The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 06, 1898, Image 4

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    ROBERT GOOD Editor and Prop
Hi Defeat Practically Conceded
Radical Change in the Situation
the Only Thine that Can Save
Him Other Items
Mark Hatina Beaten
Much interest lias been manifested in
the organization of the Ohio state legisla
ture at Columbus as it was considered to
forcast Mark Raimas chances to suc
ceed himself as United States senator
The contest in the house was between
Mason an anti Hanna man and Boxwell
the Hatina candidate The first ballot re
sulted Mason 5ti Boxwell 53 Mason
was declared elected amid great excite
All were present in the senate except
Burke of Cleveland an anti Hanna repub
lican and Voight fusionist from Cincin
nati The vote stood 18 to 17 in favor
of the democrats who elect all the
The result of the organ izatkm ihe leg
islature has revived the rumors that the
Jianna men would combine with the sold
democrats for the election of Calvin S
Brice a gold standard democrat rather
than have Mayor McKson and Gov
Bushnell elected for the long and short
terms as the silver representatives
It is conceded that Speaker Mason will
dispense all the patronage of the house in
the interest of McKisson and Bushnell
and Iiannas defeat is conceded unless a
radical change is made within the next
Charles Bernard Arrested for De
frauding Lodges
Carl Nippert of Cincinnati as president
of the Masonic Relief Association com
plained that Charles Bernard aged 60 a
guest at Kolbs Hotel in that city is secur
ing Masonic relief improperly Detectives
took Bernard to the central station Ber
nard is a Mason and says he was in Cuba
and was locked up in Morro Castle at Ha
vana Nippert says he is a fraud Ber
nard has been the object of search b the
police of many cities throughout the coun
try and is the man whom members of the
Masonic order have been after for a scheme
he works
Oceanic Phosphate Company Claims
Clipperton Island
The American flag that is reported to
have been hauled down by the Mexican
marines at Clipperton Island is the one
that was taken from San Francisco by
Paul K Henuig an employe ot the
Oceanic Phosphate Company It was
hoisted above the coral reef by Hennig and
two other San Franciscans by direction of
the company that has for several years
been marketing the phosphates The
American claimants will ask their govern
ment to protect their rights
Faints at the Close of a Lecture in
Janesville Wis
Frances E Willard president of the Na
tional W C T U fainted Sunday night
at the close of her lecture at the Congre
gational Church in Janesville Wis A
physician was summoned but it was some
time -before she recovered sufficiently to be
removed to the home of her cousin Willard
Robinson Miss Willard suddenly brought
her talk to an abrupt close and left the
platform fainting as she reached the ante
room She -was resting easily at last re
Embezzler Pope Not Dead
A dispatch from Sacramento Cal says
Will J Pope formerly teller of the First
National Bank of Louisville who was
charged with embezzling 60000 from
that institution in 1891 is iu this city It
is generally believed in Louisville that
Pope died several years ago in the east
A detective has been put on Popes trail
and his arrest is expected soon
To Build a Big Merchant Ship
The New York and Cuba Mail Steam
ship Company has just completed a con
tract with the Wm CrampShip and Engine
Building Company of Philadelphia for
five new 5000 ton l3 knot twin screw
steamers Next to the St Louis and the
St Paul these will be the largest merchant
steamers built in the United States
Unknown Woman Suicides
An unknown woman committed suicide
Sunday night in the Hotel Windsor New
York by taking carbolic acid She was
about 30 years of age handsome and
richly dressed Nothing was found that
might lead to identification
Brings Forty Five Klondikers
Forty five Klondikers arrived at Seattle
Wash Monday on the steamer Corona
from Skaguay and Dyea They confirm
the stories of last weeks arrivals that there
will be no famine this winter although
provisions are scarce
i i I
More War Funds Received
Gen Blanco Received 4000000 in silver
Monday consigned from Spain for war
Shipwrecked Men Rescued
Capt Whitney and crew of ten men of
the bark Oakland whioh went ashore on
Cape Flattery last Wednesday were
picked up by the schooner Laura May and
were safely landed at Astoria Ore Sat
urday afternoon
Deny the Report
Warner Stuart Co of Cleveland Ohio
who were mentioned in a Pittsburg dis
patch of having received an order from
Cardiff Wales for4000000 tons of iron ore
deny the truth of the report in the most
