The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 09, 1897, Image 1

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t -
Fine liae of plain and fancy jew
etry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Hair cutting and ahaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
North Western Line is to best
to and from the
Com ina Event
Kii8copil Entcrtajument Dpc 10
Teacliors Association Dec 11
Christinas Dpc 25
V E McConville was ovar from
Rosebud yesterday
Mrs C S Bates returned home to
Chadron Sunday evening
3 A Johnson wife and daughter
of Woodlake weie in town Monday
Rev J M Bates held services at the
Episcopal church Sunday morning and
Thos IF Benton ex state auditor
was in town yesterday making some
Eibert Jones drove in from Cherry
Creek S D yesterday and will re
turn today
Where is that wood you promised
to bring us We need it badly and
wish youd hurry up
Prof Squire Jones of Ains worth
was in town yesterday on his way home
from a trip in South Dakota
The case of State vs George for cat
Vie stealing was continued from last
Friday until next Monday Dec 15
Wanted Girl for general house
work Mks W E Waite
44 Chesterfield Nebi
Dont forget the Episcopal supper
tomorrow night Full supper oysters
and musical program all in one even
E K Valentine of West Point was
in the city yesterdayin the interest of
the Bankers Reserve life insurance
Mrs J G Stetter went to Chicago
Tuesday morning to visit her sister
Mrs Plumley She expects to remain
-all winter
The Shakespeare Club meets at E
J Davenports Saturday evening
Romeo and Juliet will be read after
this meeting
Topic for Christain Endeavor Sun
day evening is One Thing I Have
Learned From Pauls Life or Writ
ings Acts 91 22
To Cure A Cola lit Oik Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All Druggists refund the mdney
if it fails to Cure 25c 46
MrsFreernn who has been visiting
her son-in-law J W Haddon at the
Industrial School returned home to
Missouri thi3 morning
Minnie De Woody anS W T in
tjaid Hpent Sunday in Ainswortb the
jormer visiting with hat parents and
the latter with someone else
The Indian warehouse is full of
goods this week galvanized iron wash
tubs boxes of hardtack and bacon be
ing the principal articles on iiand
Supplement with this weeks paper
Bob Gillaspie returned from Arkan
sas last night with a couple of cars of
Fred Keck started for Richmond
this morning and will not return until
A H Ferguson filed his bond for
justice of the piece yesterday and af
ter Jan 1 will be entitled to the title
of squire
Lee Layporte went to Cody Monday
and attached six cars of eattle belong
ing to Contractor Humphrey for 40
taxes wnico had been due the county
since 1895
J W Stetter left Tuesday morning
for Richmond Va to spend the win
tor He ecpected to stop in Omaha
a day and meet Bob Gillaepie oh his
way home from Arkansas
One of the -most appropriate pres
ents you could send that eastern friend
of yours is a nice collection of Indian
trinkets McDonald has the best line
of these goods in the northwest
Mrs M V Nicholson went to Ains
worth Saturday afternoon and will
visit with the family of John Nichol
son returning home in about a week
Val went down Sunday morning and
returned Monday night
Rev 0 T Moore went to Lincoln
this week to visit his family -and lay
in a supply of trimmings for the
Christmas entertainment He will be
at home however Sunday to fill his
pulpit at the regular services on that
W S and James Gillaspie of Ches
terfield came up from the ranch Mon
day and have been shaking hands
around ever since These are two of
the boys who always meet with a
warm welcome when they come to
Charley Schwalm and Mrs Geo
Published for Fonr Years as
A History of Davenport Thacher
Business Institution
Every western town has at least one
good general store but in this re
spect Valentine leads her sister towns
she has five of these necessary insti
tutions Each one seems to be pros
perous but the general opinion is that
the largest and most complete of these
is Davenport and Thachers -
The store was started in 1891 but
the members of the firm were by no
means strangers here at that time A
E Thacher having ben at Ft
Niobrara since 1880 in the employ of
his brother J M Thacher who was
post trader E J Davenport was also
formerly at the post but at the time
the partnership was entered into was
ruuning what is now known as Quig
leys drug store The drug store
stood ou the cornel now occupied by
the firm and was moved to its present
site to make room for the new store
building The structure was
stories in height with frontage of
24 feet on Main street and 70 feet on
Catherine street The new store met
with cordial treatment from its incep
tion and the business grew at such a
i ate that last spring it became abso
lutely necessary for them to increase
their room This was done by the
addition of a 2 story annex 24x30
feet in size and the new room is now
used for the grocery department of the
siore immediately atter mis lm
provement a private gas plant wa3 es
tablished in thebasement of the build J
ing and later a hot air furnace iwas
Installed and the building is now bet
ter lighted and more thoroughly heat
ed than any other store in the north
The term general store convoys
but a weak idea of the variety of the
goods carried but the reader may com
prehend more fuily by reading this
