I i Hl Tl it j i i r i 6 A u i jj I A sasaa fnUniine tmocM ROBERT GOOD Editor and Prop VALENTINE NEBRASKA TEEATYWITHFEANCE U S NEGOTIATIONS FOR RE CIPROCITY SUCCESSFUL British Steamer Caught Trying to Run the Blockade at Santiago t -with a Cargo of Coal Cruiser St v Paul Slakes the Capture Treaty with France Concluded The reciprocity negotiations with France have come to a successful conclusion They were conducted under the third clause of the tariff act of 1897 The com mercial arrangement thereunder was signed Saturday by Cambon French am bassador and Kasson special plenipoten tiary of the United States The agree ment will lake effect June 1 when the French minimum rate upon products of the United States exported to France will take effect The agreement makes the following tariftarrangement in favor of the United States Manufactured and prepared pork meats reduced from 100 francs to 50 per 100 kilos about 200 pounds lard and components 40 francs to 25 table fruit canned meats dried or pressed fruits common woods logs paving blocks staves hoops apples pears crushed or dried at minimum French rate The deductions on behalf of France are Argols to pay 5 per cent brandies or other spirits 5175 per gallon There is no reduction on champagnes INVASION HAS BEGUN Troops at Gulf Points Ordered to Break Camp The military invasion of Cuba has be gun Unless the orders of the war de partment miscarried at an early hour Monday morning the troops that have gathered at the gulf ports began to break camp and march aboard transports wait ing to carry them to the enemys terri tory About twenty five of those ships the biggest and fastest that could be ob tained suitable for the purpose have been gathered ready to receive the troops How many troops started where they look ship where they are bouud are questions which the directing spirits of the campaign refuse positively to answer Nothing of the details of this first movement can be learned There is a suspicion that the start will bo made from Tampa and mobile and it is probable in such case the fleets of transports will con verge at Key West to pass under the convoy of the warships which Admiral Sampson has provided to insure the safety kf the troops during the passage across the Florida straits against attack at thehands of some stray Spanisji cruiser or gunboat PRIZE BROUGHT IN British Steamer Caught Trying to liun the Blockade The British steamer Kestormel was brought to Key West Monday as a prize having been captured trying to run the Santiago blockade with coal As the Ke stormel was brought into the harbor the British flag was flying at half mast She was leaking badlj She is owned by the Bestormel Steamship CompapJstnrdiffT She was capturedby JfTauxiliary cruiser St Paul Kestormel was captured vnVuTe very guns of Morro Castle San jriago de Guba at 6 a m May 25 She carried 2400 tons of the best Welsh coal from Cardiff presumably for Cerveras fleet A blank shot brought her to four four miles from port REAL MURDERER IS CAUGHT Governmcntto Prove Indians Burned at Scwark Were Innocent A United States marshal at Guthrie Ok lahoma has under arrest a young Semi nole Indian earned Hargo who has con fessed to being themurderer of Mrs Laird for whoseideath young Sampson and Mc Geisy were burned to -death by a white mob near Newark I I last January The government has all along -maintained that the two Indians burned to death were innocent and will mow prove it Hargo was captured in the Gh3ckasaw Nation after an exciting chase of twent3r two days Nearly 203 men are under indict mentforjparliaipatingin the burninjj of Sampson and McGeisy Harvest Hands -in demand Prom presentindcations it seems -certain that extremely high wages will ibe paid in the vicinitycf Newton Kan ifer hands during the harvest -season The jfarmersare oueriugrl per day for a mat with ateain andhavte sot beenable to se- cure many borae of jtke farmers have a standing offer of 3250 a day for harvest hands but the men are Jiolding out for higher wages -Some say that the wages of harvest hands may go s high -as 3 a day andv6 a day for a man ssuth ateam Big Baltimore Blaze Thenar barn at Irvington a suburb of Baltimore and X83 Mboz -or winteit cars stored there of the Consolidated Railway Company were burned Monday night lailing a loss of 5250000 fully insured Blue and Gray March Together Union and Confederate veterans marched together in the parade at Denyer and deco rated the soldiers graves in the various cemeteries Six Drowned