The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 26, 1898, Image 4

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EOBERT GOOD Editor and Prop
Admiral Cervera Is Said to Bo
Cruising About With the Object
of Keeping the United States
Fleets Guessing Other Items
No News of a Fight
Thenavy department lias settled down
to quietly wait for definite results in the
naval program in West Indian waters
Every inquiry is directed toward the loca
tion of the respective squadrons and the
chances of an early conflict But the sum
total of the official advices throws little or
no light on the time when the battle may
occur It is said by those best acquainted
with the situation that a decisive fight may
occur within the next few hours or it may
not occur for several days possibly weeks
At the same the authorities believe the
chance is greatly lessened of Admiral Cer
veras prolonging his elusive plan for any
considerable time There are several rea
sons for this but the main one is that the
Spanish ships have made inroads on their
coal supply The run across from Cape
de Verde used up tho greater part if not
all of this supply Since then stops have
been made at Martinique Curacao and
Santiago but at no one of these places has
it been possiblo to take on more than
enough cole for temporary uses
Mystery Surrounding tho Death of
a Topeka Man
The accident insurance companieswhich
carried 13000 of insurance on the life of
J S Collins whose mysterious death in
his home in Topeka Kan May 18 are
trying to prove that he committed suicide
The old line life insurance companies
which carried 15030 insurance on his life
will insist and attempt to prove that he
was murdered and by a member of the
family Between these two the mjrstery
of the death may possibly be cleared up
Within the last few days many things
came to light iu this most remarkable case
in support of the theory that J S Collins
committed suicide It has developed that
instead of bing wealthy as nearly everone
supposed Collins was financially em
barrassed to such an extent that he bor
rowed money right and left from friends
and it is even declared that in some in
stances he resorted to misrepresentation to
get it His creditors were pushing him
hard and he was worried about money
matters so that he could riot sleep at night
Those who belive in the suicide theory
say that the family knew he contemplated
suicide and that was why the son John
went home so often from the university at
night to watch his father and to prevent
his killing himself
Cruising About with the Object of
Keeping TJ S Fleets Guessing
A Madrid dispatch says it is hinted in
official circles that Admiral Cerveras fleet
is now cruising with the object of keeping
the American fleet busy watching its
movements thus preventing the
Americans doing much damage on
the Cuban coast At the cabiuet
meeting Sunday Gen Correa and Senor
Aunou ministers of War and navy gave
details of their war preparations and plans
and means at their disposal The council
approved the organization The second
squadron is still in Cadiz and will remain
there practicing until the order is given o
leave It is believed that the government
will wait till learning what Admiral Cer
vera has been able to do before deciding
to move
Levee Break Submerges 15000
Acres of Illinois Land
A Quincy 111 dispatch says that the
break in the Crew levee in the Indian
district has caused the spreading
waters to cover an area of nearly
15000 acres of fanning lands- and on part
of them the water is three feetjieep
It is estimated that about 5000 or 6000
acres of wheat is submerged and it prob
ably will be a total loss The streams are
out of their banks on the Missouri side of
the river opposite the city and the farmers
have not been able to cross the bottoms
since the middle of last week Much
damage has been caused by washouts and
in the carrying away of bridges
Engine Goes Over a Trestle
The suburban narrow gauge train on
the Alameda branch was derailed on the
trestle which runs out to the end of the
pier at San Francisco The locomotive
went over and the first coach was thrown
across the track The fireman was killed
Ihe engineer seriously injured and one
other trainman washurt No passengers
were injured
Texas Lawyer Assassinated
W G Bowen one of the most prominent
lawyers of Collua Texas was assassinated
late Monday night Bowen had been
down town after supper and on his return
about 9 oclock he was shot twice in the
back not over twenty steps from his house
Mr Bowen was unarmed So far no clue
to the perpetrator has been found
Siege Train for Invaders
Arrangements are being made by lho
quartermasters department for a siege
train to be shipped to Cuba and to follow
in the wake of the invading army The
