The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 02, 1897, Image 8

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ArtUSA - nA i
rBOBEET GOOD Editor nd Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry Coij
100 JPer Fear in -Advance
Bafc7odatthePoit offlceiatValeptineOaeny
county Nebraska as Socotti class matter
This paper will ire mailed regularly
toSta subscribers mntil a definite order
to discontinue is received nd all ar
rears are paid in full
And Cuba iz not yet free Where
fcre all chose republicans whcso loud
sly denounced Cleveland for his do-
nothing policy twelve and eighteen
months ago
The 3Tew York World has figured it
out and claims that the reason EVwl
York was carried by the democrats
this year lays in the fact that Senator
David B Hill supported the ticket
Thenlt -indulges in some very pretty
sentences and places the senator ri
nomination for president in 1900
Speaking of Hills supposed political
death it intimates that he could very
sensibly make use of MaTk Twains
famous telegram fReport of my
death greatly exaggerated
Just because Postmaster General
Gary approves of postal savings
banks the republican press contend
that it shows the republican party
Is a great friend of the common
pie and wishes to carry out its ante
election pledges Thats all right but
you know the old story of how the
boy tried to make -a barrel of rotten
apples good by placing one sound one
therein The postal savings bank
wilF hardly blind the eyes cf the
pie to the faults of the Dingley bill or
week kneed Cuban policy of the ad-
What has polities to do with per
sonal friendships And why should a
- xnanfeel ugly toward his neighbors be
cause thej disagree on matters of pro-
found statecraft At this writing we
are ail full of prejudice and roast turk
ey each wise itfhis own conceit and
unable to understand why all others
do not think as he does Men were
not created to think alike any more
thanto look alike but this stiouldnt
disturb the harmonious social
make men hate one another
- except for campaign purposes
1 1 cant agree withPorters stand
On matters of the fact and law
But 1 can place my good right hand
Within his swarthy blood-stained-paw
And treat him with profound respect
And pluck from liisye the mote
iAn51ove him some but recollect
- r Tat man can never got my vote Bixby
Theofllcial returns of the Nebraska
i election for 1897 show that the fu-
ioni3ts had a plurality over the repnb
licans of 13819 and a majority over
allofll3Sl The total vote in the
state was the lowest in any off year -in
Nebraskas history In 1896 Mr
Bryatks plurality over Mr McKinley
was 1470 Mr Bryans majority
over alUother presidential candidates
was9571 sit will be seen therefore
that on -a decreased vote the fusionists
increased their pluiality over 1896 tby
349 and increased their majority by
1810 rThe decrease in the republican
rote waS3 per ceQt and the decrease
inthe fusion vote was 12 pei cent
The fusion plurality in 3896 was 11
-per cent vhile in 1896 the fusion
plurality was over tli per cent
World Hercld
The Gordon Journal week pro-
mnlgated th following tarriff article
5 Along with our prosperity comes an
increase of from SO to 45 percent in
tbeorice of many articles not manu
factured in this coumry at all -There
comes the greatest trouble with our
tari laws A tariff that raises -the
priceeof certaic goods sold in this
country which r8 -not manufactured
here aad cannot be is a rsbber tar
jiff and ought o be annulled We
favor protection to- Ameriea manu
factures only and that oiy upon
iconditioc that thegoods they sell be
trictly ae represented vry articte
manufactured in this country should
bear a stasap showissg the quiHty of
the same and any nfiiHgemt of
this law should be pujdshable by the
