The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 21, 1898, Image 1
t So i c T I Jt w Vbushl - tfr - w i tn rJ d THE 9 vol xni OWMOREY iYATOHMAXEB - AN - - E DAWEOTORT ElIACSlfiR rfi ir t WELES Fine line of plain and fancy je lry constantly -on hand Repairing promptly executed md done in the best irianner Pull line of sporting goods i i I C M SAGESER T0NS0R1AI ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS S ESTABROOK COUNTY STJEVE7POB -All work executed with promptness and accuracy LAVACA - 2XEBEL C A Wells J B Welis WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County JSanJt a m morrisset O ln O ATTORNEY AT LAW O VALENTINE NSB THIS AND THAT Ctnina Events School Entertainment April 22 Wesleyan Male Quartette April 27 General Teachers Association April SO Cobs for sale at the mill A new crossing is needed south of the court bouse C H Cornell went to Omaha Tues day with the Tweif tb T P Spratt isrunning a herd ef 700 cattle on the Snake this spring Prof A C Reimenschneider was down from Cody on business this week Judge TValcott attended court at Rushville last Friday and Saturday Ely Yalentine was up from Wood lakeon business Monday and Tuesday- Prof WG Carson of Simeon was one of our most pleasant callers this week Mrs J W Morris of near Sparks is at Dr Dwyers sanatarium under- going treatment Be sure and hear the Nebraska Wes leyan Male Quartet at the M J2 church April 27 Hon O P Billlners was over from Xorden Monday niakinj final proof on his timber claim Dick Cook was in town Jast night from the reserve where he43 working for I N Humphrey CA Johnson was up from Wood lake Tuesday and helped get the sol diers away in good shape John Adamson and Dick Grooms were in from Niobrara Falls Tuesday displaying their patriotism c Dr C Y Crooks- the well known specialist at Donoher House where he will remain until Saturday night Apr To Cure A Cold in One jOaj -Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets AlfDruggists refund the money mf it fails to Cure 25c 46 JDo not fail to see Dr Stuckey the successful eye specialist at the Don- ober House where he will remain till Saturday evening April 23- Fon Sale 350 of cattle 2 Here- ford bulls Cows calfs and yearlings Wheeler Bros Cody Neb Ranch 25 miles south of Cody Henderson Xew Ideal is the best rseed potato for this climate 500 bushels raised ou one acre in Cherry r county last year Price 50 cents 4er - - VAL K f aJ MSI r threyears in the penitentiary for sault with intent to w2onnd on person of Bill Brown of the community was i as the 7he sympathy witfo young Ritterbrush and a few weetoi ago he was liberated from the pen -arid return ed home The young raaus health was poor he became despond ent and Saturday April 1 he com mitted suicide by shooting himsef Wegive the following story in full in order to correct the Salsa rumors in cirsulation Saturday forenoon George was at his brothers Will Ritterbushs place at Crookston sick in bed Will went out to harness his team about noon ffor the purpose of coming to Valen tine A few minutes later George asked his sister-in-law to retire from the room as he wished to get out of bed She did so going to the barn where she stayed ntiiLvher husband Btarted away On her return to the house she found George lying on the bed dead witba bullet hole in his left breast The wound was made with a Winchester and the suicide bad placed the muzzle of the gun ou his breast and pulled the trigger -with his toe Death was instanta neous Coroner Dwyer was sent for t and the jury in the evening found a verdict in accord with the above Before killing himself Ritterbush wrote two letters one addressed to his mother brothers and sisters and gave as his reason for the rash act the fact that he felt he had not long -to live anyway aud with the disgrace of having been m prison to trouble him he felt he had better kill himself He asked forgiveness for anything he might have done wrong to any person and said God will judge Bill Brown some day The other letter was ad dressed to Fannie Brown his sweet heart at Fullerton on whose account he got into trouble and gave the same reason to her f or his deed He de clared his love for the girl and said be knew it was reciprocated He ad 1 vised her to warry some good man and closed with a pleaj for the just ification of his act It was reported that love disappoint ment caused the suicide but thelefcter to the girl dispels that thought In that letter Ritterbush said he knew the stories goinground but of course they were not true The body was buried- in the cemetery here Sunday afternoon by the side of his father the Rev Johnson conducting the funeral services Conductor Al Bowring and wife visited the formers parents at Merri man last week returning Saturday uight -They were accompanied by Mrs Chas Bowring whose husband xecently died She will visit m Chad jon for a time Miss Anna Connolly expects to leave in a few days tor her home in Valen tine after having been in Chadron fori several months during which time she wasemployed in Mrs Bates store Miss Gonnolly is now visiting Miss Pearl Ray and will be her guest until she lakes her departure Robert Good editor and publisher of the Valentine Democrat was a Chadron visitor Wednesday and was a verrytpleasant and welcome caller at this office- Mr Good has lived in northwest Nebraska for 14 years and it was his first visit to Chadron To say that he was delighted with our little city but faintly expresses it Mr Good issues one of the best news iest and most readable papers in this section