1 t P W Prudenor Merriraan was in town aifew hours yesterday J if Guth is building a neat bare onthesreur of his residence lots C3DViehof and wifti are making thisjilace their headquarters again Dr IE M Hooper of Ft Smith Ark registered at the Gity Hotel yesterday Lee uayporte was in the west part of thecounty on business Saturday Wffi Pullman and J A Yaryan of Pullman were in -town on a business trip Tuesday Go to Cornell Kail Thursday night and see -the Bed mend Company New songsnew dances Matt House has moved into town and is occupying the Geo Beerhouse on west Virginia street Stone is being cut for the purpose of finishing the coping su the north front of T C Hornbys slore Evan and Hugh Edwards of Sparks were in town yesterday Mr Edwards is moving to Ainsworth lj Li Bivens has accepted a position ns ierk in T C Hornbys store suc ceeding Norval Pfunder The ftev T M Bates holds regular services at the Episcopal church Sun clay morning and evening The sidewalk from the old school house yard has been moved to the new grounds and laid in position J f 1 U h I THE VOL XIII 0 W MOREY ftATGEMAKER - AKD - JSWEUBB Fine lane of -plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and dne in the best manner Fcall line f sporting goods THIS AND THAT Voinlnw Event h Jteihnend Company March 10 1L12 Assessors Meeting -March 15 Ootiutv Commissioner March 15 Village EIkpiIou April 5 KajtrU5uiiday pril 10 Supplement tins week S IL Kinirnel of Ilosebud was in town the Drst of4he weak Win Kime cf Kennedy was in Y town on business Monday V E Waite and son Arthur weie in town a couple of days the first of the week from Chesterlield - Mrs C E Eowring started Monday morning for La Grand Iowa to see her mother who is very ill W E Haley has one of the neatest abstract offices in the northwest since moving into the Sparks building a 11 Glover has returned from his two weeks trip through the south and is filled with stories of Dixie land Mrs Erank Fischer returned Tues day night from XeHgh where she had been at the bedside of her mocher G X Shepherd the genial traveling representative of the State Journal manufacturing department spent Sun day in town Xo matter what is the trouble with the throat or lungs Dr Daniels Cora pound Svmp Sanguinaria will relieve it At Elliotts 50 Luella Miller of Ainsworth came up on No 27 yesterday afternoon and will stay withthe family of ye editor for a few weeks Tarvis Richards was down from Chadron looking after some school land leasts and attending to other business Tuesday To Cure A Cola in One Hay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cure 25c 46 The Kedraond Company will present the greatest of all plays at Cornell Hall Thursdav night Young Lochinvar Trices 25 35 aud 50 cents M Harris has decided to locate in Valentine and will open a bakery in the old church building after it is va cated by the primary school John TJorman is making preparations to move onto his farm soon He has announced his intention of becoming a tiller of the soil this summer W E Pontius came from Wood lake Wednesday and has charge of the station here during his fathers ab sence in Omaha Harrison Press Fred Smith who is in Lincoln with Ills wife while the latter is taking treat ment at a sanitarium has ordered his household goods sent to that point Judge Tucker has built a hen house near the Indian supply depot and with the assistance of an incubator will go into the chicken bnsineBS this spring VALENTINE DEMOCRAT At ttie meeting of the town board last raght it was decided to extend the water main on Hall street 600 feet s sooa -as practicable W Carpenter is nowa full fledged density under -Sheriff Strong and he is busily engaged -in serving subpoenas and doing otkr work incidental to his position Burlington the tailor has another fiae lot of samples lor apriug audsum taer clothing oa hand JBetter oaiJ on nlm for that new spring suit you in ieud buying H E Searaans the -Carpenter 3aper Company man made ns a pleasant kcall Tuesday and showed us his new Cbainless Gaiety JLl is a dandy and does its work neatly aud with dispatch FOR SALE Three -sets of harness and three buggies at a bargain to anake roomtfor new goods J W SMISUH Valentine JN ebr Ladies free Thursday night to pee Young Lochinvar by the Redmond Company Each person purchasing La reserved seat ticket will be allowt o one seat free of charge -for a lady 25 f35 aud 50 cents Prof J P Gardiner of Cody -made his oilice a cpery pleasant call Monday He sas thatliis baud ox sheep L Biiires is getting alouguicely and he speaks highly ot the sheep business for our table lands J A Simpson state -examiner was in town several davs the nast week looking over the books f the county treasurer Jie went fromiiere to Jjueya Paha county aud will return shortly to balance his ngures Your attention is called to the new advertisement of E McDnald which appears in this issue He has a choiee let of odds and ends discovered dur ing invoicing that are bargains and -well worth investigation Dr J B Wells and family will oc eupy Guths iiouse recently vacated bv E Snarks Dr C A Welis will room with his brother and Ed Claike will move into the room thus vacated over Davenport Thachers store About twenty five additions have been made to the membership of the Prpshvlprian chiirah in the last three weeks and about 75 to the Methodist At this rate there will soon be no sui xiers