The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 30, 1897, Image 1

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i t
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on Tiand
Repairing promptly executed and
done i the bost manner
Full line of sporting goods
Hair cutting and shaving
hop in the W II Moses building
Jflbrth Western Line is to best
to and from the
Com InaEventft
New Year Jan l
W Bowles Lecture Jan l
Teachers Association Jan 8
Jackson Day January S
The roof is being put on the Sparks
-building this week
W T Kincaid spend Saturday with
friends in Ainsworth
Miss Delia Sawyer of Sparks is
viaiting in town this week
Mis3 Childe leaves for her new field
ol work at Alliance tonight
McLaughlin U S Indian in
epector stopped in town Monday
Nellie and Edith Oliver of Longpine
are visiting John Simpson3 family
CF Mai tin spent Saturday and
Sunday with his parents in Ainsworth
The railroad ice gang had to lay off
work yesterday on account of soft
Prof W S Stoop was over from
the industrial school Tuesday buying
Prof R H Watson went to Wahoo
Saturday morning so probably ate his
Christmas dinner at Norfolk
J A Adamson and family spent
Christmas with Mrs Adamsons broth-
or Walter Melteudorf and family
Fred Gordon came down from
Crookston Friday and Saturday went
to some place in the vicinity of
Rev A R Julian of Chadron was
in town a couple of das this week vis
iting with R G Easley and other old
11 J Cook came down from Ander
son ranch near Cody Saturday and
stayed with his family here until Mon
day night
Mrs Lizzie Crawford spent Christ
mas with friends in Atkinson and
went from that place to Lincoln Mon
day morning
Messrs Fletcher Moseiy and Robin
son workmen on the school house
spent Christmas in Ainsworth with
thsir families
Prof Jack Cronin was in from his
ranch yesterday and donated 11
pounds of fine butter to the supplies of
the Editorial buttery
Wni Krotter and H Shank the
latter one of the leading merchants of
Stuart are in town today after a trip
to Rosebud yesterday
While on the way to Longpine Sat
urday morning we had the pleasure of
chatting with Profs Duff of Rushvllle
and Giffon of Ainsworth
Miss 3Iinnie Deworitiy spent Christ
mas with her parents in Ainsworth
Frank Brayton accompanied her home
returning Saturday night
Miss Lucy Rruner went home to
spend Christmas Saturday morning
and expected to attend the state teach
ers association at Lincoln this week
J Guth received a handsome com
bination malacca cane and umbrella as
a present from the wholesale liquor
house of LouiB Loeb a Rock Island
111 --
The days are growing longer We
hope that the old saw when the days
begin to lengthen the cold b g ns to
strengthen will not prove true
Mrs A T White went to Tekamah
Saturday morning to make a short vis
it with relatives She also in minis
making a short visit in Omaha prior to
her return
Edna McDonald and May Daveu
port came up from Lincoln where they
are attending the state university
Friday and are vi3ititig their parents
here this week
Dan Ludwig will commence the de
livery of 2U0 tons of soft coal to the
Indian school next week Lt is said
that this school uses from seven to ten
tons of coal per daj
George II Hornby presented his
friends and patrons with live calen
dars for the new year this week
They are fine specimens of the print
ers and engravers art
Miss Mabel Marsden came down
from Valentine last Friday Sne has
been employed for the past four
months at W E Waites south of Val
eiitiue Ainsworth Star Journal
Ye editor and wife ate Christmas
turkey with Mrs Democrats parents
in Liongpine and brought home a lus
cious n ar quarter of an animal of the
porcine species as a souvenir of the
It is true that ships and winlniills
and such things look very pretty and
show great ingenuity in conception but
we would rather have an old tathioued
Christmas tree and big fat Santa
Perry Lawson and wife gave a
possum dinner Sunday to Al Thacher
Lew Browned Ed Clark Dan Lud
wig aud Ciscero Thompson The boys
say the possum was a daisy and was
cooked to a turu
C M Sageser the barber spent a
few days of the past week in Newport
and Stuart visiting friends and rela
tives It was currently reported that
Clarence went away on business but
the rumor was false
Afcer enjoying a brief visit with his
family Mr Ed Bowker returned to
Valentine last week The ties
home are so strung that it is impossi
