The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, February 10, 1898, Image 8

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EOBEET GOOD Editor and Putliaher
W I a I
Official Paper of Cherry Coun
ty Nebraska
100 Per Iewr in 4frtwe
Entered at tbe Font office at Valentine Cherry
oufltv Jtehraska as Second chws matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
A good cartoon was that which ap
peared in the St Louis Republic on
February 3 It represented McKiuley
crawling out of a hole labeled Do
Nothing Cuban Policy and looking
ruefully at his shadow whick was
marked Mark Hanna
We forgot to remark last week that
Hon J A Edgerton of Lincoln sent
his regards to iiro Reinert by us
Edgerton is the gentleman who some
time ago accused Reinert of stealing
his most brilliant editorials and prov
ed bis accusation to be true
Strange things are happening Rus
eian war ships are passing through the
Xlarndanelles A Russian Chinese
treaty has been signed barring Eng
land from Port Arthur and
Russia threatens to oppose
England on the Afghan frontier A
Russian fleet is bearing 10000 Rus
elan troops to the far east And the
British Lion doesnt even make a roar
St Louis Republic
Germany has issued an order of ex
duBion r against American fruits
This is said to be done in retaliation
for certain discriminating duties
placed on some of Germanys exports
by this country Of course tne repub
licans in congress are wild at the
audacity of Germany in seeking to
protect her own industries but we
bve not yet heard of one of these who
lay the blame where it belongs on
the Dingley tariff It may be patriot
ic to exclude foreign goods from this
country by prohibitory tariffs and then
kick if foreign countries do J ike wise
but we fail to see where the honesty cm
-good bnsiness policy of the act comes
in at
According to Secretary Long of
McKinleys cabinet the republicans
will make their congressional fights
jShis year on the money question not
the tariff or Cuba or Hawaii or pen
siona or any of the old republican slo
gans In explaining why this will be
so the secretary says
In such an issue as this we shall
not only rally again the republican
forces but add to them as we did in
1896 all sound money democrats and
their number is legion whose interests
and whose principles lire for a sound
-This is rich indeed Mr Long
must think that sound money demo
crats are silly fish to again bite at
pound money bait which so skilfully
concealed the high taiiff hook in 1898
Mr Long has evidently not been
reading the papers or he would have
long ago learned that the sound mon
ey democrats he figures so confident
ly on catching have gained greatly in
wisdom during the last year Whv
even in the Chicago Chronicle which
boasted of being entirely and alone re
sponsible fot the Paliner and Buckner
tickes a few months ago remarked
that any kind of financial legislation
would have been preferable to the leg
islation given us by tbe present con
gress or words to that effect Xo
nc Secretary Long the republican
party has made too man errors in the
last year to hope to win in the coming
congressional elections
Wheir Reinert said that this paper
or editor thereof at any time circulat
ed the report that the New York
Journal had deserted Mr Bryan he
wilfully and maliciously lied as any
one who reads our paper kuows
Utkmwnft n i
p TipWfTrniMt
With our customary cantlor we repro
duced a portion of Arthur MEwens
article in the Journal and explained
it Later we reproduced the defense
ofthe Journal itself in regard to the
article This paper tries to keep its
readers informed on what is passing
in the political as well as the commer
cial and social world and nobody but
men of small and narrow minds such
as Reinert think of censuring a man
because he is honest When you see a
man who is afraid to give more than
xraeside of a question you can know
that man is atraid of his position
ilEwens letter was- a straw in the
political wind which shows which way
the minds of a certain class of men
are drifting and as such it was valua
ble If we hear not the arguments of
the opposition how can we hope to
combat them If then we are guilty
of treason because we try to prepare
the minds of bur readers against the
arguments of the opposition by letting
them know what these arguments will
be in heavens name what can we do
that will not be treasou
By the wftv the explanation of the
JodmaJ reminds us of the firm stand
Jteinert took on the bona question
when be Baid te believe Cherry conn
tv nPPds a court house but forgot to
