The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 18, 1897, Image 8

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iTlin If 1 I HrfBl M m 0K j m
BOBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry Conn
ty dtebruskst
L00 ier 9eur in Advtince
Entered atf tue Post offlcwit Valentine Chen
-County Nebraska as Secoad class matter
Thisjpaper will to mailed regularly
to its siibscribers zntil adeOnitcorder
todiaseotinue is received and -all ar
rears r paid in fell ii
vert3ing Yates 50 cents per inch
erdnth per coltfrim or for
i6nIme nds made knowif ou appli
cation to this ortice
One feature m connection with the
keeping of the ballots under the pres
jttt law which commends itself to con-
Btants is the ease with wfcich a don
test case caube won by sa re count
provided the eontestor andone having
1 fa8 care and custody of the ballots are
modern reformers For instance
- tit the clerk of his county was a f usion
Jist and incline to be none too honest
Paul itffclson could instigate a contest
against AggGAxen for the office of
Measurer aod all that would be neces
sary to wintwould be for the clerk or
Jc some otherperson baving sccess to the
vault to uncoil the Ballot and made a
cross mark in the square -following Mr
kelsons name on thirty or more ballots
voted republican and without any fur
ther change and with n erasures the
- -contest would be won The framers
t and makers of the law -must either
i by each eiestor Any other sort
1 of voting is so discouraged by our bal
lot laws that they fear their ballots
will not be -counted at ail if voted
The size of the balloftMiecessary
the present law is conducive to
mistakes in counting by the election
i hoard Suppose for instance you
wished afrthe last election to vote a
straight republican ticket with one ex
i eption say Morton focc regent You
i would make a cross under the eagle
and onesposite Morton s name Its
16 to lthe election board would over
look thevcte for Morton Numerous
cases of this nature occurred no doubt
- in fact we have positive assurance
-of severaism this county Who is to
blame Mistakes like this are easily
made The law should guard against
ilhem bufcdt doesnt
The annexation proposition was de-
r feated in Cherry county -shut the
vlows from Valentine who circulated
the report to the effect that Grant
Kunty did cot want the annexation
and would jote against it can now
iind cold consolation m aoting thai
189 of our people voted yes while one
lonely fellow either from ignorance
or foolishness voted no When next
this questionvcomes up which it will at
-some future day the opposition will
ynotwin by firevarication and dont
f vqu forget it Hjjainis Tribune
vlko Lounshuiy is a very excitable
fiman evidently but we him
fnst the same because he turns out a
good paper He is way off qn
tbis annexation busipess however
-58 doatknow of a single Valentine
jBoan who made seen statements as he
nuafsre to and wdont believe he does
her If the Tribune will examine
ithe abstract of the vote in this countv
he will sea that the annexationists
have no just causa for complaint
against Valentine In only 3 of the
twety six precincts in this county
did bhe proposition ceeeive a majority
of thee voces cast Valentine gavethe
-proposition 19 per geat of the vote
-cast thereon and this percentage was
exceeded by only five precincts other
than these wnich gave aajority The
jpropositbnreceived onitf 234 per cent
pf the votes cast thereon an the county
od less than 16 per cent of the entire
-vote We hink Ero Loujasbury owes
jmtfology 0 Valentine Wo dont
ihiasne Grant for wanting to more
thac double ts size of its territory
andi greatly increase its population
jLet it annex Hocker county acd put
-the county seat at Whitman or Mul
- ts
Can a leopard change- his spots or
man who defeated St fusion at thte
ate dayobtain recognition as a friend
either democrats or populists
When a newspaper misspells a word
everybody notices it but its different
with signs There are numeious ex
amples of this fact in Yalentiue
The editor of the Xews is a red hot
i lusionist now but he is about three
mouths too late Had he taken the
istand three montns ago that be does
now there would not be a republican
officer in the county for two years ex
cept county attorney Hut do you no
tice how in cne column be pats the
democrats on the back and in the next
gives figures to show their weakness
Every year at abost this time beet
sugar factories are talked of and every
body -gets excited Ist year it was
