The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 02, 1897, Image 1

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dino line of plain and fancy jew
dry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in Iho best manner
Pull line of sporting goods
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the V II Moses building
Line7 is to beet
to and from the
Com in a Event
cBouttiorn Teachers Simeon Dec 4
Kniscopal Entertainment JVc 10
Teachers Association Dec 11
Drc iS
Christmas is coming Wait for it
John Steinbiecher was in town from
Georgia Monday
Archie Pettycrew is spending a few
days athomn this week
Walter Mdsely spent Saturday and
Sunday at Ainsworth
Davenport Thacher received a
nice lot of apples this week
Work on the second story of the
Sparks building will begin iu a few
The cold weather of last week stop
ped work on the school house Friday
and Saturday
J A Fike has been in Newport and
vOmaha this week looking after his
hay business
Where la that wood ynu promised
to bring us We need it badly and
wish youd hurry up
I Maude Towno left for Portland
Oregon Tuesday for an extended visit
with friends and relatives
Monday morning was the coldest of
-x the winter up to date The thermom
eter went to 10 below zero
Dan Truax was in town from Cody
last week aud reported that he had
sold a hayvclaiin tor 2500
The gross proceeds of the Method
ist dinner and supper last Thursday
were 6200 Not bad was it
Mrs L N Layporte started yester
day morning for a six weeks visit
with relatives -at Ambrose Iowa
J J Guths house is rapidly -approaching
completion Ine hot air
apparatus was iustalled Tuesday
Work on the roof ot tho school
house began this week but the
storm has again stopped the work
Wanted Girl for general houss
t work Mes W E Waitje
J 4i Chesterfield ATeb
Topic for Christian Endeavor oext
Suuda -is Not to be Ministered Unti
but to Minister Matt 2020 28
ToJCure A Cola in One Day
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Fab
lets All Druggists refund the money
it it fails to Cure 25c 46
Miss Childe delivered an excelleut
address at the Episcopal church Sun
day evening speaking on Cities of
A look intothe various windows of
Valentines stores is enough to make
the most stolid of mortals wish he was
ahild again
There is a rumor afloat to the effect
that -a marriage between parties at
Arabia will take place to day but the
license has not vetbeen issued
Crabb Vincent are closing out
their stock of clothing aiid are offer
ing some exceptional bargains to their
customers See their advertisement
Wra Hook of Cody was in town
Tuesday on a business trip
Mr A H Workman the gentleman
ly ageut for the Remington type
writer was in town Monday and
spent a few very pleasant minutes
with tho editor
W E Burleigh of Mt Ayr Iowa
last week took charge of the Ainsworth
Star Journal and judging by his first
effort will give Ainsworth a very
readable paper
Wm Krotter the Stuart lumber man
spent Sunday in town Mr Krotter is
one of the most amiable and gallant
gentlemen in this part of the state and
numbers his friends by the score
As we go to press a gentle si ow
storm is iu progress We dont need
the now having abjut six inches of
the beautiful on the ground now
but we will meekly accept it as being
for the best
County clerk elect J W Daniels
has we understand rented the Gal
loway property on Cherry street recent
ly vacated by W R Smith and will
move his family thtrein prior to tak
ing oharge of his otliee
In addition to the refreshments and
program at the Episcopal entertain
ment one week from tomorrow even
ing the ladies of the Guild will have
for sale a large number of pieces of
fancv work suitable for Christmas
Prof Watson was the only teacher
from Cherry who attended the meet
ing of the Northwest Teachers Asso
ciation at Rushvillc last year but he
filed an application wiih the executive
committee to have the next
held in Valentine
The people of Ainsworth know a
good thing when they see it There
are no fewer than twenty people in
and around Valentine who formerly
lived at Ains orth They are pretty
good citizens and wo would be pleased
to welcome more of them
In response to a telegram an
nouncing the dangerous illness of his
daughter Mrs Milton Andeison L
D Lincoln left Saturday night for her
bedside at Iola 111 Her many friends
here hope tj learn of Mrs Andersons
complete recovery in a short time
Through an oversight last week we
failed to make mention of the fact
that The Republican had passed an
other milestone in its history and is
now 11 years old We congratulate
Bro Marker upon his success in the
newspaper business and only wish that
our other contemporary was as good a
Charles Wilson the optician of At
kinson spent Tuesday and Wednesday
in town and fitted glasses for a num
ber of our citizens Mr Wifon is an
expert in his professh n and we can
unhesitatingly recommend him to all
who are in need of glasses His
charges are especially reasonable for
the class of work done
Chancellor McLean of tie state un
iversity delivered an address at the
Methodist church Saturday evening
on The New Americanism appear
ing under the auspices ot the Shakes
peare Club The Chancellors address
was and interesting one and was well
received Lack of space prevents us
from giving a synopsis of same
C H Cornell this week went ut
prospecting and discovered that there
are in the viciniv of Valentine no few
er than seven riffeont kitvrts of valua
ble clav each of which can De
obtained in paying quantities Sam
