Bryan qual ified to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States World Herald Several weeks ago Edgar Howard president of the Nebraska Press As sociation sent a circular letter to all members of the association urging them to advertise the Transmississippi Exposition regardless of Kosewaters treatment of them At ONeill last Saturday he said he was sorry he ever sent out the circular Eosewater has made a few more enemies and How ard is more against him now than1 sver Bismarck has finally heard of the re markable utterances attributed to him by fake reporters in which he abused the United States in connection with the war with Spain He denies in toto the sentiments ascribed to him and says that he has not talked to a re porter since the war began and has discussed the merits of same with no person whatsoever Journalistic en terprise has fairly run mad during the past sixty days and there are a number of great editors who have earned a padded room in a lunatic asylum State Journal The republican leaders charge the opponents of the proposed bond issue with being unpatriotic They say that at this time when the govern ment is in need of revenue prejudices should be set aside and everyone should exert his best efforts to pro yide the government with the neces sary funds It is interesting to observe however that every proposition put forth by the republican leaders envolves either - a scheme whereby the interest bearing debt of the nation is to be increased or the levy of taxes upon those least able to bear taxation The republican leaders pretend that the emergencies are so great that the extraordinary course of issuing 300000000 in bonds should be adopted They do not however think that the emer gencies are great enough to warrant the levy of an income tax whereby the burden would be equitably distri buted While pretending that their anxiety is exclusively to obtain rev enue the republican leaders set their faces resolutely against a low tariff which by encouraging imports pro duces revenue and maintain a high tariff which by discouraging imports reduces the revenue While pretend ing to have large patriotic concern these leaders object to corporation tax ation and zealously protect the mon opolies of the country from the im position of a just share of the burden 1 In other words the republican par ty is so patriotic that it wants the masses of the people to contribute all the revenue while the corporations en joy the exemption the result being that the burden is placed on those lest able to bear it World Herald - - 5w - z wjzzzzrwwirxtAZA Dissecting Table JJjrWKTSFl ts ts tJJBJKat S- r A year a go or less the editor ap proached a Young Man quietly and enquired whether or not the report that the y m was soon to marry was true The y m strenuously denied that he had any such intentions and wondered how such a report could have originated Within three days the marriage took place and the ed itor said nothing about it thinking he was doing the y m a favor by keeping-it quiet The y m never speaks to him now and the editor wonders why Young man did you ever real ize how queer it would seem to you if you were in the editors place Why should a man deny that he intends marrying after the day has been set the brides trousseau made and the license procured unless he is ashamed of his intentions We may be odd in this respect but it looks that way to us Dont think for a moment that we mean you should publish to the world the progress of your love affairs but you at least ought to answer a oivil question truthfully a few hours in advance of the ceremony especially if the questioner asks from a proper motive You may contend that marriage is a private affair and newspapershave no business asking questions but it is not There is a civil contract involved and the whole world is interested It is a matter of news and is something that news papers are especially fond of publish ing Branding We have frequently referred to the immense aggregate loss due to the practice of branding range cattle It is a well Known fact that the branded portion of the hide is practically worth less to the manufacturer of leather be cause the branding destroys the natur al texture of the skin at the point where the brand is impressed On the market between two lots of cattle similar in every other respect a brand ed lot will sell at from 10 to 20 cents discount per hundred pounds as com pared with the unbranded cattle and thus on a 1400 pound steer che amount would oe from 140 to 280 less mon ey per head It is hard to see how range cattle shall be marked for iden tification running at large as they do unless they are branded and the stop page of the leak therefore becomes aimcuii jn