reported that twenty five small factor
ies were to be established in this state
as feeders for a large refinery in the
city of Omaha Evsry town almost
in fche state thought it was sure to get
one of those factories but they didnt
Let every other town stand back now
and give Valentine a show
Kew York New Jersey and Ken
tucky cast fifty eight electoral votes
for McKinley one Kentuckys votes
gcing to Bryan New York New
Jersey and Kentucky all went demo
cratic last week Had McKinley been
candidate last week instead of last
year the popular vote in these three
democratic stares would certainly
have been cast against him Now
deduct these 58 electoral votes from
J the 271 which Mr McKinley received
vnd there are left 213 Add these 58
have pfestfcaed a great teal upon the Ulectoral votes to the 176 of Mr Bryan
- integrity of officials intovhose custody
the ballotsisiust pass after leaviug the
hands of fcheelection boards or the law
was passedvritb the intention of giving
x the present party in power in Nebraska
- dishonest advantage in all election
matters Stanton Picket
1 This paper has always been opposed
- to this esEliod of voting
5 lion thereto is daily growing stronger
aya the Courier- Joui iral -of a similar
method inKentiicky
The present ballot las was devised
in the interest of party Under it all
v of a hundred names that rnay be placed
and he would hare 234 That is a
majority of21 in the electoral Collage
In other words the democrctts do not
n sed to gain another state They
need only retain these three New
York New Jersey and Kentucky
rand they will elect the next President
- New York World
What is the result of Weylers pol
icy and the complacency of this gov
ernment Starvation is killing the
on a party ticket are usually voted for concentradoes of -Cuba by tens of
thousands Hunger is doing whit
Spains soldiers -could not Women
and children the vraak and old are
dying like sheep The rural popula
tion has filled the grave yards The
unburied dead aretoo many for the--graves
The suffering of the living is
frightful -In San Domingo the sick
fall dying on the garbage There
they lie for hours when they are col
lected and hauled away to the dump
ing grounds The -church cemeteries
are full Most of the dead bodiesrare
thrown in fields to be eaten by buzz
ards and the dogs
The spectacle is too horrible to
think about All this is happening
under the nose of a ntition that de
lights to call itself Christian and en
lightened Is it anv wonder that the
yellow fever has visitied the south
and with such horrors before our eyes
thai the coming summer may make
our southern cities aud towns an
Aceldama a place of skulls
Meanwhile certain principles which
stand back of party issues and give
the breath of life to party leaders re
main Vipon the scene as actual and as
vital as ever they were immortal for
truth can never die and here are three
simple propositions in which good gov
ernment muse entrench itself from
which itsmust draw its sustenance if
we are to turn the corner of a new cen
tury a republic in both the substance
and the spirit which were designed by
the makers of the constitution
Pitst The government has no right
either equitable or legal to tax the peo
ple except to raise money for its own
support every dollar of taxation di
verted from this purpose is robbery
and it is equally important that the
money legally collected shall be hon
estly applied
Secpnd The Tight of the people to
local selfrgqverncsent is an inalienable
right to Jocal option in the counties
to home ruje in the cities to all rights
in the state not expressly delegated -to
the general government and that the
preservation of ths sight of local self
government is essential to that just
equilibrium between liberty and law
Lwhich are the corner stones of our
federal and state institutipnor
Third The money of the country
must be good money circulating
eryiwhere unquestioned and unques
tionable recognized at onceiind taken
at its full value and that to attain
this universal recognition and accept
ance it smust consist of gold and silver
and paper the whole of interchange
able value ach convertible into ihe
other on demand and fcjrculating sids
by side
FfTiiidmini T ---1
jv A German has invented a new illum
inating jgas which gives -a light equal
to 1U00 candles with au ordiiary
burner The gas generally used gives
1 i candle light from the same burner
The new gas will cost only 41 cents an
hour for each burner
Some time ago we asked a gentle
