The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 21, 1898, Image 4

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Clause Recognizing the Existing
Republic of Cuba Stricken Out
After a Long Fight Between the
tfwo Houses Other Items
Immediate Intervention
Washington April 18 The house of rep
resentatives concurred in the senate Cuban
resolutions with an amendment striking
out the clause lecognizing the independ
ence of the Cuban republic That part of
the senate resolution relatiug to independ
ence reads J That the people of the
Island of Cuba of right ought to be free
and independent The announcement of
the vote was 179 to 156 and the decisive
victory was loudly applauded by the Re
publicans Fourteen Republicans voted
with the Democrats and Populists The
resolution was then lmnied to the senate
As soon as the Cuban resolutions were
returned from the senate with a refusal to
concur in the house amendment Mr Ding
ley moved that the house insist on the
amendment and ask a conference
Mr Bromwell of Ohio moved to concur
in the senate amendments and the yeas
and aays were ordered on his motion
The vote on Mr Bromwells motion to
concur in the seuate amendment recogniz
ing the independence of the Cuban repub
lic resulted in its defeat on the first roll
call 148 to 172
A conference was agreed to by the two
branches of congress and it was not till
late in the night that an agreement was
The house succeeded in forcing the sen
ate to yield the main contention in the war
resolutions the independence of the
existing government in Cuba With that
exception the house accepted the senate
resolutions The Republicans who joined
with the Democrats in an attempt to con
cur in the senate amendments entire ral
lied HO votes at one time but on every
vote thereafter the vote dwindled When
the final vote was taken shortly before 3
oclock Tuesday morning 310 votes were
cast for the declaration upon which we
are to go to war if war it is to be Six
votes only were cast against it They in
cluded five Republicans and one Democrat
Government Expedition Disbands
Upon Reaching Taiya
Stanley W Turner of the government
Alaskan relief expedition who has re
turned to Detroit Mich says that when
the expedition arrived at Taiya it found
two thirds of the population gone else
where and accordingly the expedition dis
banded turning over the supplies to the
army post there Mr Turner believes the
government appropriation of 200000 for
relieving the Klondike mineis has hardly
been warranted by the results accom
plished as relief so far has been extended
to no one in Alaska
Insurgents Attack a Spanish Force
in Pinar Del Rio
Rioting has occurred in Pinar del Rio
within the last few days It appears that
the insurgents who attacked the Spanish
force at Espujarosa had the best of the
fighting even driving the Spanish farces
It is officially admitted in Havana that the
insurgents entered the town and plun
dered and burned the tobacco warehouses
The Spanish report adds that the guard
of the fort lost four killed and nine
President of Venezuela Said to Have
Been Killed in Battle
A cable dispatch on Monday to the New
York Evening World from Caracas Ven
ezuela says President Joaquin Crespo of
Venezuela was killed in a battle with
ileruandiz leader of the rebel forces Fri
Feud Breaks Out Afresh
The Howard Baker feud in Clay County
Kentucky has broken out again and ten
men aire reported killed and three injured
This eud is only ten days old Howard
and Baker were partners in a logging
enterprise They quarreled and fought
Relatives and friends joined in a week ago
and three of them were killed Ance and
Al Baker who had been arrested and kept
under guard broke away and hid in the
woods declariug they would exterminate
their enemies The report of the killing
is regarded as indicating that they are
keeping their word
Rubber Companies Consolidate
Negotiations to consolidate the Goodrich
of Akron Ohio Goodyear of Connecticut
and Butler of New Jersey the three lead
ing hard rubber companies of the country
have been closed The consolidation will
take effect this month and the main offices
will be in New York city
Are Free to Enter the Army
Secretary Gage has issued a circular in
which he states that any officer clerk or
employe under the department desiring to
leave the service temporarily to engage in
military service in the event of war may
be reinstated at any time within one year
Weekly Bank Statement
The New York weekly bank statement
shows reserves have increased 2300000
loaus decreased 7697000 deposits de