of the state which by the way is the only democratic newspaper pub lished in northwest Nebraska and the support he receives from the mer chants of the progressive city of Val entine is indeed very encouraging CJiaiiron Journal ESt Clarke and C E Sherman went taKrden Friday and secured 25 head of cattle from O P Billings on re plevin There cattle were purchased by Chadboume several weeks ago but iteems that Billings concluded he had made a poor bargain and refused to turn over the stock After taking the cattle on replevin a compromise was made and they were paii for by the attorney The reading circle of the Epworth League met at the residence of Miss Stonr Monday evening and enjoyed the literary feaBt xsUkh was provided for them Change m PoMtofficc Hour Sunday postofiice hours have bren changed frm 8 to 10 a mM to 7 to 9 or one hour earlier for both botii open ing and losing The npw ruins went into effect last Sunday and canght a numberof citizens who were late get ting dGwo town -The Wesleyan Male will sing in Walentine Wednesday April 27 luvDcivru 6rti3 tuets general admission 25 cents cbildaven under 12 15 cents Ticsets on sale at Elliotts drng -store In commenting on a recent enter tainmentiwhich the quartet -gave the State Journal of April 3Sth has the following to say A college quartet is supposed to arouse and entertain without elaborate artistic achievements and rthe Wes leyan8 reach a great degreeof success 1n this line They soon had the biff audience in such a moodlasfcnjght that the chapel overflowed withemirth s Destructive Prairie The 1 most destructive prairie fire xhat ever visited this section swept over a Jarge portion of this county on Saturday and Sunday carrying des truction property at almost eveiy irtuuii iuu icirm nuuse in us pacn Ihe hre started on the reservation and was driven over the line by ia terrific north wind It swept to the -south and southeast coming close to town in the afternoon In the country several narrow es capes are reported W B Eberhart was burned about the face and hands while Mrs Eberharfc was severely burned about the hands Mrs N M Jeifords was quite severely burned about the feet her stockings being burned oft Keya Palia Call Scliool Eutertainmen t Tomorrow Friday evening one div ision of thejjigh school will give their literary program All friends of ed ucation are requested to attend rand encourage the young people Admission-only five- cents Twenty five new books wece -placed imthe librarysthis week purchased with the proceeds4rom the programs given some weeks ago Mr Robert G nod of The Demo crat some weeks ago advisedvpersos to donate good books to the school library and then surprised us by fol lowing his own advice presenting to the- school copy of Holmes Guardian- Angel Later Mrs vE J -Davenport has given us two nice vol umes Lorna JJoonp by Blackmore and Greek Heroes by ReviKingsley Library Committee OFF FOR NEW ORLEANS Twelfth IiiJantry leaves Ifjost May so to Cu The Twelf this gone and FtNio brara is practically deserted detail of two menfromeach of the compan ies being the size of the garrison News that theregiment wasUrieave Tuesday afternoon spread rapidnd when the boys parched into toivn to thetaneof The Soldiers Farmrell at 1 oclock they found an imcaense crowp waiting to bid them gopdbye All morning thQboys had been busy Lloading freight cars with baggage transportation etc so the start wwias made for the east by 230 The -first train consisted of J7 cattle coal vsi box cars and carried the field ejip j ments of the regiment wagons 0 days rations several hundred tbow j sand raunds of ammunition and tsv Hotchkiss guns i The second -section was composedof 7 coaches carrying the 1st batallion and the third section of 9 co aches ear- ried the 2d batallion and Hand toj gether with regimental officer 8 Each man carried his arms and 100 rounds of ammunition Several hundred people cheered the boys as they left town and many weeping eyes andsbroken hearts- were left behind womeabeing particularly numerous in the crowd It is very probable that Valentpe has seen the last of xhe Twelfth in fantry and for this we arc sorry Col Andrews was a prime favorite herej the officers wereall gentlemanly ad sociable the men were honest and re liable As a whole those posted jon army matters say the Twelfth Is rjtoe cleanest most sociablend best regi ment in the army If we have waf with Spain we expecttQ hear good re ports from the lwelfth Lieut G L Barch isin charge of the jpost ad is the only commissioned officer jpre Several families yet xemain but ey will leavebefore long -It is repgrtPd that two troops of thelEighth cajflry from Ft Meade will come down and gjUrin the post icaiewdays - 1 ft Ze - - p NORTHWcST METROPOLIS Tlie Democrat 3Ian Visits Chadron autl Receives Koyal -Reception Tcioes a newspaper man good to get away from home occasionally and see what his neighboring towns are doing Since 1884 the editor of this paper has lived most of the time in northwest Nebraska but it was not until last week that he yisited the northwests metropolis Chadron Jl was a patriotic mission that call ed him to ChadronvnaraeIy the desire to so arrange matters that Valentin might be able to get a company of volunteers in the field if war is declar ed between this country arid Spain Adjt G eiiP JET Barry of the Nation al Guard was to be in Chadron last Wednesday and it was he that caused the trip He assured the editor that if a company was organised here it would be recognized by the ustate and consequently by the government