The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 23, 1897, Image 4

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this toe world
Said the Far Eastern Squadron Will
Winter in a Chinese Harbor
Should n Seizure Be Made Prance
Will Follow Suit
Britain Wants a Piece
An unconfirmed report was current in
London Monday that part of the British
far eastern squadron will be stationed at
this winter If true this
indicates Great Britiau is working in har
mony with Japan The latter still occu
pies pending the payment
of the Chinese war indemnity
The newspapers are much disturbed
over the situation What do we get
is the burden of their complaint All in
sist upon the necessity for immediate ac
tion Advices from Paris show France is
awaiting Great Britains action If Great
Britain follows the lead of Russia and
Germany and occupies a seaport Franco
will forthwith follow suit
Charles Zanoli Is a Man of Many
Slowly but surely a chain of damaging
evidence is being tightened around Charles
Zanoli tho Bluebeard barber with the
many aliases tho man of many tragedies
now confined in a cell in the gloomy
Tombs prison New York on charges of
grand larceny and murder Onlyjthe first
charge was registered when Zanoli was
first taken into custody The second was
added after an autopsy on the remains of
the barbers fourth wife exhumed last
Within tho last three years seven per
sons closely connected with Zanoli have
died under suspicious circumstances He
collected life insurance on them all Four
of the seven were his wives They all
died within a period of two years and two
months At the time of their marriage to
him they were all strong healthy women
By their death they yielded to Zanoli life
insurance in amounts ranging from 200 to
52500 Each one of them wasted away
and died soon after becoming the wife of
the mysterious barber
Noted Bandit Wishes to See More
of The World
Emmet Dalton who was captured dur
ing the attempt at wholesale bank robbery
in Coffeeville Kan live years ago and
sentenced to imprisonment for life is
about to apply for a pardon Judge J D
McCue of Kansas City who was for five
years judge of the district court of Mont
gomery Kan and who passed sentence
upon Emmet Dalton has received a letter
invoking his aid in tho matter
Judge McCue to a question by a report
er said I certainly could not conscieti
recommend executive clemency
jiow What action I might take some
years later I cannot now say There is no
question in my mind that Dalton should
be severly punished
In the Dalton raid four of the despera
does and four citizens were killed and
a number injured Emmet Dalton was
severely wounded and captured while at
tempting to assist his brother Rob who
was fatally wounded to escape
Federation of Labor Indorses the
Bill Pending in Congress
The American Federation of Labor in
session at Nashville Tenn adopted a res
olution Monday indorsing the bill pend
ing iu congress for the establishment of
postal savings banks with the clause rel
ative to national banks stricken out and
expressing approval of the national move
ment for the purification of elections
Reducing Number of Days Work
Notices have been posted in the Union
Pacific shops at Cheyenne and Laramie
1 Wyo reducing the time of the men em
ployed from five to four days a week and
from eight to seven hours a day taking
effect immediately In addition the em
ployes are given a lay off of ten days dur
ing the holidays This is equal to a reduc
tion of SO per cent in wages
Fatal Results of -Poisoning
John Strauss of Elk City Kau is dead
his two sons are dyiug and Mr Reed and
his daughter are criticall ill from drink
ing coffee into which rat poison had fallen
accidentally The unforluuatos were par
ticipants in a social at the Strauss home
France Raises the JDiity
AbiU increasing the customs duties on
Jiogsand hog products has been adopted
by the French chamber of deputies It
jnakes the duty on hogs 12 francs and
sucking pigs 3 francs hog products 5J
francs laid 35 francs per 100 kilos
Several Killed by an Explosion
In an- explosion on board the British
steamer Southern Cross from Buenos
Ajxes for Liverpool several persons were
killed or wounded
Famous Hotel Man Dead
Lewis Leland one of the family ot
famous hotel men died in New York Mon
day aged G5 He retired from active life
several years ago
An Engineer Killed
The Atlantic and Pacific engine running
at full speed down the Dragon mountains
cast of Benson Arizona came in collision
with a double header freight killed Engi
neer Patterson of the freigbJt and smash