wnphatic way
Actor Burgess Spends Eight Years
in Prison for a Heartless Woman
Out of eight years of disgrace of felons
stripes of silent martyrdom for an un
worthy womans sake Edward Burgess
was pardoned from the prison at Sing Sing
N Y on Saturday by Gov Black
Late in the summer of 188ft Burgess was
engaged to go toChicago for a two weeks
appearance at the Olympic theater
He insisted that his wife accompany
him as lie would be gone perhaps a
month and she was not averse to mak
ing the trip Shortly after they
hoarded the train Burgess discovered
that his wife had quite a roll of money
She evaded his question about it but he
finalJydrew from her that she had obtained
the money from the sale of her sisters dia
monds She had pawned the jewels and
had realized about 250 on them
It developed that she had stolen the dia
monds ami when she was arrested Bur
gess to save her declared that he was the
guilty person Adhering to his confession
he was sentenced and served eight years
of the sentence His wife never called on
hiin at the prison and he does not know
where she is
Weylers Embargo Will Be Removed
at Once by Gen Blanco
A dispatch from Havana via Key West
says From a strictly private and yet re
sponsible source comes the information
that the port of Havana will be opened
to exportation within twenty four
hours The port was closed by Capt
Gen Weylers edict of May 14 1896
Gen Weyler did this he claimed to in
sure permanent employment to the dis
contented cigarmakers in Havana dur
ing the troublesome times of war but it is
known that his special aim was to para
lyze the Cuban colonies of the United
States from which was coming the foster
ing strength that made the insurgents for
midable There are about 70000 bales of
tobacco now choked in the warehouses of
Havana ready to be shipped io the states
the moment the port is opened
Charles Johnson Suspected of Mur
der Succumbs to the Knife
Charles Johnson suspected of complic
ity in the murder of Charles E Cox mar
shal of the own of Waterloo Iud who
was found in South Chicugo Friday suffer
ing from a bullet wound in the left leg
died Sunday morning on the operating
table in the county jail hospital Before
his death he was positively identified by
Cornelius D Plattes deputy sheriff of De
Kalb County Indiana who came to Chi
cago with descriptions of the two men con
cerned in the murder Johnsons leg was
so badly injured that amputation was
necessary He never regained concious
ness after being placed under the influence
of chloroform
Three Members of the Autonomy
Cabinet Take the Oath
Many people assembled at the palace in
Havana on New Years day to witness
the swearing in of Senor Rafael Montero
Marquis of Montero Senor Fraucisco
Zayas and Senor Lauredo Rodridguez as
secretaries of the provisional government
Senor Galvez president of the cabinet
was first sworn in and then the oath was
administered to the others Marshal Blanco
then addressed the assemblage
The first resolution adopted by the new
cabinet was to send a cable message to the
queen regent of Spain offering their re
spects and pledging loyalty to the crown
No Reception at AVhite House
The White House was closed Saturday
for the first time upon New Years day in
many years The president and Mrs Mc
Kinley went out for a drive in the fore
noon and then spent the remainder of the
day in retirement Vice President Hobart
and members of the cabinet omitted their
receptions as a mark of sympathy for the
president and their example was generally
followed The day was very quiet in
Dependent Pension Law
The postoffice department has ruled that
an ex union soldier drawing a pension un
der the dependent pension law may be re
instated in a position he formally occupied
in the service In order to obtain a pension
under the dependent act the claimant
must swear that he is without means of
support and is unable to do manual labor
Notorious Counterfeiter Caught
Special federal agents of Cincinnati ar
rested William Baldwin alias Frank Wat
son the notorious counterfeiter who re
cently broke jail at Ontario He and his
father were serving terms in the Kingston
penitentiary for counterfeiting Both
have frequently served for counterfeiting
although the son is only 23 years old
Congressman Warner Weds
The wedding of Miss Minnie Bishop to
Col Vespasian Warner took place at the
residence of Mayor Bishop at Clinton 111
The wedding was a quiet one none but
the immediate friends being present Con
gressman Warner and his bride will pro
ceed to Washington at once
Heikes the Champion Wing Shot
Heikes and Grim shot at Dayton Ohio
Saturday for the castiron medal and the
title of champion wing shot of America