ay what ho thought of vth bondj
There was not a man in mo vuwmj
ihat thought we dujl not peed a court
Dissecting Table
About the worst piece ot biuewaiK
in town is that iu front of the Lang i
place on south Cherry street The
walk is horrible at this point and
should be repaired at once Ihe town
wants no damage suits
Otfing to an error made by the news
paper union which has causeii us lots
or extra work the subject which we
had intended placing on thi dissecting
tabiethis week has been put in the ice
box to keep tor our next issue e
dont suppose the lawyers will care
Last week the Dissecting Table
contained two articles uoui oi winch
were tilled witn facts and n thing bu
facts One descnoud the antics o
two drunken men whose names would
nave been published had we though
twould do good the other about
book which is published by a churcl
company As a matter of fact we
think the book was more demoraliz
ing to the community ttun the drunk
were but the difference in the concep
tiou ot trie two articles makes us ihtuk
that those who claim to be the bettei
classes of society could descend from
iheir pedestals and learn a few things
In the words of Henri Watterson re
ligion needs to learn toleration
Eli Precinct
We hear some complaint of cattle
dieing with the blackleg
I B Nichols was in Cody last week
doing a job Df plastering
Alf Dalgiin of Rockford was visit
ing at B Hunts last week
C V Thorn of Valentine was in
these parts last week in the interest oi
the Western ews
John Selder and Charles NiclmU
have been feeding their cattle on Beai
Creek the last week or two
Lee Sellers of the Rockford neigh
borhood stayed over night at I B
Nichols one night last week
Our local groui dhog saw his shadow
the 2nd if he came forth but we hop
the old tellow stayed in his hole
Stock in this locality is looking good
and stockmen are confident they win
have plenty of hay unless winter it
prolonged later than usual
Ye scribe was in Gordon one dn
last week but we did not happen to gei
any spurious nickles Guess the
machine got then
When a man in order to built a bus
iness and raise himself in the estima
tion of people goes out or sends em
issaries and misrepresents men eneag
ed in the same business for the pur
pose of injuring them and their busi
ness he is reduced to hard straits 1
looks that way to your uncle at least
Wm Sears has arrived
Custer county
home from
Robert Johns of Chesterfield wen
to Brownlee for a short visit
Earl Comstock was in this neighbor
hood the fore part of the week
D Adamson of Chesterfield tran
sacted business at Kennedy store Fri
J N Steadman is chopping wood at
the W J Wallingford place on th
Mrs J S Grange has employee
Miss M Care of Lincoln as teachei
for her children
Wm Erickson has sold out to Nye
Bachelor and is now looking for a
winter location
Clyde Rime was in Louetree Valle
Sunday evening
Geo Ladelv who has been serioush
ill with throat trouble is much better
Nettie Spam spent several days last
wee visiting her sister Mrs Wm
Hiram Davis we understand met
with an accident last week while get
ting a load of wood on the Snake river
Mrs A C Ayers will give a mas
querade ball on the 18th of February
and all who enjoy dancing are invited
to be present
Wm Sears returned from Loup
county last Thursday - TJ S
T J Carr made a trip to Valentine
Rnv Smiih intends moving his fam
ily to Woodlake in a tew dajs
Bofnt to George Dew and wife
Saturday evening Feb 5 a boy
George Carpender and Alton Porter
of Johnstown were Woodlake visitors
Thursday afternoon
Quite an amount of Brown county
corn was delivered to some of our en
terprising merchants last weeK
Rev Garner of Ainsworth has been
conducting revival meetings m Wood
lake during the past week and has se
cured quite a number of converts for
the U B cliurch from amoug our cit
Brother Good of The Valentine
Democrat has added a dissecting
table to his editorial page and has
dished up some very readable carvings
carvings whiuh are decidedh to the
point This plan for general and top
ical criticism is an excellent idea and
if confined to the above lines cannot
fail to do gool in the home -of the pa
per One thiug should be avoided by
local papers especially when the edi
tor is aware that it will work him
much harm and benefit nobody that
is direct personal criticism This lit
tlepbintis frequently ignored jintil a
remedy to repair the havoc thereby
createdris as difficult to find as Police
de Leons fouutain of youtlj r Wood-
A Qnfr Blizzard
ITenry Razey returned from Roe
hud Fridav and will remain in civili
