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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1898)
M v n r I K y Y X H r tv W X - iT VOL XIII 0 W MOREY WATCHMAKER - AND - JEWJftEB Fine line tf plain and fancy elrv constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods THIS AND THAT Comlntt Event lossey Marvln Comedy Co February 28 Assessors Meetiug March 13 County Commissioners March 15 Easter Sunday ipril 10 Mabel Marsden of Ainsworth is visiting in town W E Haley made a business trip to Kennedy Monday J J Guth has purchased Iceland grand piano A G Shaw has sldewalkin front gallery a new W Gr Ballard was in from his ranch on business Monday Geo Davis of Simeon favored us with a pleasant call Tuesday Jim McClain was over from the res ervation on business Tuesday W L EnJow was down from Gor don on a business trip yesterday Geo II Hornby went to Chicago on a business trip Tuesday morning C R Watson and L L Bivens were at Bosebud yesterday on business E G Bristol has commenced work on his new house on Macomb street Adella Sawyer of Sjmrks visited friends in town Tuesday and Wednes day Lillie Downing came up from Ains worth last week and is visiting rela tives Fannie Schwartz of Crookston Is visiting her sister Mrs Jotter at Ft Niobrara put a new brick of his phptograph W Jk oGbrdony was- in- town yesterday on business connected with the Eulow estate Messes Clarke Chas Sherman and Walcott went to Crookston on busi ness Tuesday morning J W Carpenter has been in town from the southwest part of the county several days this week The town board has caused a side walk to be laid in front of the Lang property on Cherry street Celia Vaughn formerly a school teacher of this county visited with Florence Itagan last wuek J C Petti John spent Saturday and Sunday in JLongpine visiting relatives and looking after business interests Eighteen converts joined the bycerian church Sunday as a result of Kev Sloans first week of meetings J W Smyser has built a neat new harness room for the accommodation of those new harnesses he intends buy ing James O Brown who has been -working in P V C Lawsons barber shop left for Deadwood Monday f night Geo Schwalm has moved his house hold effects into the Ludwig property m thp corner of Cherrv and Elmore streets O W Hahn has moved to his farm and Jas Wellford is now occupying the house he left vacant m the west part of tswn No matter what is the trouble with the throat or lungs Dr Daniels Com pound Syiup Sanguinaria will relieve 50 it At Elliotts J C and V A Northrop returned Tuesday night from Lowden la where they had been attending the funeral or their sister To Cure A Cola in One IPay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cure 25c 46 Charles Massingale went to the Black Hills the first of the week to get a carload of trees which he will dispose of to our citizens M V Nicholson and wife spent Tuesday and Wednesday in ONeill visiting relatives Mrs Nicholson re mained for a weeks visit Rev Sloan left last nighc for the west Rev Bassett will continue the meeting this week und looks for a Gor don minister to be here Sunday W S Jackson weat to Chicago Sun day to visit his sister Mrs Barler who itis quite ill He wi visit nis people at jaNcatonica 111 bfore returning fe The Jossey Marvin Comedy Com pany plays at Cornell Hall Monday Tuesday and Wednesday nights This is a firstclass company The Twelfth Infantry is putting up ice this week and are hauling same from the mill pond Twenty eight members of A company are doing the work W E Haley is moving into the west room on the first floor ot the Cherry County Bank building Ed Clark will occupy Haleys old office with his law business When J C Pettijohn retires from the clerks office a vacancy will be created and it is understood that Chas Iieece will be appointed deputy by County Clerk Daniels Everybody is interested in E J Davenports experiment of planting 20 foot trees and if they live for two years we expect to see a number of citizens following his example John Steinbrecher formerly of Georgia was up from Norfolk this week and spent yesterday in town He purchased a carload of horses from Mart Richardson and Port White while in the county T A Yearnshaw left yesterday morning for the east He said he was headed for the Klondike country We are very sorry to see Tommy leave this country but wish him success wherever he may locate F H Bauingartel was in town from Crookston on business Monday Mr Baumgartei is doing considerable bus iness these days and says he has a renter on every one of his farms and will do no farming this year himself J A Hooton has built a new kitch en in the rear of the Valentine house and has thrown the old dining room and kitchen into one room This gives him a dining room sufficiently large to accommodate four taoles instead of two as at present Attorney A M Morrissey of Chad ron is in town today and his effects will arrive on the freight this afternoon Mr Morrissey having decided to open a law office here He will be gone most of next week but after that time will be ready for business Sheriff Strong arrested Jeremiah M Jiurnett in Wyoming Monday ana brought him to this place yesterday morning oa a larceny charge He i said to be wanted for stealing three head of horses from some one near Lavaca but the particulars arehard to get at The Rev Faverty informs us that lie expects to organize a Baptist church here in a few weeks While we are not a believer in a multiplicity of church organizations we welcome the eentleman to our midst and wish him success It is said that he will use the Presbyterian church for his meet ings Fred Glover Albert Elliott and Guy Gibson started for the Klondike yester day afternoon without waiting for the aid or consent of any other persons on earth Gibson was caught before he got out of town and the other two