eonfEscation of all such goods Amer
ica ie rapidly becoming a nation of
shams and shoddy wares and it is
common people who have to suffer-
We believe this government is in duty j
bonnd to protect the consumer as well
t the misofactursr
Did it ever occur to Bro Tyon that
it is probable that the restriction of
competition iuiu a large measure the
carise of the shams and shoddy
be Mjip3i32 of
For over a year this paper with
more or less meekness withstood tl e
attacks made upon it and its editor I y
Georgie Reinert through the columns
of his 2 Jews and in but a few instances
did we make answer to the same At
last however patience ceased to be a
virtue and we took up the cudgels in
bur defease No sooper did Georgie
see that he had a fight on his hands
than ho Uguratively took to the
woods iu an editorial two weeks ago
announcing with a great flourish of
trumpets that he would never again
refer to the nincompoop who ran
The Democrat This is all very well
amino doubt Georgie feeb like a
martyr in thus denying himself the
pleksure of attacking us but our ire
has been arousedat last and we pro
pose to show the people the kind of
man they are supporting when they in
any way help him or his paper
Georgie has oft times through the
columns of his shept and in privat
Roasted of his bravery in always speak
ing his miud the thought of hh
having a mind makes us smile ai d
told how the people always knew
where to find him on any public ques
tion This sounds nice and his ap
parent sincerity in making the boast
was very touching and donbtlp8sffaiadt
him many friends but did you ever
stop to look up this paragon of hones
tvs record Hererare a few of the
facts in the case
Last winter one of the most Lbsorb
ing topics in state politics was th
glaring frauds of the recount of th
vot on the constitutional amendments
Georgie opposedthe amendments dur
ing the campaign but did you see any
thing in his paper against the
count We think not
Last spring Georgie oppospd the re
election of the old f town board because
he was opposed to the banks running
the town and -yet he supported
ticket which had the name of one oi
ihe bankers on it
Last May the all absorbing topic wa
court house bonds Do you remem
ber seeing any expression of opinion
in Georgies paper on this subject
When talking to a bond man he was
in favor when talking to an anti bono
man he was against and the same
was true -his year Evon now he is
asking supportrfrom the antis and
yet on election day he distributed dod
gers advising voters to vote for bond
and against Thackrey for treasurer be
cause the latterwas against the bonds
Prior 4o the convention this fall the
all absorbing topic was fusion Does
anjoneUjnow where Georgie stood oit
that question TJpon four different
occassions he aided in defeating fusioi
and yet he has tiie nerve to now posi
as a fusiomst Could anything bt
more despicable than this Like tin
bat in the fable he waits until after the
battle between rhe birds and -the
beasts before declaring -to which fani
ily he belongs
These are onlv a few of the main
instances of his honesty and out spok en
ess there are others The above are
i acts and cannot bo controverted
Compare this record with that of Tei
Democrat and see which is better
Much lias been said about this papers
position on national questions but can
you think of a single instance where
it has not stood up for its partys
ci pies or of a time when it has not
been found in the front ranks work
mg for that party Dont take the
word of demagogues investigate and
Senator Jones of Arkansas has the
following to say about Hawaiian an
nexion Any one of the reasons he
gives would be suffcient to prevent an
nexation if there were not a big job
behind it
i am opposed to it
