li 5 f I t H i H f V J la 7 kJ A pi r a DIvTllMiL I 1 m i Munrf Miwm Uua THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher icial Paper of Cherry fX Per Jeur in Advancv ftf JLlbHKD BVEEY THUBSDAY EnUred at the Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly t itasubocriberB until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full The boys along the line of the Elk horn road should not forget the -meet-lag of the Elkhorn Valley Press Asso ciation at OXeill on Saturday June 4 President Barker has appointed C C McHugh of the Holt County Independent D II Cronin of the ONeill Frontier R H Jenness form erly of the Atkinson Graphic and Hobert Good of this place as members of the executire committee to assist fcini atad notification of placeson pro gram will be given to members shortly Everybody in Northern Nebraska who is engaged in newspaper work should attend this meeting Let ONeill -98 lie made a memorable occasion Ilf ffh School Entertainment The entertainment given at the high sohool building Friday evening by the west division was a decided ceis Following is the program which wus carried out in a very satisfactory manner JSonK School Recitation f he Newsbo sDtbt Bertha Thorn BBtory of the Court House John Bullis Original btory The Cool Headed Boy Ada Stinard Characterization Walter Thorn Stuuip speech YouDg America Carl 3rwin Vocal Solo Kaucy Lee Helen McDonald Jfcook Review Story of Patsy Sarah Simpson -Original story Tiip to Mars Clyde Davenport Keadmg Hound about Evidence1 Tacy Collet VfrarJJcws Bertha Knceland Qnartet Bertha Thorn Ines rettycrew Taxton Homback and Archie Pettycrew Imitation On the Frontier Lula Hooton Orlsisal story AFaded Shawl Inez Pettycrew Heading Big Bob Simpson Allie Cyphers J3wfc BexleTT Birds Christmas Carol Laura Tlllson arc The Misers eupper John Bulbs Clyde DatHport and Fred Glover oh School These entertainments are quite pop- wiar on account of the excellence of the programs rendered and the small admission fee charged together Tvitb the fact that the -proceeds are used to swell tht school library fund A good attendance was had last Friday and h was the door receipts Special Conneu aieetlnc iA special meeting of the Board of Tillage Trustees was held Thursday evening and the board reorganized fey electing P F Simons mayor and E Sparks treasurer Licenses to sell intoxicants s a beverage were grant ed to Henry Stetter John J Guth JFraak Fischer and C II Thompson Andrew M Morrissey was elected Tillage clerk for the ensuing year at a salary of 50 A board of health con sisting of Dr A Lewis G H Hornby aifd Kobert Good was appointed Jfiilltla Sews The editor visited Lincoln Monday and called on Governor Holcomb in the interest of Valentine One of the ebjeets will be made public later but in aejard to the organization of a mil itary company here the governor aid As soon as the National Guard -is mus tewd into the XT S service steps will Ire taken to organize two regiments to fake their place In the event -of a eall for more volunteers those two regiments will be given the preference Benee if Valentine wants to go to war she must get a move on her and aganize a militia company as we ad vocated several -weeks ago The XJ wilt not nse raw recruits if she can get men who are more or less familiar with drill work The petitnn for a eoropany is still open for signatures Vevisited the boys at Camp Alvin Saunders and found Co H of Ch3d ia in good condition and hard at work drilling Some of the bovs seemed to be a little tired bnt they wiJl eorae out all right John and jEFarry Tucker have joined this cors wt and will go to the front The two regiments are being mustered in a Lincoln this week Thp water commissioner informs iis tbat he will be sure to shot water off 3 FpTinkkrs nre found running either before 6 or aftei 8 oclock p m When you see a sprinkler running over time jou will do jour neighbor a favr by Dopjplng -it ff he is not at home aaafata ihiiii mnniiiliiiMi i SWMm v - rtfcdaStiy3taWrtSuwggirfct TItt Was wlih Smiu Nothing much newer tiau what ao pears on litlh