Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the beat mannor
Full line of sporting goods
Comina Eventa
GrcundboR Day February 2
HI Valentines Day February 14
Assessors Mvetiug March 15
C ft Glover visited with his mother
in Aurora last week
C B Cornell returned from his trip
to Omaha Saturday night
W G Ballard of Woodlake was in
town on business on Saturday
Mrs V J Cook returned last Fri
day from her visit at the post
Wanted A billy goat Address
1 Mks L W Handy
Mis Hornby and Mrs Sparks re
turned from their visit west Sunday
Horace Boyd of Xorth Carolina is
here visiting friends at the Fort for a
itfew weeks
Mrs Walter Mosely of Ainsworth
Tisited with her husband here several
days during the past week
It is officially reported that the new
school house will be completed by the
15tb ot February This is good news
Miss Mary Watson who ie teaching
school in the country west of Wood
lake was iu town visiting Saturday
A big dance was given at Arabia
last Friday night John Stetter Lee
Layporte and Jim Hay furnished the
Alex Dob3on a prominent cattleman
from the west end of the county was
in town Tuesday on business with the
Land OrF ce
A contractor in Denver is advertis
ing to sublet the contract for carrying
the mail to Sparks and return three
times a week
W S Jackson M V Nicholson and
Ed Clarke went to Chadron Saturday
with five greyhounds to take part iu a
big wolf chase
JJehlen Parker of Kennedy and his
-brother Roy Parker of Lavaca were
in town last Wednesday on business
with the land office
The residence of J Belisle member
of the band at Ft Niobrara burned
to the ground with most of its con
tents Suuday night No insurauce
No matter what is the trouble with
the throat or lungs Dr Daniels Com
pound Syiup Sanguiuaria will relieve
fc At Elliotts 50
To Cure A CoJt in One lfag
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All Druggists refund the money
4f It fails to Cure 25c 46
After February 1 I will be prepared
4o give lessons on the piano or organ
Jiutes reasonable
1 Mrs J B Wells
E J Davenport has placed a tem
porary board fence around his lots on
north Mam street and is preparing to
plant a number of large box elder
When a revival takes the turn
that the meeting at the Methodist
church did last Thursday night it is
certainly a sign that some good is be
ing done in a community
When ye editor returns from his
junketing trip be proposes dissecting
for the benefit of the public a very in
teresting animal Wait for it and
Jearn something about physiology
Elder Eighmy of Longpine held
quarterly meeting at the Methodist
church Saturday and reached Sun
day morning and evening The Elder
made a very good impression on the
Madams Sparks and Tloruby of
Valentine -stopped off here yesterday
morning for a visit with Mrs J B
Jack and other friend3 They are re
turning from their sistfersat Cbadron
Jlushville Standard
Miss Ella Hooton is visiting friends
in Longpine
FranK Frush is in town this week
enjoying a vacation at home
Ben Roberts the horseman was in
this city looking after a contest case
last Tuesday
Senator P II ORiurk of Gordon
was in town Tuesday with a case be
fore the Land Oflice
Ed Clarke of Valentine and Tim
Higginsof Chadron went to Denver
last Monday on business
Miss Sadie Thosath was down at
the post last Saturday and Sunday
visiting with Seargt Clarke and fam
Dr McCheBney Indian agent at
Rosebud was iu town Monday lie
left here that evening for Washington
Sam Hudson was in from Simeon
last Monday to get his wife who has
been here having some dental work
There was a dance given at the
home of Miss Ina Flowers last Fiiday
evening Everybody reports having
had a good time
Tom Seals of Ainsworth bought
two carloads of h gs from farmers on
the Table last week paying from
270 to 30U per hundred
The attendance in the revival ser
vices is noticeably on the increase and
much good is being done We hope it
may continue so
Judge J II Broady of Lincoln was
in town this week looking up evidence
in the Sehwabrow case and there is a
possibility of it coming into court
John Burlington the tailor will oc
cupy the south side of tho old Petty -crew
building as soon as the carpen
ter gets through with repairing
the interior
Prof W B Banks of Woodlake
made this office a pleasant call Mon
day He is making preparations to go
to Oi egon iu a few wet iss where his
people most of them now are We
are sorry to lose him as a citizen f
Cherry county and hope that he will
lnM2hed for Foar Years as
A Brier ftketch of the Professional
Career ol Weil Uton Dcntltim
that institution he nt xt attended
t 41 t
HC f tL
medical department of the university
at Ann Aibor graduating with nonor
Since that time he has given his at-
rooms in connection with the Doctors
Died Ag the home of Abraham flIe OIl8fitof illSlnimfIlts for extract
Joseph Monday Januarv 24 at 4 h d JllIMlMIIS4 for ero
clock his infant s64 of catarrhal
bronchitis The funeral was held
from the Presbyterian church iu thj
Mr aud Mrs ODonald of Casper
are here thm week and contemplate
making this their future home Mr
O Donald is a brother in law of our
sheriff Amos Strong and he would be