ble to push them aside een though we
would- The Sioux County Journal
We have been in the habit of turn
ing away all people who cirae to us
for calling cards but wont do so any
rubre We have laid in an excellen t
supply of cards and a couple of fonts
of the latest style script for printing
J E Thackrey is taking lessons in
the couutv treasurers office this week
preparatory to assuming control of ths
office on Jan b Mr Thackrey has
rented the Ludwig property on west
Catharine street for a residence Mrs
Thackrey is not expected here for sev
eral weeks
Word was received from L D Lin
coln Monday that his daughter
Gertie Mrs Milton Anderson died
Sunday at her home in Flora 111
This will be sad news to the many
friends of the deceased as she was
well known throughout the county
having been a teacher in our schools
C B Cook finished his first term of
school in the Cutcomb district last
wevk and came down to spend the
holidays with his parents Charley
has given such good satisfaction to the
patrons of th school that the have
engaged him to teach another term of
two months which will begin the first
of the year
Misses Etta Brown and Belle Callen
went to Lincoln Monday morning to
attend the state teachers association
Wb doubt if another town in the state
300 miles from the place of meeting
sends its full corps of teachers to the
association We think that Valentine
should be designated for the North
western Association next year in view
of the fact that our teachers take so
much interest In educational work
On Saturday evening December 18
1897 United States Land Commission
er Robert Lucas was united in mar
riage to Mrs Ella Rourke The cere
mony which was a private affair was
performed at the home of the bride
Rev David Oastlet officiating To say
that Bobs numerous friends weie
surprised would be putting it mildly j
some of them cannot believe it yet
However it is a fact and since the
boys had to lose him they are glad
that such a nice little woman as Mrs
Rourke secured him The Gordon
A portion of the Ft Niobrara mili
tary band gave an entertainment at
the Firemens Hall on Monday evening
They rendered some splendid music
but the audience was not very large
and the boys felt somewhat discour
aged They had intended to have an
entertainment at Ft Robinson but
the commanding officer of the post it
is claimed refused to allow the same
Tha disappointment there coupled
with the small turnout here mnde
them feel rather rocky and cau ed
them to wend their wav to their Quar
ters Crawford Bulletin v
Published fov Fonr Years as
Short Sketch of the Popular Fiim
oi Jackson Brajton
A business firm that occupies a fn e
building is always an object of inter
est o the general public and a stran
ger in town
muci more
external appear-
interua or
the part he cannot spe This accounts
in a great degree for the numerous in
quiries made regarding Jackson
Brayton or the Red Front as teir
store is called but in this case imprest
continues after an inspection of the in
terior of the store
W S Jackson came to Valentine
from Pecatonica Ills in May 1890
and entered the employ of IN Bryan
the original proprietor of the Red
Front in the capacity of clerk and he
remained in this position until the fall
of 1891 when lie formed a partnership
with C R Watson and purchased the
drug store then owned by E J Daven
port In July 1892 he purchased a
half interest in the lied Front and a
few months later sold his interest in
the drug store The firm of Bryan
Jackson continued to do business un
til January 4 lSi when the building
and stock of goods were destroyed by
fire They occupied the lot on which
the stone buildifg now slands After
the tire February 13 Jackson pur
chased the general merchandise stoie
of J M Carpenter and in July sold a
half interest to Frank Brayton
Frank Brayton cama to Cherry
county from Fondulac Wis March
26 1886 and like all comers at that
time took a claim In fact Frank
took 320 acres of government land
about three miles north of Crookston
and lived thereon until August of the
same year hen he came to Valentine
and entered the employ of Sparks
Bros as a clerk He remaiued with
this firm until November when he en-
tered the employ of E McDonald and
with this gentleman worked until
June 19A when c accepted a posi
tion with T C Hornby Here he
stayed until June 1894 and in July
became associated with Jackson in the
Red Front
The firm of Jackson Brayton
