The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 27, 1898, Image 7

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Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste and acts
Esntly yet promptly on the Kidneys
iver and Bowels cleanses the sys
tem effectually dispels colds head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach prompt in
its action and trulv beneficial in its
effects prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
ad Ceiling Manilla Write lor samples and prices
The Fay Manilla Roofing Co Camden J
Send ror Inventors Guide free Kdoab
PATKNTS Patent Solicitors 245 Broadway N Y
Before the Flood
Smiles Isnt It strange that those
old timers didnt have any clothes they
could call their own
Giles Why what do you mean
Smiles Well you know the Bible
says that they rent their garments
It Is Not Cold in the South
The weather this season in the south has
been all that could be desired and all who
have already reached the resorts of Florida
and the jjulf coast are charmed with their
locations The Louisville and Xashville
Railroad Companys arrangements for
through service of sleeping cars and
coaches from northern cities are unsur
passed this winter Tourist tickets good
to return until May 31 are on sale by this
line from all poins at low rates For full
particulars write to C P Atmore general
passenger agent Louisville Ky or Geo
B Horner D P A St Louis Mo
The swiftest bird Is the kestrel or
English sparrow hawk It has been
known to achieve a speed of 150 miles
b J hour
Hows This
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by taking
Halls CatariiCdrO
T J CHENEY CO Props Toledo Ohio
We the undersigned liave known F J Cheney
for the laBt 15 yeare and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and
financially able to carry out any obligations
nmdo by Choir firni
Wjcst Truax Wholesale DruggiBts Toledo
Waldin g Kdjsax Marvin Wholesale Drug
gists Toledo Ohio
Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally act
ing directly upon tho blood and mucous sur
faces of the svstein Testimonials sent free
Price 75 cents per bottlo Sold by all Druggists
As the rarest wine doth turn to vine
gar through neglect so doth the most
exhilarating love What to Eat
It Keeps tho Feet Warm and Dry
And Is the only cure for Chilblains
Frost Bites Damp Sweating Feet
Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens
Foot Ease a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes At all druggists and shoe
stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
The largest known flower is said to
be the Rafliesia of Sumatra It has a
diameter of nine feet
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All Druggists
refund Uie money if it falls to cure 25c
Indolence is to the mind like moss to
a tree it bindeth it up so as to stop its
Pisos Cure for Consumption is the only
cough medicine used in my house D C
Albright Mifflinburg Pa Dec 1195
The best way to humble a proud man
Is not to take any notice of him
Lifeboat Idea Ridiculed at First
One of the attractions in the village
church at Hythe England is a stained
glass window in memory of Lionel
Lukin inventor of the lifeboat Lu
teins body lies in the parish churchyard
and a curious inscription records his
connection with the invention He
took out a patent in 1785 but the con
servative lords of the admiralty saw
nothing good in it and It was not recog
nized by the government for some time
Instrumental Play
The horn Im going out on a toot
to night
The drum Well you cant beat me
Ill bet I have the biggest head in the
The violin I heard you had an awful
head on you this morning
The drum Dont you believe it some
ones been stringing you again
The bones Shut up there will you
You get me rattled
From the Industrial Neios Jackson Mich
The subject of this sketch is fifty six
years of age and actively engaged in
Vanning When seventeen years old he
hurt his shoulder and a few years after
commenced to have rheumatic pains in it
On taking a slight cold or the least strain
the trouble would start and he would suf
fer the most excruciating pains
He suffered for over thirty years and
the last decade has suffered so much that
he was unable to do any work To this
frequent dizzy spells were added mak
ing him almost a helpless invalid
In all Sorts of Weather
He tried the best physicians and used
several specific rheumatism cures without
being benefited About one year and six
months ago he read in this paper of a
case somewhat similar to his which was
cured by Dr Williams Pink Pills and
concluded to try this remedy