evercneiess mere are- brands and brands They can be large or small and thus destroy much or little of the leather value of the hide and they can be placed upon the more valuable parts of the hide or up on the less valuable parts Recogniz ing this latter fact the National Live Stock commission has passed a series of resolutions urging the growers feeders and breeders of cattle to dis continue the practice of branding on the sides and butts of the hide and in stead to place the brand on the necks where the hide is of little value for the purpose of malting leather If the range cattle people would give heed to this suggestion and in future brand on the necks of the cattle only it would go far to place branded cattle upon an equality in the market with those that are unbranded so far as the question of injury to the- hide leather making is concerned In estimation of practical mn too son Harrisons son Algers son Grays- son Eorakers son Sewells son As tors son Allisons nephew and a host of others slid into soft places and fat salaries on their pedigrees This class of people dont cut a very wide swath when they run for an elective office but when they line up at the pie counter they are strictly m it In commenting on the matter John J Ingalls refers to I Timothy v viii and remarked that infidelity has not been prevalent since April 24 1898 Scribner News To these might be added Elkins son Eairbanks son and McMillans son for full measure Bob Good editor of The Valen tine Democrat Nebraska has been selected as captain of a military com pany He has many friends in Del phos who predict that Fightin Bob will make a Good soldier Bobs home was recently blessed by the ad vent of a baby daughter - - O Herald - KyvA n Mm a m gk b w n I Iff r r m for the the proposed change is entirely feasable and there is no reason why it should not be made except that cattie men fall into ruts as other people do and find it difficult to get out of them Homestead pes Moines la Sons of Their Fathers When the shower of shoulder straps fell a lot of young men who had no claim to distinction except that they were sons of prominent men were particularly fortunate Grants son I and grandson son Blaines rPt feSSS f hra r iyi 0 f OR 2l v ftr MfWUfllj lyiMff 2SZ9FX - ifcMMmwawMiwiwi rj - - - - - I PEACE Clothing and Shoeing just as necessary as ever Ask to see our LADIES SKIRT MACKINTOSHES Our June Clothing Sale this month TAILOR MADE CLOTHING AT UNPRECEDENTED PRICES E THE CLOTHIER Iva Ef ner has built a new sidewalk and porch in front of her millinery store adding greatly to its appearance 35000 Court House Alex Burr of Pullman was in town Monday with several petitions for a 5000 court house The petitions will be presented to the county com missioners next week Wyoming Wool Eeports coming in from the Wyo ming sheep country state that the wool warehouse at Casper which will hold 300000 pounds of wool is filled and freight cars are being loaded as rapid ly as possible Never before has so much wool been hauled to Casper in so short a time as there has been the past ten days Blockades of loaded wagons have not been uncommon in the vicinity of the warehouse there being as many as twenty wagons at one time waiting to be unloaded Northwestern Stockman Cavalry at Ft Kiobrara Troop G Eighth U S Cavalry from Ft Meade S D ariived in town Tuesday evening and are now at home in their quarters at Ft Niobrara The troop is commanded by Lieut Mc Williamson formerly of the Sixth but we understand this gentleman will soon leave having received a commis sion as captain and quartermaster in the volunteers The boys of G troop are a husky looking lot and judging from those we have met are a jolly crowd They have already agreed to play a game of ball here July 4 if we can scare up a club to meet them JNorden has been invited to do the business At the residence of the brides parents in Table precinct Thursday evening June 2 at 10 oclock in the presence of about ninety friends the marriage of Frank llandall and Nettie May Dunn wag solemnized Judge Towne performing the ceremony After the marriage the evening was spent in dancing to the excellent music furnished by Mr Granger and son and David Fowler There was a bounteous supper at 12 After supper ice cream was served the brides treat to the ladies being oranges the groom treat ing the gentlemen to cigars The bride is the only daughter of D 1 Dunn and i generally well liked She will remain with her parents this sum mer The groom has been a resident of this county for about two years and is very popular among his friends The writer joins with the community in wishing them a long and prosper ous life Wedding Bells At the residence of the brides parents at high noon