man for details regarding a deal in
real estate and he replied hat he did
noteare about making the matter pub
lic because it was a personal mat
ter That set us thinking and we
confess that proceedhg upon the the
ory of the gentleman referred to the
country newspaper vou d have very
little in it F01 instance a welding
is a personal affair so is a divorce
case and a birth is -too Abankfail
ure is a personal matter a suicide is
another so is a runawaway wife or
husband A lawsuit is a personal
matter and so is a new house a case
of conttigious disease is a personal
matter and so is thexadvent of a new
business firm What would the poor
newspaper man do if he left all these
personal matters and private af
fairs out of his paper
Died at her home near Sparks Neb
on Sunday Nov 7 1897 of pneu
monia Nancy E George aged 56 years
She was born hvMoulton county 111
on Nov 20 1841 and was marrieG to
David George in 1859 The latter
died during the civil war 1864 at
Swerport Miss In the summer jf
1866 the- now widowed woman moved
to Nodaway county Mfssouri and in
1871 was married to Eliphus George a
brother of her former husband In
company with her husband she came
to Cherry county in 1883 and lived
here until her death her husband dy
ing July 6 1895
The funeral was held from Sparks
M E church on Monday afternoon
Nov 8 llev F J Atkinson conduct
ing the services The remains were
interred in the Sparks cemetery in the
presence of a large number of friends
and relatives Thus she- waits the
general resurrection morn
A TjnteM Soslsjil
Woodlake Neb Nov 12 1897
Wu received an invitation to A
Harde Times Soshul held in the
Skule IJus under the auspices of
the Methodist folks and being anxious
to witness Ue doings and sayings of
ye olden tyme we repaired to the
scene of action in response to the con
tinuous ringing of the bell Our yes
beheld a scene which beggars descrip
tion pandemonium reifned From
the gasoline stoves cams the aroma of
delicious coffee etc
We were seated on one f the school
benches and served with dainty vi
ands such as pork and beans dough
nuts ryebread cake gingerbread etc
by ladies in realistic hard times cos
tumes Where once were rents there
on were patches where once were
patches gaped large rents -Streamers
flaunted carelessly fmm various unex
pected parts of these garments and
the upper ten of the harde times
company initiated fashionable attire of
gorgeous hued tissue paper Each vied
with the other for the most fun out of
the occasion even our minister in
dulged ia a worldly smile
vThe fishpond auction of Klondyke
apples etc were liberally patronized
Iiev Moore Belle Callen and Miss
Query of Valentine Mrs Boon of
Kansas Gityand Mrs Brown of Rush
ville were among the guests from afar
Kev Moore with MissQuery as ac
companist favored the assembly with
some excellent music Mrs Stevenson
rendered Dont You Dont You
Grieve After Me The song or her
ridiculous hard times costume or both
brough t forth great applause
A vote was taken -to decide which
persons wore the- worst lookin rig
and Mrs Stevenson won the ladies
prize Messrs Stevenson and Carr
brought a tie vote but Ihey compro
mised by dividing the prize
The ntgrosecds amouafed to about
About 100 ware in attendance and
altogether the iifftr was a brilliant
success L L
T - A T
Bsfore pnrchatmg your warm footwear 3011 should sea our lino of
Mishawaka laiitsnoexoluclirio boot and Banhnin overs
Boys Pants 25 30 and 50 cents per pair Boys Suits 75c Sl00 and j
150 per suit A few mens 800 suns lor 000
10 suit 750 1200 suit 8900
Wn Kime went to CodyT on business
last Monday
Trunk Kime has a new windmill and
tank on the ground
Mr and Mrs fl A Piercy visited
Woodlake the fpre part of thc week
George Sedlacek returned from Loup
cranty Oct 31 -and will remain in this
Mrs Wm Kime is spending aconple
of weeks visiting her sister Mrs Geo
Frank Sedlacek has been quite ill
of lung fever the pa3t week but is
slowly recovering
Clyde the 15 year old son of John
Kime was thrown from his horse and
broke his leg one day last week
D D and J W McKee arrived Oct
fnm Valley City N D for a visit
with their sister Mrs J A Gee
We understand that Vvm Sears
while trying to head a bunch of horses
in Loup county after dark lan his
horse into a wire fence and received an
ugly cut on the lower part of one of
his limbs Although he received im
mediate aid from ajgood surgeon he
has not until recently been able to
leave his bed
D A Piercy lost two cows last week
from blackleg U S
Chaplains Naves gret book the