While the miners were working in the Kaska William colliery near Pottsville Pa a large body of water Was struck and six were drowned They are William 3Iorgan William Deer Martin Nalochis Peter Durkin Paul Koscinski Wennele Krovishki Mississippis New Senator Gov McLaurin of Mississippi has ap pointed Congressman William V Sullivan to tlnvUnited States senate to succeed the jjate tSenJtor Walthall 9 j4L9nmit lm Jfwsw7y 1 J oMmm 4A A maimitmfmmr RESTS RIVAL rciArtHtone and Disraeli Sleep CTffikiC3asicJAwVMi3B tntimummMnmngpi MwjlwiMMwnmF BY HIS Side by Side in Westminster In Westminster Abbey London where statesmen rest the Englands greatest body of Gladstone was entomed Saturday with the ceremonies of the nation he served and the church he loved The grave is beside that of his lifelong adver sary Disraeli whose marble effigy looks down upon it decked with the regalia Gladstone refused Two possible future kings of Great Britain wept beside the commoners coffin and all the nobility and learning of the state surrounded it though the wish of the deceased had been for sim plicity The official funeral tlie ursc since mat of Lord Falmerston was rendered an im posing spectacle by the magnificence of the building in which it was solemnized The Prince of Wales and the Duke of York were at the head of the coffin and rang ing behind them were the Marquis of Salisbury the Earf of Kimberly A J Balfour Sir William Vernon Harcourt the Duke of Kutlaud Lord Rosebery and Mr Gladstones two old time friends Baron Rendel and George Armistead Within the chancel stood the dean of Westminster and beside him were gath ered the cathedral clergy the archbishop of Canterbury and the scarlet and white surpliced choir filling the chapel GRAND STAND COLLAPSES A Hundred Children More or Less Hurt in Denver A serious accident occurred Saturday afternoon at City Park Denver by which nearly 100 children ranging in age from mere babies to 12 and 14 years were more or less severely injured A temporary grand stand had been erected for Memo rial Day exercises and on this 1200 chil dren had been gathered for the rehearsal Suddenly a large section of the grand stand gave way carrying its load of terri fied little ones to the ground in some in stances a distance of thirty feet Many were caught beneath the falling timbers and about forty were severely hurt while scores were painfully scratched and bruised Twenty of the most seriously injured were taken to St Lukes Hospital while the others were conveyed to their homes in all parts of the city It is not believed that any fatalities will result from the accident BATTLE WITH ROBBERS Member of a Utah Posse Wounded and a Bandit Killed Two men entered the Spring ville Utah bank Saturday and at the point of a pistol compelled the cashier to hand over 4000 The robbers then mounted their horses and disappeared A large posse overtook the robbers and the bandits opened fire wounding a man named Allen The posse returned the fire killing one of the rob bers and compelling the other to sur render Half of the stolen money was re covered It is supposed the robbers are members of the Robbers Roost gang of outlaws ORDERED TO CUBA Gen Shafter Instructed to Embark Troops at Once Orders have at last gone forward to Maj Gen Shafter at Tampa to embark the the regulars and a few of the nnjgt efficient volunteers on board gathered at that place andifis aggressive military niovemjvhich has been frequently pre- WTicted and as often delayed for one cause or another will be accomplished before the end of this week The strongest units of Admiral Sampsons reorganized squadron will convoy the expedition and cover its landing at a point now definitely settled One Liife for Three The jury in the case of Edward C Flan agan at Atlanta Ga returned a verdict of guilty and the murderer was sentonced to be hanged June 24 Flanagan is over 0 years old and was in love with the 11-year-old daughter of F C Allen and possessed of the idea that the family was persecuting him he opened fire on them while they were at supper December 81 1898 killing old Mr Allen the grand mother and Miss Ruth Slack a visitor Convention Recommends Reform The third annual conference of the se ries instituted for the scientific investiga tion of the negro pioblem attended by many prominent colored educators from various parts of the country at Atlanta Ga adopted resolutions looking to reform in conducting churches negro secret so cieties small beneficial societies death benefit