list Groceries of all kinds drv eoods
Schwalm left Monday morning for of every description boots shoes cloth
Richmond Va to spend the winter
Charley says he intends staying in the
east but it is not a certain thing that
he will not again be numbered with
our citizens
A II Metzger of Pullman was in
town Monday on his way home from
Omaha where he had been with a
couple of car loads of cattle He in
forms us that his brother W A Metz
ger has not yet recovered from his ac
cident last Octobei
J A Ilooton of the Valentine
House is advertising to give patrons
from the country free stabling If the
stabling is as good in proportion as is
the hotel farmers teams will smile all
over when their owners stop at the
A7aientine House
Drs J B Wells and C A Wells
and J C Wells tarried in Norden
from Sunday to Wednesday J B
and J C were looking up a location
for a stock ranch and arrangements
were all buc completed C A Wells
filled in the time by practicing at his
profession dentistry Regular visits
would be appreciated by our people
Norden Borealis
The carpenter shop at the school
house has been moved into the south
west room of that building the win
dows having been fitted into the same
in order to make it more comfortable
For fear that the good weather would
notlast masons worked on the east
wall Sunday afternoon But little la
bor was required to put that wall in
condition for the roof
C E Sherman this week began
work on a new livery and feed stable
on the lot north of Vachons black
smith shop When completed the
barn will be 25x100 feet in size with
14 foot posts It will contain 18 open
and two box stalls office grain room
harness room etc The location is one
of the best in town and Charley will
never regret his enterprise in thus
adding to Valentines buildings
Married at Vancouver Wash Dec J
3 Otto Fritz of the 14th Infantry
band and O Maude Towne of Val
entine Rev J E Williams perform
ing the s ceremony The couple are
well known here the groom being
the brilliant cornetist who was with
the 12th for a long time and the bride
a daughter of Judge Towne The
Democrat joins with many other
friends in wishing the young couple
a long and happy life
ing hats caps trunks valises china
and f lass ware toys notions carpets
and oilcloths and as a side line in a
separate building a full line of caskets
and undertakers supplies To assist
in caring for their immense trade the
firm employs L C Sparks and L jl
Mr Davenport is a strong republi
can and holds the position of U S
weather observer under the present ad
ministration Though an ardent dem
ocrat Mr Thacher has never aspired
to office
Soldiers Body Found
The body of Corporal Moles the sol
dier who strayed away from his com
panions while on a hunt in the vicinity
of Clear and Trout lakes October 26
was found Tuesday by Joe Bush fore
man for the Comstock outfit who im
mediately reported the fiud to the cor
oner and that official started for the
scene the same atternoon The body
was brought totown yesterday and an
examination made buts no marks of
foul play were discovered and a jury
was not empaneled The body was in
a fair state of preservation but the
flesh had been almost entirely eaten
from the face and the fingers had been
vgnawed by mice or other rodents The
body was found about half a mile
from the place where the hunters had
camped 30 miles north of here on the
side of a hill and it is a mystery how
it could have lain so long without dis
covery especially as searching parties
had repeatedly been ovet the ground
The leggings had been removed from
the dead soldiers limbs between the
time he was discovered and the visit
of the coroner and- nothing of value
was found in his pockets although he
was a man who generally carried con
siderable mouey
Rev Ramsey Resigns
Rev O L Ramsey pastor of the
M E Church in Crawford for over a
year preached his farewell sermon
Suuday and will leave we understand
for Lauther Wyo in the near future
Rev Julian will fill the vacancy caused
by Rev Ramseys resignation until
anotjer pastor is engaged or appoint
ed A banquet was given Thursday
evening o the citizens of Crawford
at the Hobson and Moyer halls in
honor of Mr and Mrs Ramsey at
which over one hundred persons were
present anda pleasant time enjoyed
until after midnight Crawford Bull
mornings papers contain the
information that on January 1 the
Valentine postomce will be changed
from a fourth class to a presidential
office with a salary of 1100 a year
Workmen Elect OQlcrrs
At their meeting Monday night the
A O U W elected the following
officers to serve during the ensuing six
M W U GDunn
Overseer D Stinard
Foreman Ab Clarkson
Recorder J C Pettyjohn
Financier W E Haley
Receiver G Carlson
Guid Chas Maxwell
Trustee- G P Crabb
SlOO Reward
In our brand department this week
will be found the brands and marks
used by Metzger Bros of Pullman
this county It will be noticed that
these boys offer a reward of 100 for
the arrest and conviction of any per-
sons stealing stock with their brand
This it seems to us is a precedent
which could be followed with profit by
many other of our stockmen All cat
tle thieves are in the business for the
money there is in it and it frequently
happens that some of them would like
to get out of the business if they could
afford to do so Metzger Bros are
among the largest and most influential
