The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, February 17, 1898, Image 1

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Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Com inrr Event
Washingtons Birthday February 22
Fanners Institute Feb 23 24
Joisey Marvin Comedy Co February 28
Assessors Meeting March 15
County Commissioners March 15
G II Q Smith has a farm to rent4
Georre Washingtons birthday next
Fritz Welke of Woodlake vtas in
town Tuesday
3 M Underwood of Cody was in
town Tuesday
Judge Towne spent several days of
last week in Omaha
Joe Uush of Simeon registered at
the Donoher Sunday
Harry Tlilsingers house on north
TJall street is enclosed
P Rune3 and wife
were in town Saturday
of Thacher
X J Grooms the Sparks black
smith wits in town Monday
Matt Bowen was down from Crooks
ton for a load of coal Monday
II Winder of Sparks was transact
ing business in town Tuesday
Chas Carver and Phil Pullman of
Pullman were in town Tuesday
Alex Burr of Pullman arrived in
town on a business trip yesterday
Lafe Johnson was numbered among
the court house visitors Tuesday
A baby girl is reported born to Mr
and Mrs Hatch of Fort Niobrara
The Fort Niobrara ball club gave a
dance at the post Tuesday evening
Bert Martin went to Ainsworth
Tuesday afternoon for a short visit
Nye Bachelor moved from town
td their ranch near Kennedy yester
J G Stetter has planted a number
of large trees in his yard on Cherry
Jeff Winship and wife took dinner
wi th Treasurer Thackrey and family
The county clerk is busily engaged
in making out the assessment books
for this year
D M Utter is in town with a couple
of cars of young cattle which he is
offering for saie
Fischer Ludwig have finished de
livering 250 tons of coal to the llose
bud boarding school
Messrs Brownell Francke and
SparkB tied on the number of tront
caught on their last trip
Ben Hobson is hauling lumber to
his farm this week for the purpose of
building a large new barn
Jackson ft Brayton would like very
much to have the party who borrowed
their wheelbarrow return same
Jack Hooton has purchased a new
range from I H Einerj and the
Jf I-
vi it is it
at the Valentine House happy
It is a mystery to us that the resi
dents on Hall street dont build a side
walk from the old school house north
Pettvcrew has put a stock of shoes
into his store in addition to the dry
goods mentioned a week or two ago
Wes Bolsclaw is putting up a very
neat and commodious dwelling with
Black Hills sandstone for the founda
L L Bi veiis has letired from the
steam laundry and the business is
being run by Dick Zeilian assisted by
C F Martin
No matter what is the trouble with
the throat or lungs Dr Daniels Com
pound Sviup Sanguiuaria will relieve
it At Elliotts 50
ThR delegation of Sioux Indians
which went to Washington on January
2 to see the Great Father is ex
pected home tonight
To Cure A Cola in OncJDajf
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All Druggists refund the money
if it fails to Cure 25c 46
After February 1 I will be prepared
to give lessons on the piano or organ
ilstes reasonable i
1 Mrs J B Wells
In order to correct any erroneous
impression which may have arisen in
the minds of some of our readers the
cook euui rT uclTT X
Jsay that he does not dance though be
was once a devotee of Terpsichore
A reception was given at Ft Nio
brara lasc night in honor of the Misses
Harbison and Marshall Those in at
tendance from town were Messers and
Mesdames E Sparks Hornby andoW
Comstock Mrs Chas Sparks and Earl
The governor belt on the steam en
gine at the laundry broke yesterday
morning and for a few minutes every
thing was jumping sideways in the
engine room Nobody hurt but Zeil
ian and Martin were afflicted with pal
pitation of the heart for a few min
W L Ballard is in town today from
his ranch southeast of town He in
forms us that he is losing a few cattle
with blacKleg though the disease does
not seem to oe epidemic tus son
Frank who was injured a couple of
weeks ago by having a horse fall on
his ankle is improving rapidly
The Jossey Marvin Comedy Co
which played here so successfully a
few months ago has billed a return
