msr T If -a J Cobs for sale at the mill Edi Hackler is spending few days in town tliisweek 0 M Mathews spent two or three davs iu Gordon this week - 2rrs John Neiss was over from the reservation the first of the week Do not fail to consult Dr Crooks at The Donoher June 5 6 and 7 19 Little Walttise Thackrey was taken ill with diphtheria Tuesday night R J Cook was down from the res ervation Wednesday after supplies 1 W Pruden is down from Merri raan today with his assessors books T J Ttiesland ii in town this week soliciting orders for enlarged pictures The Western News lias moved into the basement of the Cherry County Blink V f - Jfi w - fcftwf I wSBfcW AfBgSfa THE VOL XIII OWMOEET ttATOTffiffiffTflfr - AKD - JEWELER Fine line of plaint and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in t be best manner Full line of sporting goods A M MORRISSEY o f ATTORNEY AT LAW O I O VALENTINE NEB J All S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR work executed with promptness and accuracy LAVACA - NEBR THIS AND THAT CominQ Events VMImteers Drill Night Jlmc a Independence Day Juiy4 Quilt Exhibition June 7 County Commissioners Juue 14 The citizens of Valentine are hereby requested to attend a meeting at the county judges office nevt Tuesday evening June 7 at 8 oclock p m for the purpose of making arrangements f or a Fourth of July celebration This is essentially Valentine year celebrate and a- good attendance ia desired Committee The front of Davenport Thachers building is receivings a- new coat of paint Do not fail to see Br Stuckey eye specialist at The Donoher June 5 6 and 7 19 C F Martin Has severed his con nection with the Valentine Steam Laundry Ainsworth talks ofpassing a curfew ordinance Its a good thing We have one W E Haley purchased Lieut Col Combas team of chestnut sorrel mares last wees Henry Grahams new house is in the hands of the plasterers and will ioon be readV for occupancy Adblph Buechle left for Catawiss Pennsylvania this morning where he will reside in the future Itev J M Bates will hold regular services at the Episcopal church Sun day morning and evening MrIike and family are moving their household goods to their home south of town Newport Republican Tm Cure A Cora lit OneJDay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets A3r Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cure 25c 46 A1 man advertised for a typewriter and got 38 replies The same day his wifadvertised for a servant girl and she is still waiting for a response M5ss Katie Noble went out to her claim on Big Creek Tuesday morning - for a short stay She was accom panied by Dan Handy and wife and XvardWalco4L - j w rsss j - sfvw A riinwi iiw fMiy I iiwitywr 1111 ii iiu iiii iliuiwi 11111 jiiiiiiiiiiimmi jynjii I iiiypt Prof John JJritt was a pleasant caller this week John says that every thing on the Table is growing finely Longpine had a poleraising Satur day and J Wesley Tucker was oratqr of the occasion He reports having had a splendid time E E Crane was down from Eli Monday evening and Tuesday with his assessors books Elmer says every thing 18 flourishing on the river Instead ot singing the Good Old Eebel Decoration Day Johnny Stet ter beat the bass drum for the old vets as they marched to the cemetery Sheriff Strong- ofiers a reward of 2500 for the arrest of Charles ling formerly of Crookston who is charged with the crime of horsesteal ing Br IX A Lewis Albions leadlncr physician most heartily recommends Dr StimKey to those needing his- ser vices At The Donoher June 5 6 and 7 19 Mrs G P Crabb has very neaily re covered from her recent illness thanks to tha excellent care ot Dr Evans and will soon be ablo to leave her room Mrs Susie Baker formerly of Long pine who has been visiting with her mother Mrs Abram Johnson return ed to her home in Pawnee City this morning Adolph Buechle sold-his-farm at the head of Swan Lake valley Tuesday to G A Lovejoy for 800 cash or its equivalent Buechle wilL go east in a few dayg Albert May of Bassett is in town this week He came up to join the regular army but being a married man he was rejected andwill wait for the Volunteers George Schwalm repurchased his residence on Cherry street from E Sparks and has mswl therein Mr Sparks moving to the Ludwig property vacated by Schwalm Prof and Mrs 11 H Watson left for Lincoln Tuesday morning where they expect to remain about six weeks Prof Watson will attend the univer sity school while gone Bert Martin went to Deadwood Sat urday night where he wil ocsupy the position of baggage master tor the F E Fred Vincent has taken Berts poaitiou in the depot here Mrs Vivian Lawrie formerly of the westend of this county but later of Central City one of our former school teachers has been in town this week visiting ElhvStiilwell at J J Guths John Burlington the tailor who made so many friends here a short time ago is now orderly sergeant iu one of the companies of the First Reg iment Neb Volsrnow at San- Fran clsco Each Saturday and Sunday until Oetoberr round trip tickets to Hot Springs