creased 3817000 The banks now hold
37846000 in excess of the legal require
Coal for the Warships
Thirty two boats started down the river
from Pittsburg Pat Sunday with 8557000
bushels of coal About one half of the
shipment is intended for Louisville and
Cincinnati and the balance for New Or
Woman Once Accused of Murdering
Her Husband
The Covenant Mutual Life Association
paid to Mary A Kettering of Denver in
person 10000 the amount of her hus
bands policy in that company She at
once left for Chicago to collect a similar
amount from the Northwestern Masonic
Pour years ago her husband was murdered
in Oklahoma She was anested on a
charge of complicity in the crime was
found guilty and sentenced to be hanged
Her attorneys carried the case to the
supreme court and secured a new trial
She was acquitted last week The allega
tions were that she had murdered her hus
band to get his insurance She was in
jail over three years and lost all her prop
Big Battleship Will Slide from the
Ways May 18
May 18 has been fixed as the date foi the
launching of the United States battleship
Alabama in course of construction at
Cramps ship yards in Philadelphia Miss
Morgan daughter of Senator Morgan
will it is said christen the ship The
Alabama will be the first in the water of
the three big battleships contracted for in
October 1896 The other two the Wis
consin and Illinois are being built re
spectively at San Francisco and Newport
News All three are identically alike
Capt Ray Will Recommend Estab
lishing Military Government
Capt P II Ray Eighth infantry who
spent the winter hi Alaska arrived at
Portland Ote Sunday from the north and
went immediately to Vancouver barracks
Capt Ray will recommend to the war
department the sending of lioops into the
interior of Alaska and the establishment
of a military form of government in the
Yukon region Capt Ray says he does
not believe the spring clean up of gold
will show more than 8000000
Liguor Law in Alaska
Responding to a resolution of inquiry in
regard to the enforcement of the liquor
law in Alaska Secretary Gage sent i
statement to the senate in which he sa
that notwithstanding the efforts of the
department it is still a fact that the law is
openly violated The universal public
sentiment in the territory says the sec
letary is bitterly opposed to the enforce
ment of the liquor law and the efforts of
the officers are met with intimidation
threats of violence and attempted brib
Jaine Hnllowell Dying
James llallowell known from end to
end of Kansas as Prince Hal is dying
at the home ot his brother-in-law Judge
T P Anderson of Kansas City Kan llal
lowell is one of the best known of the
Kansas Republican politicians though
what is perhaps his greatest fame came
from his defeat for congress by Jerry
Simpson It was in that campaign that
Simpson leaped to Came as Saclcless Jercy
Germany Stands Tor Neutrality
It is learned fiom an authentic source
that Germany took the lead in pledging
the continental powers to maintain abso
lute neutrality in case of war betweeu the
United States and Spain The greatest re
sistance offered to Germanys pioposals
was from France and Austria who ac
quiesced only with the provision that
Europe is to have something to say toward
the end or later in settling the peace
California Shakes Again
There were thirty two distinct earth
quake shocks of unusual severity felt
during Friday night at Point Arena Cal
No material damage was done but at
Greenwood houses were twisted chimneys
fell and crockery was broken The earth
continued shaking until 9 oclock Satur
day At Mendocino the shake was even
more severe the earth opening in Main
Street several inches
Heavy Windstorm at Milan Mo-
A Match wind assuming almost the
proportions of a cyclone struck Milan
Mo Thursday morning completely de
molishing the citys electric light and
waterworks house and a brick building
just completed Buildings were unroofed
awnings and -chimneys blown down
windows blown in at the public school
building and several children severely hurt
by flying glass
Reservation Thrown Open
A portion of the Blackfoot reservation
in Montana was thrown open to settle
ment at noon Saturday and a thousand or
more people mostly prospectors rushed in
to locate mining claim A troop of cavalry
was present and kept all persons off until
the noon hour The reservation is rich m
mineral especially in copper
Fatally Hurt in a Collision
A passenger and freight train collided at
a curve at Edwardsville 111 Friday Both
engines were badly wrecked Fireman
