-St li n V T X -1 STOCK BRANDS Metzger Bros 7 E J rrii rini Art Rife VSW fif K tt A- Kit - y Range on the Snake River and Chamber lain tlat -V Pullman Neb Cherry Co Brand on left hide and thigh Earmark square crop rijrht ear Southern branded cattlo have but one brand on left side Native cattle have throat wattln Juume on iiurdon and biiake Creeks Horses have same brandon left thigh A Iteicarrl of SlOO will be paid to any Ierson for information leading to the arrest and inal conviction of anv person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand Joseph W Bownet P O address Merriman Nebr Right car cropped Hole in center of left jear Ifcingc Lake creek S I ui I t Aft VAJ u jtJStri William M Dunbar Lessee fioin Heine Krocgcr Cody Neb DUn Either side Kffil Alsr 3E5 low on ssM rI8ht Left ear oi cattle Split Kange bead of Hay Creek Henry Pratt Rosebud S D - y iLeft side Horses same on lMt shoulder Deeihorn clip on some cattle i j i Ltf William Shanjrren Cody Neb 7 Dulap uudet side oi neck - Jack LePoint Merriman Neb wJ Ctlle branded on Iclt side Some on np also teirmai k round hole in center t left ear A ho use EJ52S3 on And RslKabido iswtees W ess 1 - fCr 33aT5ATPll j5 on right side Kangu Lake Corn ana Also m Charles EL Faulhaber jbs s 2js Brownlee Cebr Either right or left side on cattle Hordes same on left shoulder Left ear cat off of cattle Range Loup river Marshall Wolfenden Kennedy Neb Home 3 on the Icftj hin Horses s on left shoulder Jirand is small Earmark Quarter clip behind half eir tle forward on left ear Range Lone Tiee Lake H Louis Richards Meiriman Neb Charles JBenard Kosebud S D Eange Big White and ad Rivers 51 - W R Kissel Brownlee Neb Also some below lett bin right hip Range Kissels Ranch Wheeler Bros ody Neb Charles Ci Tackett n flHHHtekMdflHKi Rosebud 3 D Range bead of An telope nearest Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh William F Schmidt Rosebud S D On left side Horses branded same on left hip or shoulder Range on Horse Creek o m TALK IN SENATE Resolutions Introduced by Frye Foraker and Rawlins STORM GATHERS AT CAPITOL Two Senators Call for Belligerent Action Against Spain WANT CUBANS WOES ENDED Upper House of Congress a Scene of intense Excitement Rawlins of Utah Offers Resolution Recognizing the Independence of Cuba and Declaring War Against Spain Allen and Foraker Offer Res olutions Recognizing Cuban Inde pendenceSenator Mason Makes a Red Hot Speech in Favor of War Galleries Applaud Bellicose Senti ments Washington correspondence The Senate plunged into the Cuban question Tuesday with a merciless disre gard for the Presidents peace plan Two Republican members of the Foreign Rela tions Committee Senators Foraker and Frye took the lead Four resolutions on Cuba were introduced in rapid succession Senator Frye of Maine a conservative member of the Foreign Relations Commit tee who by precedent of long service was entitled to the chairmanship of foreign relations but yielded to Senator Davis offered a resolution calling upon the Pres ident to intervene at once by force to stop the war in Cuba Senator Forakers members rcliose ideas are in accordance with a positive course About fifty repre sentatives attended representing all sec tions Representative Hopkins of Illinois a member of the Ways and Means Com mittee presided and Representative Joy of Missouri was secretary The meeting was called to take steps to secure imme diate intervention in some form and the recognition of Cuban independence It was pointed out that while it was fit that the executive should be given as he had been a reasonable time within which SPANISH LEGATION WASHINGTON to advise it was exclusively the func tion of Congress to declare war commence hostilities or take action of that character The remarks made carried the view that a mere recognition of belligerency was not to be considered for it would not of itself bring a cessation of hostilities and that intervention armed and immediate and recognition of independence only would be considered SPAIN SAYS ACCIDENT Madrid Experts Dispute Every Claim of American Board The conclusions reached by the Spanish naval commission which investigated the destruction of the battleship Maine are directly opposite to those in the report of the court of inquiry submitted to Con gress The synopsis is as follows The evidence of witnesses comparatively close to the Maine at the moment Is to the effect that only one explosion occurred that no column of water was thrown Into the air that no shock to the side of the nearest ves sel was felt nor on land was any vibration noticed and that no dead fish were found The evidence of the senior pilot of the har bor states that there is abundance of fish in the harbor and this Is corroborated by other witnesses The assistant engineer of works states