in Valentine to be converted The supreme court has released Eu gene Moore overruling Judge Cornish Thd Bartiey bondsmen have been re leased from any responsibility Next will come the acquittal of F E Moures and then the law will be vindicated The horse cart and harness belong ing to Sam Lee the post Chinese laun dryman were sold at public auction Monday by Sheriff Strong The out lit brought 33 50 a low urice consid ering the good condition of the cart and harness The Ainworth Dramatic Club con templates putting on one of their plays at Valentine at an early date playing in the city and at the fort carrying twelve people with them They will give them a fir3tclass entertainment if they undertake it Ainswoith Star Journal At their meeting Monday night the school board laid the matter of seling the old school house over to the meet ing which is to be held Friday night Several parties are in the field to buy the building It is expected that the board will realize from 1000 to 1200 by the sale Tuesdays papers contained the very pleasing intelligence to E L Maloney that he had been appointed postmaster at Fort Niobrara Mr Maloney is the genial day operator foi the Western Union telegraph company at this sta tion and has a large circle of friends who will congiaiulate him upon his good fortune The Rev Oastler of Gordon preach ed at the Presbyterian church Satur day evening and Sunday morning and evening to large congregations The reverend gentleman is a very able sneaker and made a good impression upon his hearers Regular services will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening A very pleasant evening was passed by the members of the Epworth League at the residence of G H Hornby Monday night A jolly time was had by ail present the entertain ment consisting of vocal and instru mental music nail driving and pencil sharpening by the ladies button sew ing and potato paring by the gentle men The contests were very amus ing and were spirited too L L Bivens and C H Wellford are in receipt of a letter from Governcr Hlcomb commending them for the patriotism they showed in circulating the letter to the president spoken or last week and assuring them that in the event of trouble with Spain their letter will be en 3oTsfd and forwarded the president It is said that Len will receive a captains commission if thp nnmnanv is nrrranizpri and fthsrlip i will be made first lieutenant - Published for Four Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY MARCH 3 1898 SECRETARYS REPORT Ot the Second Annnul Session f the Cherry Farmers Institute Vatlkntine Nebr Feb 23 1893 The second iraal Farmers Institute of Cher ry county was called to order at 1030 a m by the president RlrL H Perkins After a few brief remarks he introduced Mr D P Asliburn Secretary tfl National Dairy Congress who then addresbct tbeiiutuljcr who were present upon f he Care and Management of the Dairy Cow saying there were two kinds of cows the one takes food and converts it into milk the other converts the food into beef One accustomed to cattle will make mo mistake in selectitij the an imal awarding to the use he desiresxo make of it The slim boney cat hammed re pulsive looking animal with large digestive or gans is ttie one designed for dairy purposes If fed in properly balanced rations she will not fail to be profitable as a good milker He dwelt some time upon proper foods aud explained charts as how toJhalance rations with such food stuffs as th former had and showed how the various kinds of food affected the quality and quantity of milUeince the proportion of parts of milk was always the same it was economy to feed the proper foods for such as the cow would appropriate moreof food designed -for heat and other purposes to that of milk Many helpful thoughts were given as to the cow for profit to the farmer After answering questions asked by those present lbs meeting adjourned to meet at 130 p m The afternoon seesioD opened with the Presi dent L H Perkint in the chair Sir J C Pec tverew the secretary also in his place The at tendance was not what it should have been but those present wereauterested throughout Mr D P Ashburn presented the subject Feeding and Marketing Hogs saying there was a complaint among hog growers or raisers t iat there was a lack of pDteicyamougtIie brood animalSiazisiiig from iw causes viz 1st too much lood for fat and not enough of the proper foods for strength and muscle 2nd breeding immature stock This has become a question which the hog grower is endeavoring to over come He spoke highly ol the Poland China breed as it was onginsHiy He dwelt upon pro per food for brooding animals as well as for that for the market The former needs foods resembling milk with pientyof bone food of the latter crowd nature as fast as you can Feed them all they will eat clean That the de mand in the market is for small hogs with a larger pr iportion of lean to at ancU that this can be regulated by proper feeding during the first six months of the life of the pig He em phasized the fact that kindness to the hog as Kith the cow affected its usefulness Prof C l Shear of the University of Neb raska presented the subject Nebraskas Pas ture Grasses This was given m such a prac tical manner as to have been of value to those interested m pasture lands and hay He stated that Nebraska had 1C0 differentspecies of grasses but dwelt particularly upon