but the National Guard was recruited to ics run strength bo much for the cause of the- visit In company with A M Morrissey the editor took in the town for an hour or so after arriving in the early morning and while his preconceived notions of Chadron were hardly real ized is forced to adrrfct that Chad- ron is a lively little cily and one of which its citizens may well feel proud Fine wide streets substantial public buildings pretty residences and splen did business blocks give he town an appearance of business and sociability while I the beautiful scenery round about tfves the town a summer resort aspectl Afterhis ramble the scribe went to the Blaine hotel and registered He had hard somuch oHhe Blaine that the excellence of the hotel and its ap pointpents were no surprise but gen ial Ed Satterlee the proprietor was a treat he iwas unprepared for The Blaine is a three story structure and is patronised by the best class of trade almost eiclusivply Thcjijslne is excelleitthe4jervice splendid aniTthe hospitality of the proprietor unexcelled After breakfast came a call on the Journal and a bicycle ride around town including a visit to the high school Prof Fee is au old friend of the editors and the former introduced him to the corps of teachers aud made himself -agreeable in every possible manner The high school is an eight room building heated with steam aud is well equipped in every particu lar The exhibit being prepared for the Transmississippi Exposition by the high school and primary departments is fine After this came a more ex tended visit with Bro Julian and an inspection of the fine outfit of the Journal liaewise introductions to Messrs Taylor and Kendall of the de funct Recorder The newspaper frater nity ofithe city seemed to be on good terms and the Recorder people were working for the Journal Bro Julian is a young man almost as handsome as the writer and is making a splen did success of his paper It is in fact unsurpassed in the northwest for its excellence of matter and tasteful oess in display and makeup With Gapt A G Fisher Lieut A L Dor rington War Correspodent Geo Gar rison and Adjt Barry dinner was de- 5x7aured aud then eame a round of iftlBasure Many old friends were vis ited and many new ones made Col teCann entertained the visitor for an Jhour and J W Good a leading mer chant made a half hour seem like a mjnute C S Bates the architect 3- iBjDavis the pharmacist Stanley Ray tbecornetist Jas Dahlman the democrat and numbers of others equally well known here beguiled thei hquFftway until supper and then ameol Maher and a host of others to make things pleasant Aftertsupper a visit to the rink was in Qder where Co H N N G was nusteed into the service of the state and the war atmosphere was later clearedaway by a social hop Mid night found the editor -all tired out and he wgs soon on his way home leaving jQfcadron with its pleasant peo ple eeBic lights splendid water - i system o business houses and gen eral air of igoaheaditiveness behind SOheadjrfcows and calves for sale For paftipufoTs write to 13 J Poststeb Kennedy Nebr p J -V - t7l u 1 -X - mi rri - 8 v- - V-1- V 7A Tim OQ A 4 A VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY APRIL 21 1898 KILLED HIMSELF George Kitterlmsh Became Despcid cnt Ami Coaimitteft Suicide About a vear aco Genrow JHffor bush ofCrookstun was sentenced to ENPORT it l i j 5 ENTINE DEMOCRAT Published for Four Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT BO CORDETTE v COEDETTE is a new stiffening fabric for ladies dresses It is light and el egant and being absolutely waterproof NO 13 Rain Has No Effect Upon It A dress saturated with water will still retain its form and freshness Paris the great centre of fashion has enthu siastically endorsed ORDETTE and has been quick to nnnrer iate its- great intrinsic merit as a shape eivin fabric rr d IV TffE ARE SOLE AGENTQ fc - - i r V i r i r Thacher GENERAL -MERCHANTS APA Ymi GOING TO DO va ANYSPRINCCLEANINGr The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLOES and FAKNISH at - - - Elliotts Drug Store VALENTINE MEAT MARKET UkU mm m fii mm nTrf 43a mm raism mmm W D CLARBCSON FROPR b 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 49 4 49 tf AAAAAAAA AATAAdLdbAA Jk4 0OO0 0W0iO3 043000OmOO 3a000040 Aft We- Have a Number of pairs of Shoes Ladies and Gents -also a limited amonnt or Winter Goods Which ive will Close Oat at Cost to make Boom For our New Spring Goods which will arrive this Week Our New Goods will all be In Style as well as prices Fresh Groceries and Flour just received and will be sold Cheaper than by any Competitor Come and see our bargains before you send your money out of the country Look over our Di y Goods Gents Furnishing Goods Trunks and Valises aud get our prices before purchasing elsewhere Of00cyojgc0ior oroWOocrccy crcgCXCfcrcxcra to ir w vvwvvvwwvai o 0 0 0 E McDonald Valentine Neb S MILLINERY ANYTHING YOU WANT Come and See Our Line of Shirt Waists Neckwear Dress Skirts Wrappers Underwear I L EFNER ONLY A FEW SUITS LEFT rtBilM And they wont be left much longer if we keep selling them as Tapjdly as we have been doing during the last few weeks Remember that we are SELLING ALL CLOTHING AT POST Eecanse we want to close out our stock We are not buying any more and want to get rid of what we have We are not however closing out our DRY GOODS GROCERIES OR SHOES And these lines are complete and wil remain so We have an especially fine stock of groceries and sell them at prices which cannot be duplicated Coabb Vincent r W m M7WH J