Thursday June 2 1898 Miss Eva D Williams and Frederick F Gordon were united in the holy bonds of matrimony the ser vice was read by the Kev 3 W Hols claw This worthy young couple en tered from an adjoining room and stood under an arch of evergreens while the solemn words were pro nounced which made them husband and wife The bride was gowned in white and wore flowers which had been sent from Tennessee especially for the occasion After the ceremony all were invited to the dining room which was tastefully decorated in green purple and white and where a delicious dinner was waiting for about 50 invited guests Miss Williams- the bride has been one of our successful school teachers for the past two years has a large cir cle of friends and is considered one of the loveliest young ofCberry county The groom nas resided m Cherry county for the past twelve years during which time he has won a reputation to be envied Fred is not only one of our best school teach ers but promises to beone of our ablest orators Manv handsome and useful presents were presented to Mr and Mrs Gordon and manv are the friends who extend congratulations- and best wishes Oke of the Guests 5 Card of Thanks Friends and neighbors who so kind ly assisted us during the sickness and burial will please accept our most sin cere gratitude M Ohristensex Mits James Bay W P Hunt breeder of prize-win- ning thoroughbred poultry Light gry Brahmas and Barred Plymouth Bocks Hawkins and Dustons strain Best on earth Eggs 131 for 1 Call and see my stock at Mrs n Kazeys Valentine Neb West part of town 20 Neto War Songs anil Jtltisic Two of the most popular pieces of music arranged for piano and organ have just been issued by the Popular Music Co Indianapolis Ind Bring Our Heroes Home dedicated to the Heroes of the U S Battleship Maine is one of the finest national songs ever written The music is stirring and the words ring with patriotism Dew eys Battle of Manila March Two Step is a fine instrumental piece and will live forever as a souvenir of the greatest naval event in the worlds history Either one of these pieces and Popular Music Boll containg 18 pages full sheet music sent on receipt of 25 cents Address Popular Music Co Niobrara Falls The Heath boys will go to the Flats to build a house soon Mrs Doc Johnson ha been quite sick for several days Mrs Susie Baker was summoned home last week on account ol sickness We understand that Mrs Frush and her daughter will stop the summer with Mrs Reed Mrs Eda Cole came down Irom Chadron Tues day and will remain with her- sister this sum mer J Adamson and R Grooms went over to Val entine Wednesday evening to see the Wood mens goatrperform B M Troffer was over from Crookston Mon day and purchased 00 cabbage and tomato plants from 11 Grooms P Ryman went up the rivertoday with enough woven wire fencing to fence a section more or less Bad Boy 1311 Precljict F E Yanish is building a houss for Hugh Sears Fred Goodfellow vrts rounding up his cattle lat week - Bill Spenee and family was visiting B Hunt over Sunday Bruce Idoore put his steers in P Sullivans pasture last week Frost Pruden was on tlie river after a load of posts one day last week Geo lleckel is building a sod hou3C on his brothers claim on the river Miss Lottie Johnson returned from Fremont where she lias spunL several months visiting Melvin Richardson has accepted a position as foreman for the FY horse and cattle company Arthur lloltz came down from Gordon and brought his sister home and stayed over night- I B Nichols and son returned home last week They have beer away plastering for a week Ihere will be church at the Nicholson scho house district 55 the third Sunday in this mouth by Rev Hunt at 3 oclock p m O C Goodrich says if John Newell stays on the river much longer there will not be any fish left John has alreddv c mirM twn Miss Mamie Jeffries closed last Friday school hi district 75 Saxdy Woociiake Ive Shall was m town on Monday Fred Brayton was in town Tuesday iSfow is the time to have your picture taken w v Johnson and wife Sunday were in town last Well Ilanna was transacting business in town on Monday Vernie Stevenson has been in town for the past few days C A Barnes and mother were in town visit ing a few days this week Miss Jean Morrow was visiting at Mrs John sons Monday afternoon The dance at Mell Hannas -was a grand suc cess Everybody had d good time U G Stevenson left Sunday morning He went to Fremont to attend school A fishing party went out north on Tuesday after a few fish but they got more rain than fish Fearl Pfiefer and Roy Swettr of Johnstown were visiting in town on Saturday and Sunday Rev Stiles from Ainsworth preached last Sunday night to quite a lare audience He filled Rev