that after explosions made during the execution of works in the harbor he has al ways found dead fish The divers were unable to examine the THE CONGRESSIONAL BATTERY IN ACTION w j1 i itTKOTiw jiwsii Fvi lfgsi en is TjeaEV f - iBJjmmm n i mms mm gsmmmzu m sees i - - -v - - olution recognized the independence of the Cuban republic Rawlins Utah offered one declaring a state of war between Spain and the United States Allen Neb offered one recognizing independence and Senator Foraker said he would insist up on early consideration of his resolution Mason 111 followed the introduction of the resolutions in the Senate with a vigorous war speech He described viv idly the disaster to the Maine He said that if ninety of the victims had been Sen ators or sons of Senators we would not lave been forty days declaring war Yet the lives of all Americans were sacred alike under our law and equally entitled to consideration Mr Mason said the ca tastrophe should be replied to vigorously He could not speak for others but for himself he was for war This declaration brought out a vigorous outburst of ap plause from the galleries The Illinois Senator declared there could be no peace so long as a European nation owns and butchers its slaves on this hemisphere He said it was not nec essary for the Maine court to fix the re sponsibilitay The law did that If it was a torpedo or a mine it was a Spanish torpedo or a Spanish mine Hence Spain niust answer He would oppose any pro- A SPANISH TORPEDO BOAT position looking to indemnity as he would oppose making a diplomatic incident of the catastrophe He would oppose any kind of autonomy or any plan to assist Spain but his demand was that the Span ish flag should be driven from the western hemisphere Neither did he believe Cuba should be required to pay an indemnity to Spain We are told he said we must wait on the Spanish elections but if Spanish elections ave as rotten as Span ish diplomacy we had better not wait Let us awake said Mr Mason in conclu sion to glorious war as did our fathers a war that shall insure the honor and re spect of our flag all over the world A storm has been- gathering in Con gress Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning before the cabinet met the Presi dent was given to understand by leaders in Congress that unless he intervened soon he would have the matter taken out of his hands by Congress which body has the right to declare war The President has considered every conceivable plan looking toward peace but Congress will hear noth ing but intervention for Cuban indepen dence A Senator who is conservative made the statement that the President would be compelled to intervene for inde pendence whether he wished to- or not The revolt in the House against further postponement of action on the Cuban issue culminated in conference of Bepublican ysF ZSi bottom of the ilaine which was burled In the mud but a careful examination of tho sides of the vessel the rents and breaks In which all point outward shows without a doubt thdt the explosion was from the In side A minute examination of the bottom of the harbor around the vessel shows abso lutely no sign of the action of a torpedo and the fiscal judge advocate of the commission can find no precedent for the explosion of the storage magazines of a vessel by a tor pedo From the Front Capt C D Sigsbee has been assigned to duty as aid to Secretary Long Merchants of Barcelona have offered the Spanish Government 40000000 to be used in case of a war Spanish military engineers are starting for the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands are being fortified Italy has decided to sell the armored cruiser Giusoppe Garibaldi of 0840 tons and well armored to Spain The remains of Lieut F W Jenkins of tho Maine were interred at Pittsburg with military and civic honors Secretary Long has detailed officers to com mand all the auxiliary torpedo boats recently added to the naval service All the shipyards on thelakes may be start ed in full blast in case the war with Spain lasts more than four months The United States naval attaches at tho various European centers are endeavoring t purchase more torpedo boats The Navy Department has issued Instruc tions to transfer twenty cadets from Ann apolis to the battleship Indiana There are over 2000 men at work In tbf Brooklyn navy yard and operations continue without intermission day and night Orders have been given to remove from all the war vessels In the Key West harbor all surplus baggage and unnecessary parapher nalia Foreign bankers are evidently becoming alarmed for the safety of their funds in Havana branches and are withdrawing them to New York Gov Black of New York sent to the Leg islature an emergency message advising an immediate appropriation of 1000000 as a contingent war fund