ples of these clays were sent to two
different places m New York for an
alyis and in a short time we hope to
be able to give our readers a full re
port of their value
J E Thackrev county
elpct was in town Tuesday making ar
rangements to give the 5U0GD bond
required of him b law While in
town Mr Thackrey informed us that
his wife is still in Kansas her father
having died last week She will re
main there until abmu the middle of
January when Mr Thackrev expects
to have his household goods moved in
to the Elliott property on tho west
The Christian Endeavor mepting
lasfrSundav evening was led by W S
Barker Temperance was the subject
under consideration and some very
good thoughts were brought out upon
the question Especially was this
true in the case of thesnb topic What
is needed in the way of temperance
legislation It was clearly shown
that we have -a plenty of legislation at
prpspnt a d what is needed is enforce
- One of the most pleasant visitors
we have had for a Itng time was Ed
itor E S Eres of the Atkinson Plain
Dealer who was in town Tuesday
Bro Eves is -one of the most pleasant
members of the newspaper fraternity
it has been pur pleasure to meet for a
long time If he would condescend to
enter some other business we would he
pleased to welcome him as one of our
townsmen Valentine has plenty of
flcwspapers now
PnMiwlicd for Fov Tears as
V E Haleys BusinPH Grows with
With the Cotin tjn Age
It is the general rule that a business
venture in a new town makes more
money and iu better thought of at first
than it is a number of years afterward
To this rule there is however one ex
ception in most county seat towns In
Valentine there are a number of such
exceptions but the one we have iu
mind is the general exception a ieal
estate and abstract office
W E Haley came to Valentine from
ONeill in March 1888 and in com
pany with J S Hairington familiar
ly known as Jack started the real
estate and abstract office of Harring
ton Haley the first offiice of the
firm being two doors north of what
was then kuown as the Spaifcs Store
In this location the firm transacted its
business until burned out by the big
fire when the firm purchased and
moved into what is now known as the
Whillana harness shop This building
was bought at an administrators sale
of the McNaraee property Incident
ally we might remark that Pete Dono
her worked for the firm from 1889 un
til 1891 Iu the fall of 1890 Harring
ton retired from the firm and since that
time Mr Haley has run the business
in his own name In 1891 Haley sold
the building to Whillans and moved
into the Bank ol Valentine occupying
the rear room of that institution
Here he remained until May 1893
when the administration recognizing
his meritaas a democrat appointed
him postmaster of the local office
which position he held until July of
this jear when he was succeeded by
the present postmaster D ESherman
As postmaster Mr Halej gave entire
satisfaction and retired with the best
wishes of every patron of the office
He is at present located iu what is
generally nuown as the Love building
just south of the building-called-a-court
Our state law provides that an ab
stracter shall tile a 10000 boud with
the county judge for the protection of
his patrons and this Mr Haley has
done In addition to his real estate
and abstract business he has worked
up a very nice insurance business
representing the Queen Western As
surance Continental and Greenwich
insurance companies and having so
many companies is prepared to issue
policies iu any amount desired He
also represents the Fidelity Safe and
Deposit Co and furnishes bonds for
public officials
Red Mn Adopt Palefaces
At the regular semi monthly coun
cil of Sitting Bull tribe No 22 Imp
O R M last Friday evening ten ap
plications for adoption were received
from -palefaces and each was accom
panied by favorable report by the com
mittees to which they had been re
ferred Eight of the applicants were
present when the guard of tne forest
went in search of the tresspassers on the
Red Mens hunting grounds and they
were duh adopted into the tribe In
addition to these eight adoptions four
members who had been suspended for
non payment of dues were reinstated
to full membership These additions
to the tribe of Red Men makes that or
der one of the strongest in town
The next meeting of the lodge will be
held on Friday Dec 10 and a full at
tendance of members is desired as in
addition to the degree work to be
done chiefs will be elected to serve for
the next six moons
Kusene lloore Sentenced
At Lincoln Tuesday morning Judge
Cornish sentenced ex Auditor Eugei e
Moore to eight years in the penitenti
ary and fined him 4641610 or doul e
the amount of his embezzlement from
the state Iu sentencing him the
judge said
This corruption in pnblic office
state and city must ceae or the very
foundation of our government will
crumble under the fabric erected with
so much pains by the fathers
Continuing Judge Cornish said in
effect that Moores cas e was an exceed
ingly aggravated one and pointed out
the dire effects of a continuance of cor
ruption in public office This has
grown so common that many patriot
ic citizens were almost in dispair for
the future of our government
An application for the suspension of
the sentence will be made when the
supreme court meets next Tuesday
Bro Miles of the Ainsworth Home
Rule rather resents our imputation
upon his veracity when we criticized
his sentence every vacant dwelling in
town is occupied This is worse