Garners place C A Johnson amPson Chester started for Fairfax S P last Sunday morning They ex pect to be gone about a week or ten days We understand the social given by the ladies of the U B church was a grand success There was a crowd of about C5 or 70 and the proceeds amounted to about 29 oo above expenses Miss Elsie Sherman is visiting friends In town for a few days Batchklor JjIUllrlces j or Ieed Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60e per cwt 1100 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Feed SlBOO Corn 50c J Oats qgggs oam Hudson Simeon Ken gc522M Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses- Some horses Lnzy ri on left shoulder ylliinge and between Snake V5 a 4 Uiver and Xiobnirr SSSIHver Left ears tagged All catile dehorned Probate JSotice State ok Nkkraska CiiKKisy County a Application for Administrator In countv court within and for Cherry county Nebraska in the matter of the estate of Henry Carter deceased Kathrin Tarter having filed in my oflice a peti tion praying tor the appointment of V R Haley as administrator of the estate of Henry Carter deceased all persons interested in said estate will take notice that I have lixed June the 10th 1S9S at 10 oclock a m as the time and my olllce in Valentine Cherry county Neo the place for hearing said ptition atwluch time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause if any there be why uuch ad ministrator should not e appointed Witness myiiand and the seal of tlie County Court this- lis dav of VI av 1S03 SEAL W KTowK 18 20 County Judge ss To all pei sons concerned in the estate of Abrani Johnson deceased Wheheas Gyiitha Ann Johnson of said county ha tiled m my othce an instrument pur porting to be tlie last will and testament of Abrani Join son deceased late of said county ami a petition prah c to have the same ad mitted to probate which will relate to both real and persinal estatf whcreiijion 1 iris ppoiiit ed rftiuday the lih day of Juno ISOri at 1 oclock p in at my office in Yah nrw in said county as the timeand place of proving said will -It which time and place jou and all con cernel may appearand contest the probate of the same It is further ordered that tlie petitioner give notiVe to all persons intenteu in said estate ol the pendency f the petition and the time and place set for hearing same by causing a copy of said order to be published iu Tub v aliotlnk Dkmocicat a paper published in said county of Cherry for three weeks sui cesaively previous to tlie lay set for said hearing lii testimony whereof f have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 25th day of May 1808 SEAL AV R Toivxs County Judge MAKE AmeriGan Beauties c vttA ta n CI n n r rl x mwIF ShAFES - JpILjitktib Mi If mm CaEacbBox HEWEST mm EFFECTS All Lengths SOLE MANUrACTUHERS SQJfcD BYv i THE U S HAS WAR ON ITS HANDS But if tlie Spaniards will fight it -will soon have war off its hands We have no war on hands but we have a splendid line of ORGANDIES OH ALLIES ETC Which will not last long if yon are looking for Summer Dress Goods and look over our line Itfow too is the time for men to buy new smnmer hats shirts etc We will sell yon a splendid latest style hat for 225 A good fancy shirt thoroughly up-to-date for 100 The 1 a s 5 m 2i J5 05s tJS 9r JJ U lit Premier Center Best Value Writing Machine i First in Improvements Henest Construction and all High grade Typewriter Essentials T r ART BOOKLET FREE ffs00m 5r 5 3 o7 Twwetftt Orders W oitfeeHae iA f DuiMAilU nHMHlU iTf M A us 9xnw riwuM lygrcwiwr A Syracuse n iisH Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets Earl Comstock3 Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left side or hip Aiso 969 TG Horses same as on steer left hip Also C on left shoulder s Louis J W Vsr T H J Thomas Farren Rosebud S D ID 1183 either left 5lde or hip on left Horses suouider Range head of Antelope 4 3L - - l OF J Now is the time to subscribe 100 Hm i r f vvy eTolm DeCory Rosebud Sj D JXD jlciSiit Bros P O Brownlee Neb Right or left side nurses same on left shoulder Earmark Swal low tail clip right or left ear Range Big Creek yccRl WirPT Mm3WZm Horses WmmmwM mmmm i I Yi Some bnvnded ID 1 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Ranee in Mever Co on Antelope Creek S JE Kimmel Rosebud S D Also B4U on left side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Range on Antelope and Spring Creks J U4U I Kichards Merriman Neb 14 tm K Charles Kichards aierrirnanNeb Paul Didier Roseud S D eoesET oo S j l D Cattle hole in each ear Range Big and Little tYhite Rivers y Steadman Eros Pass Neb Brand on either right or left side nurses and some cattle Orand UU on left side 5 9 and hp r v V u mfr and WamaiMP fy yy A l M