The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 02, 1897, Image 7

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x Great Distress
K Combination of Troubles Causes
Much Suffering
bled with my stomach Nearly everything
I nto would sour and I would belch it up
A t times my stomach gave me great dis
iress My back was lame on account of
kidney difficulty I bought sis bottles of
Hoods Snrsaparilia when I had taken
1 bottles 1 was cured Norman Hickok
Hoods SarsapariHa
Is the best In fact the One True Mood Purifier
Hoods Pills are the favorite cithartic 25c
The Best
Saddle Coat
J flKk
rrtrf flirrn
3SE 5 m3gfe S
n e rpogs
Mi isniit
Keeps both rider and sirtJIe per
fectly dry in the hardest storms
Substitutes v III disappoint Ask for
i8g7 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
it is entirely new If not for sale in
your tc n write for catalogue to
A J TOWER Boston Mass
111 - 1JJ I iUITMHM
1 -
Girls 10 to 18 years old can earn pood big pocket
money easily between school hours canvassing for
nice licht business For further particulars
address F P DEAN Sioux City Iowa
Earths Speed Not Even
It is an interesting fact that the
earth does not travel at the same rate
In all parts of its journey through
space Its orbit being elliptical it
must at some time approach nearer to
the sua than at others and will take
less lime in moving through one part
of its path than through another In
winter the earth is nearer the sun than
to summer and moves through space
nioie rapidly
All About Alaska
Descriptive folder containing five maps
f Alaska and routes to the gold fields
the most complete publication of the kind
in print Send four cents in stamps to F
I Whitney G P T A Great Northern
Railway St Paul Minn Alaska Land
of Gold and Glacier a beautiful illustrated
booklet sent for fifteen cents in stumps
The Great Northern is over 100 miles the
jhortest line fiom St Paul and Minne
apolis to Seattle and Portland the outfit
ting points whence steamers sail for
No Such Lucie
My dear Blobsou Ive just heard
that one of your daughters is myste
riously missing
Im sorry to say that youve been
misinformed my b03 The entire sev
en were on hand at breakfast this
moruing Cleveland Plain Dealer
Trains to the South Resumed
Information comes from the passenger
fleparrment of the Louisville and Nath
rille Railroad Company that all their
trains have been resumed and schedules
restored These include a double daily
solid train service from Cincinnati Chi
rago Louisville Evansville and St Louis
to Nashville Memphis Birmingham
Montgomery Mobile Pcnsacola and New
Orleans Also a double daily service of
Pullman buffet sleeping cars from tho
Northern cities to Jacksonville Florida
Second Edition
Biggs Do you think Dr Thirdlys
ermons are as good as they were in
former years
Diggs Certainly They are exactly
the same as he used ten years ago
Hows This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of catarrh that cauuot be cmed by
Hiking Halls Catarrh Cure
F J CHENKY CO Props Toledo O
We the undersigned havo known FJ Cneney
for the last fifteen years and bolievo him per
fectlv honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obligations
made by their firm
WeBt Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo O
Walding Rinnan Marvin Wholesale Drug
gists Toledo Ohio
Halls Catarrh Curo is tpken internally acting
diiectly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of
the BVBteiu Price 7oc per bottla Sold by all
The Duograph
The duograph is a new device that
has been brought out in Paris for ena
bling direct correspondence between
blind persons and those who can see
It is a kind of typewriter which prints
the letters in relief so that they are
both visible to the eye and sensible to
the touch
Is a beautiful possession If a woman owns
one and if a single pearl drops oS the string
she makes haste to find and restore it
Good health is a more valuable possession
than a necklace of the most beautiful pearls
yet one by one the jewels of health slip away
and women seem indifferent until it is almost
too late and they cannot be restored
To die before you are really old is to suffer
premature death and that is a sin It is a sin
because it is the result of repeated violations
of natures laws
Pain lassitude and weariness inability to
sleep dreadful dreams starting violently from
sleep are all symptoms of nerve trouble
You cannot have nerve trouble and keep
your health In ninety nine cases out of a
hundred the womb the ovaries and the bladder
are affected They are not vital organs hence
they give out soonest
Mrs Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
Her Pointer
They weredrlvlngalong a lonely road
and both had been engaged in deep
thought for several moments Finally
she asked
Why dont you sell this horse and