Heikes won by a score of 98 to 90 The
conditions were 100 live pigeons five traps
thirty yards rise
Taking in Junior Partners
J Pierpont Morgan jr and W S M
Burns have been admitted as partners in
the firm of J S Morgan Co bankers of
President Burt Takes Charge
Presideut Horace G Burt formally took
charge of the Union Pacific headquarters
in Omaha on Friday last
Mrs Ulysses S Grants health is so
much impaired that 6he has been un
able to correct the manuscripts of her
book She has not yet decided on
where she will spend the summer
If kissing went out of fashion no girl
would care to be considered stylish
Robert A Van Wyck Becomes Mayor
of the Second City of the World
With Little Ceremony Other
Items of 1 nterer t
Six Perish in a Fire
Six members of one family were killed
by flames and smoke in a fire that occurred
early Sunday morning in a tenement
house in Jersey City The dead are
Apolph Reich 42 years the father Emma
Reich 42 years the mother Tillie Reich
aged 22 Albert Reich 14 years Ida Reich
aged 11 years Gustave Reich 8 years
Several engine companies responded
promptly to the alarm and in a short time
the fire was out Theu began the search
which disclosed three charred bodies
against the wall at the foot of the stairs
They were those of Adolph Reich his
daughter Tillie and little Gustave The
father had fallen upon the daughter and
his son was in his arms They were
burned almost beyond recognition
In the basement of the house the search
ing party stumbled over the remains of
Ida and Albert two blackened corpses
with arms entwined Portions of the
limbs had been entirely burned away and
the faces horribly diotorted
The mother was found in the dining
room She was but slightly burned She
undoubtedly died from suffocation
Rumored Demise of the Iron Chan
cellor Startles Europe
The usual quiet of New Years day in
London was disturbed by a report that
Prince Bismarck was dead The rumor so
emphatically made by the Evening News
and shouted throughout London by the
newsboys created a deep sensation in the
minds of the general public and great ex
citement in newspaper circles until a
denial was received by the Reuter Tele
gram Company Baron DEckardstein
attache of the German embassy said no
news had been received at the legation
and the officials were convinced that the
rumor was untrue because apart from the
absence of official news a personal friend
of the barons was staying at the home of
Prince Bismacrk and would certainly have
telegraphed had the rumor been true
A denial was also received in London
from Berlin
Becomes Mayor of the Worlds Sec
ond City with Little Ceremony
New York on Saturday became the sec
ond city of the world with Robert A Van
Wyck mayor He was inducted into office
with little ceremony At noon Mayor
Strong of Old New York made a little
speech outlining the greatness of Greater
New York and handing over the office to
Mayor Van Wyck who said the people of
the big city had chosen him their chief
magistrate and to them lie would answer
A large number of officeholders and office
seekers witnessed the ceremony Conspic
uous among the floral offerings was a tiger
in black and yellow resting on a bed of
Eight Years Old Weighs 200 Pounds
and Is 5 Feet 9 Inches Tall
Mary Exley daughter of a farmer living
eight miles northwest of Junction City
Kan was weighed and measured Monday
and is probably the largest child of her ago
in the world She was born August 15
1889 and weighs 269 pounds She is 5 feet
9 inches tall and 5 feet 2 inches around the
waist She was a small baby but is now
growing very rapidly Her mother weighs
168 pounds and her father is a medium
sized man The girl is active and strong
and seems perfectly healthy
Worlds Gold Output
The director of the United States mint
says from information at hand the worlds
product of gold for the year 1897 will ap
proximate if not exceed 240000000 an
increase of nearly 20 per cent over 1896
The gold product of the United States for
1897 is about 69500000 an increase over
1896 of 8500000
Czars Message to France
The czar in his own name and in the
name of the czarina sent President Faure
an effusive telegram expressing their sin
cere good wishes for the president and
friendly France President Fame re
plied that the words of their imperial
majesties touched the hearts of all
Murder in the First Degree
The jury in the trial of William Foley
for the murder of his sister and mother
after being out two hours and forty min
utes at Liberty Mo returned a verdict of
murder in the first degree After the ver
dict had been read Judge Brodus sen
tenced Foley to be hanged February 8
Earthquake in California