train will be able to carry 50000 pounds of
artillery and will be used for supplies in
the bombardment of interior towns
Decapitates Her Children
Mrs Lena Sporri an insane widow ot
Poughkeepsie NY murdered her two
children 3 son 2 years old and a daughter
5 months old by decapitating them
Author of Looking Backward
Passes Away in Massachusetts
Edward Bellamy the author and
humanitarian died early Sunday morn
ing at his home in Chicopee Falls Mass
in the 49th year of his ago Mr Bellamy
has been in feeble health evur since he
finished his Equality some eight months
ago At tho earnest solicitations of his
physicians and family he resolved to try
the effect of the Colorado climate and early
in September last removed with his family
to Denver Colo where he was welcomed
by a host of friends He received how
ever little or no benefit from tho change
and since January has been rapidly failing
It was in 1888 that his famous book Look
ing Backward was published the sale of
which up to the present time is over 450000
copies in America and probably over half
a million of copies have been sold in Eng
land and other countries
On the 33th day of December 1891 Mr
Bellamy being convinced that it was his
duty to supplement his efforts in Looking
Backward by educating tho peoplu
toward reform in government issued the
first number of The New Nation a
paper destined to become widely quoted
and influential lie leaves a widow and
two children besides two brothers Charles
J Bellamy of Springfield and Frederick
Bellamy of Brooklyn N Y His funeral
will take place at his homo in Chicopeo
Falkland by his special request will be of
fhe simplest possible character
A Severe Tornado Passes Through
Northwest Arkansas
The tornado which passed through a
portion of northwest Arkansas Friday
night did immense damage to property
and caused the death of at least seven per
sons Reports of the destruction are com
ing in slowly and it is feared that latea
details will add other names to the death
list The storm came from the southeast
passing through the great fruit belt oJ
the Ozark fruit region and tore its way
through the southern end of Benton
county spending its force in the Whito
Itiver valley Everything in its path waa
destroyed the greatest damage being done
near Elm Springs Lowell and Mudtown
the latter place being entirely swept away
At Elm Springs houses were blown down
orchards destroyed and stock killed Ono
man was killed by falling timbers
Two miles east of Elm Springs a man
named Killingsworth and his wife were
killed A mile away a farm house occu
pied by an Italian family was wrecked
and the inmates were instantly killed
Twenty houses are reported blown away
in the vicinity of Elm Springs One life
was lost near Fort Smith The home of
W S- Kimbrough near Springdale was
blown down and Kimbrough was in
stantly killed Several other farm houses
wore blown down near Springdale and six
io eight persons more or less injured
Some damage was also done at Rogers
md Siloam Springs
Passenger and Military Trains Coh
lidc Near Chattanooga
A passenger train jrn the Chattanooga
Rome and Southern Railroad which left
Chattanooga at 840 oclock Saturday
morning rau into the third section of thq
military train conveying the First Mis
souri volunteers who arrived in
Friday night near Rossville Ga
killing one private painfully injuring two
other privates and slightly injuring several
other occupants of both trains Enginees
Wheeler and Fireman Hanby of the pass
enger train were arrested by Lieut Col
Ca Lindas and taken under guard to ths
park They were afterward turned ovej
to the civil authorities A trial will b
held and a judicial investigation ordered
Economical Smokeless Companys
Mill Partially Destroyed
Three thousand pounds of powder at
tho plant of the Economical Sraokeles
Powder Company about four and a hal 1
miles from Ilammond Ind blew up kill
ing one man injuring three others and
demolishing the building in which wa
located the mixing room The plant hat
been running only three days and was
about to begin work on a government or
der for 85000000 cartridges The com
pany has been unable to determine the
cause of the explosion-
- A Threatening Proclamation
The text of a proclamation issued b3
Bartolome Masso president of the Cubar
republic has reached this country via Net
Orleans In it Masso strongly urges th
autonomists guerillas and Cubans leaninj
toward Spain to come over to the Cubax
ranks lie assures them that with thi
aid of the United States troops a decisiv
blow to Spain is soon to be struck and tha
the Cuban cause will soon be won
Canadians Move Custom Office
The steamer City of Seattle arrived a
Seattle Saturday with the largest passen
ger list jct brought by a returning steamei
since the rush to Alaska began It had