the wild grasses for the arid and sandy soils He had several specimens of the common wild grasses and showed clearly between the buffalo grass and the so cajled buffalo gramma grass After questions were asked and answered adjourned until 730 The evening session was called to order by Mr C II Cornell the president being unablo to remain The first of the evening was an appropriate selection of music The Farmers Girl Mr D P Ashburn explained fully the Han cock milk tester and its value to the perjori en gaged in butter making His subject for the evening was How to Make Butter In which he explained exact y the process from the milk ing Keeping the milk at proper temperature skimming and churning whereby every person engaged in making butter might have good but ter on the market instead of butter of an infer ior quality He recommended the following rules to get the best results in milking l Use no profanity around the cow 2 Milk each cow in regular order and always at a regular time 3 Always treat the cow kindly Prof C 1j Shear then spoke upon the subject The Training the Successful Farmer of the Future Needs lie says the world is one series of progress in which the farmer must figure to keep up He needs to know everything he must have a good grounding of all the fund amental sciences The proiesor and the so called practical man have their places but they should be able to work together fur the best in terests of all He gave a very interesting talk regarding the benefit of the agricultural depart ments in the colleges That if the boys were taught to have mental training and saw the need of brain work for the best results in farm worn they would not be alienated from the farm After the chorus Forest Glee the meeting adjourned until 103 the following day SEC2DDAY A M The meeting was called to order by Mr Win Wilson The subject Waste on the Farm was presented by I P Ashburn He gave some good suggestions along the various phases of this sxbject gained fiom experience and ob servation emphasizing Loss due to carelesness Loss due to indifference Loss due to negligence Loss of time Loss in human energy in inconvenient ar rangement of house for the wife barnyard build ings for the farmer Make our homes comfort able and convenient Ourjsvery day life needs to be such as will lead us to be good citizens Every mn is a factor in a community and owes something to it as well as to work for self aioue Study should enter every vocation written up on any line of industry Alter a call for written questions from those present to be handed in before the afternoon session the meeting ad joumed to meet at 1 30 pm Mr Wilson called the meeting to order and the following are some of the questions sub mitted aud heartily discussed 1 How can we best retain the moisture in our J cultivated lands Can it be done with our com mon instruments 2 What if any are the food stuffs which will J prevent hog cholera 3 What are the different kinds of sand vetch aud which is the best for stock 4 What is the best remedy for blackleg f How should millet be fed G What dry feed is best for quantity of milk 7 What are the distinguishing qualities of a good milch cow if one Is buying The following offacers were then elected for the ensuing year President Mr L H Perkins Vice President Mr Wm Wilson Secretary Mists Lillian U Stoner Treasurer Mr J A Hornliack Mrs Hornback EEecutive Committee- Mrs Foster Mrs Wm Wilson On motion a committee of three was appoint-ed-on resolutions consisting of L H Perkins Judge Tucker tind J R Ayers On motion tlxs constitution and by law sent by J Wraylor Superintendent University of Nebraska were adopted -Suggested by C ii Cornell that the Executive Committee appoint meetings to be held at various places 4n the county Station carried that all reputable people and all members in arrears come up aud pay their dues and become members Several names were added to this rail of mem bers and from the enthusiasm expressed the next meeting of the animal Institute will le better attended knowing such meetings are for Oie good of the farmer the stockman ani their wives Aa other industries need place Af meet ing to discuss their interest so the farmer and stock raisers need to exchange ideas and gain new thoughts The evening session was called to orier by Mr C H Cornell Driving the Cattle Home was wvll rendered by tne singers after which Deputy Slate Superintendent C E 1 ec vvas in troduced and spoke upon The Earmr lioy He spoke aboutthe hardships the average far mer bi y thougli tjie had and showed very nice ly how essential it was that he have this work to make a man of him mentally and physically Her erred at length to school laws recent ly gone into effect transportation of pupils transferring from one district to another etc also referring to the results Following him was a trio The Farmer Boy well rendered Prof R H Watson of Valentine then pres entetthe sunject Factors in ChId Life tp a very interesting manner He spoite of the in fluence during infancy the training resulting thr ugh th j love of the parents also the necessi ty of the parents living with the children im pressing their lives upon them through silent in fluence rather than punishment Mr D r Asliburn was called on and in the same earnest maimer which cliarat t rized ins entire work duripg the Institute mide an ap 1 propriate closing talk leaving a feeling and e sire with