The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 06, 1898, Image 1

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l V
Kr 3 JMwIot y
is i - r
n at TijriTJtrv
i me line of plain and fancy jew
elry -constantly on hand
y 2epairme promptly executed nd
done In the best manner
j 1 Full lino of sporting goods
Comina Events
Teachers Association Jau 8
Jackson Day January S
Frank Thorn spent New Years at
I6is LinccJn visited in town last
j Fred Robinson of Merriman was in
town Monday
George Rhodes of Stuart was in
y I town Tuesday
The county commissioners are in ses
slou this week
Davenport Thaeher are takiDg an
nvoice of stock this week
D M Underwood of Cody
jwn on business Monday
Judge Walcott
E McDonald is making a special
I sale of all blankets ana woelen under
4 wear Ilercis a chance to get bar-
Smrvevor tfos Estabrook of Lavaca
Jamc down Tuesday remained in
Ptown until today to take his oath of
The heating apparatus is being
placed in the new school house this
week J F Wyvel of Ainsworth do
ling the work
The misquerade ball nt Fort Nio
brara last Friday night was a grand
success fifty three couples taking part
in the grand march
IfcCwre A Cola utOnelfay
lets All Druggists refund the money
if it fails to Cure 25c 46
The state press association meets in
Lincoln next week but owing to a
Tush -of business ye editor will not be
able to attend the meeting
Katie Noble left Monday morning
-for-a three weeus visit with relatives
and friends at Kearney this state
and in Smith county Kansas
Attorney Clarke
Platte Friday on
- v -
was in
went to Merriman
sterday on legal business
The tower of the new school house
ill he completed this week
Mrs J A Adamson ofj Niobrara
alls is visiting in town this week
A G Shaw took a lot of snap pho
Itos of the ice gang at work Sunday
Chas Strickland is laying a new
idewalk in front of his Cherry street
Anlia Murphy returned from ONeill
Tuesday to resnme her school near
j Mrs It T Cook is spending a week
at Fort Niobrara visiting with Seargt
lole and wife
Lee Layporte says he
twelve poundsin weight
three months
Mrs F L Maloney went
Snrinffs Monday morning to
has gained
in the last
Ye editor has had a great hump on
himself all week meeting bills Now
is the time to subscribe 1
to Hay
sec her
father who is dangerously ill
A new sidewalk is being laid from
the corner of Main and Virginia
streets to the Valentine House
E Sparks and family have moved
into the house on Cherry street vaca
ted by Johnny Guth last week
Mrs Frank Fisher has been in
3 ligh during tn e last week at the bed
W sideofher father who is dangerously
went to North
busiuess From
Fullertou aud
thatplace he will goto
JJ Omaha before returning home
Everybody seemed to be out collect
ing bills Monday and straightening up
for the new year Even ye editor was
engaged in that pleasant pastime
The G A R will hold a meeting
Aicnur Gore is at the dep t or a
fov ds this week takiug th pi ce of
E L iViahoney who went to Hay
Springs Monday night on account of
his father-in-laws illness
Ventine has a number of married
bachelors on hand -ax bis writing
and d hree ot tkxsui have requested us
to publish a notice to the effect tkat
they are geiutcg pretty louesuuie
Edna McDonald aud Mae Daven
port returned to Lincoln Monday
morning to resume their studies
Both the girls are doing finely in their
work aud areirogres4iug rapidly
D W Fletcher is an expert when it
comes to manipulating a jig saw We
havu on -ex U3 billon m mis oiiice a
specimen of his hadiwoik iu the shape
of a puzzle made from a block of woud
Born Monday night January 3
188 to Mr and Mrs John Uuiiington
a ten and a halt pound girl John is
all swelled up over the event aud will
hardly talk ot anything else just now
F J Keislaud agent for the Minn
eapolis JLioture Frame Co makes his
headquarters at this place and any or
ders left for him at the Valentine
House will receive prompt attention
Tht of cattle at the South
Uinaha slock yards curing the last year
were 224371 more than iu 18U6V
lhe increase in the number of hogs
handled was 3016X1 ot sheep 2bl
The State Journal of last Friday
says that Chaplain Naves great book
the Topical iiibie is expected to net
the Wesley an university 1UUUUU0 in
royalties Irotn us sale in me United
For the benefit of those who are in
doubt about the mailer we announce
mat there will be Sunday fechooi in the
Episcopal churcn each ounday morn
ing at 10 oclock A good attendance
is desired
All kinds of rumors are afloat re
garding the mail routes the latest be
ing that an eastern star route mail
has the contract for the Kennedy
Chesterfield route daily mail lor
925 a y ear
The Minnechaduza Mill pays a higer
price for grain than any ther institu
