J f v fs V t f - t i J i r U A IPC Vegetable I lriLew tj Sicilian HAIR RENEWER Drives off old ape restores lost color to the hair ebves it the richness and gloss of vouth n T rT It ncss ino oanorurr Japanese Object to the Trolley The promoters of the proposed trol ley road in Japan are meeting with considerable opposition from the pop ulation and particularly the coolies jinrikisha men and kago bearers -who object to the abandonment of their primitive methods of transportation Sew Route to Health Little fragrant palatable tablets in a dainty enameled metal box just right for the vest pocket or the ladys purse On the tablets are stamped the letters U O C Cascarets Candy Cathartic Eit one like candy and the little tablet at once purifies and regulates the whole di gestive canal It destroys disease germs In the mouth and throat stops souring cf undigested food in the stomach stirs up the liver and tones and strengthens he bowels making them act healthily an l naturally They are well and widely ad vertised in the press but the best adver tisement for Cascarets is their wonderful ly mild yet positive action which makes a Cascaret convert of everyone that tries them We recommend them to all our readers One of the oldest If not the oldest of English firms is that of Richardson leather manufacturers of The predecessors of this firm were leather sellers to the monastery of St Hilda which was disestablished at the time of the Reformation Rudyard Kipling has written one of his best stories for the 1S9S volume of The Youths Companion The Burning of the Sarah Sands is its title and it is a stirring tale of heroism in the ranks Those who subscribe to The Youths Com panion now will receive the paper free for the rest of the year and The Companions twelve color calendar for 1S98 The Companions yearly calendars are recog nized as among the richest and most cost ly examples of this form of art v Illustrated Prospectus of the volume for 189S and sample copies of the paper sent on application Address THE YOUTHS COMPANION 207 Columbus Ave Boston Mass I Medical diplomacy She How do you manage doctor to mae yourself so popular with all your pajjent He Oh I assure those who only think theyre ill that they really are ill while those who really are ill I assure that they are quite well Sketchy Bits Shake Into Your Shoes L Allens Foot Ease a Dowder for the Veet It cures painful swollen smart ing feet and instaxitly takes the sting out of corns and bunions Its the greatest comfort discovery of the age Allens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It is a certain ure for sweating callous and hot tired aching feet Try it to day Sold by all druggists and shoe stores By mail for 25 cents In stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y j i In India there are 1G0G00 bojs and GJTOOO girls under the age of fourteen who are legally married while SGOO boys and 24000 girls who have uot at tained the age of four are under mar riage bonds as arranged by their par ents Kv are of Olntmrnts for Catarrh that Contain Mercury Ab mercury Trill surely destroy the sense of smell and completely dcrango ttie -whole system Lea entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians as tha damage they will do is tenfoM to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh Curo manufactured by F J Cheuey Co To ledo O contains no mercury and is taken in z ternally and acts directly upon the blood and f mucous surfaces of the system Iu buyiusj Hulls Catarrh Cure lie sure you get the genuine It is taken internally and made in Toledo Ohio by P J Cheney Co dSoId by BruggistB price 75o per bottle According to the deductions of a well known astronomer we receive as much light from the sun as could be omitted by GS0000 full moons To a modest sensitive high strung young woman especially an unmarried woman there is no more trying- or painful ordeal than the examinations which are now so common in hospitals and private practice An examination by speculum or otherwise is sometimes a positive necessity in certain stages of many diseases peculiar to women o at least it is declared by the pro fession This would not be the case if patients heeded their symptoms in time The Screw The small size of the screw says a noted shipbuilder is not due as you might think to the perception of any inventor of its great effect as compared to a larger one When I first engaged in the machinery business screws for steamers were made as large as possi ble it being the theory that the greater J the diameter the higher the speed A vessel was sent to sea with a screw so large that it was deemed best to cast each blade in two parts and then weld them together During a storm all three blades of the propeller broke at the welding reducing the diameter by more than two thirds To the surprise of the captain the vessel shot forward at a speed such as had never been at tained before Engineers then experi