W H Lennox of Bloomington on the
freight engine was probably fatally In
jured while Engineer John Downs of
Bloomington of the passenger engine was
badly bruised
Brother of IngersoIL Dead
Dr John L Ingersoll a brother of
Robert G Ingersoll the noted orator died
at his home in Prospect Wis from heart
trouble aged 75 Dr Ingersoll was a
staunch Republican and a great temper
ance advocate Two sons and two
daughters survive him
Henry W King Dend
Henry W King head of the great
wholesale clothing establishment ot Henry
W Iving Co one of the most prominent
men of Chicago was found dead in his bed
at the residence 151 Rush Street His
death was wholly unexpected by the mem
bers of the family
Comedian AVm J Barry Dead
Wm J Barry the comedian died l
Brooklyn N Y Saturday of complication
of stomach and liver trouble
No one can act fairly without acting
sympathetically nor can any subserve
his own best interest while that is all
he has at heart
Revolutionary Stand Taken by the
New York Presbytery
The Presbyterian Church or at least as
much of it as is represented by the New
York Presbytery has apparently decided
to treat the temperance question from a
point of view that has heretofore met with
scant sympathy in the councils of this de
A report of the committee on temper
ance of the New York Presbytery which
was adopted is fairly revolutionary in its
ladical declaration in favor of reversal of
the position which the chuich has hitherto
maintained on this burning question In
stead of anathematising the liquor traffic
and depending on sweepiug expressions of
disapproval to remedy the evil this report
advances the view that if the saloon is to
be successfully combated it must be by the
chuich and by the church through the
agency of other pleasuie resoits which
will overcome the saloon by being mote
attractive to those to whom the saloon ap
peals than that institution is
Incidentally the question of the extent
to which drinking is indulged in by the
students of the colleges is gone ino with
the result that the moral tone of those
seats of learning is declared to be higher
than it over was before
Serious Anti American Demonstra
tions in Malaga Spain
There was a serious disturbance at Mal
aga Spain Saturday resulting in an at
tack upon the United States consulate
The demonstration began with the paiad
ing of small crowds through the streets
shouting patriotic cries But a mob
eventually gathered and attacked I lie
United States consulate Stones weie
thrown and one ot the mob leaders pro
curing a ladder tore down the shield hav
ing upon it the arms of Hie United States
and dragged it along the streets The
prefect was summoned and he addressed
the people begging them to disperse
which to some degree testored order
Afterwards the streets were patiolled by
Senor Capdepon minister of the interior
has instructed the prefect of Malaga to
give the American consul satisfaction anil
to ariest the ringleaders of the outbreak
Combination of Leading Manufact
urers Practically Completed
Negotiations that were begun durum
the January furniture season in Grand
Hapids Mich with a view of forming a
i ust or combination by the manufacturers
of chamber suits and case goods promises
success in the near Inline Meetings at
tended by teprescntalives of Cincinnati
Chicago Holland and other eitic have
been held at Gtand Rapids during the
past week and an arrangement foi incor
porating the American Furniture Com
pany under the laws of New Jersey are
nearly completed It is staled that over
80 per cent of the chamber suit manu
facturers of the country contiolling uine
lenths of the output of case goods have
agieed to put their plants into the combine
on a plan similar to that of the late nail
The Round up Call
Secretary F D Kingsbury of the North
Montana iound up Association at Great
Falls Mont will soon issue the call for
the next annual meeting of that organiza
tion at Chinook on Monday April 25 as
arranged at the meeting held last year
While Ihe stockmen are at Chinook the
property of the Ollanlon Cattle Company
consisting of about 1000 head of stock cat
tle will be offeied for sale by L V Bogy
administrator of the estate of the late
Thos OlTanlou
Fifty Mile Bike Record Lowered
F B Abernathy and l T Eppeon ot
Colorado Springs Colo loweied Hie
American fifty mile straight away toad
record from 3 hours and 10 minutes to 2
hours and 24 minutes and P C Wright
lowered the same record for single wheel
to 2 hours and 10 minutes This was rid
den over the surveyed course between Col