societies and suggesting that co operative business efforts among negroes be encouraged St Louis Packing House Sold One of the biggest transfers of packing house interests ever imade in St Louis was completed -when D JL Quirk turned over the East St Louis Packing and Provision -Company on the east side of the river tosthe Chicago Pack ing and PtoYisionCompany The purchase vas arranged for in Chicago the price be ing intheaieighboriiood ofa half million dollars Cannot Blockade Their Honor Castalar Republican leader in Spain in anSaterview OiE the subject of aa alliance is qwted as declaring ike favots Spains isolation He lecommaitds a of resignation now and the greatest pru dence economy and energy in the future After tdk the Yankees may blockede our islands but they cannot blockade our honor iincse Destroy American Misetoii ijccording to a special dispatch from Slra5hai the American mission at Tung Chou near Wu Chou province of Quaa g Seo oit the Ilongkiang has been looted and burked by a mob in a riot that brake out against the foreign element It is be lieved tuafc the American missionaries escaped Murder of American Missionaries The governor xif Sierra Leone cables to the colonialoffice In London that the Rev and Mrs McGrew tfie American mission aries were massacred about May 8 at Tajama near the scene Of the other mas sacres N mKmtjmpam BIG STEAL ALLEGED Prominent Omaha Men Charged with Embezzlement Hon W F Bechel and T K Sudbor rongh were arrested at Omaha May 27 charged with embezzling several thousand dollars from the Pacific Express Company Bechel was auditor and Sudborrough was his assistant of the company until a few months ago when they resigned Pres ident Morseman resigned at the same time Those interested in the prosecution assert that the company books show that 200 000 has been misappropriated Bechel and Morseman are men of high standing Bechel is chairman of the city coun cil and a politician of influence The shortage is said to have resulted from the political death of the company For years the Pacific Express Company has been a clearing house for kindred cor porations handling lobby funds at the leg islature Thousands of dollars have been spent in this manner during the past few years This was no secret The new management that has secured control of the Pacific Express Company growing out of the sale of the Union Pacific has pushed the investigation to the present point CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH Caught in the Second Story of Their Home and Unable to Escape The residence of A Richter of Iron Mountain Mich was destroyed by fire the other night Two childien a boy aged 9 and a girl aged 11 were burned to a crisp and two others aged 4 and 6 a girl and a boy were so badly burned that they will die It is not known how the fire originated but the firemen suspect that it was caused by the explosion of a lamp in an incubator Richter and his wife and nine small children occupied sleeping apartments on the second floor The chil dren were first aroused before an alarm had been given Seven managed to escape and five of them uninjured but two of them were fatally burned Richter and wife escaped by jumping through a win dow the former having his arm so badly cut by glass that he came uear bleeding to death Big FIRE IN PITTSBURG Warehouse Destroyed Involv ing a Loss of 300000 Henderson Johnsons warehouse and contents at Pittsburg Pa were entirely destroyed by fire Sunday involving a loss of about 150000 partially insured Th3 building which was a four story brick was filled with hay grain and river sup plies An addition to the building located in the rear of the main building was also burned together with its contents Hirsch Bros Co vinegar dealers had an office in the main building and a large amount of vinegar stored in the warehouse Their loss is estimated at 40030 fully insured RAINY SEASON BEGINNING Frequent and Violent Rainstorms Prevailing in Cuba The rainy season is just beginning in Cuba and the fleet of warships and news paper dispatch boats have experienced bad weather during the past week with fre quent and violent rainstorms The new cruiser New Orleans formerly the Ama zonas excites the admirtfuOTTof all naval men durincLsvmesent cruise on account a fighting ship greater portion of his corps including t5i ner speed and apparant effectiveness as Four Dons for Two Yankees The gunboat Woodbury arrived at Key West Sunday bringing Hayden Jones and Charles Thrall newspaper correspondents