get another
This is a very valuable animal he
replied and has trotted a mile in less
than 215
Oh I suppose he is very valuable
but I should think you -would rather
have a horse that was not so full of
Surely you are not afraid I have
him under perfect control There is no
cause to feel the least alarm
Im not alarmed at all I suppose
you can control the beast all right but
I should think you would want a horse
that you could drive with one hand
some of the time
The next day he traded his beautiful
horse for a cow and the maiden
never had cause for complaint again-
Cleveland Leader
ILeeps Birth Records
Novelties in advertising are not limit
ed to America In some of the foreign
cities enterprising firms watch the pa
pers carefully for records of births and
promptly send the mother presents of
soap or toilet articles One London
house keeping its records carefully
waits till tho child is a few years old
and then sends outthe sex being noted
the following Madame as your lit
tle childs birthday aproaches and
thinking that you may require some
present for her in commemoration of
the event we inclose a catalogue of
toys New York Mail and Express
Misery by the AVliolcsalc
Is what chronic inactivity of the liver gives
rise to Bile gets into the blood and imparts
a yellow tint the tongue fouls and so does
tho breath sick headaches pahi beneath the
right ribs and shoulder blade are felt the
bowels become constipated and the stomach
disordered The proven remedy for this
catalogue of evils is Hostetters Stomach
Bitters a medicine long and professionally
recommended and sovereign also for chilly
and fever nervousness and rheumatism
A Telling Illustration
The round good natured face of a
popular priest was seen in the midst of
a small group of laughing men in the
rotunda of a Columbus Ohio hotel
one day last week His reverence was
telling a new batch of stories for the
collection of which he is famous One
of these concerned a brother who wad
sent last fall into the coke regions of
Pennsylvania where a number of for-
eigners were said to be sadly in need
of his spiritual guidance He found
them singularly unresponsive and none
of his fervid eloquence appeared to
move his hearers or to make the slight
est impression on them At length he
saw that he would have to increase his
vehemence and exaggerate his figure
of speech He was describing hell and
he reached his climax by these words
You men have no idea of the tortures
of hell It is hotter than can be de
scribed by mortal man You may
have some time put your hand in a
pail of boiling water and know how
hot that it It is 212 degrees as science
measures it You have all looked into
the blazing cokeovens There is a fire
which cracks the skin and sears the
eyeballs That is 3000 degrees in in
tensity But my friends that coke
oven fire is nothing compared with hell
Three thousand degrees Why 3000
degrees is only ice cream for those dev
ils down there This proved a clinch
er The coke workers saw that hell
was something to be avoided and that
the good father could help them to do
A Missionary Medicine
Cleanliness begins within If a man
isnt clean inside he is far from Godli
ness A constipated sinner is a stench In
the nostrils of the Deity A man whose
food sours in his stomach and whose liver
is leaden cant help looking at the world
hatefully with jaundiced eye and con
juring up evil thoughts in his tortured
brain Cleanliness of person begets clean
liness of thought Casearets Candy Ca
thartic are the missionary medicine which
purifies mens bodies and minds Pure
fragrant palatable mild and positive
rhey clean out the intestinal canal stimu
late the liver and strengthen the bowels
Then a man enjoys again a feeling of char
ity and brotherly love for his fellows and
icconnnends others to take Casearets and
he as hapuv as he
What Spool Means
The averaged sized spool for sewing
thread is 2 inches high and 1 inches
in diameter at the ends A spool of
thread means about 200 yards
fray ZipX2fflFKrv MSIS2Sfip
fl f
i V
pound by building up the nerves and restoring womans
organism to its natural state relieves all these trouble-
some uterine symptoms In confirmation of this we by
permission refer to the following women all of
whom speak from experience Miss Celia Vaj
Hobjt 1912 Sharswood St Philadelphia Pa Miss
Grace Coixobd 1434 Eastern Ave Cincinnati Of
Mbs Newell 50 Ryerson St Brooklyn N Y Mbb
Isabel Oberg 220 Chestnut St Woburn Mass
Mrs A H Cole New JRochelle N Y and many
For special symptoms Mrs Pinkham has prepared a
Sanative Wash which will cure local troubles Give these
medicines a trial
Write to Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass if you are not quit
satisfied you can address private questions to a woman-
Gomethinc that Will Interest the Ju
venile Members of Every Household