Topical Bible is out and was -delivered
tosnbscribers here the first of
the week The work is published by
the Intenrationrl Bible company and
Luther P Ludden of Lincoln is man
aging its sale and its distribution in
the west
M iH Mvlceajar Ereerf
Rran bulk 40c per cwt 7 OOton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 9 00 ton
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 55c
Oats 90c
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in TunDKMorRAT will
receive a marked copy of Hip paper Should any
error in description of landorwpelitiRof names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office anMhis oihee so correction can be made
TJ S Laud Oflice Valentine Vehr
Xov 8 197
Noticfis hereby triven that the foltowinjr
named settler has fiMl notice of his intention K
make tinrl proof 111 support of his eluim and
that said prooi will be made efore the Kester
and Iteoemr at Valentine Neb on Dec is 1807
Jacob E Devoro of Woodlake Neb
II E No 007 for the wiseU and eiswJi Sec
32 Tp30iijJllew
He names the following witnesses to prove hl
continuous -residence upon and cultivation of
said land vis
Washington Honey Ely I Valentine Cvrtis
Hagen and Charles A Johnson all of Woodlake
42 47 C R ULOVER Register
U S Land Oflice Valentine Neb 1
Nov s 1SU7 f
Notice is hereby given thatfho following nam
ed settler has Hied notice of 4iis intention to
make final proof in support of his claim smd
that said proof will be made before Register and
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dee 20th
1897 viz
Mary McDermott of Crookston Xeb
H E No 00S0 for the swwJdSec 10 snw
rnvMmv1 Sec 15 Tn 34n II Mxv
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Daniel tfcVey Crideett Kennealev William
Oavanaiigh tuul Margaret Gavjipaiigh all of
Crookston Nebraska
42 47 C R GLOVER Register
U S L isd Office Valentine Neb I
November 4 1807 f
Notice is hereby piwn that Nelson E Cain of
ONeill Neb has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before TJeyister and Receiver
at their office in Valentine Meb on Fridav the
17th day of December l97 on timber culture ap
phcatinn No 81 17 tor lots 1 and and s incJi of
Sec cTp 29n R3w
He names as witnesses James L Gillaspie
of Newton Neb -Grant G Bothweil Timnthv
Falbv and William rullman of Pullman Nebr
42 47 G it GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb I
Nov 8 137 t
Notice is herebv that the followins
named settler has fiied notice of his intention to
make Iinal proof in -support of Ills claim and
that said proof will he made before the Register
and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on iee 21
Albert F HincnTian of Oasis Xebr
it E No W07S for the slSnwi and n3w4
Seci3 Tp3n R29w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on aud cultivation of
said andviz
John R Rallard Willard L Cohee Jacob
Klein 5r and Henry B Rallard all of Woodlake
42 47 C R GLOVER Register
U S Lad Offick Valentine Neb
Nov 10 1897 f
Notice is hereby Kivcn that John V Kanat
sher of Lincoln Neb has filed notice of inten
tion to make final proof hctore Register and Re
ceiver at thoir oflice in Valentine Neb on Mon
day the 20th day of December 1S97 on timber
culture application No 7K0 for the wjisw
neHsvvM and swnvJi of Sec 23 Tp 27 R 29vr
He names as witnesses Peter S RoaefJio
Charles Jaulbabet -Henry Faulhabct and John
Salzmanallof BrovuJee Neb
Testimony of claavaul will be taken before
the Clerk of the IMswct Court of Lancaster
nmmtv ofr liir nllini In Tinfflln Nih fO t lbS7
VJ 17 C fOVEK JJtglstcr J
While looking around for pres
ents dont OTerlook our line of
U S Land Olllce at Valpntino Neb
Oet is I8i7 i
Not if is hereby given that the following-named
settlfi has ilhd notice ni liis intention to
nuike iioal iroof in suppoit or his claim and
emit said proof will he made hefore Kejristcr
ami Keceivcr at Valentine Nebr on Dec
i i li or viz
Sadie Jane Steen formerly Sadie Jane
Dunlop of Iirovvnlee Neb
TT E No 1C4C2 for the nSse neMswi and
senwH Sec 10 Tp 2Tn ltw
She names tho following wtnessts to prove her
continuous residence upou and cultivation of
siid Jand viz
nenjamin 15 Andrews Earncy J IcXItt Kd
moau 15 Gfowden and John J Steen all ox
Brownlee Neb
41 40 C It GLOVElMJtKister
US Land Office Valentin Neb
0 t 27 1S97 f
Notice is hereby piven that Ernest l Snook
of Fairtield Iowa h s tiled notia of intention to
make final proof before Remster and Keceiver at- i
their oitice in valentine Nebraska on Saturday
the I4th day of December 1897 on timber culture