First because I am unalterably op
posed to evteudiug our territorial ilim
its beyond this continent
Second because the Hawaiian ils
lands are so remote from our coast
line their defense in the event of w ir
would rbe enormously expensive and
Thirdoeeause they do not com
prise sufficient area to make a state
ahd thei maintenance as a
would violatethe intent of the con
Fourth because it would be almost
impos8ibleifeB congre8s to devise a
government -for them that would not
result in concision and failure
Fifth becanseof the uufit and un
desirable character of tne pooulafciou
No matter hew favorable sunoundings
for Improvements might hs made the
large percentage of the population
would remain -unfit for
JTe editor has purchased a brand
new typewriter and will now turn out
crank editorials by machinery if in
the fature you see anything in the pa
per that you dont like just blame the
machine and letitgo at that
-- x x r
and epnred on
Call and see bjjn
We are in receipt of the folWwmg
invitation to attend a supper and so
cial at Woodlake and if possible will
be there Wdddlake people are noted
for their somais and entertainment
and judging from the unique
ion this will be something out of the
Yon ire cordially invited to attentlt n pnpner
m be givstt at the School House at Woodlake
Nebr Satunhij eveiiing IiPiiiher4 1897 for
the uitizens and Masonic fiaternitv under the
utsjicesof the ladies of the Kplscopal church
iroueeds for the benetlt of itev J M Bates
Supper from 6 to 11 p m j25c
Program Promptness
xreviousiy rrecision
Prepared Punctnaity f
Piece Performed Per people present
PieeeJroclainiPil Per proper person
PieceTrononnced Per preternatural projigy
PainleHs Palatial Performance Presented
Proper provisions Provided Popcorn Peanuts
Piscatorial Pond Promiscuous Pleasant PaB
One of the most disgraceful affairs
which has come to light m recent yeun
is that connected with the civil engin
corps of the TJ S army a full
iccount of which appeared in the Sun
lay State Journal Amtmberofthf
orps was interested in the river and
harbor improvements at Savannah uid
contrived thit Uncle Sum was de
frauded out of about 1060000- The
irovernment is inveatigntitrg the mat
rer and it is probable thfitihpwginep
referred to will be dischagedfron
he service
Proposals for Comity Wnpplien
Fealed propoxate will be received at the office
of the Tounty Clerk at Valentine Neb up to
and including the 1st dav of January 1818 for
furnishing tlie following named supplies for the
use or Cherry founty for the year of 188
1 Patent Record printed form 6 quire
1 Mortgare4Record plain Squire
1 Complete Record plain G quire
1 Probate Retard printed form 6 quire
1 W arrant Rick looo lithographed
2 Rooks Certificate Tax Sales 200 pp
IS Honks Tsr Hecetpts 200 pp 1808
4 Rooks Tax Receipts 200 pp 1895
30 Road Overseers Record and Return 20 pp
SO Road verstirs Receipt Books 50 pp
2i Sets Poll Rook aul Envelopes
1 gro Itii ellblu Pcneils
3 gro SpiMicerian Pens No 26
2 gro Esterbrooks Pns No 312
10 Chaitle iMortgage Binders numbered
12 quarts -molds X i King Kiuid
UKd Blotters Treasury white
100 Globe Document Envelopes
2000 Full Sheet Blanks
3000 Half Sheet Blanks
20 0 Quarter Sheet Blanks
Kioo J ighth Sheet Blanks
nfloo Envelopes- x 4J4 inches
000 kmelopesGx 3i inches
14000 Letterlhsavis
2 doz Meta bound Document boxes 94x4x
2 doz No 2 Crown penholders
2 do Towers Bank peiih ers
All Record Books to be flat opening and can
vas covered
KUU must be accompanied bv bond iu the
sum of at leaf t 00 and samples of record pa
nersmd envelopes and letter heads will be re
quired Gkhkor Elliott
County Clerk
Valentine Neb Dec 2 18D7
In the County Court before W R Towne Coun
ty Judge
J CDwyer Pltf i
Martha Wenzel Deft J
Martha Wenzel will take notice -that on the