263 persons on board The most importani
news brought down was that the Canadian
custom house has been moved to a new
station onMiddle Lake ten miles furthej
Wisconsin Town Scorched
Fire has destroyed the larger part of
waunee Wis the loss reaching a total oi
100C03 About twenty business estab
lishraents were wiped out the losses rang-
ing from 1000 to 18000 most of which
were covered by insurance
To Defend Manila to the Last
The Madrid correspondent of the Lou
don Mail telegraphs Governor General
Augusti has reaffirmed that he will dis
tribute every rifle and cartridge he pos
sesses and defend Manila to the last
Transfer of Wei Hai Wei
Arrangements for the transfer of Wei
Hai Wei have been completed The Jap
anese will withdraw at once and the Brit
ish will take possession
New Hampshire Jurist Dead
Chief Justice A II Garpenter of the
j New Hampshire state court died at Con
cord asa result of a paralytic strolce
Cuban Girl Will Become the Bride
of One of Her Rescuers
Evangelina y Cisneros the famous
young Cuban girl is soon -to wed Carlos
Carbonel a former Cuban banker When
Carl Decker went to Havana with the ex
press purpose of liberatiug Miss Cisneros
he found a trusted lieutenant in the per
son of Carbonel although like Decker ho
at the time was unacquainted with
the fair young Cuban When the night
of the rescue from the Havana prison
came Carbonel was at Deckers side dur
ing the entire affair To Carbonel was
intrusted the duty and privilege of accom
panying the girl to New York The com
panionship between the two natives of a
common clime soon ripened into love and
the usual details of courtship followed
with the result that a wedding will shortly
take place probably before Lieut Car
bonel is ordered into the field although
no definite time has been decided on by
Miss Cisneros her guardian Mru Logan
or her groom to be
Gus Ruhlin and the Kid Fight
Twenty Lively Rounds
The fight at Syracuse N Y Friday
night between Kid McCoy and Gus
Ruhlin the latter of Cleveland resulted
in a victory for McCoy after twenty lively
rounds Ruhlin stood a lot of punishment
but was always ready to come back for
more He was apparently strong at the
fiuish McCoy says that he will now meet
Goddard and then Choynski McCoy ac
cording to his statement weighed 157
pounds and Ruhlin 189 George Siler of
Chicago acted as referee When ho ren
dered his decision Jim Corbett leaped into
the ring and asked McCoy to fight him
but the latter refused to consider the mat
ter and declined to make any arrangments
Two Men Descend the Yukon from
the Gold Fields
E M Carr and F L Hawley of Seattle
arrived home after one of the longest re
corded trips by dog sled and small boat
in the history of Alaskan travel Tho
trip extended over a period of 105 days
and was attended by much hardship Carr
and Hawley left Rampart City several
hundred miles up the Yukon January 11
with an outfit of two sleds and seven dogs
and several Indian guides They traveled
down the Yukon to the coast and thence
to Kodiak Island where they caught a
steamer from Sitka They encountered
many blizzards and for one period of eight
days their fooil was the few fish they
Another Spanish Spy
A New York dispatch says that a man
said to be a Spanish spy and a deserter
from the First United States artillery is
reported to bo a prisoner on Governors
Island According to the story told lho
man was arrested by secret service agents
on Broadway While being transfer eel
to Governors Island on board the Gen
Hancock the prisoner is alleged to have
flung a packet of papers into tho bay but
the boat put back and the papers which
it is asserted comprised detailed plans of
the harbor defenses of New York which
were addressed to Ihe Spanish consul at
Montreal were recovered
To Be Buried in die Abbey
It is now virtually decided that Mr
Gladstones remains shall be interred in
Westminster Abbey The family do not
oppose the nations desire and tho only
direction Mr Gladstone left was that ho
should be buried at Hawarden unless thero
should be an unmistakable national wish
for the interment at the abbey
Big Revolt Brewing in China
Late Oriental papers state that there arq
many indications of a rebcllonin the Yang
Tse Kiang valley owing to the unsettled
industrial conditions The Kolao Hui tho
formidable anti foreign secret society
continues to increase in numbers Many
missionaries in that section are thought to
be in danger of death
Rains Kill Chinch Bugs
Heavy rains during the past week have
swollen the streams in Missouri and over
some of the larger streams bridges have
been washed away Tho heavy rains will
delay the corn crop but they have been
the means of killing millions of chinch
bugs infesting the wheat fields
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 5550 hogs shipping grades