orado Springs and Pueblo and was offi
cially timed
Dies During a Quarrel
C R Miller and J RStienger well-to-do
farmers living northwestof Vandalia
III quarreled over the line dividing their
farms A surveyor was called to decide
the matter when Millei and Stienger le
newed the quarrel Miller picked up a
piece of fence and started lo strike
Strenger when the latter who was 62
years of age dropped dead
Jeff Davis Memorial Window
The Jefferson Davis memorial window
was unveiled in St Pauls Cathedral
Richmond Vt Sunday There was an
immense crowd present The service was
very simple Mrs Davis her grand
daughter Miss Hays and Consul General
Lee and family accompanied by Miss
Cisneros attended the ceremony
Novel Search for a Husband
An Indianapolis Indiana family pur
chased some eggs at a grocery and when
they were taken out of the ack the fol
lowing message was found written upon
one of them Lizzie Staley Eminence
Intl 400 acres of land wants to marry
Eminence Is a village in Morgan County
Two Deaths Follow a Fight
During a quarrel at Eau Claire Wis
over some tomato plants Christian Miller
split William Taylors head open withan
ax and then fled Taylor died in the hos
pital and It Is believed Miller has killed
Ex Minister McLane Dies in Paris
The state department has been advised
that Hon Robert M McLane a former
minister to France died in Paris Sunday
ne was ill for some time
Edward Bellamy Dying
Edward Bellamy the famous author
who went to Denver last fall for his health
ij dying of consumption His end is
to be near
Iongressman Curtis Renominated
Congressman Charles Curtis was renom
inated in the First District of Kansas on
the 730th ballot l
Annual Arbor Day Proclamation
Governor Urges a Systematic
Planting and Cultivation of Trees
Vines and Shrubbery
Annual Arbor Day Proclamation
Governor Holcomb has issued his Arbor
Day proclamation In part it is as fol
Conforming to the provision of statute
I Silas A Holcomb governor of the state
of Nebraska -hereby designate and pro
claim Friday April 22- A D 1898 to be
Arbor Day
On this day it should be a pleasure as
well as a duty to every citizen of Ne
braska to take part in a general effort to
beautify and make more valuable oiir
homes both in cities and villages and
upon the farms by a systematic planting
and cultivation of trees vines and shrub
By Nebraskans especially should this
day be observed in a spirit calculated to
promote true and scientific arborculture
By planting each year one tree for every
man woman and child in Nebraska in a
decade ours would no longer be aprafrie
state Trees would line the highways
and forests cover the lands nnadapted to
cultivation Climatic conditions would be
bettered and incalculable benefit accrue to
the state
t To the public schools of the state es
pecially is the proper observance of the
day commended to the end that the youth
of the state may early learn to appreciate
the advantages and blessings to be enjoyed
in the promotion of this great and good
Triple Murder and Suicide Near
Word has been received that Vaclav
Haas who occupied a farm about fourteen
miles west of Monroe district killed his
wife Terezie Haas anil two little girls
one a baby by shooting ne afterward
committed suicide by cutting his throat
The parties are Bohemian nationality the
man about 83 years old and his wife two
years his junior and have been married
eleven years Two little boys 2 and 4
years old were not hurt The man was
not considered well balanced mentally and
the domestic relations have not been pleas
ant owing to his unreasonable jealously
Marshal Shoots Too Liow
What might have been a serious compli
cation of executive jugglery participated
in by Mat tin Oakles city night watch of
Humphrey F M Cookingham an at
torney and Henry Kerch proprietor of
the Humphrey cigar factory resulted in
the latter getting a pistol shot wound in
the elbow that may prove fatal As near
as can be ascertained a chimney sweep
who had been working the town became
troublesome and was placed in the cooler
After the man had been lodged in jail
the marshal together with Cookingham
and Kerch incubated a scheme to have
some fun which they proceeded to do
Going to the cooler they proceeded to
pumpthe chimneysweep conveying the
impression that they desired to help him
escape At the proper time one of them
was to cry out There conies the mar
shal which was the signal for them to
take to their heels at which time the mar
shal was to lite over their heads Everj
Ihing went off smoothly encept the mar
shals ability to shoot high and the result