20th day of November 1897 W It Towne
County Judge in aid for Cherry County Nebr
issued an oider of attachment for the sum oi
thirty dollars and fifty cents 50 in an
ction pending before him wherein J O Dwver
is pi intiff and Martha Wenznl defendant that
property of the defendant consisting of 0ered
cow one nclandwhite cow one stock cwy one
black vearHtig heifer one led cow one Ulrck
and w hite cow one hi own heifer calf about sx
months oIdand one brown and white steer xialf
about threediionths old has been attachedMin
der said order Said cause was continued to the
6th day ox January I8i8 at 10 a- in
J C Dwykk Plaintiff
44 47 ByE D Clakk his Attorney
D SLaud Ofllce Broken Bow NehV
Nov 4 IMF t
Complainthaving been entered at tins office
b Preston Hinkson agamst William Long flip
abaiidonlnc his homestead entry No 775 dated
Dec 10 lbd upon the wse sese Sec S
swHjswH Sec 9 Tp 26n It 25wiii Cherrv county
Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of
said entiy the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 20th day of
December 1897 at 10 oclock a in to iesotid
Hurt furnish testimony concerniiisr ssnd llpewl
abandonment C CHAS H ADAMS Reirister
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
November 10 1897 f
Complaint No s75 having been entered at
Vnis office by Robert N Bruce against Williaiu
Nnn for abandoning his homestead entrv No
10154 dated July 5tlh 1895 upon the enei
swJiiieU and seMnsv1 See 25 Tp 31 Ji 2G iu
Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the can
cellation of said entry the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this office on the 13th
day of Dei ember 1897 at 10 ocloi k a in to re
spond and furnish testimony couqeriiiug said al
leged abandonment
42 45 J A FIKE Receiver
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
Nov 8 1897
Complaint havirg been entered at this office
bv Jacob Eiiimick airauist George W Morev for
failure to comply with Jaw as to t4mber uiiture
applieatiou No 5267 dated Feb 5j8s6 upon the
s4seiiid neseh ec 32 Tp 30
K 25 ia Cherrv county iebr witlivt view to the
cancellation of siid entry e iiiteatant ahegaig
that the said i eorge IV Morey Las failed to
break cr cause to be broken ten acres jf said
trct and has failed to plant or cause to be plant
ed ten acres oi said t met in trees tree seeds or
cuttingsand lias tailed to cultivate -or cause to
be cultivated any part of airi traotJu tne last t
or 7 yeaiy of entry said truer has gmxtn upslii
grass ami weeds and claiuiaus has failed to cure
his laches to this date thesaitl parties are here
by summoned fo appear atchis office on the 14
day ot December 1897 at 1 oclock p m to re
spond and furnish testimonyoouceniingsaid al
leged failure 4215 C R LUVER Register
A fijt claps Tailcr who will make ou
8ms of clothes to pleaKo vou or
no ijiy Clothing cifaned nreesed
6iiortst notioe
at Davenqojjt
B3f ore pnrchating 3Tour warm footwear you should see our line of J
juisnawaKa kiul snow exciuaing dooi ana Lsanigan overs
Boys1 Pants 25 30 and 50 cents per pair Boys Suits 75c 100 and
150 per suit A few mens 800 suits for 8600
810 suit 750 1200 suit 900
Public Land Male
U S Laud Office at Valentine Neb 1
Notice is herehv given that in i u nuance of
instructions rromthe Comlnissiom r ir tlte Gen
eral Land flice under authority vented in him
by See 2 155 U S fitv Sta as amended by the
o i tuimiVttit rVuruarv ii ldt Y wii
proceed to offer at nubile sale on the 8th dav of
January next at this ottVe the following tract
of land to wit the s4 swh section 17 town
ship 32n range 27w
Any and all persons el iiiims adversely the
above describedlHJids are nth ised to file their
claims In this ottlee on or before the day above