Two distinct shocks of earthquake the
most severe which have been felt at Santa
Rosa Cal for many years awoke the resi
dents of that city and vicinity shortly
after 5 oclock Saturday morning No
damage has been reported
Inventor Bells Father Weds
Prof Alexander Melville Bell the dis
tinguished Scotch scientist and father of
A Graham Bell the inventor of the
telephone and Mrs H G Hinsley of To
ronto were married on New Years day
J Hege Tyler Inaugurated
J Hege Tyler was inaugurated governor
of Virginia on Junuary 1 in the presence
of the two houses of the general assembly
and a great crowd of citizens
Chicagos Death Rate Low
For the year 1897 Chicago shows the low
est death rate of any city of the world of
more than 200000 inhabitants being less
than 14 per 1000 of population
May Strike Again
Another strike of Pennsylvania window
glass workers which may prevent the
general resumption on January 8 is threat
ened J
State Association Holds a Successful
Meeting at Lincoln
The State Teachers Association held the
most successful meeting in the history of
the organization at Lincoln last week
The total enrollment on the third day was
1060 by far the largest ever registered at
any previous meeting
Only business of routine nature was
transacted on the first day Monday Dec
27 and the session was short The pro
gain included special committee reports on
Coun try Schools Normal Schools
Colleges Legislation und other
topics A large number of teachers spent
their unocenpied time visiting the univer
sity state house and other public institu
tions At the office of the state superin
tendent there was an interesting exhibit
consisting of some the work sent by the
high schools of the state to the Worlds
Fair and afterwards returned to the state
superintendent These samples of high
school work are tacked on the walls of the
office to serve as suggestions to the teach
ers when they begin to prepare exhibits
for the Transmissippi Exposition
A new feature of the association was the
meeting of members of school boards
which will be made a permanent feature
At the meeting Tuesday Dec 28 about
twenty school boards were represented
Mr Travis of Plattsmouth presided and
there was much discussion of the subjects
which were handled in papers
The meeting of the Nebraska society for
child study was one of the most interesting
of the afternoon and the papers aroused
much interest in this branch of primary
The Association of Womens Clubs held
its first educational meeting in Delian hall
at the State University during the after
noon What Can a Womans Club Do
for the schools V was ably discussed
along all lines
A new auxiliary sooiety to the State
Teachers Association is that of teachers of
science The first meeting was held Tues
day afternoon the call being issued by
Profs Bessey and Ward Prof George E
Condra was elected president
The meeting of the teachers of literature
and English was attended by about
seventy five persons Prof Sherman of
the university gave a brief address Re
ports of progress were made by Superin
tendents W H Skinner of Nebraska City
A A Bead of Crete and others A dis
cussion of plans and methods followed
The question of holding an educational
congress at Omaha this year received much
attention and the opinion was unanimous
in favor of the idea At the Oliver Thea
ter meeting on Wednesday December 29
a resolution was offered and adopted with
out a dissenting vote voicing their approval
of the congress and a copy of the resolu
tion was ordered sent to the secretary of
the committee having the project in
President Crabtree announced that Com
missioner Harris would not be present
and on request Prof Bcattie read his paper
on Normal schools Judge MBReese
dean of the college of law of the Univer
sity of Nebraska spoke on Right Em
phasis of Education Mrs Medora D
Nickoll of Beatrice spoke on the Relation
of the Womans Christian Temperance
Union to Education E N Brown of
Hastings chairman of the executive com
mittee read his report The association
now has about 1400 bearing interest The
afternoon was given over to sectional
meetings teachers dividing up aud attend
ing the section most interesting them
The meeting at the Oliver theater in the
evening was largely attended Chancel
lor George E MacLean delivered an ad
dress on The Next Stage in the Educa
tional Development of Nebraska which
had many features of interest to his au
Officers were elected as follows on
Thursday Dec 80
President J F Saylor Lincoln
Secretary Miss Stella Spohu Madison
Treasurer J W Dalzell Lincoln
Members of Educational Council W R
Fowler Blair JM McHughPlattsmouth
Among the important recommendations