his hearers to do more effective w i k which tends toward the better living of the fanning cases After a few remarks by the chairman C H Cornell thanking those frm a distance who had so faithfully given their efforts for the suc cess of the Institute Mr J A Hornback sang Tb Farm r is the Man who Feeds Them All The meeting then adjourned A Prisoner Ketcnpes Once more a prisoner has escaped from the county jail Friday after noon Jeremiah M Burnett arrested about ten days ago for stealing horses left without permission from the sher iff and his whereabouts is unknown As gleaned from tlip officers aud re maining prisoners the story of his es cape is as follows Friday afternoon at 2 oclock the jailor Oscar Matthews went down town with one of the pris oners the soldier who is in on a charge of larceny leaving Myers George Eavens and Burnett in the jail the latter two in the cell The two prison ers on the outside of the ceil were en gaged in reading and the two in the cell were playing cards when the solid iron outside door was opened by a stranger and u r gun was thrust through the 6 of the inner door with a command to the prisoners to hold up their hands Needless to say the command was obeyed and then the stranger proceeded to open the in ner door Having gained admission to the jail George and Meyers were or dered to stand ti our side and the two inside the cell were ordered to hold up The visitor then proceed ed to coolly unlock the padlock and cell door and asked Burnett to step out Backing to the door with Bur nett the stranger told the other boys that they might leave if they wanted to and disappeared Which direction they went or how they went is un known the prisoners being too scared to stick their heads out of the doors to watch the fugutives After about tenminutes of inaction George and Favens started for town but met the jailor a few yards away and returned The alarm was immediately given and a posse was started m pursuit but their utmost efforts failed to locate the fugitives The man who liberated Burnett is described by George as being tall weight about 160 pounds white mus tache blue eyes and whs dressed in light colored coat and dark scotch cap He wore a belt holster and carried a gun which looked as big as a stove pipe evidently a 45 Colts This is all that is known Anything farther is merely conjecture This was a very cool piece of busi nfiss taking place as it did in the broad daylight and the entire affair is snrouded in mystery None of the people living near the jail saw the man come nor did they see the two go away They had about 30 minutes start of the posse and probably hid in the canyons until dark The most inexplicable thing is How did this man obtain possession of his keys Three different keys were used and each of them fitted like a charm Burnett bad been in jail but a couple of days yet he did not seem surprised when his Mberator appeared and the bov say hat he alwavs kept his cloth ing tid up in bundle and this he took with him when he Left SPRING GOODS Largest Assortment of NEW Dress Goods in the Northwest Having bought a large quantity we will sell at a low prico TAVENPORT gJmmfOHPWtBlMMU W BftfifcTTHTirei r ARTIST riVri TL AfrrM ii3tffiViiVi ETOifiwiS3i rim n tc a m m k mmt w w r 9 4 4 4 49 Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the T H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS NEW SPRING GOODS NO 6 Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS Amonjc these poodt me e latest patterns of ilks Solifts Serges Percales Ginhama calicos Aprons etc Heavy goods going at reduced prices to make root for tha display of this new stock I Investigate our grocery bargains - 1 WMWJPI IIM W W W H wwimw VWUJU300 004K40AiM400QMO0vJftv 31 ODDS AND ENDS f XT j 1 - vve are tnrongn invoicing now and have on hand a large amount of odds and ends which we will dispose of at cost to make room for our Among these and ends are a number of piece3 of Silks Satins etc which are suitable for waists and trimmings Call and see the bargains E McDonald Valentine Neb hAC44c4r4r4c4c4c4r4 r4c4 ocaoo 6 QrcrcFcgrcForcropCFCP wwwv Mif 0 ofr 4Ctt I HAVE JUST FINISHED Putting in my boilers and steam cleaning tanks and am prepared to clean all your clothing and make them resemble new goods at prices that will astonish you Have now on hand 800 pieces men6 fine suitings and will make them up in all latest styles Good snit for 1300 a better one for1800 still better for 2500 AH SUltS tlllTied out in th nofc two moniho will Ia Vopfcin repair cleaned and pressed for six months TWO DOORS NORTH OF PPSTOFFICE J NO BURLINGTON VALENTINE MEAT MAEKET ifk m MfffiW MM M im B mm i wmmmi W D CLARKSON PROPR PLOW LAYS 3 OF- NORTH NEBRASKA 0 A Wells oo I will put a 14 inch lay on your plow for 300 if you will bring in your plows at once I make this price because I want to keep busy during the dull season Come early and get the benefit of this low price it wont last always In addition to doing general blacksmithing I carry in stcck HEAVY HARDWARE BOLTS ETC VVagon and buggy repairs ailes wheels tongues and tnills E BREUKLANDER i A M MORBISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB C M SAGESER TONSORIAL THE ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line77 is to belt to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD J 33 Wells WELLS BEOS DENTISTSI Office over Ctyerry County Htmls J