tion or firm iu the northwest Farm
ers come all the way from east of Nor
den in Key a county to take
advantage of this lact
The Donoher presented its patrons
with an excellent dinner New Years
day and the possum which failed to
arrive in time for Christmas was serv
ed on this occasion They were hue
too with sweet potatoes
The Republican of Newport chron
icles four weddings in its town Christ
mas week three of ihem being held on
Christmas day Ye editor was ac
quainted with three of the contracting
parties and extends best wishes
Rev Bates held sei vices in the Epis
copal church Sunday morning aud
evening This church has made nu
merous additions to its membership in
the past year and Rev Bates feels
verv much encouraged for the coming
Le Roy Leach has at last decided to
issue his Woodlake Oracle every week
aud the first issue under the new plan
reached us Tuesday It Is a real new
sy little sheet a two column quarto in
size and starts out with a uice lot of
The Y P S C E will -give an In
traduction social at the 3sidence of
Mrs L O SparKs Thursday evening
January 13 Light refreshments will
be served and the introductions and
refreshments will cost but 10 ceiits
Dont miss this
Among the many who were given
the title of Professor this week were
Take Laxative liromoQuinine Tab- Jack Hnoton E Hreuklander F
rr J J Guth O W Morev John Dale
H It Edgar L Sparks I Stinard
T C Hornby J H Quigley and a
dozen or so others
To Clerk Daniels Treasurer Thack
rey Coroner Dwyer and Surveyor
Estabrook The Democrat extends a
cordial greeting and hopes that ihey
-may prove honest honorable and effi
cient public officials even as they
have been good citizens
Anna Lane a stenographer and
typewriter of Lincoln arrived in town
Tuesday night to accept a posiion
with W E Haley Miss Lane is a
very agreeable young ladv and will be
a welcome addition to the circle of
young people in Valentine
Grand Chief of Honor Delia Hard
ing of Hebron will be in Valentine
tomorrow Friday and in the evening
Saturday afternoon at 2 oclock for the
3rtvuiuj - a fn at Cornell Hall will address the De
rvnrnnsK oi iiimuuiili uunru
-WWW -
attendance of members is desired
The Valentine House has been hav
it -could attend
ing more buiness than
tend to the last few weeks This
speaks worlds for Landlord fiqoton
The holiday vacation at the -post -ex
piped Monday aud the boys mre once
i inert on duty A practice arch was
i - m the imase pomn -or rcri
mvt MTinsiHv
tiHt - rZ
cree of Honor and Wot k men Ail
Workmen and their wives are request
ed to be present at 8 o clock sharp
W E Waite of Chesterfield was tn
town on business Monday Mr Waite
is feeding 1200 head of cat tie at his
ranch for Contractor Humphrey aud
is putting 20 tons of hay into the
stock every day Chesterfield is ex
pprrted to boom nctf summer ivhoo
i the daily mail begins to run
Published for Fonr Years as
WORK OF 1897
Ad Business Done in Valentine tfn
tlwj Ycar Jast ttcn Hhowms t3ie
Iiupnrtanet olur Town
When people build houses it isan in
disputable feign of prosperity Iia Vali
entitle during the paBt year the
have been built
Curt Callcii 10x22 on nsrih Hall street
A il Kerguonon nortSi Hall street
Z V Vach n on north Jiall street
Geargo Horciby W Y Thompson four
J W Whillasis five rooms
J O Northrp five room
George Hornby Dr Evaits five rooms
Pete Petersen house on Macomb street
George Horuy Robert Good five rooms
Elmore street
U Boyer four rooms north Cherry street
A II Sherman three rooms
Waller Meltendorf five rooms
Jas Galloway four rooms
J J Girth seven rooms two stories
J Jf Yeast seven rooms one story and a
F l lsoler fitoe rooms aoath Cherry street
U G Dunndnylirion Alalcomb street
During the same time the following
improvements have been made in the
business part of town
The Dfiiiohcr two story nine rooms and base
ment annex
W E I L Efner combined millinery store
and dwellii r house
Hitt Kneeland twenty stall addition to
North werturn livery barn
Davenport Thaeher two story annex SixiJn
Tillson St Peters ten stalls and carriage
house added to livery barn
E Sparks Cherry Co Bank two story and
basement btoue aud biick bank othce building
Fischer Ludwig Mx bin coal house
D S Ludwig lumber shed and mipement
Cntbb Vincent warehouse
W A Pettycrew warehouse
J W Yeast warehouse
C II Cornell laboratory two rooms
C E Sherman twenty stall livery stable
In addition to all these new build
ings might be mentioned the follov
lng additions and improvements to pa
tabhshed property
D S Ludwig addition to west Catharine
street dwelling
J GStettt r kitchen on Cherry street dwel
John Smyscr 16x50 foot granary to livery
E BieulOander covered blacksmith shop with
corrugated fftin
In addition to the improvements