ing the locomotive and many of the freight
Famons Models Beauty Marred
The famous artists model in Paris
Lucie Hagerland has had her beauty
destroyed by vitriol thrown at her j
by another model named Juidicoll in a
jfit of jealousy
Convicted Election Judges Friends
in Chicago Threaten the Jury
John J Hanrahan and Patrick Ferris
Judges of election in the Seventh ward in
Chicago at the last municipal election
were on Friday convicted of falsifying
the election returns and sentenced to the
penitentiary Both Hanrahan and Ferris
tiad many friends in the court room and
when the verdict was announced there
was almost a riot The friends of Hanra
han and Ferris cursed the jury vigorously
nd made vicious threats against Assist
ant States Attorney Barnes who had
prosecuted the case When the jury was
tbout to pass out of the court room two
wen friends of the convicted former judge
3f election seized Silas A Hunt one of
ihe jurors by the coat collar and de
manded How did you come to convict
thes e men under the evidence
I was coerced into it replied Hunt
With a jerk that nearly took Hunt off
his feet the two men pulled the juror up
before Judge Chotlain who presided at
the trial
This man says he was coerced Into sign
ing this verdict your honor cried one of
the men
But you signed it did you not quried
the court
I did responded Hunt
Then the court can do nothing said
Judge Chetlain
They can bring the matter of alleged
coercion -up when the motion for a new
trial is argued said Assistant States At
torney Barnes
This remark attracted the attention to
the assistant states attorney and the ex
cited mob addressed vile language to him
until the court room was cleared It was
considered necessary to send officers with
Mr Barnes to his home to protect him
from violence
His Venezuelan Asphalt Mine
Scheme Falls Through
A dispatch from Caracas Venezuela
says In October Gov Piugree of Mich
igan came here to obtain an option on the
Pedernales asphalt mine near the mouth
of the Orinoco He left here greatly
pleased to have obtained it as he thought
It is said immediately after his return
home he formed a sjndicate of friends re
siding in Milwaukee Detroit and Chicago
to buy and exploit the mine
Gov Pingree does not speak Spanish
and did not discover that the option sold
to him to buy the mine for 80000 was sub
ject to the approval of the general meet
ing of the shareholders who refused later
to recognize the document signed by their
A party composed of Col Eli S Sutton
secretary for Gov Pingree Edward P
Hacket a banker of Milwaukee and two
engineers came to Caracas with letters of
credit and full power to close the deal im
They were stupefied when they were
told that the shareholders of the asphalt
mine demanded 160000 for the property
instead of the 0000 stipulated m the op
tion sold to Gov Pingree Protests were
of no avail
William Carr of Missouri Executed
for His Awful Crime
William Carr the child murderer was
hanged at Liberty Mo Friday morning
Following the first momentary lull after
the drop had fallen the 600 spectators as if
moved by a single impulse rushed for
ward crying shrieking and laughing as
they surged under the gallows and packed
close around the dangling corpse They
would not be satisfied until a close view of
the hanged man was revealed
Carrs crime was one of the most brutal
and unprovoked in the history of the state
On October 13 last the body of Belle Carr
a child by the murderers first
wife was found on a sand bar in the Mis
souri River near Kansas City Carr con
fessed telling how he carried the child
from his home tied her arms and limbs
securely corded a heavy stone to the litlte
ones breast and then not heeding the
query What are you going to do papa
threw her into the water He admitted
Mrs Carr told him to get rid of the child
but maintained his wife had no hand in
the crime
Morgue Robber Is Caught
Henry Ulrich formerly a watchman at
the Dunning Insane Asylum in Chicago
has been arrested charged with complicity
in the morgue robbery of that institution
two months ago Four bodies of patients
who had died in tho asylum were stolen
Ulrich practically admitted his guilt and
offered to tell the whole story if promised
immunity from punishment declaring
that prominent people in Chicago and
other cities were implicated in the robbery
of the morgue His offer was refused
Castellnnes Buy a Palace
A London dispatch says that Count and
Countess Castellane formerly Miss Anna
Gould have purchased an Italian palace
atVerong in which are eleven ceilings