S D will be sold for 720 one far e for the round trip- tickets good returning until the following Tuesday Bert Martin and Alma Carlson vis ited Berts parents in Ainsworth last Friday Humor says the couple were given a charivari that night but we assure our readers- that it was un deserved Prof J O Berkley formerly editor of the Ainsworth Star-Journal- and present superintendent of the Brown county schools has joined the army in the cavalryrand gone to fight the Spaniards Several people followed E J Daven port down the street Tuesday think ing he was carrying a war bulletins Investigation disclosed that the bulle tin was a bill of lading for a new lot of Hendersons shoes A test was made Tuesday evening to determine the difference in pressure between the tank and pump Water was thrown about 20 feet farther with direct pressure and high enough to go over the top of any building in town B F Carter stock solicitor for the F E M V of Gordon is in town this week Mr Carter win make this Sis Headquarters during the summer and fall and may move his family here Ben is a very pleasant and sociable fellow and we predict that he will give the railroad good service Irrigation riant Deatroyed Dick Grooms was in town from Niobrara Falls yesterday and told us of a peculiar circumstance which happened at his place last Friday Dick spent much valuable time and considerable money in rigging up a 14 foat irrigation wheel this spring and viewed the results of his work Friday about 11 oglock with a great deal of satisfactioa Shortly after noon the Aiobrara commenced to i raise and betweeaone and two oclock had readied a point about five feet above its ordinary level and the result of his labors was swept away Dick followed the wheel about three fourths of a mile down the river and then went home Saturday morning he went down the river and located his i wheel about a mile away all smashed to pieces The plant will be rebuilt at once This sudden rise in the Nio brara is unprecedented and its cause ia mystery Pleasant Hill 18195 25454 Mother Lake 11558 28045 ValPnct 1995 S40 Gillaspie 14279- 77882 Nenzel 4288 7780 Table 17965 11216 Sparks 24812 7011 Georgia 2969 2275- German 8190 6195 Woodlafc 58015 43159 Steen 6350 19754 Minnechaduza ltyoST 14211 Merriman 6625 46449 Dewey Lake li837 46731 Decoration Day Decoration Day was- fit tingiy ob served in Valentine by the old soldi and their friends A committee was appointed to visit Ft Niobrara and decorate graves there and at 10 oclock the local G A R escorted by the Valentine Volunteers visited the graves in the cemetery here and strew ed thera with flowers In the afternoon- two splendid addresses by J W Tucker and F M Walcott were de livered at Cornell Hall Messrs Towle and Easley were called and responded with a few remarks appropriate to the occasion Music by a quartette was rendered between speeches In the evening a patriotic program of songs and recitations was- given by the Epworth League at the M E church and R G Easley made an ad dress The memorial sermon was deliver ed by Rev Moore the day previous- One More Girl Born to Mr and Mrs Perry Swear ingen near Sparks Friday morning May 27 a girl This is a quite com mon statement not particularly as re gards Ferry though but it caused a whole lot of trouble to the father Along in the middle of the night Perry started for the doctor a lady at Sparks He got her and then started for home Twice- it is reported be lost his way and returned to Sparks At last he arrived at Sears place and then with Mrs Sears in the wagon started out again to see the scenery Our informant did not tell us where the party then went but he did say that Sears has been roaring ever since Here is a query that presents itself If Perry gets so rattled oyer a new girl what would have happened if it had been a boy Wakpamnl Wagonn One of the busiest places in town Vhfs week is the yard around the In dian freight depot Twenty men are engaged in setting up wagons for In- dian use Various nrices are naid Receiving and Shipping Clerk Tucker out of the goodness of his hearr paying those who work by the day 150 those who work by the piece get 25 cents per wagon JHLrottcr to Marry Cards are out announcing the wed ding of Mr Wra Krotter of Stuart and Miss Mabel Hall of Long Phrer t take place on June 8 Langijpe fie- publican Journal - fh VALENTINE Published for Four Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT The War With Spain Special telegrams to Valentine give news of a terrifiic battle at Santiago de Cuba Particulars are meager but it seems the Spaniards made a night at tack on Schley but were repulsed the Americans then forcing the harboi The governor is advised that a full regiment is to be recruited from Ne braska thus giving Bryan an oppor tunity tago with the Third Present indications are that the lo cal company will not be called out the balance of Nebraskas Quota under the- 75000- call going to the regiments now in the fields Tsocps areleaving Tampa for Cuba and Porto Rico and from San Francis co they