was as above slated
Will Stay at Beatrice
A fund of over 5000 was secured a few
days ago to build a warehouse for the
Dempster Mill Manufacturing Company
lo secure its retention at Beatrice At a
meeting attended by the directors of the
company and about twenty five represent
ative citizens the former submitted a
proposition to this effect In return for a
cash subscription of 10000 and the dona
tion of a tract of land suitably located
the company will erect a complete plant
to cost 30000 exclusive of machinery
This will be a piactical doubling of their
present large plant and locate near the
heart of the business district a manufac
turing industry second to none of its kind
in the west
Another Elevator for Schuyler
Schuyler will have another grain ele
vator which will be built soon a part of
the material having arrived The name
of the party or company which will build
the same has not been learned it simply
being known that a gentleman accom
panied by a leading official of the Bur
lington and Missouri River Railroad was
there inspecting right-of-way giounds
land that later material for an elevator
foundation arrived
Horse Injures Its Rider
Al P Hunt met with an accident at
Exeter which came near costing him his
life He came to town on horseback and
his horse became frightened and Mr Hunt
was thrownoff and at the same time the
horse kicked striking Hunt just above
Mie heart
Woman Attempts Suicide
A German woman living two miles south
of Sprague Lancaster County attempted
suicide by shooting herself back of the ear
She has been married about three months
Her parents are said to be wealthy and
live in Illinois The cause is unknown
Damaged by Prairie Fire
A prairie fire the other day burned
twenty five acres of the large orchard
known as the Sherwood orchard near
Ponca Some of the buildings in the west
end of town endangered by the fire were
saved by back firing
Three Brick Blocks for Exeter
It is reported that W C Wood worth W
H Taylor and J N Cox have let the con
tracts for three brick business houses The
ontracts were let to a man in Friendville
Standard Oil at Herman
The Standard Oil Company has pur
chased giound at Herman andwill at once
erect several large tanks
New Bridge Over the Iioup
About seventy live voters from Elm and
Webster townships went before the board
of supervisors of Sherman County recently
and demanded a bridge across the middle
Loup River west of Loup City which was
accordingly granted
Falls Through a Shaft
John Mowray a farmer from near Blue
Springs fell through an elevator shaft in
the Haskell JBosworth warehouse at
Beatrice receiving injuries which it is
thought will prove fatal He is about G5
years old
Big Hotel for Omaha
The Exposition Hotel Company was or
ganized at Omaha a few days since It
will erect one of the largest hotels ever
constructed in the city for the entertain
ment of exposition guests The building
will be of white stuff four stories high
occupying a full block at the corner of
Douglas and Eighteenth streets The
1000 guest rooms will be modern in every
particular The great building will be
ready for occupancy in forty days This
will give five days for preparation for the
reception of guests after the hotel is
opened to the public It is iutended as a
temporary structure and will be removed
when the exposition is over
Auburn Man Hangs Himself
Samuel Smith an old resident of Au
burn committed suicide by hanging a few
days ago Despondency from continued
ill health is supposed to be the cause He
went to the stable telling his wife he was
going to hitch up the team but instead of
doing so look one of the horses out of the
stall and hitched it to the fence outside
lie then climbed upon the manger tied a
small rope around his neck fastened it
overhead and swung himself off Soon
after this Mrs- Smith seeing the horse
hitched to the fence went to the stable to
see what was the matter and on opening
the door found her husband in the pdsitioi
Improvement at Nebraska City
Ground was broken at Nebraska City
recently for the new building about to be
erected by the Dynamo Printing Com
pany This is the company just organ
ized and incorporated by ex Secretary
Morton and his sons The object is to do
a general printing and lithographing bus
iness and in addition to establish a new
daily paper which is to be called the Dy
namo The building is to be a large and
commodious one and will be occupied ex
clusively by the paper and the printing
Jail Breaking at Fairbury
II S Miller who was awaiting sentence