painted by Tiepolo They will be trans
ferred to the Castellanes Paris house
which contains a splendidly appointed
Plate Glass Strike is Over
The plate glass strike in Indiana is over
the 1630 men in the Kokomo and Elwood
plants having accepted the companys
proposition ior polishers to be paid for
piece work Both factories will resume
operations this week
Murk Twain Paying His Debts
Mark Twain recently paid 25000 to the
creditors of the publishing firm of W L
Webste r Co of New York in which he
was a partner He has now paid 75 per
cent of the debt which he considered him
self in honor bound to make good
Fresh Panama Scandals
M Henri Maret member of the French
chamber of deputies and M Aime de
Draint Marlin a former member have
been arrested in connection with the
Panama scandal
Earthquake in Virginia
Ashlan 1 seventeen miles uorth of Rich
mond Va reports a shock of earthquake
at Gzil nVlock Sunday evening The
movement was from east to west
Account Says the Insurgant Leader
Aranguren Who Received Ruiz
Shared His Fate Gen Rodriguez
Ordering Both Executed
Killing of Blancos Envoy
The following cable advices were re
ceived at the Spanish legation in Wash
ington Monday
Havana Dec 19 Absolutely trust
worthy reports permit us to affirm that
Ruiz was shot with Aranguren Friday by
order of Alexandria Roderiguez After
several letters exchanged between Ruiz
and Aranguren Ruiz left Havana on Mon
day to meet Aranguren not upon an of
ficial mission but only as a friend It is
not known how Roderiguez arrived but
the fact is that that leader ordered the
shooting of both Ruiz and Aranguren
The ferocity of such action indicates
better than anything else the faith in au
tonamy the intransigeants being obliged
to resort to terror to prevent the disband
ing of their bands Such is the general
opinion and public opinion unanimously
condemns such act as savage and un
worthy Sagosto
Body of JLewis George Clark Uics in
State in Lexington
The body of Lewis George Clark the
original of George Harris of Harriet
Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin
lay in state for four hours at Lexington
Ky Thousands of persons viewed his re
mains No such honor has ever before
been paid a negro in Kentucky or the
Lewis George Clark was born in Madi
son County Kentucky the property of
Samuel Campbell in 1812 Although born
in slavery he was three fourths white
His mother was the daughter of Samuel
Campbell a Madison County Kentucky
slave owner of Scotch descent His father
was Daniel Clark a Scotchman
Open Switch Cause a Bad Wreck
Seven Persons Hurt
An open switch on the Chicago and
Alton railroad was the cause of a collision
Sunday afternoon between the St Louis
limited passenger and a freight train on
the sidetrack at Pontiac III The brake
man whose duty it was to close the switch
was unable to move it The passenger
train was approaching He jumped on
the track and signalled for it to stop The
engineer applied the air brakes and re
versed his engine but it was too late and
the passenger went crashing into the
freight Seven persons were seriously in
Mrs Lease Thinks She May Suc
ceed Jerry Simpson
In a letter to friends at Great Bend
Kan Mrs Mary Elizabeth Lease states
that her lecture engagements are not prov
ing as profitable as she expected and an
nounces that she expects to return to Kan
sas and begin an active canvass for the
Populist nomination for congress in the
Seventh District
The fight against Jerry Simpson she
says will prevent his renomination and it
is her hope to eventually secure a majority
of the votes in the convention
Famous German Editor and Poli
tician Suddenly Summoned
Washington Hessing proprietor of the
Illinois Staats Zeitung one of the leading
German papers of the northwest and post
master of Chicago during the last term of
President Cleveland died suddenly Satur
day afternoon of heart disease The
physicians declared that he died of heart
Bank Going out of Business
After an existence of twenty five years
the Home National Bank of Chicago Will
close its doors at the close of the present
year and go into voluntary jliquidation C
J C Billings president of the bank an
nounces that the institutions corporate
existence is being ended because of his
inability to devoto the necessary time to
conducting its affairs The Home Na
tional Bank was organized in 1872 and has
a capital stock of 250000
Christian Scientist Arrested
Frank Kirby a christian scientist of
Camden N J who refused to call on a
physician when his 2-year-old daughter
was taken sick with diphtheria was held