stockmen in the county and are win
tering aboujb 1200 head this season
better From Alaska
A letter from Alaska to C F Mar
tin postmarked ut Dyea on Nov 22
gives the following bits of information
There is lots of gambling here but
so far I have had sense enough to not
blow myself I have had lots of mnn
ey since I came here mor than I was
in the habit of carrying This is go
ing to be a pretty warm place soon
You can imagine what a mess there
will be with over 1U0U00 people jam
med in these small places Of course
they all thinkthey will slide right over
the summit on the snow but just wait
untH they try -February and March
are as cold and disagreeable months as
there are in the year in fact Janua
ry February and March are the on y
winter months It is quite pleasant
here now Crater Lake is the only hike
that is frozen so you can cross it My
partner and I have sold out our in
terests Dyea we had two good lots
as we came there before the boom
and tomorrow we go to Sheep Camp to
stay until we can work our goods over
There are some large outfits going
through in a short time They are
taking horses and bobsleds and our
scheme is to load our sleds and follow
them down the river as they will
break the way in good shape I only
say we are going to try I have quit
saying what Im going to do we have
had to change our plans so much I
have fared better than the average
the people who came here with from
500 to 1000 are the ones who went
broke a grtat many outfits costing
51 00 a pound before they reached the
5ood Words for Valentine
The editor of this moral educator
visited the city of Valentine just a
hundred miles west of Atkinson yes
terday on a mission of business
which also proved to be one of recrea
tion investigation and pleasure Af
ter disposing of our work which was
of short duration we were royally en
tertained by the newspaper fraternity
of that city Bob Good the hustling
editor of The Democrat and one of
the brightest newspaper men in the
state led us a hot chase for half a dav
showing us through the various fine
mercantile establishments of that
place and making us acquainted with
one of the most genial energetic and
enterprising quota of business men
that graces any city in the west We
run the gauntlet of county and federal
officers of various and divers political
beliefs and never got a scratch though
finding them mostly fernist the pops
The public school building which is
under course of construction will be
one of the finest in this part of the
state with steam heat and all modern
improvements Valentine is making
NO 46
Is sometimes a very difficult
task but this youngster seems to
have solved the problem note the
amnsed expression on the babys
face However there are bettor
ways of amusing the baby and the
best is to by him a few of our el
egant toys for Christmas We
have Toys for boys Toys for girls and toys that will amuse and in
struct the old as well as the young If you want silk handkerchiefs
mufflers caps mittens gloves shoes or anything else for a Christmas
present you can get it of us Largest line holiday goods in town
For a Christmas gift to that eastern friend of yonrs than one
or two of our pretty odd ornamental historical or useful
Our line of these goods is the most complete in the north
west and to reduce stock theyre going at very low prices
K McDonald
Complete line dry goods shoes and clothing Store at Crookston also
Come to
Yaltjim Ham
We will give you a good clean bed and the
to eat 100 per day or
35o per week
We have decided to close out our entire line of Clothing
to make room for a large new stock of Dry Goods Hata
Caps Boots and Shoes and in order to get rid of the stock
in the shortest possible space of time we will sell the goods
This is not a fake closing out sale nor is it a sale for
the mere purpose of drawing trade to our stor we are ac
tually closing out this line of our business Among the
bargains will be found all styles of
and a complete line of overcoats Call early while the as
sortment remains unbroken We also offer bargains in gro
ceries and dry goods Prices low on a cash basis
Traveling in Winter
Is very unpleasant and jne is always
anxious to get to his destination as
quickly as possible Passengers to
and from the BlacK Hills will there-
fort armreciate the fact that thev
asteady permanent growth and is one i can save over two hours time in each
of the best towns in the state west of
Fremont Mr Good justly feels proud
of Valentine and the citizens of that
town can also feel proud of Mr Good
and his live newspaper Col Rein
barSef the Western News and Bar
ker of the Republican extended every
courtesy toward us while in town and
helped to make our visit a bright oasis
in the desert of editorial monotony
which we shall not soon forget At
kinson Plain Dealer -
direction to and trom Sioux City bv
going via ONeill and the Pacific
Short Line Connections daily ex
cept Sunday
Buy local tickets to and from O
Neill Same fare
At their meeting last night the M
W A elected the following officers
Counsel L C Sparks
Wor Adviser M V Nicholson
Ex Banker Chas Spaiks
Clerk W E Haley
Pacific Short Line
Through connections both ways with Black
nuis rams Dy taxing mis line you can go to
Sioux City and return the same dav connections
maae wimaii trams
for the East and
Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill
Office over