mented with small propellers and at once discovered that they were much more effective than large ones AN AMBITIOUS GIRL From the New Era Greensburg Ind This paper recently received informa tion that the ten-year-old daughter of Mr M RyboK of Hartsvilie Ind had been cured of a severe illness The case seem ed more then an ordinary ooe and J quently a special representative was sent iu investigate The RyboJts are well-to-do farmers liv ing abont two miles southwest of Harts vilie When the reporter called Mr and Mrs Rybolt and their daughter in ques tion Louise were at home also the other three children Louise is the oldest She had been going to school for four years and was formerly in very good health but for the past year or more she has been ill A year ago the present winter it was noticed that she was breaking down in health For a time the cause conld not be ascertained but it was finally decided that it was from over study It has al ways been the ambition of Louise to edu cate herself as soon as possible for sho was anxious to graduate from the com mon brandies early and to enter a college of music which her parents promised she could do as soon as she should finish the common branches How many children by diligent study to achieve their ambitions are injuring their health It was so in this case The child studied hard all day and often far into the night and had won the respect and admiration of her teacher and of all the school by her aptness and rapid learning For some time Louise experienced an indisposition which she would not make known to her parents for fear they would have her remain from school Her head ache soon became unendurable and was noticed by her teacher She had by this time grown pale and weak One day she became suddenly sick at school and was taken home For several weeks shcteuffered from a fever and the physicians could not rally her A neighbor urged them to try Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People which they finally did with splendid re sults Louise began getting better at once and by the time she had consumed ten boxes of the pills she was cured What you have written is true said Mrs Rybolt I dont think Louise would have recovered had it not been for Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People She is in perfect health to day and able to re enter school We are using these pills in our family when we need medicine and find that they do more good than doctors medi cines and they are not nearly so expen sive I would be glad to recommend them to any one who is sick and can es pecially recommend them in any case sim ilar to Louises Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shatter ed nerves These pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent post paid on re ceipt of price 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2S0 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100 by addressing Dr Williams Medicine Company Schenectady N Y Clung to the Old Style There has recently died in the east end of London an old gentleman a cen tenarian who is locally reported to be the last person in England to wear that curious fashion of headdress common in George IIIs time a pig tail With his queer little queue of white hair neat ily tied behind with a knot of blue rib bon his corded knee breeches and low buckle shoes a large flowered waist coat down to his hips and plum colored open coat that showed the big frilled skirt and tight stock the old man was quite a picturesque feature amid rather squalid surroundings He had been considered quite a dandy in his youth and the new fashions were none of them so smart as when he played the lady killer about Boneys time He was very vain of his tail and often prided himself in his weak quav ering voice of being the only gentle man left that was dressed as a real gentleman should be Pearsons Weekly TEYINGr ORDEALS FOR WOMEN vZS Wra PlnVhR m TfiTI TTrvor ZS iZiZssK men MayAvoid Painful Examinations If a young girls blood is watery her skin pale and waxy looking her lips colorless bowels torpid digestion poor her ears and temples throb and ahe is subject to headache begin at once to build up her system with Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Do not allow her to undergo a physical examination Here is a letter from a young lady who requests that her name should not be used but gives her initials and treet number so that any inquiry addressed to her will be received She says fifc JIHkd XOP H lUf ftbmSi Dear Mrs Pinkham It affords me great pleasure to be able to say a few trords in regard to the merits of your Vegetable Compound I was tempted to try it after seeing the effects of it upon my mother and now I feel like a new person I am a stenographer and was troubled with falling of the womb and female weakness in general I continued to work until I was so weak I could no longer walk and the last day I was forced to