The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 16, 1897, Image 7

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The Pursuit of Happincs
When the Declaration of Independence
serted mans right to this it enunciated an
immortal truth The bilious sufferer Ib on
J rgl to happiness when he begtns to
e hostellers Stomach Bitters the most
efficacious regulator of the liver iu existence
Equally reliable is it in chills and fever con
Btlpatlon dyspepsia rheumatism kidney
trouble and nervousness Use it regularly
and not at odd Intervals
Deaths from Lightning
An abstract of some statistics com
piled in France on lightning accidents
chows that during the past sixty seven
years for every one person killed three
or four are wounded In the month of
March the average deaths amount to 1
v per cent in April 3 in May 7 in June
end on to September 30 20 31 and 15
respectively in October 12 Most of
the cafies occur in fields and roads but
particularly under trees In a period of
thirty years 1700 persons were killed
under trees who probably would not
have been injured if they had not takon
refuge there and one out of every four
has been killed while sheltering under
branches In France there have been
eight deaths per 100000 inhabitants
and in Great PritnJn two
How to Wash with Ease
That washing cannot be satisfactorih
done with a scaut supply of hard water
and inferior soap is not always clear to
housekeepers and yet it is the cause of
oft repeated failure To wash properly
assort the clothes Put the linens first in
jx rub of hot water rub with Ivory Soap
scald rinse starch hang on the line
Wash the colored pieces through clean
suds in the same way When dry sprin
kle and lay in a basket over night Iron
carefully with well heated irons
Watts The displacement of men by
machinery has been great in recent
Potts And it is still going on Only
yesterday L was going across Pennsyl
vania street and found myself dis
placed by a bicycle with great precipi
tancy Indianapolis Journal
Will be published bv the S00 LINE every
Monday containing all TELEGRAPHIC NEWS
and up-to-date information as to BEST ROUTES
facility as same develop INVALUABLE to
Alaskan prospectors and all their friends To be
placed on mailing lists send six cents Cc in
stamps to
Minneapolis MJr
Pity the Blind
Mary I actually gave a quarter to a
beggar this afternoon and I am honest
enough to admit that I would not have
done it if he had not called me pretty
Sarah Did you learn how he lost his
sight Cincinnati Enquirer
Theiu is more Catarrh in this section of tna
country than all other diseases put together
Hnd until tho last fow years was supposed to bo
incurable For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a loal disease and 7rescribed local
remedies and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment pronounced it incurable
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manu
factured by P J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is
the only constitutional cure on the market It
is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a
leaspoonful It acts directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho Bystem They offer
one hundred dollars for any caBO it fails to
cure Send for circulars and testimonials Ad
dress F J CHENEY CO Toledo O
3 bom oy urujzKisiB sc
letted Empress Eugenie Escape
Vice Admiral Duperre of the French
navy who has just been retired on ac
count of age is the man under whose
escort the Empress Eugenie escaped
from the dangers that threatened her
in 1S70 and got safely on board Sir
John Burgoynes yacht at Trouville
Tafco lxatle Hronio Quinine Tablets All Druggists
retund the inoisej if tt falls to cure 25c
Oldest HanJx Note
The oldest bank note in existence is
in the British Museum It was print
ed in China in the year 13GS thirty
two years before Johann Gutenberg
the reputed inventor of printing was
born It was issued 300 years before
bank notes were circulated in Europe
Pisos Cure for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us since 1SG5 J R
Madison 2409 42d ave Chicago 111
One Womans Wisdom
He I think I shall try writing for a
newspaper What do you think of the
She The idea is good but you had
better inclose the subscription price
when you write or they may not send it
to you
The Itching caused by skin diseases and the pain
abrasions is always relieved by Glenns Sulphur Scay
Hills Hair and Whisker Dye blaclc or brown 50c
Blood tells more in dogs than in peo
V j
I am better than 1 nave been lor tour years
I used Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound one package of Sanative Wash one box of
Liver Pills and can say that I am perfectly cured
Doctors did not help me any I should have been
in my grave by this time if it had not been for your
medicine It was a godsend to me I was troubled with
excessive menstruation which caused womb trouble
and I was obliged to remain in bed for six weeks Mrs
rf it iMmmimxm
Friendly Persecution in Sickness
How many invalids would protest if
they dared against the persecutions