300 to 475 sheep fair to choice 250
to 450 wheat No 2 red 139 to 141
corn No 2 34c to 3Gc oats No 2 29c
to 31c 170 No 2 G7c to G9c butter
choice creamery 14c to 16c eggs fresh
9c to lie potatoes commo nto choice
60c to 75c per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
550 hogs choice light 300 to 450
wheat No 2 119 to 121 corn No 2
white 36c to 3Sc oats No 2 white 33c
to 35c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 475 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 124 to 125 corn No 2
yellow 34c to 3Gc oats No 2 33c to 34c
rye No 2 G4c to 6Gc
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 250 to 475
wheat No 2 red 124 to 120 corn No
2 mixed 35c to 37c oats No 2 mixed 32c
to 34c rye No 2 G4c to 66c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
325 to 425 sheep 250 to 450
wheat No 2 134 to 136 com No 2
3 eQlow 3Sc to 40c oatc No 2 white 35c
to 36c rye G4c to 66c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 144 to
146 corn No 2 mixed 37c to 38c oats
No 2 -white 30c to 31c rye No 2 OGc to
CSc clover seed 295 to 305
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 133
to 136 com No 3 37c to 38c oats No
2 white 32c to 34c rye No 1 G8c to 70c
barley No 2 50c to 55c pork mess
11 75 to 1225
Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 475 sheep 300 to 450
wheat No 2 red 139 to 141 corn No
2 yellow 40c to 41c oats No 2 white
35c to 37c
New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 475 sheep 300 to 475j
wheat No 2 red 153 to 154 corn No
2 41c to 42c oats No 2 white 37c to
butter creamery 15c to lGc eggSj
Western 10c to lie -1
County Amt Due
Adams S 788999
Antelope 470220
lianner 49025
Blaine 17960
Boone 481627
Box Butte 175225
Boyd 203257
Brown 139064
Buffalo 910088
Burt 53750S
Butler 7169 18
Cass 1020286
Cedar 489514
Chase 102339
Cherry 168066
Cheyenne iG34f5
Clay 711943
Colfax C44727
Cuming C2o787
Custer 853555
UaKOta 264051
Dawes 294722
Dawson c16089
Deuel 88584
Dixon 431632
Dodge 912044
Douglas 4645400
Dundy 97563
Fillmore G67894
Franklin 393407
Frontier 381637
Furnas 507959
Gage 1207403
Garfield 57762
Gosper 280302
craut 26090
Greeley 227355
Hall 717046
Hamilton 608070
tiarian 414522
Hayes 111033
Hitchcock 1914S6
Holt 477258
Hooker 6674
Howard 485388
Jefferson 075054
State Superintendent Jackson
nounces the Amonnt Due
Several Counties Under
School Fund Apportionment
School Fund Apportionment7
The state superintendent of public in
struction has issued his statement showing
the apportionment of the state school fund
among the various counties of tho state
The statement is dated May 16 and shows
that there are now in the hands of the
state treasurer and subject to apportion
ment 43069593 which has been appor
tioned among the several counties as fol
County Amt Due
Johnson S 477743
Kearney 456750
Keith CG8C3
Keyalaha 112610
Kimball 21721
Knox 567419
Lancaster 2343307
Lincoln 475559
Logan 38831
Loud 51209
Madison 700537
McPherson 7645
Merrick 350572
Nanco 303464
Nemaha 632218
Nuckolls 510993
Otoe 908889
Pawnee 500557
Perkins 69775
Phelps 433816
fierce a Ktu
Platte 772017
Polk 478229
Red Willow 892679
Richardson 875398
Rock 101320
Saline 850321
Sarpy 340621
Saunders 983396
ScottS Bluff 76570
Seward 701143
Sheridan 253353
Sherman 305673
Sioux 69047
Stanton 303732
Thayer 605886
l nomas laaiw
Thurston -132026
Valley 328123
Washington 568390
Wayne 400445
weoster 001770
Wheeler 44292
York 758055
Total 43069598
Second Nebraska Regiment Leaves
for Chickamauga
Camp Saunders at Lincoln is deserted
tho Second Nebraska regiment having left
for Chickamauga Park late Friday night
in three battalions Tho only soldiers
now in Lincoln are the members of cav
alry troop A which is -to join Col Grigs
bys South Dakota regiment
Bad Storm at Taylor
A cyclone broke over tho western part
of Loup County last week Traveling
north it struck the residence on what is
known at the West Strohl place occupied
by IT A Stewart There were four in
the house at the time and Mrs Stewart
was badly hurt but not considered dan
gerously Their three little boys were
playing in a corn crib at f he lime None
were hurt All buildings are a complete
wreck The storm struck the places of W
II Dilsover and William Sears cdmpletely
destroying their buildings but no one was
Find Empty Kegs
Since tho First of lho month when the
saloons at Ilumboldt were closed consid
erable red liquor has been manifest in the
city and tho temperance people made up
their minds to locate the source if pos
sible Accordingly they procured a search
warrant from Justice Marble and with a
constable made a thorough search
through the billiard hall but the
effort lo locate the booze was futile noth
ing but empty cases and kegs being found