stop and rest l I was then eo ill that I was compelled to stay in bed and so nervous that I could not hold anything- in my hands The least noise or surprise T would cause my heart to beat so loudly and I would become so weak that I could hardly stand I suffered for almost a year It is different now I can go about my work with pleasure while before work was a drudge Trusting that my words of praise may help some other afflicted person and be of benefit to womankind in general I remain Yours in gratitude I H 444 S- East St Indianapolis Ind tft SsSSES The Wheelbarrow The village resident soou conies to find the wheelbarrow a very indispen sable article The cut which is from the American Agriculturist shows how one village resident extemporizes a hay rack out of his wheelbarrow when desiring to get into the stable two or three hundred pounds or so ot hay Harrow strips of board are lightly tack ed to the surface as shown and the hay cart is ready It will surprise any one to see the large quantity of hay that one can thus easily and quickly wheel away from his grounds to die ENLARGED WIIKEI BARKOW stable This arrangement is also use ful for getting in fodder corn from the garden Let the stalks first be piled cross ways of the bottom strips Then the other way Supplementing Ensilage There are all kinds of ensilage vary ing of course with the material put into the silo There is no magic in the silo to add to the nutrition of what is put into it though it may add to the nutritive value by making it more di gestible Much of the ensilage from corn fodder is deficient in nitrogenous forms of nutrition It needs to be sup plemented not necessarily with richer ensilage but preferably with dry food Instead of trying to ensilage clover which Is difficult because it heats so rapidly it is better to cure it and feed three to five pounds of good clover hay to all animals whose main ration is corn ensilage If clover cannot be had use wheat bran or oats Both linseed meal and cotton seed meal may be given with good results to animals fed on corn ensilage If possible some straw or ha should be given with these to increase their bulk and pre vent them from compacting in the stomach Corn is not a good supple ment to corn ensilage as it also is so largely carbonaceous But corn and oats ground together and fed with cut hay or stray make a very good supple mentary feed For Apple Choking The treatment for apple choking outlined and illustrated is said by a correspondent of the Orange Judd 3 z a 3 o n Farmer to prove ef fectual and never cause injury Fig 1 is made of -inch r o u n d iron the ends being 5 inch es apart the frame 12 inches in length from the small loops at the end to the handle The ring near the cen ter is 3 by 5 inches fig 1 fig 2 welded to the side pieces Put a small cord through the end loops slip the ring into the cows mouth and fasten the cord over the head Turn the handle down under the jaw which will open the mouth and the cow can then be held without further trouble If the apple is not far down it can be removed with the hand The cow cannot bite or throw her head around if the handle is held firm If the apple is too far down to remove by hand take a rubber hose Fig 2 start through the ring and push the apple clear down into the stomach Securing Early Lettuce The outdoor crop of spring lettuce may be made several days earlier by sowing the seed in some sheltered place late in fall It is not likely that if sown now any of the lettuce will come up this fall A few leaves scattered over the bed will keep the seed from injury and it will sprout and grow with the first warm weather in spring Almost every one has seen self sown lettuce on the beds where it was grown and went to seed the previous year It is much more forward than spring sown lettuce can be had in the same locality Plant Watering Watering is the most important oper ation in connection with plant growth Plants grown in rooms are benefited by an immersion in water at the same temperature as the room for about ten minutes once a week Water should never be given before needed neither should plants be allowed to become surface watered Rain water is the best for all purposes The best time for watering plants during summer is the evening but in winter morning should be chosen for the work Banishthe Curry Comb The curry comb is an instrument of torture that should be banished In some stables a great improvement up on it is a large wisp of straw twisted tight tied into a knot and pounded flat on one The flat side is used in grooming after being slightly damp ened It is much better for the skin and hair than the curry comb re moves dust well and gives the animal a glossy healthy coat Brisk rubbing with soft woolen cloths is excellent for giving the hair a silky glossy appear ance and is an excellent thing for the skin Farm More Intensively Experience and necessity force changes in methods that would