they are compelled to endure from
friends who feel it their duty to call
and condole with the sick One suf
ferer breaks out in this manner
I feel as if I had just been to my
own funeral and it was a very sad
How so
I was killed by a friendly call My
neighbor over the way with a face jls
solemn as an owl has just been in to
see me and he kindly remarked that I
was so changed he shouldnt have
known me and he hoped Id pull
through which meant Tm sure you
cant last long poor fellow and had
I heard that J who was taken sick
at the same time I was had been given
up by the doctors He mentioned sev
eral other equally cheerful items
which made me feel as if I should tly
into a thousand pieces
A call like that is enough to kill
anybody who doesnt know how to re
sist the influence of such sympathy
Heaven save the mark if that is sym
pathy I call it torture I do wish my
friends would talk to me of something
besides myself and how I look and
how I feel for I am reminded of all
that far too often If they want to
show their friendship and help me get
well they will help me to forget my
self and all my difficulties Pray
throw open the windows and let in the
sunshine to dry off the dampness and
gloom of that neighborly call
Science and Health
He Would Not Care
What would our wives say if they
knew where we are said the captain
of a Liverpool clipper feeling his way
along the banks of Newfoundland in a
thick fog
I wouldnt mind what they said re
plied the mate if we only knew where
we are ourselves Loudon Household
Never Awake
Some people will never wake up till
the last horn blows and then theyll
ask if thats the horn for dinner De
lays are dangerous and ruinous Thou
sands can say if they hadnt put off an
opportunity they would have been rich
and happy Some never know they
have rheumatism until crippled by it
and all the while in pain thinking it
will pass off But St Jacobs Oil never
delays and is always wide awake It
goes straight to its work of cure in a
business way and cures rheumatism
in any form and at its worst stage Its
a live remedy
Changed the Bill
It was on one of my early trips
said the conductor A well dressed
man got on my car and when I went
to him for his fare he handed me a 5
bill I took the bill and examined it
pretty close as I always do with big
bills I didnt have any too much
change so I held the bill in my hand
and said Havent jrou anything small
er The man said I dont think so
but he took the bill and crumped it
up in his hand while he searched
through his pockets for smaller money
Then he shook his head and handed
back the crumpled bill I didnt look
at it again but stuck it in my pocket
and counted out 495 change Well
when I counted my money at the end
of the run I found myself just 4 short
Then I tumbled to the game The
sharper had cleverly changed the fiver
for a one while he was looking
through his pockets and I simply bit
like a sucker But say you can bet
I wont bite again
An Old Saying
Necessity is the mother of inven
tion is a very old aphorism dating
back over two hundred years Its ori
gin is attributed to Francks North
ern Memoirs written in the year 1G5S
These memoirs however were not print
ed until 1G94 and twenty two years be
fore the appearance of this publication
1072 the idea was expressed in
Wycherleys play Love in a Wood
Refined Repartee
She I have seen twenty live sum
He Then you must have been blind
for several years Now I own to hav
ing seen forty five
She That leaves you about 24 years
of age when one takes into considera
tion your failing of seeing double In
dianapolis Journal
About the Cause of Anemia
Everybody comes into this world with a pre
disposition to disease of some particular tissue
in other words everybody has a weak spot
In ninety nine cases out of a hundred the
weak spot in women is somewhere in the uter
ine system The uterine organs have less re
sistance to disease than the vital organs thats
why they give out the soonest
Not more than one woman in a hundred
nay in five hundred has perfectly healthy organs of generation This points
to the stern necessity of helping ones self just as soon as the life powers seem
n h on the wane
Excessive menstruation is a sign of physical weakness and want of tone
in the uterine organs It saps the strength away and produces anemia blood
turns towater
If su become anemic there is no knowing what will happen If your gums
ansthe inside of your lips and inside your eyelids look pale in color you are
jdia dangerous way and must stop that drain on your powers Why not build
Tip on a generous iuuiu utie ijuia jj iuittuwg
Vegetable Compound
Mrs Edwix Eiirig 413 unurcti St isetntenem jra
says I feel it my duty to write and tell you that
Pinkhams medicine was recommended to me and r
aw W IW w -
after using it a shorttime was troubled no more with flooding I also had severe
pain in my kidneys This also I have no more I shall always recommend the
Compound for it has cured me and it will cure others I would like to have you
publish thisletter In such cases the dryform of Compound should be used
Familiar Mechanical Principles Ap