In the cellar of the suspected house
Want a New School Building
The board of education of Tekamah has
been presented with a petition signed by
150 tax payers of the school district ask
ing tliat they call a special election to vote
Loads for building a new school building
Tho board is favorable to tho voing of
bonds and no fears are entertained but
they will give the people a chance lo ex
press themselves on this question by the
Omaha Wants a Tannery
If a tannery can be secured for the city
Omaha is assured of the establishment of
a big paint and oil manufactory to engage
particularly in the producing of white
lead Capital amounting to 100000 will
be put into the plant at once and any other
additional sum needed will be easily avail
able as there is pleuty of money behind
the scheme
Gen W W Lowe Dead
Gen Wm Wirt Lowe retired died at
Omaha May 18 of paralysis of the heart
aged 65 lie was graduated at West Point
in 1855 served on the frontier previous to
the war and with distinction duriug that
Sneak Thief Captured
Charles Kussell a sneak thief who has
been looting various houses in Hastings
was captured and upon a hearing was
bound over to the district court in the sum
of 500 He failed to furnish bail
Kastners on Trial
Joseph and Louis Kastner father and
son are on trial at Omaha charged with
the murder of Officer Dan Tiedeman and
the wounding of Officer Al Glover upon
the early morning of June 9 1897
Postmaster Reappointed
J H Tower a Democrat of long stand
ing and whose term has just expired under
Grover Clevelands administration has
been reinstated as postmaster at Sutton
Spring Rise at Culbertson
The Republican and Frenchman rivers
are on their annual spring rise Though
both rivers are quite high no serious dam
age is reported
Chaska Sent to the Pen
Chaska the husband of Clara Belle Fel
lows was sentenced to one year in the
penitentiary for stealing from Indians at
To Help the Clerks-
A petition was circulated by the clerks
of Blair to the proprietors of the business
nouse3 asking for the closing of all stores
from 12 to 4 oclock on Decoration Day
The petition was signed by almost every
business man and the clerks will have a
half holiday
Child Loses a Hand
While Ed Goosnicklause was grinding
corn at his farm near Osceola to feed his
cattle his 7-year-old daughter was playing
about the mill and got her left hand caught
in the mill bruUgiterribly amputation
being necessary -
Woik of Cattle Thieves
Herman Oehlrich a prominent stock
feeder and merchant of Columbus who
owns a large ranch one mile south of Ben
ton in Colfax County discovered that
someone had helped himself to two car
loads of cattle About a week ago parties
drove out during the night thirty 3even
head of 2-year-olds and last week they
took nineteen head of 8-year-olds The
parties shipped from Lambert and as the
stock was biiledfrom Schuyler it naturally
attracted the attention of ihe local ship
pers as the party who shipped them gave
the name of Stell and was unknown to
them They investigated and as a resnlt
the South Omaha commission firms were
notified and payment on the last car was
stopped although Stell tried hard to get
a small advance on the consignment
Canning Factory Scorched
A frame wing to tho canning factory at
Beatrice was destroyed by an incendiary
fire May 18 The plant is in course of
preparation for the seasons work and as
the fire was kept away from the rooms
containing the machinery engines and
boilers the work will proceed without in
terruption A new building is being
erected to take the place of the part
burned The loss on tho building is 81003
The Haskoll Bosworth Commission Com
pany had 52500 worth of egg case fillers
stored in the burned bnilding air of which
were destroyed on which there was 2000
Little Sod School House
A miniature sod school house made by
Mrs H P Groseback one of Benkelmans
teachers was sent to the Trans-Mississippi
Exposition with the school exhibit
from Dundy County It is built of sod
plastered on the inside has two windows
on either side a board roof which is
covered with soil and furnished with rus
tic seats desks and blackboard It is an
exact copy of the little sod school houses
built over the western prairies and is sure
to attract more than ordinary attention
from the exposition visitors
These are Pharmacists
Secretary A W Buchheit of the board
of examiners Nebraska State Board of
Pharmacy announces that the following
applicants examined at the recent meet
ing at Hastings have passed tho examina
tion and have been granted certificates as
registered pharmacists G V Esping
Bertiand L G Flesher Newman Grove
V J Kovarik Crete C A Leckliter
Lincoln Mary D Moore Lincoln The
next meeting of the board will be held at
Omaha August 10
Shot by Burglars
The saloon of Mike Hart at Omaha