zation for a few weeks He informs
us that while coming over from the
Agency the stage ran into a terrific
ilizzard and that jafriecoVerdH slrip
if territory abmit10 miles Wide At
Valentine lint h few fhkes of snow
fell and at Rosebud the sanaecoiirijMon
urevailed This is one ot the natural
veather phenornenons that suttuHintes
cenr in this countrv
Notice to Creditors v i
m county court within and for Cherry Jcohnty
Nebraska in the matter of the estate of
Joseph i Brown deceased
To the creditors of said estate
Ion an h iib uuulied that 1 will sit at the
ounU court ro in in Valentine Nebr In said
oiinty on the ICth dayfif February lsaSf hi in
clock a in to receive and examine all claims
tiraiiist said estate with a view to their adjust
ueut and allowance The time limit fafpreseii
ition of claims against said estate is 8 months
mm the 21st day f June A D 1807 ajHi the
ime limit lor payment ot debts is oite year
iom21 tdiyof January 1898
v itness mj hand and the seal of the- County
- Court this 2Jth day of Jamiai 1x98
1- Comityijarige
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
Jan 14 1S9 f
Complaint havig been entered at this office by
ouis I Harrell against Edward J CorKery for
itiondouing his homestead entry No 10 000 dated
oec 23 1894 upon the sJse sesw1 section
lf and swisw1 sectnij n town hip 29n range
Ow in Cherry coimty Xebr with a viewto the
ancellation of said entry the said parties are
Hereby summoned to appearat this ollice on the
rth day of March 18U8 at in oclock a in to re
spond and furnish lestiniony concerning said al-
ugeci aoan lonmeii
restimony of witnesses to be taleri before Robt
hucas U S ComniisMoner at his ollice in Lava
ca Neb March 2 1898 at 12 oclocKui
52 3 C It GLOVKlt litgister
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Uemocuat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
ei rorx in description ot laud or spelling of names
he discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this ollice sdcoireclidu can be made
U Iuid Ollice Valentine Nebr
H E No
tion 31 anu inv4
8993 for the ntieiuemv1
iiiwki section 32 township
U S Land Otllce Valentine Neb i
Jan 24 1SUS J
Notice is hereby given that Catoline Capwell
formerly Caroline Bothwcll ol Pulhuau Nubr
has filed notice of intention to make final Piouf
betore Register or Receiver at tln ir in
Valentiiie Aebr on Tue diy the 15fIT da oi
March 1S98 on timber tcultureanpucitiou No
8241for lots J 2andrJiitwL4of section So 19
in township -No iSd range34W 4
He Lauiesas itnbsseiif t
John L Roseberrjamuei S McClain Heu
jainin Keeiuau and JaniesJlarHau ah of Pull
man Nebr t i c -
l C it Vl LOVER Registrr
U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr i
JaillKMVlK 1SU4 f
Notice Is hereby given that ihe followiug
named settler has flied notice of her iuteuiion to
make iinal proof in support of her claim and
that said proof will be made belorethe Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on feb 28
Alice M Ilopktus of restoit T va
widow of Bierce E Hopkinsr
uYceased whi juaiie
H E 13847 for Wisw fi e13sv4au3lTSW5ise
sectioii0tiwnship3nn nuige 30vy f
She names the followfngSv ttfesses to peoveiier
CDiitiuimtis residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz J i rV
JnnteSB Cx Petei w Van g Nowtran and
William H flatten of nnkston Nebr and
TmtM4 V RhpiI ifKllirfirui NhIi
TestliBony of claimant will De lakenewro tliel
clerk of- the disirlct court for Union county at
his office iu Crestou Iowa on February 25 1838
4t5 ORGLOyEBJtbtur
Bafore purchasing your warm footwear you should see our line of
Lhas Mutphx the gemulr iitfeui tit
ihe F E -MV at Woodlake was
visiting in Ainsworth the first of the
wek We understand he has a lay
ft of two wppU Mud will visit his tar
e ts at Ashland Kans a short time
Muswurth home Hide
We are sorry that Bro
Reinert did
not attend the state piess association
Had he done so we would have had
ne more supporter in our alnmt hope
lnss fight for the Loud hill To the
oest of our knowledge ti e
Press Association is the tmlv
country publishers which has condemn
ed this bill
A business letter received by the
editor a short time ago- contains this
enience Your writeup of your
town was very good and shows a good
Uuitty growing condition It is
things like this that makes us feel
good and incidentally helps the town
VesUll have- a lew circulate furjjffi
reo in iys
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has fhd notice ot his intention to
make final proof in support of bis claim and
that said proot will be made before the Rug ster