Quaint Actions and Bright Sayings
of Many Cute and Cunning Children
The Babys Future
What will the baby be mamma
With a kick and a crow
And a hush-a-by-low
What will the baby be mamma
When he grows up into a man
Will he always kick and always crow
And wriggle his arms and his legs about
And make up Mich horrible faces you
As ugly as ever he can
The baby will be a soldier my dear
With a fife and a drum
And a
The baby will be a soldier my dear
When he grows up into a man
He will draw up his regiment all in a row
And llourish his sword in the face of the
Who will hie them away on a tremulous
As quickly as ever they can
The baby will be a sailor my dear
With a fore and an aft
And a tight little craft
The baby will be a sailor my dear
When he grows up into a man
He will hoist his sails Avith a yo-heave-ho
And take in his refs when it comes on to
And shiver his timbers and so forth you
On the genuine nautical plan
The baby will be a doctor my dear
With a powder and pill
And a nice little bill
The baby will be a doctor my dear
When he grows up into a man
Die will dose you with rhubarb and calo
mel too
With draughts that are black and pills
that are blue
xlnd the chances will be when hes fin
ished with you
Youll be worse off than when he began
The baby will be a lawyer my dear
With a bag and a fee
And a legal decree
The baby will be a lawyer my dear
When he grows up into a man
But oh dear me if ever you knew
What terrible things a lawyer can do
You would take to your heels when he
came into view
And flee from Beershcba to Dan
A Cats Queer Pets
A cat takes queer notions soim Pin s
Here is a cat which has adopt jl a
chicken and a duckling This is the
more strange in that the avenge cat is
the enemy of the whole feather o J inbe
and will kill and eat all small birds t
can catch
This cat belongs to a miller who lives
pussys queer pkts
near Dairy Ayreshire England and
the accompanying ilustration was tak
en from a photograph
How the incongruous friendship came
to be established no one knows They
first got to consorting together and the
old cat would tuck the duckling under
its furred flank while the chicken
would make itself at home perched on
its foster mothers back pecking at her
ear and taking all kinds of liberties
with her The old cat seemed to have a
mothers fondness for her pets and was
not apparently concerned at the idio
syncracies they displayed foreign as
thev were to cat instinct
How Bobby Went to the Grocery
Bobby had started down town with
A grocery list and it was the first time
he had gone alone so he felt very proud
and happy over it
But by any by he stopped under a
Jamp post to rest
Its purty hard work to walk all
alone to the grocery mans he thought
Just then a girl came by and stopped
to mail a letter in the iron box on the
lamp post
Bobby watched her with much inter
Where does it go to he asked
The letter answered the girl On
down to the postoffice Didnt you ever
see a postoffice box before
No maam said Bobby Cause
weve just rnoved here from the coun
Then as the girl went on Bobby
stood still looking at the box
I wonder if it wouldnt take my gro
cery list down he thought Cause if
its smart enough to take letters I
should think it would be able to take a
grocery list
So he tucked his paper in and sat
down to see what would happen
though his conscience pricked him a
My mother might not like it he
thought I wish I had thought to tell
her about it first
Presently a man dressed in gray
drove up and jumping out of his bug
gy unlocked the box and took out the
Bobby stood up on tiptoe and tried
to see In
I thought he explained to the man
maybe Id have some groceries there
I put a list in
No said the man laughing this
doesnt deliver groceries But you climb
in the buggy and Ill take you down to
the grocery Heres your list
The grocery man let Bobby drive
back with him and when Bobby saw
his mother looking anxiously out of
the door he at once began to explain
I tried to ex-ex-peppermint with a
box mother he said but I was sor
rj though it was a tormentous long
ways to the grocery mans and if they
hadnt let me ride I dont know how
Id managed But I wont do it again
mother truly
Xo Bobby said his mother ex
periments dont always turn out right
and its better to go along the way your
mother expects you to
Yes thats so said Bobby I wont
forget that The Outlook
Snakes that Like Thunder
One of the wonders of the bare sandy
plains of New Mexico are the thunder
snakes They are by no means com
mon yet they are often encountered by
prairie travelers especially before and
after thunderstorms Flashes of light
ning and claps of thunder which are
so terrifying to bipeds and quadrupeds
seem to have the greatest charm and
delight for these members of the ser
pent family Whenever a thunder
storm comes up they have a reguar pic