pagfe of this paper II S is getting ready to send 5000 troops to the PhilHpines as soon as Dewey is hexrd from Militia h recruiting up to 8i mem bers to tire company J Y Stetler returned from Rich mond Va this morning Jackson Bray tons new building has reached the top of tihc first iioor J A Fike has been admitted to practice before the land office of the US Look for some changes in newspa per managtment in northern Nebraska shortly A card from the 12lh Infantry re ceived this moTuing indicates that te regiment intends staying at Chicka mauga forsometime CoB Beading Club orders its paper sent to that point Marripd at th residence of fcrides parents Mr msd Mrs F K Bivens on south Cherry street C li Watson and Anna Bivens Judge Towne performing the ceremony Sun day evening Lemen Tiros advertising car No 2 with about a dozen men was in town Thursday It is said that this show carries about 350 people -Judging from the way they advejtise ttie show is a good one Dr J C Dwyer went to Omaha and j Chicago Monday He will attend the Polyclinic at the latter place and take a post graduate examina Jion Dr W x Tucker is caring for his patients here at present Lejnen Brothers Worlds Monster Shows 3 ring circus 5 continent man igerip trained animal exhibition real Roman hippodrome and tree horse fair surely coming and positively exhibit at Valentine on Thursday May 12 Never before in the history of Chad- ron has such a demonstration been held aB that which marked Wednes day night April 57 in the minds of the people in this city as an event never to be forgotten It was the oc casion of the final drill by company II Second regiment before leaving for Camp AlTin Saunders Lincoln in re sponge to the orders from Adjt Gen Barry Of tha many young men be longing to the company none were present in the ranks after the bugle had sounded for drill bnt who could look out over the vast sea of faces which looked admiringly and lovingly upon the boys in blue and discover in it mftny -friends and loved ones who had assembled to bid Lhera God speed upon their response to dutys call Chadron Journal Everybody busy Everything looks nice Mrs Doe Jehuson has been quite pooily lor sometime Lon Kosher intnleds to farm this summer looks suspicious dont it Mrs Ada Adftmson has been visiting with relatives in this vicinity this week Samuel McPherson leaves the Falls today and especte to join ths reciiiars and go to Cuba li Grooms has his irrijiitiou wheel com pleted and is now prepared to irrigate in the pioper style We hoard a piece of news after the is3us of last weeks paper We will say success to little Miss Good and her paronts Bad Eov Woodlake HKing was in town Monday Jake Emick was in town Monday W V Johnson was in town Saturday Mr Johnson branded cattle on Tuesday Johnie Day was seen on the streets Saturday Bunny Pays and wife were in town Monday 3Ir Emmick was doing busiueBs in townMon day Mrs Lovelett was visiting at Mrs Uav Mon day Mr Wyman loaded a car of hay one day this week John Parks has returned to our city once more Mr and Mrs Hall weseeen in town the first of tlieeek The young folks report a good time at all the parties given lately Hobert Quieenbw ry was transacting business in town on Sattirday H E Deway leturned from Ainsworth Satur day where he has been canvassing for books Mr Chrlstile has sold off nearly all his house hold goods and expects to start for California soon Hiss Allle Handv came down Saturday morn lug and expects to stay a few days visiting at Mr Wests SWq heax tfcat Miss Sadie Dewey has gone out in the coafilry whern she expects to stay for about a week Parties have been quite numerous of late there being one at Mr Hands on Friday and another at Mr A Baileys Saturday night Jack Cronin was transacting business in the city on Monday Bachelor Job Payne was m town Monday and Tuesday A J Vllson was in from the ranch Thursday Geo Keller was in the city Tuesday for a few hours JJ Thomas was doing business in toTV Tuesday Mike Jordan sBmiliug face was seen on our streets Tuesday W W ugham of Omaha spent several days in