designated Tor said sale othervvtse their right
wib be foifeited
44 49 C R OLOVElt Register
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The DRMont at will
receive a marked copyof the paper Should any
error in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this office so correction van be made
irmfniHrnii iiiwiwuunn
U S Land Ofllce Valentine Pebr f
Ic -14897 f
Notice is hereby given that Frank Miller of
Woodlak Neb has filed notice of hftsntion to
make final pruot helore the liegiswr mo -
eiver at Ins c nice in Valentine Nebraska on
Wednesday the 12th day of January iffl oi
timber culture application No 7134 for lots 1
and 2 s4 meqinrter of section No l in town
ship No 20uiange No 27w
He namra as witnesses EIv D Valentine
yrus Hagen Chai les A Johnson and Washing
ton Honey all of Woodlake Neb- also
Prank Misler of Wcndlaki Xeb
H 213057 for the s1 neVI and nls sei section
26 township 30n range 2Cw
He names ihe follow ing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence Upon aud cultivation of
said land viz
ErvM Valentine Cyrus Hagen Charles A
Johnson and Nashington Honev all of Wood
lake Neb
40 51 C R GLOVER Register
U S Lauti Office Valentine Neb i
Oetoivr 1SD7 f
Notice is henbv given tliar the lollowmir
named settler lias filed notice of hlsintention to
make final proof in support of his claim aud that
said proof will be trade before the Register or
Peceiverat Valentine Nebr on Jan 13th 1S33
Willam Itrattonnnenf the heirs
of xmystratton leceaspd who made
H K No 0203 for hit 2 and s wry- section
No 18 township 31 range 28
He names the foil i wing witnesses f prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz Willaid I Morgarekfge Win
G Carson Harvey Hobbs and Giibeit S Hobbs
all of Simeon Neb
- C R GLOVER Register
Notice is hereby givpn thai Joseph R Fnstev
of ilenly Nebr has filed notice of intention to
make tl al proot before the Kegister or Receiver
at his nice in Valentine Neb on Tuesday the
llth day of January 1898 on timber culture
application No 7533 for the sw quarter of sec
tion No 31 in township No 32n range No 34 w
He names is witnesses Daniel Doux Chas
Heaver Alexander Seager and Warren Kloutz
all or Cody Neb
Testimony or claimant will be taken before the
Clerk of the District Court for Fiinnas county
at his olllc in Beaver City Nebr on Jan 8 189S
Land Office Valentine Neb i
Notice is lierebv trfvfin tbit r iivin rr HuTari
Kifoan Iowa has filed notice of iinenrinn til
nakefin U proof be ore Reirister and Receiver
at their oRice in Valentine Nebr n MoiuUv
the 3rd day of January lstis on timber tvtltufe
applicatuni No 7557 for the wl5n4ni wii
svH quarter or sect ion No 10 iu towisWo No
30n range No 2Gw
Henaines as witnesses- John H Dav John
M Day James II Day and Ivaa C SfcmtUfail of
Wood Luke Neb
Testimony of claimant will be taRcn before
the Clerk of the District Court of Wonlburn
c nintv at Ins office in Siouv City Iowa on Fri
day Dec 31 1897
-9 C R GLOVER KeftUter
Land Office Valentine Vet
Notice is hereby given that the foliovmg nain
ed settler has fileTd notice of his intention v
make filial proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will he made before Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on4Jvm 4
1898 viz
Coin D AinshV of Simeon Nebraska
H E No 95s5tor los 1 and 2 seVi uel4 and
reli seVj section tow ship 30 range 2S
He irunes the follnwimr witneseJ t irQ ito
hcoiitiniious residence unou and cnltivmnii nf
said land viz
Wm Ballard and Henry Ballard of Wood
Lake Nebr John B Lord and Wiliard D
gareirtge of Simeon Neo
C R GLOVER Register
Land Office Valentin Vebr
Notice is hereby iriven that the
settler has filed notice of his intention io
make final proof m support of bis claim and
that said proof will be made the Reenter