r Receivt r at Valentine Nebr on Apr G 1898
William E Waite of Chester
field Nebraska
He names the following witnesses to prov
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said andviz
Robert K Gillaspie James L Gillaspie John
hore Thomas Fnzheury all of Chesterfield
3 8 C R GLO V ER Register
TJ S Land Office Valentine Nebr
Feb 8 1898 f
Notice is hereby given that the following nam
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said piool wiilbe made befoie Register and
util Receiver at Valehtnie Neb on Marv23rd
1896 viz a t i
Albert r Hutchison ifn
PenbrpokrNebr t
H E No 9116 for the sSnwJneUmv1 sec
tions and sel4sw4 section 5 towiisliiu 33n
range 24w
He names the following witnesses to prove ins
continuous residence upon and cultivation pW
said laud viz
Edward Shackelton Philo Newman Bijah L
Giaddy and John Hitt e all of Penbrook Nebr
3 3 CR GLOVER Register
tin i tlteex or 2 tseU
IJrmi bulk
Shorts bulk
hop Feed
45c per cwt 7 OOtou
55e per cwt 9 00 ton
35c 6 0
70c 1300
US Land Ottlce Valentine Nebr i
January 19 1U8 f
Notlca is hereby given that the following
named seltlor lias tiled notice of hi intention
to make final proof in support of his claim arid
that said urool will be made before the Register
and Receiver ai Valentine Neb on Mar Hud
JNtrir iys viz
KonV of Mary Vansteenis formerly Mary
phy of Arabia Nebr
H E N saw for the wVSsw1 bwmv1 sec
Mon 17 and seJiiie section 18 township 32n
raige 2Cv
he names the following witnesseH to urove his
continuous residence upon awd cultivation of
said land viz
Andrew Itenson Francis H Higgins John P
Heelan and Michael J Jordan all of Arabia
52 5 C K GLOVLR Register
U H Land Ollice Valentine Neb i
Jan 18 1898
No ice is hereby given that the foliowing num
eJ settier ha tiled notice if his iuteuiion to
lhake fmai proof in support ot hits claim and
that said noi will oe made and
Receiver at Valentine NeLruska oa Feb 20
1898 viz
Myiidert Trapple of Kilgore Nebr
II E No 9119 tor the wli seefou 3 township
33n range 31w
He liameA the following wituesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot said land viz
JohnCluieu and Frank Kludcikovrskiof Kil
gore Nebr Krnst Schwieduski and William
JJauolsky ot McCann Neiir albo
John Clasen of Kilgoif Nebr
H E o 9517 for the wse section 32 town
ship 34 lot 2 and svjnej stclion 5 township
3Jii all in raiifieSlw
lie names the lollowing witnesses to prove
his us residence upon and cultivation
oi said kud viz
Mytdeit Trapple and Frank Kludcikow ki of
Kilgoie ebr Ernst JMiuiulusKiaiid Viliiam
Dauoisky olMcLanu Neb
52 5 c K CLOVER Register
U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr i
an 8 ltf 1
Notice is hereby given that Byron C Kline ol
Caslalia S 1 has filed notice of his intention
fo make final prioi belore the Register or
eiver at his ollice iir Valentine Nebr on Sat
urday the 19lh day of February 1898 on tiiuhri
culture application No 7U15 for the wswjse1
sw4 and swse of section No 15 In towL
ship No 2Dn range No sow
Ite names as winiesses
John a Gee and James W McKee of Ken
nedy Nebr Widani Steadman and James N
steadman of Fass Neb
514 C K GlOVKR
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr i
Jau 10 1898 l
Notice is hereby given that ndrew Benson
btiardian of Julius and Oskt Seifrsirom
minor orpiinu childi en of Gttstt s Sedersirum
has filed otice of intention to make final proof
before Register or Receiver at iheir office m Val
entine Nebr on Saturday the 19th day of Feb
ruary 1898 on timber culture application No
7G9H for lots 2 and 3 and ncUsw1 section N
19 in township No 33u range No 28w
He names as witnesses
Abram Johnson Jon i Adamson John Ferstl
and Edward Ormeshcr ad ot Valentine Nebr
51 4 C R GLOVER Register
TJ S Land Office Valentine Neb
Jan n isns i
Notice is hereby civen that John I Parks of
Geneva dowa lias filed notice ot intention to
make final proof before Register or Receiver at
their ollice in Va entine Nebr on Saturday the
19th day of Kebiuary 189S on timber culture ap
plication o 73i3 tortile svJ4 of section No 2
in township No 34n range No 2Sw
He names as witnesses
William Pettycrcw Milton E Hall Mifflin P
Rrosius and uichard H Hon ell all of Valentine
Testimony of Claimant will be taken before
the clerk of the district court of Franklin coun
ty at Hampton Iowa February 18 is8
5M C It GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
Jail 7 1898 I
Notice is hereby given that Martin S Wel h
of Valentine Nebi has fil d notice of inten
tion to make final proof before the Register or
Receiver at his ollice in Valentine Nebro