than a snake with rattles on its tail
but Bro Miles cant see it Will he
please explain how a house that Ls oc
cupied can at the same time be vacant
and vice ycrsa
r At a meeting of the Kansa3 City
produce exhange recently a committee
was appointed to investigate the sae
of congealed butter It is claimed
that recently some concerns in the city
have been engaged in buying country
butter from commission merchants
and by some process mixing it with
water and selling it to retail grocera
aud other dealers as genuine country
butter It ia said that the mixture is
about half water and very deceptive
Once more wo feel called upon to
remark that every dog has his dav
but Thurscay belongs to Thk Demo
Edmond George was arranged be
fore Judge Tovvne Saturday on a
charge of selling mortgaged property
and the case was continued until Fri
day The prisoner was placed under
500 bonds and falling to secure same
was placed in j il where henow is The
property alleged to have been disposed
of consists of two cows a horse- and a
mowing machine and the McCor
mick Machine Co held the mortgage
A cattle stealing charge also bangs
oyer the prisoner and it is said that
the first named case will be dismissed
fur the present and the accused cried
on the second charge
A DcciKlon of Interest
Speaking of a contested election
case which was taken up from
Sturgis S D a dispatch dated on the
28th inst says
For many years there has been con
siderable strife about election time
over the legality of the votes from Ft
MeadeiOften very important elec
tions have been won by a few votes
from tho fort This question was also
passed upon by the supreme court
which gave the following decision
The inhabitants of these military
reserves cease to be inhabitants of the
state and can no longer exercise any
civil or political rights under the laws
of tho state This will settle the
question of the legality of the votes
from Ft Meade
Mortgage Record
Durinf the last month the mortgage
indebtedness of this county was re
duced more than in any other month
since the organization of the county
The record follows Chattel Mortgages-Filed
84 for 115509 released
86 for 144869 Farm mortgages
Filed 9 for 5290 released 9 for
3250 Town and city- Filed 2 for
300 On one day Nov 8 mortga
gesfor 47394 90 were released and
the highwater mark of the flings was
reached on- the 10th then they
amounted to 28 71600 This recoid
is only one more of the many merit
ous things to be said about Cherry
Valentine Teachers Association
The following program wi l be given
at the High School building Dec 11
130 p m All friends of education
are cordially invited to be present
Literature Chapter vi vii viii also
read andreread chapter vi till you can
readily distinguish between effects of
incident effects of mood and effects
of character
By means of effects te 1 That there
hss been a heavy frost that Ella
Swinton has a cheerful disposition
that Luuy Mouton is angry Prepare
and bring to class for criticism
Take some work of fiction and select
at least half a dozen passages where
the author has caused an increased m
teresMn ins story by means of effects
Bring booirto class
Prof R H Watson
Self Development
M s Florence Austin
Discussion Lucy Hruner
Is the Teacher Reading Circle
Work Direcrlv TVuefieial to the
School If So How
Maggie Kibber
Discussion Mary Shnughnessy
Is Knowledge of Mental Philoso
phy Necessary for the Most
Effective Work in the School
Room - C H Doty
The Present Status of Child
Study Mrs Lizzie Crawford
Report of Northwestern Teachers
Association Coiwtttke
Largest stock in town
Prices the lowest
Everything to please the girls
and boysDolls and Drums Guns
and Doll carriages
j ruigtiu
a x
Davenport Thacher
miii i i ii i
- - -- - I I I 1 - I W -
Winters Coming
And now the careful housewife begins to look around for
aud other warm and heavy goods
Tho best place to get them is at the store of
K McDonald
Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Orookston also
Come to the
- -
V -V
X 24 3
- Valentine House -
- -
4f rX -V
We will give you a good clean bed and the
to eat 100 per day or
350 per week
We have decided to close out our entire line of Clothing
to make room for a large new stock of Dry Goods Hats
Caps Boots and Shoes and in order to get rid of the stock
in the shortest possible space of time we will sell the goods
This is not a fake closing out sale nor is it a sale for
the mere purpose of drawing trado to our stor we are ac
tually closing out this line of our business Among the
bargains will be found all styles of
and a complete line of overcoats Call early while the as
sortment remains unbroken We also offer bargains in gro
ceries and dry goods Prices low on a cash basis
Whats the Use
Of travling one hundred miles further
and three hours longer to get to Sionx
City when you can take the Pacific
Short Line at ONeill and save both
time and distance Connections made
every day except Sunday with trains
east aud west between Sioux City aud
the Black Hills Buy tickets to
ONeill Same Fare
One of the features of the Method
ist entertainment Thanksgiving even
ing was theuinging by Mrs Sol Mor
ey and her sister We were unable to
be prespnt at the entertainment but we
are told that the singing by these
two ladle was the best ever heard in
Pacific Short Line
Through connections both way3 with Black
Hills trains by taking tbts line yon can go to
Sioux City and return tho same dav connections
made wiinall trains for the East and Soutn
Dakota BuylocalUcketstoONelD
Office over