plied in a Novel Manner
A British syndicate Is putting on the
inavket a machine called the monotype
the object of which Is to automatically
cast and settype in lines suitable o be
arranged Into pages for printing The
part of the mechanism that determines
the order in which the letters or other
characters shall appear is a perforated
strip of paper that Is to be prepared by
t If rJ V l - Vi if
the author or copyist of the matter that
is to appear in print This preliminary
work is accomplished on an auxiliary
machine like a typewriter
The author or copyist sits at his aux
iliary machine and operates it exactly
as he would a typewriter The cylin
der is supplied with a roll instead of a
rF rwnnv rPln vnll ctondilv
All S yVi - V J V
volves and the paper is attached by a
series of small punches that drive holes
through it After having passed the
punches it is rolled up on another cylin
After the operator has finished the
perforated roll is removed and attached
to the casting machine or monotype
proper A lever is turned and the ma
chine suddenly becomes a thing of life
Almost instantly a glistening type-letter
marches out of a door in the ma
chine immediately followed by anoth
er and another and another They
march along at right angles to what
may be called an ordinary printers gal
ley Nobody is near When the line of
type is as long as the width of the gal
ley it gravely steps forward aided by
a metal arm and takes its place in the
galley ready for business It seems
magical and the gravity with which
the metal letters march along is irre
sistibly comic each one seems a living
being a well drilled soldier doing a
march past
That is the whole matter the one ma
chine aided by the operator punches
the paper the other machine produces
and sets up the type aided by no nian
and sets it up in such a fashion that
you could take your stereo or print from
it at once The type which emerges
from the machine was one third of a
second ere it started part of simple
molten metal in a pot When the per
foration in the ribbon of paper reaches
a particular spot a portion of that molt
en metal is forced into a molt then
molded into type cooled picked out
and set on its legs or rather leg And
the operation is repeated about three
times In the second
No new principle of science is involv
ed no startling development of electri
city As a matter of fact the machine
is driven by electricity but any other
force would serve as well The actual
casting and setting is done by means of
compressed air The machine works as
fast as three compositors and since it
produces new type each dine the ques
tion of bad impressions from wornout
type or plate disappears It produces
automatically a perfect justification
in other words spacing In the case of
writers who can typewrite no ques
tion of difficult scribbling occurs For
the typewriting part being separate
from the castings the author can write
on the machine and send over the per
forated rolls to the office to be put into
the machines
The machine has been rigorously test
ed by many practical men who are
unanimous as to its speed efficacy and
the quality of work it produces The
economy that it effects is obvious One
engineer can attend ten machines each
working as fast as three compositors
and much of the typewriting work will
probably be done by the authors and
even without this the saving is enor
liaoemaking Machine
The problem of making by machin
ery lace which cannot possibly be dis
tinguished from that made by hand
seems to be solved by a machine in
vented by a Spaniard and now In use
in a great Nottingham lace factory It
claims to reproduce any pattern that
can be made by hand on the cushion
and one third finer than the average
quantity of lace The mechanism has
a speed of 130 motions per minute
which can be raised to 200 so that a
machine SO inches wide making 2 inch
breadths would perform the work of
forty women The design is pricked
out on a cushion ruled in squares and
lace pins stuck at the corners of the
6quares Tvhere they remain until the
lace Is finished The real lace is then
decomposed by the woman who made
it She has at her side an assistant
who takes down the figures as they are
called out to her The rows of pins or
motions are worked down the left side
of the cushion draught the number of
threads Is marked from left to right
along the top and the maker reads the
number to her assistant while decom
Iosing the exact motion of etch thread
being recorded The paper on which
the motions are marked is then taken
to the puncher who prepares the cards
accordingly and the cards being placed
on the machine reproduce exactly the
same design The machine is small
entirely automatic and is only stopped
to fill the bobbins The bands of lace
are not attached to each other each
being -woven separate The threads
do not become dirty or discolored and
the lace comes from the machine ready
for the wearer
How tlie Chippewa Enumerator lie
ported His Band
This symbolical census paper of an
Indian band was drawn and given in
to an agent by Nago nabe a Chippewa
