The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 05, 1898, Image 7

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vv - i TuMT rnffTi TCT
witwiinoiwiHWiwi bwcihwi mmMmmmy
r DPniiiDPC ma rnnviwr
ao wpcn rirvoi puuurn new n
JllPlUJJ WtlWIill JWP1 lUJLii UliltJJ
THEi r rji miMro onnc TO
uViiUDinwLn uruivi
EKk ffVS
m v TOSgSraof
f Bk iHri
This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who have had years of practical
experience in fancy laundering It restores old linen and summer dresses to tneir
natural -whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish It is the only starcu
manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing neither arsenic alum or any
other substance injurious to linen and can be used even for a baby powder
For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers
An Experienced Clerk
Scene Hairdressers Shop Young
tady blushingly I would like to look
at some false bair please
Shopman experienced Certainly
miss What color does your friend
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allens Foot Ease a powder for the
feet It cures painful swollen smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions Its the great
est comfort discovery of the age Al
lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or
-new shoes feel easy It is a certain
cure for sweating callous and hot
tired nervous aching feet Try it to
day Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores By mail for 25c in stamps Trial
package FREE Address Allen S Olm
ted Le Hoy N Y
A Nest Buildins Fish
There is a fish found in Hudson Bay
which absolutely builds a nest This It
-does by picking up pebbles in its mouth
and placing them in a regular way on a
selected spot on the bottom of the bay
where the water is not very deep
Take Laxatlvts Uromo Qulnlno Tablets All Druggists
Tatund the money If it falls to cure 25c
The great bell of Moscow Is not the
largest in the world The distinction
belongs to the bell hanging in the tem
ple of Clars at Kinto in Japan It is
peculiar in having no clapper and is
struck outside with a sort of wooden
battering ram
I believe my prompt use of Pisos Cure
prevented quick consumption Mrs Lu
cy Wallace Marquette Kan Dec 112 93
Cucumbers are native to the East In
dies and are grown in Cashmere China
and Persia They were much esteemed
by the ancients and are common in
Egypt wliere a drink is prepared from
them when they are ripe
Please rem inner luat uienniMiipDur soap presents
I1 the advantages of sulphur baths at a cheap rate
Huts Hair ana Whisker Uye black or brown GOc
Enjoy the blessings of this day il
God sends them and the evils bear
patiently and sweetly for only this
day is ours we are dead to yesterday
ima not uom io iuuhu jciuuijr
Who Bess for a laving and Docs It
The Prince of Wales is back at his
old haunts around 23d street His royal
appellation does not indicate his sta
tion in life for he is a professional beg
gar but his nationality for he is ex
tremely English The title was bestowed
upon him by his fellows in panhandle
craft of which he is an eminent expon
ent His method is to approach a pass
erby preferably one in evening dress
and say
Beg y pardon but I say sir could
you tell me of an English organization
in this city
If the other refers him to the St
George Society he says
Ah but they doirt meet until next
month giving the exact date
In case he is referred to the British
Consul he says he has been there but
could not see the Consul then launches
out a story of his misfortunes Its the
usual thing Son of a wealthy Man
chester manufacturer come here to see
life and buy a stock farm remittances
failed to come very haid up and no
friends in town would be glad of any
pecuniary assistance however trifling
Often he concludes by saying insinu
Youre an English gentleman your
self arent you sir
This is his trump card and with
youthful citizens is sometimes very suc
cessfully remunerative The Prince of
Wales is short plump neatly dressed
T suave and mild of manner and rather
nervous and jerky of speech It is more
than a year since his last previous cam
paign in this city New York Sun
More than laconic
Henrietta said Mr Meekton you
know you said almost two hours ago
you were going to tell me just how
much you thought the average man
amounted to
She turned upon him a look of silent
You have said absolutely nothing
since them
Well she answered thats what
I think he amounts to Washington
Fullness of Health Makes Sweet Dispositions and Happy Homes
Womans greatest gift is the power to inspire admiration respect and love
There is a beauty an health which is more attractive to men than
mere regularity of feature
To be a successful wife to retain the love
and admiration of her husband should be a
womans constant study A t th e first
j iiuuujLiniieuiwi puiiiiuiiiieubes piiiiit m uuu
side headacheor backache secure LydiaE
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and begin
its use This truly wonderful