town this week Mrs Wi Honey visited friend in Ainsworth several days last week J L McEIderry took in the sights at Ains wnrth Tuesday evening C M Bsiley shipped two cars of potatoes to Omaha the first of the week 0 Hogen and W W Bingliam spent luesday at the Fairfield trout fishing Mr Nick Hansen returned to Sioux City Tues day morning alter a weeks stay at his ranch Miss Ida Leach returned from Ainsworth Sat urday morning having had a pleasant visit ihe past -week W L Chrystler has sold his farm north of town to WV Johnson and will ehnrtiv rtonont or Calif ontta Mihe 4Htf I I L 5m3tX5V iCHc Ef i JcA jftjfc s J3 ji7k 4 xvk jttA GeA Hf s L2 K Jf flDea - V1 Kvn V3f a r 4 C Wvk if YW3nk n H v r p ss tg23mmgmmmm WALKS 2INCHE5 TALLER ANDn 3 iano JAVIER TTHAN 0 A BIG Feature in a BIG Show JUST F0TOP l JUST A DDED I THE BIGGEST BISTE QN EAKTH THE 82QJSEST SOSS OF BRUTES THE B5GGEST FEATURE YET I Two indies taller than the Worlds Famous Jumbo 3000 pounds heavier tha n Jr mhc Secured at a Cobt of over 25000 A Towering Giant a raowj his Fellows The very Lord of Beasts Taller Longer We ghs More Costs more than any Elephant ever Captured Aliva or Brought from his Native Jungle RAJAH is oa Exhibition at all times in the Big Teut NoHSxtra Charge Jne Ticket Admits to all the Adverrisrd Shows Ask Yourself the Questiun if RAJAH is not the Largest Living Creature that Inhabits Gods Created Earth THS ONLY BOXING KANGAROO IU TUm WOBU2 Will positively appaar in the Ring in Five Rsnnd Glove Contest under Mar quis of Queentbury Rulos POSITIVELY THE K2NLY WHITE SEA L MERCHANT TAILOR FINAL PROOF NOTICES Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases notice oT which appear in The Democrat will receiver marked copy of the paper Should any errors in description of laud or spelling of names be discovered notice should be sent to the land office and this ofUee so correction can he made - 4 v n tl 1MXi4 mJ U S Land Office Broken Bow Neb I April 7th 1S98 Notice is hereby given that the following named settlor has tiled notice of his intention to to make final proof in support or his claim and that said proof will be made before the Countv Judge at Valentine Nebr on May 24 1838 viz Lewis K Belditifr IT E No 1051 fur the wJSmvii section 9 town ship 26n range 27 w e names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of stud land viz tvansR Vandergrift Samuel D Montgomery Joseph Kennedy and Julius EuVr all of Brown- J ice nuiir vjii 10 11 AUAiis Jtegisier U S Land Office Valentine Nebr March 23th 1803 Notice is hereby given that Emerson B Main of Whitman Nebr has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Register or Re ceiver a- his ofilcy in Valentine Nebr mi Sat urday the 14th day of May 1893 ou timber cul ture application No 8110 for the se section 6 township 27n range 31 w He names as witnesses Isaac H Lomas Thomas L Lomas Sherman J Pittinger and Matthew P Lomaa all of Mul enNbruilii 10 15 C R GLOVER Register I - -- - - M - - t WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT AT MlfflTiNF THIffiSnY MAY I9TH IONS Oft EXHfBirtOH IN THE- Captured on the Kus kok vim River in Alaska and taken from tsvi Natives while being worshiped see tia mwm mmmm free street mm 1000000 Invested in this Great Show 1000 People Horses and Animals Transported on two Trains owned by the Sho 2500 Daily Expense TV 52vr Divides 3ever Changes its Carrie Soever Changes Its Date of Exhibition I Remember Day and Date 0 Two Grand Performances Daily lcraad Trip Excursions On All Lines Of Travel Bfrnw Si tii j V4 tww IfM ntfgggB Xow connected witli onr clothing department T CLASS TAILOR Wben in need of anytliirg in our line call and see us U S Land Office Valentine Nebr Ahveh 2S 189S f Notlfe is hereby uiven that Hamilton McCrea of Valentine Nebr has fHed notice of inten tion lo make final proof before the Register or Receiver at bis office in Valentine Nebr on Friday the 13th day of May 189S on timber culture application No 78r for ihe so3i of sec tion No 21 in township No 35n range No 2 3w He names as witnesses William I Clarksonand Abner