Indian during the progress of the an
nuity payment in 1S49 It represents
in pictographlc characters each family
in the band by its name and numbers
Thus Fig 2 denotes a man shooting at
a mark No o a catfish No 7 a bea
ver skin No S the sun No 11 an
eagle No 12 a snake No 19 a
j ii
III 1 llll
MS- 1
if A
trf hrAl
lo and so on The marks in each di
vision indicate the number of persons
in each family
He Goes from House to Honse Solicit
ing Shaves and Hair Cuts
The traveling barber is something
new in the way of making a living
Equipped with a full set of tools ami
all the necessary
material he goes
from door to door
soliciting shaves
and haircuts Not
only does he attend
to the wants of
men but ladies al-
so receive careful
jattention at the
I hands of this wan-
Vfdering tonsorial ar
il ptist He has the
custom or some or
the best families
and s o m etimes
spends an entire
day at one house
beginning by cut
ting the hair of the
smallest tot and
ending his days
work by dressing
my ladys hair
One of these pro
fessional lock
changers is also
goes from house
to house an expert linguist
having mastered French German Ital
ian Spanish and of course English
He lias his own ideas about style and
always wears a white suit and cap
Under Her Thumb
He had not been married over a year
and his friends asserted with some
truth that he was still under his wifes
While admitting the soft impeach
ment he was accustomed to plead in ex
tenuation that it was a very nice little
thumb to be under
When he had cracked this joke for
the fiftieth time people began to say he
was uxorious Several accused him of
genius and some of possessing original
It was 730 oclock They had just
finished dinner and he extended his
legs across the hearth rug with a feel
ing of luxurious ease The cheerful
blaze behind him imparted a friendly
glow to his whole being He drew
forth from his vest pocket as had long
been his habit a small pill box which
he meditatively held between his thumb
and finger
Edwin exclaimed the wife re
proachfully do you remember what
you promised me
I ah I dont he stammered
That you wouldnt dope yourself
with any more of that wretched allo
pathic medicine
This is not allopathic medicine my
dear he retorted it is homeopathic
and it is intended for you
For me
Yes for you In view of the present
state f public opinion I have deter
mined that you should take your milli
nery in homeopathic doses
Look he added as she sank on her
knees in astonishment
And a cry of admiration escaped her
as he pulled from the pill box the latest
style in Plotke invisible theater hats
which had only cost him 25 Chicago
When you see young man cleaning
a girls bicycle they are engaged when
you see the operation reversed they are
A doctor may spend money like water
but he doesnt get It from the well
Iiittlc Notion Lone in Coming
Until within a few years spirit levels
were made with perfectly smooth
sides and there wis more or less dan
ger of dropping them in carrying them
about and up and down ladders and
so on Half a dozen years ago some
body thought of cutting a groove or
channel in the wood on each side of
the level to make a hand hold It
may seem strange that nobody had
thought of this simple device before
but apparently nobody had The man
that did think of it got it patented
and now the levels are made with this
improvement New York Sun
FITS Permanently Cured No fits or nervnusnew
after first aay ue of Dr KllaeV Great Nervo lle
Biorer Send for FKEE S20O trial bottle an i treatise
nn K H KIINE Ltd 031 Arcn bt Philadelphia Pa
The loftiest active volcano Is Coto
paxi It is 1SSS0 feet high an4 its last
great eruption was in 1S55
Mr WiniloivH Sootiiino Syrup for ClilIdMn
teething soiteiis tho cuius reaueex inllamniation
allays rain curea wind coiic VS cents a bottle
Observe without iabor nothing pros
pers Sophocles
The population of Loudon Is now es
tlmateu to Include 250000 persons or
Irish and 120000 of Scotch parentage
45000 Asiatics Africans and Ameri
cans with some 60000 Germans 30
000 French 15000 Dutch 12000 Poles
7500 Italians and 5000 Swiss
Hoods Sarsaparllla Gives Complete
Re ief Also Cures Catarrh
I was troubled with rheumatism and
had running sores on my face One of my
friends advised me to try Hoods Sarsa
parilla which I did After taking six bot
tles I was cured Hoods Saraaparilla has
also cured me of catarrh MISS MAMIH
ETHIER 4S0S MoffltAw St Loui Mo
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Is tho best In fact the One Tnio Blood Iurtllec
Hoods Pills cure constipation 25 cents
TfiWI FinUC For Sale on crop payment II pr i
iinn 4i tiiMo acrccah balance t cropyearly J
imui inr j muiujll vvnrfirnn in
J DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Eyannis Massachusetts
was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the sum
that has borne and does now - sirZ z otv every
bear the facsimile signature of Zaffl cC4S wrapper
This is tlie original PITCHERS CASTORIA tuhich has been
used in tlie homes of tlie mothers of America for over thirty
years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought sf rv on tlie