application No 7799 for the s jSii and sVjSivlj
of section No 13 in t ownshp No 31n range 25w
He names as -witnesses Ely l Valentine
James H Day Will L hcyer tuid Edgar
Levee all ol Woodlake Nebraska
testimony of claiiVant will he taken befoie
the i ierk of the Distinct Court of Jefferson coun
ty at his office in Jefferson Iowa ou December
11 1S97
4 1 16 C R GLOVER Repps ter
U S Land ffice Valentine Nebr -
Nov 1S97
Notice is hereby given that the followinnjim
ed ettlf r lias tiled iutcu of his intention to
make final proof in sijpporc of his chum and
that said prof will be made before the -Register
and Receiver at Aaleutine Neb on Dee 11 lo97
Ella G Corbitt one of the heir3 of Lucy
B Elliott deceased of Jnbnstown Xeb
II E No 8729 for the sch See 17 Tp 27n R 2fw
She names ihe following vitiscs ro -prove iier
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
tnid land viz
Alfred S Hand of Woodlako Neb Iil j II
Pihnoreof Johiistowii Neb Adelbert L Xor
bittoi Horift teei o D aud Lafayette F Corbitt
ol Aiuswonh Nub
41 4o C RGLOVER Rcpi3ter
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
Nov 3 lb97
Notice is hereby eiveirthat the lollowiny
named settler has filed notice of his iniention
to make final proof in support of his elaim and
that said prow will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Dee 13
iaS7 viz
Lewis D Lincoln of Valentine Xeb
H E No 9214 for the sJsmvfi and iVzSv i
See 10 Tp 32n It 27w
-He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon mi cultivation of
said land viz
Charles E Sherman William D Clarkou
William Setter and John Ormesher ail of Val
entine Neb
iil 48 C R G LOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
October 22 JS97 f
Notice is hereby given that tlw followiug nam
ed settierha filed notice of U3 intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will ne made bufcau Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Dee 3
18D7 viz
Ueinrich Sanerwein of Crookston Xeb
II E No 8419 for the swM Sec 22 Tp ssn R 29v
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud viz
William F Brown Tfenrv S Claybaugh Peter
Alt and Jacob Fouterheit nil of Crokston Neb
vifl 45 C It GLOVER Rtgister
U S Land Office Valentine Nob
October 1197 f
Notice is Jiareby given that Emerliue L Clark
snii formerly Enierline L Lilly of Lyons Burt
county Nebvhas filed notu e of intention to
make final proof before the Oserk 01 the District
Court for Hurt countv at his office in Tekemab
Neb on Saturday the ioth day of November
1S97 011 timber culture apjilieation No SiSS for
the bUnefci and ii2s h t section No 11 town
ship No 27n rane No 27v
She names as witnesses John Haitian Eyai s
R Van legrift Oliver D Keller arid George M
IvJller all of Brownlee Neb
of witnesses will be taken before
the Register and Receiver at their office in Val
entine Neb Nov 24 1837 Also
Fideliti A Swan of Xeb
Jf E No 9514 for lot 1 and neViuwi and u
neH section 1 tovushii 3tn range 2aw
She names the following witueAes to prove
her conunuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
William fl Stnitton George Davis Willard D
Land Office at Valentine Nebraska i
October 1 li 7 5
Notice is hereby given that lacob Harr 0
Woodlake Neb has tiled notice u inteutfou u
make final prooi iHilore ihe Regterand
It U Tlll
lie names as witnesses Francis 17 Hicsin
or FortNiobraraNeb Jojiu Cranio Chalmers
ji Lovejov iV CbariiJgll Smytiioii Valentine Neb
JS ia fJ K GLOVER Register
iw iS13
Tliey are about the neatest and
best things in town No two
alike Prices from 100 up
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor aade clothes
ij nmw u a tifiHiij ywa9l cji3e
SOcs Value WrjIn PJaclKac
First in Emppovcnicnfs Honest
- iCjonsiracijan and all Kfgljrade
Typewriter Essenlfais
T T r
rwf M f
rA V s viz
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Faraam Street
8 i
TSbci1Mfa fSAfiAM 3MCAA2tt5W KPWvetSttltttK Offer X
r jrvc5Ja An
U S Isanti Oilice Valentino Xebr f
October is vr f
Notice is herebv tilven that the following
named settler ha- ftltid uoiictof hi intention
to make iinal proof in supnorc of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Keeistcr
ami Receiver at Valentine Neb ou Nov 2Sth
07 viz
John Steinbrecher of Kilgore Xeb
TI E 9172 for the escV Soot 10 and wHswU
section 11 tewnshjw l nmge 31
He names the foliowiiijvitiiesscsto nrovo his
continuous residence upon tud cultivation of
said land viz
Fred Grabe Jacob Hempel and Wlliam Ktory