nic They come crawling out of holes
from behind rocks and rotten stumps
and enjoy the fun while it lasts Their
nature is quarrelsome their character
fierce and they are aggressive in a high
degree although their markings are
very beautiful They are not poison
ous however their bark is worse thai
their bite
Longfellows Recipe for Health
In one of the recent magazines there
is a long article on the subject How
to Be Healthy Of course this doesnt
interest boys and girls very much be
cause most of them are fortunate in be
ing healthy already but some of the
older people would like very much to
know the best way of winning back
their health One time a man asked the
poet Longfellow how to be healthy and
this is the answer he received
Toy temperance and repose
Slam the door on the doctors nose
The Way
When Jimmy had taken a few writ
ing lessons he explained to his mother
This is the way to write my name
you make a big writing J then nine
humps and the bottom part of a Y
Not All He Wanted
Well Willy asked grandma have
you had all the dinner you want
Nome answered the truthful little
boy but I have had all I can eat
The Geographical Boards Decision
Says Dyea Should Be Taiya
The United States board on geo
graphical names which meets at stat
ed intervals has rendered decisions de
termining the spelling of 149 of these
names These include a number in
Alaska significant at this time in view
of the Klondike excitement Many
variations of nomenclature for the
same place are encountered and the
boards action determines the uniform
usage Following is a summary of ac
tion taken relating to places conspicu
ously mentioned in the gold stories
As to Klondike the decision is to
spell it as here given and not Clon
dyke Klondyke Chandyke Chandyk
or Deer Reindeer Throndike nor
Throu Diuck One of the lakes of the
upper Yukon was named Lebarge by
the Western Union telegraph expedi
tion in ISOS after Mike Lebarge a
member of the exploring party who is
now living somewhere near Ottawa
Out Late publications have fallen into
the error of spelling this Labarge but
the board adheres to the original for
Lebarge There is a Lebarge River in
When Schwatka descended the Yu
kon in 1SS3 he named one of the lakes
on its headwaters Lindeman after Dr
Moritz Lindeman now vice president
of the Bremen Geographical Society
This sometimes appears erroneously as
Lindemann and Linderman The
board adopts Lindeman
One of the principal tributaries of
the uper Yukon is the Lewes River
named by Robert Campbell of the
Hudson Bay Company about 1848
This is often miscalled Lewis
The inlet river and village at the
head of Lynn canal -which now ap
pears in the newspapers almost daily
under the form of Dyea the starting
point for the overland route is an In
dian word which has appeared in
many forms Admiral Meade in 1SG9
wrote it Tyya Krause in 1882 wrote
it Dejah Schwatka in 1883 Dayay
Dall in 1S83 Taiya The board adopts
the form Taiya
For the lake and river variously call
ed Hootalinqua or Hotalinga or
or Teslin Too or Teslin the
board adopts Teslin The terminations
Hina and Too are said to mean river in
different Indian dialects
An Lndian village on the middle Yu
kon is called Nuklukayet This has
been written in several forms include
Ing the erroneous one Tuklukyet
She Knew
A girl from town is staying with
some country cousins who live on a
farm On the night of her arrival she
finds to her mortification she is ignor
ant of all sorts of things connected
with farm life which to her country
cousin are matters of everyday knowl
edge She fancies they seem amused
at her ignorance
At breakfast the following morning
she sees on the table a dish of finn
honey whereupon she thinks she lias
found an opportunity for retrieving her
humiliating experience of the night be
fore and of showing her country cous
ins that she knows something of life
after all So looking at the dish of
honey she says carelessly
Ah I see you keep a bee Pear
sons Weekly
Britons Better Shots
British soldiers are better shots than
either French or German
Rest and BelieC
A piece of machinery run by steam
and overworked will become cranky
creaky and out of gear owing to some
expansion of metal from heat and fric
tion Stop its work rub and brighten
and let It rest In a short while it will
be restored and will run smoothly The
human system is a machine Too much
work and worry are thrown upon it
too much of the heat of daily cares too
much of the steam of daily business
The nerves become cranky they are
restless sleepless and twitchy and a
neuralgic condition sets in Pain
throws the machine out of gear and it
needs rest and treatment to strengthen
and restore St Jacobs Oil is the one
remedy of all peculiarly adapted to a
prompt and sure cure So many have
so freely testified from experience and