made by the general council were admis
sion to the association of members of
school boards and womans clubs of the
state also action looking to a higher
standard of education as a requisite to ob
taining degrees from colleges and univer
sities and making more plain the distinc
tion between degrees of the two institu
Cannibal Island Currency
Curious moneys are used in the Can
nibal Islands The inhabitants of San
ta Cruz use for money rope ends an
inch thick and ornamented with scar
let feathers which are worn about the
waist The money of Solomon Island
consists of shells about the size of
shirt Ddttons They are threaded on
strings about four yards long and dis
tinguished as red and -white money
Dog teeth are of higher value and are
worn on strings about the neck Mar
ble rings are considered valuable mon
ey The currency table in these islands
would be about as foMows
Ten cocoanuts equal one string of
white money
Ten strings of white money equal
one dogs tooth
Ten strings of dogs teeth equal one
isa or fifty dolphins teeth
Ten isa equal one fine woman
One marble ring equals one head of
head antlers or one good hog or one
useful young man
Costly Telegraph Line
One of the most remarkable and at
the same time expensive telegraph
lines in the world is the overland tele
graph from Port Darwin to the south
of the continent of Australia Almost
the whole 2000 miles of its length runs
through uninhabited country much of
it a waterless desert The wooden
poles were prepared at the nearest
available places but some had to he
carried 350 miles while the iron poles
were taken an average distance of 400
miles by land Over 2000 tons of ma
terial had to be carried into the in
terior and the total cost was 10850
000 Exchange
No Scope
I bought little Tommy a trumpet
because he was so lonely but he did
not seem pleased
Well no you see his old grand
mother Is stone deaf Pick-Me-Up
Dear Scrap of Cloth
Two inches of cloth from a dress once
worn by Flora Macdonald sold in In
verness lately for 32
John Swlnton an associate editor of
the New York Sun for many years has
retired from the staff of that paper
Section Foreman and His Helper
Struck by a Train Former Killed
Instantly and Helper Dies Shortly
Afterward from Injuries Received
Accident Near Louisville
Sheriff Holloway and County Coroner
John A Clements of Elmwood were sum
moned to Louisville last week Friday to
look after two men who were struck and
one imtantly killed by the locomotive on
passenger train No 10 on the Burlington
cut off Section Foreman James English
of South Bend and one section hand had
stopped their car and were endeavoring to
remove it from the track instead of looking
afterthemselves and before they had made
any progress whatever they were struck
by the engine and hurled from the track
Foreman English was instantly killed and
his helper lived but a short time
The accident occurred in the dense
woods through which the Burlington and
Missouri passes just west of Louisville
and it was due to this fact as well as the
curve that the engineer on No 10 failed to
see the men until too late
Supreme Court Holds that the
Sureties Are Liable
The supreme court has reveraad the
finding of the district court of Holt County
iu the case brought against the bondsmen
of tlie late Barrett Scott treasurer of that
county The lower court held that the
bond was invalid on account of the chang
ing of the bond after it was presented
for approval The change consisted
iu the addition of other sureties
the board of supervisors insisting
that the securities on tUe bond as origin
ally presented were insufHcent TJe as
preme court reversed the decision holding
that the additional signatures which de
creased the liability of the original bonds
men did not absolve them from its obliga
tions Thesame point is involved in
the Bradley bond The opinion is by
Judge Harrison the other two judges
Hurt While Coasting
What came near being a fatal accident
occurred at Plattsmouth one day last week
While coasting on the long Main Street
hill a toboggan carrying four young boys
ran into a sleigh cronsing the path and the
two front lads were thrown against the
iron braces with sufficient force to inflict
severe scalp vouds and render them un
conscious for some time The two boys
in the rear escaped with nothing worse
than a bad fright The two injured lads
were taken to a doctors office nearby
where their wounds were dressed and their
parents summoned to look after them
Max Chapman the larger of the two was
able to walk home with assistance but the
wounds sustained by the younger Tom
Swearengen necessitated taking several
stitches and left him in a critical condition