W Clark son of Valentine Nebraska Henry L Brown and iouis II Smith of Sparks Nebr 10 15 C R GLOVER Register Application Tor Administrator In countv court within and for Cherrv county Nebraska in the mutter of the estate of James Halloran deceased Paul S ilalloran filed 111 my office a petition praying for the appointment of himself as ad ministrator of the estate of James Halloran de ceased all persons interested in said estate will take notice that 1 have fixed Satin day May 14 1S9S at 10 oclock a m a- ihe tune and myiiffli e in Valentine Cherry county Nebr as the place for the heaiing of said petition at which time and placeall persons inteiested m sa d estate mi appear tu show cause if any thuie be wuy such administrator hhal nor be appointed Witness mv hand and tue seal ot the County - Court this 20th day of April 193 SEAL WR TOWNE v 13 County Jndze 4 etcs 100 per year for The Lemoceat rronwii hwimiimi wwim wwiii iinTn WE HAVE BUT FEW LE ADERS In our store when you think of a leader as some article which has been cut in price onl for the purpose of attracting people by ite cheapness Our plan is different V Vk k re sniitD rnmm typewriter Dest Value Writing Machine rirsi Fn Improvemenfs Honest Construction and all High grade Typewriter Essentials T t ART BOOKLET FREE NEWEST RS m iijci A10Y m lk cam Hudson Simeon Neb w Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on hoises Some horses Lazy nil Ifift clmnlflui i Range between x Kia Oordon and Snake hi River and Niobrara ktfRivr Left ears tagged All cattle dehorned M III II I - 1 The DejiocRxt 1 per year Jlilliriips for JFectl Bran bulk 50c per cwt 9 00 ton Shorts bulk 6Gc per cwt 1100 ton Screenings- 35c 600 Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 50c Oats 80e Otticial paper of Cherry County 3 ss is h a m 2 a SBW tai s vs n s s i a K2 MAKE American JB Am W vim OnEachBoz tJW e eauiies G0BHE8T SHAPES ABTISIie FFESIS All Lengths MwMk ami BOLE MANUFACTURERS SOfcD BY ATE5TPOBT THACI2ER sco ISSUED Monthly 25 CENTS Hzsmsws The KanriOIcXally Qnicial Guirio and Dand Book of the Kahway and Steam Navi gation Llnea of tha United States Doaiulon of Canada and Mexico Devoted cspcclnllrto transportation 1nes fn iVe terrltoryof the Ohioand MiisliiippSvallevs the Isii rezlon incladlna all lines EovtrnM br ths tine or the 50th meridian Central Standard tlihs and west j tnereoi uaving niso conuenceu ana tnrouga time tabled to all other sections Subscription S3 00 pea yeah 25 cts pcr copy THE AMERICAN RAILWAY GUIDE CO Publishers and Proprietors 162 to 174 Adiuna Street Chlcaco 111 OUR LEADERS Are leaders in quality and style as well as in price For instance our present leaders are HATS CAPS AND CLOTHING Everything in these lines is stylish new up-to-date au fait fin de seicle nobby and cheap The ed Front tbe H IU M Premier typewriter Co r3t5 nTtta TTT n T side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Range on Antelope and Spring Creeks IVfTrnf EL - rarJsA 1 iv 1 1 li TKpromeat tije Order w m Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets M f P5 - fn Earl Corastoct Manager Valentine Xh Cattle bi jindfiri nr left bide or hip Also 969 Horses sams as on steer left hip AI30 C on left shoulder 5 gtimmmmimm TTiraTiaSPBW8 Thomas Farren Rosebud S D TT HO nirhnn 1if side or hip h on left iior es hljuller Range head of Antelope 7 or I JyTow is the time to subscribe 100 Sz3 eTohn DeCory Rosebud S Ji Y jxb J tgSSSgBBga Some bramted II 417 011 left Hkle Horses JD 2ft left hip Range in 3ieyr C on Antelop GjreK S JEI Kiramel Rosebud S D iv3t fszEr 7 Ui I Louis J liichards w ALciNiit Bros P O Brownlee Neb Right or left side 1 lorses sJime 01 left shoulder Earmark Swal low tail clip right or left ear Range Rig Creek Charles Eiehards YccrJ Rosebud S D Horses Gattle hole in each ear Range Big and Little White Rivers fg rf yxir pyvHUffa i A aerriniajr K Paul Didier I DG Steadraan Eros I JJ r Pass JJeb Brand nn nhx right or left side Horses and some canie nrand on left side and hip B Ranee Bull lolje and Waisadaw earee A E3Ci3 f i t r at tli is S A i v is A