After taking the first box he felt some
what better and after using three boxes
the pains entirely disappeared the dizzi
ness left him and he has now for over a
year been entirely free from all his former
trouble and enjoys better health than he
he has had since his boyhood
He is loud in his praises of Dr Will
iams Pink Pills for Pale People and will
gladly corroborate the above statements
His postoflice address is Lorenzo Neeley
Horton Jackson County Michigan
All the elements necessary to give new
life and richness to the blopd and restore
shattered nerves are contained in a con
densed form in Dr Williams Pink Pills
for Pale People All druggists sell them
Ketort Courteous
I have no fears as to my daughters
ultimate success said the ex prima
donna for she has inherited my
Indeed replied the visitor Ive
pften wondered what became of it
Carl Vollen sold 350 of Salzers Cab
bage Labor seed rent and all did not
cost him 50 profit 300 You can beat
that and make lots of money on Early
Radishes Peas Lettuce Mushrooms
Onions Sweet Corn Tomatoes Pota
toes etc Salzer warrants his seeds
the earliest in the world Potatoes only
150 per barrel Millions of Raspber
ries Cherries Apples and small fruits
Catalogue tells all about them
Send 16 Cents in Stamps to the John
A Salzer Seed Co LaCrosse Wis and
get free their big Plant and Seed Cata
logue and 10 packages vegetable and
flower seeds novelties worth 1 cn
Travel on Belts
Endless leather belts acting as mov
ing staircases convey the patrons of a
large Parisian store from one floor to
Given Away
For only four dollars a genuine guar
anteed watch with your order for forty
boxes 120 cakes Red Clover Soap Retail
price 25 cents a box Any man or boy can
sell this in one day Send 10 cents for
sample cake by mail F P Deax
Sioux City Iowa
Delayed by a balky horse on a visit
to Cornell ex Gov Flower visited the
library and finding more books needed
left a check for 5000 to furnish a spe
cial library for the veterinary college
So She is to Them Not so to a Woman
A Womans Knowledge Saves Mrs Ebbcrt From an Operation
A woman understands women as a man never can hope
to For this reason Mrs Lydia E Pinkham of Lynn
Mass now known all over the English speaking1 world
set to work to help her sex
After long and patient investigation Mrs Pinkham
confirmed her own conclusions namely that seven-
eighths of the sufferings of women are due to dis
orders of the uterine system Reasoning on this line
she saw that the only preventive of early breaking
down was a specific medicine which would act
alone on the female organism
This was why she prepared her excellent Vegetable Compound which
has been such a boon to thousands and thousands of women If you have
headaches chiefly at the top of the head and are troubled by painful menstrua
tion dizziness sleeplessness backache and that bearing down feeling Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound will tone up your -whole system Mrs Chab
D Ebbert 330 Wood St Reading Pa testihes to the
great power of the Compound
Mrs Pinkham I can say that your medicine has cured
me of the pains and troubles which I had My case
a very had one and puzzled the doctor My womb 1
fallen and I had terrible pains in my hack andhips
I could hardly walk My husband went to our fam
ily doctor and he prescribed medicine for me but
Ifoundno relief and grew worse instead of better
The doctor examined me and wanted to perform an
operation but my husband would not consent Seeing
the advertisement in the paper I got a bottle of Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and before I had
taken half of the second bottle I felt like a new wo
man In all I have taken four bottles of your medicine and can say that I am
entirely cured I hope that every woman suffering as I did will follow my ad
iice1 and tike your medicine at once
fMH aH
Among the many curious Inventions
in which electricity plays the principal
role is mentioned a pen provided near
the point with a minute incandescent
lamp intended to illuminate a small
space on the paper and prevented from
shining into the eyes of the writer by a
little reflector placed just above it
In a concert hall of Paris electric
energy has been put to the novel use
of moving the ceiling This is in two
parts which are drawn back on travel
ing cranes opening the hall to the glass
roof by day The opening or closing of
the ceiling is effected in one minute by
two electric motors
A wealthy lady who possesses a pet
Maltese cat found recently that the
cats eyesight began to fail so she took
him to an oculist By means of a pic
ture of a mouse the oculist quickly