The Madrid Pals says that orders have been issued to mobilize all the Spanish war ships and that a second torpedo squadron is being prepared for sea at Cadiz The Dupont powder mills have received urgent orders from Washington to use every possible means to furnish the Government with smokeless powder without delay The life saving crews of all Government stations on the Atlantic coast have been notified to hold themselves In readiness to enter the naval service at a moments notice The work on the cannons now In process of completion at the Washington navy yard is being pushed with all the haste possible More than 500 men have been added to the force Many applications are being received at the War Department from small towns along the coast for the erection of some means of de fense to withstand the assaults of foreign ships in the event of war The Ohio River Flood fi - - v SSSf Scene in Fulton street Cincinnati where people are obliged to get about in boats THE WAR IS OVER For the Time Being the Bier Hat Has Been Overthrown Tie -war against the high theater hat has ended at least for the time in the overthrow of the hat In some West ern cities -notably In San Francisco the City Council has passed an ordinance empowering the managers of theaters to expel ladles whose headgear im pedes ithe view of spectators Fortified by this law ushers politely invite wear ers of offending hats to remove them or call at the box office to get their money back To stern necessity the ladies have succumbed and orchestra and dress circle instead of presenting the appearance of a parterre of flowers glowdng with the gay colors of myriads of showy birds are now mere backs of heads frowzy with disheveled hair and gloaming the eye with dull neutral tints For uhe preparation of the fe male hair for exhibition at the opera in volves a hair dresser and a carriage and foruids the use of a hat or toque until the show 13 over whereas no lady cares to walk bareheaded through the streets on the way to the play Throughout history the female head dress has been a worry and a vexation Five hundred years ago when Europe was taking breath after the crusades ladies wore a head dress which was built up in a couple of pointed spares an ell long and had long loose pieces of crape fastened to the top of them and hanging down the back Such head gear enraged a pious monk named Thomas Conecte and he preached against it with such fervor that hun dreds of women threw down their head dresses before the pulpit and the street boys took delight In pelting with stones those Who clung to their high hats But when Fra Conecte died the high hats came to life again and In the quaint language of Monsieur Paradin the wo men Who had crawled dnto their holes like snails now put forth their horns nce more It was left for Louis the Eleventh to deal a death folow to the fashion In our day we put the high hat out of the theaterj iflhe king excluded it from court and church But even his power was inadequate to set a limit to the Norman cap which to this day soars two feet above the wearers head and ds the joy and piiide of the countrywomen of Charlotte Corday It was rather by its breadth than by its height that the modern theater hat made itself offensive If the hat wear ers could have kept their heads still the nuisance would not have been so unbearable But the tall halt seemed to set the muscles of the neck quaking so that the wearer waggled her head in cessantly like the old effigies of Chi nese mandarins and the spectator be hind her had no sooner discovered a practicable vista under one of the hat wings than it was closed by a change of pose For its disappearance may we all be duly thankful and now if some body will devise a cure for the chatter of the sweet gdii graduate at the most interesting part of the play we may really cease to take our pleasures sadly Harpers Weekly Causes of Corns and Bunions The feet are surely pliant members when they can endure the variformed shoes that fioni time to time compel them in new habits with each pair put on yet they rarely rebel or give real trouble unless barbarously neglected Corns and bunions are more often the result of wearing old shoes than in a wrong selection of new ones -A con stant change of foot gear inures the foot to variety and even those who confine themselves wholly to the ready made article need suffer no ill effects if they will keep their shoe supply as careful replenished as is the rest of the wardrobe It is one of the most fallacious of practices to attempt to economize by wearing old shoes about the house un less they possess all their buttons have straight heels and soles and are daily brushed and aired as are their newer fellows Only in this way may the ankles be continually braced into straightness and the toes allowed to