Prison Scandal
A report as to tho penitentiary scandal
has been submitted to Gov Holcomb by
Expert Accountant Jewell It discloses
irregularities aggregating 53787187 Mr
Jewell says that only 552501 is recover
able by suit against bondsmen or the men
responsible The report scors the con
tract system formerly in vogue as against
the present state control saying that the
former resulted in a steal of over 500000
Under the contract system convicts cost
the state about 13 a month and under the
state control a fraction over 3 It adds
that the profit of the contractors from Oc
tober 1 1887 to August 1 1895 was some
what over 500000
Sugar Factory a Possibility
Eastern parties have made a urooosition
to the citizens of Gothenburg for the erec
tion of a beet sugar factory The propo
sition is to erect a factory to cost not less
than 500000 and have it in operation
in time to work up the 1898 crop of beets
Iu consideration of erecting the factory
they ask a bonus of 150000 The people
of Gothenberg will investigate
Narrow Escape
C H Calvin of Tilden narrowly escaped
burning out the other day He accidentally
dropped a lighted lantern in the hay in
his cow stable The burner came off and
the oil spread over the hay which caught
fire Fortunately some old horse blankets
were handy and Mr Calvin succeeded with
these in smothering the flames before any
damage was done
Thieves Loot an Engine House
While the members of No 12 engine
house in Omaha were absent from their
quarters in response to an alarm of fire the
other night the building was entered and
money and property carried away The
sleeping rooms were searched and several
firemen report articles missing Driver
Taylor lost 15 which he had deposited in
the Avashstand
Arrested for a Whipping
James Byrne and Fred Johnson were ar
rested at Herman as the result of a whip
ping they gave Charles Cameron a boy
iATly in October and then left town in a
nurry Cameron was flogged for a sup
posed insult to a sister of the Byrne boy
bit public opinion is divided as to his
guilt Fred Johnson is a telegraph oper
ator at Omaha
Ice Houses Filled
The contract for filling the Union Pacific
icehouse at Sidney has been completed and
130 tons was safely stored for consump
tion next year The ice is clear as crjstal
tad was cut on the Kruger dam on Lodge
Pole Creek six miles east of there
Broke His Leg
While playing see saw at his grand
mothers place at West Point Henry
Krause the 9-year-old son of Allie Krause
fell in such a manner as to fracture his leg
just above the ankle
Sand baggers at Work
Dr G J Robertson a veterinary sur
geon of Beatrice while driving into his
barn one night recently was sandbagged
and robbed of about 10 in cash
Safeblowers at Roseland
Safeblowers visited Roseland the other
night They blew open the safe at J H
Popes grain office but only succeeded in
getting a few cents in stamps Duncan
Brothers office was also enteerd but noth
ing was taken as their safe is not closed
Hurt in a Runaway
Fred Usher of Fairmont a boy about 15
years old hitched a young horse to a
gleigh to give some of his young friends a
ride The horse became frightened and
ran away throwing Usher out against a
tree He was unconcious for some time
iNehraske Authorities Take W IL
Griftlu of St Paul in Custody
W ILSriffin of St Paul Minn is in
jail at Beatrice charged with carrying co
weapons which is an excuse or
holding him for a graver charge soon
fee preferred Griffin went there to inter
est himself in the release of Charles Prince
the man recently captured in Texas for
robbing the hank of Adams Griffin has
plenty of money and is said to be a
wealthy liquor dealer but Detective Tiliot
son of Kansas City who is in Beatrice de
clares he is the friend of ome of the mo t
notorious crooks in the country Letters
taken from Griffin confirm this They are
of all varieties from an ordinary postoffice
thief to operators or green coods manu
facturers Postal officials will try and con
nect Griffin as a go between iu the sale oj
stolen stamps
Sold Whisky to Indian
United States Commissioner Sloane of
Pender held Harris B Smith of Emeron
to the grand jury in the sum of 500 on the
charge of selling Whisky to Indians tin
defendant waiving examination Iiufus
Jones of Emerson was given a preliminar
hearing on the same charge and was dis
charged Charley French an Indian was
held in 500 bonds to answer to the charge
of introducing whisky on the Winnebago
Reservation The latter was unable to
furnish bonds and was deposited in the
county jail at Omaha
Half Rate on Expo Goods
The department of Transportation ha
exhibition at the Trans Mississippi Exposi
been notified by the Canadian railways