were brought in from Crookston this morning by Marshal LaypoFte The boys are about 13 years old J B Sheean of Omaha assistant attorney for the Elkhorn road was in town Tuesday and went to CrooKston on business connected with the sale of the old Nye Schneider warehouse at that place It seems that the railroad claimed ownership of the building though Nye Schneider sold the building as their own property C A Barnes of Woodlake attended the charity ball at this place Friday night Walter Mosely returned to Valen tine Wednesday to help complete the work on the new school house at that place A Oakley returned from Valentine Sunday morning where he has been doing the tin work on the new school house Mrs Wm Steele accompanied by her daughter of Valentine visited with Mr and Mrs C W Potter Tues day She will visit with her daughter Mrs Squire Jones south of town for some time Ainsworth Home Rule To the President of the United States We the undersigned citizens of Cherry county- Nebraska hereby tender our services to the government in the event of hostilities with Spain A paper with the above heading was circulated around town Monday and in a few hours was signed by sixty five persons The list was then en closed with the following letter and sent to Governor Holconsb at Lincoln We have the honor to enclose here with a list of names of citizens of Val entine each subscribed voluntarily who tender their services to the presi dent in the event that Sis country be comes involved in a war with Spalnr and respectfully ask that you endorse the same and forward to headquarters These citizens tender their services to the government not in a spirit of brav ado but with the same earnestness that characterized the1 volunteers hi the late civil war THE VALE NTINE PnMislietl for Four Years as MID TERM ORATIONS Delivered by the Class of 08 at the M JB Church Saturday A large audience greeted the mem bers of the eleventh grade of the high school Saturday night the occasion being the delivery of the mid term orations of the graduating class Prof Watson opened the exercises with a few remarks saying that the patrons of the schools were invited to atteud not for the entertainment they would receive but for the encourage ment their presence would give to the members of the class The first num ber was a quartet Side by Side by Alma Carlson Edith Pettycrew Mabel Towne and Tacy Collett The first oration was by Tacy Col lett on Led and Leading The speaker asserted that we were all either led or leading and in many instances we were doing both and pointed out the evils of leading in the wrong path She said that the only way we could control our influence for good was by watching every word and action and cited Christ as the ex ample we should follow Edith Petty crew followed with Life is what We Make it and drew a picture of two men looking upon a mountain range in support of the proposition One man was bright and cheerful and saw the glories of the grand works of na ture the other a gloomy person could see nothing but the frowning peaks and lowerng clouds This was followed by the assertion that the eye makes that upon which it looks and the ear that which it hears As instances of the truth of her subject she cited the lives of Lincoln Pieice Garfield and Franklin Walter Flow ers came next talking upon Deliber ate Slowly Execute Promptly and handled his subject very creditably On account of recent events perhaps his illustrations were principally drawn from the lives of great generals nota bly Washington The latters sur prise of the Hessians at Trenton be ing an exceptionally good illustration of the latter portion of his subject Hannibal came in for much praise and brought forth the assertion from the speaker that he was the greatest general that ever lived A trio and quartette was given next The debate Resolved That the 17 S Should Assist Cuba in Her Struggle for Liberty was opened by Mabel Towne who eloquently presented suf fering Cubas claim upon the U S and appealed to our citizens for aid be cause it is their duty to humanity to assist the right She also appealed to us to save the property Americans have invested in the Island Earl Pettycrew talked from the opposite side of the question and nobly upheld the Monroe Doctrine which promis ed the world that we would not inter fere with the colonies of foreign governments on this continent He decried the assertion that our duty to humanity bade us interfere and said we should aeviate the suffering at home ere going abroad and that we should not plunge this government in- to war which would cost billions in or der to save a few dollars belonging to our millionaires who have property in Cuba Alma Carlson came last with True Happiness the Result of Right Living She contended that we could not enjoy true happiness without right living toward both God and man we nromote our own happiness in proportion as we contribute to the happiness of others Conscience is the truest guide to right liying but it we neglect its voice in little things we will soon become deaf to it altogether A quartette Good Night to All closed the exercises To Prevent Blackleg Blackleg is one of the worst diseases stockmen have to contend against and any remedy for the cure or prevention of the ailment will be hailed with de light To the best of our knowledge no cure has ever been discovered but below will be found a preventative which is guaranteed to be almost cer tain in its results In one pint of turpentine dissolve two ounces of corrosive sublimate Let the mixture stand from twelve to twenty four hours or until the sub limate is thoroughly absorbed by the turpentine In this soak strips of buckskin about half and inch wide I and six- or sev en inches long and use DEM CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT these as a rowel or seton on the