remedy is the safeguard of wo
mens health
Mrs Mabel Sairnr 345- Cen
tral Ave Jersey City Heights
N J writes
Dear Mks Pinkham I can
hardly find words with which
to thank you for what your
wonderful remedy has done for
me Without it I would by this
time have been dead or worse
insane for when I started to
take Lydia E Pinkhams Vege
table Compound I was in a terri
ble state I think it would be im
possible for me to tell all I suf
fered Every part of my body
seemed to pain some way The
pain in my baek and head was
terrible I was nervous had hys
terics and fainting spells My case was one
that was given up by two of the best doctors in
Brooklyn I had given up myself as I had tried so
fmany things I believed nothing would ever do me any good But thanks to your
Imedicine I am now well and strong in fact another person entirely
If yon are puzzled about yourself write freely and fully to Mrs Pinkham at
Iynn Mass and secure the advice which she offers free of charge to all women
This is the advice that has brought sunshine into many homes which nervous
ness and irritability had nearly wrecked
-- T f
try -v
if fi hzwt - licvi i r mrn rii ressr
fczfcfx - wc
The Ox Warble Fly
The warble or swelling on the back
of cattle is caused by the larva of a
fly which attaches its eggs to the hair
on the legs flanks and neck of the ani
mal These hatch and the larvae estab
lish themselves under the skin usually
on either side of the backbone Here
they feed upon the animal juices until
ready to pupate causing the swelling
or warble When growth is completed
the grub leaves the warble drops to
the ground crawls under the most con
venient shelter such as a piece of
board log etc and there transforms
into the fly or adult stage There is a
difference of opinion as to how the
grub gets under the skin Some
MgBfeb gjl
mologists claim that the eggs are taken
into the stomach by the animals lick
ing themselves hatch there adhering
to the walls then the grubs gradually
work their way toward the surface
where they remain until fully grown
Others hold that the eggs hatch where
they are laid and the young larvae
bury themselves at- once under the
skin Whatever method is employed
the results are the same
The best way to get rid of the pest is
to kill the maggot This may be done
by squeezing them out Place the
thumbs near the base of the swelling
and press firmly until the grub is forc
ed out To prevent the attacks of the
fly in summer a mixture of four
I If
ounces of flowers of sulphur one gill
of spirits of tar with a quart of train
oil rubbed along the spine loins and
ribs is useful Train oil can be used
alone As the fly does not move about
from place to place freely its eradica
tion on individual farms depends al
most completely upon the owner
Orange Judd Farmer
To Make a Good Roller
Cast off mowing machine wheels
may be utilized very readily for mak
ing a land roller Use narrow strips of
jplank with slightly beveled edges put
ting them around the wheels in the
maimer shown in the cut making slots
in the planks to fit the cogs on the rims
of the wheels These strips are held
firmly in place by shrinking on two
iron hoops at the ends as shown The
frame is attached in the usual man
ner American Agriculturist
To Destroy Weeds
The easiest and best way to destroy
all kinds of weeds is when they are just
beginning to appear above ground as
even a slight stirring of the soil will
then seriously cripple them in growth
or destroy them If weeds are permit
ted to grow however they make excel
lent green material for plowing under
but while they may nearly reach ma
turity before thus utilized under no
circumstances must they be permitted
to produce seed If no weeds are al
lowed to scatter seeds it will be but a
few years before the farm will be en
tirely clear of them It will pay the
farmer however to keep weeds down
by stirring the top soil when the weeds
are young
Holding Up the Wajjon Pole
Where two horses are driven the
weight of the wagon pole is often a
very considerable factor in making
the team tired or fretful Help the
horses all that is possible Put a light
pulley on the pole as shown in the il
lustration and carry a small piece of
jrope so as to attach to the load in the
way suggested whenever its possible
to do so The best farmers are most
thoughtful of the comfort of their ani
Facts About TVasron Roads
Some one has estimated that we have
roads in this country 1500000 miles in
length over which are hauled every
year 500000000 tons of material the
average haul being eight miles at a
cost of 2 per ton which makes the to
tal cost of hauling reach the enormous
sum of 1000000000 It is urged that
with good roads the hauling would cost
only 80 cents per ton instead of 2 thus
making a saving of 000000000 per
year which is one fourth the value of
all the farm products of the country
used on the farms It is therefore
cheaper to expend a sufficient fund at
once to put roads in good condition than
to attempt to repair them every year
