The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 18, 1897, Image 1

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    I to
rflTT TTi
Governor Silas A TTolcomb
Lieut Governor James E Harris
becretaiy of State W F Porter
Treasurer J N Meserve
Auditor J F Cornell
Com IJnb LndsUldgs J V Wolfe
Attorney General G S Smyth
Pub Instn W R Jackson
Supreme Court T L orval chief
justice Harrison A- Post
Fifteenth District M P ivinkaid
Oeili W IIWe8tover Kushvllie
land orncE
Register C 11 Glover Longpine
rKeceiver J A Fike Newport
fSlerk Gen Elliott
Treasurer G P
Sheriff Amos Strong
Superintendent Lillian TJStoner
Attorney F M Walcott
Judge W It Towne
Survevor Chas Tait
Max Viertel
Commissioners W A Parker
P Sullivan
Overseers ot Highways H Hansen
las Ray
Constable Geo Hammond
-v J ustice3 of the Peace John Dunn
and J M Camm
Assessor John Dunn
Village Board E Sparks chairman
C II Cornell treasurer T C Hornby
clerk P F Simons D S Ludwig
Marshal and Water Commissioner
Henry Razey
School Board F M Walcott pres
ident M V Nicholson treasurer J
C Pettijohn secretary W S Jackon
G P Crabb W E Haley
Postmaster D E Sherman
Office hours from 7 a to 7 p ra
Mail east and west closes at 800 p m
Rosebud Depatrs daily except Sun
day at S a m Arrives at5 p m
Port Niobrara Departs daily at 7
a m and 5 p m Arrives at 980 a
m and 730 p m
Simeon Oasis Kennedy Brownlee
Thedford Chestertield Pass and New-
ton Departs Mondays Wednesdays
and Fridays at 7 a nt -Arrives Tues
days Thursdays and Saturdays at 7
tp m
Sparks Departs Tuesdays Thurs
days and Saturdays at 8 a m Arrives
Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays
it G p m
JMcCann and Riege Departs Tues
days and Saturdays at S a m Arrives
Mondays and Fridays at 5 p m
Arabia Crookston Kilgore and
Nenzel Departs and arrives daily on
local freight trains
A F A Til Miuuecliaduza LodsjeXo 192
JjL Ancient Free and Accepted 31asons
meet in regular communication Saturday
evemngon or before the full moou in each
month members of the order in good and reg
ular standing are cor Jially and fraternally in
vited to attend vVT Kixcaid V M
W W TKonrsox Seu y
Eastern Star
8 Northern Star Chapter No rj
OR Order of the Eastern SUir meets on tLe
second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each
mouth at Hornbys hall
Secretary Worthy Matron
Odd Fellows
O F Valentine Lodge No COS Inde
TO pendent Order of Odd Fellows meets every
Thurdav evening Visiting brothers cordial
ly invited to attend our meetings
T Kbklkv E J Daventoiit
Secretary Nome Grand
A O U TV Valentine Lodge No 70 Ancient
jL Ord r of United Workmen meets on the
tlntanl third Mondays of each month
TC Pettmoiix O W Hhn
Kocoi der Master Workman
Degree of Honor
II Valentine Lodge No Degree of
Honor holds regular meetings first and
third Wednesday evenings of each munth
Recoraer Chief of Honor
I of P Valentine Lodge No 6 Sons and
S Daughters of Protection meets first and
third F ridav evemngs or each mouth in Horn
bys haU Maky iSiMVEtt President
lovxb Vaciiox Secretary
Bed Men
TmiOR M Sitting Bull Trib3 No 22 rm
JL proved Order ot Red Men mtet every
second and fourth Friday evening ot each month
u Davenports Hall Visiting brethren are
Iraterually invited to be present at the council
of thelrdJu
Chiet of Records Sachem
Grand Army
T1 A R Col Wood Post No 203 Department
VX of Nebraska regular meeting second and
fourth Saturday of each mouth at J p in sharp
Comrades from other posts are cordially Invited
- to attend Joiix Du Commander
J WToouik Adjutant
A Valentine Camp No 1751 Modern
MW Woodman of America meet second and
fourth Wednesday evenings of each month at
Davenports Hall Visiting neighbors cordially
-invited to attend
Clerk cnerable Counsel
3nights of Pythias
of VCbofry Lodge No 169 Knights of
K Fvthias meets every Tuesday evening at
jiaveu ports riall
31 Cnici E P Roberts
of R and S Chancellor Commander
WT Iff 1B T fining -IT Hffik THB
Comina Events
Thanksgiving November 25
Methodist Dinner Thanksgiving Day
W S Garcelon of Longpine is in
II Keeser of Crawford is in town
to day
J D Wiggins is over from Rosebud
for a short stay
J A Fike spent several days of the
past week in Omaha
Orie Merritt of Longpine visited
his brother Will here yesterday