use to its efficacy in the cure of neural
gia that it passes without saying that
It surely cures It will be a gracious
surprise to many after the free use of it
to find how easily pain cares and worry
may be lifted and how smoothly the
human machine goes on
In Close Quarters
Jack I hear you had a narrow escape
from a grizzly in the mountains this
Ella Yes indeed It was the tightest
squeeze I ever had
Jack putting his arm around her
Well that grizzly is not the only mem
ber of the press association
FITS Permanently Cured No fits or nervousness
after first day u5p or Dr KIlneN Great Nerve Ke
Borer Snd for FKEE 20 trial bottle an 1 treatise
Oa R U KLIXE Ltd 93r Arch St 1hllaaslphla Pa
Clear Atmosphere
The atmosphere is so clear in Zulu
land that it is said objects can be
seen by starlight at a distance of sev
en miles
Degrees of Foolishness
That man Barker Is the biggest
fool I ever sav He never talks about
anything but himself
I dont know that you ought to call
him the biggest fool for that
Do you sanction that sort of thing
No but Barker doesnt know much
about anything else The biggest fool
is the one who tries to talk about things
that he doesnt understand Cleve
land Leader
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets AU Prucpsts
refund the money If It falls to euro 25c
Labor is one of the great elements of
society the great substantial Interest
on which we will stand Daniel Web
Pisos Cure for Consumption has sated
me large doctor bills C L linker 422S
Regent So PhiladHphia Pa Dec S 95
No man ever made an ill figure who
understood his own talents nor a good
one who mistook them
Aent3 Wante I Free outfit On earns
LO0O several 1000 yearly P O 1371
-New York
Rest satisfied with doing well and
leave others to talk of you what they
Ah thht twinge Why rheumatic Seek relief
lnstanter from Glenns bulphur Soap
Hills Hair and Whisker Dye black or brown COc
Inquire about your neighbors before
you build and your companion before
you travel
Mrs Wirmlow SoomiNO Synur for Children
ttetbing sott ns tlio cunis reauces inflammation
Jllab paiii cure icd colic ceuto a bottle
Some mens stories ought to be quar
GtBGaCf irrr nrB TV
sfKJ i
Bert Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
In time Bold by drupclsts
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You
I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Hyannis Massachusetts
was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the sama
that has borne and does now sW on every
bear the facsimile signature of LzS 7ctccK wrapper
This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought Sffl ylT7sXLr 07b l
and has the signature o f zyX7cc4Z wrap
per Jfo one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas IT JFletcJier is
March 8 1897 GZcr4Hp0
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies
on it the ingredients of which even lie does not know
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Use the Means and Heaven Will Give
You the Blessing Never Neglect
A Useful Article Like
While discussing the merits of Ripans Tabnles recently m a conversation with a
friend a surgeon who is employed by the Long Island Railroad and who has a largo
private practice among people of social and business prominence in Brooklyn the
City of Churches expressed himself quite forcibly saying I dont wish my names
to appear as an indorser of a medicine that is advertised to the public at large but
there are several of my private patients who have not required my services as much
this spring as has been usual and two of them I found had been taking Ripans
Tabules and were said to have been so much benefited by their use that I becamei
very much interested in their cases because the illness from which they had suffered
was of a sort from which a doctor is no more free than other people are It was
dyspepsia and I knew by my own experience just what that was and how difficult it
is to treat it successfully I finally tried Ripans Tabules myself and by ginger
they are all the circular pretends them to be They are a first class article I can
heartily indorse them The formula is an old one but with one or two slight
changes that seem to add an effectiveness that was never before to be relied upon
with so much certainty
druy itorea o nre canTrbia low orlced sort Is Intended for the poor aad the ncfflicaJ CteedSS
ofjhe fire cent cartons OSOtobules awT had br maU bj sending rorlght cenci u SeRnuia qSS
and Celling Manilla Write for samples and prices
The Fay Manilla Hoofing Co Camden J
49 97
discharges Inflammation
of mucous membranes
Ivli T - rainuss and not
ATHOTWiCHEMICJlLCO Cent or poisonous
kuiflujuigi i aoia ay xirarorlste
or sent in plain wrapper
yj prepaid tor
100 or 3 bottles 4275
V wrcaiar sent on reqeest
MENTION TIU5 PAFE wsxa vsnua to idtiituxu