learned what was the matter and was
able to fit the cat with glasses The
lenses were set in gold frames especial
ly made and now the cats eyesight is
as good as ever
Dr G K Gilbert of the Geological
Survey says that a comparison of gage
records for a period of twenty years
shows that the land surrounding the
Great Lakes is being gradually tilted
from northeast to southwest at such a
rate that of two points 100 miles apart
the northern rises five inches with ref
erence to the southern in 100 years At
Chicago the lake level rises about one
inch in ten years Dr Gilbert predicts
tihat if this movement continues in
about 3000 years all the upper lakes
will discharge Into the Illinois River
the Detroit and St Clair Rivers will
flow backward carrying the water of
Lake Erie into Lake Huron and the
Niagara River will run dry
A new fireproof paper made in Ber
lin is reported to be capable of resist
ing even the direct influence of flame
while it may be placed in a white heat
without harm It consists of 95 parts
of the best asbestos fibre which is
washed in a solution of permanganate
of calcium and then treated with sul
phuric acid and 5 parts of ground wood
pulp the entire mass being placed in
the agitating box with the addition of
some lime water and borax After thor
ough mixing the material is pumped
into a regulating box and allowed to
flow out of a gate into an endless wire
cloth where it enters the usual paper
making machinery J
The electric trolley has been a source
of great injury to metallic pipes in its
vicinity causing their corrosion by elec
trolysis Recently it has been found
that the operation of the syphon re
corder of the submarine telegraph ca
ble at Cape Town South Africa was
Interfered with by the new trolley line
The shore end of the submarine cable
tor the length of a mile was at a mean
distance of one half a mile from the
trolley line As a remedy a second or
dummy cable with an earth plate was
laid as nearly as possible over the old
one and this effectually cancelled the
disturbances Observations made In
London have shown that the earths
magnetic field is disturbed over the
whole neighborhood of the City and
South London Electric Railroad and
in the United States the utility of the
magnetic observatory in the new naval
observatory is threatened by the trol
An American company is making es
timates of the cost of a cable road from
the City of Mexico to the sulphur de
posits in the crater of Popocatepetl
A doctor says that in society one may
always tell the girls whose parents
have risen from the humbler class to
wealth by the superior quality of their
Some people in the South are predict
ing that the current trend in cotton
manufacture will flood the North with
negro operatives and the South with
Yankee white girls
Several cases of bloomers were
among the booty taken by tramps from
a freight car at Chillicothe Ohio The
police are puzzled to know what the
marauders intend to do with the gar
Bicycles are used for smuggling on
the frontier of France and Belgium
The customs officers at Tourcoiug took
to pieces the machine ridden by a man
they suspected and found that all the
hollow tubing was stuffed with tobacco
A quaint iuscrpitiou has lately been
noted upon a tombstone without name
and without date in a cemetery The
dead man or woman as the case may
be had ordered the following words
should be placed over the grave Pass
on oh reader WaMe not thy time in
reading vain prose and still less useful
words My tomb tells thee what I am
what I was concerns thee not Vani
tas vanitatum was evidently in the
thoughts of this philosophically resign
ed person
With Things as Well as People
He But the worst of cycling is that
It brings one in contact with all kinds
of people
She thinking of her bruises It cer
tainly does Especially the first week
or so Odds and Ends
Knocked Out
Tt kuocks out all calculations oZ at
tending to business in the right way
for a day when we wake up in the
morning sore and stiff The disappoint
ment lies in going to bed all rigiit and
waking up all wrong There is a short
and sure way out of it Go to bed after
a good rub wth St Jacobs Oil and you
wake up all right soreness and stiff
ness all gone So sure is this that men
much exposed in changeful weather
keep a bottle of it on the mantel for
use at night to make sure of going to
work in good fix
How She Managed It
Ella He seemed to question me with
his eyes all the evening
Hattie Then I suppose you used
your nos in answering him
Ella On the contrary I waited until
he found his voice and then Dont
you think my engagement ring is love