by the coroner in 500 bail for his appear
ance before the grand jury The coroners
jury fixes upon him the responsibility for
his childs death
Bodies of Rousseau and Voltaire
The bodies of Voltaire and Rousseau
were again exhumed in Paris Saturday in
order to settle a long standing controversy
as to their authenticity The remains of
Voltaire were well preserved and mark
edly resemble Houdons statute Of the
body of Rousseau only the skeleton re
To Search for Missing Boate
The government steamer Quadrabuquo
has left Victoria B C for Barclay to
search for three boats which six days ago
left the steamer Cleveland with twenty
two men and which have not since been
seen and also to render assistance to the
survivors of the stranded vessel
Killed Her Mother
Floro Sweet aged 40 years about mid
night Sunday shot and killed her mother
at Susquehanna Pa The daughter ad
mitted her guilt and said it was the result
of a quarrel It is believed that the daugh
ter was temporarily insane when she fired
the shot
Merry Brought Back to Chicago
Chris Merry charged with the murder of
his wife in Chicago and Chas Smith al
leged accomplice of Merry arrived in Chi
cago Monday from Princeton Ky where
they were arreclcd They stoutly denied
ftny knowledge of Mrs Merrys death
Inoreased Demand for Steel a Feat
ure of the Week
Bradstreets Weekly Review says A
sensible quieting of the demand in whole
sale lines is reported as the holiday season
and the annual stock taking period ap
proaches Chief among the favorable
features of the week has been enlarged in
quiry at higher prices for steel in various
forms accompanied by an advance in the
prices of sorts most affected A cor
respondingly heavy business has de
veloped in pig iron and prices show but a
slight shading in the face of the current
immense production
The wheat market has been less feverish
and prices are practically unchanged from
a week ago while corn oats and sugar are
additions to the list of tho products show
ing advances At the east trade in whole
sale lines is quiet but retail trade has
stimulated sufficiently to allow of a fair
record of business in seasonable lines
The trade situation west and northwest is
one of unimpaired strength although
milder weather checks distribution of
winter wear goods
Liquor Is Still in Good Condition
Though Buried Forty Years
When the river steamer Arabia sank in
the Missouri River near Parksville Mo
over forty years ago her cargo included
165 barrels of whisky For several weeks
past a small force of river men have been
digging into a sand bar near Parksville in
search of the Arabias valuable cargo
Late Friday afternoon the diggers un
covered the wh3ky finding the barrels
well preserved and have notified the
United States revenue authorities that they
desired to remove their find The diggers
will realize a handsome sum for their
work and the government will receive
about 7000 revenue tax on the liquor
Whips Dan Creedon of New Zealand
in Fifteen Rounds
Norman Selby of Rush County Indiana
the star known in pugilistic circles as Kid
McCoy is undoubtedly the middleweight
champion pugilist of the world He met
Dan Creedon of New Zealand Friday
night in the arena of the Puritan Athletic
Club at Long Island City and after fight
ing fifteen lively rounds made the foreigner
throw up the sponge and acknowledge the
Hoosiers superiority Long before the
event took place the frame building in
which it was held was crowded to excess
and bets were freely made with McCoy
the favorite at 10 to 8 odds
Date for Meeting Fixed for the
Week Beginning September 5
The date for the national encampment
of the G A R has been fixed for the
week beginning September 5 All of Fri
day was spent in consultation and when
September 5 to 10 was selected it met Uit
approval of the executive council as welj
as of the local committee of Cincinnati
The utmost good feeling has prevailed and
all concerned are looking forward to a
most successful encampment
China Will Yield Kaio Chow
A dispatch from Shanghai asserts that
China will acquiesce in Germanys reten
tion of Kiao Chow Russia and France
are irritated at Germanys precipitancy in
thus prematurely disclosing her plan to
England and Japan in a manner says the
dispatch likely to defeat the objects in
Fire on a Ship
Fire broke out early Sunday morning in
the hold of the British ship Aries at Nor
folk Va and in spite of the assistance of
tugs and engines the lire did heavy darn
age The Aries has a miscellaneous cargo
valued at 300000
Big Fire At Grand Forks