and Receivtr at Valentine Neb on Dec as 1837
Jacob E Pevora of Woodlake Xb
H E No 9007 for ticc wiSse1 aud eiswV Sec
32 Tp 30n R 2Gw
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Washington Honey Ely D Valentine Cvrns
Hagen and Charles A Johnson all of Woodiake
42 47 C IV GLOVER Register
U S Land OStee Valentine Neb
Nv 8 IS07 f
Notice is hereby given that the folloiving uam
edsetrlerhas filed notice of his intention to
makewil proof m support of his claim md
that said proor will be made before Register and
ind Hrceiver at Valentiue Neb on Dec OOtu
1897 viz
Mary McDermott of frookston Xfb
H K No 90SO for the swsw4 Sec 10 sUmvk
nwHiiW i Sec 15 Tp 34u R Ww
She names the tollowing witnesses to prove her
outiniious residence upon and cultivation of
iid land vu
Daniel ilcVey Bririsrett Knneaev Williafti
iiiihilIi smcl M Amniet fiv iiiiiriih an jT
rookton Nebraska
42 47 C It GLOVER
U L Land Ofllce Valentine Nebr i
October 22 1S97 1
Notice is herein given that the following uam
ed serner ha filed notice if his intention to
Heinrich Sanertcein of Crookston ISVb
H E No 8419 Tor the sw Sec 29 3 jti R 29w
lie names the following wituessti to pnne
his continuous residuc upon ami cuiiivutiun
f said land viz
William F Brown Henry S Clayliih Peter
Alt and Jiicob Fonterljlt all of CrosKutou NtU
i -
rANT FKiCKV aIentine N
Nov 10 svt7 1
Notice s hrby given tlirrt Tlolm W Kauat
sher of Lincoln Neb has Uied lioiet of inten
tion to make linal proof bciire TNyister and Ri
ccii rat flifir otnee m Ni bou Mon
day the 2Wh day of Dece nl r is7 on limber
culture application No 7sso for the WAsw1
neswi and swnwVi or bec Si Tp 27n R ifiw
He naniiS as witnesses- Jeier S Roueche
Charles Faulhaltet ilnr TtHiilliabct and John
Salman al ol Brownlee Neb
Testimony of claimant vil be taken lielors
the lei k of Ihe District aurt of Lancaster
county at his office iiiLincola Nb Dec LS 1D
li 47 c R G LOVER Register
U S Land Otnce at Valentine Neb i
Oct 2S IS7 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler lias filed notice of his intention to
make final roof in support or his claim rud
that said proof will -be made before Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on ec
22 1897 vw
Sadie 7ane Steen formerly Sadie Jane
Dunlop of Brownlee Neb
H E No 10402 for the n Aseht neJiswH And
settiwJj Sec io Tp27n R 32w
She names the following wtuesses to provetoer
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Benjamin B Andrews Rnrney McNitt Ed
niond B Growdeu and Jonn J Steen all of
Brownlee Neb
4i 4J C K GhOVER Register
U S Iand OlTice Valentin Neb J
Oct 27 1897 f
Notice is hereby grven that Ernest M Snook
of Kairlleld Iowa h s tiled notiic of intention to
make final proof before Register and Iteceivr at
their otice in Valentine Nebraska on Satnnlv
the 14th day of December l07 on timber culture
ppiiriiiiun o i rri inr inc sseu ami Ssw
M ection No 13 in lownsh p No 3n range 2Tw
He names as witnc sea Elv D Valeniine
Janrs II Day Will L lirvsler and Edgar
Levff all of Woodlake Nebraska
Testimony of claimant will be taken before
the Clerk ot the District Court of Jefferson coun
ty hK his office in Jefferson Iowa on December
11 1397
44 16 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Ofhce Valentine Nebr t
Nov 3 17 f
Nftice is hereby given tliat the following nam
ed settler has filed not ce of his intention to
make linal proof in sujwrt of bio claim and
that said proof will be icade before the Renter
aim Receiver at Valeuthse Neb ou Dec 11 lfc37
Ella G Corbittr oneof the heirs of Lnry
B Elliott deceased of Johnstown Neb
H K No 8729 for the stSi Sec 17 Tn 27n R cw
She names the following Witnesses to prove her
nAiitimifiiiL tlfn ia I 1 I r
vuminiiuii icoiuciiLC mJUll cum tJUIllYilUUIl Ol
said land viz