of Kilgore Neb David Peters of Valentino Neb
09 44 c 11 GLO VEK Kejjlster
U S Land Office at Valentine Xeb i
October 12 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the
settler lias filed notice o hi intention la
make tinal proof in support of fcia claim au
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska ou Nov
1S97 viz
Rosweil Hook of Cody Xebt
II K No 102CC for the sc1 See 32 Tp azo
He innies the following wltnesdw to prove bis
continuous residence upon- ami cultrvntlou of
saifJ land viz
William Anderson Jesse West William 3
Ilook and George A Barnos all of Cody Xelf
3S J3 c R G LOVER Register
U S Laud Office Broken Bevr Nb t
Nov 4 15117
Complaint having been entered at this ofHc a
bv Preaton Ilinksoh agirinht Wllliaip Long for
abandoning hb homestead entry No 773 dated
Dee 10 1S9 upou the Gr4sw4 seiset Sie s
sw hsvi Siri H Tp Mil R 25w in Cherrv countv
Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of
said entry the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this ofiice on tlie SOth day of
December W7 at 10 oclock a in ro resuond
an 1 furnish testimony cniceniluaattl alleged
abandoHineut i CilASII ADAM leister
US Land Office Valentin Nebr I
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Levi L Andersou againstDavid J Aleiander
for abnidoninjr kis honvextead entry No 920f
dated July 15 181 upon the nwfinw Sec 10 and
f ae3iSeeuTp 31 R 27 In Cherrv
emintY Nebraska with a view to the
of said entry tho said parties are kercby
summoned to appear at thiti office on the 7th
day of December 897 at 10 oclock a mto re
sijoud and furnish testimony concerning vul
alleged abandonment
41 14 C R GLOVER register
U S Land Oilice Valentine Nebr
f ct 29th 1897 f
Complaint No 3525 having been entereil stitilt
oflice by EIi3ia Edwards agalusC William A
Whittaker for abandoiuughis Uuiuestead entry
No 940 dated June 20 isut upon the Iot 0 3
and 4 Sec 19 and lot 1 See X Tp 2 R 37 in
Cherry county Nebraska -with a view to the
cancellation of Said entry the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear it fhis office on the
4th day of December IS37 at 10 oclock a m
to respond and furu4sh testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment
C R GLO VER Rcgiter
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr J
Oct iT7
I Complaint No 3131 having been entered at thw
office by Egbert Hoiuien against John F
nr4 jiji jnsiionie3cea3enirya swr
dated Jiiiik 2c 1801 upon the nneU swVinei
and sevsnwti KeK 14 Tn 2 i It in Chnrrv
ty Nebraska with a vhiwto the ifineellition ir
said 11 try the said parties are herebv summon
ed to appear at this office on the 4th dav of Dec
1897 at 11 oclock a n to respond and firnisk
teitiuiony concerning said alleged abandonment
4M4 C 11 GLO VER Kesbter
U S Land OS5 e Valentine N b J
November 10 137 f
Complaint No 3475 having ben entered at
hs office by Robert N Bruc against William
Niinu tor abandoning hi homestead entry No
10151 dated July 12ttL IS upon ttte eijnc
swneji and seJinwij Sec Tp 3t K 2tJ In
Cherry county Nebraska with a view Vi the can
cellation of said tjntry the said nurliea are here
by summoned to appear at this offlco on the 13th
day of December IS97 at 10 oclock a m to re
spond andnrnish testimony eoncernitis sutl al
leged abanaonraeat
4 J5 J A FIKE Receiver
Land Office Valentine Nebr 1
NOV 8 1M7 i
compiainnaviDg been entered afthw oCJea
Moi careidge and Harvey Hobbs all of Simeon
-V 1 bv Jacob unirnlcn wuuihb
3813 C n GLOVER Redster failure to comply with h
application No A2C7 dat
ueorge w Moreyfor
law as tu timber culture
leu i cn J3 rSii upon the
Sec 33 To SO
rt s 111 unerry cminiy Nebr with a view to the
i HaecIlatiou of snil entry contestant allenn
that the said Gcoiiie W Mnnv h f iu H
break or caiae to be brokeu ten acre of said
inctaid has failed to pUnfcorcausc tone plant
ed ten - aeras j said tmct m trees tree seeds or
erat meiroiuce in viuciiuuw vm ui rniiAy s ruiunis nun aas uiiieu 10 cultivate or caus to
the 13th day of November 1SS7 on timber i be cultivated any partof raid tract lo the last
anplication No gffor the enc i svvr ieVi tor7 years of entry said tract has grown uo In
ami neliaej of section No 18 in toiisbip Nw zra mul weds and claimant ha3 failed to cnrn
3n ratnre No 27 hi Iaches ro this d ti mM rnrt
-- wiim iffci akc
bt Eunimonednaopearattiis ofnee on the It
dajotIewmbr lr7at L oclock p mto re
spnz j an- furnish tesnmonv caiivniinc said at
ltefihK 4 l3 CU GLOVER Kcswer
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