Monday the 28th dav of February 1898 on Urn
ber culture applicatto No 8ZJ5 for the lots t
7 and el2SvVi of section G in township 34n
rang 28w
He names is wtneses
Thomas F KHly William Kelly William
Cavanangh and John Jactc oii all of Valentine
51 4 CR GIjOVER Register
U S Land Ofllce Valentine Veb
Jan 3 1898
Notice is hereby given that the
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proot m support of his claim and
that said proof will be made befoie Register o
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Feb 15
1S0S viz
lulin T FIavle of Pullman Nebr
H E No W4G7 for the niswi and sv i
swi of section 2 at d nevjsi11 sccf n 3 town
ship 2s range 37w
lie irunes the followig witnesses to prove
upon and cullivation of
said laud viz
Phi ip Pullman Chailes Pulman los ph A
Sauiis and Cluules I arv rad of Pullman
CJ 3 R CHVEIJ Reu tci
T 11
A W i ii s
3 3 r -
11 lill
I i i
j li W
Off eve i
3T 6 JZornby orn
A Pointer
Mishawaka kiiitsiiow excludinfisboot and Banigaii overs
Toys Pants 25 30 and 5 cents per pair Boys Suits 75c 100 and jPOIv 1 U
150 per suit A tew mens 800 suits tor 600
10 suit 750 1200 suit 900
r rff5 i3 fflK
i iatTT Ok till 7m i bU
KJBaaeasyn mm om
iimwwn j wnwrira if i rwr ihrnwi
We havejnst received a large
invoice of new shoes which must
be disposed of in a hurry bo we
can invest in other line of goods -
WttWMgmgWZ nowadays
jrrjQoo pbrr
new dress goods are
will occupy lots of room
selling rugsj dirt cheap
and the price oF over-
shoeshas gone way down though
they will be needed for several
months yet See the pointl
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made cloei
This market always keepa a snpply of
f iiUl 1
Bl 0
Tn addition to a first class line of Steaks JKoasts Dry Salt Meat
Smoked llams Breakfast JBaeon and Vegetables
AtSiettersOld Stand on MainStreet VALENTINE NEBBASA
Of the Choicest Brand
Has recently been refurnished and tliorc uglily renovated
making it now more than ever worthy of thp
reputation it has always borne of being
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Good Sample Itoom
r j 00 f 00 00 00 0K0
fflb Premier lf
Best aue Wrifln Plsclnne
Bk Mt r r m -
72 lr - 53 2 - V- fta 5v 5 S- S
MiT Vk Ph a m fck a lu a - l w
- -- - - - - -
firs in Improvements Honest
fonsrucion and all High grade
Tynewrilcr Cssenlials T
ufj i
TKvtwsa iW Order Jf
tbeKflc - f3i
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
Mmm in
To keep our great factory-
busy and introduce early our
did 98 models we have concluded to
isazj zz rt
make a marvelous offer direct to the rider
For 3o days we will sell samples of our
swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac
ture and will ship C O D on approval
to any address on receipt of the nominal
sum of ioo if west of Denver 5 This
- i
deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers
part if you dont want to send money in advance said
your express agents guaranty for charges one way and
we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheel
SSRA N srade embodying every late fcnprore
3 iiMria Ei nt o value Hi inch imported tubing flash
joints improved two piece cranks arch crown large detachable
aprockete handsomest finish and decoration Morgan 4 Wright
Special price on eample JpiiyOO
rt2Sfl A splendid machine equal to any for service and easy running Best 1H inch
HaaaiiMjL2ar Beamlsss tubing two piece cranks arch crown detachable sprockets finW
finished and decorated Morgan Wright quick repair tires single or double tube
high grade equipmant Our special eample price S2400
Best medium grade for 1823 1 inch tubing striped and decorated azch
crown dust proof bearings ball retainers best Indiana or New
Brunswick tires etandard equipment Special price on eample plMJv
NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Gtiaraateed
You will be surprised at the appearance and quality of thpse wheels Dont wait order
now while thiB c ffer is opn Prices will be much higher soon You can make Big Mosey
as our Agent selline for us We give our agents choice of cash the free uso of a sample
wheel or jfift of a wheel accordingto work done
Do You WmxitChemB Wheels
WehxLTB mimbre of 1S03 and 1S97 model wheels of various makes and ti aa i tr m
styles some a little ahop worn but allnew - cliUU tO I0UQ
WT rt I IT -
wnseis Mintiy usea moaern iypes
S800 io12m
Oar buBinees and reputation an known throughout the country Eeferences sm nf ft
axpresa cciapaniee or any bank in Chicago Art Catalogue free Sacnre agency eoaca
She Jli MeaCCyde Co Chicagp
1 V
tt c