Varieties of Corn
Every year new varieties of seed corn
are offered which are claimed will give
extraordinary yields Farmers should
hesitate before investing in new seed
corn except with a small quantity for
experimental purposes Corn produces
only when the climatic conditions are
favorable and varieties that flourish
south of this section may fail when
brought North Frequently when the
frost has appeared late in spring and
delayed planting an early maturing va
riety may be required as an early frost
in the fall of the year may destroy a
variety that requires plenty of time for
maturing its seed Do not abandon the
old and tried varieties until experiment
demonstrates that newer kinds are
much better
Points in praying
When to spray apple trees depends
on the purposes desired Use Bordeaux
mixture when the buds are swelling
and if canker worms are abundant
spray also when the blossoms are about
to open After the blossoms fall spray
again with Bordeaux mixture and also
paris green repeating both applications
a week or ten days later In about ten
days or two weeks another application
may be made of Bordeaux mixture
These remedies or preventives are for
scab bud moth codling moth tent
caterpillar curculio and canker worm
Corn Planting
Before planting the corn crop be care
ful to have the land worked as fine as
possible Many farmers are satisfied
to plow the corn land harrow it and
plant the seed trusting to the corn
rots to spread and increase as the corn
is a gross feeder but while corn may
thrive under such conditions yet an in
creased yield over the average can only
be obtained when the ground is mane
as fine as that of a garden as then the
feedingcapacityof therootsis increased
and a larger available supply of plant
food can be obtained
Which KKgs Are Fertile
The statement is often made that
eggs from old hens are best for hatch
ing Recent experiments at the Utah
station indicate the contrary so far
at least as concerns the per cent of
fertile eggs The comparative size and
strength of the chicks is not stated
The percentage of fertility was highest
with the early hatched pullets and low
est with the old hens though the re
sults are not conclusive The fertility
of eggs averaging five days old was
300 per cent higher than of eggs aver
aging twenty two days old
Management of Hen Manure
The best method of handling hen ma
nure is to keep constantly some dry
muck earth soil or sand under the
roosts and clean it out at least once a
week Then mix all with three or four
times its bulk of dry soil or muck and
keep in a perfectly dry place1 Work
over whenever the heap commences to
heat until ready for use Such fertil
izer should not be plowed or spaded
under deeply but lightly raked or har
rowed in the ground at therthne of
planting Exchange
Melons and Tomatoes
To make hills for melons and toma
toes first dig out the earth at each lo
cation where the plants are desired
and fill with clean manure covering
the manure with earth hilling up Use
plenty of manure a wheelbarowful
not being too much and wlieu the time
for putting out the plants arrives
work the manure well into the soil
covering a space of four feet square
and dig the ground to the depth of a
foot or more
Sulphur for Potato Scab
After preparing my potato seed for
planting last season I sprinkled the
greater part of it with sulphur so that
each piece was thoroughly coated The
remainder I planted in the same field
and gave all like culture When dig
ging time came those treated with sul
phur were almost free from scab or
other disease while the untreated seed
produced tubers almost worthier be
cause of scab S F Deane
Grow Clover
In growing clover for enriching the
soil the only benefit derived in that di
rection is the nitrogen gained by the
clover The ground wil also require
potash lime and phosphoric acid
which must be supplied in some man
ner but potash and phosphoric acid
cost only about one third the sum re
quired for nitrogen and that is why
clover is so valuable in the system of
rotation of crops on the farm
Early Plants
Seeds for early plants may be sown
in boxes of rich earth and kept in a win
dow of the house where the warmth of
the sun will reach them Flower pots
old fruit cans small fruit boxes or egg
shells are also excellent For a garden
supply nearly all of the early plants
can be grown in the windows
Austria Is the only empire in the
world which liasnever had colonies or
even transmarne possessions
From the Evening ITeics Detroit Mich
The women of to day are not as strong
as their grandmothers They are bearing
a burden in silence that grows heavier
day by day that is sapping their vitality
and clouding their happiness
Mrs Alexander B Clark of 417 Mich
igan avenue Detroit is a typical woman
of to day SufTerin as thousands of her
sisters nave suffered she almost
eu ot me anu yet
she was cured
For five years I
suifered with ovar
ian trouble is Mrs
Clarks own version
of the story I was
not free one single
day from headache