captured by the Spaniards and exchanged for Col Cortijo Surgeon Major Julian and two Spanish servants captured by the United States tleet on the steamer naute Russia Struck With Oregons Record Irvin W Scott of the Union Iron Works San Francisco has gone to St Petersburg to consult with the Czars government re garding the building of Russian war ships He received word from St Petersburg con gratulating him on the performance of the Oregon and asking him to go to that city Weekly Bank Statement The New York weekly bank statement shows a reserve increase of S000000 loans increased 8000000 specie increase 4500000 deposits increase 15000000 The banks now hold 53700000 in excess of legal requirements BIARKKT QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to 9300 to 550 hogs shipping prime tcrnla3 300 to 450 sheep fair to choice 250 to 465 wheat No 2 red 166 to 170 corn No 2 33c to 34c oats No 2 c to 28c rye No 2 65c to 66c butter choice creamery 15c to 16c eggs fresh 9c to 10c potatoes common to choice 60c to 70c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 525 hogs choice light 300 to 450 wheat No 2 119 to 121 corn No 2 white 36c to 37c oats No 2 white 33c to 35c St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogl 300 to 490 sheep 300 to 425 wheat No 2 125 to 127 corn No 2 yellow 30c to 32c oats No 2 29c to 30c rye No 2 60c to 61c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 red 129 to 131 corn No 2 mixed 37c to 38c oats No 2 mixed 31c to 33c rye No 2 61c to 63c - Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 325 to 450 sheep 3250 to 450 wheat No 2 147 to 149 corn No 2 yellow 39c to 40c oats No 2 white 34c to 36c rye 63c to 65c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 145 to 147 corn No 2 mixed 36e to 3Sc oats No 2 white 30c to 32c rye No 2 62c to 64c clover seed 325 to 335 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 13S to 141 corn No 3 37c to 38c oats No 2 whte 31c to 33c rye No 1 64c to 66c barley No 2 50c to 54c pork mess 1175 to 1225 Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 gs 300 to 475 sheep 300 to 4S0 wheat No- 2 red 149 to 151 corn No 2 yHow 3Sc to 41c oats No 2 white 35c to 36c New York vvattle 300 to 525- hogs 300 to 460 sheen 300 to 500j wheat No 2 red 150 to 154 corn No 2 3Sc to 40c oats No 2 white 33c to 34c butter creamery 14c to 16c eggj in ton - II iLSjf a - v sooawecs fc X For five hours on Monday the Senate had the war revenue measure under dis cussion The entire time was occupied by Mr Chilton Dem Tex Mr Lodge Rep Mass and Mr Turley Dem Tenn While Mr Lodge confined him self to a discussion of the proposed tax on corporations and bank deposits strong ly urging that such taxes be not imposed Mr Chilton and Mr Turley covered pret ty fully the general features of the bill No action of any kind was taken upon the bill The day in he House was devoted chiefly to the consideration of District of Columbia legislation - Two bills of minor importance affecting the volunteer mili tary was passed A bill authorizing the construction of a railway bridge across the Missouri river at Quindaro Kan by the Kansas City Northeastern and Gulf Railway Company was passed The Senate spent most of the day Tues day in discussion of the war revenue measure Paragraphs relating to corpor ation taxes were under consideration Speeches were made by Mr Frye of Maine Mr Piatt of Connecticut and Mr Lindsey of Kentucky In the Senate on Wednesday Mr Hale of Maine reported an appropriation bill to supply deficiencies in pensions and for other purposes As reported the bill car ries 8498405 of which 8075872 is for pensions and the balance for the army navy and courts After a brief discus sion of that featuie of the measure which makes possible temporary appointments of clerks without civil service examina tion it was passed Discussion of the war revenue measure was resumed Mr Stewart of Nevada and Mr Allen of Ne braska made speeches against a bond is sue Mr Caffery of Louisiana argued against the proposed tax on corporations and upon motion the McBnery amend ment was laid on the table by a vote of 36 to 10 The Senate then passed bills granting additional powers to railroads created by laws of the United States and operating lines in Indian territory and ap pointing commissioners to revise the stat utes relating to patents trade and other marks and trade and commercial names Mr Lacy of Iowa from the Committee on Public Lands called up and the House passed the House bill