are sailing to Manila Dr Wells wife and son of fcin arrinror Mnnilav loot Tim nnn Assessed Valuations v - nwe Most of fchft niterrv nonntv Psona ccoHjpauiea over from- Borden by J have made their returns to the county W1Is and wif e and with their man7 clerk According to the books now on file the assessed valuation of the various precincts real and personal is as follows Real Personal Boiling Springs 1GS31 4432 Schlegel 15069 9636 ValVill 62050 53046 Loup 34943 53876 Eli 13340 23584 Kennedy 10756- 29360 auuuie norses maae quite an imposing procession Butte Gazette The Royal Neighbors of Crookston will give an ice cream social on Sat urday June 4 and will also entertain their eaests with a fishirv nnnrt Music famished by graphaphone Everybody cordially invited Wild Rose Camp 928 R N of A TvoiiiB Dslaycd No 3 west bound passenger on the F E was seven hours late Monday morning on account of an aeeident at Kennard east of Fremont A freight train running ahead of the- passenger was derailed and No 3 crashed into it No passengers were injured but the engineerand ITreman of Iso 3 were killed East bound passenger No 4 Tuesday morning was two hours late on account of a slight ac cident at Rapid City i A liai go JJass D E Sherman lauded a 8 pound black bass from the mill pond Mon day using an ordinary pole and line with a spoon hook Dell was very I proud of his achievement which is a 1 record breaker fo2 this season Two young men from the lakes south of town brought in a large quantity of bass Monday some of which weighed 4 pounds each There is a suspicion however that these were not caught with hook and line Dr Crooks Hero Soon Chas Anderson son of N S Ander son living near Fremont saysi I received a sunstroke in June I89 and was taken to Omaha Nebr for treatment but grew worse all the time was then taken Ho- Lincoln where I remained for some timer but grew worse rapidly and became so bad that I lost my mind and eyesight and was a perfect wreck The phy sicians claimed there was no hope for rae My father bearing of Dr Crooks and his- success concluded to try him with the result that I was restored to health in three months 19 Table of DiHtauces Now that Spain the Canaries the Cape Verde Islands Porto Rico Cuba etcf figure in the telegrams every day it is proper that some idea of the dis tances of these points one from the other and from the principal ports of our eastern coasts may be known To this end the following table has been prepared FROM MILES Canaries to Cape Verde 876 Cadiz Spain to Canaries 700 Cape Verde to Porto Rico 2350 Porto Rico to Havana 1000 Havana to New Orleans 600 Havana to Mobile 550 Havana to Tampa 300 Havana to Key West 100 Havana to Hampton Roads 1000 Key West to Porto Rico 1000 Porto Rico to Hampton Roads 1200 Havana to Boston 1400 Porto Rico to Boston 600 Porto Rico to Cadiz r 3500 Porto Kico to Canaries 2800 Cape Verde to Hampton Roads 3050 Cadiz to Boston 3117 BoBton to Chattanooga 1070 Chattanooga to Tampa 629 Washington to Chattanooga 625 Washington to Tampa 1464 Barcelona to Cadiz 600 Preserve this table for reference and it will materially aid in under standing the movements of ships and troops Said mountain News WS DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY JUNE 2 1898 NO 19 THREE - GRACES The three graces about our Shoes are FIT WEAR and APPEARANCE They fit well wear long and look and fit well as long as they wear OOO The three graces about our Dress Goods are STYLE QUALITY and PRICE They are all latest designs best material and net us a very small profit AAA ooo Davenport Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS Full line of Undertakers Supplies A r0 YOI 1 GOING TO DO The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLORS and VAENISH at - - - Elliotts Drug Store VALENTINE MEAT MARKET j MY mm Vu4il mm ANYSPRING CLEANING mn mm 2 mM mm Tm W D CLAPKSON FROPR AAAAAAA AAA 4 4 4 kAA AAAAA oforDiO awQowa AAAA Change A 000OWDft orc ccrQgorc2Cc coocft0cCicrco V 1 o 0 t Your Underwear s 4 4 4 4 S 49 49 49 49 c4 Cf WE CARRY A COMPLETE LIKE SEE US BEFORE BUYING e Mcdonald C0 C 0 0 War after Peace RAIN AFTER SHINE A SPRING HAT AFTER A WINTER ONE We have a fine line to select from STYLISH SHAPES COMPLETE SIZES CALL AND INSPECT OUR MILLINERY ANYTIME C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS THE ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line is to to and from the I L EFNER be SUGAR BEET FIELD OF NORTH NEBRASKA C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BEOS DENTISTS Office over Ulierry County Sank 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE IjmTjra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confldentiaL Handbook on Patents sent free Oldest aeency for securing patents Patents taken through Munn Co rccelT9 tptctal notlcr without charge in tha Scientific American A handsomely illustrated veeklr dilation of any scientific Journal year iour months A u rata by all Largest cir Terma 13 a - - newsaeaiers MUNfU Co - New Tort Branch Office 5 F St Washington pC 0 A