at Fairbury for stealing a carload of cattle
broke jail a few evenings ago He used
dynamite to blow open three locks of the
cells and jail It is supposed that his two
accomplices in the theft of the cattle and
who had not been identified assisted in his
escape The court house janitor and
deputy sheriff slept in the building the
jail beingju the basemeut but were not
Saloon Closed
The Omaha Brewing Association has
closed the saloon of Henry Misfeldt at
Bennington They took possession by
virtue of a chattel mortgage and imme
diately closed the doors It is supposed
the association has a claim on the fixtures
and goods The saloon will probably
open again in a few days
Insurance Policies Cancelled
The county commissioners of Boxbutte
County have been notified that all insur
ance policies on the court house have been
cancelled owing to the county seat agita
tion which is now going on The board
has placed a night watch at Ihe building
to prevent possible destruction fire
Nebraska Short Notes
Osmond is again afflicted with diph
theria One family has six children down
with the disease
W II Ostenburg contemplates the or
ganization of a bank at Kennard with a
capital of 10003
The special conference of the German
Lutheran Church of the noitheasteru sec
tion has concluded its session al West
The line of the Nebraska Telephone
Company was completed to Tecums eh last
week and connections made with Omaha
and Lincoln
Prof and Mrs J B Lewis of Geneva
celebrated their golden anniversary last
week The couple received many pres
ents and also 150 in gold
Lamed Rosencrans of Eenkelman
shipped eleven double deck carloads of
lambs last week six cars going to Chicago
and the remainder to Omaha
Wm Carr Son of Tecuinseh have
commenced on a big contract for the B
M It is intended to change the roadbed
for about three miles along the Nemaha
Ither Much of the work is in rock
George McPeak discoveied two grain
sacks containing parts of two sets of new
harness in East Ashland The booty is
thought 10 have been the remains of a
recent burglary
Mayor Filzpatrick of Columbus has
made anangements so that when the first
official notice conies that war has been de
clared every whistle and bell in the city
will be turned loose for the day
The members of the Christian Church
at Humboldt celebrated the thirty eighth
anniversary of their organization recently
a literary and musical program with re
freshments being the principal featuies of
the evening
A telegram was received in Ashland last
week announcing the budden death of
Caleb H Rose who went to Roseviller
umo last month to settle his mothers es
tate Mr Rose was one of the earliest
settlers of Saunders County
W W Kemp Co of Fairmont got out
a search warrant and searched several
houses for stolen goods At the home of
James Laton they found a large quantity
of their goods consisting of dress goods
Three rolls of chicken fence wire stolen
from II G Halls hardware store were
also found Laton was arrested and
lodged in jail
Bassettis making an effort to secure a
flour mill
Friend is contemplating putting in
electric lights
The Congregationalists of Albion have
commenced work on a new church building-
The Presbyterians of Fairmont are hav
ing plans drawn for an addition to their
A small boy and some matches were re
sponsible for the burning at Niobrara of
the barn farm machinery harness and a
quantity of grain belonging to Frank
Nemaha City is now without a bank
The Gilberts who have been running a
bank there for the last few years have
surrendered their charter and gone out of
Advices from all over the state are to
the effect that an unusu 1 1y laree number
of fruit threes are beim t out this spring
The Stromsburg e -operative creamery
is in full operation Nearly 0100 pounds
of milk was received one day last week
and 250 pounds of butter were made Re
turns from first shipment of butter are
M Swansonsbarn granaries and sheds
near Oakland together with 1100 bushels
of corn for himself and 500 bushels for his
tenant Robert Robertson and wheat oats
and hay and a lot of farm machinery were
all consumed by fire recenth
- - i x
Republic Is Recognized by the
American Senate
President McKiniey Directed lo Use Our - J
Whole Military Force
Their Immediate Withdrawal from the
Island Is Demanded
Upper Branch of Conirresa by an Over
TvhelminK Mnjority Adopts a Reso
lution Declarin r for Armed Inter
vention and Recognizing the Pres
ent Cuban Republic Any Intention
of the United States to Kxercise
Sovereignty Over the Island Is Posi
tively Disclaimed All Members Seek