granting certain lands to the territory of New Mexico for common school coltege university char itable institutions public buildings irri gation and Rio Grande river improvement purposes Pursuant to an arrangement the House then listened to eulogies upon the late Senator J Z George of Missis sippi Consideration of the war revenue bill was continued in the Senate on Thursday speeches upon it being made by Mr White of California and Mr Teller of Colorado A bill was reported by Mr Sewell pro viding for the employment of retired army officers during the present war It was passed Mr Money of Mississippi being recognized presented the resolutions upon the death of Mr Walthall The eulogies were pronounced by Mr Money Mr Hawley of Connecticut Mr Berry of Ar kansas M Proctor of Vermont Mr Crtrman of Maryland Mr Cannon of Utah Mr Cockrell of Missouri Mr Bate of Tennessee Mr Pasco of Florida and Mr Pettus of Alabama The House pass ed a resolution directing the Secretary of War to prepare and submit plans and estimates for the improvement of Aran sas Pass channel and harbor Texas A bill providing for the sale of unallotted lands of the Pottawattamie and Kicka poo Indians in Kansas and a bill amend ing the law for times and places for hold ing terms of United States courts in Idaho and Wyoming were also passed Mr Cannon of Illinois called up the pension deficiency bill as amended and passed by the Senate and after discussion the House concurred in the Senate amend ments to the bill The Senate amend ments to the bill granting additional pow ers to railroad companies operating lines in the Indian territory were concurred in A roll call upon the amended bill to amend internal- revenue laws relating to distilled liquors was pending when the House adjourned Soon after the Senate convened on Fri day Mr Carter reported from the Mili tary Affairs Committee a bill providing for a second assistant Secretary of War to be named by the President and to re ceive a salary of 4000 The bill was passed Discussion of the war revenue measure was then resumed and speeches were made by Messrs Teller of Colorado Nelson of Minnesota Cockrell of Mis souri and Gorman of Maryland These measures were passed Donating a con demned cannon to the thirty second na tional encampment G A R providing for a survey of the harbor at Sheboygan Wis and extending the time for the com pletion of the Fort Smith and Western Railroad In the House a yea and nay vote was taken upon the bill to amend the internal revenue law relating to bondage and outage periods of distilled spirits The bill passed 132 to 65 Directed Court Amusements Down to the reign of Henry Till and occasionally since a Lord of Mis rule was appointed to direct the amusements of the English court dur ing the holidays He presided over the festivities prepared the games di rected the sports and saw that the court was kept properly amused dur ing Christmas week The office was considered highly honorable and the Lord of Misrule was generally some wealthy nobleman who was willing to spend money lavishly in promoting the gayeties of the court It is of rec ord that during the reign of Elizabeth Essex as Lord of Misrule spent in one Christmas season 15000 of his own money on the court games Weight of the Average Baby The average baby boy weighs seven pounds and the dear little new girl a trifle over six pounds When they have attained the full development of manhood they should weigh twenty times as much as at birth That will nake the average voter balance 140 poinds and his gentle sister 125 pounds Mr Baby if he can be in duced o stand up straight will measure inches and Miss ure one oot tfigbt Baby one idpt si inches in height on her birthday v -US 3 KJZX 5v siSiStSaiJAt FOR HUMANITYS GOOD New Invention Which Mankind Will Greatly Appreciate Does there exist a man who has never struggled wl th a Tefractory stovepipe This new invention will do more for the maintenance of peace and quiet than anything else The illustration repre sents a device designed to facilitate securing a stovepipe in position and holding the pipe so that there will be no danger of soot blowing through the joints into the room says the Scientific American The improvement has been patented by Jerome Jones of Kansas City Mo Upon the thimble held in the chimney wall and opening into the flue Is riveted an approximately U shaped metallic bar whose middle portion extends across the inner end of the thimble and forms a support for the hook of a screw rod