A loss of nearly 500000 was caused by
fire at Grand Forks N D Saturday
morning The Hotel Dakota which cost
250000 and two wholesale atores were
entirely destroyed There was no los3 o
Call on National Banks
The comptroller of the currency has
issued a call on national banks for a state
ment of their condition at the close of bus
iness December 15
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 575 hogs shipping grades
300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 475 wheat No 2 red 9Jc to 100
corn No 2 25c to 27c oats No 2 21c
to 23c rye No 2 45c to 47c butter
choice creamery 21c to 23c eggs fresh
19c to 21c new potatoes 50c to 00c per
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 350
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No J
white 27c to 28c oats No 2 white 23
to 25c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 300 to -175
wheat No 2 99c to 101 corn No i
yellow 25c to 27c oats No 2 white 21c
to 23c rye No 2 45c to 4jc
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogF
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 475
wheat No 2 92c to 94c corn No
mixed 27c to 28c oats No 2 mixed 24
to 25c rye No 2 46c to 48c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 375 sheffp 250 to 425
wheat No 2 92c to 93c corn No i
yellow 29c to 30c oats No 2 white 24
to 26c rye 46c to 47c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 94c to 96c
corn No 2 mixed 26c to 28c oats No
2 white 21c to 23c rye No 2 45c to 47c
clover seed 315 to 325
Milwaukee VYheat No 2 spring Slk
to S7c corn No 3 26c to 27c oats No
2 white 23cto 25c rye No 2 46c to 47c
barley No 2 3Sc to 41c pork mess
725 to 775
Buffalo Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 96c to 98c corn No
2 yellow 31c to 32c oats No 2 white
27c to 29c
New York Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 98c to 99c corn No
2 34c to 35c oats No 2 white 27c tc
2Sc butter creamery 15c to 24c eggs
Western 20c to 25c
Ex rJrcasurer of Greeley County Ar
rested in New York City on Charge
of Embezzlement Was Over 20
OOO Short is His Accounts
Defaulting Treasurer Located
Eugene A Cashman a foreman in the
street cleaning department of New York
city was arrested on the charge of em
bezzling 25000 from Greeley County
The arrest was made on a requisition from
Governor Holcorab Cashman was county
treasurer of Greeley County three years
ago It is alleged that he suddenly dis
appeared and left a shortage in his ac
counts of between 25000 and 30000 It
is further alleged that the cause of his
shortage was the making of loans out of
the county funds to farmers at a high rate
of interest The year Cashman is alleged
to have disappeared the crops failed and
the farmers were unable to repay the
loans Cashmans bondsmen were obliged
to make the shortage good and it is on the
procedure of the bondsmen that he has
been arrested Cashman has been in New
York for some time He says he
turned over his residence and other prop
erty to the county authorities and that
they accepted it as a settlement in full
and that it was not until then that he left
the state
ioung Andrews Has a Chance to
Get Out of Prison
Warden Leidigh of the penitentiary took
Fred Andrews to the governors office the
other day in order that he might per
sonally examine into his case Andrews
is the boy recently sentenced from Dodge
County for stealing a bicycle and the
warden thought he was too young to be
incarcerated in the penitentiary Gov
ernor Holcomb decided however that it
would be better to leave the lad there for
a month or two and then commute his
sentence if his behavior continues to be as
Good as it has been since he was sentenced
The warden will keep the boy separated
from the worst criminals during the time
of his imprisonment The governor
thought this plan more desirable than to
send the boy to tho reform school
Sues Fire Insurance Companies
City Attorney Taylor of York has
brought action against ten fire insurance
companies doing business in that city be
cause of the non payment of the occupa
tion tax levied against them Three of
the ten companies have already settled
their case by paying in their delinquent
lax The other companies against whom
the city will proceed arc the Home Fire of
Omaha American Commercial North
British of Manchester Commercial Union
National Fire 1hnenix of Brooklyn and
the Fanners and Merchants of Lincoln
In his complaint the city attorney cites
the companies tc the decision handed
down by the supreme court in the case
wherein the oity of Mindeu seeks to col