noted nbove our people have been
very active in building fence porches
barns and other outhouses Witness
the improvements made in this line
by Dan Ludwig D fetors Lee Lay
porte Walter Meltendorf Johnny
Guth A Morev W E Haley Dr
Dwyer aud a host of others
Two telephone lines have been put
up during the year one connecting
the depot The Donoher the mill and
city pump station lhe other from El
liotts drug store to Dwyers sanitor
ium The pity water mains have als
been extended several hundred feet
and the work is still going on
The greatest work of the year how
ever is the new school house a hand
some two story and basement brick
aud stone structure now being com
pletei The total cost of the building
heating plant furnishings and site
will be nearly 15000 This is one
of the handsomest and most compete
structures of the kind in the northwest
The county treasurer has been doing
considerable business during 1897
as will be seen by the following table
of t ixes paid during the year These
amoivits are exclusive of school hind
and other state monies
Jaimarv 3359 40
February 2415 48
M arch ZoUo oil
A mil 2978 48
Mav 2531 05
June 2920 77
Julv 2885 87
August 1 113 n f
September 3411 10
October 273 33
November 2443 22
Total 29 22102
Unlike the flock of the minister told
about by Prof Howlua the people of
Cherrv countv lve each other Dur
ing the twelve
average of over four per month al-
mosl one eaclL week and the Judges
onlv rejiret
more of em
is that ttiere were not
While individuals have been im
proving their property the village
council has not been idle During the
vear tnis body caused 3500 feet of
sidewalk to be laid and StrePt Com
missioner Lay pone used the prA tax
offerings principally in laying 350 feet
or stone street and aiiev crossings
J i GuUi las moved into hs nei
residence on Cherry ttreet and it now
queot the proudest mortils in town
Johnny has ieaton to leel proud too
when you come to thiulc of it We
dont know ot another house in town
thai is as comj lete or convenient as
his lhe dwelling has seven rooms in
autumn to lhe oatn room and neces
Sctry closets aud is healed by hot air
A letter to ye editor from C A Da
at Chiuo Caiiloraia saya
We have had a very pleasant fail
and winter so tar with scarcei ain
ram but hiill it has beeu quile couj
aud we liave had some haio irst
Fruit is hurt some but cauiut ted
how muetiet We are m a vaile
where lois of sugar beets are raieu
and we are near the sugar lacior
There is a lot of bailey giowti here
loo lhe use it tor hay We like li
Ubrt very much
The best way to make a bad law
odious is to enforce it There are
many laws in the blatutes of Nebras
ka which if properh eniorctd would
create such indignation amoug the
people as lo causae more care lo be ex
elciSed 111 selecting members of the
legislature possessed of suirckut edu
catimi as noMo depend upon sharped
employed to shape legislation or to
draw up bills as lull of loop holes as
a Hour sieve Too many lguoraojuses
are ben i to the legislature lor the good
ot the state Alliance Urip
V lse Wordw
A successful editor is ahvavs glad to
get a ue suuscilber is always nee to
uiKe a name lrom his list and does
not bate hib friendship upon the fact
ol youi being or uoi being a subset iber
Wnen you stop your subsciiption
ouch an ediiur cannot feel himself
your enemy nor will he look upon you
is any less a lrieud though you may
hive walked into his otliee on your
The correct understanding of these
principles may save you the trouble of
nikmg yourself ridiculous when you
dont Jtke something that the paper
uuulaius Urd Quiz
Oracnlar Utterances
Ilev Smith conducted a wateh meet
ing Friday evening
Willis Barnard is ejecting sheds and
fed yards preparatory to feeding a
bunch oi cattle
C O Murphy our genial agent ex
pects to leave tor Oklahoma in a few
days for a few weeks visit with his
relatives there
A party was given to the friends
iud neighbors oi J E Devor at his
home suuthvvest of town Wednesday
eveniug Dec 29th All who were
preseut repurc an enjoyable eveniug
W V Johnson has declared war on
the ever howling coyote and has been
conducting active operations against
the prowlers ot the plaius Thus far
he has captured two of the aforesaid
aud one broad shouldered badger
The Grade
Long EHntauce Itace
A few of the leading local sports and
hoisemen have alter due considera
tion decided to advertise another
long distance horse race similar to
that which started from Chadron to
lhe Worlds Fair at Chicago The
proposed race is to be run from Craw
ford to the Trans Mississippi Exposi
tion grounds at Omaha a distance of
500 miles the start to be madcu May
1 1898
A relief expedition to the Klondike
country started from here Sunday
night It consisted of two cars con