has made a success of its business and
is adding thereto constantly In Jan
uary of last year the firm moved from
the building now occupied by Crabb
Vincent to their fine new stone build
ing in order to obtain more room but
even this move was nut enough so
the boys started a new foundation this
fll on which will be built a 25x80
foot annex in the spring This annex
will give them a store 50x80 feet in
size in addition to their warehouse
and other out Suildings and we doubt
if any town west of Norfolk in this
state has as- complete a stock of gen
eral merchandise in one store as does
the Red Front
The Urecny at College
James W Bo wins Ph D of the
Nebraska Wesleyau will lecture at the
Methodist church next Saturday at
730 p in from the sublect The
Greeny at College Admission 25
and lo cents
Rpiev Leader Cleveland O
Eloquent inspirnR Olnaha Bee
Greeny drew the largest audience of the
course Times Ashland
Prof McMillan the strong
who was here a week or two ago
Pas President C R Glover
rroi j w tsoius am rn u pneiue seconu Class Exercise
lecture in the ispwonn league course on dan
4 on The Greeny It gives me great pleasure
to say that the entire audience was instructed
and delighted He is a vigorous profound
thinker and gifted with a literary stye of a
higler order He is a man who will always be
welcomed the second time
Benj S HaywooDj Pastor M E Church
faoldrege Kebr Jau 20 1807
Christmas Dill of Fare
The Douoher gave its patrons
Lamb with Green Peas
Escaloped Oysters
following dinner Christmas day
Scotch Broth
Possum with Sweet Potatoes
Goose with Baked Apples
Beef with French Pickle
Strawberries with Rice
Potato Salad with Mavonnalse Dressing
Cheesed wafers
Mashed Potatoes
Hot Slaw
English Plum Pudding
faliced Tomatoes
Brandy Sauce
Spotlgo ana Fruit Cake -
Tea Coffee Miik
The dining room was splendidly de
corated with evergreens holly and
cut flowers
The Sons and Daughters of Protec
tion gave a social to a nunber of their
frifnds at their lodge hall Monday
night A number of for
membership was the direct result of
this hospitality
in with a couple of comedians at Ains
worth and the three are touring the
state the strong man being the star
The Sons and Daughters of Protec
tion have elented the folio winor oncers
f course impressed toseive during the ensuing six mouths
ance of things than of the
President -A Lewis
Vice Piesideul -Lon Vaehon
Chaplain Marv J Glover
Secretary O W Morev
Treasurer Mrs Vincent
Inner Guard W A Pettycrew
tinier Guard Fred Vincent
Trustees -Mrs Lewis Mrs Petty
crew C R Glover
Ruck March 29 October 25
May 3 September 2a
I Brown April 11 October K
Boyd May 24 September 1
Cherry April 4 October 31
Sherldau March 28 Decembers
Dawes March November 14
Sioux May 0 September 1
XJlY AJULli 4lglll 4j ULIUUU1
Christmas JintertalnmentH
The Cfonstrass entertainment at the
Methodist church Saturday evening
was unique The time hunored tree
was discarded and Santa Claus was
ignored and in their places appeared a
Ferris Wheel and Christopher CoI
u tubus The decorations were sup
erb aud elicted many admiiing com
ments from the 500 or more persons
present The wheel was about ten
feet in diameter aud was lavishly de
corated with evei greens and colored
candles as were the supports or frame
of the wheel while the cars loaded
with presents were illuminated with
colored lights After the unveiling
the wheel was almost constantly m
motion and vividly reminded one of
the pleasures of the Worlds Fair and
its gay Plaisance Rev Moore as
Christopher Columbus made a few ap
propriare remarks prior to tho distri
bution of presents Following is the
Carol Lift Up Your Gates School
Prayer Rev 3 W Hoisclaw
Carol Ring theCnnstmas Bells School
Responsive Scripture Reading
Recitation Circumstances of His Birth
Sarah Simpson
Carol All J lory to God School
Class Exercise Our Redeemer
Primary Classes
Recitation The Journey to Jerusalem
Glen Hoenig
Carol Christmas Gladness Sehcol
The Christmas exercises at the Pres
byterian church Friday evening were
well attended and the little folks ap
preciated the treat very much The
tree upon which the presents were hung
was very pretty and everything went
off smoothly W S Barker was mas
ter of ceremonies and John Whillans
impersonated therjaTonjrsaint of the
occasion The following program was
rendered prior to the distribution of
the presents
Song Christmas Bells Choir
Prayer Rev Bassett