P S Roueche of Brownlee regis
tered at The Donoher Monday
About halt an inch of ice covered
the mill pond Tuesday morning
Gk W 13 urge of Pass was in town
after a load of supplies Monday
W E Waite and son Arthur were
in town from Chesterfield Saturday
E L MalOney has moved into the
dwelling just completed on Cheery
street by F Fischer
Where is that wood you promised
to bring us We need it badly and
wish youd hurry up
Where are all of our country corres
pondents Come boys and girls
were anxious to here from you
Nels Polen and family will occupy
the house on Cherry street which was
vacated by E L Maloney this week
F H Amsworth of the TJ S geo
logical survey was in town Sunday
and went to Rosebud Monday morn
Our better half has been ill since
Saturday and it has kept us jumping
to take care of both uflice and house
Amos Strong has returned from his
trip to Omaha and yesterday went to
Sparks on business connected with his
Dr Reichard will be in Valentine
Nov 19 20 21 and 22 prepared to do
all kinds of dental work at the lowest
prices 42
A license to marry was issued yes
terday to Abraham B Conard and
Barbara A Seamans both of Fort
J W Haddon was over from the
boarding school Saturday and bought
a nice lot of supplies from our local
On account of ill health Fannie
Clarke closed her dressmaking parlors
here and returned home to Ainsworth
last Friday
The Northwestern Teachers Associ
ation will meat in Rushville Nov 26
Prof Watson and Supt Stouer both
have places on the program
Thanksgiving services will behd in
Mathodist church at 1030 a m let
every come and show his appveciation
of Godc boudteous blessings
Dr Reichard extracts teeth without
pain by the use of lis famous applica
tion to the gums and will make a full
set of teeth for 500 He will be in
WoodhiKe Nov 17 and 18 42
R M Faddis was in from Pass Sat
urday 13ob is well known here as
one of our most successful stockmen
and has a host of friends who would
like to see him in town more often
D A Piercy was in from Kennedy
yesterday to make final proof on his
timber claim and also appear as a wit
ness in the proof of Cyrus W King
ex superintendent now of Brainards
ville N
H W Bowring was in town Tues
day lookin round The stock ship
ping season being about over he was
recently released from the service of
the F E as an operator and is now
open for engagements
The lecture on Duty by M B
Putney last evening was well attended
and the speaker made many friends
for the A O U W by his address
The local lodge will initiate a number
of new members to night
Judge Towne issued a marriage li
cense yesterday to Joseph H Yeast
and Cecelia Marley The wedding is
to take place today at the home of tne
bride five miles west of town Rev Fr
Lechleitner performing the ceremony
Pnlilislteil for Four Years as
Crookston Camp No 4207 M W A
will give a dance Thanksgiving night
C II Thompson and A H Fergu
son past sachems of Sitting Hull tube
No 22 went to Om iha Monday as
delegates to the annual meeting of
the Great Council Improved Order of
Red Men
We kuow a good Christian man in
this town whi every Monday delivers
a lecturo tu a man who goes hunting
on Sundiiv and invariablv winds ur
j i
with the query -What did you get
W II T Durrant the California
murderer was to have been hanged
last Friday but the supreme court
stepppd in and gave him another re
spite If this thing keeps on Durrant
will die of old ago and cheat tha gal
lows of its prey
Engineer Welch was relieved from
duty on this division of the Ekhorn
Saturday and Engineer Clapp of
took his place on the push engine
This is the result of the accident here
last veek which caused engine -17-to
go through the turntable
J E Thackrey treasurer elect
stopped in town this morning on his
way home from Kansas where he had
bpen to sell a few carloads of potatoes
His father-in-law is very ill at Man
luxtan Kansas and Mrs Thackrey
will leave in the morning for his bed
Mis F H Ingersoll who has been
visiting her husband and friends for
the last two weeks expects to return
to Bucjrus Ohio in a few days
When she nexts comes out to Nebr
aska it will be to stay Mr Ingersoll
having decided to make this his per
manent home
The contest case of H M Dawson
vs Clarissa J Gilbert occupied the at