gladly welcomed into our midst
Miss Fletcher came up from Ains
worth last Tuesday m the interest of
a painting class here She is at the
White House She has on exhibition
there samples of crayon and pastel
work and invites you to call and see
Prof R Kissel of Brownlee was n
town as a witness in a final proof
case Saturday and improved the op
portunity thus presented to call at
these headquarters and renew ac
quaintance Joe Kennedy accom
panied him
Mesdames Spirks and Hornby of
Valentine terminated their pleasant
visit with relatives in thi city yester
day morning and left f jr Rushvilie
where they will visit for a short time
before returning home to Valentine
Chadron Journal
- 4 17 -
and bridge work will soon make the
name of Weils Bros Dental Parlois
a synonym for all that is complete in
ArhWtle Clnbuid RfatiUitf Room
The young men of Valentine are
trying to organize an athletic club in
which it is hoped they will succeed
I heir object is to rent a room conve
niently located and affix to Mime the
appliances of a gymnasium altfo to
have a small library with sone up to
date maj azines and newspapers where
the voting men can o after working
hours to spend a short time in pleas
ant and profitable recreation They
have been promised he ad of two
first class instructors in gvmnastics
and an organization with twenty five
members will be able to carry through
these plans with a small assessment
against each name This will be a
great tiling for the young men of the
town and it should be encouraged b
Skatinsron JL ke 3Iinnechuilasa
Quite a paity was up from Simeon
last Saturday among whom were Miss
Annie Sageser Miss Maud Bennett
Mr Chas Reece and Mr Gus Ulrich
They came to enjoy the rare skating
advantages that we have in Valen
tine Parties come many miles to
spend a few pleasant hours skating on
Lake Miunechaduza
The snow of the last few days has
made the ice rather bad for skating
reconsider his determination to move j but we have the best advantages and
Mr Query a grand son of Wm
Query was down from Valentine
Monday to visit his relatives here a
fw days
finest skaters in the state The
tos taken thereon do not give a fair
1 idea of the large crowds that gather1
there for the rare enjoyment found in
Jay Robinson came down from Val- gidig serenely over the chrystalized j
entine Tuesday morning to nurse a
crippled hand He had the misfor
tune to run a nail into it Ainsworth
Star Journal
It is a very easy matter for a man
or woman to arise in church and say
Im a sinner and I aic the Lord to
forgive me but when it comes to
confessing some definite sin and ask
ing forgiveness of not only the Lord
but the public it takes courage of no
mean order Most of the so called
confessions heard in church are
nothing but evasive platitudes and are
not worth the breath it takes to utter
surface of the lake
Chances in Iteal Ewtnte
Dan IIand moved into the prop
erty just purchased of A II Fergu
son last week
Nels Polen has pure ased the City
Hotel of M S Welch and the business
will be turned over the tiistof Febru
M S Welch has purchased the
Wesley Holsclaw property opposite
McDonalds store and will move into
same -next Tuesday Wesley Hols
claw will move into the Zarr property
1 Am Thy Fthris UfcoNt
The Shakespeare club is now busily
engaged in reading Hamlet We
hope that the eccentric Dane will not
One thiig noticeable among the affect the minds of the club members
western towns is the fact that but few and that the ladies will not see ghosts
of them have resident dentists Tnose on their wa home from the meetings
that do as a rule do not furnish
sufficient work to keep him busv and
of necessity he visits places in the
vicinity at stated intervals h this
Plpjoty trSntiy So Vjtlontlne
A fzeutieinui intimately acquainted
with all parties concerned recently
i i tti
Ul Vllrt
puruvjuinr as moiuers vaienunw leans Baid to the editor that one certain
her neighbors Not onl does she sup- j Vatentino handled more nion
port a dentists oflice but she Bupuris v in a year ihan did all the Lueiuef s
a good dentist -Dr C A Wells j nitm onv giater C0lllltv Baa tmvn mi
Tli lrtii v n i
ncuo una rtwuuat uji iu j rfii HliJt
Hie lirnffjLOim Uiri lun 11111
with the dentistry business to a great
er or less extent since he was thirteen
years old Begining with his brother
in Massachusetts he assisted in the
office for some time and later aitended
Dartmouth college Retiring from
That spems like strong lan
guage but it is probably true
Xpt A otdbuK Convention
lVeriitor is iti Lincoln this week
assisting his brother editors m their
efforts to save the conntn and in the
meantime the local page is in chartre
H Wellfoni while Da Witt
Clifton holds down the office chair and
will entertain angry subscribers and
issue siibscriutiou receinta to nil who
teimon exclusively to dentistry and desire sim
now holds a place near the top m this
stale Prior to coming hero he prac
ticed in ONeill leaving that town for
this in November 1892 That he has
been successful is plainly demonstrat
ed by the fact that during the past
year he has not been absent from his
office for more than three weeks and
that time it was at the urgent request