that they will make a rate of one half the
usual tariff rates on goods intended for
tion This completes the list of railways
on the continent of North America all
roads having agreed to make this conces
sion to the exposition The railroads of
Mexico made the same announcement and
every freight association in the United
States has taken favorable action in this
7 Western Editorial Federation
The list of conventions which will meet
in Omaha next year continues to jjrow
The latest addition is the Western Edito
rial Federation an association composed
of representatives of the newspapers west
of the Mississippi The meeting recently
hold in New Orleans decided upon Omaha
as the place for the 1898 meeting and the
time of holding the convention will be
changed to some time during the summer
probably in June
Sued by the State
The Omaha National Bank was last week
sued for 200000 by the state of Nebraska
This is the amount of a check drawn by
defaulting State Treasurer Bartley lait
year in favor of the Chemical National of
New York This was to pay for a state
warrant sold to the New York bank
through the local bank The state claims
that both banks must have known of the
fraud and are therefore liable
Burglars at Nelson
Burglars paid Nelson a visit recently
cracking the safe in O B Webb Sons
store and drilled two holes in the post
office safe In the first place visited the
iron drawer of the safe containing some
notes and other aluable papers was taken
also some clothing and shoes The thieves
broke open the front door of the postoffice
but failed to get into the safe No other
Fenced Government Land
J A nunter a prominent ranchman
residing twelve miles north of Hunger
ford was placed under arrest by Deputy
Marshal Palmer on the charge of fencing
government land for his private use He
had a hearing before Commissioner
OKeefe and upon waiving examination
was bound over to the United States dis
trict court
Burglars at Fairmont
II G Bliss store at Fairmont was burg
larized recently Entrance was made by
taking a light of glass out of a back win
dow and reaching in and unlocking the
catch About 40 worth of fino cigars
were taken
Nebraska Short Notes
A bank is to be started in North Loup in
thenear future
The new creamery at Stella has com
menced operations
The commissioners of Hayes County
have employed an expert to check up the
public records of that county
There are a number of cases of diphthe
ria in Madison and church and all other
public meetings have been abandoned
Donald McLean writes toseveral ONeill
people that he will be there in the spring
to build the Pacific Short Line on to the
Pacific coast
The school lands in Rock County were
offered for lease last week and most of
them were taken The more desirable
portions brought a bonus
Blanch Hildebrand the Hartington girl
who disappeared just before an important
criminal case in which she was the princi
pal witness was called for trial has been
located by the officers and brought back
A call has been Issued for a meeting of
the sheep men of western Nebraska at
Kimball on January 15 The meeting is
for the purpose of perfecting an organiza
tion to protect the interests of sheep men
Waynes waterworks system pays tin
running expenses The investment of
20000 was well spent although some diffi
culties were experienced in the beginning
It is one of the best systems in any city in
the state
Burglars entered the postoffice at Exeter
last week and made an attempt to get into
the safe but were unsuccessful This is
the third similar visit withiu a year
Several parties in Sheridan County have
been trying Russian thistles for hay
Frank Nufer a stockman living southwest
of town put up several loads of them last
summer and he finds that his stock eats
them in preference to some other kinds of
hay The thistles are very nutritious and
stock thrives well upon them Those who
have experimented with them say they
should be raked up soon after being cut
before they dry while they are very juicy
they cannot be packed together close
enough to prevent their curing iu bunches
The stock for the Benkelman creamery
has all been subscribed and work on the
building will be commenced at once
Two brothers named Yanderpool had a
row with Edward Sherman at a dance in
Cortland when one of the brothers drew a
knife and literally cut one of Shermans
lungs out The brothers are in jail
Miss Jennie Tonng daughter of William
Young an old and respected farmer living
seyen miles south of Plattsmouth died
from the effects of a liberal dose of car
bolic acid In a note left to her father she
encouraged him in his old age but gave
no reasonjerher rsh act