was entered and ransacked by burglars
The upstairs portion of the building was
occupied by Hart and his family Mrs
Hart was awakened by a noise in the
kitchen and called to her husband to get
up and see what was going on Hart
jumped from his bed and as he stepped
from his bed rpom door a shot was fired
and the saloon keeper fell to the floor with
a bullet in his neck He cannot live
Planting Fish 1
The Nebraska fieh commission dis
tributed bass I rout channel cat and
man carp at Sidney the other day Most
of these were planted in the Lodge Pole
Creek Commissioner Oberfelder Super
intendent OBrien and Deputy Henry
Henipel accompanied the car to Larmie
City Wyo to procure trout from the
Wyoming hatchery to be put in streams in
western Nebraska in exchange for wall
eyed pike
Blanket Tossing Accident
A number of members of the Omaha
guard at Lincoln were making merry by
tossing some of the boys in blankets Paul
Epeneter was thrown higher than usual
and one of the tossers accidentally drop
ping a corner of the blanket he fell to the
ground and suffered a complete fracture of
the left shoulder blade The surgeon an
nounces that he will not be out of the
hospital for at least four weeks
Oakland Scorched
Fire broke out in the building occupied
by Lindquist Brothers butchers at Oak
land one day recently The building
and stock is nearly a total loss The post
ofiice building on the south was badly
damaged All mail matter was gotten out
safely before the water began to pour iu
A F Lofvanders drug store was slightly
damaged Incendiaries are suspected
Addition to Normal School
Work has commenced at the Fremont
normal school on an addition 56 by 80 feet
to the west wing of tho young mens dor
mitory which will contain room for
thirty two students Tho building is of
brick and will be completed about July 1
There are over 030 students enrolled at
the present lime
Morphine Killed Her
Coroner Marlin held an inquest on the
remains of Ollie Thomas the woman who
died at Fremont suddenly the other day
The jury brought in a verdict of death
from morphine taken with suicidal Inteut
The womans parents reside near Eagle
and are well to do respectable people
Twenty Days to File Brief
The supreme court has granted twenty
days time for Moores attorneys to file
briefs in the Broatch Moores case The
motion to require the referee to make ad
ditional findings was submitted to the
court and no announcement has been made
on this motion
Cyprian Kills Herself
Ollie Thomas an inmate of a house of
ill fame at Fremont had a quarrel with a
man named Balestier and in a lit of pas
sion took seven grains of morphine She
died from its effects
Nebraska Short Notes
Work has been commenced on the erec
tion of a creamery at McCook
Never before in the history of Boone
County was there a better prospect for
crops of all kinds than now
The Ked Cloud creamery opened np its
initial week in fine shape It is already
having an excellent run of business
The Oakdale mill was bid in at sheriffs
sale by Attorney Bobertson for the mort
gagee Mr Pratt at 5000 and the sale
was confirmed by the court Gallaway
Bros filing no objections
W D Altdoerffer is in Holdredge await
ing a party of a dozen men from different
sections who will meet and go to Alaska
under his guidance
Banker Stewart of Madison has two
clerks who belong to the Allen Rifles and
he promised that if they go to the front
their salaries will be regularly paid to
their families during their absence
While out hunting Anson Hawley of
Loup City accidently shot himself in the
left foot with a 32 caliber rifle the ball
striking the instep and passing out at the
ball of tho foot The wound is not dan
gerous wV
yi iw ni
fij t 6 fcv ti Si fi5tl Kl 1
The debate on the war revenue measurer
was begun in the Senate on Monday In
the House the conference report upon the
bill authorizing the sending of food andi
arms to Cubans was adopted A bill was
passed providing for an increase in the
force of the adjutant generals office The
House joint resolution appointing -William
J Sewell of New Jersey Martin TJ
McMnhon of New York John L Mitchell
of Wisconsin and William H Bonsall o
California members of the board of man
agers of the national home for disabled
volunteer soldiers was called up and pass
ed The Presidents veto of a bill confer
ring upon the court of claims jurisdiction
to retry the case of the representatives or
Isaac P Tice against the United States
brought in 1S73 to recover 25000 the al
leged value of certain meters to measure
the quality and strength of distilled spir
its was sustained The Senate bill to
establish an assay office at Seattle Wash
was passed The House also passed with
amendments the House bill to ratify an
agreement entered into in 1S92 between