lect such a tax and is sustained The
proceeds from this special tax go to the
fire department
Candidate for the Madhouse
Asa G Blodgett 22 years old and sou of
J Blodgett a prominent hardware mer
chant of Ashland was taken to Wahoo to
be examined by the board of insanity
Young Blodgett was taken to Wahoo the
lay before on the same charge but the
board turned him loose as it found no ap
parent cause why he should be committed
to the stale hospital No sooner he
Dut of the custody of the officers than he
made an attempt on his fathers life The
svidence is now sufficient to send the
young man to the state insane asylum at
Object to Reduction of Salaries
The county treasurers of southwestern
NT ebraska in their meeting held in McCook
last week decided to resist the opinion of
Attorney General Smyth which if carried
nto effect by the state auditor will reduce
iheir salaries about 280 The test case
will be made in the name of Treasurer
John APearson of Phelps County Funds
have been raised eminent legal talent will
be secured aud the case will be fought to a
Street Railway Sold
The Lincoln Street Railway system
omprisinjf forty miles of track power
house and equipment was sold December
17 under foreclosure and was bid in by
first and second mortgage bondholders
the price paid being 60500 subject to pav
ing taxes of not less than 40000 The
system was originally bonded for some
thing over a million
Want Better Mail Service
The patrons of the Shelby postoffice are
signing liberally a petition to Postmaster
General Gary for a better mail service
The eastern mail arrives so late that it is
not disturbed until the next morning and
the train returns shortly afier 8 a m
Similar petitions are being circulated in
Rising City and O ceola
Desperado in Jail
John D Mare the Greely County des
perado who a few months ago in Greely
County attempted to kill two of his
daughters and very nearly succeeded with
one of them is now incarcerated in the
Howard County jail It is generally un
derstood that the defense will be insanity
Accidentally Shot
John Siler a young farmer living seven
miles northwest of Humboldt was shot in
the leg one day last week by a companion
with whom he was out hunting causing a
flesh wound which will not prove serious
Work of a Miscreant
Some miscreant broke the large plate
glass iu Nycum Fosbenders general
merchandise store at Rising City last week
A plate glass was broken in tho iime store
a few years ago No clue
Poultry Show
The Republican Valley Poultry Asso
riatinu will have a show at Superior on
January 4 5 and 6
City May Purchase Lighting Plant
Columbus is negotiating for the purchase
of the Columbus Electric and Power com
panys plant with the intention of running
and maintaining it If it should purchase
it means cheaper rates for the consumer
and an all night circuit for the city
Pythian Lodges Consolidate
Ivy Lodge No 02 Knights of Pythias
it its regular meeting in Ashland unan
imously voted to consolidate with Star
Lodge No 9 The union will be complete
when Gi and Chancellor H M Boydston
promulgates his official order
Educational Interests of Nebraska
as Expressed in Figures
State Superintendent Jackson has pre
pared an abstract of the school business oi
the state for the school year ending in
July 1897 As compared with the abstract
of last year there is an increase of ten In
the number of school districts almost 4000
in the total enrollment of pupils and a
falling off in the average daily attendance
of 4130 Following is the abstract and
also the comparative figures for 1895
1307 1890
Counties 50 S
Districts 6741 C73i
School houses 6636 6721
Teachers required 8750 860
Different teachers employed 9347 10063
Children of school age 334929 343325-
Total enrollment 266317 270709
Averago dally attendance 170701 174337
Ave rago length of term days 129 122-
Number of graded schools 391 393-
Number of teachers In graded
Schools 2471 2264
1897 1396
Average monthly salary
of teachers 37 83 S 39 45
Value of district propty 8821904 40 8779759 84
Total teachers wages 2340313 23 2436602 4J
Amount paid for books
andsuppllas 132039 50 123541 OS
Total expenditures 3762153 49 3737839 8
Cost of education per
pupil on basis of en
rollment 12 05 14
Cost of education per
pupil basis of dally
attendance 18 31 22 18
Total indebtedness 32S5019 22 3486375 4
Accident on the Elkhtorn
Freight train No 39 due at Bennington
about 1045 p m from Omaha on the Elk
horn road met with an accident one mjra
east of town one night recently ThnJe
box cars were made into kindling wood