engagements Cornell Hall for three
nights commencing Monday Febru
ary 28 The opening play will be
Under Two Flags or Daughter of
the Regimpntf We bespeak a large
house for this popular company
Cornell Hall on Wednesday and Thurs
day February 23 and 24 The pro
gram for the first day is as follows
10 a m Care and Management oL
the Dairy Cow D r Afchburn
130 pm Principles ol Ijreedmg
Flesh Bearing Auimais C 11 Elmen
Followed- by Nebraskas Pasture
Grasses C L Shear aud local speaK
730 p m Subject to be selected
C L fchear
Followed by Profitable Production
of Bt ef Cattle C H Elmendorf
On the second day the following
topics will be presented and in addi
tion to the speaker named for each
subject locaj men will talk
10 a m How to Make and Market
Buiter D P Ashburn
130 p ru Breeding and Marketing
D P Ashburn
Followed bv Farmers Boys- W S
730 p m Educational Topics W
S Jackson
Factors of Child Life -R II Wat
Stolen Cattle Recovered
Quite a sensation occurred in Ains
worth last week by the advent here of
members of the Black Hills stock as
sociation accompanied by a brand ex
pert on the hunt for some 23 head of
range cattle stolen in the hills There
is much of mystery connected with
the affair and the parties interested
preserved the utmost secrecy over the
matter and the reporter was avoided
as a pestilence However the stock
were found in possession of Squire
Jones some seven miles south of Ains
worth and brought to this city where
they were shipped to Omaha on Fri
day Squire Jones is said to have
purchased the cattle from a stranger
borrowing money from the Longpine
bank to pay for the same AinswortJi
Star Journal
3IId Term Kxereises
The eleventh grade of Valentine
Tligh School will give the following
programme at the M E church on
Saturday evening February 19
Vocal Music Duet Side by Side
waiter v towers
Vocal Music Trio and Quartet Beautiful
River of Dreams
Debate Iicsolved that the U S ought to
Assist Ouba in Her Struggle for Liberty
Afferinative Mabel Towne
Negative Earl Tettycrew
Orntion Tiue Happiness the Result of
Right Living Alma Carlson
Vocal Music Quartet Good Night to All
Doors opeu at 730 Exercies will
begin promptly at 8 oclock No
Off Tor Klondike
R H Harrell started Tuesday night
for the Klondike country He goes to
Fremont where he will meet his
brother thence over the Union Pacific
route to Seattle At this place he will
join another brother and two cousins
and the family partj thus formed will
make for Alaska at the earliest possi
ble opportunity
la B J u h h
Published for Four Years as
mission to the Royal Neighbors a
camp of which order was established
in our sister town
The Rev W A Faverty of Orin
Junction Wyo is in town and contem
plates making his horn in this conn
try The reverend gentleman is m
elder in the iaptist church and with
the Rev RasMMt assisted in the me-
ing at the Fresbvterian church last
Marshal Layporte arrested Jim Tay
orof Chadron Monday morning for
I burglary and sheriff Dargan of
Dawes county arrivpd in town Tues
day inon ing and took the prisoner
home Taylor was wanted for stealing
an overcoat and other stuff at Chadron
the 7th of this month
B F Charbonneau and Mamie E
Williams were married at tin residence
Good music will be provided for the of the brides parents in Arabia last
evening meetings and every holy is Thursday Februaiv 10 1S98 at 2
invited to be present Each of the
gentlemen named is a specialist and
if you rnisb hearing him you will re
gret it
3k art h ISebranUa ttisoiirros
The passenger departmenr of the F
E M V has commenced publica
tion of a monthly paper called N inh
Nebraska Resources which is des
tined to add greatly to the number of
settlers in this section of the state
Among the many statistical tables we
find that Cherry county las 3 932160
acres of land and only 50000 acres
are under cultivation The county
is credited with having raised last
year 200000 bushels of wheat 600000
bushels of corn 800000 bushels of oats
40000 bushels of rye and 1000000
tons of hay In an article devoted ex
Sclusively to Cherry county Resources
In Cherrv county but little rve and
barley an raised The average yield
of wheat this jear is twelve bushels