whose other end is engaged by a cross piece secured to the Inside of a short pipe section loosely fitting in the thimble and pro jecting outward to receive the end of the stovepipe The inward movement of the short section is limited by a bead which abuts against the inner edge of a ring shaped cover engaging the outer face of the chimney thus forming a tight joint and in the outer end of this 6ect m are bayonet slots to be engaged by short pins on the inner end or tne stovepipe there being a handle or thumb piece on the short section by got JONES STOVEPIPE FASTENEB which the latter may be conveniently turned to bring the parts into engage ment When the stove is taken down the short section and ring cover as well as the stovepipe are removed and the screw rod Is utilized to hold in place an outer cover which rests with its edge against a packing on the outer face of the chimney LITERATURE OF CHILDHOOD A Mothers Note Book Can Be Made a True Romance of Human -Nature Florence Hull Winterburn writing of keeping A Mothers Note Book in the Womans Home Companion claims this in favor of such a record It is chiefly for her own instruction and guidance that a motifer needs to keep some kind of nursery note book For the refreshment of her memory when patience is likely to fail and for the reawakening of dulled sympathy with childish moods as well as for the enlightenment of others to whom she may choose to Impart her experiences the results of her labor will more than repay her for the trouble taken She need follow no rules nor even attempt to make regular entries unless she has inclination for the task Facts bearing upon physical variations are extremely valuable and It is wise to note the weight and growth of a child at regu lar intervals to ascertain whether he is devloping normally Even more import ant are observations upon his general health temperament disposition and the use he makes of his faculties Al though the mother herself may not be aware of the standard he should attain her statement of facts may give the clue to a physician when puzzling symptoms show themselves Often deafness and defects of vision might be prevented if the early signs of their coming on had been heeded A single Incident in a persons life may give the keynote of his character Can You Solve This Puzzle An old Hindoo fakir owned a circular plot of ground on which were 12G dago bus or sacred cherry trees Dying he left this plot of ground to be divided 1 m Urn - HOW WAS IT DOXE equally between his six sons and in such manner that each son should have on his section exactly twenty one cherry trees How was it done Too Deep for Him Customer Can you recommend this parrot to be a good talker Dealer I can indeed It was the sole companion of a Boston lady for three years Customer Well I dont think it would suit me at all I Dealer Why not Its the best talker I have in the place Customer Very likely but I havent time to consult a dictionary every time jit speaks What are your friends sentiments fen civil service inquired Senator Sor jgnums acquaintance He cant tell lyet was the reply He doesnt know he is going to get the place ho Is after ox not Washington Star - - - I - r The delay in the departure of the troops for Manila was not only due to the diffi culty of obtaining transports on the Pa cific coast but also to the inability of the quartermaster commissary and ordnance departments to secure the necessary sup plies Those who have complained about the tardiness of the Government in re enforcing Admiral Dewey should remem ber that these troops are going to a coun try where they can obtain nothing except tropical food which would bring them down with disease and cause the death of many if eaten before they were fully ac climated It was therefore necessary to provide at least six months rations for 20000 men and a simple calculation will demonstrate what that means The troops are provided with all the meats breads vegetables tea coffee sugar and other groceries and in fact all of the necessaries of life enough to last them for half a year if they were cast away upon a desert island or beyond the reach of re enforcements In addition to the commissary stores required the ordnance department was called upon to provide all the arms and ammunition clothing tents etc which 20000 soldiers might need un der any contingency for the next six months Under ordinary circumstances supplies purchased for shipment to Ma nila would have lasted the entire United States army a year