ly dear
1898 Calendars
A very handsome calendar for 1S98
madf to represent a Government mail
pouch has been issued by the Lake Shore
and Michigan Southern Ry It is printed
in a rich brown and gold on heavy enam
eled card size 8x15 inches The calen
dar will be sent free anywhere on receipt
of eight cents in postage to cover cost of
mailing by applying to A J Smith G P
T A Cleveland O
Submarine Cables
The laying of the Atlantic cables was
not the uncertain experiment that is
commonly supposed for years before
any attempt was made to connect the
old and new world with electric wires
submarine cables had been made a suc
cess The first was laid in 1850 be
tween Dover and Calais a copper wire
covered with gutta percha It soon
failed and was replaced in 1851 by a
cable of four wires which proved en
tirely successful In 1853 six cables
were laid between England and Ire
land in 1S54 five others the longest
about 100 miles In 1855 a cable was
laid from Varna to Constantinople 1G0
miles for service in the Crimean war
The Atlantic Telegraph Company
was organized by Cyrus W Field in
1S5C and made two attempts to lay the
Atlantic cable one in 1857 the second
in the following year Both were fail
ures but the third attempt proved suc
cessful and in August 1858 tele
graphic communication was establish
ed between the continents The cable
however worked for only a few weeks
and then failed public confidence in
the scheme was lost the civil war
came on and not until 1865 could the
capitalists of Europe and America be
induced to take up the project anew
In that year a cable was partially laid
by the Great Eastern but snapped and
in the following year another cable
was taken out and successfully laid be
tween Europe and America Mr Field
devoted over twelve years of incessant
labor to his project and in its Interest
crossed the Atlantic fiftv three times
Doscribed by a St Paul Paper as the
New Star of Liberty
mmm m ijrWiMJJ ajy -
An- I
s p oudent
in a com
to this pa
per says
during the
past few
months so
much has been said and written of
Western Canada and tho new provinces
forming it he has been led to give the
subject some inquiry and he has been
shown letters written to the Canadian
Government from delegates sent out by
friends to inspect the country
One of these delegates who was sent
to Western Canada says In under
taking to give a description I fear I
shall not be able to give it justice for
I hardly know where to begin or when
to end For a plea for my judgment
I will assume for an illustration the
experience of a man who went from
place to place in search of a wife and
finding so many of good qualities and
attractions was unable to determine
which to choose so in looking for a
home in Western Canada I like the
country well and two of my boys are
going this fall they have since gone
and each has a homestead where 1
am satisfied they will do well The
lands which 1 have seen are far supe
rior in every respect and beyond my
expectations Lakes and streams to be
found in all districts abound with innu
merable kinds of water fowl while fish
are very abundant On all sides we see
innumerable stacks of grain proving
beyond doubt the fertility of the soil
On either side of the track can be seen
iu addition to the grain herds of cattle
horses and flocks of sheep I have
traveled over a great portion of the
Western States and I have seen nothing
to compare with this country One
hundred aud sixty acres of land are
given free to actual settlers and I saw
cases where as high as S20 per acre had
been cleared in one year I do not wish
to advise anyone but as for myself 1
shall leave as soon as I can arrange my
affairs The agents of the Canadian
Government are now at work organiz
ing excursion parties and the Depart
went of the Interior at Ottawa Canada
will be pleased to supply the Informa
tion to those who are not within reach
of an agent
Equal to Leap Year
Miss Autumn Im going down to
that auction sale on State street
Miss Young What do you want to
Miss Autumn Oh I dont know that
T will purchase anything just going
vjtisfy my curiosity Ive heard
r a nice looking man gets up on a
at form every day and says Wont
borne one make me an offer
Do You Dance To Night
Shake in your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy Cures
Corns Bunions Chilblains Frost Bites
and Sweating Feet At all druggists and
shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE
Address Allen S Olmsted Le RoyNY
As a bone in the throat taketh away
the appreciation of the most appetizing
dish so a thoughtless word marreth
the sweetest compliments