United States Commissioners and the
Comanche Kiowa and Apache Indians to
open for settlement the reservation of
these Indians in Oklahoma
Considerable progress was made by the
Senate on Tuesday in considering the
war revenue measure A bill was report-
ed from the Military Affairs Committee
and passed providing that the pay and al
lowance of the volunteers enlisted in the
United States army shall begin on the day
of their enrollment at the State- camp
The latter part of the day was devotedt
to eulogies upon the late Representative
Seth L Milliken of Maine The House
held a brief session Two important bills
affecting labor were passed one limiting
the labor of persons employed upon
ernment works and in government service
to eight hours daily and the other pro
viding for tlin equipment of a
san labor commission to consider
tive problems affecting labor Mr Cor
liss Mich called up the House bill to
repeal the law providing that transmis
sion of the electoral veto of the States to
Washington shall be by messengers The
bill proposes transmission by mail and
express The bill was defeated Senate
bill providing an American registry forf
the ship Centennial now at Seattle wasi
passed The House passed a bill to au
thorize the appointment of a non partisan
commission to collate information and ta
recommend legislation to meet problems
presented by labor agriculture and cap
Considerable progress was made in the
Senate on Wednesday in the reading of
the war revenue bill which included nat
urally the consideration of the amend
ments proposed by the committee
Through the influence of Mr Gorman
Dern Md the imprisonment penalty
was stricken out of some of the sections
relating to violations of the stamp tax
After an extended debate part of which
occupied the secret legislative session the
conference report on the bill suspend
ing certain parts of the existing law relat
ing to the purchase of supplies by the war
department was adopted The bill per
mitting officers of the regular army to
accept staff appointments in the volunteer
army without losing their rank or place
in the regular service was also passed An
urgent deficiency bill carrying S437
032 mostly for pensions was agreed on
by the House Commitee on Appropria
tions and immediately reported to the
House which passed it without debate
The bill carries 8070872 for payment
of pensions and other items of small
amounts including expenses of United
States courts and clerical force and print
ing for the Avar and navy departments
While several important paragraphs in
the war revenue measure were passed
over on Thursday for future considera
tion excellent progress was made by the
Senate in the consideration of the bill
Two thirds of the measure ha3 been -read
the committee amendments general
ly having been agreed to The proposi
tion to place a stamp tax upon proprie
tary articles and perfumeries now in
stock aroused a lively discussion It was
regarded as retroactive legislation and
as such was opposed by many Senators
After debate confined to the proposition
to send the labor arbitration bill to con
ference in which many members partici
pated a roll call of the Houe upon agree
ing to the Senate amendments
affecting the bills passage was ordered
resulting in yeas 219 nays 4 After ex
periencing a brief political tilt precipi
tated by a personal political explanation
from Mr Tongue Rep Ore the House
adjourned until Monday
Soon after the Senate convened on Fri
day Mr Hale Maine chairman of the
Committee on Naval Affairs favorably
reported from the committee the House
joint resolution providing for the organ
ization and enrollment of an auxiliary
naval force which shall form an inner line
of defense An amendment by the Senate
committee jjrovides that the force shall
not exceed 3000 men The resolution
was passed The Senate resumed con
sideration of the war revenue bill and
Mr Daniel of Virginia spoke for two
hours on the measure He supported the
biil but opposed the bond feature and
stamp tax and said the corporations
should bear a larger share of the taxa
tion Mr McEnery La proposed an
amendment to the paragraph of the bill
pjucing a tax upon all corporations- not
specifically designated providing that the
law should not apply to limited liability
commercial partnerships or corporations
and companies or corporations of limited
liability conducting planting or farmings
business or preparing for market products
of the soil
Odds and Ends
Dyed furs should never be brushed
by inexperienced hands
Mushrooms are native to all temper-
ate countries in short grass
Natural Kamchatka or sea otters
have been sold for 1000 a skin
In Japan coins are generally oft iron
and in Siam they are chiefly of
A French paper says that only ona
academician Jules Lemaitre rides
wheel -