per acre Of wheat there is more than
twice the aoeage or last year but it
is difficult to estimate the exact num
ber of acres Ot crn there is a much
larger acreage than last season If
corn turns out what is now expected
Cherry county will raise a surplus this
season the first time in the history of
the county
The F E M V is to be compli
mented upon the enterprise it shows
in publishing this paper
oclock p m the Rev Saml Ilolsciaw
performing the ceremony The couple
received many handsome and useful
presents and the giiSts were emer
tained with a splendid wedding dinner
immediately after the ceremony was
About ten days ago while building a
fiie Willard Cohee near Ifewey Lake
had the misfoitune to get a splinter
in his hit eye and as the optic showed
no Hzns of jetting well he came to
town esterdav and visited Dr Dwver
who treated the injured member and
expressed the opinion that he coald
save the sight of the eye The splinter
penetrated the white of the eyeball to
the depth of about one eighth of an
A letter from Mrs VI A Hunter of
broken Bow member or the board re
ferred to says
The Lady Board of Managers of the
Transmississipni Exposition in order
to procure the necessary funds for the
completion of the Girls and Boys
building will on Februaiv 22 publish
one issue of a paper appropriately
named The Hatchet The paper
will be devoted to the interests ot the
youmr people Reuutiful illustrations
will adorn its pages Price of paper
five cents Every young person should
procure a copy
Died in Chicago Tuesday Mrs
Maude Xorthrop Bludorn of inflamma
tion of the bowels The deceased was
the wife of George Bludorn bookkeep
er for Nelson Morris and leaves a fam
ily of two small children one 3 and
the other 6 years old She was a sis
ter of J C and V A Northrop of
this place and these two gentlemen
left this morning lor Lowden 111
where the funeral will take place J
C expects to return home Monday
and V A will remain away h few drts
E Breuklander is a progressive
blacksmith notice his advertisement
in another column One thing can
truthfully be said of Hreuk he car
ries a complete stock of material for
the performance of work in his lint
and is always on time with his work
too Another thing he has a com
plete equipment of machinery and
knows how to use it too Still another
thing he is a firstclass wagon maker
and knows how best to repair those
little breaks which will occur in all
kinds of vehicles which are not built
on the plan of the onehSS shay
Oratioii Led and Leadin Tacy Collett Breuklanders shop is the one on Cherry 1
flttitirm lifo lu Wlmr Wo ilnfco It 1 I
Edith Fettycrew street which is covered with
Oration Deliberate Slowly Execute Slow- j gd iron
sheep industry which is second in im
portance only to tlie cattle business in
this country there being at the present
time about 130000 head of sheep
owned by farmers in the immediate lo
cality Tney petitioned the F E
M V railroad officials to build in Gor
don dipping vats wool house shear
ing pens etc for the accomodation of
this large and growing industry They
also petitioned the county commission
ers for the removal of the present
sheep inspector on the grounds of in
competency and failure to comply with
the law in the discharge of bis duties
Gordon Journal
The battleship Maine which has
been stationed at Havana was des
troyed by an explosion Tuesday night
and about 100 lives were lost The
cause of the explosion is not known
All the old seats in the school house
willbe used m the new building and
77 new seats will be put in the primary
W A Sawyers of Ainsworth rep
resenting C F Smith a tailor at that
place was in town Tuesday and Wed
nesday taking orders tor suits
The teachers association meeting
last Saturday was unique in that
every person having places on the pro
gram was present and prepared to
till his part
A D Wood of Hot Springs and
Arthur Gore of Crawford will till the
positions of agent and night operator
at the depot during the Messrs Nor
throps absence
W L Montgomery formerly of the
band at Ft Xiobrara started Tuesday
night for Vancouver Barracks Wash
ington where he will join the band of