There is no excuse for the advance in the price of food products because of the war Of course wheat and other bread stuffs have advanced in all the markets of the world because of the short crop in other countries but in New York Washington and other cities of the East meats have advanced from 2 to 5 cents a pound and provisions aud table vegetables in a corresponding manner There is no scarcity of either there is no interrup tion in the trade the market gardens ia this part of the country never produced more abundantly than this spring and there is no unusual demand The market men have simply taken advantage of the war as an excuse to increase prices and charge G cents instead of 5 for a head off lettuce and 35 cents instead of 25 for a bunch of asparagus The butchers say they are not to blame for the advance ini beef and mutton because they have to pay more to the wholesalers The Iowa delegation contains the prize orators of the House of Representatives For dramatic effect and impressive elo quence nobody can beat Mr Cousins for high flights of oratory and scholarly argu ment Dolliver is unsurpassed in a rough and tumble debate David B Henderson is the equal of any man upon the floor andi for satire vituperation and malediction Col Hepburn is superior to any man who has been in Congress for years The Iowat delegation is also distinguished because it furnished more men for the Union army than any other State delegation in Con gress Mr Clark was a private in the Nineteenth infantry Col Henderson lost a leg while colonel of the 4Gth regiment Mr Lacey was a lieutenant of the 33t Iowa Mr Hull was a captain of the 23d and Mr Hepburn a lieutenant in the 2d Iowa cavalry and Mr Perkins a private in the 31st infantry The second call issued by Presidenf McKinley will raise the volunteer army to 200000 men and the whole army to 279- 500 men The army reorganization bill authorized the increase of the regular urmy to 62000 men and in addition to the 200000 volunteers there will be three cavalry regiments with 3000 rough rid ers from the West ten infantry regiments of immunes with 10000 men and 35005 in the engineers corps making a grand total of 278500 men in the United States army It is the intention to at once send an army of from 75000 to 100000 mem to Cuba since there can be no danger to the transports from the Spanish fleet bot tled up in the harbor at Santiago de Cuba There will also be a larger army sent to Manila to hold the Philippine Islands - -There will be no experiments made there 4 The prediction is freely made at the War Department that within two weeks there will be 50000 troops on Cuban soiL They will land in the east and west of Havana and possibly on the sonth coast in the vicinity of Cienfuegos The imme diate invasion of Porto Itico is not only being seriously considered but is now al most under way There are political asTV well as military reasons for this step The administration still looks for a sud den collapse of the war by proposals of peace on the part of Spain made under the thin guise of European intervention The administration has determined that Porto Rico must be one of the fruits of victory but to bring that about it is deem ed necessary that the United States should effect a landing in the island be fore the treaty of peace Admiral Sampson is a religious man He is a member of the Presbyteriaii Church of the Covenant in this city andc the Mens Society which is a literary club connected with the church He was always regular in his attendance during the several years that he was stationed in Washington and took a great deal of interest in philanthropic work After he was placed in command of the squadron the Mens Society sent him a telegram of congratulation and confidence to which he returned quite a touching answer Commander Washburn Maynard of the cruiser Nashville and Lieutenant Com mander McCrea executive officer of the Machias are also members of the same society When a person files an application for rmployment under the Government he is required to fill out a blank and amon other things is asked the question How long do you intend to remain in Govern ment employ The other day the com missioner of patents in looking over a bunch of applications for appointments as messenger found one filed by a boy IS years old who in the blank opposite the above question had written All my life tf possible Ill bet you that boy is from Ohio he remarked as he threw the atw DlicatiOn over the chief clerk - - V u