and four more derailed The brake
man received a severe shaking up and a
few bruises
Threatens to Horsewhip Him
Mrs A M Winebrenner wife of the
man who was tarred and feathered at
Beatrice last summer visited the corres
pondent of the Lincoln Journal recently
and threatened him with a horsewhipping
if he used her name again alleging mis
representations in an interview
Increasing Irrigation Facilities
The Gothenburg Power and Irrigation
Company has started its dredge to work at
the head of its irrigation and power canal
It expects to keep it at work until it has
doubled the capacity of its canal from the
Platte River to the Gothenburg Lake
distance of twelve miles
Nebraska Short Notes
Pat Southwell of Plain View is an
English pug dog and he has bigger heart
than a whole lot of people During the
heavy snowstorm last week a little kitten
with a broken leg lay in the snow near the
roar of Headingtons livery barn Pat
was wandering around in search of ad
venture and he discovered the little suf
ferer Taking iu the situation at a glance
he gathered the kitten in his mouth and
trotting to the door of the hotel demanded
admittance in the name of humanity
When the door was opened Pat rushed in
and deposited his burden close to the warm
The temperance meetings held at Kear
ney by the president of the State Anti-
Saloon League were well attended and as
a result a local branch of the Nebraska
Anti Saloon League has been organized
Deptuty United States Marshal Frank
isaruer arresieu unaries iiauner ami ueo
Holmes at Bloomfield on the charge oi
dealing in counterfeit money and took
them to Grand Island for a hearing
The clerks and judges who served in tho
recent election in Columbus have not re
ceived their pay yet and there is no imme
diate prospect that they will
Diphtheria is prevalent 111 Cleveland
township Cuming County and the schools
have been dismissed Three children out
of one school have died
The Hughes brothers of Battle Creek
have lost 500 head of hogs and eighteen
head of cattle this fall all dying within the
lastsix weeks
The Methodists of Holdrege dedicated
their new church recently Bishop Bow-
man preached the sermon
At University Place a Young Mens
Christian Association has been organized
with a large membership
Clarks people are talking up the
ability of starting a co operative creamery
Diphtheria has broken out in Osmond
There are quite a number of bad cases
The Lyons creamery handles a daily
average of 25000 pounds of milk
TheElkhorn road is laying new steel
rails in the Creighlon branch
Binkelman business men are making an
effort to secure a creamery
The Culbertson creamery will be ready
for business by January 10
The Grafton Creamery Company made
two large shipments of butter last week
one to Denver and one to Chicago The5
creamery is running to its full capacity at
the present time and will have to be en
larged when the spring business opens up
Ed Bothwell of Tobias was hunting rab
bits recently and his dog caught a rabbit
that had five perfect horns The horns
looked the same as those of a cow only
they projected from the sides of its mouth
and were about the size of a mans thumb
A big rabbit hunt took place nearVer
dou Monday Tu enty six men participated
in the fun and succeeded m killing 583
rabbits Forty nine were killed iu one
line of hedge a quarter of a mile long It
was a great success
The Minden fire department at its last
meeting voted to donate 5100 to the city to
aid in budding the city hall also the pro
ceeds from the ball to be given iu the near
future are going to be used to furnish the
hall when completed
The new guns with bayonets to match
for Company E Nebraska National
Guards North Platte have arrived They
are the 1884 model 45 caliber and are of
the same pattern formerly used in the
regular army
Herman Morganson of nooper lost hs
right hand by having it on the muzzle of a
gun which was accidentally discharged
Carl Krucier of Loliro Pole went out
hunting and when he shot at a rabbit his
gun burst but he got the rabbit
The 1 son of C A Itirkard of
Bassett was accidentally shot in the shoul
der A loaded gun which was in tho
wagon fell and was discharged The
wound was severe but not fatal
Harry Huntling a 10-year-old Hooper
boy was dangerously and possibly fatally
injured while coasting down hill A sharp
iron tore open the walls of the abdominal
Frank Preston of Wilber killed 172 quail
besides about forty rabbits and other game
in four days Nineteen quail at one crack
of his blunderbuss was the best shot ho
i made