taiuing 21 mules 6 horses and pro
visions James Sweeney who has
charge of the outfit aud five men ac
company the two cars They go from
here to Vancouver KarracksWah via
Hillings and N P railroad Craw
ford Gazette
Prof Boivluti lieefare
Prof J W liowlus of the Nebraska
Wesleyan University lectured at the
Metlmdist church Saturday evening on
The Greeny at College to a fair
sized audience He started his
subject with this paraphase of a well
k now u quotation It is as hard to
find a man without a green 6pot in
him as it i to find a man without a
i Tri7v hone crrHen meanmsr Rome-
months just passed thi lmt is undeveloped He criti
juoge i owns grauieomarnaue licenses j vrv seveie terms the school
to 49 young men- and they are all hap- j svstem wMch dld ot bring out thfc H
tiv now or ouctit to tie i nis is an
ii j J
ThurP is still Fr imnrnwrnpn in - miii pmwL rtii uCwrt
i i a ii n n u
the sidewalk line but this wiU rrnh I UM1 MllS M rt ic
ablv he taken care of in the
dividualitv of the pupil and likened
the system to a brick machine where
all bricks came out alike 2x4x8 He
said that arithmetic was the most use
less and unpractical of all studies and
remarked that he had rather his hoy
should have one teaspoon ul of litera
hire than a quart of mathematics- He
took exception strongly to the old
saying of Bacon that Knowledge Is
power paying that it is not knowl
edge but the application of knowledge
that constitutes power He was very
severe on a certain class of people who
manage to get on school boards
a a aaara B nnrt S- U t 1 -
i Wain Ct Vf Ijf yUOa WHO 1IU1 DU1Y1HO
delivered an addnss in the church
jSiuidav JvpoTTjg in place of the
I coirnTuE on L AS page lar serviutss
v f 4 v
fy I
Jt m
cr 1
NO 50
To a business man or a man
of family is generally just a lot of
bills bills bills It is positively
discouraging to a man to be met
on New Years day with a great
big bill for groceries bought or
drygoods or shoes There are
two ways of getting rid of this
big bill unisance one is to pay cash for everything and so head
off the bills the easier way is to trade with us and your bills will
never be big our prices prevent that The best way to do though
is to combine the two plans given above Try it once
T Thacher
We will make special prices on our entire line of
In order to close out stock and make room for spring goods
We have just received an entire new hne of Shoes Mens Boys
Misses and Ladies which is complete in every particular
Minis suits cheap Boys suits 50c to 200 each
E McDonald
Come to
Clarence Sageser spent a few day in
Newport last week with friends in
this place Clarence is located in Val
entine where he has a barber sop
Donald McLean proposes to con
tinue the construction of the Pacific
Short line in the spring It takes
more than one man to build a railroad
Newport Republican
The policy of arresting Indians
every time one of them manages to get
a drink of whisky serves two purposes
It allows deputy United States mar
shals to earn nig fees and affords the
Indians an opportunity to live a little
better than usual at the expense of the
taxpayers If the policy serves any
other purposes they are not apparent
at this distance World Herald
The cares of business and married
life are telling on Editor Good of The
Valentine Temocrat judging from
the way he bemoans not having sons
old enough to run hi3 shop for him
while he took a vacation as did Lyon
of the Gordon Journal Have pa
tience me bye Komi was not bnilt
in a dav Ainsworth Star Journal
Mrs Frank Yanish of Merriman is
spending the holidays with her Gor
don friends
C V Thorn the editor of the Val
entine Independent spent Monday vis
iiing friends in our city
J E Thackrey formerly storekeep
er and postmaster at Cooper but now
residing at Valentine was transacting
business In Gordon Monday - Gordon
Marcus A Ilauna is having a hard
time of it in Ohio trying to be elected
senator A number of republicans
have bolted from his support and in
conjunction with the democrat suc
ceeded in organizing the legislature
Monday Every means known to
modern politics is being used to whip
the recalcitrant republicans into line
but the pr ibnbilities are that the effort
will fail and a democrat will be elected
nest Wednesd iiy
ip i
the Valentine House
We will give you a good clean bed and tlie
to eat 100 per day or
35o per week
1 tff x x x
A if
North Western Line is to beat
to and from the
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
Pacific Short Line
Through connections both ways with Black
Hills trains by teklnc this line vou can eo to
Sioux City and return raesamedav connection
made withall trains for the East and Soatu
Dakota Buv local tickets to ONeill
Office over
A- 5
I t