to Record Their Views on the Mo
mentous Issue Warlike Spirit Is
The United States Senate at 0 oclock
Saturday night after thirty five hours
consumed in talk adopted the Cuban res
olution reported from the foreign rela
tions committee with the minority
amendment reported by Senator Turpie
It was a composite resolution containing
as it did the Senate preamble the House
enactment clause the Senate majority
resolutions with the incorporation of the
Turpie amendment for recognition and
having added to it the Davis declaration
of intentions
This makes the Senate resolution al
most identical with the resolution intro
duced by Senator Foraker of Ohio It
declares that the people of Cuba are and
ought to he free recognizes the Cuban
republic as the legitimate government of
Cuba demands that Spain shall with
draw from the island and authorizes and
directs the President to intervene and
employ the land and naval forces of this
government to carry these declarations in
to effect
Free Cuba and the independence of
the island republic was the shibboleth of
the Senate throughout the four days of
debate which ended Saturday night The
contest was between those who favored
recognition and those who opposed recog
nition and wanted only intervention
Recognition won by a majority of four
All day long the battle waged with eur
iicstiics energj ability and eloquence
seldom equaled even in the Senate of the
United States From 10 oclock in the
morning until the moment of the final
vote the intensity of the interest did not
abate for an instant Under the agree
ment limiting the duration of the speeiii
es except in specified instances to fif
teen minutes every Senator who so de
sired had an opportunity to express his
views No less than twenty five Senators
addressed themselves to the momentous
question under consideration during the
day and while under the rule elaborate
arguments were impossible the speeches
were characterized by an impassioned
forehand eloquence rarely heard in or out
of the halls of the American Congress
It was not until the first vote that on
the amendment of Mr Turpie of Indiana
providing for recognition of the island re
publichad been taken that the Senate
was brought face to face with the
mendous importance of its action
The scene in the chamber of many his
toric debates was one of incomparable
solemnity and impressiveness The gal
leries which had been filled apparently
to their utmost capacity throughout the
day were massed with brilliantly attired
women and men distinguished in all
walks of public and private life
It is no detraction from the brilliance
of the debate of the day to note that the
great the notable utterances of the clos
ing hours of debate were made at night
Mr LTale of Maine Mr Gorman of Marv
ladn Mr Allison of Iowa Mr Aldrich of
Kliode Island Mr Jones of Arkansas
and Mr Hoar of Massachusetts all deep
ly impressed by the magnitude and possi
ble awful consequences of the step about
to be taken addressed the Senate with an
eloquence and solemnity born only of the
most profound feeling for their countrys
welfare As the words fell from their
lips the chamber thrilled with an inten
sity of interest which bordered upon awe
The test vote quite naturally was on the
amendment offered by Mr Turpie recog
nizing the independence of the Cuban re- -public
It prevailed by a majority of 14
the vote being 51 to 37 By political par
ties the vote was cast as follows Yeas
Republican 11 Democrats 28 Popu
lists 7 Silver Republicans 5 Nays
Republicans 62 Democrats 5
Upon the final vote the alignment of
parties was quite different from that on
the Turpie amendment An analysis of it
follows Yeas Republicans 24 Demo
crats 31 Populists 7 Silver Republi
can 5 Total 07 Nays Republicans
11 Democrats 2 Total 21
Those Senators who held out to the last
and recorded themselves
against the reso
lution were Allison Aldrich Burrows
Caffery Elkins Fairbanks Hanna Hale
Hawley Hoar McBride McMillan Mor
rill Piatt of Connecticut Piatt of New
York Pritchard Sewell Spooner Wel
lington Wetraore and White
War News in Brief
Consul General Lee will command the
Virginia volunteers
T e price paid by the Government for
the yacht Mayflower was a little mort
than 3M00U
The Government has paid 145095 in
partial payment for the guns reeentlv
chased from the Armstrongs
The battleship Oregon is on her lon
voyage from San Francisco to Hampton
Roads around Cape Horn a total distance
of 14000 miles which she is expected to
complete in sixty three days an average
speed of 222 miles a day
31 -
l m