ani mal This latter operation is perform ed by running a knife through the biisket and in the hole inserting one of the buckskin thong tying it on the under side to insure it against falling out Care should b e taken to insert the rowel well down on the brisket and not in the skin alone or its efficiency will be reduced If the rowel is used according to directions the brisket at 1 the point of insertion will become sor and remain so for six months or a year and this soreness demon strates the success of the operation which partakes of nature of vaccina tion in the genus homo This remedy has been used for the last seven or eight years by the Stead man Bros and they attest that they nave noc iosu more tnan one cait in a i season from blackleg since they began JUsing the formula given Immediate ly upon the appearance of the dis ease the stock which has not been treated before is roweled and- Lhat ends it Prior to the discovery of the treat ment Messrs Steaaman lost as high as forty calves in a season In addition to these gentlemen R M Faddis Faulhaber Bros the McNitt3 and other prominent stockuien in this county use the remedy and are loud in its praises We would be pleased to receive letters from stockmen re garding this or other matters of in terest Dont be backward but write us Fanners limtitnte The farmers institute was opened yesterday by Chairman Perkins at 10 SO a nx D P Ashburn of Gibbon was the first speaker and talked very in tertainingly and instructively on the Care and Management of the Dairy Cow This gentleman is a specialist on this subject and he gave his hear ers many hints which ii followed will result greatly to their profit There are two distinct types of cows said the speaker the dairy cow and the beef cow The common purpose cow he said wa3 neither one nor the otnpr lie was very particular to im press upon those present the necessity of proper feeding for either milk or beef and explained how easy it was to properly balance the rations of the animal with the view to obtaining the best results He also dwelt upon the value of dairy and farm kookkeep ing and declared that if the farmer would keep his accounts as regularly as the merchant or any other business man his sons would not be so apt to leave the farm our young men wish intellectual employment and must of necessity leave the farm to find it un der the common system of farming In the afternoon Prof C L Shear assistant botanist at the state uni versity spoke on Nebraskas Past ure Grasses and D P Ashburn talked on the hog question A meet ing was also held in the evening Owing to lack of space we cannot give a synoposis of these talks at this time State Superintendent Jackson was billed lor today but he has sent his deputy 0 F Beckr to take his place -on the program this afternoon ana evening Sew xovemineut Officers The names of J C Pettijohn Albert L Towle were sent to the ate Monday by the president for and firmation for the positions of register and receiver respectively of the TJ S land office at this place Everybody knows Jim Pettijohn deputy county clerk of this county and scores of friends will congratulate him upon his appointment Mr Towle is less known in this section of the state and is a resident of Niobrara City He was receiver of the land office at O Neill during Harrisons administra tion and is said to be a very com petent and genial gentleman The transfer of the office will probably not take place for a month or two as many pieces of red tape must be un wound ere the commissions of the new officers are turned ver to them JWotice To our patrons and public in gener al We the undersigned hereby give notice that we will close our barber shops at 1030 oclock a m on the Sabbath This to take effect on the second Sabbath in April 1898 C M Sageser 5- P WrC Lawson OCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24 1898 1A NO 5 NG GOODS Largest Assortment of NEW Dress Goods in the Northwft aving bought a large quantity we will sell at a low price oiifiSijrifffiiiiiii Investigate our eA 9mj vta All mm zgipii THACHER GENERAL MERCHANTS Ao ttM g4 a 9m latest patterns of bilki 8aUiiM Serges Percale GiagbaM cattm A prons etc Heavy fods foing at 4uced prices to make reoat foi the teplay of this new stock grocery bargains Shoes ShoesII An entirely new line of footwear just received Boys Shoes misses shoes ladies shoes and childrens shoes All the latest styles of last and prices to suit everybody It will pay you to examine this line of goods Sacrifice sale of blankets and winter goods is still on wont last long- E McDonald HAVE JUST FINISHED Putting in my boilers and steam cleaning tanks and am prepared to clean all your clothing and make them resemble new goods at prices that will astonish you Have now on hand S00 pieces mens fine suitings and will make them up in all latest styles Good suit for 81300 a better one for 81S00 still better for 2500 All suits turned out in the next two months will be kept in repair cleaned and pressed for six months TWO DOORS NORTH OF PQSTOFFIGE JNO BURLINGTON VALENTINE MEAT MARKET MA a s MM1 y S X1 v 5 SSil i AT W D CLARKSON PROPR PLOW LAYS 3 VALENTINE NEB J i i i C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS 20 I will put a ltt inch lay on your plow for 300 if 3 011 will bring in your plows at once I make this price because I want to keep busy during the dull season Come early and get the benefit of this low price it wont last always In addition to doing general blacksmithing I carry in stcck HEAVY HARDWARE BOLTS ETC Wagon and buggy repairs asles wheels tongues and tnills BREUKLANDER um mmm A M MORRISSEY OZ Qr O ATTORNEY AT LAW o Qr o THE ELKHORN RAILROAD orth Western Line7 is to best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of NORTH NEBRASKA C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over T C Ilornhifs Stow