Hawaii and Japan
Dispatches from Washington state thnr
there are about to be Important develop
incnts In the Japanese Imbroglio with the
Government of the Haivullan Islands How
ever this may be ccraln it is that the dis
turbance of the stomach caused by simple in
digestion will develop Into chronic dyspepsia
unless checkmated at the start The flnest
stomachic is Hostetters 8tomach Bitters
which promptly rectifies gastric trouble and
does away with Irregularity of the bowels
and liver
Lacked Exercise
Maude Your friend Mr Rustic seems
rather reserved in his manners
Tom Yes hes reserved them so long
they have grown rusty from disuse
FITS Permanently Cured No flu or nerroumnfi
liter flrst day ue of Dr Kline Great Nerve Ite
Btorer Send for FKEK 8300 trial bottle an t treatlio
Da K H KLlNX Ltd 931 Arch it Philadelphia 1a
The ancient Greeks used false teeth
yt sycamore wood fastened to the ad
jacent sound teeth by ligatures of sil
ver and gold
Mammas It your llttln ones contract skin diseases
school apply Glenns Sulphur Soap
mils Hair and Wblskur Die black or brown 50a
In the reproof of chance lies the true
proof of a good bluffer
Mrs Wlnnlown Homiivo Syrcp for fhildroji
ttjiujl sotteti tlit reoiii es infl imniatji
alla8 ram riro intl colic ii Pfuu a bottlb
Discretion In spwb is more than elo
In cold weather
We need heat
The blood must be
Warm rich and pure
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Keeps the blood
In perfect order
Sending it in a
Nourishing stream
To every organ
Wo wii h to rala 1M0M na w coa
tornart nod hnc offer
1 Pier 13 Dr KarfUb 10c
I Pic Early Spring Turnip IOu
1 Earliet Red Beet ISo
I Bumarok Oacamber 19c
1 CJnoen Victoria Littace lie
1 Klondylce JleloD la
1 Jumbo Giant Onion lie
3 Brilliant ftowtxSeeda lc
Worth 9100 frl eenta
Abore 10 pkei worth 81 00 we wUl
mail you tree together with oar
Croat llant anil seed Uatalorua
upon receipt of thia notice I and lie
Doetace Wo mm your trade aod
aesdsyoa will norergatalootr with- i
oat thorn Potatoea at 100
a Rb I Catalog alone Sc hoC N
j jou1 a aiLzau sasu to Lt causae mi
I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Hyannis Massachusetts
was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the sams
that has borne and does now sip yT on every
bear the facsimile signature of ctcCUlC wrapper
This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought Sip jf 7- on
and has the signature ofSsy J CCU4 wrap
per No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas R Fletcher is
s j
March 8 18971 QL JU4h ff
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you because h makes a few more pennies
on it the ingredients of which even he does not know
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You
Im -
MV o T
fc L
This is what
a prominent physician saysl
have given my own children the
ness in bottle feeding I have
studied the so called easily-
cleaned nursing bottles and I
long ago came to the conclusion
that a little Pearline would ren
der ordinary nursing bottles the
safest utensils of them all I firmly believe that children
properly fed and cleanly fed will avoid the majority of the
difficulties which they encounter during the first two years of
life I believe that if every feeding bottle was washed with
Pearline many innocent lives would be saved
Surely this is a matter to interest every mother J Nothing
so thoroughly cleanses as Pearline
The Best Is Aye the Cheapest
Avoid Imitations of and Sub
stitutes for
t37For Information as to Low Railway Rates Maps
Pamphlets etc address the Department of the Interi
or Ottawa Canada or C J BROCGHTON 1223 llo
nadnocJ Buildine Chicago III V V BENNETT lli
New Yort Life Batldiaz Omaha Neb
c yyrrVprr7tritfJJiTTlTjTB
- jtvxfMTnajjtfLtzjrt
1 Cheapest ever crown
BEST iu the woridrnaiie
kother as GOOD
ranted to be by far the
Prettiest book In BF D C C
all the world r ffKKa
EPDSlcand uoforlaree rackets
Send von re and neighbors names for
my Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue
Lnnzest 8ed POTATO iraven In Arrl
The Uurml New Yorker gives Salxer3 Esrly
MYIaeonaui m yield of 786 btuhel per acre I
Price dirt ekcap Our crest Seed Boek 111
Farm Seed flasiBle worth 10 to set Lart for i
ion poiiaze iuaiiuujuiiuuuitufucrgiiTTu
m Ir SI IK
Five Two Cent Stamps
in geography ever seen Interests the
children and teaches them the geography
of their own country in a practical and
lasting manner Not more than one sent
to one address Write to
General Passenger and Ticket Agent
Chicago Great Western Railway
S O N U - - - - 5 98
BestCough Syrop Tastes Good Use I
in tune gold br drngaists