move gently in an almost straight di rection When the foot is thrown out of balance by worn down heels the toes attempting to retain a level posi tion perform prehensile feats which resemble the action of the forebears some scientists have ascribed to us Moreover the combined heat and mois ture of the normal foot hardens the leather of the continuoutsly worn shoe into permanent creases which in turn render the foot extremely sensitive and a struggling against its hard envi ronment enlarges the joints and causes local distress Harpers Bazar Slow The Rev John Watson Ian Mac laren tells this story about his trip to the Holy Land to which he had been looking forward for a number of years with pleasurable anticipation says Tit Bits As he was nearlng the center of his toric Palestine he met an American who was making all haste to get away After a few greetings such as two English-speaking men meeting in a for eign country might exchange the American asked Dr Watson where he was going To Jerusalem was the reply Jerusalem exclaimed the Ameri can in tones of unfeigned disgust you dont want to go there Ive just come away Its a slow town Why there isnt a daily newspaper in the whole place Wheels in France As France taxes bicycles and tricy cles the number of machines used In that country is known exactly On January 1 1897 there were 329814 taxed an increase of nearly 74000 over 1895 which had shown an increase of 53000 over the preceding year The revenue obtained in 1869 was 3272339 francs CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keepa a supply of FRESH FRUIT - AND - Hl9 GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast JBacon and Vegetables At Stetters Old Btand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA 5elJooJoifefeJo 49 9 9 4 4 4 49 4 30 rO0 THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS VALENTINE C H COKXELIj President it Of the Choicest Brands NEBRASKA o 0 J if 0 4 hh ANK OF VALENTINE til V XIBHOLSOX Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banhiny liusiness Transacted Huys aad Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha wo o 49 - -- - 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 vw I iffj SLA merit Special price on sample j 4aioigio vjjujgou oivjWoraauiu - lne DOJNOJhLiiK 0 rHr V Js continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOItTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms UR GRAND OFFER To keep our great factory busy and introduce early our splen did 98 models we have concluded to make a marvelous offer direct to the rider For 3o days we will sell samples of our swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac ture and will ship C O D on approval to any address on receipt of the nominal aura of 100 if west of Denver 5 Thisi to to to to to to to to to to to to HERRY OUNTY KANK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extpnded customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonablq rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Notary Public W E HALEY Real Estate ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska 1000000 Bond Filed zjkh South of Court House 100 deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers part if you dont want to send money in advance send your express agents guaranty for charges one way and we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheeL f RPD fi M Highest grade embodying every late improve XLaK22fc ment of valne 14 inch imported tubing flash joints improved two piece cranks arch crown large detachable sprockets handsomest finish and decorations Morgan Wright qoicK repair tires single or donble tnne high grade W 2900 ICCctl A fltllnnin mnpfiinA nnnnl fn flnv fnDomnAnn J - Ti4s i - SbmhhJSmd seamless tnbing two pieceeranks arch crown detachable sprockets finely finished and decorated Morgan Wright quick repair tires single or donble tube high grade equipment Ourspecial sample price 74 00 fONQT Beet medium grade for 1893 1 inch tnbing etriped and decorated arch oJUEmm crown dust proof bearings ball retainers best Indiana or New Brunswick tires standard equipment Special price on samDle 1900- NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed You will be surprised at the appearance and aualitv of thesn Tchcolo Ttrmf wi now vhiia tma rtfarr m iran PmnAa w11 I ui tt - v ra iu uo uiuuu niKuur soon xoa can maxe oiz money as our Agent selling for us We give our agents choice of cash the free use of a sample wheel or rift Of a wheel according to work done T tf Do You Want Cheap Wheels PXSSSSSSSSSS 1200 to 1600 Wheels Slightly Used Modern Types - 800 to 1200 Our business and reUntation are known throughout the country References anyoi tka express companies or any bank in Chicago Art Catalogue free Secure agency atonc The J L Mead Cycle Co Chicago su