and intense twitch
ing pains in my
neck and shoulders
For months at a
time I would b e
confined to my bed
Attunes black spots 1 oecame blind
would appear before my eyes and I would
become blind My nerves were in such
a state that a step on the floor unsettled
Eminent doctors skillful nurses the
nest food and medicine all failed Then
I consented to an operation That too
failed and they said another was neces
sary After the second I was much worse
thea l hear1 of Dr- Williams
Pink Pills for Tale People I heard that
they had cured cases like mine and I tried
They cured me They brought sun
shine to my life and filled my cup with
happiness The headache is gone the
twitching is gone the nervousness is
gone the trembling has ceased and I
have gained twenty six pounds Health
and strength is mine and I am thankful
to Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple for the blessing
These pills are a boon to womankind
Acting directly on the blood and nerves
they restore the requisite vitality to all
parts of the body creating functional reg
ularity and perfect harmony throughout
the nervous system The pallor of the
cheeks is changed to the delicate blush of
lifnlth thf pvpb liriirlifrfHi thr Tnnaloo
grow elastic ambition is created and good
iieaatn returns
One Disagreeable Trait Absent
Afghan women are never jealous of
each other
FITS Permanently Cored No flts or nervon3npFa
after first any mo ot Ur Kllno Orent Ncnc Ho
storer Send for FKEE S200 trial bottle an I treatise
UR R H KLINE Ltd 931 Arcli it Philadelphia Pa
Next to excellence is the appreciation
of it Thackeray
Mrs WInsIows Soothing Strup for Children
teething eoltens the tfums reduces inflammation
allays iam cures wind colic S cents a bottle
Why isnt finding a diamond hard
Beat Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
m time Sola by druzgists
Your heart beats over one hun
dred thousand times each daj
One hundred thousand supplies of
good or bad blood to your brain
Which is it
If bad impure blood then your
brain aches You are troubled
with drowsiness yet cannot sleep
You are as tired in the morning
as at night You hve no nerve
power Your food does you but
little good
Stimulants tonics headache
powders cannot cure you but
will It makes the liver kidneys
skin and bowels perform their
proper work It removes all im
purities rrom tne Diooa inu it
makes the blood rich in its life-
giving properties
To Hasten
You will be more rapidly cured
if you will take a laxative dose of
Ayers pills each night They
arouse the sluggish liver and thus
cure biliousness
Wrllo to oar Doctors
Wo havo the exclusive serviesi of
some of the most eminent physicians In
the United States Write freely all tho
particulars in vourcasc
Address DR J C ATER
Lotvell HaJ3
I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Eyannis Massachusetts
was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA tlie sam
that has borne and does now Hp sr 07h evc7V
bear the facsimile signature of Lafy fZcM wrapper
This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought Sl ft -- on
and has the signature oWwkJ wrap
per No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas H Jpletcher is
President a
March 8 18971 Qrf273f
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer yow because he makes a few more pennies
on it the ingredients of which even lie does not know
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You
TUET QTAWfiARn niPTIOWADY the tatcst and tho Gre3test Dfc
I lb O 8 nltUnliU LllsllUftHril tionary of the Engllah language lis
preparation cost almost a million dollars It is recognized on both sides of the Atlantic
as tho perfection of literary endeavor All scholars and all persons who are familiar
with the facts know that it is truly in fact as well as in name the Standard Dictionary
and will remain so for many years to come We are offering this nnrivaled work an
snch liberal terms that no one need be without it The complete worlr in one superb
volume handsomely and strongly inclosed in full sheep binding elegantly embossed
and having the patent thumb index for which an extra charge of 75c has heretofore
been made can now be had for S1230 in monthly installments P j CA PAQU
with the order and the remaining S1100 in payments of S100 liwv urtOll
each on the first of each month The Dictionary will be sent by express prepaid on
receipt of the Qrst payment Write for order form and full information to
He that Works Easily Works Suc
cessfully Tis Very Easy to
Clean House With
The Deit Eed Hope Rooflne for 1 ct
root ods And calls included
itutes for Plaster saniDlesfrea
iha Jt ay Manilla Koollnc Co Camden X J
S C N U -
In 1 to i djj
lrrf1 Goracii
ljsl not to itrieiare
19 98
- Painless and not
ITHEEVANSGhEUICALCo Sunt or poisonous
Vm A 7a
v N I
Use Big d for unnatural
discharges inflammations
irritations or ulcerations
Of lUUCCiUB nicmbranpt
Sold byDrnesIili
or sent in plain wrapper
Srxpres PrtPid for
5100 or 3 bottles 275
Circular sea on reqqeat