ot ptients who could not find a con
venient tme to come to Valentine
also by ths further fact that he has
sent for Ins brother Dr J I J Wells
to join him here and henceforth the
business will be in charge of thf two
The last named held a chair in ihe
Bosttm Dental College for over fifteen
years left the college gjinst the
earnest protest of the board of trust
After nex week Wells Bros will
occupy a splendid suite of rooms in
j the new Sparks building and these
KusJneHS CUangp
This is to notifiy the public that I
have purchased the general merchan
dise business of F H Banmgartel at
Crookston Nebr I will hereafter con
duct the same in my name and ask a
liberal hre of your patronage
Highest orices paid for farm pro
duce Yours for business
Max E Viektkl
Knrtlen XoteH
Hew IJasaett will preach in Valen
tine Suud iy
Dr J II Wells and wife came in
from Valentine today
J C Welles went to Valentine last
Minday to meet his wife who came
down fromthe Hills last Monday
Mrs Geo Condon was visiting with
Rev and Mrs Bassett yesterday and
wrnt to Valentine today to visits Dr
and Mrs Evans Norden lioreulis
3It s J W Curry Dead
At the hospital Saturday night
Mrs J W Cnrrot Meriimau died
Mrs Curry was sent down here a short
time since and placed in the hospial
under the kind and careful treatment
of Dr J C Dwyer and wife but when
she arrived here she was past the stage
of recovery The remains were sent
t Got don Sunday for burial Mrs
Curry waB the wife of J W Curry
a stockman if Merriman who has
the sunpaihy of a great host of friends
iu that vicinity in his ber vemut
thiough the loss of his wife
Oracular Utterances
Rev 1 M Bates win hold service
in Woodlake Friday evening
Mr and Mrs C M Bailey left for
Dakota Junction Saturday night
E D Valentine is in -charge of C
M Baileys store during the hitters
Joseph Bailey a brother of our
genial townsman Abel was visiting in
Woodlake the fore part of last week
He lestdes in California
J M and David llanua two of our
prosperous up to date stockmen came
in from the ranch ednesday and
boarded the local for Valentine
Woodlake Lodge No 221 A O TJ
W installed the following officers Sat
urday night
George a Bakewell P M W
Abel Bailey M W
U G Stevenson O W
W V Johnson Foreman
J D Woodman Kecoider
C M Bailey Financier
A Johnson Receiver
E Betbout Guide
Cvrus llagen I W Woodlake
Xiobrara Falls
Some change in the weather but lit
tie in the news
R and H Grooms and their fami
lies have just returned from a visit to i
relatives and friends near Sparks
Mrs Maggie Adarason is sppnding a
week with her sister at Ft Niobrara
Oliver Brown of Ft Niobrara was
seen in the neighborhood Sunday We
think thpre is some attraction here
Doc Grooms is sojourning near the
Ye scribe has just returned from an
extended visit so wc are not very
iu the north w st part of the city will pouted
IJa Hot
J j 11
NO 1
t V
Aro due to any person who
djes another a kindUes3 and we
really feel that any one of onr
patrons will be doing hi3 or her
friends a kindness by telling them
how they have saved money by
buying of us when they need any
thing in our line and we will owe thanks to vou too
Dry Goods Groceries Clothing Footwear
Hats Caps and Notions
s h J S L Ifi8 I e S S
We will make special prices on our entire line of
In order to close out stock and make room for spring goods
I jPj I
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W II Moses building
Pacifig Short Ul
- -
Through connections both ways with Black
mils trains by taking tins line ou can -go to
Sioux City ami return rhesimedav connection
made withall trains for the hast and Souto
Dakota Buv local tickets toOWeill
The singing of the choir at the
Methodist church Surday evening
was exceptionally beautiful A
petitition of the Tiamp song would
be appreciated
The PiMOORikT 1 to Januiry 1899
- -
We have just received an entire new line of Shoes Mens Boy
Misses and Ladies which is complete in every particular
Myns suits cheap Jjoys suits 50c to 8200 each
K McDonald
Come to
B B 2 7iff
o I Ad
For taking orders for enlarg
ing pictures from photo
graphs or tintypes Work
guaranteed H eadquarters at
Valentine House All orders
left there will receive prompt
attention 51
We will give yon a good clean bed and tlie
to eat 100 per day or
350 per week
North Western Line7 ia to beat
to and from the
j A first claps Tailor who will make you
a suit of clothes to please you or
no pay Clothing cleaned pressed
and repaired on shortest notice
Call and see him at Davenport
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
Anyone sending a aketcb and description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether as
invention is probably Coinninnlca
tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents
sent free oldest aeency for eeenrinKpatenta
Putents taken throuch Mann Co reevlvs
special notle without charge ln the
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated weekly T arret cir
culation of any scientific Journal Term S3 a
vir four months L Sold by an newsdealers
rfdNN New York
Rrauch Office 625 F St Washington DC
tj A Wells J BJ Wells
ifffic e over
T IIornby 8tors
- j