Alfred S Hand of Woodlake Neb H
Pihnore of Johnstown Neb Adalbert L
of Bouesteel 5 D aud Lafyette ICornitt
of Aiuswortli Neb
4MU C RGLOVER Register
to make final prof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Regwter and
make final proof in j support of his elsim and i Reefciwr at
that Bald proof wU be made before Jtegiter and
Receiver at Valeutme Nebrdite on De u
S97 i2
Land OfUoe Valentine Nebr J
Nov 3 lew f
Notice i hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his iniention
Valentine Nebniska on Dec 13
1837 viz
Lewis D Lincoln of Valentine Xeb
E No 9214 for the snwv and n4swa
See JO Tp 3211 R27w
lie names the following Witnesses tn prove hi
couhiiuous residence upon ud caltitttlon of
saiJ land viz
Charles E Sherman Wilrfcim D Clarkson
Willian Setter aiuJ John Ornasber all of Val-
C E GLOER Ryg5ner
- r
While looking around foi pres
ents dont overlook our line of
Tfeey are about the neatest and
best things in town No two
alike Prices from 100 up
T Wtil CAfiA 7fnsUH X7K - -
Hindcnan of Oasis Xebr
sVinw i and niiswK
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on Mill cultivation of
said andvir
John R Unltarri Wiltard L Tohce facuh
Klein Jr and Henry B Ballard all of Woodlake
42 47 C R GLOVER Register
Si A
f Ht
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam
Ulill Mrlopsjor fted
1 Rnn hnlk 40c per ewt 7 OOtiv
horta bulk 50c per cwt 9 00 ti
creeninjis 35c GOO
riiop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 55c
Oats i0e
IT S L mil Office Valentine Neh
November 4 1897
Notice k hereby given that Nelson K Oaincf
ONeill Neb has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before Register and Receiver
at their office iu Vaientine iNeb on Fiidav tho
17th day of December tM7 on timber culture ap
plication tfo si 17 for lots 1 audi and si JiieU A
Sec 6 Tp 29n R 3 1 w
He nanifcs as witnesses Jame OHlaspie
of Newton Neb Grant G Bothwell Timothv
Falbv and William rulliiian of Tnlhnan Nebr
42 47 C R GLOVKR Register
1 S Land Oilice Valentine Neb
Jov 8 1317 f
Notice Is hereby given that rMe following
uanieil settler has Hied notice of his intention f
make Inal proof in support of his claim am
that said jiroof will be made before the ltealster
and Receiver at Valentine Neor on nee 21
lf 97 vi
Albert F
UK No 10078 fir the
Secrj Tp3 n IflSvc
Kslray Af
Taken uy at mv residence on sretlon to town
hip nmgeT Sharps Ranch pfeolncC orwi
laek liorse about four ye 3 old weight ahout
t 00 pounds No marks or brands
Jack LePoitit
Mcrriman Neb
uitue oraimed on
left side
Hoises on left hrp
Brand known as
spear eiEht
Range b tween
Lake erefk and Lit
tle Wluta niter rj v
7 M I
TTn i m TTTi M
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothes
IU Smith Premier Cypewrfter S f
Best Value Writing Machine
First in Improvements Honest
Construction and all High grade
TypcnriJcr Csscnals t t
Sam lindsoit
lAift hp on ie
I t shoulder ou
hor ts
sohi horsw Lar
2 on Mtsnoulder
Range hcrwcyiM
GouJon aui Huakv
i Lett oars tagged AH eatile 1ciiorhOil
Ilenrv Pratt
IOtfCiMfl S I m
Hor js samo
left fehoulder
neerhorn clip
some ctStlu
Right ear cropped
Hole in center oi left
Range Lake creek
co on
s --
Horses same as on
i teer left hip Also
C on left abnukler
Rosebud 3 D
Bangs nig -White
and Bad Rivera
if w a
mTSJjlr miff A
William Shangrcn
Cody Nob
Tiulap nudersCde of
Joseph TV Bownot
3 O address
iMernman Nebr
7 Bl
William SL Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
Cod- Neb
DUfi Either id
Left ear ui cat l
Hange head of Bay
Earl Comstock Munaor
aleutlne nh
Catiie branded oi
leu bide or hip Also
969 TG
Steadman Bros
r I
rasa Keh
urana on
right or left sids
Horses and imn
cattle urajxa
on left side
aud hip
Range Ball Lai
a and Wamadcctr
Charles Benard
mShiu1 - O
M iH I