i Song First Olirfirtiiias Little Folk3
Christmas Candles Miss Kiesters Class
Anthem There Wefe Shepherds Choir
Procession of mouths t
Soug Beautif ul Christmas Day Choir
The Episcopal Christmas tree and
entertainment was given Saturday
evening Thechurch was artistically
decorated wilh evergreens and the
tree when illuminated made an ex
ceptionally fine showing All the
children received a present from the
tree The program was short consist
ing principally uf carols by the child-
big bill
district is to combine the two plans given above Try it once
Married for Fifteen Years
Mr and Mis am Hudson celebrat
ed lheir Costal Wedding at their com
fortable home three miles west of
jimeon ChriMtinns day in the presence
of a large number of friends The
guests began to arrive at 11 a m and
dimer was served at 2 oclock The
table fairly groaned under its load of
good things and after it was over the
participants felt like doing the same
thing The wedding ceremony was
performed in a very neat and appro
priate manner by Captain Piercy and
in the evening vocal and instrumental
music was furnished by members of
the company As host and hstess
Sam and his wife cannot be excelled
and we anxiously await an invitatiou
to attend their china wedding Below
is a partial list of the many presents
received in commemoration of the
Silver mounted fmit basket Capt D A Piercy
aud wile silver mounted pickle castor cjn
Uhya tftid W4to slvt r mounted French mirror
J 1 Outh and wile berry set J W Burleigh
and will water set W J Ballard set salt and
pepper shakers Mr Carter set individual salt
UjUyip and cutgUss tumblers W Davis and
uilerglass dish Airs Hobbs cake siiin I Miss
llaeshon bon dish J W Daniels asil wife
of His Birth
Six pupils
Dialogue Intermediate pupils
Scripture Reading
Duet Miss Myrtle Query and John Mast
Short address by Christopher Columbus in
troducing the famous Kerris Wheel
NO 49
To a business man or a man
of family is generally just a lot of
bills bills bills It is positively
discouraging to a man to be met
on New Tears day with a great
big bill for groceries bought or
dry goods or shoes There are
two ways of getting rid of this
nuisance one is to pay cam for everything and so head
off the bills the easier way is to trade with us and your bills will
Iat8 for Holding Courts
The following is a list of dates for n sver be biir our nrices Drevent that The best way to do though
holding court in the various
composing the loth judicial
We understand that Judge
will hold court here
Holt Maich I September 30 i
rj X X i j
Are tv of the hardest things to get generally in jjalo
Are always fresh and are the best in the market
are always the lowest VVe solicit your trade
Miss Anna Connolly returned to her
home at Valentine Wednesday where
she will remain until after New Years
Mrs Chas Sparks and son of Val
entine are in the city spending Xmas
and New Years with her mother Mrs
The F E is arranging to cut ice
again at Gilmaus Valentine pond
This will insure a good supply for the
dof days Several men and teams
will go from Clj dron to assist in the
job The Chadron Journal
F J Reisland agent for the Mmn
eopolis Picture Frame Co makes his
headquarters at this place and any or
ders left for him at the Valentine
House will receive prompt attention
Now is the time to subscribe 100
When you are in need next time see us abcut it
E McDonald
Complete line dry goods shoes and clothing Store at Crookston also
Come to
We will give you a good clean bed and the
to eat 100 per day or
35o per week
VVe have decided to close out our entire line of Clothing
to make room for a large new stock of Dry Goods Hats
Caps Boots and Shoes and in order to get rid of the stock
in the shortest possible space of time wre will sell the goods
This is not a fake closing out sale nor is it a sale for
the mere purpose of drawing trade to our stor we are ac
tually closing out this line of our business Among the
bargains will be found all stvles of
and a complete line of overcoats Call early while the as
sortment remains unbroken We also offer bargains in ro
ceries and dry goods Prices lowr on a cash ba3is
r ytt
Pacific Short Line
Through connections both ways with Black
Hills trains by taking this line you can go to
Sioux City and return the same dav connections
made withall trains for the East and Souttt
Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill
Office over
T C Hornby 8