ana tias ttie signature of ss wrap
per No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas H Fletcher is
March 8 1897- 2Z Xo r
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a theap substitute
which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies
on it the ingredients of which even lie does not know
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You
The largest fortunes have been mnde by email investments in legitimate Gold Mining It costo bnt f cents
lo become n atockholder in one of the largest mining corporations in tho Northwest The stockholders of this
company hate set aside 3500000 shares of their ptock to bo told if sold quickly at 50 centti per block of 10
anni cft and to induce quick sales tirst purchasers wul receive free additional snares as iouows
To 1st applicant from anyStato 5000 shares
1st 100 purchasers 1000 shares each
2nd 1O0 purchasers GOO shares each
3rd 100 purchasers 450 shares each
4th lOO nnrchasers 1 OO share each
5th KIO purchasers 75 shares each
6th lOO purchasers fiOsharencach
7th 100 purchasers 25 shares each
The order of purchases decided postmark on letter so all stand equal chance for largo blocks regardles
bl residence This notice appears but once ond in nil papers sameisne This companys interests are m Nine
Gold Mines any one of which ought to develop a Bonanzn and if so your stock will be worth from 100 to 510WA
All mines have excellent showing of gold on surfaco and it is desired to immediately develop nnine ihestr
mines ought to pay dividends in few months Working of mines will be paid for out of sales of treasury Ktock
Each TO Cents Entitles You to 10 Shares and a Chance for Large Blocks as Abovo Slock sent by rctnrn mail
Stict 5 dimes to letter if larger amount send P O money order Write name and nddresd plainly for record
Enquire of Secretary of State or any bank hero of oar responsibility Address
COMSTOCK PREFERRED G0LD MINING CO 521 and 522 Rookery Spokane Wash
He that Works Easiiy Works Suc
cessfully Tis Very Easy to
Clean House With
S I lurre recently read of four easef where Ripani Tabules reliered people from severe suflerin g
which thr experienced from the -necessity of living in an impure atmosphere First there was
man wbo ept a lo cent lodging house ia the Bowery New York He found that a Tabule taken
sow and then kept him from getting sick in that polluted atmosphere Then there was a man who
worked in a coal mine in Ohio where the great distance under the hills made it impossible to get
pure air the air being forced to the men by great fans which would sometimes cease their motion oa
account of breaks in the machinery and then the air would become very bad indeed causing pains
in the head dizzinoss and fainting This man found a Ripans Tabuletakenat such a time woula pre
serve him from the pain he had previously experienced Another miner well known in Scranton Pz
suffered from the foul atmosphere he breathed for so many years in the mines resulting there from the
gases and damp My stomach suffered most said he Finally he was induced to make trial of
jRipans Tabules and was so much benefited that he now makes a practice of carrying a few of the
magic Tabules in his pocket so as to be able to swallow one at the first sign of approaching trouble
The fourth case is that of a Philadelphia tailor who hadcharge pHhe manufacturing department and
-was obliged to spend hours ata time in thepressing sponging andironing department in an overheated
room where the atmosphere is verjr heavy and disagreeable This resulted in giving him frequent
leadachex from which he sometimes suffered great torture The medicines prescribed by hi
physician brought no relief and he was he said on the verge of despair when a friend one day
advised him to try Ripans Tabules He did so and the result was that tbe first two Tabules wrought
with him an almost marie change I escape all headaches now he writes and no matter how
hot the room is one Tabule does away with all suffering I always carry some with me for aa
Emergency and can sincerely recommend them
A new style pacKet containing rai stpxira tabexzs in a paper carton without elan Is now for ealo at soma
dratr stores ron rm cam This low priced sort Is Intended for the poor and the economical One doses
of the five cent cartons IX tabules en be had by mail by sending forty eight cents to the Rxpaxz Crrnnriia
Goxtmxt So 10 Spruce Stnet Sew York or a stasia ctontxs xabclzs will he sent for five cents
and Celling Manilla Write for samples and prices-
The Fay Manilla Roofing Co Camden J
MENTION TH13 PAPER mi warms to idtibuiu
I Best Cough Syrup Tastea Good Use
in time Sold by drojreists
fin 1 lo 5 dji
Imfrf Qatnntted
llsJa not ta itristare
IIPra vaaAa miiri
V vba y y
V u
51 97
Use Big G fov unnatural
discharges inflammations
irritations or ulcerations
of mucous membraata
rainless and not astrin
1 -
iTKEtTMSCHEMICALCo gent or poisonous
Sold bv Brnsrsriatz
or sent In plain wrapper
by express prepaid for
100 or 3 bottles f273
Lircalar sent en requsJ
1 I