tention of the land oflice officials Mon
day and Tuesday The case was hard
fought and the testimony amounted to
10200 words Judge Tucker appeared
foi the contestant and Ed Clarke for
the claimant The parties live on the
Niobrara in Keya Paha county
V A Northrop and wife came down
from Irwin on the passenger yesterday
morning the F E office at that plae
having been closed V went down to
Omaha this morning and on his return
will resume his old plnce as night man
in the office here He will live in the
rooms over the depot Arthur Gore
will take the day trick at Crawford
C S Reece chairman of the
lican county central committee was in
town yesterday and improved the op
portunity to shake hands with friends
and make a few post election speeches
Oharley is a pretty nice young man
even if he is a strong republican and
we would not be surprised if he came
to Valentine to live in the spring It
is said that he would make an excel
lent deputy clerk
The Ainsworth Home Rule says that
every vacant dwelling in town that
can be rented is now occupied Odd
isnt it A couple of weeks ago the
Star Journal told of a family moving
in trom Keya Paha to take advantage
of the splendid schools at Ainsworth
but the Keya Paha papers say the fam
ily has no children Its a good thing
to boom your town boys but these
stories are too big to swallow
Said a promiLent stock iiicin a few
days ago A fev weeks ago 1 made
out a list of supplies intending to send
the bill to Omaha to be filled Before
mailing the order I thought Pd look
around town a little and see what dif
ference there was in price and I dis
covered that I could buy goods fully
-as cheaply an in Omaha and nesides I
saved the trouble of waiting and saw
just what I was getting It will pay
you who send away for goods to tiy
this plan
The Methodist Ladies Aid Society
will serve a warm dinner and supper
in Cornells Hall on Thanksgiving Day
and evening Dinner will be served
at 12 oclock and supper from 530 to
730 There will be a program of
mush recitations tableanx and shad
ow pictures given by the Epworth
League in the evening No charge for
admission Dinner 35c supper 25c
dinner and supper 50c oysters served
in any style tor 25c during the supper
hour Rates made to famlies Ane
ple provison will be made to give full
value for the money
Sketch oi the General 3fprcliandSO
Wtore of K UaCUrtnaltl
Jit is the intention of this paper to
publish a series of articles on tho var
ious business houses in town and after
mature deliberation we deemed it fit-
ting to begin the series with a few re
marks on the oldest general merchan
dise store in town that of E McDon
ald These articles will be principally
historical in nature and by tracing tho
development of tho various firms you
WU trace the development of the town
and county
Mr McDonald came to Valentino in
March 1883 before Cherry county was
organized all thispart of Nebraska
being Sioux county at that time and
opened a hardware and furniture store
on the corner of Catherine and Cherry
stn ets east of Smysers livery stable or
as it was then known Langs barn
While he took an active interest and
prominent part in the stirring events
of that early day he did not negiect
bis business and he soon deemed it
wise to open a general store in connec
tion with his other lines and moved a
building alongside his store for that
purpose lie had just become uicely
settled when 1887 his two stores were
burned to the ground That same year
lie was elected county treasurer on the
democratic ticket to succeed Cornell
serving the county for two years Un
daunted by his loss from fire McDonald
bought new goods and opened up in
the buildings now occupied by the Owl
-saloon Joltn Hoffman and the frara e
building in the reat of his store The
treasurers office was in the rear part
of the presentsaloon building Here
he remained until the fall of 1888
when he buiit at a cost of 3500 the
25x70 solid brick structure he now oc
cupies On the rear of this are two
smaller buildings making his store 130
feet in length By the way the small j
framp building in tne rear is Cherry
county Js first court house At the f
time MrMeDonaldmovecL antn his
new building things were booming in
this country and he and four clerks
were kept busy from dawn till dark