not occur but for the failure to sequre profit where no difficulty previously existed In England where the system of farm ing is on the intensive plan dairymen are abandoning pasture They are dis covering that more food can be grown on the pasture land than can be se cured from the grass and hay and that by a succession of green crops they can derive better foods than can be had from grass There is more labor required but the products are larger and the profits greatly increased Root crops and soiling enable the English to pay high rents and the methods they adopt are the result of years of ex perience In this country dairymen will find it to their advantage to grow green food as well is grass and utilize roots as well also as a protection against drought and unfavorable condi tions To meet low prices for farm products the crops on every acre must be larger and also utilized in the best manner Storing Roots in Pits The proper way to keep all roots is in out-of-door pits and as much as possi ble excluding air from them Some kinds of roots as turnips rutabagas and carrots do not easily freeze but all are injured by exposure to the air When we grow potatoes largely we al ways stored most of what were not sold in the fall in pits This is especial ly important for the potatoes required for seed While the ground was still frozen Ave covered the potato heaps with straw so as to keep it frozen as long as possible Potatoes that can be kept from sprouting until planting time produce much the best crops Ex change Care of Grain Drills The grain drill is quite too expensive to be allowed to remain out of doors er posed to the weather when not in use It should be carefully cleaned from all dirt and those especially with a fertil izer attachment should be scoured to take off the rust from use and then coated with grease to prevent the air from getting to the metal Most grain drills rust out rather than wear out They are used even where fall grain Is sown only a few days in the spring and fall and ought to last a lifetime with few repairs if they are properly sheltered when not in use Exercise for Cows The cow which is bearing young or giving milk is not naturally a frisky animal We never believed that she re quired much exercise Most times when Ave have turned them out Avhile cleaning their stables instead of run ning about the coav will be seen cud dled close to the stack to shelter herself from cold Avinds It is still worse when rain is falling The cow then needs shelter ratter than exercise and can keep warm standing still in her stable better than she can Avhile water is be ing evaporated from her skin Ameri can Cultivator Feedinjr for Milk Feeding the coavs to increase the now of milk should not entail additional ex pense if the farmer uses judgment in proportioning the various foods If grain linseed meal and other concen trated foods are given in excess the di gestion may be impaired and if hay is mostly given the animals will be com pelled to eat large quantities of it to se cure the desired nourishment Foods should consist of both concentrated and bulky substances regulating the pro portions according to the conditions and circumstances Fall Planted Trees As fall rams are coming on some care is needed to trees lately planted Very often the earth used to fill around the trunk sinks away leaving a hollow which carries the rains down among the roots As these in newly planted trees are dormant during winter this water does them much injury It is al ways best to draw up earth around newly planted trees This is a protec tion against attacks of mice if the earth is closely compacted The earth should be pulled away from the trees in the spring Grain Cheaper than Hay If given with enough hay or straw or cornstalks to distend the stomach grain is better feed than hay because more easilr digested In the coarser fodder so much of the nutrition goes to sustain animal heat or the processes of digestion that comparatively little is left to make flesh or milk or fats The knowledge that some grain with hay makes cheaper nutrition is not half so widely extended as it ought to be If It were there would be a better demand for grain and it would sell at better prices Iteed Iittle Pruning Both lilac and weigela bear their flowers on their young or green shoots and if pruned in autumn or winter the bloom will be much reduced These plants need very little pruning as a rule beyond cutting away any dead wood or unnecessary branches but if at any time it should be thought desir able to shorten or head back the branches the proper time for doing it is immediately after the plants havo finished their blooming Adamantine Wood Protection Melt in an iron vessel fifty parts of rosin and stir in fifty parts of chalk fifty parts of fine sand and six parts of linseed oil When well mixed add one part of copper oxide and again care fully mix Apply to the wood hot with a stiff brush A Bia Regular Army The mightiest host of this sort Is the army of Invalids whose bowels liver and stomachs have been regulated by Hostettera Stomach BltterB A regular habit of body Is brought about through using the Bitters not by vio lently agitating and griping tho Intestines but by re enforcing their energy and causing a flow of the bile Into its proper channel Malaria la grippe dyspepsia and a ten dency to inactivity of the kidneys are con quered by the Bitters A whale recently captured In Arctic waters was found to have embedded in Its side a harpoon belonging to a whal ing vessel that had been out of service nearly half a century TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laiatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets All Druggists relund the money If It rails to cure 25c Last year 1409491S head of cattle were delivered at the Chicago Stock Yards I shall recommend Pisos Cure for Con sumption far and wide Mrs Mulligan Plumstead Kent England Nov 8 1S95 Thirty years ago Berlin was smaller than Philadelphia and now it Is larger by half a million HTrf Windows Sootixino Syhup for Children tepttiing saltans the rcaiices inflammation sllav h iuiu cure wind colic 23 cens a bottle fcjACOBsl fiOlLcJJ Free from Catarrh Surprioed at tho Wonderful Cnratir Power of Hoods Sarsaparilla I have taken Hoods Sarsaparilla for catarrh and bronchial trouble and hav1 been surprised at its wonderful curatira properties I am now entirely free frost both these complaints and heartily rec ommend Hoods Sarsaparilla for catarrh A G SAMAN Clark Mills Wisconsin Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the test In fact the One True Blood Purifier Hoods Pills net easily effectively 25o PENSIONS Get Your Pension DOUBLE 2v QUICK 57rite Cipt 0FA22ZLL Pesiai Agist Wishlseics DO P ENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS JOHN W MORRIS WASHIH6T0NB a Lato Principal Examiner C 8 ftatitn Soria 3 j it in Iam war 15 ijaditru alaima xtt ROOFING Tho best Red Rop Rooflne tor 1 cL per Fn foot ciiw ind nails Included subsiltutes for blaster Samplesfree InrlffrVWrWrVWrwVWWWrrVrvySrVrV THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN CURES PROMPTLY WMWWWWMWyMWWW xia lay Mauilla Ilooilnc Co Camden J P ATKNTS Send for InvpntorsOulde free Edqih Tate 4 Co 1atent bollcltors 245 Broadway N Y j CATHARTIC J CURE CONSTIPATIONr SSS 50 HHlliff DRUGGISTS 1 I PQAT TTTPT V flTT X P IlITEETl to enr raj case of constipation Crucarttn are the Ideal ABOUliUirjLI UUiirvfllliDEiUure neyer RTlp or gripe but caaieasT natural rcsalti Saraf a pie ud booklet iree Ad STERLING KEMEDI CO Chicago Montreal ten or Aen York a I ml ti mi imidiiOiim ii ikoiiii mmam GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE Walter Baker Cos Trade Mark Breakfast COCOA Pure Delicious Nutritious Costa Less than ONE CENT a cnp Be sure that the pckage bears our Trade Mark Walter Baker Co Limited Established 1780 Dorchester Mass Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work but Quick Witted People Use SAPO LIO It is distasteful to many people to see their names in public print as indorsers of proprietary remedies They feel a natural aversion to having their ailments published In the newspapers At the same time a feeling of human ity prompts them now and then to say something that may lead to such relief of other sufferers as they have them selves experienced This was the case with one of New York Citys merchant princes a man who stands at the head of his particular line of trade Not long ago he de clared that Ripans Tabules were simply admirable for correcting disorders of the digestive organs He found that they sweeten the stomach that they gently move the bowels and that they give quick relief from the distress that accompanies indigestion This gentleman says that he will never again allow himself to be without a supply of Ripans Tabules An ew stjle packet containing nx anuxs tabclzs la a paper carton without glae Is now for sale at oozaa tras stores tob nvx cxrrra Tnls low priced sort la Intended for the poor aod tne economical One d oiea Cf the fire cent cartons ISO tabules can be had br man try lending forty eight cents to the Rrraxs Cwwtoh CoanfAXxNoiOSnrcStmrctftwlc afuicaxtoa m fsYtnW M SLICKER WELL KEEP YOU DRY Dont be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat If you wantaeoat that will keep you dry In the hard est stona buy the Fish Brand Slicker If not for sale In your town write for catalogue to A J TOWER Boston Mass CVRZ CURE YOURSELF TT n a r io unuaiaraj lrritufitinB ar it1ifna nt fltHcmr r prM lZ conn mezDDranoe - - - raiuicsu aud uot ittlrttTUia CHEHICaLCO Sent or poisonous HNCUUMTior i soiei sysruixxut XJBX T fpr sent is plain wranaa S C N U express prepaid tot Sby or 3 bottles fe73 rcular sent on request 48 07 CUKES WHiflE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Conga Syrup Tastes Good Use in time Sold bycrnggata