the 14th infantry
C 11 Glover left Saturday morning
for Omaha to join the party of Neb
raskans who are making a trip through
the south in the interests of the Traus
mississippi Exposition
The sidewalk in front of the Lang
property on South Cherry street is still
in need of repair and the citizens who
use the walk at that point are still till
ing the air with sulphur
Rev Sloan preached to good aud
iences Sunday morning and evenii g
at the Presbyterian church and will
hold services each evening this week
at 730 Everybody welcome
Jos Ivletecka has purchased two lots
in the northeast oart of town This is
becoming a favorite portion of the city
for residence purposes and Cherry
street must look after its laurels
Postmaster Sherman has sold the
showcase and counter which formerly
d istigured the postolfice to John Hur
Jington and that gentleman will use it
to display his samples of suitiugs
FOR SALE -Three sets of harness1
and three buggies at a bargain to
mafce room for new goods
Valentine Nebr
A tent of the Knights of the Macca
bees was organized here last Saturday
evening by Mr Saunders of Omaha
The Bees will meet Saturday even
ings and start in with 13 charter
Capt Lewis Archer requests us to
enquire if there are any old soldiers in
this county who marched in Lincolns
funeral procession He was present on
that sad occasion and wishes to corres
pond with his old comrades
Valentine presented a regular
Fourth of July appearance last Satur
day on account of Lincolns birthday
Seven lage flags floated from as many
staffs in town and everybody felt bet
ter on account of the display
Yesterdays papers contained the
pleasin g intelligence that a pension of
8 per m mth had been allowed to
Edwaid Whitmore of this place We
wish that all deserving veterans had
pensions of this size or larger
The Ainsworth Star Journal came to
us last week enlarged and improved in
every respect J W Burleigh has re
turned from Iowa and has entered in
to partnership with his brother C II
in the publication of the paper
Farmer 1 unfit ute
I Dr Tucker made a nrofessinnil v
A Farmers Institute will be held in v w
pose of examining applicants for ad
M U Jim j J I f V iim WOfH
r iT fr f TT T r Tfl7Ml rrT -
I sot
ft P 5 f s 3 W ta7T
NO 4
Among these goods are the latest
patterns of Mlks Silkolines Serges
Percdles Ginghams caicos Aprons
etc Heavy goods going at reduced
prices to make room for the display of
this new stock
Siloes Shoes
An entirely new line of footwear just received
Boys Shoes misses shoes ladies shoes and childrens shoes
All the latest styles of last and prices to suit everybody
It will pay you to examine this line of goods
Sacrifice sale of blankets and winter goods is still on-
-wont last long-
E McDonald
Putting in my boilers and steam cleaning tanks and am
prepared to clean all your clothing and make them resemble
new goods at prices that will astonish you
Have now on hand 800 pieces mens fine suitings and -will
make them dp in all latest styles Good suit for 1300 a
better one for 1800 still better for 2500
All suits turned out in the next two mouths will be keptiri
repair cleaned and pressed for six months
I will put a 14 inch lay on your plow for 8300 if you will
brin in our plows at once I make this price because I
want to keep busv during the dull season Come early and
jret the benefit of this low price it wont last always In
addition to doing general blacksmithing I carry in stcck
Wagon and buggy repairs ailes wheels tongues and tnills
nil AMnr
I r HtHi
l3llZil IUUBbT 6- 8
We lately had the pleasure of hear
ing one ot the sweetest songs to which
3lting ot sheppmen we have ever listened Brush the
Most of the sheepmen in Sheridan Frowns Away is the title by
coun y met in the office of P H O i ular song writer Mr Horace Huron
many of us have had the trowns
Rourke last Saturday to discuss the
crushed away oy just such a uuie tot
as the one described therein that it
strikes a ready chord of sympathy
Lyon Healy Chicago
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in thG W II Moses building
North Western Lme is to best
to and from the
G A Wells
J B Wells
Office over
T C Hornbys Store