In 1892 the Crookston branch of his
store was established and occupies a
handsome stone building Mr Mc
Donald spends a considerable portion
of his time at the latter place and in
his absence Fred Folks takes care of
the business The store heie is under
the care of Mrs McDonald Frank
Sageser and Charley Kensler The
jBtore enjoy a large Indian trade and
each of the clerks speaks the Sioux
language The store here carries an
excellent line of Indian curios
Report of Inspecting Officer
Through the courtesy of Lieut Wm
Geo Elliott we are enabled to give the
following extracts from the report of
an inspection of Fort Niobrara made
Sept 10 16 i897 by Major Moore of
the Fifth Cavalry A I G Appear
ance and military bearing of off cers
and men were excellent Step and al
ignment of companies in passing were
very good Full dress uniform well
fitted and in excellent condition Arms
and accoutrements clean and in good
order Drill very good Command in
excellent condition also state of pre
paration for either field or garrison
duty Care of harness transportation
and animals excellent Storehouse
health of command condition of tar-
get material and quality of bread ex
cellent The word excellent in the
army means a high state of perfection
Comment is needless
Wieck on the Elkhorn
What might have been a serious ac
cident occurred on the F E about 7
miles east of Chadron Sunday night
through freight No 27 and eastbound
passenger No 3 having a head end
collision The accident was caused by
the engineer on 27 Wm Connors for
getting his orders to sidetrack at Bor
deaux No fatalities though the en
gine crew3 and the mail clerk Rowe
had narrow escapes Six cars of mer
chandise three cars of mules mail car
engines and tenders were smashed
The editor of the Wymore Arbor
State aduertises his paper for sale
He says he has been in the third party
movement for 28 years and in that
time has seen the party sold out three
times as he anticipates another sell
out he wants to quit
left side or hip Also
I n
VJ I wJt
Left ears tagge
w 31 I
Steadman Bros
1 Mf 1 ll
Pas3 Neb
Brand on either
right or left side
Horses and some
cattle brand
on left side
and hip
flange Bull Lake
3 and Wamaduce
Charles Benard
Rosebud S D
r o Trr
and Had Rivers
- JiJ
William M Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
Cody Neb
DUft Either side
Left ear 01 cattle
nance iieaa ot nay
Joseph W Bownet
P O address
Mernmaii Nebr
Tiightear cropped
Hole in center of left
Kange Lake creek
Sam Hudson
VJSyy Klyi4
Simeon Neb
Ieft hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horse3 Lazy
a on Ieftsnoulder
llange between
Gordon and Snake
River and Niobrara
All cattle dehorned
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same on
1 left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
Tea I
William Shangren
Cody Neb
f3 IS H
I ail I
Dulap underside oi
NO 43
Everything new and fresh
Largest stock in town
Prices the lowest
Cannad Goods a specialty
Evaporated Fruits
v i
- V -V
5 P
969 TG
M co OO
Horses sarne a3 on
isteeTVIettfnlp Also
O on left shoulder
r t
Winters Coming
Aucl now the careful housewife begins to look around for
aucl other warm and heavy goods
The best place to get them is at the store of
E McDonalc
Indian gooda trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston ah
Earl Comstockj Manager
Valentino Xeh
Cattle branded or
Fine line of plain and fancy 3
elry constantly on hand
V 9
Wjygh 44
Repairing promptly executed an
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting gooda
Office over
T C Hornbys Store
Wltafs the Use
Of travling one hundred miles f urthc1
and three hours longer to get to Siou
City when you can take the Pacifi
Short Line at ONeill and save bot
time and distance Connections mad -every
day except Sunday with train
east and west between Sioux City and
the Black Hills Buy tickets to
I ONeill Same Fare
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
North Western Line is to beat
to and from the
worth nebraska
Pacific Short Line
Through connections both way3 with Blaov
Hills trains by taking this line you can go to
Sioux City and return the same dav connection
made witnall trains for the East nnd duui
Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill